I did not believe the official story of Hasna Ait Buolacehn the moment I saw it. The official line was that she was a suicide bomber who blew herself up when the police stormed the apartment in St Denis where the alleged terrorist ringleader was hiding out. But that story seemed to me completely incompatible with the recordings on which she could plainly be heard screaming “He is not my boyfriend! He is not my boyfriend” immediately before the explosion. She sounded like a terrified woman trying to disassociate herself from the alleged terrorist. It was a strange battle cry for someone who believed themselves on the verge of paradise.
Then yesterday the truth emerged from forensics that she was indeed not a suicide bomber. None of the mainstream media appeared to find this in any way troubling. And just in case anybody did, the BBC (and I assume all the French and major international media) then immediately did an interview with an anonymous member of the French Police attacking squad, who stated that Hasna was:
“trying to say she was not linked to the terrorists, that she had nothing to do with them and wanted to surrender”.
But he said that due to prior intelligence, “we knew that she was trying to manipulate us”.
Unfortunately this would have been a very great deal more convincing had it been stated 48 hours earlier, rather than only after the original reports that she was a suicide bomber had been corrected on forensic examination. As it is, it looks very much like a post facto justification, a new story to cover the new facts.
Besides, it is very difficult indeed to see what prior intelligence could explain if someone was genuinely trying to surrender or not. There appears to be no information available to the public that gives the slightest indication that Hasna was an extreme Islamist; what public information there is paints the opposite picture. The best the media have been able to dredge up are quotes from friends saying “if she was, then she must have been drugged or brainwashed”. Google it yourself.
But even were she an extreme Islamist, that does not mean she was not attempting to surrender. All of which is a bit nugatory if she were then killed by an explosion triggered by the terrorists themselves. But the changing story about Hasna makes me less than confident that is what actually happened.
I have no difficulty with the principle that the police should shoot people who are shooting at them. I outraged many friends on the left for example by not joining in the criticism of the police for killing Mr Duggan. People who choose to carry guns in my view run a legitimate risk of being shot by the police, it is as simple as that. Jean Charles De Menezes was a totally different case and his murder by police completely unjustifiable. In Paris it appears plain that the police were in a situation of confrontation with armed suspects.
There are severe intelligence disadvantages to killing people with profound knowledge of terrorist organisations. It also cheats the justice system. Nevertheless I can conceive of situations where simply taking out by an explosion a terrorist cell might be justified. But only if you are quite certain of the situation. The case of Hasna is to me troublingly reminiscent of the case of Jean Charles De Menezes, in that it became obvious in the days after his death that everything the police and establishment had leaked to the media about him (leaping over barriers, running through the tunnels, heavy jacket, wires protruding) was a complete, utter and quite deliberate lie.
The media could help if they were in any way rational and dispassionate, or ever questioned an official narrative. It is an urgent and irrepressible question as to why the BBC journalist did not ask the French policeman “and why did you not say this 48 hours ago when you were content to allow the story to run that she was a suicide bomber?”
Similar media manipulation is at use here by the Guardian in telling us the police stormed a “terrorist apartment”. What is a “terrorist apartment”? Are the walls made of semtex? The intent of course is to assure us everybody inside was a terrorist. It is not just the Guardian. The phrase is all over the media. Again, google it.
I am worried in case Hollande’s Rambo impersonation is steamrollering justice. It may well be that Hasna was a dreadful and bloodthirsty terrorist. I do not know. It may well be she was killed by the terrorists not the police. All we know at the moment is she was in an apartment with people who allegedly were terrorists, and died in the “battle”. But I do not trust the changing stories of the authorities.
My gift to the trolls who seem to love c&p.
“Will politicians finally admit that the Paris attacks had something to do with Islam … The West’s movement towards the truth is remarkably slow. We drag ourselves towards it painfully, inch by inch, after each bloody Islamist assault.”
The Hate Muslims response to the Paris attacks has commenced within hours at The Spectator.
The writer, Douglas Murray, was the director of the Centre for Social Cohesion from 2007 until 2011, a UK group whose principal idea was that Islamism (as they saw it) was a threat to Western society. In 2011 it merged with the Henry Jackson Society and Douglas Murray is its current director. He is also the author of “Neoconservatism: Why We Need It (2005)”.
The Principles of the HJS are neocon and the initial signatories include patrons Richard Perle, William Kristol and James Woolsey.
It’s UK domestic backers include Sir Richard Dearlove (Downing Street Memo), Michael Gove and Gisela Stuart.
In 2009 the society became the secretariat of two all-party parliamentary groups (APPGs), for Transatlantic and International Security, chaired by Gisela Stuart, and one for Homeland Security, chaired by Bernard Jenkin. Between 2001 and 2010, Stuart also served as a member of the House of Commons Select Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Henry Jackson’s Westminster launch took place on 22 November 2005 in the Jubilee Room of the House of Commons. It was hosted by Michael Gove and Gisela Stuart.
Douglas Murray also writes at Counterjihadreport.com, a site which also outlines The Muslim Brotherhood’s “Global Project for Palestine” and “General Strategic Goal for North America” and about How France became an inviting target for jihad.
Many in the Cameron government insist that Islam is a “threat to the West”.
Michael Gove, UK Education Minister until mid 2014, ran a hostile program against Muslim schools and teachers. Gove attracted multiple critics. He was basically sacked in 2014 following mass protests from teacher groups, but was then promoted to Lord Chancellor and Secretary for Justice. He is a “proud Zionist” who insists the Iraq war was an “outstanding achievement.” And he has supported UK creationist schools and wild claims that Muslim extremists were planning to take over UK schools in what has been termed a trojan threat to UK society. Prominent in this media vilification program was UK Times writer Richard Kerbaj (see also here), a Murdoch hack from The Australian who has a long history of Muslim bashing and fear-mongering.
Michael Grove was reportedly a “close mate” of Rupert Murdoch and he attacked the Leveson Inquiry actions against him.
Blogger coolnessofhind provides damning indictments of neocon Michael Grove here and here.
Gove, Murray and Stuart are leading UK Neocons, along with George Osborne (Chancellor of the Exchequer) and Liam Fox (former Secretary of State for Defense). They also have links to UKIP and the UK hard Right.
The deeper question of the radicalization UK Muslim youth is addressed well by Mohammed Ansar where he claims that current UK vilification efforts of people like David Murray and Michael Gove have hindered and not helped that process.
He also notes leaked details from Edward Snowden and Thomas Drake that show “programs from the US used to identify radicalisation have created a two-tier system, with organisations like the Muslim Council of Britain (Europe’s largest Muslim civil society organisation) blacklisted on one side and and on the other, the whitelisting of Quilliam and the Islamic Society of Britain” — the last two made up of former members of the radical groups the Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb ut-Tahrir. These are not representative of mainstream Islam as practiced by most Muslims.
I leave the last words to coolnessofhind:
The man famed for his incursion into Birmingham Schools on the basis of lies, spin and utter discrimination against the Muslim minority in 2014 has now become the Secretary of State for Justice, in what has to be the most oxymoronic situation in the history of the Ministry. One thing is for sure, the anti-Islam, fear-mongering Gove is not exactly an objective paragon for justice.
I do not believe the movement from Education Secretary to Justice Secretary is incidental. In his capacity as the Education Secretary, Gove was able to utilise the usual neocon ingredients of deception, spin, manufacturing of an enemy to place the foundations for a “closed society” – the esoteric preference of neocons – to entrench discriminatory policies reminiscent of East Germany’s Stasi state. The causalities in this theatre of war, were, and still are, Muslims.
If you felt really ill, immediately after the Paris Attacks last Saturday Morning at 2:00am (last week) like I did… I think that is a completely normal response and you are healthy individual with a mind alive…
What does this mean?
Are two links allowed here???
“Refugee crisis in Germany: Nazis on the rise, “never again” is happening again”
German Editors
Sat, 21 Nov 2015 12:36 UTC
It’s O.K. To Be Afraid…You wouldn’t be normal if you weren’t.
Everything is NOT O.K. We are Being Terrorized By Our Governments.
They are not Protecting Us – They are Terrorizing Us.
Millions of Innocent Refugees are About To Freeze To Death – Unless We Help Them.
What are You Doing?
My Friend’s Son is There in Calais Now – and has been for months.
Is Your Kid as Nice as That???
Twerp doesn’t go anywhere near far enough in describing the useful idiot Owen Jones. Groomed by the Guardian and the BBC liars, destined for the giddy heights of safe establishment punditdom, he has already dug himself into a hole calling for attacks on Syria in the past, to please the powers that be. His was a most rapid transit from the fake left, to the neo-con warmonger extremity authoritarian right. There’s no known way back for him or those others who think more killing, any killing solves anything, it’s strictly one-way traffic on that road. Jones is yesterday’s turn-coat, fully in sync with the falling empire’s mass-murdering, genocidal plans. Bomber Jones is in clover and in shit. Blood-money is the exceptional case, the only circumstance where wealth does actually trickle down: a book-deal, a newspaper column, a safe-seat, a TV appearance – Owned Jones, heir to Tony Blair, another malleable muppet. Don’t get fooled again.
This is curious
Sorry – forgot link for above
Benny Boy, the stoned-out Califinia dreamer, what is this new “in your face” c&p style of yours? Are following Mary’s apron strings? You haven’t answered, why have you returned from sqonks blog to squat out here?
Btw, how’s the price of weed doing in your neighbourhood?
Hells bells, we’re in some mess if “clothes, food and money” are verboten in Newrope.
Mr Scorgie
“Yes it is an old joke Habbabkuk but it is racist non-the-less.
Would it be acceptable here to tell a joke that is disparaging to Jews?
No it wouldn’t and Habbabkuk would be the first to jump in with a cry of “anti-Semitism!!!”
Re question : yes
Re assertion : nonsense, dear boy.
More generally : was it really worth breaking your long (and welcome) silence with that feeble post? We are underwhelmed 🙂
And what is TonyM’s view on Putin bombing ISIS? Putin bombs good, NATO bombs bad I suspect.
re “If I found that suitcase with the early Hemingway work inside”
I am most distressed that Mary has not seen fit to welcome my offer to remit half of the proceeds to a Palestinian charity.
Perhaps she is gobsmacked?
Or is she working on something negative to say (yet again), which she will post in due course?
“My gift to the trolls who seem to love c&p.
Antipodeian websites appear to be the flavour of the month on here, don’t they.
Isn’t Mary always linking to some New Zealand website claiming to produce a weekly list of IDF “atrocities”?
And of course J. Pilger, Esq is Australian, I’m told.
Tony_0pmoc said:
Paris and Brussels the very epitome of European capitals are under martial law. The Europe is debating closing its’ borders and no longer tolerant of an open border policy. Wars in the mid east continuing with the Saudi pederasts spotting an opportunity in the wake of a weak and waning US empire. The said pederasts are busy asserting their will through sponsorship of terrorists in Syria and Iraq, and outright direct attacks on Yemen.
Darfur no longer a disputed land, but four million Sudanese going hungry and starving to death does not make it into the headlines because of the fighting among the “freedom fighters”. All in all world going to hell in a basket.
In the last remaining patches of sane world such as this blog, the ziofuckwits; having fostered, promoted the degeneration of the personal freedoms and cherished liberties we all used to enjoy through contracting out their filthy genocidal war on Palestinians and Muslims in general. Watching these at work; still busy gaming the system to further ensure the degeneration of any coherent vestige of a sane world, as these cretins are demonstrably have been destroying this blog steadfastly!!!
Whilst the blog owner is remaining tolerant of these tossers deliberate degenerative mission in the name of “freedom of expression” and in the hope of a saner future!!!!
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt doesn’t want you to read this. He is trying to sneak through new NHS plans. [1] The Guardian newspaper has revealed that a key NHS blueprint has been slipped out – the public have a right to comment, but the government “has deliberately kept it quiet”. [2] Because of this cover-up, we’ve now got just two days to flood the Department of Health with messages demanding the NHS is protected. [3]
It’s not hard to see why Jeremy Hunt would try to sneak NHS plans through. The NHS is facing a dangerous winter, harmed by needless cuts and privatisation. [4] Hunt wants to claim that the public are happy with the way he’s running the NHS. So the last thing he wants is a huge public rejection of his latest plan.
We’ve got until the end of Tuesday to send our objections to the Department of Health. Let’s tell them that we want an NHS that is properly funded and available to everyone, and that we don’t want privatisation or to have to pay charges to get an appointment.
Please can you send a quick message now? SEND AN EMAIL
The NHS Mandate, which Jeremy Hunt is trying to sneak out, is a big deal. It “sets the government’s objectives for NHS England, as well as its budget.” [5] These plans mean continuing privatisation policies and a dangerous funding squeeze. [6] It would suit Jeremy Hunt down to the ground to be able to claim that no one registered any objection to these plans!
But Jeremy Hunt has been found out – and luckily we still have two days to protest against his destruction of the NHS. Let’s respond in our hundreds of thousands. Then when the results come out, they’ll be embarrassing for Jeremy Hunt because they’ll prove that the public don’t like what he’s doing to our health service.
Please click here to spoil Jeremy Hunt’s attempt to sneak his plans through – you’ve got 48 hours until the deadline, and it will only take you two minutes: SEND AN EMAIL
Thanks for being involved
The 38 Degrees team
PS: The NHS belongs to all of us. It’s still something to be proud of, and the staff do an amazing job of looking after us whenever we need it. But after years of privatisation and budget cuts cracks are starting to appear. If we want to still be able to rely on the NHS for years to come, we need to fight to keep it. So please tell the Department of Health you don’t like the direction it’s heading in –
click here to have your say:
[1] The “NHS Mandate” was first reported by OpenDemocracy, and then by the Guardian newspaper
Open Democracy: Don’t want the government to let the NHS die? Here’s one crucial thing you can do right now:
[2]The Guardian: You’ve been asked to have your say on the NHS. You just don’t know about it
[3] In a phone conversation with a 38 Degrees staff member, a Dept of Health official guaranteed that messages from 38 Degrees members would be accepted “until close of business on Tuesday”.
[4] See for example: BBC: NHS pressure worsens as key targets missed:
[5] Government website: Open Consultation: Setting the mandate to NHS England for 2016 to 2017:
[6] Open Democracy: It may not look like it, but Jeremy Hunt DOES have a plan for the NHS:
Just a little reminder – Palestinian charities?
Just tell me which one(s) you support financially, that’d be good enough for me.
22 Nov, 2015 – 5:11 pm
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt doesn’t want you to read this. He is trying to sneak through new NHS plans. [1] The Guardian newspaper has revealed that a key NHS blueprint has been slipped out – the public have a right to comment, but the government “has deliberately kept it quiet”. [2] Because of this cover-up, we’ve now got just two days to flood the Department of Health with messages demanding the NHS is protected. [3]
It’s not hard to see why Jeremy Hunt would try to sneak NHS plans through. The NHS is facing a dangerous winter, harmed by needless cuts and privatisation. [4] Hunt wants to claim that the public are happy with the way he’s running the NHS. So the last thing he wants is a huge public rejection of his latest plan.
We’ve got until the end of Tuesday to send our objections to the Department of Health. Let’s tell them that we want an NHS that is properly funded and available to everyone, and that we don’t want privatisation or to have to pay charges to get an appointment.
Please can you send a quick message now? SEND AN EMAIL
The NHS Mandate, which Jeremy Hunt is trying to sneak out, is a big deal. It “sets the government’s objectives for NHS England, as well as its budget.” [5] These plans mean continuing privatisation policies and a dangerous funding squeeze. [6] It would suit Jeremy Hunt down to the ground to be able to claim that no one registered any objection to these plans!
But Jeremy Hunt has been found out – and luckily we still have two days to protest against his destruction of the NHS. Let’s respond in our hundreds of thousands. Then when the results come out, they’ll be embarrassing for Jeremy Hunt because they’ll prove that the public don’t like what he’s doing to our health service.
Please click here to spoil Jeremy Hunt’s attempt to sneak his plans through – you’ve got 48 hours until the deadline, and it will only take you two minutes: SEND AN EMAIL
Thanks for being involved
The 38 Degrees team
PS: The NHS belongs to all of us. It’s still something to be proud of, and the staff do an amazing job of looking after us whenever we need it. But after years of privatisation and budget cuts cracks are starting to appear. If we want to still be able to rely on the NHS for years to come, we need to fight to keep it. So please tell the Department of Health you don’t like the direction it’s heading in –
click here to have your say:
[1] The “NHS Mandate” was first reported by OpenDemocracy, and then by the Guardian newspaper
Open Democracy: Don’t want the government to let the NHS die? Here’s one crucial thing you can do right now:
[2]The Guardian: You’ve been asked to have your say on the NHS. You just don’t know about it
[3] In a phone conversation with a 38 Degrees staff member, a Dept of Health official guaranteed that messages from 38 Degrees members would be accepted “until close of business on Tuesday”.
[4] See for example: BBC: NHS pressure worsens as key targets missed:
[5] Government website: Open Consultation: Setting the mandate to NHS England for 2016 to 2017:
[6] Open Democracy: It may not look like it, but Jeremy Hunt DOES have a plan for the NHS:
No, decline your request to send an email, That is, until, you learn some elementary manners.
Get it?
And more to fear in The Telegraph
Seems the Telegraph fears Putin himself is aboard the sub! (see pic at link – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/12010438/Britain-calls-in-French-to-hunt-Russian-sub-lurking-off-Scotland.html
Pic http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03411/putin-1_3411740b.jpg
I wonder if Mary’s dog, Tiddles is as untrained, and interjecting, as her? Regardless, I feel so sorry for Tiddles to be surrounded by such constant negativity.
Do you now regret arguing for UK military intervention in Libya?
Or do you think it was a price worth paying?
Hmm my pic link should be http not https
Try again http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03411/putin-1_3411740b.jpg
Hmm WordPress is converting my http to https. Shouldn’t be doing that…
Ooga-booga ! The phantom menace under glass. It’s difficult to beat fear as a human manipulator. But I do love that they miss Nimrod.
The black hole of calcutta has spoken, manners before I wash the madras curry left on my backside on my last visit to a nearby railway line !! This Orissa orifice has entered the vacuum after we chased away jerry springer to the US ?
What a laughable idea, Britain learning from its mistakes? For a start Britain has to learn to govern itself, not take it’s orders from jackbooted neo con fascists, Zionists, corporate titans and unelected EU bureau-rats.
How are we meant to laugh bitterly as the hand wringers f*** up yet again and tell us it was a mistake, that they didn’t mean it, that it was unforeseeable unintended consequences and they won’t do it again, till the next time.
War with Isis: Britain must learn from past mistakes before joining the civil war in Syria
In Basra and Helmand province the outcome for Britain was humiliation limited only by the size of the forces engaged
Britain is moving towards taking part in the war in Syria without much idea of what is happening in that complicated and very dangerous country.
This is in keeping with the careless spirit in which Britain became involved in small wars in and around Basra in Iraq after 2003 and in Helmand province in Afghanistan after 2006. In both cases, the outcome was humiliating failure limited only by the small size of the forces engaged. What were designed as attempts to prove to the Americans that Britain was an important military ally managed to achieve just the opposite result.
US president Barack Obama has said that ISIS, or Daesh, or ISIL, (or whatever name the Pentagon is calling its hit team) are a bunch of killers with good social media. Not surprising when you see the access they have through Langley and GCHQ.
Obama is also calling on Putin to align himmself with the coalition forces, on Syria, and go after the people who killed the Russian citizens in Egypt, well, that rules the terrorists out then, so who’s left.
Obama will also ask, that Putin drops his support of Assad and his regime, I wonder how many regimes (including Israel’s) the US is currently propping up.
Meanwhile the Cuban heeled curator of the French round ups,Francois Hollande, heads to Washington on Tuesday for a tete a tete, with Obama to deploy a strategy if Putin refuses to join the triumvirate, Hollande will meet Putin in Moscow at a later date.
Foreign ministers from about 20 nations agreed last week to an ambitious yet incomplete plan that sets a 1 January deadline for the start of negotiations between Assad’s government and opposition groups.
Within six months, the negotiations are to establish a “credible, inclusive and nonsectarian” transitional government that would set a schedule for drafting a new constitution and holding a free and fair United Nations-supervised election within 18 months.
UN supervision, amounts to, we want you out so we can elect our own Western compliant dictator, and in the process radiate the facade of democracy in action.
Habbabkuk (Are You A Person Of Interest?)
22 Nov, 2015 – 1:07 pm
“What do you eat for breakfast to keep that wit well honed?”
I’ll let you into my secret, Alcyone: it is not the contents of my breakfast but rather a number of other positive life-style choices. As a (small) sample: don’t read books containing conspiracy theories (it turns you into a Conspiraloon and it is well known that Conspiraloons have no sense of humour); no Kindle (ditto when comnibed with reading books containing conspiracy theories); no posturing about my educational attainments (it makes one far too solemn and pontifical); avoid large vessels as much as possible (risk of radiation turning you gaga prematurely); frequent as much as possible “real” parts of the UK rather than the unreal, leafier, sawfter parts (this is necessary for acquiring and keeping a sane perspective on life)……
I wish you a good day and the same to all on here save the usual succubi and incubi (you know who you are! 🙂 )
Thanks for that and your good wishes. I trust you had a good day. Mine has been very relaxing indeed and getting set on more of craetive life!
Being such a foodie, it was a pleasure to enjoy some great food at a slow Sunday pace. Doesn’t Sunday have a different feel and quality of energy to it? Mid morning were deliciously juicy organic pears and afternoon was capped with two best cappuccinos by London standards which has got really excellent over the years.
The chicken curry–proper curry was made by my maid, and reminded me of curries I have eaten on the Indian Railways when they had reall plush First Class service, with your bed nicely made with fresh linen by the attendants on the cushy red velvet upholstered berths. (Rosy do you have a passport? Habby, do you think any of the Old Trolls have passports?)
Wherever the journey, the curry, rice and papadum were always consistently classic. You simply cannot find that curry up or down the land here, curry miles, or whatever. The rubbish offered is all bastardised Indian food with sugar added and bones removed.
Enough digression for now, but more of my secrets another time…
Enjoy your evening!
According to the German State broadcaster in above article even the German intelligence agencies are beginning ‘ to smell a rat ‘ with the constant ‘ terrorist ‘ scares they’re being advised of on a weekly basis .
Ben-Outraged By The Cannabigots
22 Nov, 2015 – 5:50 pm
Ooga-booga ! The phantom menace under glass. It’s difficult to beat fear as a human manipulator. But I do love that they miss Nimrod.
Benny Boy has returned to purple-haze-mutter mode, after one coherrent comment after months.
PS How’s the price of weeddoing in your backyard?
I had to switch off Sunday Morning Live. It was too painful-watching different levels of warmongers like turkeys voting for Christmas. Don’t they realise what hell they are campaigning to bring to the UK.
Where is the logic?
It looks like they had all been given a copy of A Useful Prep-Sheet on Syria for Media Propagandists. (Google it)
Also to hear a so-called man of God reassuring Sian that he was no pacifist as if being a pacifist was something to be ashamed of. Pass the sick bucket. What is wrong with you Sian? Don’t you have kids growing up in this world? Who do you think you should be speaking up for-them or the profiteers from war ?
CMs resident canaries of the geoplitical coalmine (aka the Dead Sea Trolls) were deathly silent after the Metrojet murders following bibi’s London visit. Then we had Paris and the sayanim singalong reached a crescendo, punctured only by Putins successes in Syria. The cryptos in charge of the torah party want to cull several thousand cattle via tax credit and NHS cuts, only to use the billions saved to ostensibly bomb ISIS, when we all know their real aim is Assad.
It all appears eretz israel to me, with a dash of Golani oil thrown in it?! Perhaps CM will care to enlighten us.
The Syrian Government, the Syrian President, the SAA and other forces, assisted by additional air power from Russia are doing an excellent job is curtailing ISIS. Winning admiration around the world and crucially from Arab neighbours, in tackling this blight ‘Britain’ and its partners-in-crime have unleashed upon their people and ancient land.
I see no advantage, only lasting ignominy if the RAF or Navy were to prostitute themselves as the sea and air wing of epic losers ISIS.