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1,681 thoughts on “One of the Following is True

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  • frankywiggles

    Tweedledum being replaced for the umpteenth time by tweedledummer hardly constitutes a “crisis”. It makes no difference which faction of the neolib duopoly is running the show. Certainly won’t alter the position re the border one iota.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Sometimes, it just has to be done, and sometimes it produces positive results, but I find it is almost always better, to remain cool, diplomatic and polite, under the most extreme provocation. Your objective is to obtain the desired result. Otherwise you are likely to end up dead, long before your time, as a result of extremely high levels of stress and explosive high blood pressure.

    Just smile, be nice and remain cool. Don’t lose your temper. It’s highly dangerous. Have a break, walk away. Have a cigarette, before you launch a ferocious verbal attack in response, to the most extreme provocation. Never resort to violence, except in self defence.

    “Ten reasons why you should try to keep your cool”


    • Sharp Ears

      Another recent visitor to Israel, this time, one from the CFoI, has political ambitions.

      She’s not the bookies’ favourite, but Priti Patel’s leadership ambitions are alive and kicking
      28 NOVEMBER 2017
      Who is going to break it to Boris? The British lioness is roaring! Newly released from the constraints of the cabinet, the former international development secretary Priti Patel has taken a page straight out of his playbook.taken a page straight out of his playbook.

      At an event this week, she reportedly let rip at the Brexit strategy, telling the audience she would have told the EU to “sod off” with its demands for more dough in the divorce. And she claimed the Government lacked “conviction and clarity” over its post-Brexit vision.

      In Westminster, this is being seen as proof – if any were required – that Ms Patel’s leadership ambitions and indeed prospects are, unlike her career in the May administration, very much alive and kicking.

      To look at the bookies’ odds, you wouldn’t think it. Paddy Power has renegade backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg in pole position, followed by the usual suspects: Brexit secretary David Davis, Mr Johnson, new…paywall

  • Republicofscotland

    Is there anykne in government at Westminster, who’s even remotely competent?
    David Davis come under fire for revealing heavily (unreadable) redacted impact reports on the UK due to Brexit. Id imagine that the report shows the UK is totally f*cked ergo he’s hidden the disaster.

    Even the Speaker of the House is gobsmacked and is considering holding Davis in contempt of parliament.

    To think some Scots still want these clown to govern them..jeez.

    • Habbabkuk

      It is clear that for some people the UK government cannot win.

      It is damned if it refuses to pay the amounts arising out of commitments entered into in the past and still outstanding.

      It is also damned if it says that it will meet those commitments.

      The casual reader would be forgiven for thinking that some people are very much hoping that the divorce will be as acrimonious and hard as possible.

      • Ba'al Zevul

        Given that the damnation is unavoidable, why the hell didn’t the government start by playing hardball? Hard Brexit should have been the opening hand, not the pretend Plan B: we’re prepared to do it the hard way, and if you, the EU, want concessions, then make us an offer we can’t refuse. That would have been the easier way, and, given a hint of leadership in Westminster, the least acrimonious. Neither the leadership nor the will to address either the problems of the EU or the consequences of getting out, exist.

        We are still being run by suits with sinecures.

  • Republicofscotland

    Yikes the British economy must be up shit creek without a paddle when even the ultra loyal Britnat the Brillo is Tweeting about it.

    “OECD even more gloomy than OBR: forecasts higher unemployment, weakening economic growth, falling consumer confidence and collapse in investment. UK growth falls to 1.2% in 2018, 1.1% 2019, from only 1.5% for 2017 (1.8% in 2016). Largely down to Brexit, says OECD.”

    • Ba'al Zevul

      Tell us your economic plan for Scotland-in-the-sky, then. Maybe the Britnats can learn from the Scotnats? Oh, sorry. You don’t do economics.

      • Republicofscotland

        Win indyref 2, stay in the Single Market for starters, it’s not rocket science Westminster hasn’t a clue, we’re led by donkeys.

        • Ba'al Zevul

          Try selling it on that basis. A good soundbite will generally get more votes than harsh economic reality. Your choice is down-the-pan as part of the UK, or, hey, you’re not independent…down the pan with the UK and no tangible strategy for anything else. Personally, I don’t actually need Wings Over Scotland (aka Scotland In The Sky) to tell me the UK economy is down the cludgie and decomposing. But I’d still like you to tell me how you think any part of the UK can recover. We badly need good ideas, and so do you.

  • Sharp Ears

    Very interesting. What made him?

    I was pondering whether there is any relationship between him and John Le Mesurier, the well known actor. Both fantasists but whereas one of them is pure evil, the other was benign and gentle by all accounts.

    • BrianFujisan

      This was Quite Outrageous..You couldn’t make it up –

      A press freedom watchdog, Reporters Without Borders, has asked the Swiss Press Club to cancel a panel discussion on the “true agenda” of the controversial WHITE HELMETS group. But the club’s director won’t budge, noting that such demands are typically made by oppressive regimes.

      Guy Mettan, executive director of the Swiss Press Club, says he was asked by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in Switzerland to cancel the conference. The press freedom organization, which is a member of the Swiss Press Club, said it did not want to be associated with the event.

      “I have never seen such a thing,” Mettan told Tribune de Geneve. “Now an organization that defends freedom of information is asking me to censor a press conference”.

      “Usually the pressure to cancel press conferences comes from countries that are known to be dictatorships. RSF’s approach stunned me. It’s taking journalists for fools. As if they were not able to form an opinion for themselves!”

      Independent journalist VANESSA BEELEY who has done extensive reporting from inside Syria, will speak at Tuesday’s event alongside French journalist Richard Labeviere, an expert on the Middle East and international terrorism, and Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chair of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR).

      • giyane

        “You couldn’t make it up”

        Well yes you could. The Zionist masters of Hollywood psychological manipulation are very very good at making it up in politics. that’s why ‘fake news ‘ was invented , to make it harder to spot the psychological manipulation by the MSM with false stories by deliberately printing fake news stories.

        So if your psychological political emotional manipulators , the White Helmets, are going to be exposed and scrutinised, you would do anything to stop it. What about a Royal wedding and £100 billion divorce brexit promise, for starters. The powers that be are very good at making things up.

        It might be outrageous, but it is also absolutely normal in modern politics.

        Nice picture of ” Secretary of State Colin Powell lying to the Security Council. He is waving around what he claimed was a vial of anthrax capable of killing the entire population of New York, and accused Iraq of having prepared more with which to attack the United States. Washington has never apologised for this masquerade.”

      • Sharp Ears

        Quite agree Brian.

        Here is the YT. Vanessa, of whom this country should be very proud, appears at approx 32 mins in.

        We discussed it on TLN and gave recognition to the speakers.

        ‘Mr Labevière belongs to the last generation of French journalists who could make a career without total submission to NATO; he lost his job at RFI for interviewing Assad in 2008.’

    • Habbabkuk

      “I was pondering whether there is any relationship between him and John Le Mesurier, the well known actor. Both fantasists but whereas one of them is pure evil, the other was benign and gentle by all accounts.”


      I very much doubt if the two are related, Sharp Ears. After all, Le Mesurier is not such an uncommon name in the UK.

  • CHAD

    Wot no mention of the latest Russiagate revelations and whether Putin swung Trump and Brexit?

    I hope you are up and running soon, Craig!

  • giyane

    The important thing to remember about psychological warfare, is that it is satanic. According to the Qur’an, Satan’s plan is weak. The group of post- neo-zionists who took Craig to court intended to deplete his emotional resources by threatening his livelihood. The first response to emotional attack is to self-reflect, did I actually say something offensive, do something wrong? yes, maybe I did.

    The favour of exceptionalism which was bestowed by God on the children of Israel was bestowed on a people who believed in and worshipped God. When they rejected God and chose politics, trading between the Romans and the East, the favour was cancelled . Similarly when Saudi Arabia exceeds all bounds of the religion of Islam by funding terror in Syria, they lose all legitimacy to represent Islam. Islam does not betray Muslims to genocide and refugee camps.

    Thus it is perfectly legitimate to speak out against Israel and Saudi Arabia for exceeding the boundaries of their religions and losing the authority that they once held. There’s nothing wrong with appointing blame where blame is justified. Craig should not feel guilty about speaking against today’s Zionism. He must reverse that admission of guilt.

    When you are in a mental health hospital after a mental break-down you have to keep saying yes to your doctors who keep trying to force you to accept responsibility to the catastrophe that has fallen on your head. You keep saying yes till they let you out and then you have to consolidate your inner NO, if necessary to the end of your life.

    Saudi Arabia, the country led by the Saudi family, has met its own destruction at the hands of Russia, because its jihadist project against its fellow Sunni Muslims defeated all commonsense. Just as Israeli bombing and torture of its own citizens defeats all commonsense. We all have to feel proud to say that, even if when we were having our brains metaphorically put into a double arm-lock, re-canted our views so that we could be released.

    In Islam there is no shame in re-canting under duress in order to gain release. If the Saudis or the Ziodis think they can force free human spirits into submission, they are woefully mistaken. Craig has been subjected to typical mental torture for his objection to Israel’s Human Rights abuses. Saudi Arabia is currently subjecting its most enlightened critics to physical and emotional abuse. The chief liar and architect of lying is pretending to give up the jihad for which his country has been universally rebuked.

    Do we believe him? Never. We have to know that this is the strategy of the loser to buy time, while they are staring a new jihad against Buddhism in Myanmar and Sufism in the Middle East. If you can’t be bothered to win the argument by discussion and evidence, in Islam you can fight, but terrorising your own people’s civilians will never convince any Sufi or any Buddhist to come to Islam. Saudi Arabia have in fact driven a nail in the coffin of Islam for a generation. No Westerner, or Chinese, or EU or African will ever be motivated by the bloodshed in Syria to join the religion of truth. Saudi Arabia and Israel should hang their heads in shame, not their critics.

  • Paul Barbara

    @ Craig
    Try to pick up my Rubles, while you’re ‘at it’, and I hope you successfully combat any ‘food poisoning’ (but you do have a strong constitution – as shown when you didn’t succumb (as per plan) to the strange ‘affliction’ you ‘contracted’ on your way back to Uzbekistan (against HMG’s ‘advice’).

    • nevermind

      It gives us a little of an idea what Nigel Farrage and JA could have been talking about on his visit to the Ecuadorian embassy, Thanks Mochyn69.
      Was it worth to use Cambridge Analytica’s machinations on our own General election here? Not that it matters, elections are already riddled with cheats, fraud is being committed at every election,imho.

      Bad news is that Jeremy will not offer a fair and proportional election law, he himself enjoyed during his leadership elections, to his many hundreds of thousands new members, mainly young and enthusiastic.
      Unless he keeps this up his sleeve until the elections are called, but I do not hold my breath.

    • Ba'al Zevul

      The referendum was for Brexit. Get over it. And try reading a newspaper which hasn’t been devoting its centre spread daily to whining about Brexit. The Guardian coverage of which generally makes their beasting of Corbyn before the last General Election look like cuddles.

      • Republicofscotland

        “Get over it. And try reading a newspaper which hasn’t been devoting its centre spread daily to whining about Brexit. ”

        You still don’t get it Baal do you? Brexit is the story, the biggest game in town, the master of disaster, the ayatollah of armageddon.

        Have not stopped at thoughtfor one minute why David Davis is willing to face parliamentary discipline, rather than reveal the tsunami affects of Brexit in the impact report.

        How bad must it be?

        • Ba'al Zevul

          More rhetoric, RoS. It is of course essential for your aims that the UK remains, so that Scotland doesn’t have to re-enter come I-day. ( in the event of your support increasing rather than becoming extremely bored with your impracticality and disappearing) And then, rather than the rather generous Barnett formula, rUK will then have to subsidise you (as it has in net terms subsidised the EU) according to EU terms and conditions. You can hardly expect your brother nationalists south of the border to be happy with that.

          Of course, if your proposal for Scottish self-sufficiency amounts to any more than that, feel free to share.

          • Republicofscotland

            Nice one Baal a complete body swerve by you on Davis and impact reports, like many you’re suffering from Brexiteer blindness.

            However don’t fret, the blindness only last until 2019, that’s when the cure comes, in the shape of a rude awakening.

        • K Crosby

          Britain is in the same boat a Greece, except this time the EU can’t buy off enough MPs, because too many would lose their seats and eats.

        • Dave Lawton

          “You still don’t get it Baal do you? Brexit is the story, the biggest game in town, the master of disaster, the ayatollah of armageddon.”

          Republicofscotland It seems it is you who does not get it because it is not th biggest game in town because the only real game is the Master game because it is the only Game in town.
          Just remember many key people who are remain were brainwashed by a EU funded program with
          which was appropriately named the Matrix program.

  • John Spencer-Davis

    For some reason the Home Office is finding it very difficult to answer this Freedom of Information request I sent on 05/09/2017. It should have been answered within twenty working days, and is now officially classed as long overdue. Cheers, John

    “Dear Home Office,

    Please could you give me the reason why the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Rashida Manjoo, was, in April 2014, denied access to Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre.

    Please can you confirm or deny that the Prisons Inspectorate agreed the visit and that Ms Mandoo was accompanied by a member of the Prisons Inspectorate staff when she attempted to visit.

    Please can you inform me of which named person was responsible for the denial of access.

    I append an extract from Ms Manjoo’s report for your convenience.

    Many thanks.

    Yours faithfully,

    John Spencer-Davis”

    United Nations General Assembly 19th May 2015
    Human Rights Council
    Twenty-ninth session
    Agenda item 3
    Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,
    political, economic, social and cultural rights,
    including the right to development

    Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Rashida Manjoo
    Mission to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    Page 8

    “C. Violence perpetrated or condoned by the State

    28. The Special Rapporteur visited Hydebank Wood Prison in Northern Ireland, Cornton Vale Prison in Scotland and Holloway Prison for Women and Young Offenders in London.

    29. The Special Rapporteur regrets that, despite her repeated requests from the start of the mission, the Government did not permit a visit to Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre. In compliance with the Code of Conduct for Special Procedures Mandate-holders of the Human Rights Council (Council resolution 5/2, annex) and the terms of reference for fact-finding missions by special rapporteurs/representatives of the Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/1998/45, appendix V) governing official country visits, she attempted to visit the Centre independently. However, she was denied entry and was informed by the Centre’s director that instructions had been received to deny entry to the Special Rapporteur.”

    • glenn_nl

      Out of interest, who did you want to win? I don’t imagine Clinton would have gone around making offensive tweets towards Muslims, or ginning up a war by personally insulting the head of a nuclear power, nor making massive tax cuts to the rich while destroying healthcare and social services, pulling the US out of an agreement with the rest of the world on climate issues, and so on.

        • glenn_nl

          Where’s the sarcasm? I’m afraid you’ve misread my point. Trump is a dangerous lunatic, who’s instinct is to provide a BIG distraction when his personal lack of ethics (not to say criminal behaviour) is under scrutiny. I do not understand why people give him a pass on account of their personal hatred of Hillary.

          • Republicofscotland

            “Where’s the sarcasm? I’m afraid you’ve misread my point. Trump is a dangerous lunatic”

            Agreed, however Clinton isn’t any better now is she?

            Clinton infamously said on the razing of Libya and the killing of Gaddafi, “We came, we saw, he died.”

            I could list quite a few shall we be polite, and call them inadequacies of the Clinton’s but I’d be here all day.

            Still you have a point, the American’s had a choice between two psychotic megalomaniacs.

            The only difference I can see between Clinton and Trump is that Trump doesn’t hide his maniacal personality.

            Don’t forget Glen, Obama holds the record for POTUS longest at war, how many people did he kill?

          • glenn_nl

            It seems too many have bought into the Clinton hate campaign, and also into this happy-clappy BS about what a great guy Trump is. You should try following US-based news a bit more from decent sources.

          • Jo

            Hillary virtually declared war on Syria even before the election!!!

            She was the real reason Trump won!

      • Sharp Ears

        If I was American, and thankfully I am not, I would not have voted for either – one a war criminal and the other a war criminal in waiting.

        • glenn_nl

          That’s exactly the philosophy that put the ignorant, racist savage Trump in the White House. Lots of people going around with their purity intact, but a lunatic for a president. They must be very proud.

      • K Crosby

        Anyone except that bloody bastard Clinton. Trump is making quite an effort to build a mountain of corpses as big as those of Clinton (both) bUShA and O’bama but he has to start from the bottom, for once. The US is so corrupt that he was the hopium candidate.

  • reel guid

    On this day in 1893 Scotswoman Elizabeth Yates became the first ever female mayor in the British empire. She was born in Caithness and emigrated with her family to New Zealand in the 1850s. She became the elected mayor of Onehunga, which is now part of the city of Auckland.

    • Republicofscotland

      reel guid, France renews its auld alliance, sacŕe bleu.

      “The French government is to open a new cultural and diplomatic base in the heart of Edinburgh, reinvigorating one of Scotland’s oldest and strongest foreign alliances.”

      Maybe the French feel more confident, after leapfrogging Britain into 5th place in the GDP rankings.

  • Republicofscotland


    “The British Army is secretly training Saudi Arabian soldiers to fight in Yemen, where more than 12,000 people have been killed since the onset of the Saudi war in March 2015, according to a report.”

    “The training, codenamed Operation Crossways, was disclosed after the UK Army mistakenly released photos and a mission summary on 2 Scots’ Facebook page earlier this month”

    So the British government are aiding and abetting in the murder of thousands of Yemeni citizens, whilst the British propaganda machine the BBC, rails at the plight of the Rohingya Muslims.

  • Republicofscotland

    Deputy leader of the London head office of the Libdems, faces police investigation.

    Jo Swinson, is under a police investigaton regarding (alleged) overspending.

    Alex Cole-Hamilton, the Libdem MSP for the Holyrood seat of Edinburgh Western, was investigated for a year over his 2016 election expenses.

  • Republicofscotland

    I hope those Mauritanian’s and Albanian’s have the mother of all hangovers, both celebrated their independence days yesterday.

    How dare they want to continue to govern themselves, and decide whats best for their children, bloody separatists.

    • Kerch'ee Kerch'ee Coup

      Well the British and French hung on to Albania’s gold for some fifty years after the end of the war so that rather cramped the joy of renewed independence.Meanwhile King Zog survived and fought over well over 50 assassination attempts so there was always a great craic between the wars to keep the party going..
      The Albanian Mehmet Ali was arguably the best ruler of Egypt since Cleopatra and present ruling company very much included so Albanians like some other nations did pretty well for themselves within a foreign empire while escaping the blame of it.

  • Macky

    I saw that, it actually stated some were forced by their own parents ! Imagine how desperate you have to be in order to do that to our own child.

    • Jo

      “Imagine how desperate you have to be to do that to your own children.”

      No decent parents would ever do that to their own children! It is inexcusable abuse of the worst kind.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Don’t see why posters aren’t going wild over Abu Ahmer Khattala’si innocence over not having killed anyone.

    He and his predecessor head of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group Abu Anas al-Liby tried rto assassinate Gaddafi with the help of Mi6 funds which if successful would have handed over North Africa to Osama’s people, and ended up killing Yale Senior Suzanne Jovin in December 1998 when she threatened to disclose Al Qaeda’s renewed plan to destroy the WTC by hijacked airliners.

    Read Annie Machon’s Spies, Lies & Whistleblowers which incompetent MI5 failed to censor properly. It was still too busy covering up the KGB’s Peter Wright running the agency.

  • Sharp Ears

    Andrew Mitchell MP has called today for an urgent debate on the situation in Yemen. The Dep Speaker acceded to the request and the debate will be held tomorrow.
    Today we are witnessing an almighty catastrophe of Biblical proportions unfolding in Yemen, in which Britain is dangerously complicit. Britain is respected throughout the world for bringing hope and relief to those caught up in humanitarian misery, but today in Yemen, which I visited earlier this year, we are in danger of earning a reputation for precisely the reverse, for the UK is part of the coalition that is imposing a blockade by land, sea and air on 27 million Yemenis. In recent weeks, fuel prices have risen by up to 160%, and rice and basic foods by nearly 70%. Fuel for generators, which are essential for hospitals and water-pumping stations, will run out shortly.
    Yesterday’s announcement by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, while arguably slowing the trajectory, will not in any way curtail this escalating disaster. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said last week that, unless the blockade is lifted, famine throughout Yemen is a very real threat, including on the southern borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, wilfully impeding humanitarian access may constitute a violation of international humanitarian law.
    It is increasingly clear that this blockade imposed on Yemen constitutes the collective and illegal punishment of an entire population. If you grant this debate, Madam Deputy Speaker, I believe that the House will see clearly that current policy will result in a huge strategic failure both for Saudi Arabia and, by extension, for the UK. It is important that the voice of this House is heard urgently, along with the Prime Minister’s on her current visit to the Gulf.
    All that aside, will the Saudi Arabian stop bombing Yemen with British made weapons and will the blockade on aid and food supplies be lifted?

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Reality TV reaches new heights of depravity – now complete with live and online suicides…

    Now I know nothing about the bloke who topped himself today. Maybe he is a war criminal.

    I don’t know…

    But I know the British and American C’nts who bombed my Ex- Girlfriend’s Family in Yugoslavia are.

    Can we have a Repeat Performance Please?

    ANTHONY CHARLES LYNTON BLAIR – on Trial For War Crimes against Humanity.


    • Tony_0pmoc

      This is what I knew was true nearly 10 years ago. It was in an Official EU Report. I could never tell my ex-girlfriend because it shook me to the core – even worse than what happenned on 9/11. I just couldn’t believe the human race was so evil.

      I couldn’t tell my wife – she could never believe it, and I do not want her innocent and lovely mind, exposed to the knowledge of such evil…

      But I had to tell someone, and I told a very good friend of mine. She is a professional, used to deal with people sufferring from great trauma….She says please do not tell me anymore. I can’t take this….

      But the Americans on zerohedge know about this – and write about it freely – check their website…

      I don’t want to corrupt the minds of nice people who read Craig Murray’s blog either…

      So maybe if you are up to it – read the official EU report re what happenned with regards to capture of the most beautiful innocent teenagers in the world (IMHO) who had absolutely no connection whatsoever with the war that was going on in Yugoslavia..and what happenned to them…

      Want an organ transplant mate?

      Guess who was responsible for these atrocities – and who was supporting and supplying The Kosovo Liberation Army and supplying Fast Freezing and Transportation to Hospitals in The UK an Israel and the USA???

      Leaving My otherwise extremely health and happy Girlfriend’s teenage cousins Dead.

      They hadn’t done anything wrong. They were all Christians born in Serbia.

      Years later “a very good friend of mine” met my Ex-Girlfriend. I had invited her to meet us at a Rock Festival near where she lives. I hadn’t seen her for 35 years. I thought she was still lovely after all this time.

      My professional friend told me what she thought.

      “She is a Tortured Soul”

      Well it is hardly surprising is it? (though I honestly don’t think she knows)


      • Maxter

        No doubt Tony, that the organ harvesting has been going on in Syria was well! As you say just pure evil!

  • Republicofscotland

    Life expectancy in Britain drops under Tory austerity.

    “On November 16, an article in the British Medical Journal Open concluded that severe public spending cuts in the UK were associated with 120,000 deaths between 2010 and 2017. ”

    “Just over a third of these occurred between 2012 and 2014 and almost none in 2010 or 2011. The rate of death due to austerity was rising and there was what is called a “dose-response relationship” between cuts and rising mortality. ”

    “This term, commonly used as part of the evidence needed to establish that a medicine is beneficial, means that as you increase the dose of an intervention the responses to it rise at the same rate. It can also be used to indicate likely causes of harm.”

    “In this case it indicated that the more cuts there have been to public health, social services and benefits – particularly for people in old age – the more earlier deaths there have been in the UK.”

    ” Cuts that prevent visits by social workers to elderly people reduce their chances of being found after a fall at home. Cuts that make it harder to rehouse someone who is currently in a hospital bed back into the community, result in hospital beds not being available for others.”

    • kathy

      Why are you posting such provocative remarks on a pro-independence website? The mail would be more suitable for you. I have yet to see an intelligent comment from you.

  • giyane

    ” to help the nation’s air force eliminate Islamic State”

    which is FCO code for re-build the Islamic proxy State terror propaganda machine.

    • giyane

      Alternatively she could be going to have a float on the Dead Sea to get ideas on how to float the dead duck that is the UK economy. Increase the saturation of salt underneath I.e a distraction of another war in the Middle East?

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