Vicious Tories 264

We do not have a parliamentary system which can hold a government with an absolute majority to account, even when that government only gained 37% of the vote. This is a salutary video for all of us, but particularly my fellow SNP members who think that being on House of Commons committees will make a big difference. Watch it from 16.32.30 where Paul Flynn starts to explore the links between Liam Fox, Adam Werritty and Matthew Gould. As he threatens to uncover hidden truths, he is shouted down by Tory MP Robert Halfon and forbidden from speaking by Tory committee chair Bernard Jenkin.

The Tories will be even worse in this parliament.

Halfon has today been promoted to Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party and given a seat in the Cabinet. He is a really nasty piece of work whose political career has been sponsored and financed by a very sinister figure named Poju Zabludowicz, who works closely with Mossad. It is appalling that Zabludowicz should be able to place his puppet into the centre of government, and shows yet again that money can buy power at Westminster, every time.

It is amusing that Cameron has been forced to put David Mundell into the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Scotland. Also interesting that in the present state of opinion Cameron was not able to put in a colonial governor from the Lords or an English constituency. But whatever else may be said in Mundell’s favour, nobody has ever described him as highly intelligent, I suspect not even his mum. So it will be interesting to see how he manages his extraordinarily sensitive brief.

Labour equally had no choice but Ian Murray – which means as a shadow cabinet member he will have to stop pretending he is opposed to Trident. As anti-Trident rhetoric was the thing that saved Murray (plus disgraceful media attacks on his SNP opponent), by forcing him to become pro-Trident Scottish Labour will make a strong bid to have no MPs at all.

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264 thoughts on “Vicious Tories

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  • Muscleguy


    Well we’ll need to see the details of the Bill of Rights and how it intersects with Devolution but armies were raised and put in the field in the past on ‘they want to take away rights!’ calls in Scotland. The Covenanters were some of the most effective troops in the Civil War and most historians now realise it started here in Scotland in the Bishops Wars.

    I campaigned with RIC and would be happy to get out again and sell that one on the doorsteps. Our turn to do some scaremongering about the possible and likely abuses from the watered down stuff in the BoR.

    Repealing the HR Act and removing the right of appeal to the ECHR will have to be forced on Scotland in the teeth of SNP and Holyrood opposition. If that is not a causes belli, what is? How much of our way of life do they have to degrade before we cry ‘enough!’?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    “Becky Cohen
    11 May, 2015 – 6:17 pm

    “Did anyone else see Nicola Sturgeon looking a bit like Margaret Thatcher in her pussy bow blouse on Andrew Marr the other day?”

    Did Margaret Thatcher ever wear a Pussybow blouse?

    Do you have a picture Becky?”

    Why do you want a picture, Mr Scorgie?

  • Giyane


    “It was a real pleasure to read your post after wading through the huge amounts of..”

    Did the video of Gus O Donnell sqewering the truth by saying it wasn’t his department give you pleasure too? Of course our ambassador talks to Mossad. Prat.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Scorgie

    “The parties that promote “choice” don’t, for some reason, offer the voters the choice on the ballot papers to select – None of the above.

    In my constituency there were five candidates and I didn’t want to support any of them but, if I want to participate, I am forced to choose one of them.”

    No you’re not.

    You can go along and spoil your ballot paper.

    That should give most people with avaer

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Scorgie

    “The parties that promote “choice” don’t, for some reason, offer the voters the choice on the ballot papers to select – None of the above.

    In my constituency there were five candidates and I didn’t want to support any of them but, if I want to participate, I am forced to choose one of them.”

    No you’re not.

    You can go and spoil your ballot paper.

    That would indicate to most people of average intelligence that you are unhappy with the names on the ballot paper.

    You can go along and spoil your ballot paper.

    That should give most people with avaer

  • Republicofscotland

    “The SNP were sentient facilitators of Cameron’s victory, you could not make it up…
    My analysis”


    I have to disagree with that report,Cameron and his Tory party swept the board due to a ill informed public south of border believing that the SNP are the devil incarnate.

    When infact the reality is that the SNP are the only significant group of MPs at Westminster who oppose austerity,Trident,and a host of other por-rich policies.

    But it’s too late now,it’s become a damage limitation exercise,as the Tories seek to dismantle,the likes of Welfare and the NHS,and our human rights.

  • Mary

    Are there any visits to vicious Saudi Arabia planned for vicious Tories such as Cameron or Hammond? Similarly any visits there planned for members of the Battenberg Windsor family?

    Beheading of 5 foreigners in Saudi Arabia triggers outcry from human rights campaigners
    May 08, 2015


    I also see on RT that Agent Cameron has no intention of letting in any of the boat survivors in the Med. He’s found a handy little opt out. Shades of Tony Abbott there.

    ‘Nuclear option’: Cameron uses ‘opt-out’ to fight EU’s refugee sharing plan Prime Minister David Cameron has invoked a rarely used opt-out to European Union (EU) asylum policy in Britain’s fight against a proposal to evenly distribute refugees across member states.
    May 12 2015

  • Republicofscotland

    “Cameron and his second half seem quite nice to me.”

    Somebody get that man a doctor.

    Don’t you know Abe the female of the Tory species (torious fatalious) is far more deadly than the male.

    You could end up found dead in a designer bag in your bathroom.

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)
    12 May, 2015 – 1:33 pm

    “And a happy birthday to Cameron from me as well! And lots more happy and good ones to come, I hope.”


    You are obviously following the thread Habbabkuk but not really participating.

    Is that because your friend Robert Halfon and the Friends of Israel are being criticised?

    I noted some time ago that our resident Zionist supporters, who were previously very vocal on any mention of Israel, now keep a low profile.

    A Zionist tactic no doubt, because you always lose the argument.

  • Republicofscotland

    “I noted some time ago that our resident Zionist supporters, who were previously very vocal on any mention of Israel, now keep a low profile.”

    A Zionist tactic no doubt, because you always lose the argument.”

    Doug Scrogie.

    Im surprised Habb is acting in a recitent manner,afterall just about everyone knows that the current Tory cabinet are members of CFI.

  • John Goss

    “I think my point still stands – winning a second referendum may not be possible despite current successes for the SNP.”

    Leslie, you might be right. I suspect, however, that the massive swing to SNP was due to the promises of greater autonomy and decentralisation from Westminster that Cameron made and did not keep.

  • Republicofscotland

    Since Craig didn’t dismiss my coment asking if the Guardian newspaper’s stories are/were kosher,I’ll proceed.

    David Cameron to bring EU in out referendum forward to 2016, to avoid German and French elections.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Scorgie

    “You are obviously following the thread Habbabkuk but not really participating.

    Is that because your friend Robert Halfon and the Friends of Israel are being criticised?

    I noted some time ago that our resident Zionist supporters, who were previously very vocal on any mention of Israel, now keep a low profile.

    A Zionist tactic no doubt, because you always lose the argument.”


    With so many other things to be concerned about, you appear obsessed with Zionists here, there and everywhere.

    Why is that, Doug?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Having read Mr Hersch’s article I must confess to being distinctly unshocked.

    Now, if he had proved that 9/11 was a false flag, that might be something else.

    But as it is, he isn’t even trying to.

    So why the excitement?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    “Turns out all we were told about the SEAL raid that killed bin Laden was a pack of lies, according to Seymour Hersh in the London Review of Books. The Killing of Osama bin Laden.”


    As Craig would say – and indeed did on this thread – “do keep up!”.

    The above contributor was beaten to it one day and two threads ago.

    YouKnowMyName’s post at 15h35 on 11 May refers.

  • Mary

    Poor souls in Nepal. It must be terrifying.

    £50million so far. Pathetic relative to US/UK military expenditure.

    cf Libya 2011…military operations began, with American and British naval forces firing over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles…

    Each Tomahawk costs $1.14million.

    The million-dollar weapon
    Libya missile assault cost quarter billion dollars
    By Sharon Weinberger
    May 19, 2014

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    No, not really.

    There is no law against architects and structural engineers being nutters, is there?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Poor souls – I agree.

    However, I have no means of evaluating whether £50 million is adequate or not for relief and rebuilding. Perhaps you do, though.

    Anyway : a few days ago I asked someone on here who was trying to turn the Nepal catastrophe to political advantage whether they had done anything concrete like, for example, contributing financially to one of the Nepal appeals.

    But answer came there none!

    So could I perhaps ask you the same question?

  • Mary

    Habbabkuk has changed his e-mail address since 1.40pm on the Edinburgh. His taupe avatar has changed to green. Perhaps there are several versions of Habbabkuk. Like a chimaera.

  • Republicofscotland

    No, not really.

    There is no law against architects and structural engineers being nutters, is there?”

    Is that it?

    Is that the best you have to offer,that 2,200 architects and engineers are all nutters.

    Don’t you have some speel in the top draw of your desk that convinces sceptics,my my you’re slipping.

    All nutters that’s the worst excuse yet.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “Is that the best you have to offer,that 2,200 architects and engineers are all nutters.”


    Do you know how many architects and structural engineers there are in the US and what percentage of them 2200 represents?

    Once you have found out, your next job will be to reflect on whether it is not perfectly possible that such a small percentage of them could be nutters.

    After all, 80% of the regular contributors on here (aka the Eminences) are nutters, aren’t they.

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