Unionists – An Apology 428

I have been much criticised for referring to Unionists – and No voters are precisely Unionists – as evil or stupid. I have given this much thought, as a number of very well-intentioned people have urged me to apologise. After a great deal of angst, I have decided to offer a heartfelt apology. Not all Unionists are Evil or Stupid. Some are just Cowards. There, I think that covers it.

My analysis runs thus:


The United Kingdom has become a force for ill in the World. In invading Iraq against the express wishes of the UN Security Council, Blair and Bush did to the United Nations what Hitler and Mussolini did to the League of Nations. The UK was up to its neck in complicity with extraordinary rendition and torture. Its foreign policy is based on resource grabs for the benefit of a few wealthy corporations. Even this year it is in Court still defending the atrocious deportation of the entire population of Diego Garcia to make way for a US airbase, and still preventing their return. It is actively preparing to do the same to the Ascension Islanders. It supports the hideous dictatorship of Bahrain and was implicated in the overthrow of Egypt’s only elected government by the CIA’s General Sisi. It constantly works against the interests of the Palestinians at the UN.

This week the UK has been passing still more laws attacking fundamental liberties in the name of “counter-terrorism” and increasing surveillance. It has an economy dedicated entirely to the interests of very wealthy people in the City of London. Its wealth gap between rich and poor is massive and still growing. The UK has 100 billionaires, and malnourished children, living on a small island. It is dominated by corporations run on a low wage model and has systematically destroyed workers’ rights.

On balance, the government of the UK has become a force for evil in the world. not a force for good. To support it in full knowledge of the above is evil.


Given the existence of the tremendous communications possibilities of the internet, and given the wide range of information available above all in Scotland where a new political consciousness has developed, there are few excuses for having been ill-informed in the referendum. The failure to inform oneself, given the resources available, was itself evidence of a lack of gumption.

Some people are Unionists not because they support the policies outlined under Evil, but because they fail to perceive them. This group overlaps heavily with those who do not believe the Labour Party is now a fully paid up neoconservative party subscribing to everything above, and with only a sham concern for social justice. Despite the Red Tories’ open pledges to be tougher on welfare reform and immigration than the Blue Tories, these stupid people believe social progress is possible within the UK under Labour. They also actually believed that The Vow on Devo-Max would be delivered. This group of Unionists are incapable of perceiving evil when they see it, even when it comes certified with membership of the Henry Jackson Society. These people are stupid.


I have added this last group. These are people who did perceive the evil of the UK, and thus weren’t entirely stupid, but were too scared of social change to abandon unionism. A substantial section of the cowards should in fact be grouped under evil, because the cause of their fear was entirely self-centred. They could see the evil the UK does, but cared rather more about their own pension, job, mortgage etc. than they cared about anything else in the world. This combination of selfishness and fear of social change is of course classically Tory. But not all cowards fell into the Tory category. Some were genuinely fearful that things might somehow get even worse for everybody. They would not have boarded the first trains in case their heads were blown off by the 30mph winds.


After four months of constant thought, I cannot think of any hypothetical unionist position which does not fall into one of those categories. I am grateful for the criticism which led me to realise that I had left out the cowards. Some of that criticism came from nationalists who do not like politics to be described in moral terms, and for whom national independence should rouse no more passion than a change in local council boundaries, being a simple question of the best technocratic management of broadly similar political systems. That is a position I wholeheartedly denounce. For me national independence for Scotland is a great ethical choice for good – and against evil.

Fortunately a great many of the stupid are realising their mistake – being slower on the uptake does not stop you getting there eventually. So now there is a definite majority, for Yes. I am pleased about this, and view Independence as absolutely inevitable in the near term. I shall certainly live to see it. I don’t see converting No voters as part of my personal mission in life. The Wizard of Oz could give the Coward a medal and the Stupid a diploma. I shall content myself with being the one who throws water over the Evil.

Finally, for those who cannot get their heads round the purpose, style and conventions of political polemic, plainly you don’t have to be a No voter to be stupid. I have No voters in my family and among very close friends, including some without whose assistance I couldn’t keep this blog going. An attempt to introduce intellectual rigour into political discussion and test positions as part of political debate in no sense equates to personal animosity. As I have repeatedly stated in the context of the hundreds of political issues this blog has debated over ten years, I do not choose my friends by their politics. Otherwise I guess I wouldn’t have any 🙂 !

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428 thoughts on “Unionists – An Apology

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  • fred

    “Fred argues that an independent Scotland would be dependent purely on oil, and that nationalists are Nazis. Both are demonstrably wrong, but his attachment to them is plainly conditioned by some experience that clouds rational thought.”

    But claiming something is demonstrably wrong and demonstrating it are two different things.

    What did the SNP tell us the minimum price oil would fall to before they voted?

    What price is oil now?

    Those are both demonstrable.

  • fred

    “Fred, FFS see someone about your OCD.”

    What’s wrong? You don’t want people talking about the future of the people in Scotland? You don’t want anyone talking about what matters? You just want to talk about your obsession with Tony Blair.

  • @homeneara*

    At the moment it seems if you want to be actively involved in politics, don’t be a politician.

    Though to be fair some don’t do such a bad job of getting involved in stuff. But they are not popularised.

  • BrianFujisan

    Thank you Node… i went searching for that..and then i though was in dreaming..cos it was Gone.. Glasgow Anonymoys Are Young..no need for Graig or Mods to fight with,

  • Ba'al Zevul

    You don’t want people talking about the future of the people in Scotland? You don’t want anyone talking about what matters? You just want to talk about your obsession with Tony Blair.

    No, I’m just bloody sick of you making exactly the same point repeatedly. Blair? Not on this thread. Though he’s far more interesting than the price of Brent crude. Thanks for the mensh.

  • @homeneara*

    Of all the mysterious wonders of existence. What true value do we put on the black poison sucked out of the earth and pumped into the air. Surely it must be a good example of a huge degradation and debasement of the human spirit.

  • fred

    “Fred, It matters not how many times you parrot the oil price and wallow in your Schadenfreude it’s hurting the Union’s wallet,not the SNP’s.
    The SNP did not base Independence on the oil price.You seem to have tho’.Why?
    In fact the only wedge you’ve got it is that the price the SNP quoted leading up to the Referendum was 110 per barrel’which was reasonable at the time before Saudi and US interference.”

    I was talking to someone the other day who’s son works in the North Sea oil industry, a young man just starting a family. He’s worried, so is she. A lot of people here in the North East are worried.

    The price of oil might not be too important in Austria, probably doesn’t matter much in Lancashire or the Home Counties. In the North East of Scotland it matters.

  • OldMark

    ‘It’s just one big happy family. Scottish are British, welsh are British, Indians are British even when they’re being colonised thousands of miles away.’

    As far as the armed forces are concerned that’s still the case- ‘commonwealth’ citizens can still join up on the same basis as British citizens, and according to the latest statistics they comprise around 7000 of the ‘other ranks’ across all 3 services, close to 5% of the total. Given that the armed forces, along with the rest of the public sector, has to follow a ‘diversity’ agenda aimed at increasing BME representation in the areas where they are under represented, it is plain that these ‘green card soldiers’, primarily from Fiji and the W Indies, are very useful in boosting the BME numbers (currently 8% of ‘other ranks’), and thus maintaining the fiction that the UK Armed Services are ‘representative’ of the current UK demographic-


    It can reasonably be implied from these statistics that the ‘black British’ and ‘asian British’ born here in most cases have a marked antipathy to participating in military service for the country to which they nominally owe allegiance.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    In the North East of Scotland it matters.

    Undeniably. But you can hardly blame the Yes campaign for that. Or assert that anything is likely to improve after the No win. If the North Sea fields become uneconomical, do you think Westminster will prioritise an industrial Plan B for Caithness? There is no Plan B. The NE is at the end of the longest road in Britain. Logistics are a nightmare. Most of the land is peat bog, and the rest rough grazing. The seas are pretty well fished out – no fortunes there. The oilrig construction yards have been doing nothing more than repair rigs, or fall into disuse, for years. The only initiatives for those have come from the Scottish Government and mainly involve renewable energy plant.

    Say goodbye to oil now and find some credible alternatives, I’d say. Either that or build some damn great tank farms, and stockpile all this lovely cheap oil against the day when the Saudis (not the SNP – the Saudis) turn off the taps again and the speculators start bumping the price up in order to fill their boots. As they will.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    I have a nasty feeling all of this is academic anyway. Just before the 2007 debacle, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index was well above 13000. At the time, I remember thinking that the rate of increase was unsustainable, and that the rise was not matched by anything tangible in the economy. Here’s what it’s doing now:


    Hold onto your hats. And indeed anything with real value.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Fred and Ba’al Zevul : Something for you both : Caithness employment opportunities, work for old oilrig construction yards, alternative energy.

    A fabrication yard in Easter Ross could play a part in the construction of an offshore wind farm in the Moray Firth.
    First Minister Alex Salmond witnessed the signing of the agreement and also announced £6.5m of government funding to redevelop the quayside at Nigg.
    The Scottish government said the combined development off the Caithness coast would be the world’s third biggest offshore wind farm.
    Work for up to 4,600 people could be created at the peak of the construction of the turbines, and the combined scheme would be worth up to £2.5bn to the Scottish economy.


  • Ba'al Zevul

    Thanks, Node – yes, that was one of the schemes I had in mind. Salmond, as much as anyone, knows that sooner or later oil isn’t going to be a major factor in Scotland, however happy he is to play it up while it’s still there. I think tidal energy (whose development from a British design Westminster ensured would be pursued in Portugal) is another likely candidate.

  • DoNNyDarKo

    Glad you talk to people Fred,there’s hope for you yet.
    OMV is a rather large Austrian concern and the price of oil is very important to the Austrians being a small oil producer,and having fields as far afield as W Africa amongst other places.
    I have family and friends who work and have worked in the oil industry for years and they are not especially worried as the North Easts riches are in “know how” as much as the black stuff.If it goes back to 20$ a barrel and stays there,then the new Claire field will be put on hold.
    Just for your information Fred,I’m a Fifer,born and bred and I kissed goodbye to Vienna at Sylvester.

  • Herbie

    I hate those things. They’re horrible. Everywhere you go, spoiling the landscape.

    Dangerous feckers, they are as well:




    Now with oil as cheap as chips and likely to remain so forever, don’t need ’em.

    And anyway, what’s wrong with a lovely wee turf fire:


  • Mary

    Speaking of Blair, the BBC Northern Ireland page are streaming his live appearance before the NI Committee in the HoC this afternoon ref ‘On the runs’ and what he set up.

    Mandelslime could not remember much about it when it was his turn to appear recently.

  • Republicofscotland

    “There are hundreds of those little videos on YouTube, RoS. You going to have your work cut out if you intend to link to all of them.

    But anyway, tell us which explanation has your favour : Mossad or actors/ holograms? Share your thoughts with your expectant fans! 🙂

    And then get back on topic.”


    Do I sense a bit of uneasy tension in your reply?

    As though being a useful idiot, for the establishment, is somehow becoming, an unbearable load.

    Now why would you mention Mossad, I haven’t once referred to them in any post, interesting indeed.

  • nevermind

    Scotland must use what is can see for miles, the sea, tidal power can be introduced to many places and the race is still on for decent low maintenance wave energy generators, lesser maintenance is always a winner.

    Whether its tidal lift, sea currents or hydro, Scotland has potential after oil.
    people who sabotage wind turbines are not right in the head, whatever their arguments, modern win do not whine, there is a swish sound as it comes round and the blade shadow could in extreme cases induce nausea and, if preconditioned to it, set of epilepsy, but they do not endanger your children’s future with debts radioactive material dispersed in all sorts of arms, repositories that need watching day and night and expensive non working enrichment plants, not to speak of expensive decommissioning, their biggest threat are the logistics and politics or rare earth materials.

    Scotland always bred good engineers and thinkers, and working in energy must not necessarily stop, but I fear that the lack of industry investment will give others the advantages.

    Who will build the first storm generator, a wind turbine or whatever that does not need switching off at 100mph?

  • Republicofscotland

    In hindsight, I’d have went a bit further Craig and called no voters traitors.

    It may seem at bit harsh, but those who voted no have allowed, a foreign government to basically supersede Holyrood on many matters, from managing its own resources, too deciding its own immigration policies.

    It was probably all about self preservation for those who voted no, God knows what the rest of the world thinks about Scots now, too cowardly, too foolish too inept to run their own affairs.

    The no voters will have the cheek to say I love my country, (Yeah right, but not enough for it to blossom under its own rule). And they’ll also have the audacity to sing Flower of Scotland with gusto, (Hypocrites).

    The no voters have also endorsed the UK governments, military actions overseas, by keeping Scotland tied to Westminster.

    No I don’t think, the word traitor is to too harsh a word, to describe those who voted no, these people have left the Holyrood Government, like a boxer, fighting with one hand tied behind his back.

    How anyone could think that Westminster has Scotland’s interest, at heart, over and above a Scottish government, are as you say Craig either evil, cowardly or stupid.

  • Calgacus

    Fred, I hope the price of oil goes to 20 dollars a barrel. I hope it breaks the UK treasury. I hope it stays in the ground as an asset for the next generation of Scots who will have the gumption and courage to vote YES

  • Republicofscotland

    This ones for Habb, it would appear that someone else agrees with your theory that Mossad did it.

    Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek has alleged that last week’s deadly attacks on a French satirical magazine and a kosher supermarket in Paris that left 17 people dead are the result of France expressing support for Palestine, and that Israeli intelligence is behind the attacks, the semi-official Anadolu news agency reported.

    According to a report from Anadolu circulating in the Turkish media, Gökçek attended the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Gölbaşı youth branch fourth ordinary district congress on Sunday and mentioned the terrorist attacks in France.

    He said Israel was annoyed with the lower house of French parliament for voting for the recognition of a Palestinian state and with France’s vote in favor of a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for the same recognition.

    “Israel certainly doesn’t want this sentiment to expand in Europe. That’s why it is certain that Mossad is behind these kinds of incidents. Mossad enflames Islamophobia by causing such incidents,” Gökçek said.

    He claimed that after the Paris attacks, around 50 mosques and some Muslim individuals had been targeted but such incidents were not reported on by the international media.
    “Palestine being recognized as a state is why these [attacks] have taken place,” he concluded.


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