Today’s Independence Rally 463

You can see me speaking 24 minutes in here. Can’t work out how to embed this one. It was literally freezing and the very small crowd was understandable. I think four hour rallies outdoors in Scotland in midwinter are somewhat optimistic. I think we also need to face that the high excitement of the referendum campaign, where you could just put something out on Facebook and 10,000 people would show up, is behind us. What we have now is a period of hard graft towards the general election.

I think what I say in this short speech will give comfort to those in the SNP who blocked me as a candidate, because as usual I am joyfully off message. Shortly after me there is an amazing speech from Tommy Sheridan; his physical voice projection alone is astonishing! It was bouncing back off Salisbury Crags and Holyrood Palace.

This really is under 100 yards from where we live. That view of Salisbury Crags is what I see every time I look out the window. The balcony will be great once it gets a bit warmer.

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463 thoughts on “Today’s Independence Rally

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  • Dave

    Anon@12:33pm “☆UKIP members hold secret meetings in which they plan the Fourth Reich.”
    The above statement is static and will gather dust.
    The EU is already the Fourth Reich it was in the Nazi plans for Europe in 1943.

  • Republicofscotland

    Scotch whisky makers have attacked Chancellor George Osborne for ­crippling them with “unfair” tax.

    They have complained that for every bottle sold in the UK 79 per cent of the price paid is tax.

    That means for a £12.50 bottle of Bells £7.90 is taken in duty and £2.08 in VAT.

    And I thought the Chancer of the Exchequer, Gideon Osborne, taxed the oil industry harshly.

    I suppose if he could get away with it, Osborne would re-introduce the the 1696 Window Tax.

  • nevermind

    RoS, no wonder varoufakis got cold shouldered by Osborne, the gatekeeper to offshore bliss all round.
    Greece’s banks will run out of squid by the end of the month and however much our very own resident squid sucker general whistles and blows above, the EU might break or reshape over this. Whether this will work is questionable and all pensions for ex diplomats and squidsuckers could be cancelled altogether.

    Off course its the sick international tax laws decided at international trade rounds and lobby groups in Brussels that need cancelling and be replaced with the simple formula’ if you want to seel here, you pay taxes here’.
    Use the jurisdiction to pull up offshore havens and stop pfaffing about osborne!

  • Republicofscotland

    A charity fundraiser was given an OBE for her work with vulnerable people in the 2014 New Year’s Honours list – while she was under arrest on suspicion of child abuse.

    Aideen Jones has since been charged with three cruelty offences against two young boys in a case linked to the long-running North Wales abuse scandal.

    The 62-year-old, a former chief executive of Southdown Housing Association, was given the OBE a year ago ‘for services to people with intellectual disabilities’ despite being arrested the previous August by officers working on the investigation, Operation Pallial.

    Old Droopy Chops HRH and her poncing parasitical brood, dish out those awards like confetti, it would increasingly appear to me, that more and more empirically obedient nobodies, are in line to receive their, subservient gongs.

  • Republicofscotland

    2Off course its the sick international tax laws decided at international trade rounds and lobby groups in Brussels that need cancelling and be replaced with the simple formula’ if you want to seel here, you pay taxes here’.
    Use the jurisdiction to pull up offshore havens and stop pfaffing about osborne!”

    Some good points there Nevermind, but I’m afraid Osborne, will never reel in those big businesses who fail to pay their fare share of tax.

    Infact many politicians lobby in favour of these tax dodgers, and are handsomely rewarded for it.

    The House of Lords is full to the gunnels, with CEO’s and Ex-CEO’s who’d block any attempt to chase up the recuperation of the lost taxes.

  • Republicofscotland

    A new footage released after recent clashes between Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement and Israel suggests that the Tel Aviv regime was likely responsible for the killing of a Spanish UN peacekeeper in the violence.

    The video clip, captured by the UN peacekeepers in Lebanon and distributed in the Spanish media, purportedly shows that an Israeli shell probably targeted Spanish UN peacekeeper Cpl. Francisco Javier Soria Toledo on January 28, Russia Today reported on Sunday.

    It won’t matter if it turns out to be Israeli fire that killed the UN Rep, nothing at all will be done about it.

    After all Israel is systematically slaughtering women and children in Gaza, and tell me what has been done about that?

  • Republicofscotland

    Britons dislike Israel more than they do any other non-European country in the world, with the exception of North Korea, a new study found.

    The Chatham House-YouGov survey, which documents British attitudes toward the United Kingdom’s international relations polices, was published last week.

    In a section titled “General public attitudes towards other countries” respondents were asked to name the countries they “feel especially favorable towards” and “especially unfavorable towards.

    No surprise their then, I wonder why Brits hate the Israeli’s sooooo, much, anyone got any idea’s as to why?

    Maybe the all wise Habb knows?

    No link provided.

    The link if you want it is Israelinewstoday.

    I got the distinct feeling they were scanning my computer, you have been warned, if you decide venture onto this site.

  • Republicofscotland

    Israel’s foreign minister has described as “inevitable” a third war with Lebanon and a fourth aggression in the besieged Gaza Strip in the wake of a recent retaliatory attack by Hezbollah.

    “A fourth operation in the Gaza Strip is inevitable, just as a third Lebanon war is inevitable,” Avigdor Lieberman said in an interview with Israel’s Ynet on Sunday.

    “There’s no doubt the rules of the game have been changed, what Hezbollah forced upon us. We don’t respond, but rather decide to contain this incident,” Lieberman said, adding that the Lebanese resistance movement is “more determined.

    A third war,with Lebanon, a fourth operation in Gaza, the foundations of a “Greater Israel” may not be that far away.

  • Maxter

    Craig, I was at Holyrood on Saturday to listen to you in particular, and arrived an hour early thanks to you, then had to leave unknowingly just before you arrived to speak, due to the freezing cold.

    Never mind, I have just watched your 5 minutes on the net and you did not disappoint, so I forgive you for the bum steer start time.

    What has happened that only a handful of folk turned up for this event? The turn out was just not good enough and was very disheartening to see. Is this movement to free ourselves from the clutches of tyranny still alive?

  • glenn

    We’ve had 11 posts from RoS inside 90 minutes. Many of them consecutive. In the interests of fairness, will anybody who has criticised multiple-posting from another contributor that they _don’t_ like, care to comment now about the practice?

  • Macky

    [ Delayed by spam filter since 18:01]

    There are some who are already prepared to write-off Syriza as sell-outs because they agreed to extend the sanctions against Russia, but to me the fact that the new additional sanctions didn’t get through, being opposed primarly by Greece, means the opposite; does anybody really believe that the new additions sanctions would still not have got through if Syriza had not won ?!

    “The Greeks insisted on a belligerent paragraph directed against Russia being removed from the text of the final EU statement and postponed any further decision on further sanctions to a European Council meeting on 12th February 2015, which will take place at heads of government level. In return they agreed to an extension of the limited sanctions against specific Russian companies and individuals that came into force in March, but not for a full year (as the hardliners apparently wanted) but only for 6 months (to September 2015).”

  • Republicofscotland

    “We’ve had 11 posts from RoS inside 90 minutes”

    What’s the matter Glenn, have you got nothing interesting at all to say, except a comment about my posts?

    It surely can’t be because my comment are “Off-Topic” as they say, as you’ve posted 5 comments on this stream, and as far as I can make out, not one of them are “On-Topic.” as they say.

    Or maybe you don’t like the contents of my posts, if so Glenn, you don’t need to read them, just skip on by.

  • mike

    ITN just showed what it was like for ordinary people in Donetsk living under constant bombardment from the Kiev Nazis. A rare blast of honest reporting.

  • Duncan McFarlane

    Anon wrote “You’ll be lucky, Craig. You get about two days of sunshine up there and then it’s back to winter. You’ll rue the day you left the Kent Riviera.”

    🙂 Bit of an exaggeration. We get a fair bit of sunny warm weather in the summer and sometimes even in the spring and autumn. I’ll admit there are some times when i look out at it raining yet again and wonder if it’s ever going to stop, but it’s not all the time.

  • glenn_uk

    Not at all, RoS, I’m just noting (with no small amount of dismay) how partisan people can be in their criticism.

    Btw, you challenged me a little way back (Link with the follow-up, “Or like Habb/Guido, will you also fail to answer.”

    I did answer, and heard nothing back. Since it was apparently an important point for you, I wonder what you thought of it? Or are you into asking questions, with no interest in the answer?

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Well most of it is true..I wanted to go to Liverpool University Actually..

    Look you can blame it on the price of oil if you like..But I was working For ICL at The Time..Ex Manchester University..We invented, Developed and sold The Computer..and were 10 Years Ahead of IBM… and that is just my own Personal Experience..All The REAL YOUNG TALENT in The North of England Got Fired All At The Same Time..

    We used to meet Each Other on The Train From Manchester To London…have you got one yet..well yeh..but I have just met this Girl..and I am in Love..If I go now..I will lose her and I will never find another Girl like Her in My Life

    So I told London To Eff Off..

    I am Not Coming..I am Staying Home in Lancashire.

    The TW@T said you will NEVER Work in London Ever Again

    so wtf you bunch of cnts..go and fck yourselves

    Less Than a Year Later..we Were Both Down The Marquee in Soho and at The Hammersmith Odeon

    I Raised My Price.

    I am Not Coming To London Without My Girl.

    They said O.K…we will pay you full relocation expenses too.

    So now, I thought do I get her to leave her Mum and Dad, Her Family and All Her Friends..

    I just said..I am going Girl..there is no way, I can’t accept this..are You Coming With Me??

    She said O.K.

    She is asleep in Bed now With Me..even many years later..I met her in 1981 and she still looks 16..well maybe 26..They think I am 35.

    She keeps me fit.

    My Wife is a Blonde Rock Chick


  • Tony_0pmoc

    Well I don’t know if anyone reads any of my stuff before it gets deleted..but today I have been asked by two people to supply references..One of them I replied of course Yes..The Other..I had a long talk with him tonight and said NO. I am not signing that. But its nice to be asked.

    They even now, can’t understand it even now, after all this time..Thr===Rumour has just Spread..They Think..even the artists and musicians..Your Wife was My Boss at The BBC…

    It just makes her Laugh…

    And I let them believe it

    But The Truth is a little bit not like that..

    No She Worked For The Bank In The City of London

    I didn’t really need to have a w..

    She says to me..I’m here now..and she fkin is

    I don’t get it..How come I got so lucky in Life..?

    She gave up w@nking in The City when our Second Child was Born and Became a Full Time Mum.

    We have a Family.

    Our Babies Grew Up at Home.

    One of them still lives here.

    What else can We do?


  • Tony_0pmoc

    Watch This..It’s Brilliant..I saw it about an hour before I went to the pub tonight..and logged on to youtube and thanked the guy..I think he is a Canadian or an American..

    And wrote something like this..Your video is Awesome You Made Me Cry…

    And I was switching Shirts to go down the pub..and The Guy who Made it Replied to me..

    Blimey I wish I could make videos like that..and maybe I can try

    This Guy’s video blew me away

    Paradise Stolen
    Don’t Show Your Children

    5 Minute Video

    If you’re a child, or an adult who’s afraid to face reality, do not watch this video.

    Posted February 01, 2015


    P.S. The answer is Frensham Ponds..but that is a secret..ffs don’t tell either The Americans or The Canadians..they will nuke the place

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Most of them were never even breast dropped and thrown at the Nanny..this is The New Prince..can you feed it..

    So they grew up a bit and were sent to these exceedingly expensive all boys boarding schools and they said Please Matron My Bottom is Really Sore.. Matron..said it is just a part of the learning process to prepare you to be king..

    So he finally escapes the process..and this beautiful girl is presented to him..This is your Wife your Princess..and He Goes Back To The Matron..which hole am I supposed to use??..I have so far only taken it up my bottom..but I can see She has got another hole Too…

    Nurse….Help Me..What do I do?

    Matron Cuddles him . and says be brave and strong.

    One Day You Will Be King


  • glenn

    @Tony: “Bed now With Me..even many years later…..I met her in 1981 and she still looks 16…”

    Well, considering these fretful times and the amount you drink, Tony, I would make VERY sure that it actually is your wife, and not some hapless 16-yo you happened to find there.

    Just sayin’…. 😉

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    From Republicofscotland:

    ““We’ve had 11 posts from RoS inside 90 minutes”

    What’s the matter Glenn, have you got nothing interesting at all to say, except a comment about my posts?

    It surely can’t be because my comment are “Off-Topic” as they say, as you’ve posted 5 comments on this stream, and as far as I can make out, not one of them are “On-Topic.” as they say.

    Or maybe you don’t like the contents of my posts, if so Glenn, you don’t need to read them, just skip on by.”


    All of which appears to make Glenn’s original comment even more valid, does it not?

    Those who criticise my posts and their frequency please note!

  • Mary

    Jenny Tonge in the HoL

    Baroness Tonge: What representations have HMG made to the government of Israel concerning the reported recent practice of Israeli fighter jets performing mock air raids over Gaza?

    Baroness Tonge: In the light of the reported death of a four month old infant from exposure in Gaza, what action are HMG taking to ensure that reconstruction is allowed to take place in Gaza?

    Baroness Tonge: What discussions have been held with allies concerning the evacuation of young children, babies and mothers from Gaza until adequate shelter, medicine and food is provided?

    Baroness Tonge: What assessment have HMG made of the likely mortality rate in Gaza over the winter months from lack of shelter, food, medicine and electricity; and do they have any plans for a minister to make a visit there to assess the level of humanitarian suffering?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    The one-trick pony has been led out for exercise early this morning.

    Please dress warmly!

  • Mary

    William Hague unveils plans to stop Scottish MPs voting on English issues
    Move by Conservative Leader of House comes as Labour offers to devolve more welfare policies to Scotland

    ‘Scottish MPs at Westminster will be prevented from voting on income tax changes and any other tax measures devolved to the Scottish parliament under Conservative plans to be announced on Tuesday.’

    ‘The move comes after the Scottish Labour leader, Jim Murphy, accompanied by Gordon Brown, put in a counter-offer vowing to devolve more welfare policies to Scotland, including the ability to vary and top up welfare benefits.’

  • Robert Crawford


    Thanks for the tear jerker. Brilliant!.

    They know better, eh?

    How fucking impotent are we to allow all this???

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