Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian 982

Hillary Clinton is American, owned by financial interests to whom she is completely in thrall, a rabid neo-conservative warmonger, completely uncritical of Israel and focused for any claim to be progressive entirely on identity politics. Which is also a precise description of today’s Guardian newspaper. The once august and intellectual title is now a shrill cheerleader for far right Blairites and wealthy American feminists.

The Guardian is as unabashed in its support for Clinton as in its support for the Blairites. The stream of “feminist” articles about why it would advance the cause of women to have a deeply corrupt right winger in the White House is steadily growing into a torrent. It is a perfect example of what I wrote of a month ago, the cause of feminism being hijacked to neo-conservative ends.

Bernie Sanders is not perfect – nobody is. But he understands that obscene and still burgeoning wealth inequality is the greatest problem of western society, and that the state framework supporting crazed banking structures is the root cause of this. The support for him is a sign of the inevitable popular reaction to the extreme inequality of society. Sanders is channelling that reaction effectively.

The establishment therefore circles its wagons around Hillary Clinton. The hope is that women can be persuaded it is an act of misogyny simply to stand in her way. The other great establishment hope is that the Democrat party machinery is so strong in black communities, that black Americans can be in effect ordered to vote for a woman who epitomises the system which disadvantages them, rather than an apostle of genuine change in the economic order. I retain hope the establishment may find that black Americans are cleverer than that.

The machinery used to manipulate identity politics – racial and gender – is all that Clinton has. If Clinton beats Sanders, it will be the perfect demonstration of the fact that identity politics has become the enemy of progress in society.

In the field of identity, Bernie Sanders would be the first non-Christian President of the United States. Would that not be wonderful in a country whose politicians feel the need to genuflect to swarms of religious evolution-denying nutters who believe foreign wars are good because they presage the Rapture?

And would it not be great if the first President since Carter not in thrall to Israel were Jewish?

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982 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian

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  • Chris Rogers

    When making claims that ofter are contrary to perceived wisdom its necessary to back up contentions with publicly available documentation, preferably, if in relation to the USA, from the US official archives themselves.

    Resident Dissent has called me a liar for claiming that the USA had advanced knowledge of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1991, and that it appeared the US officials dealing with the Middle East, and indeed present in the Middle east, were aware of Saddam’s plan because Saddam himself had informed them of said plans – no objections were raised by US officials on the ground and as a result Saddam thought he had a green light to sort out a territorial dispute with Kuwait. This is history, and being a trained historian – 5 years at a British University – I’m fully aware that you can have multiple interpretations of the historical record.

    For the benefit of Resident Dissident, who’s has called myself a liar here is but one example of numerous historical articles from centres of learning dealing with Iraq and its invasion of Kuwait, and as I have contended this backs up what I’ve stated – i have made nothing up, nor wish to propagandise for anyone, quite the reverse, I’m a firm believer in the truth, even if I myself may find the truth unpalatable on contrary to what i myself believe.

    Anyhow heres the link which I trusts demonstrates one is far from a liar or an imbecile: http://www.csun.edu/~vcmth00m/iraqkuwait.html

  • Resident Dissident

    “Resident Dissent has called me a liar for claiming that the USA had advanced knowledge of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1991, ”

    Well if you bother to look I didn’t call you a lair for that – I disputed your claim that US officials gave a nod of approval for the invasion – which is something different from what you are now claiming. I think you will find this behaviour is called dissembling.

  • Macky

    Resident Dissident; “I disputed your claim that US officials gave a nod of approval for the invasion”

    Dispute all you like, the historical record is what it is;

    “At that July meeting, less than a month before the invasion of Kuwait, Hussein complained that the borders of Kuwait and Iraq were drawn in colonial times, by colonial powers. Glaspie replied, “”We studied history at school. They taught us to say freedom or death. I think you know well that we… have our experience with the colonialists. We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.”[6]”


    Even more here;


    Note that in a parallel with the current situation of the US using low oil price as a weapon against Russia by making the Saudis flood the market, they did the same back then against Iraq by using Kuwait for the same role; this is in addition to Kuwait actually admitting that it was even stealing Iraqi oil through slanted drilling to help do this ! It doesn’t make the invasion right, but does provide context to the Neocon comic book version of irational agressive “mad” Dictator.

  • Chris Rogers


    Now you are disputing the fact that not only was the USA, or at least its field officers, were fully aware of Iraq’s intent with regards Kuwait, but none raised any objections or serious concerns, nor conveyed any warnings to Iraq prior to its invasion – which, as most would contend would justify the belief, which Saddam held, that the USA had given a green light, or in my parlance a nod of approval.

    Indeed, knowing these facts, do you actually believe that Iraq after a long war with Iran, one which bled its coffers and had depleted both its military and manpower, do you believe Saddam would have waltzed into Kuwait knowing full well that the USA would retaliate with full force – hence the reason Iraq kept the USA in the loop.

    Strange that, unless, as others contend it was a trap and that Saddam fell for said trap, which does not make sense given the USA hostility to Iran, which Saddam had kept busy for several years after its 1979 Revolution, which, lets be blunt, humbled the USA in the Middle East, this after it’s humbling in South Vietnam in 1975.

    Now, either you desire for dialogue, which I’m happy to engage in, or you desire to propagandise, which I’m opposed too, particularly given one is fully aware many of the regimes in the ME are hardly bastions of civil rights, liberty and democracy, but this does not give us the right to condemn one, but not condemn the others be they Syria, Saudi Arabia or Israel. And one is 100% opposed to a policy of ‘regime change’ and all actions taken to facilitate this goal, which are well documented and ignored by how less than impartial MSM.

  • Old Mark

    ‘if you are working in the UK you must be on a salary of at least £23,000 PA and have sufficient savings to cover you for any unemployment period within said three years of spouses entering the UK. Regrettably, these savings requirements are not set out, that is they are arbitrary.’

    Chris Rogers- the reason you are required to overcome all these hurdles to bring your wife and child to the UK (if you were newly married and only sought to bring over your wife the annual income requirement would be lower, at £18,000 pa)is political cowardice, and the need to appear ‘anti racist’ on the part of successive UK governments.

    In support of the statement above I would refer you to the entry in Chris Mullin’s diaries for Tuesday 21 October 2004. Immigration and asylum were on the cabinet agenda for that day and Mullin, as the junior minister at the FCO covering asylum, was invited to attend the meeting. Mullin mentioned the ‘various fiddles’ around arranged marriages that he’d come across as a constituency MP- and was ticked off curtly by Paul Boateng who said that issue was ‘political dynamite’ and ‘not to be touched with a barge pole’. PM Blair closed further discussion of the matter by saying ‘Chris, we’ll have to park that for the time being, although I acknowledge there are issues’- a classic Blair soft shoe suffle.

    Part of the backgound to that Cabinet discussion back in 2004 was the high rate of ‘chain migration’ practised by certain south asian communities- 60% of Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants in the UK were finding their spouses not from within the UK, but from their countries of origin, thus ensuring that the term ‘second generation immigrants’ when applied to these communities is a just a bad joke, as the children are still overwhelmingly being raised in Bengali/Punjabi/Urdu/Pushtu speaking environments. One way to reduce this flow would have been to require potential foreign spouses to demonstrate a reasonable facility in English , say level 2 or level 3 on the IELTS scale (presently foreign spouses are only required to show level 1 competence- about the same level as a Brit tourist in Spain who can enter a bar and utter ‘dos cervezas por favor’ when ordering drinks). However to impose such a regime would be , in Boateng’s words ‘political dynamite’ – and threaten Labour majorities in the 20-30 seats around the country where these communities are concentrated. So, instead of acknowledging there is a particular immigration issue with particular immigrant communities, the UK government pretends that this is a ‘universal’ problem to which a ‘non discriminatory’ solution must be applied, namely, income and savings hurdles on the part of the spouses sponsor.

    I sympathise with the predicament you are in- but the background to that predicament must be mentioned.

  • Chris Rogers

    @Old Mark,

    Many thanks for your erudite post, all of which I’m fully aware of and have been for a longtime, regrettably, I like many others have been captured by a policy that blames all for the actions of a small minority who actually did, and continue to, abuse the system. As you can see I hope I’m not one of these, but do feel annoyed that I’m prevented from returning to Wales with my family, my daughter after all being a full UK citizen, in order that I may be with my folks in their final days. But, so we are informed our Tory friends are all for family values and for families taking care of elderly relatives, this I’m prevented from doing.

    Further, it was never easy prior to 2012 to bring your non-EU passport carrying spouse to the UK, the law was clear that zero public assistance was to be rendered for two full years and said notification was actually stamped on all official documentation. I’m now stuck in Hong kong for another three years in order that my daughters education is not disrupted, but given the present economic situation here in Hong Kong – its most uncomfortable, its impossible for me to save enough to circumnavigate the financial hurdle, and bloody difficult to get a UK-based job when you are 6,000 miles from your country.

    Other means of settling the family in the UK via the EEA exist, but again its takes money, time and effort – unlike others, I rather like my country, namely Wales and would like to raise my daughter in her own country without any special preference or recourse to the public purse. Alas, in their determination to end certain abuses our Tory friends have managed to castigate all, and its not as if Wales has an immigrant problem, quite the reverse we actually have a population decline.

  • Old Mark

    Other means of settling the family in the UK via the EEA exist, but again its takes money, time and effort

    Chris- it is sad you are caught up in this bind- on the EEA front if your wife had some sort of connection with Macau in addtion to Hong Kong could she not get Portuguese documentation, and thus evade UK immigration rules by the ‘back door’?

    Just a thought, and best wishes to your family.

  • Chris Rogers

    Old Mark,

    My wife is from the Philippines, which as you are aware is one of the nations on the ‘Red List’ shall we say, if she were a nurse, we’d be in like a shot, but she’s not, so as the Husband all financial responsibility rests upon my shoulders and I’ve taken a massive financial hit these past two years, hence why life is somewhat uncomfortable, despite working my balls off. However, one does not want sympathy, rather, I find it a drag being in a country so far from home given my elderly parents could do with some TLC themselves, which is basically being denied them – and then they complain about rising costs associated with caring for the elderly. Well I can hardly care for my folks from Hong Kong, despite doing much for them via the internet. Most bloody annoying!!!!

  • Chris Rogers

    By criticising Israel for its genocidal policies were are now being deemed terrorists, or at least outspoken critics of the Borg and it’s prevailing mindset.

    Indeed, shortly we’ll be banned from making mention of Israel full stop, or drawing attention to Palestine without drawing the attention of the security services and a knock on the door. The descent into fascism, nay NAZISM, continues apace and this is but the thin edge of the wedge as far as freedom of speech and our liberty is concerned. Still, its all for the best I suppose as they plan their eventual cull of the human race – 99% of us being of zero use to our masters. What a mindset!!!!

  • Macky

    Chris Rogers; “Indeed, shortly we’ll be banned from making mention of Israel full stop”

    Funny you should say that, a know a “Free Speech” Blog, where the words “Jew” or “Jewish” were for a time actual trigger words for pre-moderation (!), and where the inventive term “Ziofukwits”, which perfectly captured the arrogant contempt with which Pro-Zionists treat others as total idiots, was also moderated out of existence, along with the Pro=Palestinian Poster who coined & used it.

  • nevermind, it might be interesting

    Yes isn’t it amazing Macky how much influence this non EU rogue state has over our policy makers here. This request by Israhell to stifle our students freedom of speech to protect their economy whilst trashing our rights is quiet something else.

    Maybe that is what Britain should do once it has left the EU and has split up the union, become the new Zionist entity in the North sea.
    I’m sure that Wales and Ireland would not want to play that game much longer either.

    Shillary has taken the gloves off, she is accusing Sanders of questioning Obombers resolve the closer the selection candidates come to the southern states.

    @ Chris Rogers. I am aware that Assad was elected as such, but I stand by my post, Russia will either have to wake up to Assads uncompromising start to the peace conference which is very likely to bring Saudi and Turkey into the war, or they can influence him to assure that the opposition will get recognised and gets concessions for the future. There are questions as to his legitimacy as a candidate according to the criteria as he is married to a ‘furriner’

    “Eligibility criteria

    The conditions required to be a candidate in a presidential election are the following:

    A candidate must be Muslim
    A candidate must have the support of no less than 35 members of the parliament
    A candidate must be 34 years old or older
    A candidate must have lived in Syria for 10 years before the election
    A candidate must be Syrian by birth, of parents who are Syrians by birth
    A candidate must not be married to a non-Syrian spouse”

    US actions are debilitated and its indignation at Russia’s support for Assad is real, but its stance is to wait and see what will happen once Turkey, a NATO rogue if there ever was one, starts attacking the Kurds in northern Syria, under the disguise of fighting IS, off course and without any UN sayso. Russia will not change the rules of engagement because the two principal IS supporters are NATO friends, it will hit whoever is prolonging the agony.

  • Chris Rogers


    And i quote: “Listening to Assad yesterday rejecting any reforms before Syria’s integrity and sovereignty, gosh, that funny word again, are being respected. Russia will realise that Assad is a stumbling stone, a recoiling spring that perpetrates and very likely spreads the war to its proxies.”

    Second paragraph, answer, and I quote: “Listening to Assad yesterday rejecting any reforms before Syria’s integrity and sovereignty, gosh, that funny word again, are being respected. Russia will realise that Assad is a stumbling stone, a recoiling spring that perpetrates and very likely spreads the war to its proxies.”

    I’m afraid here we must disagree, I don not see Assad as the stabling block and to accuse Assad of being ‘intransigent’ as the duly elected and legitimate leader of Syria is breath taking.

    Assad and his supporters have lasted 5 years. Yes five years of assaults on his authority and the geographical make-up/constitution of Syria from varies Western backed forces and Saudi-backed sources, so the idea that this man is going anywhere is staggering to say the least.

    First the R-6 forces have a commanding military position as detailed by numerous military posts on Sic Semper Tyrannis, which has been both objective and correct in much of its analysis to-date. Secondly, and regardless of Assad, there are forces are play that want Syria as a geographical entity destroyed and then carved up between the Turkey and Saudi Arabia – this is an Israeli objective too. But, and as Jeffrey Sachs make clear in his post today on the Huff Post, you have the question of Iran, which Turkey, Israel, the House of Saud and the USA is opposed too 100% – the Syrian conflict then is just not about Syria, but one of the primary objectives of the Borg/Neocon’s is, and has been since at least 2006 the removal of Assad, regardless whether he undertakes any reforms whatsoever, they want him gone and he’s pissed them off by not doing their bidding, at a cost of 5 years civil war, a minimum quarter of a million deaths and massive refugee crisis – most of the refugees not fleeing Assad, but the hand cutters supported by those countries I’ve already mentioned, and that includes the UK and France.

    Russia so it would appear has given assurances to Assad, and said assurances will be honoured – and Assad it would seem is not opposed to reform. i also feel we should not apply the sins of his father to him, he is after all Western educated, a secularist and a member of the medical profession, whilst his detractors are butchers.

    Here’s Jeffrey Sachs on the issue, that’s the economist who has virtually renounced the neoliberalism he once himself implemented in Russia – its a good read and focuses both on HR Clinton and Syria:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeffrey-sachs/hillary-clinton-and-the-s_b_9231190.html?utm_hp_ref=yahoo&ir=Yahoo

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Chris Rogers
    15/02/16 9:04am

    Would either of your parents benefit from Attendance Allowance? Let me know if you think so.

    Kind regards,


  • Chris Rogers


    On that issue John I have no idea, however, my sister lives next door to the parents and its my parents rendering assistance to her given she has acute mental health issues, indeed she’s bi-polar like CM and this was only diagnosed correctly a couple of years ago – both my mum and dad are resilient and just about manage on the small pension they get, but my father at 78 is showing his age and had a severe accident in the bath prior to Christmas – they have never made and use of social welfare provisions, apart from free bus passes and a free TV licence – me and my wife are more than able to look after my parents and have jobs, me full-time and the wife part-time if allowed back to Wales, and despite any qualifications and work experience, i’m happy to be a trolley collector if it puts food on the table.

    Anyhow, thanks for your concern, just a shame the immigration policy in place impacts me and my family directly – so much for a University education and trying to do the right thing!!!!

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Chris Rogers
    15/02/16 12:10pm

    Okay. I don’t want to poke my nose in, but just to make you aware I have a lot of experience completing Attendance Allowance forms and I’m happy to assist if it would help you and your folks out. It’s a non-means tested government grant which you can spend just as you please, as long as you qualify. If your dad had a problem in the bath that suggests it might be worth looking into.

    Have you looked into whether your parents qualify for Pension Credit, that might possibly be worth looking into as well.

    Let me know if you are interested and we can take this off here.

    Kind regards,


  • Clark

    Against moderation rules I will quote the following from Eric Avebury’s blog with little supporting comment from myself:


    Tuesday, October 06, 2015: Syria

    There’s a lot of hysteria in NATO foreign ministries and media about Russian incursions into Turkish air space, but Turkey’s policy on Syria is not aligned with NATO’s. Erdogan’s main objective is to get rid of potentially troublesome Kurds of the YPG, who have been the most effective opposition to the Daesh. It was with great reluctance that he allowed a small contingent from other YPG-held territory to cross through Turkish territory to help defend their beleaguered colleagues in Kobane when they were on the verge of being wiped out a year ago. If the Turks don’t agree that the eradication of the Daesh is the paramount necessity for restoring peace in the region and allowing hundreds of thousands of refugees to return to their homes, we should be looking for other allies with the necessary muscle to do the job. We should be holding talks with Moscow on how to avoid incidents in the air that could have disastrous consequences for both Russia and NATO, and building a new coalition in which all participants are on the same wavelength. Patrick Cockburn as usual makes a lot of sense, http://ind.pn/1VCcKvV

  • Paul Barbara

    @ habby: 12 Feb, 2016 – 8:41 am
    “I hesitate to think what he {ie, Habbabkuk}would say about the claims – stopped from court proceedings through ‘Reasons of National Security’, that Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney also sexually abused and tortured both Cathy and her under-eight year old daughter.”

    You obviously don’t know me very well, Barbara.
    I would say those claims are poppycock.
    And that you need urgent treatment if you believe them.’

    and: 12 Feb, 2016 – 8:46 am
    “I don’t know if you’ve heard of ‘Boston Brakes’, but it was devised by the CIA to take over all functions of a car remotely through their onboard computer, steering, braking, even controlling the ignition circuit. That was almost certainly one of the ways (the other was a military disabling strobe light flash) that Princess Di’s car was crashed (though she was effectively polished off in the ambulance, to die as soon as she got in the hospital)”

    Wow – a two-pronged conspiracy! Not only was her car crashed but they also finished her off in the ambulance! 🙂
    I really wonder why the Mods allow junk like this through. If I were a Mod I’d simply delete it on the grounds that I wouldn’t wish Craig’s blog turned into a playground for nutters.’

    Well, I’m sure you won’t bother to check my sources, but I’ll post some anyway; perhaps someone with intelligence and an interest in the subjects may be interested.
    If the old saying is true, I must say I envy you in a way – you must be one of the most blissful folk around!

    ‘How They Murdered Princess Diana: The Shocking Truth’ Paperback – 10 Dec 2014 by John Morgan

    ‘Princess Diana Death: The Shocking Truth’ (video 20 mins)

    ‘Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security Paperback – Aug 2004’ by Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips

    And guess what – none of these authors have been sued – rather odd, unless they are writing the truth. It’s not as though the perps they name and implicate haven’t got more than ample resources to sue, and more than enough justification (unless, of course they are ‘guilty as charged’!).

    Regarding Putin, Assad and who is REALLY responsible for the carnage, destruction and refugee crisis in Syria, I gave some definitive sources in my comment bottom of page 6 (15 Feb, 2016 – 1:57 am).
    It really is incredible that with quotes like those available, they are not used to blast Cameron & Co.s’ lies right back in their war criminal mushes.
    I’ll give you a couple of clues – it wasn’t Putin or Assad!

  • Habbabkuk (Are you a person of interest?)

    Chris Rogers


    Who’s made mention of the Rothschild’s and/or Jewish Conspiracies..”

    Mr Goss has – frequently.

    For example, he believes that the Rothschilds control all of the world’s Central Banks.

  • Chris Rogers


    Suffice to say the Blog owner does not suffer fools gladly and all are expected to stay on topic – as an infrequent poster on his site it takes a few hours for my posts to appear – please remember he’s a former military officer who undertook active service in Vietnam and has been based in the ME as an analyst for the US Army.

    However, he did apologise in a later post for his outburst against the poster Valissa – many of those who post on SST also post on Naked Capitalism, which is why I find it a trusted source, and if you review the sites posts on Syria over the past six months you’ll note its analysis has been mostly correct.

    Hope that helps, but it ain’t a ‘liberal’ site given most of those posting actual articles are Republicans, that’s old school Republicans opposed to the disaster that is US overseas policy, again adding weight to its output in my humble opinion.

    I certainly would not want to cross swords with this guy that’s for sure!!!!

  • Chris Rogers


    Many thanks for your assistance and offer of help, which I shall greatly accept given my location and fact that the parents are in South Wales – I know they are not allowed any means tested assistance given my fathers British Steel work pension, but it ain’t a lot I can assure you.

    How to proceed?

    if you are on LinkedIn I’m easy to find, I’m also on Facebook, full name being Christopher Dale Rogers, necessary as a lot of Chris Roger’s out there, about six I know of in Asia alone!!!

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Chris Rogers
    15/02/16 1:04pm

    Please mail me johnjohnmsd [mods: see end]

    Busy this afternoon but I will come back to you asap, perhaps we can talk on the phone.

    Thanks, John

    [mods: end of email address is (at)aol.com

    Published email addresses are harvested by software and added to spammers databases.]

  • Chris Rogers


    Its difficult to know what exactly Turkey is up to in relation to Syria and where exactly its military stand given its involvement in internal Turkish politics – even seasoned military observers are lost when it comes to Turkey presently and what they will or will not do. Suffice to say any actual incursion into Syria will be met by force by forces loyal to Assad and the Russian’s – many are fearful of a Russia/Turkey clash because of Turkey’s membership of NATO and the fact battlefield nuclear weapons are stationed on its soil. All very frightening and hardly conducive to bring peace. Indeed, and given many desire peace first, this can only be achieved by allowing Syrian forces to smash any and all opposition to Assad. Further, once peace is secured via the battlefield a political settlement and new Constitution will be necessary. I do not support torture or use of blunt force unless absolutely necessary and hope Assad is decent enough to consult with his people and offer a settlement that benefits all Syrian’s – democracy is hard, but its far better than taking up arms and killing each other.

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Chris Rogers
    15/02/16 1:04pm

    Sorry just realised you might be in Hong Kong, if so telephone won’t be easy but we can start things off by e-mail.

    Kind regards,


  • Macky

    @Chris Rogers, apart from the obvious point that Valissa was not off-topic, I agree with the not suffering fools gladly approach, and can delightfully imagine what would be the outcome if some of trolls here tried posting there ! 😀

  • Chris Rogers


    Not only would ‘Troll’ posts not make it through his vetting system, those that did would result in a bloodbath. The guy is one hell of a cookie and very much a Southerner, and he’s dealt with idiots in real life, his one personal post about his time in Vietnam recounts an experience he had with a West Point Officer who decided he knew better than is intelligence officers who’s a few years combat experience of both the NVA and VC – suffice to say warnings were ignored and the Company suffered huge casualties as a result of the new Officer have zero respect for the opposing military or his own intel officers – he did not last long in Vietnam shall we say after that, but neither was this gung-ho officer reprimanded for getting his charges needless slaughtered.

  • Paul Barbara

    Seeing as this blog thread is about the Snopes ‘Hildabeast’, here’s some more of her murderous skulduggery: ‘The Real Benghazi Story: What the White House and Hillary Don’t Want You to Know’ by Aaron Klein.
    I haven’t read the book, but the following article is based around it: ‘CIA Ops Finally Revealed: What the US Ambassador in Benghazi was Really Doing’:
    ‘…Klein’s extensively sourced book breaks news on significant issues related to the Benghazi attack.

    A sampling of what the publisher says is contained in the book:
    ◾Everything is covered from the secretive activities transpiring inside the doomed facility to shocking new details about the withholding of critical protection at the U.S. special mission.
    ◾Hillary Clinton’s personal role in the Benghazi scandal.
    ◾Information that raises new questions about what really happened to Ambassador Chris Stevens that night.
    ◾Answered for the first time is why the State Department hired armed members of the al-Qaida-linked February 17 Martyrs Brigade to “protect” the facility.
    ◾New reasons are revealed for not sending air support or Special Forces during the assault, while extensively probing jihadist groups behind the attack.
    ◾How Benghazi has implications that go beyond the Sept. 11, 2012, attack and may have created major national security threats we now face, fueling conflicts from Mali to Syria to Gaza and beyond…..’

    And Stevens was heavily involved in arming and facilitating arms and Jihadist smuggling into Libya pre-revolution:
    Libya: U.S. Generals Conclude Obama Backed Al-Qaida and Operated a Secret Gun-Running Program in Benghazi:
    ‘…..The Citizen’s Commission on Benghazi’s interim report, in a paragraph titled “Changing sides in the War on Terror,” alleges “the U.S. was fully aware of and facilitating the delivery of weapons to the Al Qaeda-dominated rebel militias throughout the 2011 rebellion.”

    The report asserted the jihadist agenda of AQIM, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and other Islamic terror groups represented among the rebel forces was well known to U.S. officials responsible for Libya policy.

    “The rebels made no secret of their Al Qaeda affiliation, openly flying and speaking in front of the black flag of Islamic jihad, according to author John Rosenthal and multiple media reports,” the interim report said. “And yet, the White House and senior Congressional members deliberately and knowingly pursued a policy that provided material support to terrorist organizations in order to topple a ruler who had been working closely with the West actively to suppress Al Qaeda.”

    The report concluded: “The result in Libya, across much of North Africa, and beyond has been utter chaos, disruption of Libya’s oil industry, the spread of dangerous weapons (including surface-to-air missiles), and the empowerment of jihadist organizations like Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

    Christopher Stevens: ’1st U.S. envoy to al-Qaida’

    In the WND interviews, several members of the citizens’ commission, speaking for themselves, not for the commission, added important background to the interim report’s conclusion.

    “In early 2011, before Gadhafi was deposed, Christopher Stevens came to Benghazi in a cargo ship, and his title at the time was envoy to the Libyan rebels,’ which basically means Christopher Stevens was America’s very first envoy to al-Qaida,” explained Clare Lopez, a member of the commission who served as a career operations officer with the CIA and current is vice president for research at the Washington-based Center for Security Policy.

    “At that time, Stevens was facilitating the delivery of weapons to the al-Qaida-related militia in Libya,” Lopez continued. “The weapons were produced at factories in Eastern Europe and shipped to a logistics hub in Qatar. The weapons were financed by the UAE and delivered via Qatar mostly on ships, with some possibly on airplanes, for delivery to Benghazi. The weapons were small arms, including Kalashnikovs, rocket-propelled grenades and lots of ammunition.”…..’

    And to think that ‘some people’ still believe in the so-called ‘Arab Spring’!

    There is only one candidate in the coming US Presidential election worth more than a crock of sh*t, and that is Bernie (unless Jesse Ventura and Cynthia McKinney stand).

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