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85 thoughts on “Edinburgh

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  • Robert Crawford

    One picture- a whole lot of different views (interpretations) all tell a story.

    I saw an appreciation of beauty.

    I think Node saw a duck spoiling it slightly?

    I think Mark Golding saw “love?”.

    I think John Goss saw problems.(weather and golf).

    I looked at John Goss’s camera phone photos, and saw trees being neglected.

    All our problems are self inflicted!

    All because of what is going on in our minds.

    If you think it is good, then it is good. If you think it is bad, then it is bad. Or, any other negative, or positive interpretation we put on everything.

  • Mary

    Villager is so Money Supermarket….Sorry make that Sanctimonious Krishnamurti.

  • Republicofscotland

    “By the way…I thought David Fucking CAmeron said he would step down??”


    I’m pretty sure he said he’d stand for a second term as PM,but not a third believe that if you like.

  • Muscleguy

    @John Goss

    There are still a few undeveloped patches of original links in Scotland. Where you can imagine the origin of golf taking place, complete with rabbit holes to putt your ball into. A quite unique ecosystem and landscape. Unfortunately a lot of it has been denaturalised. The Old Course in St Andrews and the course in Carnoustie are both originally links. There’s a nice accessible patch on the seaward side of Tentsmuir forest on the NE tip of Fife next to the carpark (the Southern one) and there is a large patch preserved by the army at Barry Buddon the triangle of land that juts into the North Sea between Carnoustie and Monifieth. Though you have to wait for days they are not firing and I expect natural golf is inadvisable. I’m quite sure they find and dispose of all unexploded munitions but the site has been in use for some time . . .

    There is a cycle path between the rail line and the base and I have run along it while automatic small arms fire rang out fairly continuously to my right. Having walked around the ranges I was quite happy and of course if I was in danger so would the train passengers and the golfers on the Monifieth course on the other side of the line. But perhaps some nerve was required.

  • Mary

    Thanks Clark for the info on the scene.

    And Mark for the excerpt from Tariq Ali piece on the election. True and well written.

    I think I put up a link to it yesterday on the Illegitimate Government….. thread.

  • Mary

    Speaking of that thread,

    30,000 sign up to join Peoples Assembly demo in two days

    THIRTY thousands people have signed-up to a national anti-austerity protest since the Tories won the election.

    Around 2,500 people were attending the People’s Assembly’s “end austerity now” demonstration before Thursday, according to the Facebook page for the event.

    But the number of people preparing to hit the streets surged to 33,000 yesterday as disappointment turned to determination.

    Coaches have been organised to bring people from across Britain to the demonstration outside the Bank of England on June 20.

    People’s Assembly national secretary Sam Fairbairn believes the turnout on the day could be over 100,000.


  • Villager

    Mary, “Money Supermarket”?? You’ve lost me. Is that some kind of term used by trash people? If so, it’s lost on me.

    Btw you may not want to go to finishing school (too late), but you still could visit Brockwood Park i.e. the Centre therein situated in beautiful countryside. They may even give you a delicious free vegetarian lunch!

  • Republicofscotland

    Labour have appointed Ian Murray as Shadow Scottish Secretary,if memory serves me Ian Murray is anti-Trident.

    Also and no surprise David Mundell has been appointed Secretary of State for anywhere but Scotland.

    Expect more dodgy memos from his office similar to Frenchiegate,of which we’re still waiting on the results of an investigation,if it took place that is.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    MJ 11 May, 2015 – 1:48 pm ““Who would live anywhere else?I would. You can find comparable views all over the Lake District for instance and the climate is appreciably more hospitable.”

    average annual rainfall Edinburgh = 704.2 mm
    average annual rainfall Cumbria = 1521mm

  • Abe Rene

    UKIP have apparently rejected Farage’s resignation so that he will stay on as their leader. So what is to stop the Tories rejecting Cameron’s offer of resignation come 2020, so that he regretfully stays on as leader, leaving Boris to do a Gordon if he feels inclined. 🙂

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Robert Crawford “I think Node saw a duck spoiling it slightly?”

    Some people think “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
    I think “There’s nothing so fixed it can’t be fixed better”

  • MJ

    Node: of course the Lake District has a lot of rain, those lakes don’t get there by magic. It’s not the only consideration.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Robert Crawford : “I think nature is “perfect”.”


  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    MJ 11 May, 2015 – 4:54 pm : “Node: of course the Lake District has a lot of rain, those lakes don’t get there by magic. It’s not the only consideration.”

    Then which part of the climate were you referring to when you said about the Lake District “the climate is appreciably more hospitable”?

  • Becky Cohen

    I hate to have to break this to you Craig, but if that’s your flat up on the hill someone forgot to switch the gas off before you went for a walk today;)

  • John Goss

    Muscleguy, I’ve done a bit of that kind of ‘off-piste’ golf in Bavaria, Birmingham and Romania. The good thing about it is it’s free. In Romania I tried to get the mayor of a village interested in constructing a golf course. There is an abject shortage in Romania and the few that there are (I only found two) . A sticking point was the fact that the best part of it included a military training area which was architecturally ideal, but that was the part they would not allow to be developed. Why do the military pick our potential golf-courses to practice killing people on?

    My impression was that they had no concept of how big golf courses are and how much land they take up. Without the military part it was a non-starter.

  • John Goss

    “There is an abject shortage in Romania and the few that there are (I only found two) .” should have added “are really expensive.”

  • Mark Golding

    A philosophical perspective Robert that I appreciate. Thank-you for trusting me with the ability to ‘see’ love.

    In this parallel of course where amity is functional, and wavelengths divergent from a human continuum thru to society, state, world and beyond.

    The paradox of world power becomes self-evident if we correlate the piece by Tariq Ali with Pepe Escobar.

    A strong Germany conscious of a flawed Western strategy will seek Eastern Europe integration with EU while Britain and America enforce Western cohesion with manufactured fear of terrorism and an enemy in Russia.

    British foreign intelligence are wary of German/Russian relations(monitoring Merkels’ calls); if the scales tip(Minsk triumphs and the practical German/Russia bond strengthens) expect a major terrorist attack in Germany, ad interim, Assange is literally smoked-out and arrested while an operator in the nuclear-safe synthetic bilges of GCHQ wins the prize for triangulating the coordinates of the Edward Snowden safe-house communications…

  • Robert Crawford

    Mark Golding.

    What you say that you see, paints a picture of you, for me.

    Others do the same and finish belittling the scene, person, country or whatever the subject matter is. A great pity!!!

    What you think about, you bring about.

  • lysias

    [The U.S.’s] leaders have no understanding of what they need to do to maintain influence and allow the clowns who make the guns, and the fools who use them, to lead them by the nose

    Bevin, I’m afraid you’re quite right about the U.S.’s leaders, but there are plenty of officers who realize where their country is going wrong. (Remember, I am a retired naval officer myself. Indeed, I have worked in the E-Ring of the Pentagon, a few doors away from the offices of the Secretary of Defense.) Unfortunately, it’s the money boys who have the power.

  • lysias

    A place in the U.S. where you can get spectacular views of swans and other aquatic birds is the north shore of Fire Island east of New York City. Sunsets over the Great South Bay with swans between you and the setting sun are one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

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