Total Bollocks From MI5 353

In the last decade, now 7/7 has dropped out of this statistic, only one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack. Let me repeat that. In the last decade, one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack. That unfortunate death was Lee Rigby.

Rigby’s tragic murder illustrated how easy it is for terrorists to commit an outrage. Two very disorganised Nigerian nutters murdered him with knives. Unfortunately, if a couple of nutters decide to go at someone on the street, they have a high chance of success.

Which is why you would have to be a lunatic actually to believe MI5’s repeated claims during the last decade that there are thousands of dedicated terrorists out there, fanatical determined and organised, but in a decade of constant effort they have succeeded in killing nobody else. There were, MI5 claim, six actual terrorist plots this year but fortunately MI5 saved all of us.

If you believe MI5’s stories, there are two possibilities. The first is that we have security services of a quite incredible efficiency, able to foil random terrorism, generally regarded as near impossible. The second is that we have thousands of dedicated terrorists of such incredible ineptitude that they can’t manage to kill anybody, even when they could choose any random undefended target in the entire UK and any method from knives to poison to hit and run to shooting to bombs, and don’t mind losing their own lives in the attempt. We have rubbish terrorists.

There is of course a third possibility – that these thousands of dedicated terrorists and these scores of foiled plots in the last decade were inventions, or at least the grossest exaggerations, by the security services. A number of fantasists have indeed been convicted and jailed. But the only, single, potential attacker in recent years who actually possessed a viable bomb was a British army soldier with a hatred of Muslims. And naturally he was not counted as nor convicted as a terrorist. Terrorists are Muslims.

The famous “liquid bomb plot”, in which it eventually transpired, unreported by mainstream media, that there were in fact no bombs and no plane tickets and the suspicious chemical found in baby bottles was Milton sterilising solution for baby bottles, is perhaps the best example.

But of course, lots of people are convicted of terrorism. Indeed law after law has stretched the definition of terrorism so far that I am almost certainly guilty of it just by publishing this blogpost. Meanwhile the Government is concentrating on bullying universities and students to ban speakers who say exactly the kind of thing I am writing here, speakers who protest against the detention and harassment of Muslims, and the continued policy of bombing Muslim countries and killing civilians.

Because there is almost no Islamic terrorism in the UK. It is virtually non-existent. It is not the true reason the corporate state wants ever more surveillance power, ever more restriction on freedom of speech and even, in universities, freedom of thought. Do not be fooled. Fight back.

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353 thoughts on “Total Bollocks From MI5

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  • Habbbakuk (la vita e' bella!)

    @ MJ, “Peter Beswick”, Info and assorted other fantasists:

    re the terrorist killing of Lee Rigby.


    “Peter Beswick: all attempts to get a birth certificate for Rigby have drawn a blank. That’s also odd.”


    “Habbbakuk: Birth certificates are not made available to third parties on simple request

    Yes they are (copies, to be precise) – if you pay the fee.
    They can be ordered online, and in person no-one would tell you to ‘get lost’.”


    Firstly: we have to note that none of the conspiracy theorists has yet been able to answer my simple question “who exactly has been making all those attempts”?

    After all, it has been presented as a matter of fact that those attempts have been made. Therefore the conspiracy theorists must surely be in a position to tell us who has made the attempts.

    Secondly: birth certificates can not be obtained upon simple request by any Tom, Dick or Harry.

    If you take a look at the form that needs to be filled in whether online or not, the enquirer is asked to give a number of details such as the date and place (address) of birth, both parents’ full names and the mother’s maiden name. This implies that birth certificates are made available to the subject him/herself and (close) family members, who would be the only people likely to possess such detailed knowledge.

    Now that I’ve told you something about why it is not easy to obtain someone’s birth certificate upon simple request, perhaps you might in return tell us who has been doing the requesting in the case of Lee Rigby?


    “Also, it has never been revealed which school he went to, so no-one has been able to talk to his schoolmates and find out what sort of lad he was etc. That’s odd too.”


    That does not coincide with my recollection and is probably an urban myth which has of course been seized on eagerly by certain conspiracy theorists.

    But even if it was true, why should such details have been be released? I fail to see the relevance of “what sort of chap was he?”)to the fact of his murder by terrorists.


    But anyway, enough of these details and corrections and let’s get to the nub of the issue.

    You good people seem to e pointing in the direction of one of the two following scenarios:

    1/. there was never a murder and the whole scene was faked (it never happened)


    2/. a murder happened and the scene was not faked but the victim was not Lee Rigby but someone else (you would probably say a “patsy”‘

    A bit like how the Paris terrorist slayings were interpreted by the usual band of conspiracy theorists.

    Have I covered the range of your “thought”?

    If not, please don’t hesitate to correct me! 🙂

  • Habbbakuk (la vita e' bella!)

    Transatlantic Friend

    “I will continue to say, when asked, that I was answering the question about whether Netanyahu was in London on 7/7 because every time that I say that is another time that readers are reminded that he was there then.”

    Which raises the intriguing question of why you feel it so necessary and important to remind readers that the former and future PM of the State of Israel was in London on 7/7.

    And the former Mayor of NYC of course.

  • Habbbakuk (la vita e' bella!)

    Tony Op-moc

    I much prefer your writing style as at 17h09 to your usual one.

    Do you think you could keep it up?

    It makes you sound much less deranged.

  • Tony_0pmoc


    I have not been sufficiently interested to find Lee Rigby’s Birth Certificate if such a person ever existed. However, I am sure The Security Services, if they so desired and could be bothered, could fabricate such a Certificate, and make the necessary entries in the relevant computer registries.

    In a completely unrelated matter, a year or so ago, I attempted to find the Birth details of a real person still very much alive. I wanted to do this without paying any fee whatsoever. It took me about 5 minutes.

    I will leave it to you to find Lee Rigby’s.

    Thanks for your encouragement.


  • Mary

    O/T Usmamov, Gazprom, who tried to shut Craig down at one stage, is pumping money into Rome. Wonder why Rome.

    September 16, 2015
    Quirinale, at the start of the restoration of the fountain funded by Uzbek tycoon Usmanov

    March 17, 2015
    Capitoline Museums, the patron Usmanov restores the Hall of Oriazi and Curiazi

    November 22, 2014
    Rome, tycoon Usmanov donates 500 thousand euro for the Capitoline Museums

  • Suhayl Saadi

    1) The NATO-Saudi-UAE-Qatar-Kuwait-Pakistan Axis of Benificence largely is responsible for the 40-year rise of Islamist military/paramilitary/ideology.

    2) The NATO-Saudi-UAE-Qatar-Kuwait-Pakistan Axis of Benificence largely is responsible for the killing fields of Syria/Libya/Iraq which has led to the current situation via a via ISIS and millions of (internal and external) refugees.

    3) The NATO-Saudi-UAE-Qatar-Kuwait-Pakistan Axis of Benificence has had a tactically and strategically instrumental relationship with non-state actors domestically and overseas.

    4) Agents provocateurs (what the correct spelling is) exist and have always existed – witness the cops and the Green movement, or the FBI and [insert name of movement].

    5) As a consequence of 1-4, Islamist terrorists (some inept, some more experienced, some pathetic, some deadly; these categories need not be mutually exclusive – ‘Four Lions’ was a good film, I agree). do exist. It is inevitable that sooner or later, there will be another 7/7. It is a little like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    6) Snowden surely demonstrated that GCHQ already has immense powers of snooping.

    7) 1)-4), above, conveniently will be ignored and 5) exploited in pursuit of greater hard state powers (and larger budgets) over the populace and over popular resistance organising. MI5 Boss First-Ever BBC Radio 4 Live Interview = Great Spook PR. It is what one would expect from a corporate organisation ultimately dedicated to protecting the interests of the rich and powerful.

  • lysias

    Funny how the Resident Invigilator finds it so strange that I continue to answer questions that he himself repeatedly asks (about why I said Netanyahu was in London on 7/7, in answer to a question about whether he was).

    If one objects to the answer, why on earth continue to ask the question?

  • Tony_0pmoc

    I will make one further on topic comment before I go into David Byrne / Talking Heads (Psychokiller/Stop Making Sense) mode. Well it is Friday night – I suggest the mods – switch pre-moderation back on for me – so I can’t have a conversation…

    It’s about Lee Rigby. I’m afraid that sometimes on The Streets of London, violent attacks do take place. Sometimes people actually do, get exceedingly annoyed with someone – to the extent – that they even get the bus back home to where they live – and get their Samurai Sword – and come back to the pub – and literally chop the bloke’s head off.

    Also people get involved in knife fights – and sometimes their lives are saved – actually on the street by a passer by who just happens to have the skills and the courage. (I love my Sis).

    These events, get virtually no publicity at all – even in the local newspapers – might be a few words – but nothing in the Mainstream Press. I know this doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen.

    With Lee Rigby – The Press and The TV went Wild – Wall To Wall Coverage. Absolutely Everyone Knew All about it within hours – almost as if it was a Live TV event – with all the details and analysis Graphically Portrayed Intensively.

    Now why would they do that? – Except For The Propaganda effect – to Demonise Muslims – much as was done in NAZI Germany to Demonise Jews.

    Personally, I can’t tell the Difference.

    German People are not inherently Evil. They are much the same as us English – except I think we have a Better Sense of Humour.

    I am merely trying to illustrate how vulnerable entire populations are to Propaganda from the exceedingly Powerful.

    I don’t know what we can do about this, except write what we think is The Truth on Blogs.

    I know its not much – but what else have we got?

    2 Million of us Marched Through The Streets of London in 2003 before The Iraq War Started. What difference did it make?


  • lysias

    Netanyahu was in London on the day of the 7/7 attacks therefore Israel did 7/7, appears to be the line of thinking.

    If the story about Netanyahu having been warned in advance is true, that does not necessarily imply that Israel did 7/7. Since the warning is said to have come from the British Home Office, what it much more clearly would imply is that the British government had advance knowledge of 7/7. Which is very much on topic for this thread.

  • MJ

    “Netanyahu was in London on the day of the 7/7 attacks therefore Israel did 7/7, appears to be the line of thinking”

    It is most likely irrelevant whether Netanyahu was in London or not. It is not irrelevant that Mossad was warned of the impending attacks seven minutes before the first bomb went off.

  • Clark

    Tony_0pmoc, 7:09 pm:

    “2 Million of us Marched Through The Streets of London in 2003 before The Iraq War Started. What difference did it make?”

    It has made a difference – not nearly as much as it should have, but years later, many people wrote to their MPs opposing an attack upon Syria, and the Commons voted against it.

    “Now why would they do that? – Except For The Propaganda effect – to Demonise Muslims…”


  • glenn

    Kempe: “Spivey contacted or tried to contact Rigby’s family on several occasions and published their contact details on his website. His actions went well beyond what is acceptable. I suppose if you’re prepared to believe that the Glasgow bin lorry crash and the Shoreham air crash were faked (for what reason?) then Spivey has some credibility but even a lot of David Icke’s acolytes think he’s a nutjob. The only thing wrong with the sentence he was given was that he should’ve been Sectioned.

    Finally! You’ve said something I can fully agree with.

  • Clark

    Further to Habbbakuk’s comment at 5:40 pm, my experience as a former moderator at this site strongly suggests that the majority of the gullible-type ‘conspiracy theorists’* would be unable to obtain copies of birth certificates etc. as they are so paranoid that they would not be prepared to identify themselves to any relevant authority.

    * – By”gullible-type ‘conspiracy theorists'” I do not mean serious conspiracy investigators, of which there are many, though far less than there are gullible fantasists.

  • Republicofscotland

    Infact the reality deniers in here…yes you, will be shocked to learn that Spiveys site is more popular and higher ranked than Craigs.

    Craig is well respected, it kinda make you reality deniers look…well stupid, but we knew that already…most of us that is.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Re “Netanyahu was in London on the day of the 7/7 attacks”

    And Netanyahu’s Reaction to 9/11 – “Well its Very Good For Israel”

    And yes I know about The Dancing Israeli’s, Their TV Show in Israel “We were there to record the event”

    Is Evidence in my Opinion, That Netanyahu did not have Pre-Knowledge of Either Event…

    He actually looked surprised….

    Well of course Mossad knew…But Did He?

    Does Cameron Have a Clue what is Going on?

    Did Harold Wilson?

    Are All These People – Brilliant Actors Too..

    I can understand Arrogance – But if You are a Criminal – and You’ve Just Robbed The Bank Of England..You Don’t Tend To Hang on Outside The Bank of England With 10 Lorry Loads of Gold – Waiting For The BBC to turn up to do The Photoshoot – Do You???….And Then Drive Off To Israel???

    It’s a Bit Obvious.


  • Peter Beswick

    Tony you touch on an important role of Mi5, managing the media. Clark I have been accused of being a conspiracy theorist by complete nutters.

    When Dr David Kelly died the media was being managed; in the days before, the day he allegedly went missing, before the body was found and after the body was found to this day.

    Mike Smith then defence correspondent of the Daily Telegraph ‘phoned Andrew Gilligan in the early hours of the day Kelly’s body was found, before the body was found. He told Gilligan that Kelly was dead and the police were looking for a body.

    How the journalist knew Kelly was dead and why he was told becomes clearer when Gilligan gets to the office. He went straight to see his his boss, Richard Sambrook, to tell him his news but Sambrook steals his thunder and tells Gilligan the body has been found and that a knife and painkillers were involved; it was suicide.

    This was several hours before the pathologist arrived at the scene and even longer until the empty blister of painkillers were found in Kelly’s coat pocket. No one else knew until then.

    Sambrook was told whilst the ambulance crew were being detained at the scene, forbidden from using their radios because of a “news black out” that Kelly had taken painkillers. There is no possible way, in the official narrative, that Gilligan could know Kelly was dead before the body was found and Sambrook know that it looked like suicide and pills were involved before the pathologist reached the scene and discovered the blister packs. But they did, they had been told because the news had to be managed.

    Mrs Kelly assisted the news management by speaking to journalists in the USA, before the post mortem examination was completed and was telling them it was suicide.

    Mi5 were involved in the news management, that’s part of their job.

    But in managing the news they revealed that the search team that found the body were not the first to know that Kelly was dead and the pathologist was not the first to know painkillers were involved.

    Mi5 were not just managing the news they were writing the script and directing the players. Pure theatre!

  • Clark

    Republicofscotland, what more could Chris Spivey do that would cause you to doubt him? For goodness’ sake, he demonstrates his fakery for all to see – he takes fuzzy Facebook images (of which there are many millions to choose from) of two different people, and describes, step by step, how he modifies one image to make it look like the other. He then uses the resulting enhanced resemblance to assert that one of the two people does not exist!

    It’s as if a conjurer demonstrated the sleight-of-hand behind a trick, but you continued to insist it was real magic.

  • Republicofscotland

    “It’s as if a conjurer demonstrated the sleight-of-hand behind a trick, but you continued to insist it was real magic.”


    If it’s conjuroring tricks you’re looking for Clarke, look no further than Thames House, even Houdini would be hard pressed to match them.

    Sure Spivey can sometimes hit and miss, but in my opinion he hits more than he misses.

    Funny Clarke, you struck me as an open minded person….oh well.

  • Clark

    Republicofscotland, 8:03 pm:

    “…Spiveys site is more popular and higher ranked than Craigs”

    …yes and the circulation of the Sun is many times greater than that of the Guardian. Now I accept that there’s distortion and propaganda in the Guardian, but… You see my point (I hope).

    One of Rigby’s murderers had been tortured on behalf of MI6. Spivey’s nonsense provides useful cover for this barely publicised fact. Spivey frequently claimed to have an “inside source”; it is at least possible that someone within the security services was using him to publicise disinformation, and has driven him mad in the process.

  • fedup

    By”gullible-type ‘conspiracy theorists’” I do not mean serious conspiracy investigators, of which there are many, though far less than there are gullible fantasists.

    Clark you can deride all you want, but the incontrovertible fact is; people are no longer buying the narrative that has had so many resources tied up to keep it going. The old adage goes; you can fool some of the people some of the time, you cannot fool all of the people all of the time, remember!

    Furthermore baby steps one a at time, the “gullible fantasist” soon will learn what is there to accept as the truth and what to be rejected as chaff, and white noise? That is Unless you are contending that you are the only font of wisdom around?

    So far as the hasbaranics spamming of the board goes; fuck them who cares about what they have to say , and their incessant brainfarts?


    He’d also probably done it before so had some practice.

    Well slap my thigh Mystic Meg or what? Is there any end to the first hand news from this ever lasting know it all?

    Gareth should have personally told him about his pastimes, and nat an yahoo should have given him a ride;

    Although the indisputable fact is the psychotic tosser nat an yahoo was in London at the time of the attacks under the very coincidental training exercises about the same scenario that suddenly went live and became true! Some bastard should have clicked their heels thrice and said the magic words; abracadabra! (remember the first time the airspace went all closed and the zionistani carpetbaggers were turned back half way enroute and on their way to collect their trophies offer their expertise/sympathies/pick up some of the contracts/etc. Fool me once……fool…….

  • glenn

    RoS: “Infact the reality deniers in here…yes you, will be shocked to learn that Spiveys site is more popular and higher ranked than Craigs.

    Murdoch’s Sun is vastly more popular than Private Eye, or The Lancet for that matter. How does that make them stack up in terms of truthfulness, in your opinion? “One Direction” (which is some sort of pop-band, I understand) is considerably more popular than any classical orchestra around today. Does that mean “One Direction” is more musically accomplished?

  • Republicofscotland

    “One of Rigby’s murderers had been tortured on behalf of MI6. Spivey’s nonsense provides useful cover for this barely publicised fact. Spivey frequently claimed to have an “inside source”; it is at least possible that someone within the security services was using him to publicise disinformation, and has driven him mad in the process.”

    Driven him mad, in the sense of Habb’s behaviour is that what you mean or just generally mad, as in IDS’ behaviour, or could you be referring to our murderous assault on Iraq, is that the kind of madness you mean Clarke.

    Of course each person has their own definition of madness what’s happening on the Gaza Strip for instance is seen as madness by many, no Clarke by those standards I’d say Spivey pretty sane.

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