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667 thoughts on “Back to the Fray

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    • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

      No, RD, he wouldn’t replicate – not in real life, that is.

      He’s just an internet warrior, one of those of whom I wrote that he would never dare talk to his friends or workmates in the same way as he talks on here.

      • Resident Dissident

        What makes you think that I support the likes of Erdogan – some of us can remember a time not too long past when he was best of buddies with Putin and they had a mutual pact to support each other’s human rights abuses (and even Craig was rather supportive of Erdogan.

        This automatic classification of regimes according to whether they support the US/Russia really is just a symptom of a feeble mind, whose only response is one of abuse rather than reason to those with whom he/she/it disagrees.(aka as trolling).

        • Macky

          RD; “This automatic classification of regimes according to whether they support the US/Russia really is just a symptom of a feeble mind, whose only response is one of abuse rather than reason to those with whom he/she/it disagrees.(aka as trolling)”
          So writes one of the feeblest minds around; somebody who always goes around pointing demonising fingers at every official enemy in the war-mongers must “liberate” next target list, is certainly suspect in the mind department, especially when they hypocritically try demonising on issues that even worse in the country that they actually live in themselves, or in countries that they support; RD tried to demonise Russia on Free Speech by linking to an article that refers to alleged numbers of to prosecutions iro of Hate Speech, but when he is confronted by a bona fide report about even greater numbers of Hate Speech prosecution in his own country, he blanks it, and instead now pretends that he doesn’t approve of Free Speech crackdown one of the leading members of NATO, which is a thousand times worse than in Russia or indeed most countries, yet it is Russia that got his attention ! 😀

          Perhaps it might be that Turkey is doing the most to help terrorists topple the legitimate Syrian Government, an immoral & illegal breach of International Law that he fully supports in his “Humanitarian” bombing predilection kind of way !

          • Resident Dissident

            And why does it not surprise me that Macky cannot distinguish between slander and abuse and genuine political comment?

            I am quite capable of criticising both Erdogan’s and Putin’s abuses of human rights – always have done always will. Macky never attacks his master or his allies ( as long as they remain allies) – and I have never seen any evidence to the contrary.

    • Loony

      All you have done is provide a link concerning people in Russia who have posted things that the government does not like. You could equally, and perhaps more easily, have posted links concerning people that the EU does not like.

      So what is your point, beyond the fact that you do not like the Russian government? Russia is nothing to do with you (or if it is go to Russia and make your case directly).

      Why not leave them alone? Why do you want to poison peoples minds against Russia? All they want is to be left alone. If you continue to provoke them, then Russians will kill us all. In the end no-one (apart from maybe you and Kim Jong-Un) is interested in sitting under a mushroom cloud congratulating themselves on their moral purity

      • Resident Dissident

        No I haven’t – the link quite clearly shows what the Russian Government does in response.

        I have a wife and children who are all Russian citizens – so Russia has plenty to do with me. I do go to Russia and last time I went I was trailed by the KGB – so the chance of making my case directly would I suspect be very limited and very ineffective. I did pay my respects to Boris Nemtsov at his murder site just a stone throw from the Kremlin walls – when the many closed circuit cameras were all conveniently turned off.

        I do not want to poison minds against Russia – it a great country with great people. The Putin regime, its predecessors and the KGB are not the same as Russia – perhaps you should remember what happened when the ersatz lefties last turned their back when the regime was abusing Russia, the Russians and the other peoples of the Soviet Union, al in the cause of what they saw as opposing western democracies.

        BTW it is strange how the hypocrites here never seem to think this argument should apply to them when criticising the regimes of countries which they oppose – but perhaps you might wish to let us know to which country you belong so that you can be labelled a hypocrite when you stray from home.

        • Herbie

          ” I do go to Russia and last time I went I was trailed by the KGB”

          Well. If you insist on running around the world calling yourself Resident Dissident…

          I’d imagine they just followed you around for a while to confirm their suspicions you’re just a harmless nutter.

          In the US, UK and Israel they shoot first.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    A dislike of Israel and the Jews – a penchant for conspiracy theories – considerable knowledge of Nazi Germany (from reading, not personal experience) – and a trumpeting of the claims made by certain revisionist historians….

    I wonder if the above elements, all displayed in various posts from one and the same “commenter”, are merely coincidental?

    • Loony

      Well done.., a really insightful observation. In order to meaningful personal experience of Nazi Germany you would need to be in your mid 90’s and have been in Germany in the period 1933/45, How likely is it that 90+ year old Germans are contributing to this blog?

      Is it not blindingly obvious that anyone’s knowledge of Nazi Germany is overwhelmingly likely to be from reading as opposed to personal experience.

      Conversely there are plenty of people around with personal and reading experience of the ideological extremism that is contemporary Sweden. There are things that can be done about Sweden, but there is nothing that can be done about Nazi Germany. Could this simple fact explain your interest in Nazi Germany?

      • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

        You’re right of course but the person who immediately reacted in self-recognition has had such a long and distinguished career in so many areas (allegedly) that one might be forgiven for momentarily believing he’s well over 90 🙂

  • lysias

    Looks like using the word “Nazi” no longer results in automatic moderation.

    • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

      Good heavens, my Transatlantic Friend, what on earth made you think I was talking about you?

  • lysias

    A notable revisionist historian was Fritz Tobias, whose theory exonerating the Nazis from blame for the Reichstag Fire has repeatedly been defended by one of the commenters here (as well as by David Irving, among others). Never by me. The historians on that event whose views I have defended here are well known to be of the left.

    • K Crosby

      Lubbe set the fire and the nazis exploited the opportunity, same as bUShA did the New York kamikaze, this is revisionist in the sense of revising the historical record, not whitewashing the nazis. Ask A J P Taylor.

      • lysias

        No, the forensic evidence that came out at the show trial proves that Lubbe was as incapable of setting such a massive fire alone in such a short time as Oswald was incapable of accomplishing the shooting feat that the Warren Commission claimed.

      • lysias

        For a discussion of how Tobias’s revisionist history served to — and was meant to — exonerate a bunch of former Nazi officials, one is no longer obliged to read accounts in German by such scholars as Kugel and Bahar. One can now read the masterful account in English in historian/lawyer Benjamin Hett’s “Burning the Reichstag”.

        • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

          Of course, Mr Benjamin Hett has been characterised as a “better” historian by our Transatlantic Friend on the basis that he (Hett) is a lawyer.

          Mind you, as our TF claims to be a lawyer himself, that’s perhaps not so surprising.

        • K Crosby

          As well as A J P Taylor, Norm Finkelstein also thinks that Lubbe acted alone, same as Grynzspan. Roping in the Kennedy assassination only serves to make you appear swivel-eyed.

          • K Crosby

            May I dissociate my views from haddock-suck? It’s not historians who try to get their snouts in the trough so much as publishers who try to peddle history as new, secret, unknown, revelatory when it’s hackwork?

   has thousands of free PhD pdfs, some of which get tarted up and published. The difference between a cautious analysis of primary sources and the bumflufferies of the published version can be instructive.

          • lysias

            A lot of people became committed to Tobias’s lone nut theory for as long as it was the orthodox account, largely for Cold War reasons, and have been unable to shift their view to take account of more recently released evidence. Same as with the JFK assassination.

          • lysias

            Hett’s book was published by the Oxford University Press, which means it went through a lot of vetting by competent scholars. Hett was chosen to write the entry on the Reichstag Fire in the new 2015 third edition of the standard reference work “Lexikon der Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung in Deutschland”.

        • lysias

          Hugh Trevor-Roper died in 2003. Alan Bullock died in 2004. Hett’s book was published in 2014.

          • lysias

            Benjamin Hett now has a Wikipedia page in the German Wikipedia: Benjamin Carter Hett. It cites Ian Kershaw’s very favorable reaction to Hett’s book:

            Ian Kershaw äußerte gegenüber dem Tagesspiegel, dass er in seiner Hitler-Biografie die Ausführungen zum Reichstagsbrand nach Lektüre dieses Buchs „heute anders schreiben würde“ und lobte Hetts Studie als eine „peinlich genaue Untersuchung“.[6] [My translation: Ian Kershaw told the Tagesspiegel that today he would write his account of the Reichstag Fire in his biography of Hitler differently, now that he had read this book. He praised Hett’s work as an “excruciatingly exact study”.]

          • lysias

            Hett’s book has just appeared in German translation. I ordered it from Amazon.

          • K Crosby

            OUP is a bit like the BBC, living off an undeserved reputation for an excellence there never was. Fair do’s though, I had a look for it on the Amazon site.

            Again, you do your cause no justice by inferring the motives of people who think that Lubbe acted alone.

          • lysias

            The second half of Hett’s book largely concerns the motives of the people behind the lone nut Lubbe theory, and I find what he says most persuasive.

          • lysias

            I find the double entendre in the title of Kugel and Bahar’s first book on the Reichstag Fire exquisite: Der Reichstagsbrand: Wie Geschichte gemacht wird, which can mean either The Reichstag Fire: How History is Made, or The Reichstag Fire: How History is Manufactured.

      • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

        Exactly right, Mr Crosby.

        One can also ask Alan Bullock, Hugh Trevor-Roper and a host of other distinguished historians.

        Of course, history writing has often been characterised by relative newbies who seek to make a name for themselves by presenting exciting new “discoveries”.

        It’s just rather sad when posters use the dubious “work” of such characters either to bolster their own rather strange takes on events or, worse still, to try and show off.

        One is not however impressed. 🙂

        • Herbie

          Hugh Trevor-Roper is distinguished mainly in falling for the Hitler’s diaries spoof and being a spook with a spook agenda.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    I’m sure I speak for all on here when I express the hope that “RobG” hasn’t been flooded out of his rural gîte by the bad weather in France.

    If you’re tuned in, Rob (and not yet on your third bottle), please write in and reassure us.

    As usual, any old rubbish will do.

    • RobG

      And peace and love to you as well, Habba.

      (We’re coming for the vermin, make no mistake about that)

      I think that at the moment North Korea has a more open society than the UK.

      Brits live in a total wacko propaganda land (and their taxes pay for it).

      If I ruled the UK the first thing I’d do is arrest everyone who works for MI5 and MI6, and all their associated cretins, because they are all criminal loons. Likewise in Washington, etc, etc.

      If the human race doesn’t grow-up we will be extinct within the next 50 years, tops.

  • Silvio

    Report has it that Putin and Assad are effectively blocking USrael’s plan to set up a US military base inside Syria.

    Breaking: Surprise Syrian Drive on Raqqah Blocks Secret US Plan

    Advance units of the Syrian Arab Army, supported by forces of Hezbollah, Iranian volunteers and Russian Aerospace fighter/bombers are advancing on the ISIS held Tabqa Military Airport, just south of Raqqah.

    Sources in Damascus have told VT that this drive, supported by Russian Aerospace sorties, is advancing through the night to seize the ISIS held airport after it was learned that America planned to open a major base there, dominating this vital region, part of a secret agreement to split Syria, a plan made showing a shocking level of cooperation between “strange bedfellows,” most notable an American deal with ISIS against Damascus.

      • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

        If I were you, “Macky”, I’d just get back to hurling the occasional insult: all this linking to dubious websites in an attempt to appear serious is very counter-productive.

        Stick to what you’re good at would be my advice!

        • giyane

          Stick to your underpamts looking at Israeli babes on Tel Aviv beach if I were you, too, Humbug

          • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


            I susoect you are currently woman-less. Why else would you keep going on about Tel Aviv babes?

      • Resident Dissident

        Yet again this racist presumption that the locals are incapable of going off and doing good and evil in their own name without help from the Great Satan.

      • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

        “This article from Black Agenda Report adds perspective.”

        Perspective is the last thing added by dubious websites like that one.

        Unless it’s the perspective of the lunatic asylum..

        • bevin

          Other readers should decide for themselves hoe dubious the Black Agenda Report website is.

          Habba (apologist for all things tending towards authoritarianism) does not believe in public debate of political matters. He would rather that those, not designated his superiors in his peculiar hierarchical world view, were prevented from expressing opinions.

          The last feeble spurt of the British Empire’s long line of bullies and thugs, educated in ‘public’ schools which churned out a ready made racist elite to facilitate the plunder of colonies, he is reduced, in this post Rhodesian age, to howling, in frustration and bitterness, at plebs like ourselves as we try to make sense of a world which Habba rejects, like a child in a tantrum.

          Except of course for those outposts where the old colonialism is still practised in its original form of ruthless brutality, overlayed by crude lies and the propaganda of tossing knives at the corpses of the lynched.
          Israel is one such place but the age old template of the worst characteristics of imperialism remains the states south of the Mason Dixon line- and the worst nightmare of the likes of Habba, is still the slave revolt, the sudden uprising of the exploited and the insulted which can only- in the twisted minds of the imperialist- lead to a bloodbath.

          There is nothing dubious about the Black Agenda in the United States, it is a dagger already brushing against the breastbone of the Empire, which wants very little encouragement before it plunges into a heart so rotten that it has corrupted a planet.

      • giyane


        Habba’s reference to ‘lunatic asylum’ is pathetic but pertinent.

        UK military have long been brain-washed using torture techniques and drugs developed by the Nazis.
        Daesh are programmed by the same techniques in Israeli hospitals.

        What we are witnessing is not just 4th generation warfare, i.e. misinformation but a realisation in USUKIS military circles that people can’t be forced to fight for colonial. aggressive, political causes after 2 world wars. Instead they have to be motivated by highly-paid corrupt ethical leaders, not to call them Mullas because they broker truth. The trainee jihadists are then tortured and doped to direct their impotent rage against the target chosen by the USUKIS neo-cons.

        That’s not 4th generation, it’s Neanderthal. I am watching a Turkish soap where one of the villains has a chat-up line of pointing his revolver to the woman’s head. It’s called the Erdogan technique.

        • giyane

          Good to see that Turkish people in London are speaking out against Erdogan’s policy of locking up journalists and shelling his own Kurdish population. With half of London being run by Turkish/Kurdish mafia that takes a lot of courage. Business is business.

          The other half is controlled by the Sadiq Khan / Cameron alliance for free TTIP. Aw! is that the one with the chimps?

  • Silvio

    Were numerous US and allied intelligence gathering alphabet agencies and the White House itself caught with their shorts down and their heads up their collective arses when nightly news casts reported in shocked surprise that a powerful and well armed and equipped ISIS army of radical evil-doers had mysteriously sprung out of nowhere to become a fearsome new force threatening to bring mayhem, destruction and a thirty year war to the Middle East (or at least to those countries in the Middle East that didn’t see fit to take their orders from the Washington/Tel Aviv axis). That’s what, by and large, the mainstream media would have us believe, but as usual the devil is in the details:

  • Rhisiart Gwilym

    @ K Crosby: No credit needed, K; no copyright, public domain! 🙂

    Same goes also with Permanent Bullshit Blizzard, Hasbarollock(er)s, the Synergising Global Crises (SGCs), USukiznato (pron. ‘You suck ‘is nato!’), The PTP/ADEP (Pampered Twenty Percent and the Abused and Deprived Eighty Percent who support them), WPS-mafias (WealthPowerStatus – the trinity); also, don’t forget the Pocket-Pols and the Corpohacks, and – of course – the gics (Gangsters-In-Charge), aka the One-Percenters, who own them.

    All uncopyrighted coinages. Please use and spread freely. I like plain, honest language that describes things accurately. And remember to take DR. DADE’s compound against the trolls: Don’t Read. Don’t Answer, Don’t Engage. Pisses them off – and eventually shrivels them off – no end! They crave – and NEED – attention. :0)

    • Resident Dissident

      What a wit – I suspect the reason you cannot engage is your obviously superior intelligence which has won all arguments by reducing them to a select number of slogans and abbreviations.

      • Alcyone: Experience the sub-atomic Dimensions

        Really makes you wonder?

        Btw, hope you are well? Keep sticking up for rationality!

    • Alcyone: Experience the sub-atomic Dimensions

      RG, is what you do for a life, all day long? Have you stopped to consider that you are in a complete rut?

      Is there another way?

      I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or not.

      • Macky

        LOL ! The Habba-Clowns’s most devoted acolyte has been stirred from his metaphysical Krishnamurtic contemplation of peace & love, to come here and hurl abuse @ RG ! 😀

  • Colin Valley

    Thanks Craig for clarity. A rarity these days. Quick question, what power has Sir Ivan Rogers KCMG? Our rep in Europe. Am I missing something here?

  • Macky

    Resident Dissident; “And why does it not surprise me that Macky cannot distinguish between slander and abuse and genuine political comment?”

    You are intellectually & ideologically incapable of making genuine political comments; all you have is a very obvious & transparent agenda in demonising all current official enemies in order to encourage support for the warmongering agenda.

    Resident Dissident; “I am quite capable of criticising both Erdogan’s and Putin’s abuses of human rights – always have done always will. Macky never attacks his master or his allies ( as long as they remain allies) – and I have never seen any evidence to the contrary.”

    No you will never see me promoting warmongering propaganda, as I have no “master” except my conscience & principles, which prevent me for advocating for action that always results in mass civilian deaths, and has a proven track record of making every situation untold times worse, namely war; I am simply anti-war & cannot allow warmongering to pass unexposed for the lying propaganda that it is.

    You on the other hand are continually self-exposed as a blatant propagandist by the shallowness & hypocrisy of your “arguments” ; that you think people can’t see through you is a measure of how dim you really must be.

    • Resident Dissident

      Comedy gold – arrogance as well as ignorance combined in a single post, you really cannot cope with anyone disagreeing with you and can only resort to insult as a response. Where were your conscience and principles when Erdogan was Putin’s friend, when Putin waged war against Ukraine, when Assad attacked his own people, when Saddam gassed the Kurds, attacked Iran and Kuwait, when Slobo attacked Slovenia, Croatia and Kossovo, when France was attacked by terrorists etc etc. ad infinitum. Your hypocrisy stinks to high heaven.

      • Macky

        @RD, LOL! The joke is on you but you can see because of the yolk always covering your face ! 😀

        Your roll call of the Cruise Missile Humanitarian’s favourites & MSM war-mongering approved “more evil than Hitler “ Bogeymen, is your own self-confessional charge of what you really are all about. Do you have shares in weapons sales, or are you purely a sicko that gets off on war ?

          • Macky

            Rd; “Very sad – get a life.”

            Writes the War-Mongering Propagandist, presumably with a straight face, and no sense of ironic self-awareness.

          • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

            Yes, Macky, he did write that.

            Are you incapable of responding except by repeating what he said?

            Isn’t that a little feeble of you?

      • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

        He keeps talking about others being dim.

        That’s funny, because I recall that Dreoilin (now there’s a woman poster I really miss!) used to say that Macky “wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer”. Smart woman, Dreoilin!

        • Macky

          If I am dim and you still keep getting your troll arse handed to back to you on a plate by me, what does that make you Einstein ? 😀

      • Loony

        Your list of crimes is incomplete. Try these for some balance

        US attacks on Iraq and Syria (2011-present)
        US drone attacks on Somalia (2011-present)
        US/NATO attack on Libya (2011)
        US drone attacks on Yemen (2004-present)
        US drone attacks on Pakistan (2004-present)
        US/UK Invasion and occupation of Iraq (2003-2011)
        US/NATO invasion of Afghanistan (2001-present)
        US/NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (1999)
        US Cruise missile attack on Afghanistan (1998)
        US Cruise missile attack on Sudan (1998)

        Should you have interest I can provide more in the same vein – for the list is long

        You also seem to have forgotten to make clear that Saddam’s gas attack on the Kurds was carried out in the presence of CIA observers.

        If Putin really has waged war against Ukraine, how come Ukraine still exists? Or is your hypothesis that Russia is so weak and so backward that it is not even able to conquer Ukraine.

        • Resident Dissident

          Yes of course any US/UK/NATO attack irrespective of provocation would be a crime in your eyes – so perhaps you should add in the US/UK invasion of Nazi Germany to the list of crimes for completeness.

          I fail to see how the purported presence of CIA observers mitigates the extent of Saddam’s crimes. Your comments re Putin are just plain otiose – wars are waged fro all sorts of objectives other than conquest.

          • Loony

            I have made no remarks regarding provocation. However, since you have, perhaps you could advise as to exactly how Sudan provoked the US – such that the only rational or proportional response was to launch a cruise missile attack.

            No-one is suggesting that the war against Nazi Germany was a crime – so why do you raise it? Could it be that it serves the purposes of childish diversion?

            There is nothing purported about CIA observers being present at the time of Saddam’s gas attack on the Kurds. Their presence does not mitigate Saddam’s crimes but implicates the US in those crimes. This conclusion is in accordance with both common sense and common law.

            The question is: Why are you so keen to distract and divert from the crimes of western states? Why are you prepared to make yourself appear intellectually ridiculous in preference to acknowledging documented crimes. Should those criminals ever be held to account it is likely that they will claim that their crimes were committed in your name, and it appears that you are content to shoulder this burden of culpability. Why?

          • Resident Dissident

            Please look into your logic – just because I said “irrespective of provocation” it doesn’t mean that I believe there was sufficient provocation in all cases. I don’t believe that there was in the case of Sudan largely for the same reasons as outlined by Christopher Hitchens on that subject – I don’t believe that is the case with all the others I prefer to distinguish on a case by case basis and in some cases the evidence will be decidedly mixed.

            The view that I am not prepare to criticise the West or Israel is just something created by those who are never prepared to offer any criticism of the West’s opponents – it just doesn’t stand up to scrutiny I’m afraid.

        • lysias

          Don’t forget that the 1963 Iraqi coup that first brought Saddam and his party to power was instigated by the CIA and British intelligence.

          • lysias

            They gave Saddam and his allies lists of people associated with the previous government for them to kill.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford aka The Biscuit

    Everyone has trouble disagreeing with anyone, often mistaking pointed comment for libel and even personal abuse.

    I am reminded of this when I stood up for Muhammad Ali, who has just died, supporting his opposition to the senseless slaughter of the Vietnam War that he lost his boxing title, and even went to prison a a while.

    Later he became everyone’s hero, though reduced to a nearly mindless hulk by the senseless punishment he had endured in that cruel sport.

    I wrote a letter of support for his efforts to The Bangor News in 1967 when all this was going on, and a colleague of mine called me a “nigger lover” for doing so.

    It almost resulted in fisticuffs of our own, and it at least helped get me fired from that crap hole.

    One of my best extremist moments.

  • Alcyone: Experience the sub-atomic Dimensions

    Stony Mocup,

    You are an arsehole, yet at least a prized one.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford aka The Biscuit

    You are just being an imbecile yourself, Habby, by claiming that Paul Robeson was one when he was accomplished in many fields, like playing football in the NFL, and earning a law degree from Columbia.

    And you don’t have to be accomplished in any field to have an opinion about anything, especially in politics where Robeson was so accomplished.

    Sometimes, you just don’t have an opinion worth passing along.

    • Macky

      Nicely stated Trowbridge, saved me the trouble of telling the Clown to piss off. Fitting that he & his War Propagandist sidekick RD, spend much of their time wiping egg of their faces ! 😀

      • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

        Did Trowbridge provide the retort you were incapable of providing, “Macky”?

        Strange how the dullest blade always relies on others to pull his chestnuts out of the fire for him! 🙂

        • Macky

          After feeling rather soiled by engaging with the filthy War Propagandist RD, I was attempting to avoid further soiling by practicing DR DADE on you, but it’s too humorous to resist pointing out that you got egg plastered all over your face again, this time by somebody whom you always try to ridicule as a conspiracy loon ! 😀

      • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

        Anyway, “Macky”, you’ve had enough attention from me for today, so just carry on and I’ll get back to you in due course, I must give you time to recover from today’s slamming! 🙂

    • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


      I said that Robeson was a political imbecile (will recognising his qualities in another two fields).

      As for playing in the NFL and earning a law degree, do those facts make him politically aware? I believe that Robeson belonged to that select group of people who dened the reality of Stalinist terror and the nature of the Stalinist 1930s trials, But do correct me if I’m wrong.

      Finally, can you spot the slight contradiction between your second and third paras?

      • Trowbridge H. Ford aka The Biscuit

        Geez, I thought you were taking a respite.

        Robeson was most politically aware of political affairs by being involved in the Civil Rights Movement and the Council on African Affairs.

        Millions of people, especially blacks in America, were opposed to believe that Stalin ever overstepped the mark, and many others, like me, still think that his opponents overstepped the mark in trying to destroy his regime.

        And Robeson couldn’t even get a US passport to leave the crap hole without renouncing his support for the USSR which he refused to do.

        I see no contradiction in having an opinion, and refusing to publicly expressing it, like I hope many leaers drop dead, but I decline to state it, as i rarely see murder accomplishing anything.

        Like it took he Brits years to see that assassinating Hitler would only play into the hands of more threatening opponents, like Heydrich and Himmler.

        Now go take that promised disappearance.

  • Republicofscotland

    “UK GOVERNMENT support for military forces fighting in Yemen has been condemned after they were listed by the United Nations alongside Daesh, the Taliban and Boko Haram for killing and maiming children.”

    “The latest criticism of British arms sales to Saudi Arabia followed a new UN report on children and wars which includes a list of shame of armed groups who commit crimes against juveniles.”

    “The Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen was named alongside terror groups such as the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda and Al Shabaab in Somalia, prompting calls for an immediate end to UK arms exports to the Saudis.”


    Where is our passionate “humanitarian” Jim? humanitarian strictly in the literal sense of course, when you need him. Surely Jim’s basic training in the Welsh hillside, is over by now, unless of course he failed to finish? Mind you they do have to carry quite a lot of weight in those khaki bergens, and hump a SA80 rifle, to boot.

    Anyway, I’m sure Jim would enthusiastically denounce Britain supplying weapons that are used to murder women and children in Yemen.

    I wonder how David Cameron feels, knowing that Britain has been implicated, (supplying weapons to the Saudi-led coalition) alongside several of the most repugnant, terrorist groups on the planet?

    Of course if any other establishment acolytes (besides Jim, who’s obviously stil romping in the Rhodda valley) wish to add something on the matter please feel free to do so, you know who you are. ?

    • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


      Don’t tell us what others think or speculate about how they “feel”, just tell us what you think and feel, there’s a good chap.

      Are you having fun in the real world today?

      • Republicofscotland


        Well I did try to get your point of view as to “real lives” last night, after you posted a comment on the matter. But you failed (miserably) to respond to my request.

        Yet here you are again, posting a comment looking to discover my thoughts and feelings, but strangely not my opinon, of Jim our great humanitarian, in a fictional sense of course.

  • Republicofscotland

    The quais-Turkish dictator president Erdogan, hopes that Germany’s recognition of the Armenian genocide, will not derail Turkey’s 74 million citizens access to Europe, and free movement. A move I’m firmly against.

    Pressure however does appear to be mounting on Turkey to recognise the deaths of the Armenian people as genocide. However Erdogan has one last ace up his sleeve, and he has intimated Turkey will not accept the exodus of refugees already flooding, Greece and Italy, if Turkey is seen as the guilty party to genocide.

    “More than 20 other nations and the European Parliament have passed similar resolutions, and the Pope last year called it the first genocide of the 20th century.”

    ” Israel, the US and the UK have stepped back from describing the massacres as genocide.”

    Well I’m not at all surprised at the actions of the above nations, who see Turkey as a useful blunt instrument. Add to that, a worldwide recognition of the Armenian genocide, would possibly lead to Turkey having to compensate Armenian descendants of those killed.

    • Republicofscotland

      Re my last comment, it should read quasi-Turkish dictator not, quais-Turkish dictator, my apologies.

  • bevin

    More perspective from the world beyond the Daily Telegraph: the Angry Arab on Mohammed Ali

    “What Muhammad Ali meant to many Arabs and Muslims is something that many Americans won’t understand or realize. He was not a mere sports figure, as he was here in the US. For many people in the Third World, he was the American black hero, not Martin Luther King, who supported the war in Vietnam and who supported Israeli wars and occupation, and who seemed always afraid of the reaction of the White Man. Martin Luther King was someone who would heap praise on Lyndon Johnson, knowing that Johnson was still referring to blacks as niggers. Martin Luther King was the ideal hero for the White Man (and I don’t mean to denigrate his I have a Potato speech): of what a black hero should be like, while Muhammad Ali was someone who was a hero for the natives everywhere in the world. He stood up to American racism here at home, and against US imperialist racist wars overseas. I grew up in a home where Nasser and Muhammad Ali were the greatest heroes. The era of defeats began in 1967, but also was marked by the defeat of Ali at the hands of Frazer in 1971. I remember in my school bus: the Muslims supported Muhammad Ali, while Christians supported his opponent, and they still referred to Ali as Cassius….”

    • Trowbridge H. Ford aka The Biscuit

      Thanks, Bevin for the wider perspective on my favorite hero, as I well knew from covering for a city in the South on the police treatment of blacks, often refusing to admit that they were even human.

      While I was rootted for Muhammad in the vicious ring where blacks entertained the elite world by taking the punishment, I always knew that his greatest heroics were always outside the ring.

    • Republicofscotland


      Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, may have initially supported Lyndon B. Johnson, on the war in Vietnam, and his “Great Society.”

      But like all great men he wasn’t afraid to change his mind, here Dr King, spoke out against the war.

      I also recommend, watching the film, All the Way, it’s about Lyndon B. Johnson’s first year as US president after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

      Brian Cranston, portrays LBJ, in a unforgettable fashion, in my opinion, as he jostles with Dr King over extending rights to the American negro community.

      Finally I may add, if you like watching political masterpieces, look no further than Dalton Trumbo, a quite remarkable film, based on the life of Dalton Trumbo, a remarkable man.

      • Trowbridge H. Ford aka The Biscuit

        And don’t forget, RoS, that when Dr. King clearly changed his mind on the Vietnam War, and vowed to stop it,, the bastards in the covert government, headed by DCI Richard Helms, and Executive Action leader William King Harvey, assassinated him.

    • Suhayl Saadi

      Yes, many of us could identify with the quote, thanks bevin. It’s not entirely accurate, though, in that Martin Luther King did oppose the Vietnam War – he marched on Washington, DC over the issue – and MLK also publicly supported M Ali’s refusal to go and fight against the Vietnamese. MLK himself went on a political journey, as did Ali. Indeed, many think MLK was assassinated precisely because he, an iconic figure, was linking together the struggles against the war machine, poverty and racism – the same reason many of the Black Panther leaders were assassinated by the US state, eg. Fred Hampton.

      But Muhammad Ali had support and admiration way, way beyond just Muslims – basically, millions of black, brown, yellow, red and indeed quite a few white people were rooting for him at the time he was fighting against ‘The Man’.

      • Macky

        Seems RD must be some sort of Anti-Semite if he objects to the Simon Wiesenthal Centre warning about Neo-Nazis operating in France !

    • Resident Dissident

      Go away you despicable little runt – of course everyday should be remembrance day for Holodomor and Gulag deniers such as yourself. Most Ukrainians who supported the Maidan did so because they didi not want a corrupt leader who gave 60% of government contracts to his son, turned the troops on his own people and wanted to turn Ukraine into a vassal state of Putin’s kleptocracy. Ukrainians also suffered at the hands of the Nazis in their millions and modern day Ukrainians vote for fascists in much smaller numbers than they do in Putin’s Russia where parties like Zhironovskys fascist party are openly encouraged by the Putin regime. Putin also funds right wing and fascist parties throughout Western Europe. But will we hear a whisper from the despicable Bevin and his ilk against the Putin regime???????.

  • Mark Golding

    Syrian Kurds are being accused of ethnic cleansing according to the Telegraph. According to a source in Raqqa, Syria (British special forces are in Northern Raqqa) British allies represented by Syrian Democratic Forces composed of a compilation of small factions including the British infiltrated ‘People’s Protection Unit’ a well trained treacherous gang that is deliberately demolishing civilian homes, in some cases razing and burning entire villages, displacing their inhabitants with no justifiable military grounds.

    These war crimes can then be blamed on the Kurdish forces supported by Russia. (remember British SAS dressed as Arabs in Iraq).

    I have advised Vladimir Putin it may be prudent for Russian special forces to engage in the liberation of Al-Raqqah.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    The difference between The Americans and us English (probably why we threw them out). The religious lunatics went to America – the mere criminals Australia (and they turned out all right))

    “It is now largely forgotten how low in regard the former Cassius Clay was once held by white America: how he was banished from a fast food restaurant in his home town of Louisville soon after winning gold in the Rome Olympics, and how severely he was chastised for his boastful, traitorous ways by the American media – not least by the hugely respected New York sportswriter Red Smith.”

    Us working class white English always thought he was BRILLIANT.


  • Suhayl Saadi

    Muhammad Ali – The Greatest. He stood up to White Power, the war machine, the class system… and the superb boxers of his time. And this, at a time when progressive leaders, especially black leaders, were being assassinated in the USA. To we who grew up in the 160s and 1970s, he was immense, just immense, and such an inspiration.

    Farewell, brother and I thank you.

      • Suhayl Saadi

        I don’t care. Sometimes the hype is justified. He most certainly was not universally loved. In the 1960s and 1970s, the racists and warmongerers absolutely hated his guts. It was wonderful to see him stand up to the bastards.

      • Suhayl Saadi

        Ha, Michael! Good one. I’m older than I seem. Bring me my chariot!

        Of course, it should’ve been, ‘1960s’ not ‘160s’.

  • lysias

    I just finished skimming through Richard Charnin’s book Matrix of Deceit, about fraudulent elections in the U.S. and exit polling. One of Charnin’s most striking pieces of evidence that elections in the U.S. are fraudulent is this. Through 2008 exit pollsters always asked those they questioned who they had voted for in the previous presidential election. Exit pollsters have always adjusted their poll results with the reported results of elections by weighting some of the answers they get more heavily than others. In this way, a 52-48 result favoring Kerry in 2004 in the raw data can be adjusted to yield 52-48 in favor of Bush. But that means the results for the subsidiary questions they ask are also “adjusted”, on the assumption that certain segments of the population were more heavily represented in the population of actual voters than they were in the population of those who were polled. For the 2004 presidential election, this adjustment resulted in the extremely anomalous result that 110% of those who voted for Bush in the 2000 election also voted for him in 2004. This is doubly impossible, not only because it is more than 100%, but also because about 5% of the voters for Bush in 2000 would have died in the intervening four years. For earlier elections, there were similarly anomalous results, especially regarding the question on who they had voted for four years earlier.

    So what did the pollsters do in response? They eliminated the question about who people had voted for four years earlier. And presumably the question will be missing from now on.

    • Why be Ordinary

      The underlying problem is that people lie to opinion pollsters. In the 1960s a survey was done to loook at the impact of JFK’s assassination on US public opinion. The first thing that they discovered was that two-thirds of US citizens claimed to have voted for JFK: who in reality got half teh vite in an election in whihc only two-thirds turned out.

      • lysias

        Why in 2004 would Gore voters lie and say they had voted for Bush? In 2004, Bush had low (48 percent) approval, which is another thing that makes his alleged victory anomalous.

        • Why be ordinary?

          As with the JFK survey, were they just people who meant to vote for him but didn’t actually get around to it?

          • lysias

            JFK’s popularity increased substantially after he won the 1960 election, still more after he was assassinated. Bush was most definitely not more popular in 2004 than when he was elected the first time. By election time 2004, the Iraq War had become a manifest failure, the news about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo had come out, and the Iraqi WMD’s had failed to materialize.

          • lysias

            Why would people who meant to vote for Bush but ended up voting otherwise, presumably because of some sort of mistake, outnumber people who meant to vote for Gore but ended up not doing so for similar reasons? The two possibilities should cancel each other out, and thus have no effect on the statistics.

  • Silvio

    Regarding Martin Luther King, an interesting factoid of which many people are quite unaware is that in a 1999 wrongful death civil lawsuit brought by the King family against one Loyd Jowers and other unnamed co-conspirators, the jury found for the family and agreed with the Kings’ lawyer that MLK death came about as a result of a conspiracy between Jowers and others, including agencies of the US government. The King family and their lawyer, Dr. William Pepper, believed that the supposed killer James Earl Ray was no more than the patsy set up to take the fall for the murder. Just as a matter of interest, Dr. Pepper is also a barrister licensed to practice in the UK.

    William Pepper has put out a couple of books detailing the evidence he collected in order to pursue the King family’s civil lawsuit and to give his account of the trial itself.

    Orders To Kill
    Here is the myth-shattering expose which reveals the truth behind the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Dramatic new evidence confirming the innocence of James Earl Ray and identifying the actual killers of Martin Luther King, Jr”. — Executive Intelligence Review Shocking and controversial revelations from James Earl Ray’s attorney On April 4th, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stepped out onto the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, and into his killer’s line of fire. One shot ended Dr. King’s life and forever changed the course of American history — setting into motion a massive cover-up that has withstood a quarter-century of scrutiny. Now, after 18 years of intensive investigation, William F. Pepper tears away the veil of subterfuge that has hidden the truth of King’s death — proving the innocence of convicted assassin James Earl Ray and revealing the evil conspiracy behind the murder of our nation’s greatest civil rights leader.

    Act Of State
    In 1978, Pepper began investigating the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. In this absorbing and detailed book, Pepper maintains that James Earl Ray was not the assassin. Instead, Pepper’s investigation points to a conspiracy by the U.S. government and its military and intelligence organizations to silence King’s growing criticism of the Vietnam War and his anti-poverty campaign. In part one, Pepper focuses on his early investigative efforts, including interviews with several witnesses to King’s murder. Pepper also details his efforts to get a new trial for convicted assassin James Ray, and the cooperation by the King family in that effort. Part two details the 1999 trial, several years after Ray’s death, and new testimony and forensic evidence pointing to government involvement in the assassination and cover-up. Pepper roundly criticizes the U.S. media for its lack of coverage of the trial; he also takes to task the 1998 report by the U.S. Attorney General, an investigation undertaken by the Clinton administration in lieu of the independent investigation requested by Pepper and the King family. Pepper also explores the promise for social change represented by King’s aborted anti-war and anti-poverty campaigns. Readers–particularly conspiracy buffs–interested in the details surrounding the King assassination will enjoy this passionate, disturbing, and well-researched book. Vanessa Bush


    Youtube has a courthouse video of Dr. Pepper’s closing arguments as he put them to the jury in 1999:

    • Ben Monad

      Sadder than the whole saga is the lack of interest because it was so-o-o-o long ago and we humans have the attention span of an ADHD gnat. If you get the attention of the man on the street he/she will ‘shrug’ as though it has nothing to do with them. That is the great failure of the Proletariat, as well as Gentry.

    • Trowbridge H. Ford aka The Biscuit

      Interesting, Silvio, though William Pepper was only right about the assassination being a government conspiracy, not who was behind it, starting with William King Harvey aka Harvey Steinmeyer who had Ray going everywhere to purchase weapons to set him up as the assassin or as a Manchurian Candidate who actually did it.

      Pepper just strings out JimGarrison’s claims about people in New Orleans and Montreal being behind the political assassinations of the 1960s.

      Don’t know if they are deep government plants or just stubborn and naive.

      Read my article about Harvey on Veterans Today or

    • lysias

      The murder of Martin Luther King very likely was one of a series of murders by the U.S. national security state in those days: John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, all the witnesses to the JFK assassination who died mysterious deaths, very likely Malcolm X and John Lennon as well. Richard Nixon was lucky that they only forced him from office and left him his life.

      • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

        What would be your personal explanation for why “they” didn’t kill Nixon as well?

    • Resident Dissident

      I somehow doubt Craig wants to link to such racism targeted against the Poles – if you want to get the true measure of Saker just search for the word Jews on his pathetic little website.

      • Macky

        Typical totalitarian tacit of suppression & smearing, not to mention snitching & appealing to “Authority”.

        Saker’s moderation policy;

        “4 ) All racist comments are banned, including of the Nazi racists and Jewish racist type.

        This is my definition of “racist”: Racism is, in my opinion, not so much the belief that various human groups are different from each other, say like dog breeds can be different, but the belief that the differences between human groups are larger than within the group. Second, racism is also a belief that the biological characteristics of your group somehow pre-determine your actions/choices/values in life. Third, racism often, but not always, assumes a hierarchy amongst human groups (Germanic Aryans over Slavs or Jews, Jews over Gentiles, etc.). I believe that God created all humans with the same purpose and that we are all “brothers in Adam”, that we all equally share the image (eternal and inherent potential for perfection) of God (as opposed to our likeness to Him, which is our temporary and changing individual condition).”

        • Resident Dissident

          So Saker is a racist by his own definition – thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of the man as well.

          • bevin

            When you grow up you will learn that it is not only unproductive but wrong to judge people and their opinions on the basis of prejudice.
            This, incidentally, is the main objection to racism-that it involves judgments based not on analysis but pre-judice of the sort that prevents you from reading and discussing The Saker’s contribution.
            You ought to ask yourself why, in view of the fact that you are impervious to information or argument, you comment on this blog? Given that it is always obvious what you will say, thanks to your invariable prejudices, perhaps a brief note to the effect that you are reading it, together with the reminder that your mind is made up (four legs bad, two legs very good..), would save us all time and the energy expended in yawning whenever your curious self description- “dissident” indeed!- comes up.

          • Resident Dissident

            Grow up Bevin and Macky – I think you will find Saker’s references to “Polish hyenas” in the linked text fit pretty well with the definition of racism that he provides courtesy of Macky – or we could go back to his description of Ukrainian as a “village dialect”. And I don’t think you did the search of “jew” on his website to see what other rascist gems you might find.

          • Macky

            RD; “Grow up Bevin and Macky – I think you will find Saker’s references to “Polish hyenas””

            Funny enough,talking of growing up, you were the first person that crossed my mine when reading this Muhammad Ali quote; “A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” 😀

            Anyhow I’m glad that we both agree that Churchill was a disgusting racist, as it was he that the Saker was quoting iro “Polish hyenas””.

      • Macky

        Yes I’m sure that cliches it, and is a huge comfort to the parents & family of this poor girl.

          • Macky

            You wouldn’t know a honest point if it bit you on your big red Clown nose ! 😀

            Funny you put quotes around my name, as after all it’s you that is a known user of sock-puppets, and funny you often post so close to the “Why be Ordinary” posts, and isn’t a bit cruel leaving your half-wit alter-ego Dim Jim half-way up a Welsh mountain.! 😀

          • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

            Still not addressing the point, “Macky”?

            Where’s the beef?

          • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

            Funny you should let people believe you’re female, “Macky”.

            I didn’t know that trolls had sexes.

          • Macky

            @Habba_Clown, A Troll asking for beef ! The only thing worse than a troll is a troll who too stupid to realise he’s a troll; now pay attention, trolls by self-definition are vegetarian, in fact so vegetarian that they are virtually vegetables in cerebral terms; confirmed by the fact that no troll in history has ever brought any meat to the banquet of intelligent debate.

            Take a good look in the mirror, and heed this advice; until you make peace with what you are, you will always appear as the Clown to others 😀

      • lysias

        The Nazis didn’t close the Berliner Tageblatt until 1939, or the Frankfurter Zeitung until 1943. They wanted to maintain the appearance of a free press.

    • bevin

      “Is that classed as “anti-Semitic”?”
      Only if you believe that the systematic indoctrination of youthful minds in this manner is criminal. It may very well be.

    • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

      “The Independent” – isn’t that one of the MSM so despised by the good posters on here? You know – the MSM that lie all the time?

      Just askin’, Al 🙂


      May we look forward soon to you linking to the BBC?

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