BBC Bias 763

I am involved quite extensively in the making of what I believe to be a valuable independent documentary. It is based on George Ponsonby’s excellent book London Calling, and has the working title How the BBC Stole the Referendum. We have already done a few hours filming of my contribution.

The film is being directed by Alan Knight. It still requires some finance, having raised over £12,000 so far from crowd sourcing. If any readers of this blog can make a contribution, it would be gratefully received. I vouch for the good faith and commitment of the production team, though I am not in any sense connected with the management or finances.

I should like to ask for a couple of other bits of help as well. Can anybody find the BBC footage of the appalling Gavin Esler puff piece for the “Vote No Borders” PR campaign. The BBC broadcast it repeatedly on every TV news programme on 2 May 2014, but seem to have managed to erase all trace of it from the internet. It might also be useful if somebody could take a little video footage of the company nameplate of Acanchi Ltd at 24 Chiswell Street, London, EC2Y 4YX. Footage of the nameplate, the street sign and a little of the surroundings, just to visually establish it is in London. The technical quality of that little bit of video is not terrifically important.


See Gill R’s comment below. The company may be at Unit 311 Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London N1 0QH. If anyone can easily get to either address and see what they can film it would still be helpful.

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763 thoughts on “BBC Bias

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  • BrianFujisan

    A truck that should be Traceable…. ALL THE WAY –

    Mark Oberholtzer, who runs Mark-1 Plumbing in Galveston, Texas, says that Autonation Ford Gulf Freeway, a dealership in Houston, resold his 2005 Ford F-250 pick-up without removing the decal with his company’s name and phone number. After the truck ended up in the hands of a Syrian rebel group, a photo of it showed up on Twitter and was featured on the final episode of Comedy Central’s ‘Colbert Report’.

    Colbert joked that Syria “is going down the toilet, but for the first time, they know who to call to unclog it.”

    By the end of that day, “Mark-1’s office, Mark-1’s business phone, and Mark’s personal cell phone had received over 1,000 phone calls from around the nation,” ranging from degrading to expletive-laced death threats, according to the lawsuit filed in Harris County by Oberholtzer’s attorneys. Up to 200 calls per day continued to come in over the next three weeks, and the plumber still gets calls to this day, especially after Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) commits an atrocity somewhere, the lawsuit said…

    According to Carfax vehicle history reports, attached to the lawsuit as evidence, the truck was sold at an auction on November 11, 2013. It was exported from Houston and ended up in Mersin, a port in southeastern Turkey. On December 15, 2014, a photo of the truck posted on Twitter showed it being used as a weapons platform by a jihadist group in Syria – with the “Mark-1 Plumbing” sign still there.

  • BrianFujisan

    Trump… I had thought a clinton secret weapon or some such…Till now –

    “She was truly, if not the, one of the worst secretary of states in the country. She talks about me being dangerous. She has killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity,” Trump told Fox News.

    “I am dangerous? She’s the one who caused all this problem with her stupid policies. You look at what she did with Libya, what she did with Syria, look at Egypt, what happened with Egypt – a total mess,” he said….

    on second thoughts Maybe he still IS –

    “The Middle East is a total disaster under her … As an example Iraq – total disaster. They didn’t get us in but they got us out badly. We spend $2trn , thousands of lives, wounded warriors all over. Look at Libya, look at our ambassador, he wired her 500, 600 times asking her for help,” Trump said.

  • Alcyone

    I recommend everybody to watch the BBC/Victoria Derbyshire interview of Shaker Aamer, link posted by John Goss, I think above; thank you.

    I expect Craig to comment on the matter, sooner or later.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Republic of Scotland, what’s up?

    First you characterise Macky and fed Up as my “sidekicks” (!) I sense that they are likely to react to that assertion in a manner redolent of a supernova. Then you attack Glenn for supposedly, “sucking up to me”. Glenn’s a decent guy.

    You can’t have been following this blog very carefully, not really.

    Anon1 actually has agreed with me on several occasions. Does that mean that he too is “sucking up to me”? Perhaps, though, he ate too many lentils that day? You clearly seem not to be on the lentils right now. I would urge you to resume consuming them forthwith! Daal – yellow, green or red. Go on, you know you can do it! Or spinach – like Popeye the Sailor Man.

    Would you prefer if if everyone attacked me? Is that the way it should be, d’you think? Or are you just a little miffed because you had an argument with Macky and Fed Up?

    Did you not enjoy listening to the old Fenian song? Would you prefer a Billy Boy song? Happy to oblige.

    Chill, ffs. I too believe in a Republic of Scotland. I used to believe in a Republic of Britain but I no longer think that feasible.


    Macky, the Frankie Boyle speech was excellent, thanks for linking to it.

  • fwl

    Alcyone, yes awareness of as opposed to death of ego makes sense, etymology is always fascinating for eg a word like hello.

    John Spencer-Davis, no source and as usual my comment was no more than idle speculation, but Hiram and the three ruffians and also the rituals seem to point towards some sort of little death. I don’t have experience of these matters and so I may have misconstrued them.

    Apologies for going off topic again. I had meant to keep quiet until I had read up on Vichy France and other occupied countries. Someone once told me that once a country or group has been occupied it loses its collective ability to dream together…….but that’s not true for Wales.

  • lysias

    It wasn’t true of Ireland either when it was occupied.

    And I suspect it isn’t true of Scotland.

  • fwl

    Very vague idea but interesting to think about. Its difficult to conclude other than that it doesn’t do much good to be colonised. Its surprising that some historians try to argue to the contrary.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Actually, ROS (and Anon1), you can get cheap and good food – meat as well as lentils – at Edinburgh Central Mosque most days. This is esp. the case during the Edinburgh Festival and Fringe but you can partake of its fare all year round. The food is really excellent – I’d thoroughly recommend it.

    Oh, here’s a nice map. It demonstrates that we are taking over Auld Reekie and indeed most of Lothian. Look at all those red balloons!

  • Resident Dissident

    “When the dingbats say “the embers are dying” they’ve got another think coming.”

    I wonder if RobG’s definition of dingbats would extend to Putin toying with the idea of Putin using nukes against ISIS and Mark Golding for supporting the idea. Just imagine if any the dissidents here had suggested that the West use nukes against ISIS – I very much doubt if the howling would have yet died down.

  • RobG

    I’m sure some here will be familiar with a YouTube user called ‘Peekay’, real name Peter Kay, who lives in Melbourne. Peekay is a ‘Truther’ who over the years has posted a huge number of videos about various events (most notably the Boston bombing). I’ll add my usual caveat, in that I don’t agree with everything Peekay says, but in relation to an article I was doing I was in contact with him a while back and he came across as a genuine guy, whatever his views.

    Anyhows, Peekay has recently been effectively banned from saying anything ‘anti-Israel’ on YouTube. Here’s what he has to say about it…

    On a country level, Canada has been most active in making ‘anti-israel’ speech illegal…

    … but just about all the rest of the countries in the West are trying to push through similar measures.

    It seems that in this strange world that we live in, no criticism of zionism is allowed, and that includes on this blog.

    In the meantime we are all marched-off to another idiotic war, one that could well turn into WW3.

    Perhaps when a certain person on here talks about “embers dying” they are talking about radioactive embers on a dead planet.

  • BrianFujisan

    Teach em young… Israeli Families.. Settlers Blast out Hate Music above Palestinian Village. IDF roam around ..Amused… Horrid people.


  • lysias

    Whenever a U.S. official or politician says that “No option is off the table” or the like, that is an implicit threat to use nuclear weapons. Obama, Hillary Clinton, and various officials of the Bush administration have used this phrase repeatedly in recent years with respect to the prospect of Iran getting nuclear weapons. A Google search will find many examples.

  • fred

    “And I suspect it isn’t true of Scotland.”

    Scotland has never been occupied. The union in 1707 was a political union the Scots had long been trying for, a union which gave them access to English trading areas. Scotland tried for union in 1607 and 1670 but both times it was rejected by the House of Commons and an another attempt rejected by the House of Lords in 1695 then Scotland’s attempts for union were turned down by the House of Commons in 1700.

  • RobG

    Resident Dissident, any sentient dingbat knows that what’s going on in Syria is being fermented by batshit crazies in Washington and London and Paris and Tel Aviv and Riyadh.

    I’m talking about governments, not totally contrived Muslim bogeymen.

  • John Goss

    Thanks Aidworker for your kind comment and Alcyone1 for referring readers to the Shaker Aamer interview about what successive torturers put him through. He has as much time for the secret services as yours truly. They have never done anything constructive and are above criticism. I even think the verdict of the potential copycat murderer of Drummer Rigby appearing on the same day the UK SS are accused of being present at the torture of Shaker is suspicious. Little faith in our judicial system after they failed Jean Charles de Menenez and Julian Assange. Anon1 failed to add that two other accused were acquitted. I remember Lockerbie 2 accused 1 acquitted – both innocent. And the involvement of the US SS is well-known in that event. The guy may be guilty or he may have been buying a knife for cleaving meat. To trample on a poppy may be disrespectful but I do not think it is a criminal offence. Anyway the link to the Shaker comment is here. Like others I hope Craig will do something on this.

  • Ishmael

    ffs, This just never ends does it, we often accuse others of what we are most guilty.

    RD, (and I hope this is the last thing I say to you, don’t re ffs) what’s makes you think your in peoples heads?

    I ignored the comments, worthy of contempt, no matter who suggests them..

    I’m sick to death of the shallow, inept, often racist implications embedded in whatever ‘leftest’ ‘dissident’ etc, label you (…..) try to put on me or others…I’m a human being, And I have pretty regular human values.

    Why don’t you take whatever madness you have in your head and …. it. That’s your stuff you cultivate for your own twisted purposes. And your welcome to it.

  • Herbie

    “That’s as may be, Herbie, but what does that have to do with Anon1’s alleged “support” for Mr Trump?”

    He hates muslims. Never shuts up about how vile they are.

    Trump has recently been talking about policies that I’m sure Anon1 would support in Britain.

    Should Trump be elected and enact these policies then it’d be much easier to follow suit in Britain.

    That’d be the rationale.

    But anyway. That’s for the superficial single issues guys.

    The more important thing is that Trump looks like he’s threatening to raise the issue of muslim proxies, as used by the West in their efforts to contain Russia, China etc.

    That’s quite a big game changer. It’s a break from bipartisan politics.

    The US will do well, very well, in a multipolar world.

    Why fight it.

    That’s the real opposition in the US today.

  • giyane


    “Of course, this has nothing to do with Judaism, which, as everyone knows, is a peaceful religion. And mass-immigration of Jews to the UK is a wonderful, enriching experience.”

  • giyane


    Trump has just insulted the very people who saved his bacon from toast. That’s why he has to back-peddle the neo-con tripe. Anybody’s better than Hilary Clinton, and Generals Betrayus and Allen, whom collectively he will appoint to his one-nation team.

  • Ishmael

    It’s a bloody 90% ass hole blog, esp without Mary now, and most of you clearly deserve each-other.

  • fred

    “Not occupied? What is at Faslane?”

    Not an occupation, unless you’re referring to the peace camp.

  • giyane

    The gollumtroll keeps wittering on about ’embers’, like gollum mesmerised by rings. Does he mean Amber Rudd, the wizardess who can magic eco-change without doing anything?

    I get a bit fedup of Tories calling the feed in tariff a subsidy. It is a payment for elecrtricity generated by renewable solo enterprises. remember Payment? Expenses? Costs of production? No to the Tories it is a an evil left-wing subsidy to scroungers and must be abolished.

    Gollumtroll feeling the pain of Gandalf/Corbyn’s benign presence, which to him is a malign force reversing his pathetic Israeli dream.

  • Sixer

    Re: foodbanks. The main food bank, Trussell Trust, have a relationship with Tesco. You buy something and leave it in a collection bin for the TT, and Tesco add a donation of 30% of the value of the donated food, so that they aren’t making a profit on the sales. Which all sounds great.

    The Morning Star has the downside of this here: It’s all about whether people understand who will benefit from their donations (not their local community if the foodbank isn’t run by TT; Tesco using it as a promotion to sell their Value range).

    I’m not that fussed by Tesco promoting their Value range, however. My personal problem with TT and some of the other foodbanks is that you can only get a parcel of food if you are referred by someone “official” – the CAB, the DWP, a social worker, etc. I get it that a free-for-all is open to abuse, but there’s something uncomfortable for me in the institutionalisation of charitable endeavours like this. If there was a foodbank near me that didn’t require a chit from some 21st century version of a poor board, I’d donate to it. But there isn’t.

    I have taken to donating to a local Sikh langar, since a Sikh friend told me how much attendance has increased over the last five or so years.

  • giyane


    “Whenever a U.S. official or politician says that “No option is off the table” or the like, that is an implicit threat to use nuclear weapons.”

    Whatever and whenever the US threatens, it strengthens the rest of the world to fight it and its peculiarly cowardly empire. If we don’t get our way we will just obliterate all human life. Go on then obliterate it. I somehow feel US citizens are more prepared for survival than the rest of us, while Syrians and Afghans and Somalis do it.

    US nihilism is a cult of us all being annihilated. Islamic state gets Senator McCain on multiple orgasm about death. Excuse us guys for just getting on with life.

  • fedup

    Anon1 failed to add that two other accused were acquitted.

    John you failed to mention acquitted after two weeks of jury deliberation!!!! The jury were deliberating for two weeks, and still could not come out with a consensus!

    The pathetic race hate politics this time targeting the new black ie the Muslims is going as per plan but not at the speeds desired! Although These days poppy disrespect is a gateway to terrorism, as sure as the day is long!

    Funny how Warhol was used to portray the degrees of freedom enjoyed in the Western lands; included disrespect to poppy, but then those dayse were different days!

  • Habbabkuk (combat the dingbats)


    “Trump has recently been talking about policies that I’m sure Anon1 would support in Britain.”

    Well, at last you’ve come out with what you wanted to say. Of course, it’s for Anon1 to respond to your assertion if he thinks it worthwhile but it would have saved everyone time if you could have been clearer to begin with. Pussy-footing around is very twee and I suppose being allusive does it for you but it does waste everyone’s time, doesn’t it.


    “Should Trump be elected and enact these policies then it’d be much easier to follow suit in Britain.”


    An interesting thought – would you care to develop it a little and give your reasons for thinking so?

  • giyane


    An interesting thought – would you care to develop it a little and give your reasons for thinking so?”

    Sea-lions like water-boardeding like neo-cons love bombing Muslims.

    I’m eating my breakfast.
    Very well we shall resume in one hour. fuck off.

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