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286 thoughts on “Independence Meeting Tonight

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  • Republicofscotland

    “A small pro-Indy demo just marched under my balcony. I had no idea it was going to happen.”

    That is the very thing that made, makes, the pro-indy movement such a beautiful thing, it can inspire small grassroots movements anytime anywhere.

    Unlike the no camp who at times had to bus in paid lackeys from the rest of the UK, because, no one in Scotland wanted to spread project fears lies.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    That would seem to be the case, MJ. Try this:

    A successful meme which utterly discredits anything Sheridan has ever said or done. Now I can’t say I’m a fan of Sheridan’s, but compare the number of hits with this:

    And Rifkind’s mate Aitken wasn’t lying about going to a strip club, but about accepting inducements from the Saudis while MInister for Defence Procurement. That was worth 18 months, apparently. Sheridan got 3 years.

    And Aitken was last seen hanging round UKIP meetings. There are certainly parallels…

  • Republicofscotland

    That’s a good line up of speakers Craig, I enjoyed Ivan McKee’s speeches and talks during the 2014 indy ref, if I recall he’s based in Newcastle.

    Dennis Canavan was a die-hard Labour man, who makes his point gracefully and believable along with the now deceased Jimmy Reid, who said “I never left the Labour party, they left me.” They are/were, in Jimmys case, inspirational.

  • Republicofscotland

    Saturday’s Hope Over Fear Rally, and it is just that hope over fear, will be a wonderful event with live music, and activities for the kids. I’m so proud to see that even although it’s one year on from the indy ref, people still feel hopeful that a new future can lie ahead, without the interference of Westminster.

    We lost the indy ref, and it was a very disappointing feeling, but as the rallies name says hope still burns bright that the goal of independence can be achieved.

  • Republicofscotland

    “hi Craig,you say you’re going to be speaking at the ‘Hope over Fear’ rally in George Square on Saturday.Does this mean that you will be sharing a platform with the convicted perjurer,’Tommy Sheridan’?”

    Tommy may have his flaws, and I’m sure you do as well, as do I. People tend to forget that Tommy was jailed for six months for stopping a warrant, over the Poll Tax. Or that Tommy was again jailed for demonstrating at Faslane over nuclear weapons.

    I’m not saying that Tommy is an angel, he’s not but with regards to Scottish independence his hearts in the right place.

  • International Mothers' Help

    Harry Law, the contra position will be ably defended by 312 undercover MI5 agents, if they can just briefly stop trying to impregnate all the women there.

  • Charles Haggerty

    Craig,I’ve read all the comments which have been made in regard to the question I asked you.And frankly not one of them has any substance.But before you answer,it may be worth asking yourself this question;’What kind of monster,implicates an unborn child in their self-serving lies’? Thanking you in anticipation of your answer.

  • BrianFujisan


    ” That is the very thing that made, makes, the pro-indy movement such a beautiful thing, it can inspire small grassroots movements anytime anywhere.”

    True, The Video, and Torchlight Event in Gourock, that I posted @ 4;11 am, Took place in less than 24 hours notice.

  • MJ

    “What kind of monster,implicates an unborn child in their self-serving lies?”

    If a politician who uses a common variation of the “to spend more time with my family” formula, in order to make a hasty exit before he is pushed, is a “monster”, what do we call one who slaughters thousands of unborn children with bombs: a “Tony Blair”?

  • harry law

    Charles Haggarty. Did he [Tommy Sheridan]or did he not go to a swingers club, then lie about it. Most members of the Scottish Socialist Party [SSP] executive thought he had, and that all 19 members of the executive thought he should stand down Mention had been made of the Clinton-Lewinsky affair and how the denial of it had turned out to be the most damaging aspect; I don’t think that is fair on Clinton. My recollection is that after a disagreeable meal at the White House, Clinton asked Lewinsky to ‘sack my cook’ how was he to know Monica was hard of hearing?

  • craig Post author

    Harry Law et al,

    Tommy is a very pleasant person. I actually don’t care in the least whether he went to a swinger’s club.

    Once you live as long a I have, you have accumulated life experiences. On several occasions over the years friends of mine – of both sexes in fact – have asked me to lie for them to cover up marital infidelity. It’s a fairly recognisable part of the human condition. I don’t know the facts of the Sheridan case, but it doesn’t worry me.

    It is very possible, you know, that you are not in fact perfect yourself either. I have never pretended to be good, let alone perfect, myself.

  • fred

    “Just a note from the sidelines: In response to Nicola Sturgeon yesterday querying the commitment of the Tories to devolution, and promising to push for another referendum if they didn’t buck their ideas up, Cameron came away with the statement that more votes had been cast for No than had ever been cast in Scotland for any political party.”

    The Scottish government negotiated the terms of the Smith report along with the other parties, a consensus was reached and Nicola Sturgeon signed it to say the Scottish government agreed with it. Then was the time to be saying they want more not when the bill is going through Parliament and negotiation was the way to get more not threats and bullying.

    Happy Union Day BTW.

  • harry law

    Craig, I agree with every word you say, and I admire you when you recognize that we all have feet of clay, mine are in fact probably bigger than yours, I am a lot older than you and understand and sympathize his personal problems. I too would speak on a platform with Tommy, and hope he succeeds [as a socialist]in his future political career.

  • Habbbakuk (la vita e' bella!)


    Not wishing to go off-topic on this new thread, I have replied to you on the “SNP Labour and Internal Democracy” one.

  • Habbbakuk (la vita e' bella!)

    Craig was just publicising a public meeting debate in which he will be taking part.

    Why all this heated excitement about his co-speakers?

    Some people lead such dull lives by the look of it.

  • fred

    The Scottish government has been unable to find someone to take the post of chief scientific advisor. The last chief stood down in December last year since when the post has remained unfilled. Professor Tony Trewavas chairman of Scientific Alliance Scotland, said: “Why should anyone take up the post when this government seems antagonistic to the advice it’s going to get? The whole impression I get from this Scottish Government is that it doesn’t really like scientific advice at all.”

  • Republicofscotland

    “The Scottish government negotiated the terms of the Smith report along with the other parties, a consensus was reached and Nicola Sturgeon signed it to say the Scottish government agreed with it. Then was the time to be saying they want more not when the bill is going through Parliament and negotiation was the way to get more not threats and bullying.”

    So much for the delivering of the “Vow”then, you know it’s all a web of deceit when even Gordon Brown comes out and says the vow hasn’t been delivered. Mind you people knew that in the first place, with only 9% claiming it had.

    Infact the ink wasn’t even dry on the lie, known as the Vow, when David Cameron began spouting his EVEL plan 24 hours later.

    Lies were and still are the main stay of the unionist parties, only welfare is safe in the union, said Project Fear, fast forward a year and IDS has killed more people than Ebola.

  • Clark

    Ba’al Zevul, 2:22 pm, thanks for your link, which I shall re-post due to its importance regarding the ‘phone hacking’ inquiry:

    Your link lead to another which raises truly alarming questions regarding penetration of the British criminal justice system by criminals within Murdoch’s news media empire, police, and government departments – a gang of highly organised murderers:

  • Republicofscotland

    The Scottish government has been unable to find someone to take the post of chief scientific advisor. The last chief stood down in December last year since when the post has remained unfilled. Professor Tony Trewavas chairman of Scientific Alliance Scotland, said: “Why should anyone take up the post when this government seems antagonistic to the advice it’s going to get? The whole impression I get from this Scottish Government is that it doesn’t really like scientific advice at all.

    The most unionist rag in Scotland and it has the misfortune to call itself the Scotsman, does anyone still read it? never mind buy it?

    Poor wee scientific advisor Tony Trewavas, who studied plant physiology, is upset with the Scottish government, reason? Well in my opinion it’s because Scotland has prohibited GM crops.

    Why has it prohibited GM crops? Well again in my opinion it’s to protect the respected and desired Scottish fresh food industry, which is worth billions around the globe.

    Of course it could be that Trewavas is just a lickspittle for the no camp, it certainly looks that way.

    The Scotsman, what a misnomer, at least it made me chuckle.

  • Republicofscotland

    “Nice weather for tomorrow. Make it a big turnout. Will BiBiCee Scotland report it though”

    Brilliant Mary, the way you’ve managed to incorporate that mass murderers name into the propaganda machine…BiBiCee.

    Hasbara Habby won’t like it one little bit…good.

    Keep it up Mary.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    not threats and bullying.

    Threats? Just stating her position, in the face of Cameron backing slyly away even from his intentionally vague and visibly insincere ‘vow’.. Here:

    I promise to pay the bearer 3/5 of the square root of fuck-all, in other words.

    Two of his co-signatories are now out of office, and he’s had a year to implement ‘change’, without the bother of an effective opposition or a bolshy coalition partner since May. ‘Change’ in his book means penalising the poor and empowering people in tax havens.

    Bullying? Can I remind you of the numerical odds against the SNP getting their way in Westminster?

    Try and stick to demonstrable fact, Fred. Hyperbole doesn’t suit you.

  • fred

    “Bullying? Can I remind you of the numerical odds against the SNP getting their way in Westminster?”

    And John Swiney’s threats to block the implementation of the Scotland Bill?

  • Charles Haggerty

    But Craig whether Tommy Sheridan went to a swingers club or not is no interest to me.And quite honestly,I think you’ve dodged my question.But I suppose I’ll just say it for you.viz;’That you have no problem sharing a platform with a convicted perjurer’.And,equally,you have no problem sharing a platform with a “monster” (as I’ve just illustrated and again you’ve dodged any discussion of).You also say,”I don’t know the facts of the Sheridan case,but it doesn’t worry me.” Craig,all-in-all,this just sounds so evasive and insincere that,until now,I wouldn’t have believed you would have said such things.Sorry Craig,but you have went seriously down in my estimation!

  • Woodwroth Frotlington III

    Look at Charles Priggery reduced to incoherent ad homina-homina-hominem. Say Charles, why don’t you ask these monsters on the podium about the implications of Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo (Request for Advisory Opinion), and what it means for the Scottish people’s right to self-determination?

  • BrianFujisan

    “Nice weather for tomorrow. Make it a big turnout. Will BiBiCee Scotland report it though”

    Cheers for the latest weather, Seems to me you will be there with us.. in Spirit Mary :).. A merry weekend to ye.

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