Cameron’s “moderate rebels” – Saudi supplied Wahhabi jihadists – have this past 48 hours been bombing civilian areas of Aleppo with yellow phosphorus. The BBC, which went to such extraordinary lengths to fake reports of chemical attacks by Assad, has not reported these genuine chemical attacks at all. Probably because it is too difficult to explain not just why Cameron’s allies are using chemical weapons – and who gave them the chemical weapons – but also why these “friendly” jihadists are attacking Cameron’s other allies, the Kurds, all during a ceasefire.
This video of Robert Stuart is a must see. Let me pin my colours to the mast and say that I am absolutely convinced that the BBC did deliberately and knowingly fake evidence of chemical attacks.
The most egregious BBC propaganda this year has been about the “starvation” of the town of Madaya. The BBC seem to have taken the most glaring example down from YouTube so I can’t embed it. But here on the BBC’s own website you can see the report which claims the Syrian government are deliberately starving civilians in the siege of Madaya. There then appear a string of genuinely heart-rending clips of starving children. The only problem is that none of that footage was shot in Madaya at all, and if you listen very, very carefully you will be able to work out the BBC does not directly affirm that it was. Then we have real comedy at 1 min 30s in, when genuine citizens of Madaya appear to verify their starvation in the shape of four women who are – there is no kind way of saying this – distinctly fat. If double chins are a proof of starvation, then things must be pretty bad.
It is clever propaganda because careful analysis of the text reveals a story very different to the overall picture being deliberately portrayed. Just after the women appear, the reporter slips in that the hardship is caused by hoarding by rebels – i.e. it is actually David Cameron’s moderate forces, not the government, who are causing suffering to the civilians. But you would have to be following very closely and analysing very carefully to pick up on that.
The BBC really has become one of the more outrageous vehicles of government propaganda on the international scene.
Re. Syria: the logical explanation of its sudden and poorly-explained fall from grace is that it was on hold until Iraq was shattered. Pre revolution the line was that Bashar’s dad had been a bad but effective bastard, Bashar, with his Western education, would introduce reforms, and apart from the secret police and informers, Syria was a distinct improvement on, say, Lebanon. Meanwhile this, er, cruel and despotic regime was quite handy for doing stuff we didn’t want to be seen doing ourselves:
But the ambition was always to take Syria down when the time was right. Right for us, that is.
We’ve been opposing Western war-making for years, but in this piecemeal fashion. Every battle is a new battle, and we have to address the propaganda over and over again.
“My source was somebody in UK government employ.”
Oh right then. An anonymous source from within the British establishment. Are you joking?
Look readers, the YPG are not a secret society. Exactly the opposite. They have a pretty efficient media arm. They are on friggin facebook. You don’t need to rely on second hand tip offs from anonymous sources in the war machine. Jesus.
I am not saying this is story is definitely untrue. I am at wotk and being short of time I may have simply not found it. I am saying I do not believe it from RT or an anonymous source within the British state. I am saying if this story is true it will exist on far more credible sources.
John Spencer-Davis 10.10am
Yes, it’s very easy to rain death and destruction down on people, or vote to, when there is not the slightest chance of getting any of it back. In that sense, at least, our forefathers in the Second World War at least understood what it meant. I’ve always thought if Saddam Hussein had possessed drones capable of targeting marginal constituencies the vote in the Commons for the Iraq war would have gone the other way.
11/03/16 11:23am
I have been incredibly fortunate to have lived all my life under conditions of peace. It is up to me to recognize what a blessing that is and to be less ready to enter into war as a consequence, not more ready. I am afraid that our leaders seem to go the other way, and resort to force more easily because they think themselves safe. Which I doubt, frankly.
I do fear what’s coming. I think the UK is a pretty complacent place at the moment, and I think there are horrors coming which we are unprepared for. It is virtually inevitable.
North Korea is probably not being physically attacked at the moment because it possesses nuclear weapons and appears to be ready to use them. What lesson is that demonstrating to the rest of the world which does not possess them? Get them, and be damned quick about it. That’s what I think.
Kind regards,
I’ve always thought if Saddam Hussein had possessed drones capable of targeting marginal constituencies the vote in the Commons for the Iraq war would have gone the other way.
We don’t often disagree, KoWN, but remember the 45-minute claim? Blair, ably assisted by Murdoch, spun the preparation and launch time of a Scud aimed at Cyprus to look like missiles potentially raining down on Basingstoke, as part of his bogus argument for war, didn’t he? And he got his war.
John Spencer-Davism, 11:36 am –
Libya provides another example. Encouraged to abandon its Weapons of Mass Destruction programme by Blair’s New Labour government, it found itself defenceless and then devastated after New Labour was replaced by the ConDem coalition.
A very bad advertisement for democracy.
11/03/16 11:46am
You couldn’t be more right. Libya wasn’t a paradise and I don’t think it was very safe to be politically dissident there under Gaddafi, but for the majority of the population it seems to have offered a pretty decent life. Look at it now.
Kind regards,
side splitting hahahahahahaha
Credible sources? Whose the accreditation agency? Give over mate, everyone has an axe to grind and if you cannot take account of that, then there is no point of any further debate.
The best way of gathering dirt on your opponent is to talk to his enemies and not his friends!!! Get it? RT is a pretty credible source! PressTV is a very credible source, otherwise why would they have banned it from the UK?
KOWN you bet!
Yeah because bLiar knew there is not going to be any kind of retaliation from Saddam and his dilapidated army! If there was so much as slight return of the favour on Iraq, the war would have been declared on some other third world country that could not fight back!
Just to illustrate the point take in this lot of “candid camera” packages!!!! People crapping themselves at the sight of a rucksack.
“For the record, I had no idea the story was on RT. My source was somebody in UK government employ.”
Oh well, it must be true then.
Govt. employees only tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them Mr Goss.
Perhaps I did phrase a sentence poorly. I meant credibility comes from a wider range of sources. Well done for obsessing about that and missing the point.
That you just lap up this story from RT, PressTV and a second hand anonymous British government source just might be confirmation bias. I would have thought even a fool might be a bit curious as to why the YPG do not seem to be talking about this themselves.
“just might be confirmation bias”??? hahahahaha
YPG are a communist set up and as you know anything left of Hitler these days is a taboo subject and zero attention is to be paid to it.
Whilst the YPG are fighting an existential war to preserve their butts, evidently you expect them to be busy with the niceties of PR too?
Links on this blog are not read anyway but here is a link that you may find other “credible” sources are not volunteering to talk about
‘Burned to death, beheaded’: Cizre Kurds accuse Erdogan’s forces of civilian massacre (RT EXCLUSIVE)
Suggest more research and less posting for you to being to understand the wider issues beyond the poxy “credibility bias”.
10 Mar, 2016 – 5:19 pm
My sentiment on ‘save the children’ is well known here and to you rehmat. For sure ‘STC’ blames Assad (and Russia) for the carnage in Syria and I myself have quoted their data in a new light that proportions the butchery in Syria to the greed and voracity of UK/US/IS and other murderous zombies and to agent PM Cameron for completely ignoring the lessons from Iraq and Libya where peace is still wanting and children in extremis.
Hilarious that you just link to another RT on an unrelated matter. It’s almost as if the matter under discussion is irrelevant. You seem to think bluster is enough. You are an idiot.
Indeed an idiot can only discern that the rest of the world are idiots too!!! As you have rushed to get your “contribution”, you are forgetting the simple little “EXCLUSIVE” in the tag! the degrees of suppression of truth can only come to light through recourse to a wider number of sources and the issue of “credibility” then is discerned by the researcher as oppose to getting stamped and approved by the “authorities” of the “truth” ministry!
You are not debating in good faith and frankly I am too busy for any of these games so my final words are; Piss off!!
We don’t often disagree, KoWN, but remember the 45-minute claim? Blair, ably assisted by Murdoch, spun the preparation and launch time of a Scud aimed at Cyprus to look like missiles potentially raining down on Basingstoke, as part of his bogus argument for war, didn’t he? And he got his war.
That’s not how I remember it. The Sun wrote about the claim in September 2002 with the headline ‘Brits 45 minutes from doom’. But when one read the small print it appeared they were referring to Brits in Cyprus. The fact alone showed clearly that there was no threat to the British mainland. I never met a single person who genuinely felt threatened by this and by the time of the vote in March 2003 it had been discredited. I don’t believe for a second any of the MPs who voted thought they were in danger. If they had, if Saddam Hussein had possessed an air force, I’m damn sure those lickspittles would not have voted for war. My view is, one of the reasons we go to war so glibly these days – Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc. is the fact that it is so bloodless for us and few of the MPs have experience of combat or remember the Blitz.
RT seems to report the truth a lot more than Western media. They seem to recognize something that our media seem to have forgotten, namely, that being truthful most of the time renders any propaganda being transmitted far more effective.
Claiming that Assad starved Madaya
Al Jazeera and MSF
The Guardian
The Independent
Claiming that it was a set up
RT, Press TV and Craig, because he saw two fat ladies. and because he doesn’t trust the BBC!
“It was, RD, as I am sure you will find if you check back. Mods said Anon1 was banned for impersonating moderators. Such an unusual thing to say that I remember it.”
Well of course that is what is said now – but the original post said Anon1 was banned for imputing motive of other posters and I responded that if that was the case they would have to ban a whole lot of other posters who referred to shills etc. Post the original post and my response were subsequently deleted – the mods may wish to confirm or deny my series of events, or they may be happy with their version of history – I don’t really care, I am more than used to be called a liar or similar in this forum.
Kind regards ( with a heavy hint of sarcasm) (well at least I’m not being insincere)
Resident Dissident
11/03/16 10:34pm
I remember the exchange, and I think you are not remembering it correctly. The mods stated that a posting by Anon1 was being deleted because it imputed motive. Your response (which, by the way, I didn’t think was unreasonable) stated that you looked forward to the mods going through all previous postings which imputed motive and deleting them.
It was after that, that the mods commented that they were banning Anon1 for impersonating mods.
I am not calling you a liar. I think you are mistaken.
Kind regards,
Perhaps RD means some other incident; Anon1 seems quite keen on getting banned.
RD’s reply was at 28 Feb, 2016 – 8:23 pm. It was deleted. Here is its text recovered from Trash:
Mods indeed are very busy. There are very few mods but scores of hotheads across several threads so some proscribed comment gets missed.
Thank you mods for clearing that up – I was wrong with regard to the reason for Anon1 being banned – it still leaves open the question as to why the treatment for imputing motive is so inconsistent. Isn’t calling someone a shill, a GCHQ employee or similar imputing a motive? Perhaps postings with all such words should automatically be sent to trash?
A belated response to Glenn UK!
I am glad you liked the link. As for Llewellyn’s membership of CAABU, it does him no discredit. However, CAABU as an NGO, it is not totally divorced from the establishment, but membership does provide the benefit of monitoring…!
As some have commented, there was a time the BBC put out some good stuff; here’s a couple of examples:
Operation Gladio – Full 1992 documentary BBC: and
“USS Liberty: Dead In The Water” (BBC Documentary 2002):
To their immense credit, they used to re-broadcast it every year on the anniversary of the attack; then about three years or so ago, they stopped re-broadcasting it.
As for the obvious ‘False Flag’ chemical attacks in Syria:
Britamgate: Staging False Flag Attacks in Syria:
Turkey Smuggled Sarin Gas to Terrorists in Syria:
The Dirty War on Syria: Washington Supports the Islamic State (ISIS): s-the-islamic-state-isis/5494957
MADAYA: Letter of Complaint to Canadian Broadcast Ombudsman: nadian-broadcast-ombudsman/
“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:
In view of the former, following is hardly surprising:
‘Israel says Syrian government used chemical weapons during truce’:
And we should believe Israel, already?
And the Syrians air force is the only party in the conflict known to have helicopters?
Indeed? What about Russia, the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Qatar?
Why on earth should Assad be so stupid as to use Chemical Weapons, knowing full well the US’s and other intelligence agencies would easily be able to prove they had used them, if they had? Notice, no evidence, just allegations, from Israel, which aren’t worth a tinker’s damn, given their desire and machinations against the Assad regime, including aerial and artillery bombardment and other assistance to the ‘Islamic’ terrorist thugs.
Paul you just don’t get it, do you? Facts have little value for Resident Di… and his mates, he is in this debate to back his one dog the zionistan!!! Anything which is good for zionistan is valid despite it being an out and out pack of lies, anything which is bad for zionistan is absolutely bunkum and not valid. Simple really, once you get the hang of the twisted logic of these solipsists simpletons.
Just check out the above debate with the Mods over the slight of the Mods towards one of the cybersettler battalion assigned to this blog, the dog and pony show is lamentably comical if it were not for the real destruction of the Arab lands for real.
This specimen off hand dismisses PressTV that was banned from the “liberal” and “open” UK airwaves beacuse it rocked the boat rally bad, and ruined all that good work about bad, mad, Iranians and their “hatred” with the talks of the same treatment getting dished out to RT because as we all know truth need not be told in these lands so long as there is a fairytale narrative to be told.
You can bring all the facts and logic under the sun and still find these specimens waxing lyrical as before as though there were no debates or any discussion. The hive mentality of these zombies does not have any room for any facts contrary to their imbibed data set.