The Labour Party is being remarkably coy about releasing the actual result of its Scottish accounting unit leadership election, giving only a percentage. The entirely complacent unionist media is complicit in what amounts to a deception. The stunning truth is that in a one person, one vote election among the entire membership of the Labour Party in Scotland plus trades union supporters, Dugdale won with 5,217 votes (out of a claimed electorate of 21,000, many of whom do not exist or could not be arsed to choose between two right wing numpties).
UPDATE: A second Labour figure just rang me to assure me my information – which was from a good source – is wrong. She would not give the actual figure and only said it was “higher”. I offered to take down the post and publish an accurate figure if she would give it, but this was declined.
Regarding Owen Jones’ article.
“The Labour leadership frontrunner, Jeremy Corbyn, has been a long-term supporter of the Palestinian justice movement. He could not possibly have known the personal backgrounds of every individual who has joined him at the many rallies he has attended over the years. Some of these people were antisemitic.”
Who? Let’s see some names.
So what? I dare say there have been anti-Semites at every rally ever attended by any politician since 1945.
“And while the vast majority of people involved in the movement are – like myself – driven by a passionate support for self-determination, there is a minority that indulges antisemitic tropes. These ideas have to be defeated.”
Who? Let’s see some names.
Which ideas? Let’s see some detail, with examples.
In context, more Jeremysmear.
“But some passionate supporters of Palestinian justice deny antisemitism exists and regard all accusations of it as an attempt to shut down criticism of Israel.”
Who? Let’s see some names.
“…they treat antisemitism as a political device constructed by militant supporters of Israeli occupation. And in doing so, they fail to properly scrutinise it within their own ranks; there are those who are soft on it.”
Who? Let’s see some names.
“There are those who imply that Jewish people are somehow synonymous with the Israeli government”
Who? Let’s see some names. (I’ll give one. Giyane, yesterday.)
“And some use terms like “Jewish lobby”, a classic antisemitic trope suggesting there is an organised Jewish cabal exercising behind-the-scenes influence worldwide.”
Okay. I intensely dislike the phrase “Jewish lobby” myself, but I think it unlikely that most people use it with anti-Semitic intent. Is there a lobby of influential people pushing a pro-Israeli agenda, a large percentage of whom are Jewish? Of course there is. I think Jones is right that “Jewish lobby” is a bad phrase and should not be used.
All in all, not an impressive article. Exactly one person named: Jeremy Corbyn.
It’s hard to avoid the suspicion that the article was written around the couple of sentences linking Corbyn and anti-Semitism, I’m afraid.
Kind regards,
Ba’al Zevul; “The conclusion emerging from its recent sniggers is that patriotism is a fine and noble thing when Putin does it on an industrial scale, at the expense of his neighbours, with a subservient judiciary and 95% coverage of the State media, but not for anyone else. Is that right, Macky? Or should I write that in little words for you?”
After your attempted comparison to Ukraine with Palestine, I guess that you must have a forte for ridiculously false equivalences; there’s nothing wrong in being proud of your country, but everything wrong in being proud of it even when it acts immorally, but not obviously for an amoral person like yourself, who has repeatedly expressed a “My Country, Right or Wrong” rationale as excusing all the pro-war propaganda & demonising Russophobia that you keep digging up from suspect sources; even on this very thread, you stated, “Sure I’ll support my country. My country isn’t Russia, and I don’t want to see Russia here. Much better the devil I know.”, and within a five minute search I found another similar comment;
“If, god forbid, push comes to shove, it is NATO, not the Kremlin, which will be defending my interests, so I am naturally biased in its favour.”
So no interest in wrong or right, no Just Cause but just self-interest; the sort of cavalier red neck attitude of “kill them all, let God find his own”. This, as well as your frank admittance that you are knowingly posting pure propaganda, via your “Just providing a little balance”, underscores why everything you say & post about Russia has to be considered as contaminated by irrationality & prejudice, rather than to be viewed as reasoned objective analysis.
Alcyone; “You work, Komodo???!!!”
Yes I noticed that slip too; so a self-declared ex-military person, with fighter plane experience, is now working alongside a couple of Russians; hmm, would certainly explain why he has instant access to so much Russophobic material, even stuff in Russian ! Maybe he has more in common with Habby than many suspected, although Giyane seems to known given his recent “Ba’al=atant of trolls” hints ! ;0
Dreoilin; “I’m not ashamed of being female.”
How can a shameless person ever be ashamed of anything !? However I imagine that there are many females readers of this blog that are pretty ashamed of you.
Anyhow you still got the rest of your life to try & substantiate one of your never-ending smears against me, so there you go, another reason to live !
“Owen Jones is a NuLabour creep. His timing on this was probably arranged in the hope of causing damage to Jeremy Corbyn who has not one anti-Semitic bone in his body.”
Oh that must be why he is supporting Jeremy Corbyn and working for his campaign team
he does however seemed to have worked you out Mary.
JSD also appears to have been caught out as well. LOL.
“How can a shameless person ever be ashamed of anything !?”
Possibly a question Macky should be answering herself before interrogating others?
Resident Dissident
26/08/2015 10:25pm
Is he, indeed? If so, then that is quite funny.
I think most of my comments stand, however. Not an impressive article, and remarkably ill-judged and ill-timed for a supporter of Corbyn.
Tonight’s essay topic for Mary, JSD, Macky, Jon etc. “Why unity on the far left is impossible and why factionalism is an historical inevitability”
Resident Dissident
26/08/2015 10:36pm
What on earth for? Sometimes you really are incomprehensible.
“Possibly a question Macky should be answering herself before interrogating others?”
Hey RD ! Stop nicking my comments ! Can’t you think of any yourself !
RD has been posting ceaselessly and excessively some would say. No comment though on NHS privatisation.
RD: “Why unity on the far left is impossible and why factionalism is an historical inevitability”
Because the Left is full of faux pseudo Lefties who don’t consider themselves as the reactionary Right Wingers that they really are,and who are encouraged by the bend-over dreamy useful idiots seeking to work & make common cause with them. We have both in abundance on this very blog !
Meant to say to RD ‘Watch out for repetitive strain injury when using the keyboard.’
How Jeremy keeps his cool with these inane questions from reporters I do not know. Here is the BBC’s Vicky Young. Same old. Same old. Hamas. Leaving NATO. Unelectable as a PM.
Labour leadership campaign: What drives Jeremy Corbyn?
2 hours ago
In just over two weeks time, the public will find out who will be Labour’s next leader, with the party maintaining the process is fair and valid.
In the latest BBC profile of the candidates, Vicky Young has been to find out more about Labour leader hopeful, Jeremy Corbyn.
Thanks for the news Clark appreciated; Oedipus Rex was shouting so loud I had trouble with your words.
There will be 820 peers after tomorrow when Cameron adds another 40. 7 of his own candidates have been rejected by an appointments committee as being unsuitable. Wonder why.
Revealed: Seven peerages blocked after failing vetting process
As the Government prepares to announce more than 40 new appointments to the House of Lords, it can be revealed that seven people who had been nominated were turned down by Whitehall’s appointments commission
– More than half of the vetoed nominations were for ex-MPs from Labour, the Lib Dems and other minor parties, it is believed. The remainder are Conservative donors.
– The Prime Minister is today expected to announce between 20 and 30 new Conservative peers. Around ten Labour figures will be sent to the House of Lords alongside 11 Liberal Democrats.
Disenfranchising 56000 people due to some trumped up reasons; belong to other parties! How can anyone determine with certainty if anyone belongs to any party in UK?
I have already asked this question; how many people in UK belong to to a political party?
It is evident that the nulabour puppets are busy discounting anyone who is joining in to vote for Corbyn. The trite charges of antisemi….. whilst the Muslims are getting beat up, racially harassed (but they are not a race! as the zionist vermin would retort), and getting killed over there and over here. The talk is about antisemi…… and charges of antisemi… thrown at anyone who disagrees with any of the venal practices of the bastards whom verily believe in their entitlement to the levers of power to remain in their precious hands!
The man who shot the two Virginia newscasters was mentally unbalanced. Video surfaces apparently showing TV gunman Vester Flanagan in car park road rage confrontation. There’s no reasonable explanation for what he did this morning.
For insomniacs who might have half an hour to spare: Larry Hamm being interviewed by Chris Hedges on ‘Days of Revolt’, a programme put out by Telesur, which is the state broadcaster of Venezuela…
(it’s quite relevant to what’s happening in the UK)
Clark, nice to see that you and Craig are having a piss-up north of the border whilst the world continues to go to hell in a handbasket. I don’t do smileys, but I’m sure you won’t take me out of context.
Ba’al Zevul; “and 95% coverage of the State media”
Well if that’s true, then we’re not too far behind, and the motivation here isn’t the national interest, but (even more) private wealth;
“These 5 people not only own 80% of the newspapers we read every day, they also own TV stations, press agencies, book companies, cinemas, so everything we think or speak about in Britain is nearly controlled entirely by these 5 men.”
This Man is in Scotland This weekend… Can’t wait to See him.
The past few months I have been perusing human rights reports on Operation Protective Edge, the protracted massacre that Israel unleashed on Gaza during summer 2014. It humbles to witness, via these reports, the courage of the people of Gaza. People often praise my bravery; I am always inwardly embarrassed, because I am one of the world’s most distinguished cowards. I dread death almost as much as I fear standing between Alan Dershowitz and a television camera. If you want real courage, read the stories of Gaza’s doctors, nurses and rescue teams driving ambulances into an inferno in the full knowledge that they are being targeted by Israeli precision missiles.
I bow my head to the people of Gaza. Although a resolute atheist, I still want to say: May God bless them.”
Norman Finklestine –
BrianFujisan; “This Man is in Scotland This weekend… Can’t wait to See him.”
You are in for a real entertaining treat, humble, down to earth, yet mercilessly passionate & deadly scathing !
Meeting him last year was`a major highlight & great honour, as I got to speak with him & to thank him for his work & inspiration.
“Dreoilin; “I’m not ashamed of being female.”
Don’t edit, Macky. I said, “I don’t try to pass myself off as a male, because I’m not ashamed of being female.”
“How can a shameless person ever be ashamed of anything !?”
Why don’t you tell us? After all, you’re the expert.
“Dreolin, the Irish may claim the expression as their own, but it was most famously used by an Australian politician about someone who at the time was a fellow Australian”
Robert Menzies? And his grandparents were Scottish? It’s possible the expression was used in both Ireland and Scotland, given the strong links between the two over generations. It’s also possible that the original expression was in the Irish language and was translated into English as many such things were. I tried to find out the origin of the expression via Google today, but there’s nothing there. Anyway, thanks for the info, Old Mark!
Glad to see you back, Clark. And especially after such a good festival. Bound to have done you good.
Do you think that Craig will be up to joining us soon? (what with all those 16 hour shits and all – what on earth was he eating?)
RD: “Tonight’s essay topic for Mary, JSD, Macky, Jon etc. “Why unity on the far left is impossible and why factionalism is an historical inevitability””
Not wishing to speak for the above-mentioned… but the short answer is probably because those on the left think for themselves, and – unlike the Reich-wing like yourself – don’t simply start goose-stepping behind their Fuhrer^W leader upon command.
Mary : “How Jeremy keeps his cool with these inane questions from reporters I do not know. Here is the BBC’s Vicky Young. Same old. Same old. Hamas. Leaving NATO. Unelectable as a PM. ”
[Links provided but not reproduced]
Mary – would you kindly stop reproducing and promoting anti-Corbyn propaganda. Thank you.
That is in large part how search engines work. They look for links to a source, and the more there are, the more they regard that source as worthy of listing as a search result. By persistently linking anti-Corbyn posts here, you serve the purpose of making those links you’ve helpfully provided rise to the top of search results.
“This Man is in Scotland This weekend… Can’t wait to See him.”
I’d love to hear him speak – although I’ve often watched him on YouTube.
If you ever get a chance, Brian, go and see Shlomo Sand speaking about his book, “The Invention of the Jewish People”. I went down to see him in Cork and found him fascinating.
Goodnight all
If this is the being exposed I am still proud of it. It’s purpose was to save lives. Minsk and Minsk 2 had already been broken by your beloved Poroshenko and his Nazi stormtroopers.
You do make yourself look silly. Puff, puff away, keep puffing out your anti-Putin puffball dust. Your credibility, already wafer thin, is starting to flake irretrievably.
Come up with something pro-Kiev not anti-Putin (Russian) and others might give you some street cred. Nobody has made any suggestion that Ba’al is working alongside your wife so no false accusations.
Brian, Norman Finklestein has done great work. And let’s not forget your own Dermot Macward. It was a great pleasure for me to shake his hand on the Big Ride. Like NF says it is not one person but the whole team involved and all the supporters. Until Palestne is free there can be no compromise against the mass-murderers and land thieves.
As Dreoilin said earlier and Jack Warner before her “Goodnight All”.
Macky :
An excellent example of toxic narcissist thinking. The only error you could possibly admit to, is one in which you were too generous – too kind – and only failed to appreciate the manifest failings in another.
I’m fedup with Fedup just shouting me down with gobbldeygook.
He says Muslims are getting beaten up in racist attacks. Could that possibly be because they are not practising Islam. The Asian community, including the imams have concealed their aggressive intentions at colonising this country, in return for past British crimes. The plan , as presented in numerous lectures I have attended in the mosques is to acquire wealth and power by whatever means, including haram means, mortgages, illicit sex with English girls, spying, agtressive elbowing out of others in the workplace, growing long scary beards, joining Muslim fascist groups like Taliban, Al Qaida and now Islamic State.
In other words being generally abusive and annoying until the UK community gets fed up with them. Then the plan is to fight it out as we saw in Birmingham in the riots in 2011:
Within the Asian community I live in parent governors attempted to bully the local schools staff into changing their policies and curriculums.
What the Asian Muslims including the imams have failed to understand is that the UK is not a polytheist society of deepest ignorance like the Hindus. It is basically a Christian society and most of its inherent decency, patience and law-abidingness which they love so much, comes from UK society’ historical adherence to the Book, i.e the Gospels and the Bible. In Islam people of the book are to be treated in a totally different way to people who worship spirits and objects.
This is because people of the Book share 95 % of the core values of Islam. Christians are strict adherers to the divine texts they have received and the Qur’an makes it clear that those scriptures have been changed, in particular in respect of attributing to Jesus many of the attributes which in Islam are clearly reserved for God alone. Christians are better at sticking to their scripture than Muslims to theirs.
But the Muslims until recently knew nothing about the Arabic book which they received and most of them until recently were told by their imams not to try to understand it. As a result dark and ignorant habits have crept into Islam, which politicians and colonialists have exploited to the full. The only reason why spying, takfirism, borrowing on interest, aggression to foreigners have become commonplace in Islam is vast ignorance and neglect of the Qwr’an.
The level of spying on myself living as I do and working as I do in Asian Birmingham has got so bad that even the children in the street, having overheard malicious gossip about me from their parents would curse me openly as they walk past my house. muslim employers were presented with a comprehensive list of my ‘crimes’ presumably by Asian spies working for MI5. These employers therefore thought it reasonable to insult me and vilify me and shout at me, while of course competely ignoring the naughty things their own community was doing.
Let’s get this straight. What makes you a kafir? Does committing sins make you a disbeliever? No. What makes you a disbeliever is when you say God got it wrong, God doesn’t understand or God doesn’t mind us breaking his laws if we are helping Islam. We are human so we commit sins, but we turn to |God for forgiveness. The only thing Hod doesn’t accept is when we challenge God’s authority to set those commands.
One member of Islamic State stated that God allows us to us any means to promote Islam, including deception, murder, theft of land. they can only get away with saying such appalling things because of the total ignorance of the teachings of Islam within the Muslims, and the total misrepresentation of Islam by the enemies of Islam.
Fedup, you can be boring, but so can I. I’m not going to let you shout me down. it doesn’t help the cause of Islam to defend Muslim stupidity and ignorance. it doesn’t help Muslims to claim that they are victims, when they are the perpetrators of aggression. it doesn’t help for you to accuse me of racism when I have turned my back on the society i came from and I live and work amongst Muslims.
You did improve for a time and logical argument was seen in your contributions here on CM. But you have returned to smackhead nonsense and stupid accusations now.
If the Muslims spy on me because I am not one of their race they are committing the smaller Islamic sin of racism. But if they are saying that they don’t have to obey the clear command of Allah repeated at least 3 times in the Qur’an not to spy on other Muslims, and spread malicious gossip about them from what they have discovered by spying, then they are kafirs.disbelievers because they are saying God didn’t know what He was talkng about.
Muslims are not allowed to pick and choose what they want from their religion. Anyone who claims that it is acceptable to spy, except in the case of the state/police searching for information about state crimes, is a kafir. They have no place in Islam. If the state delegates the task of spying on the Muslims to particular Muslim groups, as is the case in the UK and in Kurdistan, those groups have no authority whatsoever in Islam to broadcast that information to any third parties. this is an evil practise and an abuse of power.
Anybody who does it is breaking the laws of Islam and anyone who says that it is permitted in Islam is by definition not a Muslim because they are saying God is wrong. Therefore when it happened while I was staying there in the Kurdish mosque by Salafi groups who are paid by government to spy on Muslims, the non-Salafi imam roundly and publicly denounced what the Salafis had done in front of the whole congregation.
“Wish I’d been able to make it! Maybe next time, eh? I did manage to get to the Kelburne Festival in Ayrshire last year – some lovely music in the woods and all around the estate, and very friendly, too, so if it’s anything like that…”
It was exactly that, lovely music and friendly people lots of children were catered for and everyone had a great time. The secret to a good festival is to cater for children, the more the better, because if the children have a great time get lots of exercise and excitement, they are tired and sleep, which means that the parents also get some rest and enjoyment.
I was looking out for your hat Suhayl, maybe another time. I would not have been able to do much as the pressure of working behind the bar for ten hours/day is relentless, have not changed as many barrels of beer since I worked in a busy pub.
lets hope it was all worth it.
A little episode…
A man came in on Friday carrying his one year old toddler on his arms, he asked for a pint of dasraught and a slice of lemon for the boy. I handed it to the little chap and he took it and bit into it with no fuss.
On Saturday he came back in the after noon, this time on his dads shoulders. This time I had the lemon slice ready and handed it to him before dad got his pint, you would not have believed the big smile I got.
Same on sunday, it was such a lovely moment and I will never forget his smile.
Was good to see the Ramsgate crew, meet Brian, Clark, and many other helpers I remembered from the First Doune. Good to enjoy some good music and relaxed drinking of fine Williams ales.
dooh, ‘draught’.