Coe Better Protected Than Blatter By Corrupt National Authorities 1875

Why are the Metropolitan Police not feeling Tory Lord Sebastian Coe’s collar and trawling his hard drives? I blogged recently about his involvement in awarding the World Athletics Championships without a vote to the hometown of his long term paymasters and sponsors, Nike. Plus the £12 million his promotions company made from VIP hospitality packages for the Olympics, the VIP tickets for which were allocated by the Organising Committee of which he was the £600,000 pa chairman.

Now we have this, from the person Coe works closest with in the IAAF and who he has now promoted to head the President’s office since Coe assumed that title:

« Dear Papa,

Following our discussion earlier I have already had some thoughts and believe that we need to do the following, in the strict confidence and control within a small circle of senior IAAF staff only. This must be very secret.

4. Finally, as soon as possible, and ‘unofficially’ PR campaign to ensure that we avoid international media scandals related to the Moscow Championships especially in the British press, where the worst of the articles is coming from. This will require specialist PR skills (working only with me directly) from London, but I believe that if we consider using CSM we can also benefit from Seb’s political influence in the UK. It is in his personal interest to ensure that the Moscow World Champs is a success and that people do not think that the media of his own country are trying to destroy it. We can work extremely hard in stopping any planed ‘attack’ on Russia from the British press in the coming weeks.

5. Finally, I need to be able to sit down with the Anti-doping department and understand exactly what Russian ‘skeleton’ we have still in the cupboard regarding doping. I think that the time to have unveiled the various athletes was a long time ago and that now we need to be smart. These athletes, of course, should NOT be part of any Russian team for these World Championships and Valentin should be pressurised to make sure this is the case. If the guilty ones are not competing then we might as well wait until the event is over to announce them. Or we announce one or two BUT AT THE SAME TIME as athletes from other countries. Also we can prepare a special dossier on IAAF testing which will show that one of the reasons why these Russian athletes come up positive is that they get tested a lot !!! In the same way, we can make the point that the WADA laboratory is the responsibility of WADA not IAAF and that if WADA decides there really is a problem, we have a plan B to do the tests in Lausanne instead (Gabriel confirmed this to me yesterday).

Papa, as soon as I have an idea of the price of this unofficial PR campaign I will let you know, but I will do everything in my power to protect the IAAF and the President.

All the best Nick »

So what does the Establishment now wish us to believe?

a) As long-term Vice President of the IAAF, Coe had no idea the organisation was massively corrupt and the President was taking huge bribes to cover-up doping scandals.
b) Coe had no idea his close associate and now head of his office Nick Davies was writing to the son of the President proposing that Coe’s company and Coe’s “political influence” be used to keep doping scandals out of the British media.
c) Coe’s meeting, while Vice President of the IAAF, with executives of his sponsor Nike, to discuss awarding the World Athletics Championships to Eugene, had no bearing at all on the decision of the President of IAAF to award the games to Eugene without a vote.

All that is even less convincing than Sepp Blatter’s declarations of innocence. Yet there is an utter difference in the British media’s treatment of Blatter and of “Lord” Coe.

I wonder why?

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1,875 thoughts on “Coe Better Protected Than Blatter By Corrupt National Authorities

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  • Phil the ex frog

    Not sure if I’m still banned but let’s find out…

    The idea that unhealthy diets are cheaper than healthy is a bollocks load of crock. A plant diet is unarguably less expensive than junk and meat. And more sustainable. Most interestingly:

    To eat vegan is to challenge core concepts of what ails us such as dominance, exploitation, cruelty and murder.

    Sure, there are people living a hand to mouth existence that denies them the opportunity to eat non-meat but that’s not most of us. Much of the left sneer at vegans for reasons that really only serve to rationalise their participation in what they proclaim to oppose.

    My teeth are made for it! The poor can’t help it! Lentils are boring! etc

    Now for your entertainment, a short video of some happy cows:

  • lysias

    Here’s a map showing the rates of obesity in the different states of the United States. . It’s no coincidence that the three states with the worst rates are all very poor: Arkansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia. And the other states with bad rates also tend to be relatively poor. Meanwhile, the states with the best rates — Colorado, Massachusetts, Vermont, Hawaii, and California — are relatively prosperous.

  • fedup

    ‘Ginger extremist’ who plotted to kill Prince Charles so Harry could be king is detained.

    People Gingers are people too!!!

    When are you going to accept they are Ginger and they are here to stay?

    A “ginger extremist” who fantasised about shooting the Prince of Wales so Harry could be king has been detained indefinitely under the mental health act for plotting a terror attack “for the Aryan people”.

    Mark Colborne, 37, likened himself to Norwegian far-right terrorist Anders Breivik and made notes in his diary of his plan to assassinate Charles with a high powered sniper rifle.

    Now if this ginger tosser turned out to be a Muslim too, can you imagine the headlines and the Judges summation? With anon the racist tosser gloating and waxing lyrical denouncing all Muslims and Islam to boot.

  • Anon1

    To equate fanatical Islamic extremist ideology, which is so rampant and widespread that virtually the entire Islamic world has become a no-go zone for non-Muslims, whether it be gunning down tourists in Tunisia, blowing up airliners in Egypt, or slaughtering concert-goers closer to home in Paris, the mass-rapings, beheadings, suicide bombs strapped to girls, crucifixions, burning people alive in cages, hanging them from cranes, and so forth…

    To compare the RoP with the mental ideas of some nut who believes in killing members of the Royal Family to implement ‘ginger rule’ is frankly barking. But then you do belong in a padded cell, Fedup.

  • fedup

    But then you do belong in a padded cell, Fedup.

    Is that the best line you can come up with?

    Your racist addled brain can no longer discern reality from your fantasies, can it you racist tosser?

    This barking mad ginger tosser was idolising the seventy seven kill Breivik, whilst you are pouring your bile and venom as ever. Harken the times shall change and you will be held responsible for your mendacious hate mongering, all in the way of helping the tribe!!!!!

  • Herbie

    “virtually the entire Islamic world has become a no-go zone for non-Muslims”

    And Birmingham as well.

    Anon1 reports.

    “There are cities like Birmingham (UK), which are totally muslim, where non-muslims simply don’t go”:

    Two more lies, Anon1, and you get thirty pieces of silver in time for Christmas.

    Only two full shopping days left, but I’m sure you’ll manage it.

  • glenn_uk

    Phil: “To eat vegan is to challenge core concepts of what ails us such as dominance, exploitation, cruelty and murder.

    As a almost total vegan (more a very strict vegetarian, I suppose) I agree with you – but bear in mind a lot of the racists and hate-mongers around here live for, and revel in, dominance, exploitation, cruelty and murder.

  • glenn_uk

    Anon1: “I’m no fan of Fury (I would rather have seen Klitschko retain his title), but I tried five times to vote for him, mostly because I wanted to see the luvvies and PC types implode with self-righteous anger.

    Not the first time you’ve bragged about your dishonest practices when it comes to voting. Clearly, you are not a fan of democracy.

  • Republicofscotland

    I mean what’s the big deal over athletes taking steroids. We pump cows,pigs and chickens full of them every day.

    We spray our vegetables with all kinds of shit, shit thats killings flora and fauna. We take medication that has side effects, and it probably doesn’t do what it claims on the bottle or packet, greasing the palms of big pharma is now common place.

    We smoke, we drink, we eat junk food, some even take illicit drugs or the new brain buster, legal highs. We swim in the sea, which is polluted with all kinds of shit.

    Bodybuilders and strongmen take anabolic steroids, hell Arnold Sweattyknickers made his career on them, Sturm Graz, even renamed their stadium after Mr Sweattyknickers until he became an American citizen.

    Wrestlers and boxers take steroids, yet Ali and Tyson are seen as heroes. Okay those who remember the wrestler Big Daddy, will say he wasn’t exactly Charles Atlas, and that’s true. But the likes of the Rock, real name Dwayne Johnson, have made their career on a sport rife with drug taking, and do you know what, the fans love it.

  • Republicofscotland

    Shit Anon1, are you still pumping out that RoP BS, you’ve not once put a link up to back up any of it.

    Do us all a big favour, put up the link (daily) or STFU about it, but from where I’m sitting you’re full of it.

  • Anon1

    Node posts the daily list of Israeli ‘atrocities’, in which we learn that three Palestinians have been “murdered”.

    Node neglects to mention that two of those “murders” were the result of attempts to drive cars into into Israeli soldiers and pedestrians.

    Perhaps that sort of annoying detail is why Node no longer provides a link.

  • glenn_uk

    RoS: I heard that rock-band members have been known – on occasion – to “experiment” with drugs too.

    But I hope this isn’t going to be taken (through use of your curious logic) as some confession to being in a rock-band, using drugs, and anything else you might dream up, and get you hooting in some fool’s victory on the matter. That does get very tiresome, you know.

  • Republicofscotland

    “Node posts the daily list of Israeli ‘atrocities’, in which we learn that three Palestinians have been “murdered”.

    Node neglects to mention that two of those “murders” were the result of attempts to drive cars into into Israeli soldiers and pedestrians.

    Perhaps that sort of annoying detail is why Node no longer provides a link.”


    Fair enough Anon1, but none of that stops you posting a link to your RoP, report does it now?

  • Anon1

    Mod has begun to expunge the comments in which I defend myself from the lies made up by the resident Trolls, meaning I’m out of here.

    Merry Christmas to you all.

  • Anon1

    I’ve answered your post in detail, RoS, but it has been deleted.

    Have a happy Christmas.

    [ Mod: No you didn’t. ]

  • Habbabkuk (la vita e' bella)


    “Now if this ginger tosser turned out to be a Muslim too, can you imagine the headlines and the Judges summation?

    But he isn’t a Muslim, is he, so your “comment” is just one of your usual silly provocations, unrelated to the subject of this thread and certainly irrelevant to anything but your pet obsession.

  • glenn_uk

    That’s naughty, anon1 – lying about the mods might get your unwelcome ass booted out of here. Having said that, you lie when you vote. You lie about people here. You lie about Israel, Muslims, immigrants, and so on. Lying about the content of deleted posts wouldn’t exactly be a stretch now, would it?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita e' bella)


    “I’ve answered your post in detail, RoS, but it has been deleted.

    Have a happy Christmas.

    [ Mod: No you didn’t. ]”

    Has your remit been extended to pronouncing on the truth (or otherwise) of what commenters say?

    If so, you’re going to have your work cut out.

    Good luck.

  • Republicofscotland

    “RoS: I heard that rock-band members have been known – on occasion – to “experiment” with drugs too.

    But I hope this isn’t going to be taken (through use of your curious logic) as some confession to being in a rock-band, using drugs, and anything else you might dream up, and get you hooting in some fool’s victory on the matter. That does get very tiresome, you know.”


    Good to see Glenn, that you’ve recovered from your put down by your long term blog friend Habb, a hard one to take, but you’re a resilient fellow.

    Anyway yes Glenn you make a good point musicians and actors (there’s a few of the latter in here) take drugs and of course they are seen as role models to children, too a certain degree.

    Hell the West even invaded Afghanistan under the guise to apprehend or kill bin Laden, though the main priority was to take possession of the poppy fields, a nice little earner I might add. And it looks like Britain will return to Afghanistan to sort out the pesky Taliban. Code for reclaiming the money making fields.

    Drugs have infiltrated just about every walk of life, alas in my opinion they’re here to stay.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita e' bella)


    “That’s naughty, anon1 – lying about the mods…”


    THe moderator’s’s “No you didn’t” appears to refer to Anon’s claim that he answered someone’s question and not to his claim that his answer was deleted.So he does not appear to be “lying about the mods”.

  • lysias

    When the lie is about what the moderator is said to have done, surely the moderator is allowed to comment about that.

  • glenn_uk

    H: “But he isn’t a Muslim, is he, so your “comment” is just one of your usual silly provocations, unrelated to the subject of this thread and certainly irrelevant to anything but your pet obsession.

    That’s probably why this ginger tosser is simply called a deranged freak, instead of a terrorist. To illustrate the point, try finding a MSM reference to Christian terrorists who go around murdering officers and civilians in America, not to mention terrorising the legal users of family planning services, as they wage their religious war against those not sharing their religious delusions.

    I don’t think you’ll find the assassination of doctors and clinicians by the religiously insane, nor the numerous attacks by right-wing extremists, come under the category of “terrorism” that often. One Muslim goes nuts for equally crazed reasons, and there’s your terrorist.

    You’d have to be unobservant not to immediately see the pattern, and thoroughly dishonest to actively deny it.

  • lysias

    The claim was that the moderator deleted a post that answered a question. The moderator says the claim is false.

  • glenn_uk

    Lysias: Yes, agreed. Although getting dragged into a discussion about who said what, when, why, justify this action, answer demands about the validity of another action – no wonder mods lose heart. That sort of crap is what got the mediamatters comment board shut down, a poster was saying the other day.

    They’d had enough. Wonder if that is the aim here.

  • lysias

    The trolls here have repeatedly admitted they want to drive commenters away, and they have lately reacted gleefully to a paucity of posts here at certain times.

  • fedup

    I’ve answered your post in detail, RoS, but it has been deleted.

    Have a happy Christmas.

    [ Mod: No you didn’t. ]

    Here is one for the MOD; hip hip hurrah, hip hip hurrah, hip hip hurrah!

    The acting rabbi for the keyboard units responding to the sos distress call is back full of it’s usual shit adjudications and pronouncements, denouncing the MOD for outing the lying racist scum bag used the techniques of the zionist supremacist vermin wining it and hoping none would notice its lies and deceitful manipulations!!!!

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