I have spent the last couple of days as the guest of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, which is annoying as there is much I wanted to write about.
Was meant to be tonight at premiere at Ecuadorean Embassy of new John Pilger doc which event hopefully will put minds at rest over Julian.
Apologies recent orders of signed copies of Sikunder Burnes delivery will be delayed a bit till I get out.
Hope all is well. Come back soon.
Gosh, get well soon, Craig! what happened? Are you ill or did you have an accident?
best wishes Craig
Wishing Well Beingness ✌??
Speedy recovery, Craig. Hospitals, even the best, are not places where you want to linger.
Very sorry to hear that. Wishing you a full recovery and thoughts for your family who must have been worried.
Get well soon, or someone will generate a conspiracy theory regarding your illness…
How do you know it was Craig who wrote that?
Exactly! If you look closely at the Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club album cover, the third bloke from the left in the back row looks suspiciously like Craig.
Obviously, it wasn’t; it was ‘Ji’* As in *Ji*4S. The spooks have got him and now they’re playing him back under duress, but Craig’s an old hand and knows how to get through to us.
*See first word in post, if you haven’t already
Ba’al ji you may have misinterpreted altogether. May be just Sikunder ji playing the devil.
Or AliG hacking.
Keep on throshing, boar, with a little luck the Canaries ‘ll cheer you up this weekend, its time for them to do the job they’re paid for or that Scots fellow is out, he’s not very popular with the fans at present.
health and happiness to all of you.
Get well soon Craig. Sorry, I didn’t get time to get into London last weekend.
What’s the food like?
Don’t go there man when even the nurse says don’t order lucky I have a beautiful American that brings me curry.
Don’t think too much. Use your confinement to recharge your batteries. The world, and politicians, will keep on spinning long after we’ve all gone.
Trust it’s nothing serious. Beware the men in white coats!
Never fear. It’s the Scottish NHS taking care of him .He’s in good hands, and a first hand account from C.M. regarding his stay will be welcome.
Well I’m being taken marvellous care of by the staff of St Mary’s Paddington – one of the docs is even Scottish 🙂
Get well soon, rest up, and come back Fresh, and stronger.
Hi Craig
Look after yourself and get well soon.
Get well and feel better soon!
Get Well soon Craig!. Don’t let the b*stards grind you down!.
Get well soon Craig
Get well soon!
In the belief that NHS Scotland is autonomous, let’s hope Craig doesn’t get a bedside visit from Jeremy *unt or Simon Stevens with their shirtsleeves rolled up. We don’t want Craig having a relapse.
“Jeremy *unt” etc…
Well you make it amply clear who is the Sick Woman of The Blog. You get your kicks out of this kinda thing? How low your lot is!
Never miss a trick do you? On a page wishing Craig well. I do not see your message?
You obviously never heard Naughtie call him ‘unt with a C on Radio 4 Today you humourless person.
I have nothing but the utmost dislike and disrespect for Hunt who is the Tory stooge that has been given the job of destroying OUR NHS. Note Theresa left him in place in July. He recently visited Kaiser Permanente in the US to see how privatised medicine worked. Simon Stevens the NHS CEO is back from a long stint at United Health in the US. Lansley the previous Health Secretary has taken a job with Bain and Co in the US.
Look them all up why don’t you.
Whatever opinion one has of him, referring to Mr Jeremy Hunt as Mr *unt is just childish and reminds one of primary school children calling each other names in the playground.
Humour does not seem to be involved here.
It is interesting to see the “commenter” in question cite Mr James Naughtie of the usually despised BBC as some sort of precedent .
Did you come back just to say that? How pathetic. Get a life.
If you had worked in the NHS (as I did) you would know that Hunt is held there in such low esteem, the use of Unt is common parlance.
Any message for Craig’s recovery incidentally?
The word “fuck” is also, I’m told, much used in common parlance; would that justify its use on this blog, masquerading as “humour”?
Tip for all would-be “humourists” on here : Private Eye does it better! 🙂
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, (hopefuly a comment from me that you actually like 😉 )
Get well soon!
Hope the Infirmary makes you better.
Is the Pilger documentary the one about the coming war with China?
If so, It seems like old hate, as Washington has been attacking China for years, with tropical storms being heated up into cyclones, earthquakes reducing its test and storage sites to rubble, shipping dangerous cargo through its ports which conveniently explode when flooded, and its buildup of bases around it, like the US naval base off Jeju Island which has so corrupted South Korea that its President Park is being ousted.
Just being obsessed about nuclear weapons and their possible use is just too dated these days,
You too huh Craig? I had a serious fall at working Wednesday (20ft drop in the dark) broke my hip cracked my spin I’m a guest of St Marys Paddington who are just amazing 🙂
Speedy recovery to you Craig
Hope you are improving nicely.
Sounds terrible.
All the best to you, Shatnersrug. That sounds really nasty. You’re obviously in the right
Best wishes from me too. What a terrible accident Shatnersrug. It sounds like you are lucky to have survived. Thank goodness though for the good old NHS which helps all of us to heal and, unlike in America, without worries about bills and insurance. 80% of personal bankruptcies there are due to failure to pay medical bills.
Best wishes to you also for a speedy recovery.
Thanks everyone – means a lot. These people in the NHS are angels I can think of s better word with all the morphine – lotsa love
St Mary’s was mentioned earlier in connection with a shortage of paediatric intensive beds in seven London hospitals.
None left in London. A Will Huxter (sic) Chair of Specialised Commissioning writes to the seven hospitals with these beds instructing them to cancel elective surgery that may require post op intensive care.
One infant was sent over 200 mls north of London. Two others were ‘taken out of London’.
London’s child intensive care units told to delay surgery
‘BBC London correspondent Karl Mercer said the NHS in London would not be interviewed and one paediatrician was told he could not speak about the measures.’
‘Over half of the demand for intensive care beds is unplanned. The winter months normally sees admissions rise because there is an increase in respiratory infections, especially those under 12 months old.
A national review of paediatric intensive care is currently under way.
London hospitals which provide paediatric intensive care
St Mary’s, Paddington
The Royal Brompton
Guy’s and St Thomas’
King’s College Hospital
St George’s Hospital
Great Ormond Street
The Royal London’
Morphine and curry? Niiiice.
I add to those expressing concern, and hope everything mend ok.. Nasty one that.. Take care.
I wish you better as soon as possible. J
Hope you get your pegs sorted and recover, ready for another night shift up a 29ft. pole, tree, scaffolding,etc. etc…. 🙂
Rest up and get well soon Craig
Craig, Get well soon. Over the years, I have spent many more hours than I wished visiting people in hospital – including this year. Despite, the obvious, they haven’t actually admitted me as a patient for 55 years. I don’t quite know how I got away with it.
Hope your missis is better as well Tony.
nevermind, Thanks, She’s hopping fine with a Zimmerframe. Crutches next. Dancing by early summer (hopefully). We’ve got tickets for a Festival camping in May.
Have you pimped her Zimmer frame yet, apparently all the rage in Essex, they halved the rate of falls in some of the homes they did it.
And they look nicer, some had coloured pipe insulation around the aluminium struts, others did a knitting job on them but the colours made it easier for them to find their frame/ride and they did have a great time doing it.
Kind regards and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Get well soon!
Best wishes and a speedy recovery Craig!
Commenters, please have a look at this…
Interesting video. I have no reason to disbelieve anything that Michael Arnold is saying in this video except “I am now being used as patsy by British Intelligence to blackmail the Americans and maintain the US-UK ‘Special Relationship’ and ” I am now a walking dead man and I need your help”.
I am convinced that Michael Arnold is genuine, and did work for all the organisations he mentioned, but all the stuff he had direct knowledge of took place over 30 years ago. His involvement with these people ended years ago, and he has since been working for Logica – a company I know quite well.
A large number of people have written detailed books about everything that Michael Arnold has referred to. None of it should be a surprise to anyone, who has maintained any interest in such matters. I think he is worrying unnecessarily. He is probably feeling slightly guilty for keeping his mouth shut, and he will probably feel a lot better about himself now – for doing this video – which incidentally – he did extremely well. Excellent sound and vision.
But I find it exceedingly difficult to believe, that his employers from many years ago, would have any interest in him whatsoever, except hopefully to carry on paying his pension.
I must admit Michael Arnold does seem vaguely familiar. Maybe I worked with him when he was at Logica. If I see him again, I will tell him to stop worrying and buy him a pint.
Basically agree about him personally, but not tying all those disasters together as if they were all done by the same parties, and then there are some left out, like the disaster at the Mull of Kintyre which was clearly done by MI5/MI6 opponents of the GFA
Glad you are still alive, and coping, Tony.
Wishing you well, Craig. J