Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian 982

Hillary Clinton is American, owned by financial interests to whom she is completely in thrall, a rabid neo-conservative warmonger, completely uncritical of Israel and focused for any claim to be progressive entirely on identity politics. Which is also a precise description of today’s Guardian newspaper. The once august and intellectual title is now a shrill cheerleader for far right Blairites and wealthy American feminists.

The Guardian is as unabashed in its support for Clinton as in its support for the Blairites. The stream of “feminist” articles about why it would advance the cause of women to have a deeply corrupt right winger in the White House is steadily growing into a torrent. It is a perfect example of what I wrote of a month ago, the cause of feminism being hijacked to neo-conservative ends.

Bernie Sanders is not perfect – nobody is. But he understands that obscene and still burgeoning wealth inequality is the greatest problem of western society, and that the state framework supporting crazed banking structures is the root cause of this. The support for him is a sign of the inevitable popular reaction to the extreme inequality of society. Sanders is channelling that reaction effectively.

The establishment therefore circles its wagons around Hillary Clinton. The hope is that women can be persuaded it is an act of misogyny simply to stand in her way. The other great establishment hope is that the Democrat party machinery is so strong in black communities, that black Americans can be in effect ordered to vote for a woman who epitomises the system which disadvantages them, rather than an apostle of genuine change in the economic order. I retain hope the establishment may find that black Americans are cleverer than that.

The machinery used to manipulate identity politics – racial and gender – is all that Clinton has. If Clinton beats Sanders, it will be the perfect demonstration of the fact that identity politics has become the enemy of progress in society.

In the field of identity, Bernie Sanders would be the first non-Christian President of the United States. Would that not be wonderful in a country whose politicians feel the need to genuflect to swarms of religious evolution-denying nutters who believe foreign wars are good because they presage the Rapture?

And would it not be great if the first President since Carter not in thrall to Israel were Jewish?

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982 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian

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  • Chris Rogers

    Funny is it not that the Zionist Cabal that inhabits much of The Guardian’s prestigious output of lies and propaganda on behalf of their paymasters true to form are at once more today via the quill of that notorious liar Jonathan Freedland – now keeping in tune with this threat, we now of the spectacle of Freedland attacking Jeremy Corbyn using Bernie Sanders as the stick.

    For those not in the know, it was an in-joke with many posters to comment on a lack of anti-Corbyn articles and ask when The Guardian would return to its regular anti-Corbyn schedule if a lack of anti-Corbyn propaganda was noticed, hence, and as i relayed yesterday, on Friday The Guardian was not paying attention to its duty to slam Corbyn, which usually indicated/indicates it has multiple stories/bullshite to run over the weekend.

    True to form ‘The Guardian is Clinton/Clinton is the Guardian’ has not let critical observers down, but my fuck its output sinks lower by the day – perhaps Freedland took offence to Sanders brother suggesting Bernie is The Democrats Corbyn, what ever the case maybe, Freedland talks/writes bollocks, and yet he holds a senior position within Guardian Media Group, and then they wonder why the business is losing cash and readership at an alarming rate – I wonder if these bozo’s ever take a look in the mirror, in which case they’d find their answer.

  • Chris Rogers


    Yes, it would seem Kamm detests anyone but the strongest of supporters of Israeli genocide and i believe he’s on pretty good terms with Jonathan Freedland – how these buggers get into positions to air their bullshite amazes me, for if fact be told, in our Mature Students Common Room at University these Zionist pigs would last about 30 seconds if they were lucky. And despite the fact said Common room contained examples of numerous religions, at least the one Jewish person i knocked around with had the decency to put his own life on the line defending Israel in 1973 as a volunteer member of the Army, not only that his girlfriend at the time was Muslim. I wonder what Kamm and Freedland would make of this – suffice to say they epitomise all that is wrong with our nation and revel in the lies, spin and blatant propaganda they spew forth on behalf of their masters. Disgusting people is all I can say!!!

  • Macky

    Chris Rogers; “in our Mature Students Common Room at University these Zionist pigs would last about 30 seconds”

    Couldn’t happen these days, not without risking a prison sentence, as in general dissent is being criminalized, but especially in regards to pro-Palestinian/Anti-Israel; France recently become the first country to outlaw Pro-Palestinian protests, in the US university students are regularly expelled on the slightest pretext if they engage in anti-Israel protests, and here the boys in blue are doing their best to deter/terrorise people from even thinking about attending such protests;


  • Republicofscotland

    UKIP, no dogs no blacks no Irish, I’m surprised Farage survived the plane crash. Ran out of Scotland with his fascist tail begween his legs.

    Coburn and Monckton, lovely men, both wouldn’t look out of place in the BNF and the KKK.

    Other fascists posing as councillors and members of UKIP and were sacked, for being caught, god knows how many weren’t caught and are still passing themselves off as human beings.

    Rozanne Duncan, she had a ‘problem with people with negroid features.

    Ken Chapman wrote:

    “Islam is a cancer that needs eradicating multiculturism does not work in this country clear them all off to the desert with their camals that’s their way of life.”

    UKIP was forced to sack newly elected councillor Dave Small after just six days, when Facebook posts from 2012 surfaced, including this:

    “I visiting the city of Birmingham recently and felt like a foreigner in the city of my birth, all around me I could hear the sound of jabbering in an alien voice … we also have the Pakistani’ and the Somali’s. Tell me Mr Cameron Why? the men wear their Pyjamas.”

    In 2013 UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom famously said that the UK should stop providing aid to ‘bongo bongo Land’, and that the aid was being used to buy designer sunglasses and Parisian apartments.

    A lovely tweet from a UKIP councillor.

    Last year UKIP was forced to distance itself from local council candidate James Elgar after the discovery of tweets like this:

    #ThingsAsianBoysDo groom and rape underage white girls, stab and rob innocent old white people, bomb innocent white people #EctEctEct [sic]”

    Elgar’s father insisted that his son ‘came home at 10.30 pm with a curry’ the day the story broke.

    Ah well that makes it alright then.

    Another, insight into the warped and twisted mind of a UKIP supporter.

    Last April UKIP suspended Andre Lampitt, the star of its European Election TV campaign, after he tweeted:

    “Most Nigerians are generally bad people… I grew up in Africa and dare anyone to prove me wrong.”

    After comedian Lenny Henry said there should be more black and ethnic minority people in creative industries, UKIP candidate William Henwood said that Henry should move to a ‘black country’.

    What a lovely man, I bet his favourite film is Mississippi Burning.

    And the love just keeps on coming from UKIP.

    Joseph Quirk, former UKIP candidate for Boldon Colliery Ward on South Tyneside Council has shared anti-Semitic material claiming that J**ish Bankers financed Hitler, Soviet Communism and 9/11. There’s also this from November:

    “Well, I reckon dogs are more intelligent, better company and certainly better behaved than most Muslims.”

  • Habbabkuk (Are you a person of interest?)

    “I wonder what Kamm and Freedland would make of this – suffice to say they epitomise all that is wrong with our nation”

    Slightly over the top, surely?

    If we didn’t know you as a sane, reasonable, intelligent, educated, obsession-free and balanced poster I’d have said you started on the pink gins a little early today.

  • Habbabkuk (Are you a person of interest?)

    “In 2013 UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom famously said that the UK should stop providing aid to ‘bongo bongo Land’”


    On February 2016, on this blog, “Ben” from the USA used the expression “the Paks”.

  • Macky

    Meanwhile anti-immigrant/anti-Muslim attacks are on record highs, and even immigrant bashing pogroms are occurring in some European cities, but are barely reported, nevermind being treated as a cause for concern or for any political action.

  • Habbabkuk (Are you a person of interest?)


    “Joseph Quirk, former UKIP candidate for Boldon Colliery Ward on South Tyneside Council has shared anti-Semitic material claiming that J**ish Bankers financed Hitler, Soviet Communism and 9/11.”

    I believe Mr Goss – aided by a thankfully small handful of others (our Transatlantic Friend comes to mind) – has said more or less the same things on this blog.

  • Republicofscotland

    More from that lovely fascist sect passing itself off as a political party.

    Gerard Batten, UKIP’s chief whip and immigration spokesman, believes that all UK Muslims should sign up to a special code of conduct, and wants mosque building to be banned.

    Special code of conduct, hmmm…..Alistair Carmichael needs that.

    Camden UKIP chairman Magnus Nielsen made headlines after describing Islam as ‘organised crime’. He stood for Hampstead and Kilburn, Nielsen said that his ‘great aim’ is to licence mosques. Asked if he would prescribe the same for J**ish and Christian places of worship, he said that this would not be necessary.

    In 2013, the then Stourport-on-Severn councillor Eric Kitson was questioned by police after he shared anti-Muslim cartoons on Facebook. In one particularly memorable post he said of Muslim women: ‘Hang um all first then ask questions later.

    I wonder if Bibi, Hollande, Merkel and Cameron marched arm in arm in London over that comment, as they did in Paris over Hebdo.

  • Chris Rogers


    Have tried posting this several times, seems the Website has technical issues or a DNS attack, anyhow, and before Habbakuk (Not a Person of Interest) stuck his oar in, here is what I wrote:


    Our ‘old hits common room’ was a place to relax and chat, but we had stimulating dialogue, of course we spoke about Israel and the question of Palestine, it being the late 80’s. The fact remains my Yorkshire miner friend, who so happened to have been Jewish and non-practicing, would have been all over the likes of Freedland and Kamm for the talking head cowards that they are, i.e., this person had fought with the Israeli army in 1973 and was proud of the fact, he certainly was not a Zionist propagandist and was to the left of myself – he was great fun too. Of course he came in for stick and gave as good as he took, another of the old hits was a Brit who had converted to Islam – he too was interesting – we had no propagandists among us, obviously at the time we had a Jewish society and Palestinian Society. Indeed, when I began university, first time in hall’s we actually had a contingent of Israeli IDF reservists in our midst, and they were big buggers too, all the women and men had crew cuts. My point being this, Kamm, Freedland et al pontificate a lot, but at the end of the day are cowards and armchair generals, whilst my colleague who’d actually helped in Israel’s 1973 defence, would have eaten these two neoconservative scum for the scum they are – obviously the likes of Kamm and Freeedland would pronounce him a ‘self hating Jew’ for not being Zionist enough, despite his 1973 voluntary service.

  • Doug Scorgie


    13 Feb, 2016 – 8:05 am

    “The UKIP is opposed to the TTIP. RobG and you appear to be falling into the trap of believing that because the UKIP strongly supports free trade, it must therefore support a corporatist scam like the TTIP.”


    I’m glad you see that TTIP is a corporate scam Anon 1.

    I’m in the position of wanting the UK to stay in the EU but without the anti-democratic TTIP agreement.

    British political parties reactions to TTIP:


    What I find concerning is that MPs and MEPs do not have full access to TTIP documents.


    More essential reading:


  • Republicofscotland

    Of course if the fate of England were left up to Farage and UKIP, England would be a episode of Midsomer Murders.

  • Republicofscotland

    “On February 2016, on this blog, “Ben” from the USA used the expression “the Paks”.”



    A rather pathetic attempt to smear, “Paks” is a perfectly legitimate attempt at describing people from Pakistan. Similar to Scots from Scotland.

    Tell me where is “bongo bongo land”

  • Republicofscotland

    “I believe Mr Goss – aided by a thankfully small handful of others (our Transatlantic Friend comes to mind) – has said more or less the same things on this blog.”


    That may well be true, but they were not vying for a public position of power and trust, another poor attempt to smear Habb, you’ll need to up your game a bit.

  • Chris Rogers

    Mark Sir,

    The Hal Turner link is hyperbole, based on the fact that he claims 20,000 tanks and 350,000 troops have massed in Saudi Arabia, problem is I doubt 20,000 tanks exist across the middle East in total, never mind assembled in a single place.

    Apart from the inaccuracy of hardware on the ground, he’s still underlining some of is output with a few facts, namely that the aggressors in Syria are US-sponsored, which is all the Yanks need to know, namely the USA and its allies are arming ISIS.

  • Chris Rogers


    “If we didn’t know you as a sane, reasonable, intelligent, educated, obsession-free and balanced poster I’d have said you started on the pink gins a little early today.”

    Actually I was a Gin whore, so have never actually drank or tasted pink Gin – I stopped alchohol abuse when my only child was born more than 8 years ago – although I do drink Real Ale in a Pub when in the UK, there being no Real Ale, that is cask conditioned real ale,’ available here in Hong Kong I’m virtually tee- total.

    And yes I have actually attended the AA and one attendance was enough to make me steer well clear of intoxicating substances of a very strong calibre – as my young daughter can attest too as she’s never seen her father intoxicated, indeed, two pints now makes me very dizzy.

    Anything else of hilarity Sir and why don’t you stick to the theme, namely Freedland and Kamm are propagandists and liars – just Google their prestigious output to gauge this matter of fact.

  • Tony_0pmoc


    If all this kicks off, and there is a serious danger it might, it will go nuclear very quickly. I am not going to frighten my kids by telling them to move to New Zealand – which may well represent their best chances of survival.

    I am not bothered about dying, cos I am old – its inevitable, but I would like to leave a planet devoid of psychopathic lunatics in power before I die?

    Any suggestions?

    I haven’t got any solutions. I feel that the lunatics have taken over the Asylum in Washington, and they have all taken the pins out of a nuclear grenade that will blow up the entire world. As soon as they let go, we are all gone, and they are about to fall asleep. What can anyone do – except sweet talk them to put the pins back?


  • glenn_uk

    Anon1: 13 Feb, 2016 – 9:05 am : “Writes Gleñn_UK from his fence: “I knew it all along. First there was the threat of more turds bobbing around off Blackpool, now we know we will join those turds and sink forever.”

    I wrote nothing of the kind, at any time. Kindly retract your false statement.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    The Americans have Seriously Pissed Off The Russians (they have no idea how much because they smile and are polite)

    The Russians have already said – that if their Country is attacked they will use Battlefield Nuclear Weapons to defend themselves…but The American Psychos in Washington are in their own Dreamland of Virtual Reality where they make everything up – complete lies…but they actually believe their own lies.

    I don’t the Americans read Pravda and even if they did…they would think he’s making it up too…I don’t think so. I think Putin is Deadly Serious….and this is Extremely Strong for him…he is a Master at Judo – he’s even written the book.

    “Putin: ‘If a fight is inevitable, go and fight first'”



  • fedup

    Folks seems that the banksters are playing a game of chicken!

    As the four feet nothing al saud princeling and ex ambassador to UK come foreign minister says “if the Syrian political process fails, President Bashar al-Assad will have to be removed “by force.”

    Clearly the saloon gamblers and drunkards are stoking up the war that will be pretty much blowing back on their butts. As the oligarch owned media pundits are waxing lyrical about Russia was not invited by the West! Fact that Russia was invited by the lawful government of Syria to assist Syrians in their war by the proxy mercenaries, brigands and cut throats of al saud prisons and hired from blackwater et al seems to have gone unnoticed by the said pundits.

    Let’s wait and see who blinks first, after all it is time for a second coming so far as some of the rabid morons sitting in the US are concerned, who knows their arse could be raptured up with a nuke or two sooner than they can gather in one of their super churches and listen to merchants of hate like that fat wanker hagee

  • Chris Rogers


    Whilst I’d say most who post on CM’s Blog are aware that the lunatics have indeed taken over the aslylum and are aware many Western nations have undergone a quiet coup with neocons and neoliberals pulling the levers of power – aided and abetted by the Fourth Estate, the fact remains a small minority are aware of what’s going on and what has actually come to pass, and this minority some day will turn into a majority.

    With regards a possible nuclear war, it does seem the West is sleep walking into a confrontation with Russia, and perhaps China – its policies over Syria exhibit all the hallmarks of this. However, despite how delusional our leaders are and how servile the main stream media is, the fact remains within the US military establishment that a few good men still exist and are not as crass, brazen and stupid as their political masters, the pressitutes and other enablers of the shit world we presently inhabit.

    Indeed, and in all fairness to Russia and its leadership, Putin and his military have clearly denoted lines that the West and its whores in the Middle east would do well to recognise – cross these lines and you are incinerated, despite whatever first strike capabilities the West, predominately the USA, may hold.

    Many in the military are aware of this, many have families, hence I hope, indeed trust that these rational souls would not press the trigger or push the bear too much if they and their families are to continue. Regrettably, many are aware that the Israeli government at least and certain sections within its military are happy to countenance the extermination of all life in the Middle east if ever Israel is threatened, but these are extremes.

    I do not think for an instant Putin wants war with the West or the USA, but he’s stated categorically that he’ll protect Russian interests and hit the West hard if it ever tries inflict war of any kind against the Russian people, or its vital allies in the ME.

    But, that’s a positive assessment, however, unless or until the sheeple awaken from their slumber in the West things can only get worse, both economically and in international affairs. and, whatever the power elite may believe, it too will be destroyed if the world engages in a catastrophic nuclear exchange and none of their gold and stolen wealth will save them, unless they are capable of interstellar travel, which presently they are not.

    Moral of the tale, its good to post, but ultimately we have to reawaken our neighbours, friends and families from their slumber and get some real meaningful political and economic change going before everything goes tits up.

  • lysias

    I dare the odious troll to find one posting of mine that said J**ish bankers financed Hitler or Soviet Communism. What is more, I cannot recall ever posting that J**ish bankers financed 9/11.

    If these are, as I suspect, vicious lies, will the moderators put up with them?

  • lysias

    The U.S. Senate appears to be in recess at the moment, and throughout next week. If that is the case, Obama can make a recess appointment of a new justice to the Supreme Court who would hold office at least to the end of this year.

  • Macky

    @Lysias, yes it’s not nice to see complete lies yourself posted, but it’s only the Clown Troll, and nobody with any sense believes anything he posts, and you know that it’s being done delibrately to bait & annoy you, & in you hope that you will respond directly back, but if you feel that must respond, I would recommend the simple but effective “Piss Off Troll !”.

    As to Mods, to be fair they cannot be expected to know or investigate all the many lies & misreprsentations that occur here, and besides remember, this is apparently, a “Free Speech Blog” 😉

  • mike

    Russia just despatched a brand new corvette from Crimea. It’s heading to the eastern Med and is equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles. Odds on they’re low-yield tactical nukes.

    The big question: How mad is Erdogan? We’ll soon find out. We’ll also discover just how loyal is his military massed north of Azaz. Do they want to get vapourised?

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