Kezia Dugdale Got Just 5,217 Votes 1642

The Labour Party is being remarkably coy about releasing the actual result of its Scottish accounting unit leadership election, giving only a percentage. The entirely complacent unionist media is complicit in what amounts to a deception. The stunning truth is that in a one person, one vote election among the entire membership of the Labour Party in Scotland plus trades union supporters, Dugdale won with 5,217 votes (out of a claimed electorate of 21,000, many of whom do not exist or could not be arsed to choose between two right wing numpties).

UPDATE: A second Labour figure just rang me to assure me my information – which was from a good source – is wrong. She would not give the actual figure and only said it was “higher”. I offered to take down the post and publish an accurate figure if she would give it, but this was declined.

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1,642 thoughts on “Kezia Dugdale Got Just 5,217 Votes

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  • Resident Dissident

    One of Mr Goss’s favourite quotations I believe

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.


    You clearly have a different view as to what “support” means from the norm – but as always the ends justify the means for your sort. BTW Harriet Harman is currently the leader of the Labour Party not Jeremy Corbyn.

  • Robert Crawford

    Mary, thanks for that.

    Funny how a sitting of Nessie that far south was not reported?

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Resident Dissident
    23/08/2015 2:45pm

    No idea at all what your quotation is supposed to illustrate, perhaps you could be a bit more coherent.

    Give me the norm, and I’ll consider your point.

    Jeremy Corbyn represents a particular strand of thinking within the Labour Party, that has always been present in the Labour Party. Many people quit the Labour Party in disquiet at its takeover by the free-market and frequently corrupt ideologues. They presumably went to smaller parties whose ways of thinking were akin to the left-wing strand within the Labour Party, as a second best. Now that there appears to be a resurgence of left-wing opinions and ideas among the grass roots of the Labour Party, people are interested in supporting it and returning to it. If they abandon the smaller parties and return to wholeheartedly supporting the Labour Party because of that, I regard that as an excellent thing. If you and your sort don’t like it, too bad.


  • Tsar Bomba

    @JSD – Its incredible how all the different type of rubbish is ganged up against Corbyn, but its also very puzzling – they all seem to have a very low opinion of the labour voters’ intelligence? Surely if a conservative devil is dead set against Corbyn, one would expect labour voters to be even MORE determined to vote him in? If I found a habba look alike exhorting me to vote against a Mary, you can be sure I would be camped at the polling booth to be the first to cast my vote for her, yet these presstitutes in the media still expect the labour voters to behave otherwise ?! Its very strange where this hubris is coming from. Is it satanic?

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Tsar Bomba
    23/08/2015 3:28pm

    I’m afraid I am not much of a believer in demonic influences upon the corporeal world. Human beings are mean enough by themselves, in my opinion. I fear you and I will have to agree to part company there.

    Kind regards,


  • Robert Crawford


    Correction, auld age.

    Funny how a sighting (not sitting) of Nessie that far south was not reported?

  • Resident Dissident

    “they all seem to have a very low opinion of the labour voters’ intelligence?”

    It is because I have a very high opinion of Labour and other voters intelligence – having spoken to not a few over many many years including in 1983, that I know that the politics espoused by Jeremy Corbyn is going to achive absolutely nothing. I still haven’t had a sensible answer to the questions I asked a while back as to how the proposed National Investment Bank would be set up – who would be employed, how would its investments be chosen etc. etc. – at the moment we just have the same slogans and the Bennite investment track record of British Leyland and Concorde and people like Mary calling for the already nationalised Network Rail to be nationalised again. Rather than the usual sloganizing and protesting could we at least have a little meat on the bones?

  • Resident Dissident


    “If they abandon the smaller parties and return to wholeheartedly supporting the Labour Party because of that, I regard that as an excellent thing”

    Perhaps if we could see some evidence of their abandonment of the other parties given that they supporting said parties less than 3 months ago – then it might fall within the “norm” regarding support rather than opportunism. Perhaps if they showed rather more respect to the existing members of the Party and its other non Bennite traditions – rather than assigning meaningless labels and insults (e.g free-market and frequently corrupt ideologues) then such support for the Party might be seen as “norm” rather than just opportunistic entryism.

  • Resident Dissident


    The first part of my message at 2:45pm was intended to be addressed to you.

  • fedup

    Rather than the usual sloganizing and protesting could we at least have a little meat on the bones?

    The resident; economists, management guru, strategist, everlasting know it all, and pollster general has thus divined!

    Answers on the back of a stamp sized parchment, cuz whatever the idea is rubbish already and best not waste the esteemed resident; economists, management guru, strategist, everlasting know it all, and pollster general.

    What an odious character with such an otiose mission?

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Resident Dissident
    23/08/2015 4:10pm

    Perhaps what they were supporting were ideas. Perhaps registration as a supporter of the Labour Party could be taken as evidence of abandonment of the other parties, because these ideas, that were always present within the Labour Party, appear to be shifting back into respectability. I seem to remember that people with these kinds of ideas were told to put up, shut up, or get out. So they got out. Now that the Labour Party is returning to its radical roots, they are getting back in. I think they are fully entitled to do that.

    I don’t regard either “free-market ideologue” or “corrupt” as either meaningless or insulting. I think they’re very straightforward, unlike meaningless labels and insults such as “your sort”.


  • John Spencer-Davis

    Resident Dissident
    23/08/2015 4:12pm

    No idea at all what your quotation is supposed to illustrate, perhaps you could be a bit more coherent.


  • Republicofscotland

    “Thank you for that, RoS. I hope you will not be less impressed if I tell you that (1) the sea was very calm, and (2) practically no wind and (3) I am a rather strong swimmer (amongst other physical accomplishments).”


    Oh well go on then I know you’re dying to tell us of your other physical accomplishments.

    You know I once held my breath for a good 25 seconds when some blighter let one go in a rather packed elevator.

  • fedup

    You know I once held my breath for a good 25 seconds when some blighter let one go in a rather packed elevator.

    Republicofscotland I have tears streaming down my cheeks, ROFL

  • Ba'al Zevul

    While I certainly see the point RD is making – how will Corbyn restore sanity to the country’s finances? I question whether any of the other candidates, let alone any notional Party consensus, have any costed ideas either.

    The default assumption is that we are going to follow where Osborne has led, accepting that we would sell our own grandmothers to ISIS for their value as bonemeal to achieve a minor headline reduction in the deficit. (I see the Met Office will be the next grandmother). A subsidiary assumption being that it is working – the accounts show clearly that it isn’t – or that it might work in future, which, lacking any investment in actual production and any restraint on untrammelled market speculation, it won’t.

    Corbyn is the only candidate seriously disputing the globalist agenda. If he wins, I will join the Labour Party.

  • Mary

    The Age of Imperial Wars
    From Regional War, “Regime Change” to Global Warfare
    By Prof. James Petras

    August 22, 2015

    2015 has become a year of living dangerously.

    Wars are spreading across the globe.

    Wars are escalating as new countries are bombed and the old are ravaged with ever greater intensity.

    Countries, where relatively peaceful changes had taken place through recent elections, are now on the verge of civil wars.

    These are wars without victors, but plenty of losers; wars that don’t end; wars where imperial occupations are faced with prolonged resistance.

    There are never-ending torrents of war refugees flooding across borders. Desperate people are detained, degraded and criminalized for being the survivors and victims of imperial invasions.

    Now major nuclear powers face off in Europe and Asia: NATO versus Russia, US-Japan versus China. Will these streams of blood and wars converge into one radiated wilderness drained of its precious life blood?


    Petras covers all bases so the piece is necessarily rather long.

  • Mary

    Can Dave and Gideon flog off the Met Office and if so, will they? Is it not of strategic importance in their warring?

    Another Q. Why has the BBC decided to end its 93 yr old contract with the Met Office? Seems odd when the Met Office is so embedded in the BBC’s output.

    Met Office loses BBC weather forecasting contract after 93 years
    Broadcaster says it is legally required to open contract to competition to secure best value but will continue to use Met’s severe weather warnings

  • Republicofscotland

    “Republicofscotland I have tears streaming down my cheeks, ROFL”

    Fedup it had to be done otherwise my first lung fill of air would have been

    Thanks for the Frank Olson link, it would appear he was murdered to stop him from speaking about the use of chemical warfare by the Americans during the Korean war.

    I found the scenes of Olson junior looking at his dads exhumed body, which was jet black and in a state of decay, touching and disturbing at the same time.

    Imagine coming face to face with a exhumed parent, whom you loved, how would you feel?

  • fred

    “Furthermore, prior membership of another party (radical Left or Green) should not be a bar to being a supporter. Labour is welcoming people back who would have been supporters/members during the Blair/Brown years, but stayed away or let their memberships lapse. The talk of Left entryism is seriously overblown.”

    I can accept that people could leave other parties to support Labour and vote for Corbyn. The question is would these people continue to support Labour should Corbyn lose? Why should people who did not support Labour prior to the election and could well not support Labour after the election get a vote in the Labour leadership election?

  • Tsar Bomba

    Mary – “These six people are not waiting around any longer.”

    Similarly the mostly brown 7-11 operators(including sikhs) who have taken a lot of late night stick all these years accused of being responsible for 911 intend to band together to file a trillion (yes only in America) dollar class action suit, based essentially on the proof of the now ludicrous harleyguy/levanthal interview shown on NBC one hour after the collapse. A sample of the long list of respondents jointly and severally liable (a trillion dollars is at stake plus further punitive damages) to be read out to the grand jury below.

    rabbi zakheim
    bandar bosh
    sivan kurzberg

  • Mary

    Macky I put up that link a little earlier! 🙂

    This is an update which includes a list of signatories and their occupations.

    Jeremy Corbyn’s opposition to austerity is actually mainstream economics
    It is the current government’s policy and its objectives that are extreme, not the Labour leadership candidate’s

    Jeremy Corbyn wins correspondents’ support for voting against the £12bn in cuts in the welfare bill. Photograph: Jeff Overs/BBC/PA

  • Jon

    Resident Dissident,

    Clearly those who support Left Unity, the Green Party or similar who have registered as supporters have lied when they filled in their applications. It is quite noteworthy how you and JSD and others who support Corbyn have failed to mention this condition.

    I fear I will have to disappoint you: I actually agree that people in the Green Party or Left Unity (who intend to remain in those parties) should not be able to vote in the Labour Party. I think if they were to move to the Labour Party it would be fine, however.

    It’s worth noting the key difference here: people who vote for Corbyn as a LP supporter whilst remaining part of the Green/LU movements are doing so out of a good-faith belief in a broad Left approach – those in the Tory party are doing so, as they see it, as an act of sabotage.

  • Macky

    Mary; “Macky I put up that link a little earlier!”

    Just making sure that Ba’al Zevul noticed it ! 😉

    I’m sure that there are many who will rejoin Labour if JC became leader, yet are reluctant to resign from “Left Unity, the Green Party or similar” just in case he doesn’t win.

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