Willie McRae 171

It is peculiar timing for the unionist rag The Scotsman, to declare it had solved the mystery of Willie McRae’s death – just when security service tasking on the SNP returns to the levels of 1975-86.

The Scotsman claims that the police had first removed the vehicle and then replaced it, and this explains the mystery of why the gun was so far from the car after McRae’s remarkable two shot “suicide”. For me, that adds just another level of improbability to so very many. How, inside a car, you shoot yourself in the head in such a way that the gun falls out of the window, seems problematic. The car was crashed over a burn; how you order that with the suicide is peculiar.

The case is a notorious one in Scotland. There was never any indication of McRae having suicidal tendencies. He was driving to a destination – his cottage – where he was expected and he had phoned ahead for the fires to be lit. A briefcase of documents went missing from his car. Several retired policemen have affirmed he was under police and security service surveillance, which since his death the authorities refuse to comment on. He was not only a leading member of the SNP, but an effective anti-nuclear activist. All that I already knew – what was new to me was that he had also been investigating a senior paedophile ring. It is tempting to put that together with his having been ADC to Louis Mountbatten, but I confess that is mere speculation.

Establishment lackeys have been trying to ridicule my assertion that the SNP is a major security service target. Many know they are lying, and deliberately are trying to distract. But for those who are actually naïve, is it not extraordinary that anytime anybody mentions anything the security services do, it is dismissed as “conspiracy theory”. GCHQ, MI5, MI6 and SO15 employ over 50,000 people between them. What do you actually think they do all day?

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171 thoughts on “Willie McRae

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  • Pete

    @ Republic of Scotland. Thanks for the link. Still very unclear- looks like the UK could certainly have used nukes independently in the 1960s, but now the UK system depends on US-made missiles, I suspect the Americans would have inserted some means of overriding control from their end.

    @ Fred, yes I’ve read Picknett and Prince’s “Double Standards,” very murky waters, the one thing that seems clear is that the extreme length of the sealing of document (150 years) regarding Hess is intended to protect an institution rather than individual persons. That institution being the Monarchy. Basically, the fact that George VI and the dear old Queen Mum were prepared to ditch Churchill and make peace with Hitler as late as 1941.

  • Pete

    Thanks Phil. Will read that technical info later, but what stands out is

    “The USA has the ability to deny access to GPS at any time, rendering that form of navigation and targeting useless if the UK were to launch without US approval… Target packages are designed and formatting tapes produced on shore, then stored on the submarine—using US software at each stage… The US Navy supplies local gravitational information and forecasts of weather over targets, both of which are vital to high missile accuracy, to US and UK submarines…”

    So it looks certain that irrespective of the legal and political aspects, the USA has the technological capability to prevent the UK using the missiles independently.

  • Anon1

    Abe Rene

    “(corrected item)
    2. Deciding on whether carpets should be blue or red inside MI5 HQ, and that Chicken Madras, not Vindaloo should be on the menu – such things aren’t easy to get through so many committees, you know.”

    And that’s just for starters. You’ll run into a major area of difficulty with the canteen’s steering committee on whether chicken Madras ought really to be called chicken Chennai to avoid colonial connotations. An oversight committee will have to be formed to ensure that outdated imperialist notions are not being displayed on the canteen menu board.

  • CalumCarr

    I have been writing from a neutral standpoint about the Macrae mystery for a few months Part 30 was published earlier today.

    There are many unanswered questions. Parts 24 to 28 cover the involvement of Special Branch and the evidence of a policeman who spoke to Macrae on the day he left Glasgow on his final journey.

    You can find the posts here

    [For those who visit I have noticed that the formatting on some posts has become horrendous. I am working my way slowly through posts to correct.]

    Also drop in here for the petition for a Fatal Accident Inquiry.

  • RobG

    Habbabkuk (La vita e’ bella)
    6 Apr, 2015 – 8:41 pm:

    “So why do you think the Chinese are busily enhancing their offensive capabilities, RoN?”

    DA DA DAH!

    Perhaps you can remind us of the last time China invaded anywhere? against, say, the last time the United States invaded anywhere?

    Perhaps Habba can remind us why the United States has a miltary budget far exceeding Russia and China put together?

    Perhaps you can remind us why both Russia and China (both nuclear weapon states) are increasingly ringed by American bases, despite the fact that most impartial observers say that Russia and China are not a threat?

    Perhaps you can remind us why Russia and China are always presented as a threat in the media?

    Perhaps you can remind us why ordinary tax payers, who ultimately fund all this, are constantly threatened if they don’t pay up?

    Perhaps you can remind us why there is now no longer any proper heathcare or social security in the UK?

    Perhaps the likes of you can remind us why you have the morality of a Turkish brothal-keeper?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita e' bella)


    “Yeah MI5 don’t really make a secret of the fact that they target ‘nationalists’. Their website indicates that they classify them as domestic extremists.(https://www.mi5.gov.uk/home/about-us/what-we-do/the-threats/terrorism/domestic-extremism.html


    Donny, that is piss-poor bollocks.

    If you’d bother to read your own link carefully, you’d read the following under the heading “Domestic Extremism”:

    )”At various times in the recent past, a range of groups have fallen into this category. They have included violent Scottish and Welsh nationalists, right- and left-wing extremists, animal rights extremists and other militant single-issue protesters.

    The vast majority of people involved in animal rights, nationalist and political campaigns are peaceful. However, such causes have sometimes attracted extremists who have resorted to violence and intimidation. For example, some extremist animal rights campaigners have attacked property and made threats of violence. They have also posted hoax bombs to homes and offices as part of organised campaigns against animal-testing companies.

    Domestic extremists may seek to carry out solo acts of violence. In 1999, David Copeland, a neo-Nazi, carried out a series of bomb attacks against gay and ethnic minority targets in London. His attacks killed three people and injured 129 more.

    For the most part the actions of domestic extremists pose a threat to public order, but not to national security. They are normally investigated by the police, not the Security Service.”

    Have you noticed the word “violence”? It occurs several times.

    And the reference to public order rather than national security?


    If you must mislead, please try and do it more skilfully, you imbecile.

  • Keith Crosby

    What do you actually think they do all day?

    I thought that they investigated The Man Who was Thursday (between phone calls)?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita e' bella)


    Lots of rhetorical questions rather than an answer to my single question but never mind, you’re having a giggle, aren’t you.

    But let me reply one of them with my own question.

    “Perhaps Habba can remind us why the United States has a miltary budget far exceeding Russia and China put together?”

    What percentage of their GNP do these three countries spend on the military?

    Off you go!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita e' bella)

    One wonders if one could find one’s old Oxford college again without the aid of GPS.

  • fred

    “But keep trying. We know you will get there in the end. We have faith in you.”

    They are holding an investigation into who leaked a memo.

    They aren’t investigating who forged a memo.

    Go figure.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita e' bella)

    Are those who believe that the democratic societies they live in are mere illusions themselves mere illusions?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita e' bella)

    BBC website reports that the UN is demanding humanitarian access to “desperate” Palestinian refugees in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus, amid an assault by Islamic State.

    Will there be no end to the depredations and inhumanity of both the giraffe-necked, pin-headed Assad and the fanatical, murderous IS?

    What says Mary, I wonder?

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Found your link, Calum, most intriguing, especially the gun being found where the car originally was or where the vehicle was repacked.

    Have you dealt with the possibility that the Smith & Wesson was accidentally dropped after the shot was fired?

    If that is so, it really brings Hayward into the pictured, as he avoided this when he killed Palme with one shot, and grazed Mrs. Palme with at least another, raising the revolved in the air with both hands so he didn’t do it again.

    And in his book called The Operators which he wrote under pseudonym Captain James Rennie, he talked about his “cackhandedness’ and joked about his buddies making fun of his dropping his weapon while on operations.

  • RobG

    In reply to the link that John Goss gave, about the death of Diana, the white Fiat Uno, which apparently caused the car crash in Paris, was owned by James Anderson, who later was found dead in his car with two bullets in his brain.

    Does this sound familiar?

  • RobG

    @Habbabkuk (La vita e’ bella)
    6 Apr, 2015 – 9:55 pm


    Lots of rhetorical questions rather than an answer to my single question but never mind, you’re having a giggle, aren’t you.”

    You’ll have to find someone else to change your nappy, you piece of establishment shite.

  • lysias

    In reply to the link that John Goss gave, about the death of Diana, the white Fiat Uno, which apparently caused the car crash in Paris, was owned by James Anderson, who later was found dead in his car with two bullets in his brain.

    John Morgan mentions that in the book I cited above (which I got on Kindle, in case anyone else wants to read it).

  • Mary

    I have left all of the ‘saying’ to the troll tonight. As usual, he dominates the thread as he loves the sound of his voice so much.

  • Dave

    @Habba 8:33pm
    “I also recall once asking the regular dissidents and freedom-fighters on here whether they had ever been troubled in any way by the evil agents of the corrupt,fascist and tyrannical state known as the UK.”

    I told you once before,you must have become senile I will repeat again. We were attacked and our printing presses were smashed up by Thatchers Thugs welding sledge hammers. Frestonia to you. Also the Battle of the Bean Field not that you would know anything about those events as there is no hope for you as the state did a very good job brainwashing your gray matter not that you are aware of it.

  • John Goss

    Yes, thanks Lysias.

    “Just a minute, the security forces are after me, I’ll shoot myself a couple of times in the head.”

    The couple of times is to make sure of course. All secret services of all countries need abolishing. Their only purpose is to commit illegal acts on behalf of money and power.

  • shibboleth

    Craig wrote: “What do you actually think they do all day?”

    A significant number will be making assessments from online discussion forums and blogs such as these – and when those assessments flag specific criteria, a score will be placed against your security profile and you become a person of interest. I would think that a significant number of contributors to this site will already have surpassed that status – as you no doubt have. And you’re quite correct – we should be intolerant and do everything possible to create a society where State intrusion (never mind State execution) has no place. It is a sobering prospect but no one should underestimate the capacity of the security services in protecting the realm. As Willie McRae and David Kelly discovered.

  • Paul Barbara

    It’s about time folks learnt the ‘origin’ of the pejorative use or the term ‘Conspiracy Theory’: ‘“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term’: http://www.globalresearch.ca/conspiracy-theory-foundations-of-a-weaponized-term/5319708
    ‘…Conspiracy theory’s acutely negative connotations may be traced to liberal historian Richard Hofstadter’s well-known fusillades against the “New Right.” Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively “weaponizing” the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch played a definitive role in making the “conspiracy theory” term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.

    This important memorandum and its broad implications for American politics and public discourse are detailed in a forthcoming book by Florida State University political scientist Lance de-Haven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in America. Dr. de-Haven-Smith devised the state crimes against democracy concept to interpret and explain potential government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the major political assassinations of the 1960s, and 9/11.

    “CIA Document 1035-960” was released in response to a 1976 FOIA request by the New York Times. The directive is especially significant because it outlines the CIA’s concern regarding “the whole reputation of the American government” vis-à-vis the Warren Commission Report. The agency was especially interested in maintaining its own image and role as it “contributed information to the [Warren] investigation……”
    It’s worth reading the whole article. In the interim, it’s a safe rule of thumb that ‘Conspiray Theory’ generally equals oppositiConspiracy theory’s acutely negative connotations may be traced to liberal historian Richard Hofstadter’s well-known fusillades against the “New Right.” Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively “weaponizing” the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch played a definitive role in making the “conspiracy theory” term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.

    This important memorandum and its broad implications for American politics and public discourse are detailed in a forthcoming book by Florida State University political scientist Lance de-Haven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in America. Dr. de-Haven-Smith devised the state crimes against democracy concept to interpret and explain potential government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the major political assassinations of the 1960s, and 9/11.

    “CIA Document 1035-960” was released in response to a 1976 FOIA request by the New York Times. The directive is especially significant because it outlines the CIA’s concern regarding “the whole reputation of the American government” vis-à-vis the Warren Commission Report. The agency was especially interested in maintaining its own image and role as it “contributed information to the [Warren] investigation.”
    on to Establishment ‘edicts’ equals the Truth. That’s why Francois Hollande and Cameron want to criminalise ‘Conspiracy Theories’; Truth is anathema to them, and most ‘politicians’.

  • Observer

    50,000 and not ONE whistleblower? But then nobody wants to commit suicide and be found inside a zipped bag, with two gunshot wounds!

    Practically there needs to be found a way in which all these thousands of security “operatives”, drone pilots, etc can voice their conshuns. It could become a website worth billions, over to you Friends of Anonymous.

    BTW-all the trolls here please note “ye shall be known by yer (Gaza) deeds” and PUTIN was the only man enough to give Snowden refuge (merkel is so thankless). Even a trillion dollar creditor in US Treasury Bills, the PRC, had balked in Hong Kong.

  • Mary

    That’s done it for Liebour. BLiar enters the fray today and will make a speech extolling the virtues of staying in the EU. Perhaps he believes he might still get a job in Brussels.

    And keep under your duvets today in Edinburgh. Agent Cameron is on his way. We are so like Yankeeland now. The reporters including Sky’s, are on his battle bus. Nevermind, only 29 days to go. It will all soon be over.

  • Mary

    Remembering Chelsea Manning.

    April 06, 2015
    The Collateral Murder Video, Five Years Later
    Chelsea Manning and the Call of America’s Conscience

    April 5th marked the five year anniversary of WikiLeaks publication of the Collateral Murder Video. The footage of a secret US military video depicted an Apache helicopter killing Iraqi civilians, including two Reuters journalists. It provided an uncensored view of modern war for the world to see. The light that shone in the darkness was the conscience of a young woman. Chelsea Manning (formally Bradley Manning) is now serving 35 years behind bars for her great public service.

    After witnessing Manning confess to her role as WikiLeaks whistleblower at the court-martial proceeding in Fort Meade, Maryland, attorney and President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner said that locking her up “for even a day is to lock up the conscience of our nation”.

    Manning’s disclosure of secret government documents exposed America’s illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Guantanamo Files revealed the state of America’s offshore gulags and violations of universal human rights according to the Geneva Convention. The secret US embassy cables let us see corrupted diplomacy serving corporate global hegemony through coercion and manipulation. Manning’s conscience shed light on the real actions of the US government behind a façade of democracy. Yet, the ugly face of empire was not the only thing she showed us.


  • David Halpin FRCS

    Craig – thanks. 50,000 in the ‘security’ services. Probably an underestimate if you take in their many accomplices in central and local politics etc. Where does the money come from? Income tax, VAT, stamp duty, road fund, etc etc. Probably amounts to > 60% of all transactions. Anyone seen the books for GCHQ etc? Anyone seen the books for ”’Defence”’. Less than 2% ! Pull the other one.

    Shibboleth. Agree ++. And of course it has very little to do with State Security. The more the UK becomes the opposite of Goethe’s nation that is content with itself, the more thought control is required. Dissent and questioning must be liquidated or at least marginalised.

    A few examples of many from my own experiences –

    1. When I was more intimately involved with our Palestinian sisters and brothers, and writing the truth of their torment on the internet, my connection to the internet was suspended on at least 2 occasions for up to 36 hours. I learned that the server has to obey the order of MI5 in this. I deduced that the Zionist entity (NOT a state) had access to at least lower levels of UK e-mail surveillance.

    2. I correspond with a small group concerned with the above torment (which is assisted by the main political parties). Well informed members write to MPs, Lords, the entity and most often to the ZBC. E-mails to the latter are always about its grotesque bias against the facts of Palestinian genocide. The e-mails from one incisive member are often delayed by up to 12 hours. Shibboleth – ‘a person of interest’. View > message source. This used to happen to mine – perhaps it still does.

    3. I was active (again with a small group) in pleading for an inquest for Dr David Kelly. All the evidence pointed to an assassination, the most salient being that my Lord Hutton was called to the office of Blair’s friend Falconer within THREE HOURS of the body being found. Falconer’s purpose was to set up an inquiry of a sort which contained/filtered the evidence and provided plenty of illusion. I attended a conference at a city solicitors when we had hit the buffers. There were a few other doctors. It was recorded but that had to be put on to discs. My colleagues got theirs by post but mine was delayed and ended up at the Royal Mail depot with an excess charge. (That part of the printed franking where charge was recorded had been torn away.) The Jiffy packet was open and the disc within. The usually very effective adhesive was absent. I presume an appropriate solvent had been used. I reported it to CID – ex Northern Ireland force. His parting sentence was sympathetic to our quest. (Other policemen have been encouraging too.)

    4. I joined the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in 2002 when it had become obvious to me that Palestine is ‘the hinge of our humanity.’ A letter and generous cheque about 10 days before a big meeting never got to the office although it was accurately addressed. It was instead received here – ‘address not known’ – blue crayon, two weeks after the event. The senior officers at the PSC did not want to know. And the same went for the lawyers in 3.

    One essential fault among many. People are too timid. Craig is not, that is why the SNP shunned him. The UK only wants those who will march in step – to mushroomed oblivion. We could not fight WW2 again. No fight, no principle, self-obsessed, Hedonistic.

  • Mary

    Meanwhile, the Mail finds time out from this faux ‘election’ with no choices to demonize Ed Snowden. Perhaps that’s because President Putin gave him sanctuary.

    The damning truth about Snowden: Traitor who put Western lives at risk from terrorists reveals he didn’t even read all the top-secret files he leaked
    British comedian travelled to Moscow to interview the whistleblower
    Questions why the former CIA systems administrator leaked the files
    Gets him to explain the security threat in the context of nude pictures
    Describes Snowden as America’s most famous ‘hero and/or traitor’
    Snowden, at moments, is stunned into silence by the line of questioning


    Glenn Greenwald’s put down of the muck.

    Why John Oliver Can’t Find Americans Who Know Edward Snowden’s Name (It’s Not About Snowden)

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