Minutes after I posted this article, the ludicrous Jess Phillips published an article in the Guardian which could not have been better designed to prove my thesis. A number of people have posted comments on the Guardian article pointing this out, and they have all been immediately deleted by the Guardian. I just tried it myself and was also deleted. I should be grateful if readers could now also try posting comments there, in order to make a point about censorship on the Guardian.
Catching up on a fortnight’s news, I have spent five hours searching in vain for criticism of Simon Danczuk from prominent or even just declared feminists. The Guardian was the obvious place to start, but while they had two articles by feminist writers condemning Chris Gayle’s clumsy attempt to chat up a presenter, their legion of feminist columnists were entirely silent on Danczuk. The only opinion piece was strongly defending him.
This is very peculiar. The allegation against Danczuk which is under police investigation – of initiating sex with a sleeping woman – is identical to the worst interpretation of the worst accusation against Julian Assange. The Assange allegation brought literally hundreds, probably thousands of condemnatory articles from feminist writers across the entire range of the mainstream media. I have dug up 57 in the Guardian alone with a simple and far from exhaustive search. In the case of Danczuk I can find nothing, zilch, nada. Not a single feminist peep.
The Assange case is not isolated. Tommy Sheridan has been pursuing a lone legal battle against the Murdoch empire for a decade, some of it in prison when the judicial system decided his “perjury” was imprisonable but Andy Coulson’s admitted perjury on the Murdoch side in the same case was not. I personally witnessed in court in Edinburgh last month Tommy Sheridan, with no lawyer (he has no money) arguing against a seven man Murdoch legal team including three QCs, that a letter from the husband of Jackie Bird of BBC Scotland should be admitted in evidence. Bird was working for Murdoch and suggested in his letter that a witness should be “got out of the country” to avoid giving evidence. The bias exhibited by the leading judge I found astonishing beyond belief. I was the only media in the court.
Yet even though the Murdoch allegations against Sheridan were of consensual sexual conduct, Sheridan’s fight against Murdoch has been undermined from the start by the massive and concerted attack he has faced from the forces of feminism. Just as the vital messages WikiLeaks and Assange have put out about war crimes, corruption and the relentless state attack on civil liberties have been undermined by the concerted feminist campaign promoting the self-evidently ludicrous claims of sexual offence against Assange.
As soon as the radical left pose the slightest threat to the neo-con establishment, an army of feminists can be relied upon to run a concerted campaign to undermine any progress the left wing might make. The attack on Jeremy Corbyn over the makeup of his shadow cabinet was a classic example. It is the first ever gender equal shadow cabinet, but the entire media for a 96 hour period last September ran headline news that the lack of women in the “top” posts was anti-feminist. Every feminist commentator in the UK piled in.
Among the obvious dishonesties of this campaign was the fact that Defence, Chancellor, Foreign Affairs and Home Secretary have always been considered the “great offices of State” and the argument only could be made by simply ignoring Defence. The other great irony was the “feminist” attack was led by Blairites like Harman and Cooper, and failed to address the fact that Blair had NO women in any of these posts for a full ten years as Prime Minister.
But facts did not matter in deploying the organised feminist lobby against Corbyn.
Which is why it is an important test to see what the feminists, both inside and outside the Labour Party, would do when the leading anti-Corbyn rent-a-gob, Simon Danczuk, was alleged to have some attitudes to women that seem very dubious indeed, including forcing an ex-wife into non-consensual s&m and that rape allegation.
And the answer is …nothing. Feminists who criticised Assange, Sheridan and Corbyn in droves were utterly silent on the subject of Danczuk. Because the purpose of established and paid feminism is to undermine the left in the service of the neo-cons, not to attack neo-cons like Danczuk.
Identity politics has been used to shatter any attempt to campaign for broader social justice for everybody. Instead it becomes about the rights of particular groups, and that is soon morphed into the neo-con language of opportunity. What is needed, modern feminism argues, is not a reduction of the vast gap between rich and poor, but a chance for some women to become Michelle Mone or Ann Gloag. It is not about good conditions for all, but the removal of glass ceilings for high paid feminist journalists or political hacks.
Feminism has become the main attack tool in the neo-con ideological arsenal. I am sceptical the concept can be redeemed from this.
Glenn Greenwald reminds us that self-proclaimed but fake free speech advocates are exactly like faux-feminists, jumping on bandwagons they don’t believe in to persue other aims;
The attack on Corbyn for not having a women in a top 4 post was quite obviously a beat up. I’d never in my life heard anyone argue that there should be equal representation of women in these ‘top 4’ posts, until Corbyn named his cabinet. It’s just never been an issue. Sure, equal representation in cabinet, but not the top posts. Personally, I think there is a case for ensuring that 50% of safe-seats have all female candidates, because as we know those who have the safe seats generally get to cabinet, but that’s a slightly different discussion.
What was so sad was that Jezza had just named a gender-equal cabinet, probably for the first time ever. He could have been given some credit for this. Instead – some stupid criticism about a non-issue. All a bit High School Bullying, if you ask me.
Speaking of which, it’s interesting to view PMQ’s. Lots of frowny faces on the shadow front bench when Jezza speaks. This is a shame, because Jezza has done well against Cameron. One can only presume that certain members of the SC are wholly conditioned to expect a telegenic, vapid suit to be asking the questions, presumably triangulating all the way. What do they teach them at Oxbridge one wonders? Not much, it would appear.
As to Sheridan. I have had long discussions about this In Another Place. Strathclyde Police spent millions nailing Sheridan, and that kind of money is signed off at the very highest levels. I’ve always suspected the hidden hand of our deep state in this one. The timeline is quite complex, and probably too dull to go into on this thread, but the fact that Coulson ended up advising our idiot PM, and got away with perjury, is hugely suggestive of establishment conniving, to say the least. I’ve argued loud and long that Sheridan’s conviction was unsafe, on the grounds that Coulson – and everyone associated with Newscorp – have lied repeatedly about everything, and Strathclyde Police seem to have been subject to high level political interference. All this was far more interesting than the ‘fact’ that Sheridan was a bad husband, who frequented sex-workers. Naturally, little of this enters the pages of the corporate media.
And Danczuk. Well, he’s been rattling cages about the various protected perverts in high places hasn’t he? We must presume him innocent of course, but regardless of his alleged crimes, it’s not a stretch to argue that certain players have been investigating him rather closely. I’m not about to defend Danczuk, who is at the very least an abject bell-end, but the context is still relevant. Won’t hear much of that in The Guardian either.
Johnstone @9.42pm
There are really just 2 similarities between Rotherham and Cologne-
1.Both involved the abuse of women or girls by members of other pc designated victim groups.
2.Because of the designated victim status of the abusers, many feminists (particularly those whose double standards in another context Craig has highlighted)were strangely tongue tied in their reactions to this abusive behavior. (In the serial abuse cases in northern England Ann Cryer stood out from her sisters in her refusal to be mealy mouthed about the phenomenon).
Attempts to suppress news about organised sexual abuse in Rotherham were successful for much longer than the rather ham fisted efforts of the outgoing Cologne police chief to obfuscate and minimise the New Year events there- facts that reflect well on Germany and negatively on the UK.
I certainly agree that Merkel’s open door asylum policy is not as widely supported in Germany as the MSM here initially suggested, and on a different thread late last year stressed this fact, noting that in the wake of thousands of daily arrivals, AfD had overtaken both Die Linke and the Greens in reliable opinion polls.
“Did you and I know each other way back in the early days of the internet? and did we share a glass of Burgundy?”
No – that wasn’t me! 🙂
Old Mark 1.35
“Attempts to suppress news about organised sexual abuse in Rotherham were successful for much longer than the rather ham fisted efforts of the outgoing Cologne police chief to obfuscate and minimise the New Year events there- facts that reflect well on Germany and negatively on the UK.”
Fair do’s, apart from the UK bit mate. Separate police & prosecuting authorities in Scotland. (we do do cover up, esp when told to big bad Lockerbie style, not on though for run of the mill slime)
Says enough about the MSM that the first I heard about the Asian gang grooming was on a NF type(probably EDF) leaflet put up in a construction site canteen 15 ish years ago. Thought it was just them blowing up something small, to stir it !
The difference between Love and Hate is that Love works on any and every level and in any dimension. It comes from within.
I don’t know about hate.
I have Never Done It…
What a completely wonderful night, tonight with my wife and friends.
Thank You So much
The Band were Awesome
Our daughter and her new boyfriend drove us there…he is lovely.
I kind of said to the Russian registered in California via Iceland…that if that lot doesn’t want to host you..We will host You in London…
The Saker said its sorted now so I wished him a Merry Christmas..The Russians and The Greeks do it a bit later than us…
The Vineyard of the Saker | A bird’s eye view of the vineyard
Top Man
She asked who is the bloke taking the photographs? She said sorry he hasn’t has his hair cut for over 10 years.
That’s me husband
Old Mark
You seem to be aware of the fact that Ms Merkels immigration policy has resulted in a public backlash (see Jeremy Stocks comment above) that will ultimately change to political landscape, yet you have jumped to the conclusion that some kind of cover-up by feminists (are you implying Ms Merkel herself?) due to political correctness has been going on. In my opinion you make assumptions, at the very least that the reports (first in Koln, then in Munich, then in Hamburg, then in Frankfurt and Helsinki)of New Years Eve intimidation and rape by asylum seekers are accurate. This ‘news’ has served its purpose.
Any sexual assault is to be deeply deplored. But the photo and video evidence I have seen so far does not seem to bear out the reported scale of events in Cologne. Jeremy Stocks I find your attitudes both to women and to immigrants to be pitiable rather than offensive.
“The Tories plan to kick 30,000 nurses out of Britain because they weren’t born here. David Cameron’s new immigration laws mean workers recruited from outside the EU since 2011 who earn less than £35,000 a year after six years will have to go back to their countries of origin. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) said: “This will cause NHS chaos.”
Maybe some of you would like to sign this petition. Nurses are a vital part of the NHS, no matter where they come from.
” ..the photo and video evidence I have seen so far does not seem to bear out the reported scale of events in Cologne. ”
Over 100 women have so far made complaints to the police, these kind of offences are notorious for being badly under-reported so there may be many more. Just what would convince you? Does somebody really have to draw you a picture?
You were prepared to believe that 20,000 died in Sirte on the basis of no evidence at all.
Craig – delighted to have been a modest contributor to this article
” these kind of offences are notorious for being badly under-reported so there may be many more.”
There may be. On the other hand this may be one of those exceptions that prove the rule. The rule being that such offences are always under reported unless they serve the purposes of the powers that be- in this case the islamophobes.
Talking of Sirte, you might recall the strange case of the black ‘mercenaries’ who had been dosed with viagra in order to facilitate their serial rapes (and insult our intelligence).
That too was a case in which there was none of that ‘notorious under reporting’ of the offence in question. On the contrary.
Events on NYE are turning into a major embarrassment for Angular and her open doors policy, I can’t see why the powers that be would want to exaggerate the number of offences. On the contrary it would appear that attempts were made to play down the scale of the disorder.
No evidence was ever uncovered of organised serial rapes in Libya as you describe.
The politics of hate are the easiest methods of getting the standard issue hamburger muncher foregoing all manner of services/comforts/rights in the way of getting back at the swine that have committed some perceived wrong.
It may well be a capital idea for someone to go back and find the copies of Der Stürmer et al and their headlines and stories these are then ran alongside the current headlines and the packages that is being passed as news, in a way of comparing and contrasting!!!
The story of Cologne started with modest numbers of gangs of up to a dozen males “African or Arab looking” were sexually assaulting women in or around the train station in Cologne! Well this is an every day story in any darn Italian train station men of Italian looks sexually assaulting women by pinching their bottoms etc.
But the story in cologne did not produce the desired outcome of condemnation of all of the immigrants ie those darn pesky Arabs that ought not be let into Europe because it belongs to the last lot of refugees, you know, the one’s we can’t mention in case it is an insult to them; don’t be so thick man J**s!
Then the numbers of dozens started going to hundreds and then thousands and the latest is pretty much all of the bloody immigrants!!!!
Rob G is right there will be a day that will be the day of reckoning, and I am sure there will not be any shortage of volunteers to dish out instant street justice to the hate mangers whom have plagued the lives of every man woman and child on this planet since the beginning of the twenty first century and continue to do so!
Meanwhile back at the ranch Madaya starvation is yet another cry for help of the foul devils of al Saud who are busy pushing fake photographs and fake packages of the starving albeit the photographs have been taken two years ago in Jordanian refugee camps, because their evil mercenary cut throats sent to destroy Syria are getting comprehensively beat!
CCTV is still being scrutinised in Cologne and the police chief has been resigned, all immigrants are publicly told that they are going to be deported should they commit a crime, so they know this and have to make a decision whether its worth their risk.
Over 120 complaints made about new years eve and today we have a massive clash between the right (PEGIDA) and the left. Lets hope that Jeremy keeps well out of it, after all he’s an immigrant to Germany.
There is something about this which does not ring true, because new Years eve is know for its revelry, massive drinking and drink related criminality.
What is surprising that the mayor of Cologne was ridiculed for her foresight.
“No evidence was ever uncovered of organised serial rapes in Libya as you describe.”
Exactly but this did not prevent “feminists” led by Mme Clinton and the liberal interventionists from making a claim designed to reinforce the nastiest racial stereotypes while claiming that an imperialist war was designed to protect women.
The same claim was made for wars in both Afghanistan- where we in Canada were told the idea was to advance the status of women- and indeed in Iraq where idiots such as Anne Clywd, of the Blair Party,justified the killing of hundreds of thousands on the grounds that Saddam’s sons were desporting themselves in ‘rape rooms.”
Faux feminism, like the sort of democracy that Qatar and Kuwait fight to establish has indeed become a tool in the imperialists’ arsenal.
Here you go, Kempe. More religion-based gender oppression for you to protest about.
I think the Cologne situation is definately being exaggerated to delibrately whip-up anti-Rufugee/Muslim sentiment; Apparently 18 of the 31 arrested are recent asylum seekers, (the rest included one US citizen); my first thoughts are that if as reported many of the attackers were drunk, then they can’t be devout Muslims, and second, given the huge number that have passed through, and the vast number that have been in Greece for some considerable time, where are all the Greek reports of sexual harassment there ?
Kempe; “No evidence was ever uncovered of organised serial rapes in Libya as you describe.”
Well no, if you had read the latest disclosures from the Clinton emails that I linked to on the Coe/Blatter Thread, you would have read that the Warmongers knew that these rape reports were probably false, but officially echoed them & encouraged the MSM to go full blast on them.
Nevermind; “There is something about this which does not ring true, because new Years eve is know for its revelry, massive drinking and drink related criminality.”
Apparently since 2003 there has been an worrying & steady increase of sexual violence during the Munich Oktoberfests.
I don’t see how Jewish Orthodox misogyny, phantom Libyan rape gangs or the siege of Madaya have any relevance to the events in Cologne and elsewhere on New Years Eve; except that is to deflect attention away from something the anti-west Islamophiles aren’t prepared to accept.
No amount of denial or conspiracy theories are going to help you.
As regards Cologne there is something strange about the way it was reported. It has gone from being described initially as a peaceful evening due to strategically-placed police to one of up to 1,000 asylum seekers causing mayhem and sexual assault. Does not ring true, unless you are Kempe and can make political gain out of it. No doubt there have been incidents. No doubt asylum-seekers are among the problem-makers. But the main purpose appears to be a means of standing back from the open-door policy. Read into this that the open-door policy is about to go, and the good copper at the top of his profession has become a scapegoat and had to go. As to the women’s complaints, of course they need investigating. But it would not be difficult to ‘persuade’ women with the mindset of Kempe to complain regardless of whether there was a genuine complaint, just because they do not want asylum-seekers sharing their New Year festivities.
On the other hand the complaints could be genuine. Those accused of sexual molestation may be guilty. Presumably they are males. Presumably they are living in conditions not conducive to sexual gratification and have sinned. But I also bear in mind the racial hatred in the Southern States of the USA where the Ku Klux Klan have historically found a black man to pay the price of sexual misdeeds whether they were guilty or not. There is a potential danger here. Strange how it was never reported for the first day or two.
Re the Cologne incident, it may well be a prelude to Germany tightening up if not closing its borders to immigrants.
As I stated in an earlier thread, Sweden and Denmark have already closed their borders to new immigrants.
Whether or not the Cologne incident, was preconceived or highlighted to allow a tightening of immigration to Germany is debatable.
But if Germany does close or tightens up it borders to immigrants, I’d imagine other EU nations will follow suit.
One of the major advantages of being a Nato member is that you are allowed to conduct military operations in any country of your choosing, with minimal (or no) news coverage and absolutely zero debate.
Nato’s no fly zone was actually a highly coordinated air and ground campaign to topple (and ultimately murder) Gaddafi.
The power vacuum created by the complete destruction of Libya has created a democracy (of such) plagued by warring tribes and general anarchy, in which the NATO-backed legitimate government (if you can call it that) is not even in control of Tripoli.
The security situation in Libya is so appalling that Peter Hitchens, a vetern journalist who has worked in conflict zones all over the world, says that he doesn’t know of a single Western journalist brave enough to go there.
In other words perfect conditions for some NATO shenanigans.
I think the Cologne situation is definately being exaggerated to delibrately whip-up anti-Rufugee/Muslim sentiment
er, Macky the reason Herr Albers got the boot was that he was found out doing exactly the opposite of what you allege.
BTW the ‘don’t look here, look there’ article by the black Berliner you attempted to get me to take seriously a day or two ago has also been endorsed by JK Rowling, as she gushes here-
Your hero Mr Okwonga is a black old Etonian, rather like this guy, some of whose books you may find enlightening (I read ‘John Bull’s Nigger’ over 30 years ago)-
O/T but rather interesting, the former Shah of Iran’s twin sister has died. Princess Ashraf Pahlavi died in exile in Monte Carlo, she was 96 years of age.
Many thought Princess Ashraf was the real power behind her brother Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.
Born 26 October, 1919, Princess Ashraf was the daughter of the monarch Reza Shah, who came to power in a 1921 coup engineered by Britain and was later forced to abdicate the throne after a 1941 invasion by Britain and Russia.
She said after the death of her brother and the 1979 Iranian revolution.
“If we had had the $65bn some people said we had we would have retaken Iran just like that,” she said in 1983.
Princess Ashraf married and divorced three times and had three children. She gradually faded from public view, although she attended US President Richard Nixon’s funeral in 1994.
I must say, I do not care for Deborah Orr’s tone at all. This is a serious matter, not something for her sardonic wit to play games with.
Any allegation of sexual or other assault needs to be followed up with utmost vigour. I think the German authorities should be very firm about that. But there seems to be something of a lynch mob atmosphere developing, which I do not like the look of. It is not going to help the women victimised, or possible future victims, to have revenge violence perpetrated on immigrant men the vast majority of whom presumably caused no trouble. Also, even if matters were as large-scale as suggested, how do we know that “immigrants” were responsible – very few suspects have been identified, and if I were of similar origin and working in Cologne, and in any way inclined to engage in such behaviour I might think it a fine idea to go somewhere where “immigrants” would be the chief suspects.
Anyway, I would have thought that the most sensible thing for the authorities to so would be: (i) call for calm; (ii) ask for witnesses from all communities; (iii) assure the citizenry that the police will pursue complaints with vigour; (iv) advise women how they can best take precautions to keep themselves safe. Not to start yelling about “immigrants”.
Anyway, what were all the witnesses doing while these women were robbed and assaulted? Why was there not more police activity? Don’t witnesses have mobile telephones? If I saw trouble like that I might not attack three or four or more drunken men but I surely would keep them in sight while I called the police.
Kind regards,
Re the Cologne incident again, Norwegian news have produced a video of (alleged immigrants) harassing Norwegian women looking for sex.
” Does not ring true, unless you are Kempe and can make political gain out of it. ”
I’m not trying to make political gain out of it I just want to see the facts acknowledged and not suppressed because they make uncomfortable reading for some people. That I suspect was why the reports were slow in surfacing in the first place.