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216 thoughts on “The Great Certainty

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  • Republicofscotland

    You just have to look at the amount of time the current US president spends with American J××ish supporters of Israel. Obama went as far to say (appeasement) that America an Israel are “family.”

    They have their hooks so far in, at the Whitehouse, that Israel has a somewhat carte blanche in the Middle East knowing, the global hector (the US) will back them up.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    “..ethnic cleansing means. Here’a clue for you. It’s not the same thing as Genocide.”

    Well aware of that, Daniel. “Ethnic cleansing” is what you substituted for someone else’s “genocide” in an effort to get him off the hook. 🙂

    Anyway, to repeat: there is no ethnic cleansing going on in what used to be called Palestine : Israel and West Bank ( and Jordan for that matter).

    Try former Yugoslavia or parts of Africa if you want some examples of ethnic cleansing.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    ““For the record, the BDS campaign is rather ineffective and will shortly become more ineffective still once new govt legislation regarding local councils has come onto effect.”
    The increasingly desperate campaign against BDS by the Israeli government shows that the boycott is working.”

    Keep whistling in the dark, laddie.

    The surest sign that BDS is getting nowhere is the sight of people like your good self popping up rather frequently on blogs like this with their shrill “BDS IS working!”s

  • Republicofscotland

    “Just so you understand – Israel is a very small country, with a very small population, and with absolutely no influence on anyone. That’s why America gives it more foreign/military aid than the rest of the world put together. If it had influence, do you see, the US wouldn’t give it all that money. Just like it doesn’t give it to… I don’t know, Burundi say, and other influential countries. You only get bazillions of dollars if you are uninfluential.”


    Mayeaux Wren.

    The US give Israel billions of dollars in aid, because American J××s have powerful influencing positions in America.

    I would call that a influencial position that Israels in, wouldn’t you?

    By the way your Burundi example holds no water, here is a list of aid given by America to other nations, some very influencial indeed.

  • MerkinScot

    As Rafal Lemkin said :

    By “genocide” we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….
    Telling the truth without needing to be shrill.
    Obviously, there are people who don’t agree that the ghettoisation in Gaza is part of the slow genocide which Trump and Clinton are being ordered to sign up to.

  • Republicofscotland

    “Did anyone see a comment of mine about Tony Blair’s ‘apology’ fly off into the ether?”


    Sorry John, I didn’t, but on the subject of Blair, I recently read an article that Blair is the richest PM-albeit ex, Britian has ever had.

  • Tony_0pmoc


    “America will have a President who supports apartheid, land grab and the continual murder of children.”

    I must admit, its hard to argue with that, except they are all complete and utter total liars.

    So what does this mean??? Well we know what Hillary means – she makes it as completely obvious as Madeline Albright (the death of 500,000 children was “worth it”) Hillary (we came we saw and we stuck a gun up his bum – ha ha ha)…They are telling the truth from the depths of their evil souls – So That’s the Truther’s For You – “We Us Neocons Are The Most Evil Creatures on The Planet…”

    Whereas personally, it seems to me, that THEY are terrified of The Donald – cos he is Taking The P1ss out of all the evil basturds who have promoted this manic brain washing and destruction…

    He probably loves immigrants really – he is just surfing the shiit – and pulling out turds..and Americans are not quite as thick as they sometimes seem…and they are going to overwhelm the bent Dyson voting machines – if he misses the bullets…

    Duck Donald Trump….they would almost certainly try to kill you, except now they have become too obvious.

    Something is rapidly changing in World politics. It is now entirely possible that the UK will exit the EU….

    because the old planned new world order is falling apart as the worms and maggots crawl out of the seams.

    Before we puke.


  • Daniel

    “Well aware of that, Daniel. “Ethnic cleansing” is what you substituted for someone else’s “genocide” in an effort to get him off the hook. 🙂

    Anyway, to repeat: there is no ethnic cleansing going on in what used to be called Palestine : Israel and West Bank ( and Jordan for that matter).

    Try former Yugoslavia or parts of Africa if you want some examples of ethnic cleansing.”

    I did no such thing. I am very clear about the distinction between ethnic cleansing and Genocide. You are wrong to say that there is no ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine/West Bank. There is a book called The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by professor Pappe. I suggest you read it. To make the ignorant claim that no ethnic cleansing is going on their illustrates that either 1) you haven’t a clue what it means or 2) you are in denial. So which is it?

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Sorry, I made a slight typo – though my cheap Argos hoover (sorry vacuum cleaner) – is a Dyson clone costing less than £50..

    “Even though no one from Diebold Election Systems admitted to having seen the film,[3] Diebold President David Byrd suggested that Hacking Democracy was “replete with material examples of inaccurate reporting”, and demanded that it not be aired.”


  • Republicofscotland

    “Wonder if he is going to take himself to The Hague.”

    Thanks for the link John, though to be honest I’m no fan off the Daily Fail, and Paul Dacre.

    Blair apoligises, hmm I suppose in his twisted mind that now makes it alright then.

  • Republicofscotland

    Here the current US president openly admits that without his powerful J××ish/Zionist friends, he woukd never, become president.

    “I probably wouldn’t be sitting in this Oval Office were it not for the incredible support that I received from the Jewish community throughout my political career — from my very first race in the state Senate coming out of Hyde Park in Chicago, to my Senate run, to my presidential run.”

    He surely was referring to the three wealthy Jews he once called his “Chicago cabal” who were there “from the git-go,” all of them liberal Zionists. As well as the more-right-wing Chicago Zionists who got behind Obama when he ran for the Senate.

    Will Clinton or Trump, be any less influenced by the cabal? Very unlikely indeed.

  • Tony_0pmoc


    I reckon yours is a little bit older than mine – but only by a few weeks.

    We’ve got two babies in our home today – one 7 months old – and one less than a week…

    It seems Babies attract each other.

    You look as proud as I feel.

    God Bless


  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    ““Well aware of that, Daniel. “Ethnic cleansing” is what you substituted for someone else’s “genocide” in an effort to get him off the hook. 🙂


    I did no such thing.”

    I’m afraid you did, Daniel.

    MerkinScot claimed genocide was taking place (14h03).

    I told him he was mistaken and was misusing the word(14h09).

    You then jumped in to say:

    “Ok, ethnic cleansing. Happy now?” (14h12).

    All clear now, you mischievous dolt?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Further to your egregious comment at 16h41.

    1/. “You are wrong to say that there is no ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine/West Bank. There is a book called The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by professor Pappe.”

    Interesting argument there, Daniel. There must be ethnic cleansing because Ilan Pappe says so.

    2/. “To make the ignorant claim that no ethnic cleansing is going on their illustrates that either 1) you haven’t a clue what it means or 2) you are in denial. So which is it?”

    Neither, Daniel.


    To follow on from what TonyOpmoc saud about your grandchild, as pictured in your avatar: don’t forget to bring him/her up as a good Israel-hater, will you. And no nappies from M & S ! 🙂

  • Daniel

    Habba, professor Pappe uses the same definition as the US State Department. Over to you.

  • Daniel

    @5.34, Nope. I never claimed it was Genocide and was clear to emphasize my outlining of the distinction.. So quit with your bullshit.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    I like Craig Murray for several reasons, though I don’t remember seeing him on University Challenge though I watched it Religiously Every Week…

    Has anyone got a youtube clip just to prove the allegation?

    You can’t fake University Challenge when Bamber Gascoigne and The BBC used to do it

    Now The BBC is less respected than a pile of camel dung

    strange how things change

    (Craig may well have appeared but I thought he was first reserve)

    Come on give us the truth – just for a laugh.

    I just want to know what the questions were..

    My wife’s brother did a similar kind of thing on a Radio Show in the North East of England about Football….

    He doesn’t cheat…He has any Encyclopedic knowledge of Football well beyond the Radio Show’s

    We know another guy
    (and he is actually a pretty good musician)

    there is absolutely no one I know who has such an amazing memory (about the history of music)

    But it is NOT about our Human History…

    It is about protecting what we had – and passing what we had to our Children and our Grandchildren…

    I want to keep England Alive – well after I am Dead..

    and The Germans and The Italians and The French Look at me

    and the entire world wants to move to England…

    I can understand that…

    But you ain’t all going to fit

    Why not just stay home…???

    (Well we would – but you Americans and English keep dropping bombs on us)

    O.K. I understand…sorry about that..I don’t control them….but I hope some of my positive ideas might have a slight influence on their behaviour

    My wife and I and our family and most of our friends don’t want to kill anyone…but I understand the feelings of our friends who do.

    They Really Do Not Like You.

    I guess they like me at least a bit …cos I am still here.


  • Tony_0pmoc

    I guess my comments here are soon going to be closed down…that’s O.K.

    No one reads them any way…and you can hardly accuse me of selling anything..its too fcking Dangerous – Especially You Craig Murray..even Spivey is easier than you..and he has been fcked over too

    ” Tony_0pmoc on March 16, 2016 · at 3:13 pm UTC

    My son runs an ISP, and could certainly host your servers, probably at significantly less cost. However, because of the highly political nature of your content, in what may well be a worsening world political environment, your service is almost certainly safer remaining based in what is largely a politically independent Iceland.

    I am aware of other politically contentious websites, where strenuous efforts have been made to suppress or eliminate content, by both legal threats and professional technical attacks. In at least one of these cases, the owner of the website, found the best solution was to move his service to Iceland.

    Any ISP has such an enormous volume of content and customers in multiple different languages, that it is literally impossible to have any knowledge or control of what is communicated, except when there is a very real attack. In the vast majority of cases such attacks are literally criminal, and service providers work with intelligence services and police authorities to maintain the service provided, and also identify the source of the crime.


  • Rehmat

    Dr. Philip Giraldi, former CIA agent of 20 years, wrote on December 22, 2015 that no matter who wins the 2016 presidential election – it would be victory of Israel.

    “The next American president will almost certainly be bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby. Hillary Clinton has already declared that she would invite Benjamin Netanyahu to meet her at the White House on the very first day of her presidency. So who is standing up for the interests of the American people? Nobody, apparently. Senator Ted Cruz has no less than 69 press releases on his web site pledging support for Israel. Jeb Bush has pledged to ban the pro-Palestinian Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement in the U.S. which most people would consider to be free speech. Every Republican candidate also continues to pander directly and personally to Benjamin Netanyahu, including Donald Trump who planned to drop in on Bibi but had to cancel the trip because of the reaction to his comments about Muslims. Trump had also caused somewhat of an uproar by telling a Jewish Republican audience in New York City that they wouldn’t support him because he didn’t need their money. Imagine the cheek of Trump to link Jews with money with buying influence! In any event, Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), determined that Trump’s comments were not anti-Semitism because they had been misinterpreted and I for one am relieved that we have a brave and enlightened organization like the ADL to keep us on our toes when it comes to potential hate speech,” Giraldi said.

    “From the man who married her grandmother to the man who married her daughter, from working room full of bar mitzvah guests on behalf of her husband’s political career to heading major pro-Israel events during her own, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s journey has never wandered far from Jews,” Ron Kampeas, The Jewish Daily Forward, June 24, 2015.

  • nevermind, mental health is a burning issue

    ‘America will have a President who supports apartheid, land grab and the continual murder of children.’

    Yes the show must go on, add to that sentence the multilateral global agreements that are spreading the modern versions of the Monroe Doctrine all over the Pacific nation States, bamboozle NZ and the Philippines and are now engaged to sign up the largest and most lucrative market there is, Europe.

    TTIP is more dangerous than, anything that can stifle us by being in Europe. It will globalise public service provision and if we shun their services, opt out, they will be able to sue the taxpayer/ Government for lost profits.

    This is a one way path, no return from it and it will destroy what pesky little democleptcy we have left.

  • MerkinScot

    And exactly how did my use of the word ‘genocide’ differ from Lempkin?
    Because I added ‘slow’?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “@5.34, Nope. I never claimed it was Genocide”

    And not did I say you did.

    What I said was the following:

    ““Ethnic cleansing” is what you substituted for someone else’s “genocide” in an effort to get him off the hook.”

    The someone else being MerkinScot.

    Do you still deny that you substituted “ethnic cleansing” for MerkinScot’s “genocide”?

    Here is a reminder in case your memory conveniently fails:

    “Ok, ethnic cleansing. Happy now?” (your post at 14h12).


    And now, to use your kind of vocab (“Fuck the BBC” refers) – fuck off! 🙂

  • John Spencer-Davis

    John Goss
    16/03/16 4:38pm

    I think there must be a reason Blair chose to do this – after all, he hadn’t done so in a dozen years.

    Wonder if he knows something about Chilcot that we don’t? Also, the Tom Bower book was coming out and also George Galloway’s film can’t be far off.

    Even if Blair never faces a single sanction for what he has done, I am sure he is now realising exactly what he is going to be most remembered for by history. All the houses and millions in the world won’t make up for that.

    Kind regards,


  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “Well according to these holocaust survivors, it is genocide.

    I’d think those people know better than you Habb.

    More than 300 Holocaust survivors and their descendants have condemned what they described as Israel’s ‘genocide of Palestinian people’ in an advert in the New York Times.”

    And how many tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors have not described Israel as committing genocide?


    PS – glad you admit that there are Holocaust survivors and that by implication the Holocaust occurred.

  • MerkinScot

    If ethnic cleansing is acceptable to Habba, so be it.
    That is exactly why we must support the boycott.
    Of course, the Holocaust Survivors who also support the boycott might disagree with Habba’s feeble attempts to tell them the meaning of genocide.
    Clinton and Trump both support Habba’s view.
    That should tell you who is right in this matter.

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