It says a huge amount about the confidence of the royal family, that they feel able to respond to their Nazi home movie with nothing other than outrage that anybody should see it. They make no denial they were giving Nazi salutes, no statement that the royal family did not support the Nazis. Of course the young children had no idea of the implications. But the adults most certainly did. The missing figure is the cameraman, future King George, who was filming his wife and brother displaying the family sympathies.
The royal family were of course German themselves – completely so. Since George I every royal marriage in line of succession had been conducted in strict accordance with the Furstenprivatrecht, to a member of a German royal family. The Queen Mother, who was of course not expected to feature in promulgating the line of succession, was the first significant exception in 220 years. She was evidently trying hard to fit in. But I am not sure German-ness has much to do with it. Nazi sympathies were much more common in the aristocracy than generally admitted. Their vast wealth and massive land ownership contrasted with the horrific poverty and malnutrition of the 1930’s, led the aristocracy to fear a very real prospect of being stood against a wall and shot. Fascism appeared to offer social amelioration for the workers with continued privilege for the aristocrats. It is completely untrue that its racism, totalitarianism and violence was unknown in 1933-4. They knew what they were doing.
Happily fascism was defeated. The royal family is of course only the tip of the iceberg of whitewashed fascist support – without even starting on industrialists, newspaper proprietors, the Kennedys, etc. etc. But the Buckingham Palace option of outrage that anybody should ever remember is very sad – still more sad that such a position gets such popular support.
We never did get round to shooting the aristocrats.
I am an optimist in politics. My experience of life has taught me that altruism is a far stronger human urge than selfishness. Modern political fashion is based on the denigration of the urge to cooperation, and I do not believe will survive.
Which leads me to believe we are now living in an embarrassing past. Future generations will look back at the massive and exponentially expanding gap between rich and poor, at the super state security services and near total surveillance, at the violent wars waged in ill-disguised annexation of resources, and be amazed that people could support it. I also think that enormous shame will attach to all those who support the excruciatingly slow genocide of the Palestinians. That will be part of our embarrassing past.
I think his job is dependent on the goodwill to his friends, the pirates are still robbing Peter and Paul.
This is what undermines a system, inequality, partially the reasons why Greece went to pieces, the rich tax evaders banked in Switzerland, the City of London or any of its offshore branches.
We can only hope that the BRIC currency reforms will put an end to this parking of stale money. Bit coin looks steady and good in comparison.
I think of it as being like a plague of (fat) cats. Osborne’s the guy who is reponsible for controlling them, but he likes cats, and in fact breeds them. Still, he must be seen to be trying to get rid of them – they’ve already made a hell of a mess of the furniture – so he loads his trusty .22 with blanks and blazes away. The RSPCA has been informed that no cats will be harmed, and the public, kept some way away from the spectacle, can’t see if it’s having any effect or not, while the cats scatter, wailing pathetically, and regroup out of sight until George wants his tea. Then they return.
It’s a charade, in other words.
[ ———–]
Gerald and Maas began publishing the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide with primary supportive international treaties, in 1989, when it was out of print at the United Nations, and a year before the U.S. and Coalition began the invasion and destruction of Iraq (for the 1996 Canadian edition see: Common Rights & Expectations: primary international treaties protecting the rights of all people). These pages continue the concern for where humanity should draw the line to save groups of people vulnerable to those more powerful. Gerald and Maas is not: a registered NGO, part of a religious group, government funded, U.N. funded, corporately or academically funded.
Genocide Warnings & Updates
This is not a complete list.
Omissions are due to lack of resources or understanding.
Note the several entries for Palestine.
One of the authors J B Gerald has also produced this on the American Psychological Association’s ‘ethics’ in its complicity in torture by the USA.
On the “Ethics” of Complicity in Torture
by J.B. Gerald / July 22nd, 2015
On November 12, 2014 the American Psychological Association commissioned a study of the organization’s relationship with its own ethics guidelines, the national security establishment’s interrogation practices, and torture. Now released, the report by David H. Hoffman and others1 confirms the APA’s complicity in Department of Defense programs and the APA’s intentional misrepresentation of its role, deluding its membership and the American people. David Hoffman was formerly the Inspector General of Chicago and a Federal Prosecutor.
We thank Fl Lt Malcolm Kendall-Smith who stood up against the system and paid a high price for so doing.
For such a short entry in Wikipedia it is interesting that there have been hundreds of edits.
[ ———–]
‘UPDATE: NHS saving extra £1.3bn from generic drugs
Daily News | July 29, 2014
UPDATE: NHS saving extra £1.3bn from generic drugs
The National Health Service in England and Wales saved an extra £1.3 billion last year as usage of generic drugs rose to more than 75%, expanding patient access to potentially life-saving medicines.
Generics are now saving the NHS almost £12.3 billion a year, according to the British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA), up from a saving of nearly £11 billion in 2012.
You have just delivered a delightful ‘parry reposte’ by keeping ‘prise de fer’, Mary.
I like your little analogy Ba’al, almost worth a sketch by Bremner, Bird and Fortune. Hows your hog these days? running?
Rowson’s mind works along similar lines….
Hilarious, bet Steve Bell is working up to one as well
Michael Meacher nails his colours to the mast:
The reason Corbyn’s winning is that he rejects the Tory austerity ideology, and so do a majority of the public
The simplest explanation is often the best.
I like your little analogy Ba’al, almost worth a sketch by Bremner, Bird and Fortune.
Almost? Damn.
Hows your hog these days? running?
Very well, thanks. The new Michelin Pilot Road 4 tyres are a major improvement, and I just had the valves reshimmed. Goes like a very loud dingbat, 0-60 under 4 sec without an airborne front wheel – does need watching for that. Commuting will be a pleasure on the one day a year BT aren’t digging up the road. And yours? Joined the owner’s club yet?
This is great coming from one who sat alongside him throughout all the crimes.
John Prescott tells Tony Blair to ‘calm down’
22 minutes ago
I always felt that he had something on BLiar.
Martin – there’s nothing wrong with pink; this bloke wears it and he’s definitely straight
“God has sent Da’ish to fight against nations that want to destroy Israel. You are our brothers!” (Lamb, 2015) The Rabbi cited verses such as “The day on which Tadmor (Palmyra) is destroyed will be made a holiday (Yeb. 16b-17a)” (ibid).
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
One particularly bizarre argument which might be making Da’ish dizzy, is being made in Raqqa by Mossad agents posing as pro-Da’ish Sheiks. Their argument is that the Zionist regime occupying Palestine also wants Palmyra destroyed so why not partner with them for mutual Israeli and Da’ish benefit.
Yes Nevermind. I have my épée drawn and at the ready!
Hitler Piss—
Urinating while so drunk that it requires a stabilizing hand raised in the manner of a Nazi salute.
How many ways are Nationalistic Socialists like Commies and Soshulists?
Stalin took a piss. Putin pisses standing up. Kremlin guards goose-step in unison. So many similarities.
They call a Beemer a Hog across the pond? Something lost in the translation. Norton or Bonney would be closer.
They call a Beemer a Hog across the pond
They don’t. Nevermind was using shorthand. We understand the term chiefly applies to Hardley-Ableson or their spectacularly nasty Japanese imitations, more widely to chopped and effectively unrideable bikes of any marque. OTOH both Nevermind’s and my machines do UK corners. Mine is not a BMW, though.
Horsemuck’s unacknowledged cut ‘n paste about generic drugs for Greece looks horribly like a Eurobanker’s modern version of ‘let them eat cake’. His role here is to shill for the European genocide-bankers.
He shills for them as well when he states that coups and juntas are not going to return to Greece. The coup and junta will be for the federal European bankers when they fail to prevent Greece leaving the EU concentration camp, not for the persecuted people of Greece.
No doubt the contracts for the purchase of medicines in Greece is also controlled by the pals of the European genocide -bankers, otherwise the obvious savings would have already been made.
Pferdemist the point as usual.
Thanks for the link Baal, some interesting stuff there.
Those who backed Corbyn just out of a sense of diversity are running for cover now.
I couldn’t believe it when I heard what followed this.
McTernan said “The moronic MP’s who nominated Jeremy Corbyn, to have a debate, need their heads felt, they should be ashamed of themselves.”
One of Corbyn’s backers and former Labour deputy leader Margaret Beckett, was asked on Radio 4 if she was a moron for nominating Corbyn, to my astonishment, she replied “Yes.”
Corbyn’s candidacy for Labour leader is gaining traction in the publics eyes, and that must be a nightmare to the right wing and heart of the party, who thought they had thd game rigged.
Thanks Mark Golding for the irrefutable proof that the unhinged zionist supremacists have constituted this group of cut throats, rapists, and child molesters, and are aiding and abetting the Saudi et al murderers and rapists freed from prison to go to Syria and Iraq to carry on their rampage high on the freely available Methamphetamine (supplied by the zionists) apparently doing the God’s work; Destroying Syria and paving the way for annexation of the rest of the Golan heights, which incidentally is already under explorations for oil and gas, by a company that its’ shareholders include the Rothschild, and Murdoch!
Sorry about using the trans atlantic term Hog, its not one of those long legged dragster wannabe’s with a mile long fork, you have to fold it up to get round a bend, but a ………
Thanks for asking, the beasty does what it says on the tin, had to open her up last Tuesday between Bungay and Dis, after having to hang too long behind some sprayer tractor doing 21.5, he’s going l;eft to right as if the spray had effected him. In the end I just let rip and before you know what happens you’re at a…….. mph and I thought the old girl would not do it.
Shan’t be joining any clubs for now, it might only be a transition between something more comfy, don’t like to bend over the tank too low.
looks a bit like that, except with a full Avon Fairing.
Fancy coffee/a shandy in Whitwell tommorrow eve. sort of 6 to 7nish. Can’t promise a talk, its ‘ambient, chatty noisy’ with a fair few bikes to peruse and when they leave, you can’t hear anything.
Re my last comment, Tommy Shepards SNP MP, tells us how only 48 Labour MP’s showed up to vote against the crippling welfare bill.
Tommy said that he and 55 SNP MP’s are still struggling with the mentality of Labour,and their abstentions on matters that will severely affect the sick,poor and disabled in our society.
Tony Blair was asked yesterday if Labour in Scotland might go the way of Woolworths, he obviously replied no.
I for one see no niche in Scotland for a Labour party, they don’t represent the left of centre anymore that position has been successfully filled by the SNP, so where does a party go that no longer represents its founding principles?
Labour bar some miraculous intervention, will adhere to the laws of Darwinism in Scotland, they haven’t evolved enough to cope with the real world.
The real crux of the matter, in England, is who will represent the left of centre? now that Labour in England have evolved into a right winged beast.
At a time that Obama has stated that Islamic State, a Salafist entity created by USUKIS in Eastern Syria to achieve their strategic, hegemonist objectives in this part of the Middle East, will continue for a further 20 years, the Bell cartoon of Blair as a cloned death machine is very realistic.
Those who subscribe to the balls-up theory of modern global politics are being too kind to Blair and Bush. comments have been made on the CM blog recently that people in the UK in general supported Blair’s illegal invasion. How could that have been possible in 2003 after we had witnessed the carpet bombing of Afghanistan in 2001?
It was obvious to all of us that the territorial invasion of Iraq would be followed by a release of post-Saddam sectarian violence. What was not obvious at the time was that the Muslim-hating sadists who conducted that war such as General Petraus would use Vietnam style total destruction of infrastructure against Libya, Syria and Iraq.
Obama’s announcement that IS is to remain for another 20 years suggests to me that in their eyes much too little total destruction of infrastructure has so far been achieved to render these three countries back into the middle ages.
Secondly, in their eyes, they wish to use the Salafist state in Eastern Syria as a logistical military base for further military intervention against the -stans of the former USSR and against China.
The Bell cartoon clearly implies that the crazed robotic clone under the skin and facial features of Tony Blair is the reality.
USUKIS will lose this war against Islam, as the US lost against Vietnam. But nobody should now be mistaken about their intention: to use a false Islam to destroy the real Islam, using the crazed robotic clone of Islamic State under the facial features of a Holy Caliphah.
Mark Golding
A pro-Daish sheikh has about as much connection to Islam as the pro-Zionist archbishop of Canterbury voting for gay marriage has with the Bible.
The prophet Muhammad may God’s peace and blessings be upon him stated that if he was present when these dogs of hell were present, he would make holy war against them himself, jihad.
Reading that Syriza party members were at each others throats over huge hikes in taxes, that must be implimented immediately, amongst other strict curtailments, you realise very quickly, that very little of the bailout has, or will, filtered down to the man or woman on the street,
A new kind of conquerer has taken control of Europe, no guns or bombs are required to bring a countries economy, and ergo its people, to their knees, we are of course desribing the omnipotent powers of the banking institutions, the pen truly is mightier than the sword.
What’s more these conqueres are not fleeting, no no they’re in it for the long haul, as they tightenten their financial grip like a (voracious python) around their intended victim, in this instance Greece, others such as Spain, Portugal and Italy, have managed to slip the pythons muscular coils, for now at least.
One can only describe these banking institutions, as sophisticated and well protected loan sharks, who’ve cut their teeth, (shark teeth, no pun intended) in less fortunate countries on the African continent, where far less press coverage would be given to their financial machinations.
As with most ultra=political machinations, it’s sometimes hard to get your head into the crazed thinking of the murderous zionist nutters of USUKIS. How or why I’m not sure, but Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States are definitely in the firing sights of the USUKZionist Islamic State.
Republic of Scotland
” A new kind of conquerer has taken control of Europe, no guns or bombs are required to bring a countries economy, and ergo its people, to their knees, ”
Yes, it’s called Usury. Multiplied and compound- multiplied.
It’s the financial equivalent of a sausage, containing about 1% actual meat, the rest being fat, dye, offal, flour salt and sugar.
Delicious. I eat it myself! unless I can possibly avoid it.
Diss. Fatal attraction and years of female company deprivation at boarding schools led me to stay near my girlfriend/ future wife for a while in a room above a pub in Diss while she was training in horse management and dressage. Only the jazz bass line of the music got through the floor to my room. Dreamy days of mis-spent youth.
“Yes, it’s called Usury. Multiplied and compound- multiplied.
It’s the financial equivalent of a sausage, containing about 1% actual meat, the rest being fat, dye, offal, flour salt and sugar.”
Giyane, in my opinion there’s far more than usury, at play here, power and control, of a nation and its people, and influence over its government, are I think the driving factors.
The loans, are bait on a hidden shiny barbed hook, and once the bait has been taken, playing the fish (In this instance Greece) can begin.
The fish puts up a struggle (Syriza’s vote for no more austerity) but it’s a futile display, as the exhausted fish (Greece) approaches the boat, the final blow, (In the form of more borrowing) is when the fish is firmly hooked with the gaff, you now control the fate of the fish.
The aforementioned John McTernan on Newsnight two nights ago. 5 mins.
Labour MPs ‘morons’ to consider Jeremy Corbyn for leader – Newsnight
Two BBC harpies at the start – Wark and Stratton.
I had not appreciated he went to work for Gillard after leaving BLiar. P
Once a SPAD for Harperson too.
Unpleasant piece of work.
Diss is a funny old place, a real Tory town, with a more the than usual smattering of eccentrics, glad you like jazz.
Seen these two on a boat in Bergedorf harbour, now no more, scraped when I was youngish. enjoy