Murdoch is Even Viler than We Knew 366

This article was published on the Sun’s website at 2.50am, that is hours after the Manchester bombing.

It was updated at 09.50am, long after the decision to suspend electioneering. I am not going to link to the article, but the comments below it from the public are unanimous.

I pray that the vile people at the Sun have miscalculated, and in future the Sun will be as welcome in Manchester as in Liverpool.

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366 thoughts on “Murdoch is Even Viler than We Knew

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  • Shatnersrug

    The important paragraph is this one;

    “Corbyn vowed to cut off the flow of British arms to Saudi Arabia. This would go a long way to undermining the Saudi war against Yemen. British arms sales to Saudi Arabia are a major part of the relationship between the two countries. It’s not just about oil. The Saudi royal family spends billions on the West, whether it’s government bonds, the stock exchange or the London property market.”

    • Robert Crawford

      Whoever controls the language and the images, controls the game.

      Let us all fuck that idea up.

      It was not my intention to make you feel unwell last night.
      Just trying to make everyone aware of the similarity between May and Blair’s eyes.

    • Loony

      Presumably Corbyn is totally detached from the real world.

      In 1971 Nixon closed the gold window. The US$ retained its world reserve currency status via morphing into the petro$. Thus Saudi agreed to sell oil only in US$, and to recycle those $’s back into the west by buying western government bonds and western weapons. Thatcher hollowed out the UK economy leaving little beyond a high tech weapons manufacturing base. These weapons need to be exported and a ready market exists thanks to the US/Saudi deal.

      Saudi does not need UK weapons – it can get what it wants from France, Germany and the US. The UK is running a current account deficit of around 5% of GDP. Without weapons sales this figure will rise.

      All those people so keen to highlight poverty, injustice and iniquity in the UK would do well to understand that absent arms sales to a price insensitive buyer all of these problems will grow in scale and scope.

      • Deepgreenpuddock

        Oh absolutely! whjat you say about the ‘deal’ between the ‘west and SA’ may have some grains of truth about it although I suspect you are overdoing the conspiracy element. We have certainly grown into a position of some dependence re weapon sales and the steady flow of money from SA, whether for Knightsbridge/New Orleans prostitutes, or weapons or the money gained by teachers nurses and oil operatives who work in the ME.
        But you mention nothing of the problems with this state of affairs. Belligerent religious crackpot medievalists are armed to the teeth, giving them the power to vent their hostility with their neighbours. You don’t mention the problem of fossil fuel. Hoew dustainabvle is it to keep using it? What about the unaddressed problem of the economic dependency this corrupt arrangement permits-there is an inhibiting effect on genuine innovation and creative development when there are so many people in hock to this economic poisoned chalice. And that is not even a mention of the morality of entering into such a relationship. Trumps recent visit to SA shows it all up and Trump’s craven sycophancy and dribbling desperation for the money is revealed-and this is the supposed ‘leader of the western world’ and to whom the likes of May, the sanctimonious hump backed weasel , Johnson the greedy and licentious Billy Bunter clown of the cabinet, Fox the fantasist Atlanticis, and Gove the frog-fqced who has intellectualised his father’s grave misfortune of not being able to profiteer as fully in the fishing industry as he might have had we not joined the EEC. This infantilism is what is being foisted on us by these privileged cretins.
        We will certainl;y have to face the problems of how to re-orientate our moral and economic compass. I agree I don’t think it is going to be easy but I do know that the profiteers from the current way of doing business, both economic and political, are the ones with the most to lose.

        • Sean Nilibud

          What “conspiracy element” ?

          I have read the post twice – there is absolutely nothing “conspiratorial” in it.

          Loony does appear to be advocating continuing our arms sales to Saudi for the benefit of GDP and jobs – even though that only accrues to a few arms dealers and employees and would results in Yemenis (and no doubt others) being slaughtered by the thousand.

          That is a totally disgusting and immoral viewpoint in its own right

          But I don’t see anything conspiratorial in that post. What he says about the petrodollar arrangement is absolutely true.

        • Loony

          There is no “conspiracy element” regarding how the US$ maintains its world reserve currency status. It is all in the official record, and it is all verifiable.

          That there are problems with this state of affairs is obvious, and it is equally obvious that we are on a road to oblivion with regard to the sustainability of present arrangements. What is not so obvious are solutions.

          Sure you can blame the notional leaders – but where does that get you? People are living beyond their means and they appear determined to continue doing so for as long as possible. Look at all the bleating about the NHS and benefit cuts. Consider that in 1982 the UK had around 12 million registered cars and today it has around 44 million. Why do people want an average of 1.3 mobile phones per head of population?

          You cannot afford the system that you have. Your choices are either to tear it down and reconstitute society on a sustainable basis or have it torn down for you leaving only the rubble to play in. The fact that the latter option will be chosen is beyond obvious – but what remains shrouded in mystery is why this option will be chosen.

  • Ishmael

    It’s quite clear that all the slurs they accuse others of they are most guilty.

    And obviously they don’t sleep at night. Makes sense.

  • Carol J Powell

    Words fail me. This must be a new low even for “The Sun”. An article not based on fact for their political ends. It is time this so called “newspaper” was taken to task and if I was JD and JC I would be suing them for defamation of character. This is a step too far… boycott this trashy mag.

  • Sharp Ears

    May has just made a subtle reference to the previous terrorist attack on Manchester. She is so predictable.

  • Ross

    Jong May very much taking the ‘if you don’t vote for me the terrorists win’ angle on exploiting this attack.

  • Glyn Royds

    Here was the original headline:

    The Sun Says Innocent people were murdered specifically because Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell sucked up to the IRA

  • Michael McNulty

    I wouldn’t line a dog’s toilet with the Sun. You shouldn’t do that to dog sh!t.

  • David Ellis

    I wouldn’t be surprised to find links between whoever planted the bomb and this disgusting used toilet paper of a newspaper.

  • Ishmael

    I saw the headline and I was just thrown out of the co-op, lol.

    Being “offensive” is wanting to complain to the manager for the immoral material they sell, apparently. Guy in front of me buying the paper said ‘O shut up’.

    As I said, totally immoral society. Castigating those who have any morals for speaking up.

      • Evonny

        I am going to say it……. I personaly think that this government has had a hand in this awful turn of events in Manchester
        as they are evil and desperate to win this election and would use any means to do so ……even going to war with its own citizens…..they have no morals.

        • Ishmael


          I don’t think so. Does not mean I trust them not to try to use it to bad advantage. Nor do I trust the police not to cover up stuff if they found anything uncomfortable for them or their overlords.

          Though indirectly (like 7/7) they did have a BIG hand in it. That’s clear as day and incontestable. They created the environment and many are still stoking those flames, to this day.

    • Trevor Marron

      Well done for speaking out Ishmael. I hope we all can take a similar stance and make buying the Sun a socially unacceptable activity.

      • Ishmael

        Thanks Robert and Trevor. I felt so awful earlier.

        I don’t live in the best place (lots of ignorance that these papers spread) But i just went to visit a neighbour and that also made me feel much better, resorted my faith. She has kids so related very strongly with this. But not ignorant or bigoted.

        It’s actually very hard for me to say contoversial stuff to people directly, I’m quite sensitive….. Thanks again, I needed that.

        • John

          Yep, well done.

          (and the reply to those saying “Oh, shut up” is, I am reliably informed, “Go fuck yourself”).

          • Ishmael

            lol, I haven’t reached that level of skin thickness yet, The guy was in a wheelchair (not that it should matter) but even if not I don’t think that will ever be altogether me. Not that I don’t respect those who are like that, on the right side of course.

            I walked off in contempt and did spit on part of the shop. I think they got the message, e.g. somethings up with that guy & the sun. Im sure they will think about what it may be. Just takes time to sink in, being rather dim.

    • Shatnersrug

      Well done, I think the people of this country are too polite sometimes, people who by the sun ought to be ashamed and shamed.

  • Dave

    The Irish conflict goes back years and the violent and sectarian republican tradition (due to WWI) was to blame and only when they finally agreed to stop their murderous campaign and recognise the orange tradition was there a political settlement that the nationalist, as opposed to sectarian, Collins had wanted to agree with the North as part of Irish independence, before being killed by the sectarians.

    Corbyn was an advocate of the Irish republican tradition within the Labour Party but encouraging them to give up their weapons served peace and the Irish and British interest. It wasn’t pleasant to watch, but the peace process is mainstream and I don’t think re-opening old wounds is helpful.

    • Ishmael

      “I don’t think re-opening old wounds is helpful.”

      O but it is. Especially today of all days. If you are a really sick and twisted individual, it is.

      Well done Craig for jumping on this.

    • IrishU

      You are half right when you say ‘the Irish conflict goes back years and the violent and sectarian republican tradition (due to WWI) was to blame’. The conflict spans centuries, to lay the blame at the door of the post 1918 IRA is deeply ahistorical.

    • Ball


      Wow what a warped view of history. I laughed.

      the violent and sectarian republican tradition (due to WWI)
      I won’t point out some of the most prominent leaders of Irish Republicanism were Anglo Irish Protestants that are revered as the hero’s they are. Sectarian was introduced by the other side as means to divide. It only worked in the north.

      The ‘Orange’ tradition is one of sectarianism and genocide. It will never be tolerated by any decent person.

      Next you’ll be claiming the founding fathers of the USA were terrorists too.

      Laughable. I dire reflection on the UK education system

      • Dave

        Yes as I understand the first Irish nationalist was a protestant. As in Scotland and Wales the biggest self-government tradition in Ireland were constitutional nationalists and they hoped to get Home Rule as their reward for supporting Britain in WWI. But their volunteers died in the war, leaving a smaller violent tradition relatively stronger and politically stronger after the ‘Easter Rising’.

        The nationalists were ready to do a deal and have a devolved Ulster within an United Ireland, but this was opposed by the sectarians who wanted a United Catholic Ireland ruled from Dublin. The failure to get agreement led to the Ulster revolt and the separate but linked Irish civil war between the nationalists (Fine Gael) and sectarians (Fianna Fail). After a period the sectarians became the government of the Republic and had a territorial imperial claim to the North.

        The more recent ‘troubles’ in the North was due to de facto communist civil rights campaign for ‘catholic rights’. Nothing in itself wrong with that, but it was communist in the sense the civil rights campaign only referenced catholic rights and was seen by the protestants as a Trojan horse campaign similar to the Czech view of German Sudetenland rights. A genuine civil rights campaign recognises that everyone has rights and need to be negotiated to get a settlement. It was when the catholic sectarians recognised the orange tradition you got the peace process.

        That said after a period any war becomes the reason for the war and original grievances are forgotten to be replaced by new ones and the big change that broke the deadlock was ironically 9/11, as the US agreed to stop funding the IRA in return for UK backing their neo-con ‘war on terror’.

  • Clark

    Rupert Murdoch: Propaganda Recruit By Robert Parry:

    In February 1983, global media magnate Rupert Murdoch volunteered to help the Reagan administration’s propaganda strategy for deploying U.S. mid-range nuclear missiles in Europe by using his newspapers to exacerbate public fears about the Soviet Union, according to a recently declassified “secret” letter.

    – Murdoch, then an Australian citizen with major newspaper holdings in Great Britain and some in the United States, had already established close political ties with British Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and was developing them with President Ronald Reagan, partly through one of Murdoch’s lawyers, the infamous Red-baiter Roy Cohn, who had served as counsel to Sen. Joe McCarthy’s investigations in the 1950s.

    • Deepgreenpuddock

      Well no one is very surprised but what does that mean for the relationship between Murdoch and Blair and his press secretary Alistair Campbell.. Did they have a formal arrangement for the Murdoch trash to propagate the lies that supported the Iraq war. It would appear highly likely.That says a great deal about Blair and his closest confidantes. And what does this say about the journalists who must have been party to such an arrangement?

  • Mark Cunliffe

    If anyone deserves our condemnation it those who would seek to benefit from the tragedy of others, and that is The S*n newspaper’s intentions for the Tory government. They clearly believe that in the wake of such a tragedy now is the time to push the anti-Corbyn agenda and to play on these ridiculous lies about Corbyn’s attitude to the IRA whilst campaigning is called off. Result; everyone forgets about the mistakes the Tories are repeatedly making and focus instead on terrorism before casting their votes for the ‘strong and stable’ myth. The S*n needs to make it’s mind up; is Corbyn a snivelling peacenick or a bloodthirsty terrorist ally?

    • Spaull

      Indeed. I thought a key part of their message was that he was a complete irrelevance. Now they are crediting him with being really powerful and influential.

      One advantage of telling the truth is that you don’t have to work hard to try to keep your conflicting stories straight.

  • Geoff

    Vile and disgusting..A new low even for the creatures who work for this puerile rag

  • Pamela Howlett

    you can expect nothing more from this vile excuse for a NEWSpaper. I have campaigned for a long time for advertisers to stop supporting this bog paper. I hope that the people stop buying this evil crap


    I think Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell should go after that contemptible excuse of a newspaper, what they have written is nothing but slander and a libel writ should be served,
    this is all because JC and John McDonnell have vowed to go after tax dodgers like Murdoch!

    • Loony

      Perhaps you could explain the precise way in which Corbyn and McDonnell would extract more tax from Murdoch.

      Don;t you know that there is no longer any requirement at all for rich people to pay tax. This is a global trend. Change the law in the UK and any rich people will simply leave – not that Murdoch can leave as he is not in the UK anyway.

      There is no possibility of Murdoch paying meaningfully more in tax. If the Labour Party says there is then they are lying. Wanting something to be true is vastly different from something being true.

        • Loony

          Please tell me that you do not believe what you have written.

          Multinational companies do not pay tax, unless they choose to do so. Why sometimes they even classify tax payments as marketing or PR costs.

          Take Starbucks as an example. In 2015 it paid just over £8 million in UK Corporation tax. This payment was equal to the aggregate tax payments that it had made during the previous 14 years. What changed? Starbucks was taking some heat over its refusal to pay any tax and so decided to pay some in order to improve its public image and to shift the focus of attention away from it.

          With regard to Murdoch ask why he publishes in the UK via News UK and why News UK is a wholly owned subsidiary of News Corp (a US Corporation). Why did he need to renounce his Australian citizenship and acquire US citizenship? The answer is most likely because he wanted the protection of the biggest kid on the block should some uppity oik start demanding he pays any tax on a non voluntary basis.

          • Shatnersrug

            Loonie – very simply reinstating the law that any owner of a British news paper must be a full uk resident (not a nondom) Murdoch would drop the paper like a lead weight.

      • Nomatestype

        Just a few examples off the top of my head;

        You could tax financial transfers between U.K. entities and foreign based divisions of the same conglomerates;

        You could tax financial transfers between UK entities and secret jurisdictions or accounts;

        You could tax transfer price differentials between different companies in the same conglomerate;

        You could end the Limited Liability Partnership laws?

        You could make accountants pay reparations for assets they wrongly pronounce as supporting revenue?

        You could allocate taxable revenue of corporations based on the number of employees / office space required for earache if their constituent entities


        • Loony

          Sure you could do all of those things. However no-one is going to enact any of the things you suggest and so your suggestions are pointless.

          Suspending reality for a moment – why would anyone invest in the UK under such a fiscal regime? Answer they would not. No-one cares much about the UK – McDonalds don’t need you to eat their burgers. There are hundreds of millions of potential burger eaters in China. They don’t care about you.

          Newspapers are a dying business – no-one cares as the internet and more sophisticated TV options fill the space. Guess what people who produce content for the internet don’t even need to know where the UK is – much less live in it or pay taxes to it.

          • Nomatestype

            There would be countless investors in a market of 65 million consumers, willing to accept returns slightly mitigated by the tax regime.

            Why do people buy racehorses?

  • Jeff Myers

    The Sun belongs to another era entirely. Some shameful, misogynistic, hate-filled period that we’d all like to forget. When football hooligans were the major menace to society and no one really questioned the tabloid headlines. I guess those same hooligans grew older and still buy this archaic comic book. Perhaps by reading it they continue to feel that they have a grasp of things. They get off on its antagonism and sugar-coated sadism. For me, it serves one great purpose. It tells me who to avoid.

    • Loony

      Consider that in 1980 the Sun sold some 3.7 million copies on a daily basis. Are you really suggesting that in 1980 the UK was home to 3.7 million football hooligans?

      How then to explain that by 2017 daily sales of the Sun had declined to 1.66 million – a circulation drop of some 2 million. According to you between 1980 and 2017 some 2 million former football hooligans failed to “grow older” – perhaps they were all killed in massive but unreported football related violence.

      People like you criticize the Sun for printing garbage and yet demand to write garbage of your own. Perhaps your real problem with the Sun is that you view it as competition in your chosen niche market of writing garbage.

      • Jeff Myers

        You’re suspiciously well informed of circulation figures. But I’m not being drawn into your straw-man fallacies, this is just an opinion – and I do not ‘demand’ anything of anyone.

    • Michael McNulty

      Kelvin McKenzie and Trevor Kavanagh turned that gutter rag into a hate-sheet. Hate the poor, single mothers, people on benefits, foreigners, lefties. So many people targeted in such a vile way it can only be described as hate.

  • Marian cooper

    The dirty, evil lies by that cheap Murdoch rag, just goes to show what scum you are. I wouldn’t even wipe my backside on that trash.

  • Stan Allen

    How low can The Sun sink? You disgust me…filling your front page with lies and hate speech is disgusting at any time, but today? You vile, evil, desperate low life scumbags. Rot in hell all of you.

  • Farrukh Husain

    The Sun needs to sink into the same gutter as The News of the World never to be seen again.

  • wall of controversy

    Did you see an interview broadcast on Sky News on Sunday night? Halfway through and completely out of the blue, the interviewer raised some spurious issue about an article published decades earlier in a Labour magazine which she says wasn’t sufficiently condemnatory of the IRA. Furthering the accusation, she then stated that Corbyn was an editor of the magazine – a claim he immediately dismissed, having first expressed his own disapproval toward the quoted article. Then for over 5 mins the interviewer repeatedly insinuated that Corbyn had been in league with the IRA.

    I happened to see Murdoch-ridden Sky News promoting their hit piece on Sunday night and declaring that (unfortunately, I have to paraphrase here) “In an interview Jeremy Corbyn refused to condemn bombings by the IRA”. In truth, as you can hear, he condemns “all bombings” but apparently this isn’t sectarian enough. Here’s the same interview embedded (hopefully beginning at 7:30 mins) from where the attempted entrapment begins:

    The timing of all this is deeply troubling.

    Thanks Craig, for some very prompt and thoughtful analysis on this dreadful atrocity.

  • Anne Tanner

    This is gutter politics at its worst!! I actually think its actionable.
    Report this to ipso.

  • Josie doveston

    Disgraceful,total lack of respect,what vile lies,will be reporting you next,you think you can brainwash people with this bullshit,shame on you

  • Paul

    Some sort legal action needs to be taken against “fake-news” papers … that print lies.

  • carol anne clay

    why does anyone buy this s..t rag? why are people so dumb as to not realise what these crappy rags are doing? I haven’t got a degree but I can see it for what it is.brainwashing at a most transparent scale

    • Ishmael

      Many locals where I live buy it.

      I think this is gonna shake things up and some people have a boat load of karma coming.

      They buy it because they don’t care. And they ware PROUD they don’t care. Time for people who know better to take a stand and hasten their inevitable demise.

      I no longer talk to anyone that I know who buys this. As of today.

      • Shatnersrug

        Yes, that’s the “Essex Cabbie” attitude we see down here, they read the scum and the Mail, listen to murdoch’s talk sport and sit in traffic getting red faced.

        When uber came along everyone dropped them. No love for uber mind but you don’t want to get in a taxi and have to listen to this bigoted rubbish, and funnily enough people in London don’t want to give business to people who want to send ’em all home.

        I know this is an awful generalisation and not every black cabbie is like this but it’s the reputation they’ve earned themselves. And in part it’s because we’re all too polite to take them to task over it.

  • Diane Holland

    This is a new low for this disreputable rag (I refuse to call it a newspaper). To lay the blame for last night’s atrocity at the feet of Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell just beggars belief – but then this is the S*n after all. More power to the elbow of the “stay calm and don’t buy the S*n campaign”!!

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