Sadly, Terrorism Is Easy 472

I wish a speedy recovery, both physically and mentally, to the people stabbed at Leytonstone tube station. It must have been horrifying.

The following comments are in part predicated on a presumption that the media reports of the incident are broadly true. This comes with a serious health warning. At this stage after another tube station incident, we were universally assured that various official “sources” and “eye-witnesses” had affirmed that Jean Charles leapt the barriers and ran through the tunnels, wearing a bulky jacket with wires sticking out. All of those turned out to be absolute lies deliberately spread by the Metropolitan Police and the Home Office.

But assuming this time the account of his shouting about Syria is not lies, what we can see from video is that a single man in a very silly hat, armed with a very small knife indeed, can carry out a vicious terrorist attack with apparently no need for planning at all. Not even planning enough to get a less tiny knife from his kitchen.

Because, sadly terrorism is easy. As I stated recently, if I were crazed enough to want to kill somebody tomorrow, and did not care how I did it, who I killed or if I died myself, I could kill a few people without too much effort or planning. That is why the continual propaganda about “seven foiled ISIS terrorist plots” or “4,000 active Islamic terrorists in the UK” is quite simply untrue. If all those terrorists existed, they would not be so entirely unproductive. What the authorities do catch continually are fantasists, often children, boasting and “plotting” online about being terrorists. That is quite a different thing. It is worth noting that nobody has been charged over any of these seven foiled ISIS plots. Strange that, isn’t it?

As for the man in the silly hat, I fear he is mentally unstable. That is no comfort to his victims. The truth is, of course, that it is always the little people who get hurt. None of the 1% who foment, promote and profit from war have ever set foot in Leytonstone Tube Station. But their agenda is forwarded today. By its continual acts of violence and repression, the neo-con state eventually goads a mentally unstable person into a nasty, vicious and pointless act. They then use that act to justify more wars and repression.

For the security and armaments industry it is a very profitable cycle.

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472 thoughts on “Sadly, Terrorism Is Easy

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  • Habbabkuk (you too can be an Oxofrd Greatsman, it's all in the mind)


    It’s not often I have occasion to praise you but hats off to you for your job on the lunatic Tony M.

  • Mary

    See how the pair of them are working their old trick of setting one against another here.

    It’s Divert Distract Divide.

  • Alcyone

    “Ground hog day blog. Cunt’s who think they are something (exceptions noted) but can’t raise to the most basic level of human decadency. Like admitting when they are cunts. Same old CM story…”
    Ishmael, you sound like a sensitive person.

    Don’t ever let anyone here intimidate you. And please don’t blame CM for it either. You saw that it was his moderator, perhaps even himself you deleted Nebelmind’s intimidation to you. (And that is despite Nebeminds claim of him being a ‘friend’ of Craigs.)

    Many of us here are very objective and we reject people’s claims of their longer tenancy here. Note that both Habby and Pan made constructive observation–both are decent people. Nebelmind is a very crude character, despite his hard efforts at flowery pose in his attempt to appear intellectual. The fact that he turned all abusive is a testament to your balanced observations on not needing his aggressive nonsense to an innocent commenter.

    You do not need Nebelmind’s permission to post here and I am very glad he got slapped down for behaving like he an appointed attack dog of Craig, when that is not Craigs style at all.

    Stay well and strong and I genuinely hope all that you wish for works out well.

  • Andy

    Anon1, you aren’t fit to clean the remarkable Dr Halpin’s shoes. Whether the present UK and historic Germany could be comparable is of course debatable but I’ve no doubt if Dr Halpin thinks that they are, he has a very good reason to do so.
    He has throughout his life dedicated himself to healing people and strives to alleviate the misery your friends inflict on the Palestinians. He took enormous risks to find out the truth concerning the death of Dr David Kelly. He is a genuinely decent human being, you on the other hand…..

  • Habbabkuk (you too can be an Oxofrd Greatsman, it's all in the mind)


    Actually you could also have picked up on the egregious Tony M’s claim about “Does Cameron’s old-Etonian cabal not..etc, etc”.

    It would seem that apart from the Prime Minister himself, the only Cabinet Minister to have attended Eton is Oliver Letwin (as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster – hardly the most important Cabinet office in most people’s opinion).

    But, hey, never let facts get in the way of a good rant, Tony.

  • Ishmael

    Thanks Pan.

    I wish it was just nevermind, but it’s a not uncommon to me here. I don’t think it’s much to ask, I can be well out of order sometimes, and can admit it (to easily imo).

    I guess it keep things ‘professional’, but that’s the issue, I don’t want to be professional. I don’t want to void all my feeling just because it makes it easy to dig at others remorselessly.

    That is not a ‘growing up’ process, it’s a hardening process, and if that’s what it takes to simply express oneself it’s not worth it. I will not become that. It’s really analogous to ‘fighting terrorism’ while killing innocent people.

    It’s good actually, to hear you say fuck off Nevermind. I think your feelings are misplaced in this instance, but important none the less. And you did get a mod raw deal…

    Ps, (note me keeping to that same post) I’v just been chatting to a friend about Lucy allan, Telford gossip….So it appears she admitted adding the line
    “from another email”… You just can’t buy this sort of thing, real life intrigue, or vile machinations. Both… I’m glad I stayed away from expressing my opinion to her recently, as most of that email is just the sort of thing i’d say.

    She and one of her minions already got shit from me age’s ago, with pathetic empty ineffectual comeback. Fascistic no brainers. I bet they could not take the reality of that email, so had to find a way to make it bad or evil of him.

  • Habbabkuk (you too can be an Oxofrd Greatsman, it's all in the mind)


    “Whether the present UK and historic Germany could be comparable is of course debatable”


    Thanks for that hilarious admission, Andy, you’ve made my day 🙂

  • Anon1


    “Anon1, you aren’t fit to clean the remarkable Dr Halpin’s shoes. Whether the present UK and historic Germany could be comparable is of course debatable but I’ve no doubt if Dr Halpin thinks that they are, he has a very good reason to do so.
    He has throughout his life dedicated himself to healing people and strives to alleviate the misery….” etc.


    I haven’t heard of him, but it sounds as though you would be quite fit to lick his shoes.

  • Anon1

    Though I havent heard of David Halpin-Initials, I’m clearly fucking with a major hard-left hero here judging by the way Andy worships him.

  • Andy

    Look at these poor victims. The stone throwers are so dangerous that the soldiers can take the kids along to be entertained. Considering there are so many pictures of stone throwing Palestinians, isn’t it amazing that there are no images of stricken IDF soldiers having their injuries treated?

    Who needs football, gigs or theatre when you can watch people getting maimed or killed. Oddly enough, TV companies aren’t so enthusiastic about having this type of reality show.

  • Ishmael

    Opps, missed that, Alcyone 7:00 pm

    Thanks, it does me credit i’m told. And I don’t blame CM for it, it’s just that (as many will know) iv been pulled up for exactly the same ‘thing’ before.

    Any issues i’v had with Craig (also not unrelated) I hoped to keep to the past. Wasn’t very clever of me to bring up I guess..

  • lysias

    I once had the pleasure of visiting a torpedo boat formerly belonging to the East German Volksmarine at the facility of the U.S. Navy at Solomon’s Island, Maryland a few years after the fall of East Germany.

  • Anon1

    “Look at these poor victims.”

    Having made a tit of himself, Andy is now virtue-signalling to his friends.

    Never has he written a word about any humanitarian concern that doesn’t involve Israel.

  • Andy

    I’m so pleased to have brightened your miserable existence. Habbabkuk (you too can be an Oxofraud Greatsman, it’s all in the mind). I try to do my bit for those with special needs.

  • Republicofscotland

    “It’s not often I have occasion to praise you but hats off to you for your job on the lunatic Tony M.”


    Tony M, may waffle a barrel of shit from time to time, but compared to you he’s Albert Einstein in the honesty department.

    As for you paying me a compliment, I have a rather uneasy feeling combined with nausea, due to the fact it conjured up the image of David Cameron smiling at a pig on a visit to a pig farm, I wonder if bacon can come out in a cold sweat.

  • Anon1

    “I merely pointed out his attributes and your deficiencies, Anon1.”

    I’ve no idea about David’s attributes, Andy, and thankfully you have no idea about mine.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Just been watching an interview with the brother of the Leytonstone tube station knifeman. He says his brother has had mental problems for years and had received hospital treatment for it in the past. Recently the problem recurred and he contacted the NHS and the police requesting his brother should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act. Both said there was nothing they could do because he hadn’t harmed anyone. They didn’t have the resources.

    Which is the most effective use of resources to protect the British public? Psychiatric help for the mentally ill or bombing Libya?

  • Anon1

    “Is it normal for children to be observing attempted murder at such close quarters purely for entertainment?”

    Are you talking about Hamas, Andy?

  • Republicofscotland

    “Never has he written a word about any humanitarian concern that doesn’t involve Israel.”


    Well I give Andy an (A) for consistency, speaking of consistency Anon1, no RoP report today?

    Oh, and a link would be nice to the report, we all know how evasive you can be when you put your mind to it.

  • john young

    I would recommend Veterans to-day and Eastern Outlook as 2 good sites to visit where you might just get a more truthful account of what is happening in the middle east/world,a bit off topic,nobody to my mind asked the supporters of bomb everything as to what happened to this strategy in Vietnam remember “bomb them back to the stone age” who were the “victors”.

  • Habbabkuk (you too can be an Oxofrd Greatsman, it's all in the mind)


    “Tony M, may waffle a barrel of shit from time to time, but compared to you he’s Albert Einstein in the honesty department.

    As for you paying me a compliment, I have a rather uneasy feeling combined with nausea, due to the fact it conjured up the image of David Cameron smiling at a pig on a visit to a pig farm, I wonder if bacon can come out in a cold sweat.”


    Don’t worry, RoS, I forgive you. I know you have to say that in order to keep on the right side of Mother Mary and the other Old Trolls; 🙂

  • Anon1

    “I would recommend Veterans to-day and Eastern Outlook as 2 good sites to visit where you might just get a more truthful account of what is happening in the middle east/world”


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