Corruption Welcome in London 739

The FBI had somebody wearing a wire at the London Olympics to capture the FIFA corruption taking place in the margins. What were the British authorities doing? Nothing.

Britain prides itself as having in London the world’s leading financial centre. Substantial assets, both financial and real estate, from FIFA corruption are located in London. But Britain has taken over the crown from Switzerland as the major financial destination which will always protect ill-gotten wealth.

Alisher Usmanov played a major role as bagman for the corrupt Russian World Cup bid, particularly with delegates from FIFA’s Asian Confederation. His place as Britain’s third richest resident is very obviously based on extreme Russian corruption and he rose to power and wealth solely with the use of gangster muscle and contacts he gained and expanded while serving a prison sentence for blackmail. But he is a billionaire and beloved by the City of London so there is no danger of him ever being investigated in the UK.

That a key figure in FIFA corruption over Russia’s World Cup bid, is undisturbed in his large shareholding in Arsenal FC, says everything about the complicity of the British establishment.

Usmanov’s friend Gulnara Karimova is a startling example. She is now under formal investigation in Switzerland, France, Sweden and the Netherlands over the glaringly corrupt origins of her billions. Only a fake house arrest by her father has prevented her real arrest. Yet in the UK, where she has three homes including one in the No.1 Hyde Park criminals’ hangout, where she shops regularly and her son is at university, there is no move against her whatsoever.

I am delighted to see the moves against FIFA. But to me they illustrate very plainly what a corrupt stinking hole London has become.

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739 thoughts on “Corruption Welcome in London

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  • Resident Dissident

    “The last days of the human race are a wonder to behold. Scroll-up and read the comments.”

    I’ve read a little on Fukushima and while I am not a qualified scientist – I do note that there are plenty who are. who do not see it in quite the cataclysmic terms that you do, dreadful though it is. Why do you believe that your view is the correct one and others who are better qualified that you or I are incorrect? As for Mr Goss and others forecasting world wars I’m afraid the sensible ones here have reached a Matilda slamming doors position. On the other hand perhaps it is just a surfeit of bad wine on your part – the good stuff makes you mellow.

  • Villager

    RobG go get fucked, i wouldn’t touch you or your links with a 10-foot barge-pole you retarded drunk stinking cunt

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    RobG is rapidly taking over from Mr Goss as this blog’s resident “end of the world” man.

    They do say that rats can survive anything. Is that why Robbo seems so cheerful about the imminent end of the world?

    Be warned though, Robbo – once the world has come to an end, there’ll be no wine anymore and what will you do then?

  • John Spencer-Davis

    O/T – From Craig’s posting “Labour Urgently Needs Gallery Vernissages”, May 10, 2015:

    “Umunna is so much on the side of those who are doing well, that he joined a special social network for them called A Small World, an invitation-only club for millionaires that studiously excludes the working classes.”

    Craig, are you quite sure about that? I applied to “A Small World” just to see what would happen, and blow me down, the membership committee has accepted me! I told no lies on my application form. I’m tempted, like Groucho Marx, to resign on the grounds that “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member”.

    Cheerio, you plebs. I will throw you a few crusts and pennies as I am having cocktails and canapés with the likes of Chuka Umunna, but don’t expect any invitations from me. The only way is up. Toodle-oo!

    Kind regards,


  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    I trust that with the weekend almost behind us, our Irish-American Greatsman (MA Oxon), holder of several “higher degrees” including a PhD, retired US Navy officer who worked a few doors down the corridor from the Secretary of Defence and Neues Deutschland reader-in-Berlin will soon be putting in an appearance?

    £5 says he’ll have posted by 15h00 Monday with the latest from the Daily Mail on Jannerite paedophilia.

  • RobG

    Villager/Habba are creatures from the cesspool, and I’ll leave them there.

    @Resident Dissident
    31 May, 2015 – 10:34 pm

    I’ve given qualified links to what’s happening with the Pacific Ocean, so why do you find it so hard to understand what’s going on?

    I would venture that it’s because realisation also means that you have to realise that your government is totally lying to you. That’s what governments do.

    You are all dead people walking with regard to Fukushima.

    The WHO said a few years ago that cancer rates are going to go up by 70% – I repeat, by 70%.

    And comment threads like this are infested with vermin who will tell you that everything is ok.

  • Villager

    JSD, let us know when you have a membership to 5 Hertford Street.

    Meantime enjoy your partying with the wannabes…

  • RobG

    Habba, you are a total waste of space and have the morals of a Turkish brothal-keeper, unless of course you can counter anything I say with credible links.

    I’m waiting, you little prick.

  • Villager

    Habby, this little prick of a Robot shows the very low limits of his ability to think things through.

    He can barely string a sentence out without the word ‘vermin’ and the phrase like ‘they will all be lined up and shot’.

    Thats the best solution he can offer, no matter what time of day. While typing I really cannot believe that someone can be dumb enough to keep repeating that every day and be vain enough to consider himself an intellectual. Unbelievable! They are a good few here who claim membership of this blog with their single-digit IQ’s.

  • John Goss

    Resident Dissident 31 May, 2015 – 10:09 pm

    Yes I’ve read the Novaya Gazeta report put together by its engineers from available material on the web. There is nothing in there that discounts any conjecture that I’ve made but it discounts what so many have said on here and what the US claims that the Russians shot it down, and goes a long way towards discounting that the separatists shot it down.

    As to Novaya Gazeta (owned by people like Mikhail Gorbachev and until recently Alexander Lebedov) and its credibility did it not apologise to Holland for Russia having shot down MH17 shortly after the bodies were sent to Holland? So in that respect it jumps to conclusions as readily as you do Resident Dissident in its desires to “Blame Putin”. “My washing’s blown off the line. Blame Putin.” You make yourselves look so stupid and the Independent, also owned by Lebedov, made the same false claim. I notice neither newspaper has apologised for that. Nor you for your silly poisoning false witness.

  • Villager

    31 May, 2015 – 11:16 pm
    Villager/Habba are creatures from the cesspool, and I’ll leave them there.

    Do you want the ‘Fred-principle-treatment’? You’re rather begging for it. So STFU and slink away you good-for-nothing drunk.

  • RobG

    Villager, your retorts are totally pathetic.

    And of course vermin like you never address the issues.

    We’re all being slaughtered by psychos like you.

    I’m sure you have lots to say about it…

  • Villager

    ” And of course vermin like you never address the issues.”

    Your lack of ability to think things through to a logical understanding, means pricks like you are an issue and a hurdle to humanity’s path forward.

    “We’re all being slaughtered by psychos like you.”

    You get what you deserve. Now I invite you again to fuck off or STFU. Imbeciles are to be seen not heard.

  • Macky

    Suhayl Saadi; “Persistent misrepresentation of my views.”

    If I didn’t quite capture the exact nuance of your initial approval for the NATO destruction of Libya, I do apologise, and if “secular Muslim States “is not oxymoronic enough for you, try “Muslim societies”.

    Overlooking your attempt to play the race card, I’m still loathed to pick through all the pseudo-intellectual waffle with which you try to shoehorn religious fundamentalism/extremism into fitting the definition of fascism, it just doesn’t; fascism is ultra- nationalistic & racist whereas religious fundamentalism is anti-nationalistic & anti-racist; fascist regimes are normally characterized by dictatorships, yet both Iran & Israel hold elections; you would actually be on safer ground using the term “totalitarian”, from which the sub-set of “Fascism” belongs, which would then also highlight the fact that most totalitarian Islamic regimes, are in fact, Western allies.

    Giyane ; “As to the myth that young UK Muslims are being radicalised.”

    The spooks wouldn’t find young Muslims so easy to radicalize if there wasn’t pre-existing widespread & deep resentment over Western policies toward Muslims, being the prerequisite first step towards radicalisation.

    @Courtenay Barnett, good post, but Craig doesn’t do debating, even when he tries !

    @RobG, Habby the Clown Troll is bad enough, but be warned, Villager is an off the wall pyscho loony !

  • RobG

    31 May, 2015 – 11:51

    I’m sure I’m not the only reader to wonder what the feck you’re going on about?

    Head swivelling round? Projectile vomiting?

    In one sense you people are too easy to tear apart. In the other sense people who can’t tie their shoelaces will vote for you, and that’s an awful lot of the electorate.

    God help democracy.

  • giyane


    They are spoilt, not angry , and they think the govt is going to radicalise them whereas in fact it feeds them Divide and Rule potion.

  • giyane


    The trouble with the blog owner allowing the dogtrolls to sit on the armchairs is that it allows them to think that they are in fact human beings. Really not my problem apart from the risk of catching fleas.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Yes I’ve read the Novaya Gazeta report put together by its engineers from available material on the web. There is nothing in there that discounts any conjecture that I’ve made but it discounts what so many have said on here and what the US claims that the Russians shot it down, and goes a long way towards discounting that the separatists shot it down. ”

    I presume this is a joke since it has no connection to the truth.

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