Zionist Benn’s Grab For Power 191

Hilary Benn is very serious about his power grab and has been laying the ground for it very carefully. On 18 November BICOM – the British Israeli Communications and Research Centre – published this:

Shadow Foreign Secretary Hilary Benn told a Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) lunch yesterday that relations with Israel must be based on cooperation and rejected attempts to isolate the country.

Addressing senior party figures in Westminster, Benn praised Israel for its “progressive spirit, vibrant democracy, strong welfare state, thriving free press and independent judiciary.” He also called Israel “an economic giant, a high-tech centre, second only to the United States. A land of innovation and entrepreneurship, venture capital and graduates, private and public enterprise.”

Consequently, said Benn, “Our future relations must be built on cooperation and engagement, not isolation of Israel. We must take on those who seek to delegitimise the state of Israel or question its right to exist.”

It is worth reading the next article BICOM published. Brigadier General Michael Herzog, head of strategy for the Israeli defence Force, sets out a strategy for Israeli interests in Syria which dovetails precisely with what Benn and Cameron were pushing in the Commons. Note that Herzog says an overall diplomatic solution is not realistic and rather de facto partitioning of Syria suits Israel’s interests. Therefore there should be no waiting for diplomatic progress before western military action.

With his abandonment of any pretended concern for the slow and agonising genocide of the Palestinians, and his strident support for Trident, Benn is embracing the Israeli establishment and the British military and political establishment. In return, the Tories roared his speech to the rafters, while the media, and especially the Genie Energy linked media, are boosting him to the Labour leadership.

The United Kingdom has, temporarily, an opposition leadership which is not controlled, Zionist, neo-con and in the pocket of the arms industry. Benn has positioned himself very carefully to offer himself as the vehicle for the entire establishment to move to correct this aberration.

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191 thoughts on “Zionist Benn’s Grab For Power

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  • Ba'al Zevul

    Cause and effect:

    “There is now a clear risk that extending UK bombing to Syria will threaten, rather than protect, our national security.” (Jeremy Corbyn, 3/12)

    European security agencies, citing specific intelligence that had been obtained, stated that British Isil operatives in Syria and Iraq were being tasked to return home to launch an attack, CNN reported.

    The concerns from intelligence agencies had apparently been compounded by the parliamentary vote on Wednesday evening.

    ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/12030469/Britain-launches-air-strikes-against-Isil-in-Syria-live.html , 4/12)

  • Mary

    He certainly has many ‘positions’.

    On Uzbekistan.
    During a US Congressional delegation’s visit to Uzbekistan in February 2013, Rohrabacher made several controversial statements. The chief among those statements was that the United States should treat Uzbekistan like Saudi Arabia by disregarding the former’s human rights abuses in achieving America’s national interests, particularly in selling armaments and drones to Uzbekistan

    On Iraq.
    During a trip to Iraq in June 2011, he said that Iraq should pay back the U.S. for all the money it had spent since the invasion, when it becomes a wealthy country. Rohrabacher also commented he would be holding a hearing with the Sub-Committee on Oversight and Investigations into if Iraq committed “crimes against humanity” at Camp Ashraf when a massacre occurred last April. The incident left 34 residents killed and over 300 wounded. The delegation was denied access to the camp by Iraqi government, citing their sovereignty. Rohrabacher’s delegation was subsequently asked to leave the country.


  • Mary

    ‘Radicalized US Muslim clashed with his J3wish co-worker over religion two weeks before he and Pakistani wife killed 14 at office holiday party using huge arsenal of weapons and pipe bombs’

    Outraged. Disenfranchised’

    All grist to the mill for the War on Terror. Geddit? 😉

  • Mary

    David Shoebridge, Australian MP

    Speaks on Study Mission to Israel
    Private Members Motion in Australian NSW Legislative Council

    Australian MP David Shoebridge exposes Israeli propaganda in Australia about Palestine

    Do find time to view this 10 minute record of a fine man castigating the motion and those who went on a ‘Board of Deputies’ funded trip to the Zionist entity. He has the facts at his fingertips and a heart of a lion. The barracking probably comes from the same ilk who barracked those opposing the bombing of ISIS (our creation) and Cameron’s wily path to the destruction of the Syrian state.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Shoebridge Greens New South Wales

  • Miriam

    Hmmm…Since IS have prioritized the destruction of Israel’s arch enemy Hamas over that of Israel I find it difficult to realise why rushing to destroy IS before it gets a chance to destroy Hamas would be particularly beneficial for a Zionist.

  • Annette

    Zionist vermin really??? You try living there
    No thanks. Hezbollah living it up in Saudi etc . Yasser Arafat siphoning of millions of pounds
    What a proud history ,putting human shields in the way of rockets carry on
    Defending it. It’s always the Jews fault always will be let’s not blame Is/Daesh or any of the cruel states surrounding them. Democracy in that region don’t make me laugh
    Why is everything anti Labour what about Conservative s
    I’m anti air strikes and do not believe in the
    Harming of innocents anywhere but their is no such thing as diplomatic peace talks with them they are never going to happen. Cut off their trade routes it’s the only way they are making £30 million a week , how ?????

  • Harry

    The look on Mr corbyns face as he watched his Brutus in action reflects fairly the contempt I feel for Mr Tony Benns mis-take.

  • Mary

    Hilary Benn faces protests and lobbies for his support of war in Syria
    6 December 2015

    Hilary Benn MP, lobbied by Peter Brierley, father of UK soldier killed in Iraq.

    Hilary Benn, who led Labour MPs supporting David Cameron’s drive to war in Syria, has faced multiple protests and lobbies in his Leeds constituency. He was not persuaded when lobbied by Peter Brierley, father of soldier killed in Iraq, nor by an eleventh hour open letter from students and staff at Leeds University. Leeds Coalition Against War reports below on the lobbies and protests.

    In a week which has seen the horror of the British state partaking in yet another imperial war in the Middle East, there has also been mass protests against militarism and resistance from below which gives hope – huge demonstrations of thousands of people in London, Bristol, Manchester and so on.

    In Leeds, we have had four anti-war protests in the last week alone, including a successful lobby of Hilary ‘Bomber’ Benn, which received national attention and coverage.


  • Mary

    Which scribbler said what about that speech.

    Manufacturing Consensus – Hilary Benn’s Speech
    9 December 2015

    Everyone laughs when dictators claim ‘Victory!’ having secured fully 99 per cent of the vote. The deception is so naked, so obvious – nobody is fooled by this supposed ‘national consensus’.

    By contrast, when Western politics and media appear to reach a consensus on the benevolent intent of ‘our’ leaders, on the Hitlerian qualities of ‘our’ latest Official Enemy – when war is understood to be an unavoidable necessity by just about everyone – nobody blinks an eye. The beauty of a system like ours – controlled by propaganda rather than Big Brother-style censorship and violence – is that it looks for all the world like freedom.

    The corporate media system may appear to be comprised of a huge variety of newspapers, magazines, websites, TV and radio stations. But in fact these are all corporate media, and all corporate media share similar interests and pursue similar goals in alliance with the state. What looks like consensus is most often a lie – a phoney reflection of corporate dominance and mindless groupthink.

    Thus the Guardian when it declared that historians ‘will look back to read an impassioned and impressive speech’.

    A Telegraph leader agreed: the speaker gave ‘the country a rare reminder of what a first class parliamentary performer he is… The Commons brought out the very best in him.’


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