The End of the Affair 918

At the High Court today the following joint statement was agreed.

On 29 April 2016, Jake Wallis Simons and Craig Murray appeared together on Sky News to debate anti-Semitism in the United Kingdom. Following that debate, Dr Wallis Simons issued libel proceedings against Mr Murray. Dr Wallis Simons and Mr Murray have now settled these proceedings.

By this statement, Mr Murray accepts that Dr Wallis Simons is not a liar, and Dr Wallis Simons accepts that Mr Murray is not an anti-Semite. They are both pleased to have resolved this dispute amicably.

I am genuinely happy with this outcome, which would never have been remotely possible without the incredible 5,000 plus people who donated to my defence fund and enabled me to be represented by a top legal team. It continues to be my view that the libel laws are appalling – had I lost the case I was very definitely looking at a cost of £350,000 plus.

I am also very grateful to the band of readers of this blog who arrived to support me, and in the end saw very little. When invited to open the case the other side immediately asked for an adjournment to discuss a settlement. The hour of delay which followed was occupied on our side almost entirely by my agonising over whether it was morally acceptable for me to agree this statement and use the defence fund to pay my lawyers, or whether those who donated did so in the expectation I would fight the case whatever.

There were a number of supporters at hand who had donated, many of whom were personally previously unknown to me, and the opinions I could canvass were unanimously that this was a good result and a good use of their money.

Having agreed to settle in this way, I have arrived at this following decision. If anybody who donated feels they have been unduly sold out, please let me know through the contact button above and your donation will be refunded to you.

When we started the defence fund, our “realistic” projection was a total of £12,000. That we eventually raised over £100,000 is astonishing. Equally astonishing, but in a bad way, is that my own legal team’s cost almost amounts to that – I will publish full accounts in due course. After all is settled and refunds issued to those who wish, if anything is left over I propose to split it between Andy Wightman’s defence fund and Neil Clark’s case against Oliver Kamm. Again please do let me know if you object. It’s actually your money not mine.

I did not realise how this has been weighing me down, until the threat has been lifted today. I have never claimed to be entirely without fault, and I would ask you to refrain from any comment here which detracts from the amicable spirit of the joint statement. It is a time for celebration not recrimination, and please confine any rudeness to remarks about me.

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918 thoughts on “The End of the Affair

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  • SA

    The PP affair shows how deeply involved the British government is in the illegal wars in the ME. It is not really about PP visiting Israel and the Golan or secret deals, they are all in it together. The secret collusion between KSA, Israel and GB and others is what all this is about. Developments in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia are extremely ominous but receive little attention from our press. I have said before that the true target now is Iran and the ‘coalition of the willing’ are covertly working towards that. Having failed in Syria, the target will shift to the main target. The PP affair is a diversion and I think that Tom Watson may be onto something big here if he pursues it.
    Interestingly the so called SDF, cover for US intervention in Syria, where trying to beat the SAA to Al Bukamal on the Iraqi border and outflank them by advancing on the West bank of the Euphrates with the help of the local tribesmen who have previously cooperated with Daesh, but they were beaten by the SAA which has now capture Al Bukamal through a different axis in the south along the Iraqi border with the help of Iraqi forces. Please all of you who read this website stay vigilant about the hidden script and don’t be distracted by the skewed headlines.

  • nevermind

    Yep you might be right, time for Labour to talk about their tax affairs in Jersey, whether they will change the law to allow 16 year old married soldiers a FAIR PROPORTIONAL VOTE, just as JC enjoyed during his leadership campaign and whether his wibbly wobbling on Brexit will make it clear that only access to the single EU market will do, with all that encumbers.

  • richard heron

    Congratulations, Craig. I presume your request to reserve rude comment for you does not preclude that about the use of the libel law and of our whole legal system. It is disgraceful that a shyster lawyer like the late George Carmen QC could make a living keeping politicians safe from legitimate public comment by threatening litigation and that our courts should permit themselves to be used by wealthy men in US and elsewhere to obtain undeserved damages they would never get in their own courts.
    I am glad I read Law so many years ago at Oxford but even more content I have never practiced it because it is a profession with very little sense of honour and none of justice.

  • Julian

    I am very pleased with this result. I have been involved in various court proceedings and it is a lottery so this is a victory.

    As far as my donations go, if there is any left over Wightman and Neil Clark are excellent choices. i have already donated to the latter.

    Now Craig, go and have a break with your wife and children. Do not blog! Do not read the papers! Have a nice time on R & R and come back refreshed.

    All the best,


  • Ishmael

    I thought it would be ok. Glad to be correct. along with helping bees it’s been a good news day today.

  • Republicofscotland


    Whilst Catalan ministers are arrested and imprisoned in Spanish prison’s on ridiculous trumped up charges.

    Rajoy himself, and over 830 membersof his PP party including ministers are under investigation for alleged corruption.

    Watch the video, and see the investigator reply yes to those (including Rajoy) who are under investigation.

    (English subs throughout).

  • Claire

    I’m so glad that this weight has been lifted from your shoulders. I will refrain from stating my opinion on Dr Wallis Simons. My opinion of you however, remains undeminished. I think you took the best decision under the circumstances. I doubt any of us would have done differently, unless of course we had a limitless pot to pay from. Our libel laws are a joke, and just another wheeze to keep the proles from highlighting the paucity of the very rich who have power over us.
    All the best for the future. And keep on blogging.

  • Bobby McPherson

    Dear Craig
    Very happy for you. I personally think there are bigger battles to win but wanted to support you and make sure you were not left bankrupt. Just be aware they – and we know who they are, are trying to pick us all off one by one and this is how they do it. I would miss your blog and Scotland would miss you as an advocate. Glad this is resolved amicably. Celebrate!

  • Anon7

    According to an article in today’s Independent, a shortage of EU workers is pushing up wages (they write it like it’s a bad thing).

    Well this is rather awkward. Does that mean the influx of EU workers was keeping wages down? Hmm.

  • Matthias Liesenhoff

    I’ll be one of the ‘unkowns’ Craig, glad to hear the outcome and thanks for the report! Please keep my donation and make good use of it. My intention and wish was that your valued voice and blog remain up and public, and that is accomplished. Take a well-earned rest.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Many won’t believe it, but British involvement and support for crazy jihadist headchoppers in Libya and Syria is even worse than this article which merely scratches the surface. Who in Government knows? Or is it the CIA and MI6 running the show with no real government accountability? That is pretty much the situation in The USA. Half the stuff that is going on, even The US Congress knows nothing about, let alone The President. They just found out they have got army in Niger. No one told them, until the body bags started coming back.

    Who is going to do anything about it? Is the UK Government in control of anything?

    The press is a total disgrace, and our MP’s are bunch of mushrooms being fed bullshit.

    “Priti Patel – Tool Of The Zionist Lobby – Resigns”

    Now the lunatics want to start a war with Iran.


        • Ba'al Zevul

          It’s probably no accident that the BBC is giving it laldy on the subject of PP, but on Boris it is curiously muted.
          Don’t see what the problem is, really. We spy on everyone, at every level of cover and none; everyone spies on us. Why not simply acknowledge the fact? If Ratcliffe was surreptitious once, she sure isn’t now!

          • SA

            Sorry my last sentence was not clear.
            The BBC media action, supposedly another ‘charity’ is another organisation that Ratcliffe worked for. It is supposed to be separate from the BBC but the BBC does donate to it and so does the government. It may explain why the BBC is muted about this but also Boris’ comment was truthfully too near the bone.
            Also there is a difference between ‘spying’ and working in these NGOs to undermine a government.

          • Ba'al Zevul

            I take your point. Spying and subversion are not the same, but subversion is part of espionage, if you want agents-in-place. And espionage is essential to subversion, if you want to know where your message will find fertile soil. Not sure the dividing line is all that clear, personally.

          • nevermind

            It has been noted here some time ago that there is an alliance between Zionism and Hinduism. Israel trained pilots and sold much ‘equipment’ to India and tits being used extensively to keep the flames of peace flickering between Pakistan and India.

            Thanks for the link Ba’al and Tony, we now know that Israel was not only grooming PP ofr later use, they are also grooming the jihadi groups at their border as a Bullwark against Hezbollah and Iran.
            Another indicator is that they are planning a new Plan to support some of the many needs in Ghaza, which might otherwise explode into another war.
            That Ghaza and Hamas have given over control to Fatah and that the two are united has not resulted in peace talks around the table, instead we witness this positioning, keeping their back clear by being a little less confrontational to Palestinian needs, but peace is not on their agenda.

            Israels ally Saudi Arabia and the newly appointed young crown prince jailer in charge is now daily attacking Iran, verbally, they are talking up a confrontation and it is sad to see that the sweet talking in China has elaborated its support for Iran. The positioning will carry on in Danang, Vietnam, imho, but it is possible that we will soon see some fake news of a false flag attack soon.

            Iran will never lob the first missile or grenade, there is no historical evidence that it ever committed aggressive against any of its neighbours.

            I won’t be surprised if Brexit is being disrupted by a pesky ME war that will harden stances ever further, a proxy war that might ignite the world like none before.
            We are living in dangerously excitable times.

  • The fermer

    Good result Craig! Now on with the day job independence for our country,time to break free from the chains of this shambolic mess of a UK.

  • Peter Beswick

    Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law, Security Council Reaffirms

    But Mrs May thought it was a good idea to secretly try and give British Tax Payer’s Money to assist Israeli illegal military actions.

    She sent Ms Patel to set up the deal, she usurped the Home Office who had already told her to stop it.

    Then when caught out Mrs May lies and sacks Patel. Patel falls on her sword with the promise of a better job when the dust clears.

    Or I could be mistaken for which I apologise to everyone who didn’t do what it appears they did.

    And another thing; why do they have to go through this grand deception for staging a war with Iran? Just get on with it if that’s what you want to do. Didn’t 9/11 teach you anything? The Towers did not have to come down to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and destroy Libya and Syria, that was just silly. The UN is not going to stop you do anything.

    But please be aware that Russia and China will respond with nuclear weapons if necessary.

    • SA

      Re Iran Although these people are ruthless they still want a figleaf to cover thier action. The anti-Iran rhetoric has been slowly building up so that the narrative sinks in. This will no doubt be followed by red lines and false flags that makes it easy for everyone to accept another war.I think your analysis about the PP affair is correct. It may also have depended on the assumption that no one in thier silly mind would be complaining about aid to our very close allies but this backfired.

      • Sharp Ears

        Just a few illustrations of the shredding and burning that has followed our interventions (wars) in Iraq and Afghanistan and our support for the Zionist entity resulting in the massive destabilization the ME. We have also supported and have been complicit in the attempt to remove President Assad and the resulting chaos and destruction in Syria.

        The photos are pitiful.

        The hospital helping heal the Middle East
        7 November 2017
        The wounds of the patients on the wards of a special Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) hospital in Jordan reflect the brutal conflicts in the Middle East over the past few years.
        It treats injured Iraqis, Syrians and Yemenis, and provides physiotherapy and mental health services as well as advanced surgery.

        Over the past 10 years, surgeons there have performed more than 11,000 operations on 4,500 patients of all ages. Here are the stories of 9 of them

        Interesting that no injuries to Palestinian people are shown. There are many and frequent.

    • Stu

      I believe that Patel is venal and stupid enough to be the one leading on this.

      The idea of British aid money going directly to the IDF through the books is so ludicrous that it was killed on the spot by DFID civil servants and for the same reasons the idea would not have made it out of Number 10. The Government has many ways of funding it’s foreign policy off the record if need be.

      Patel strikes me as unintelligent person with a talent for self advancement and enrichment. She clearly saw that Tel Aviv offers lots of money and patronage to those willing to be act as it’s stooge but badly over played her hand.

  • pietra

    A pity that these very useful comments about the Patel affair from SA, Macky and others are buried down in page 12 of an otherwise uninteresting piece of of mutual backslapping, Could we expect Murray please to arise from his slumber, show some grit and responsibility and provide us with an informed opinion piece here on his blog, where this shatteringly urgent matter can be more widely discussed.

    • John Spencer-Davis

      I’m amazed by this insensitivity. Who do you think you are? This has been hanging over Craig Murray for months. Kindly be quiet, and give him a chance to recover himself.

      • pietra

        Never having been one for navel-gazing, who I think I am is of no consequence or interest to me. Likewise, I am sure you will agree, most of us here.

        However, who Murray is is a a blogger with a widely respected voice of authority and knowledge in affairs of state: one with an extremely wide reach and influence. Very many thousands (who have no interest in either of us) will be watching with bated breath for any signs of stirring at this vitally important time in our (and wider) future.

        So, no. If we find ourselves getting myrmicine about Murray’s “recovery”, let us remind ourselves about the many thousands of Iranian children, the many thousands of Korean babies and the millions of others at imminent risk of succumbing, like those departed souls in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, to North America’s vainglorious global projects.

      • John Spencer-Davis

        No. Clearly the only thing of interest to you, is airing your pompous opinions about how ready someone else should be, to spring forth with new postings at a time to suit you.

        Start your own blog if you’re unsatisfied with how quickly Murray is getting on with things. For all you know, he is in hospital with exhaustion and worse. It has happened to him before when under extremely stressful circumstances. But you couldn’t care less, right?

        Mind your own business, and drop the attitude.

        • pietra

          Oh, please desist from your lofty commands and try asking yourself whose interests are being served by loudly proclaiming how “exhausted” Murray must be. The very words you are choosing to use “exhaustion and worse”… “…under extremely stressful…” … where have we heard those before? Oh yes, every time an awkward voice gets suicided. Cook? Tired, exhausted. Kelly? Extreme stress. Todd? Exhaustion. Sutton? Distressed. Fredou (Hebdo police investigator about to hand in his report)? “Extremely stressful circumstances”.
          Coleman, Casolaro, Spiro, Wilson, Foster, Walker, Willey, Baugh, Ferguson, Shelton, Huggins, Walraven, Boorda, Lucas, Thorn? Yes, you guessed it. Stress, exhaustion, depression, various mental states said to have driven them all to suicide. All whilst investigating the Clintons. Odd, that. Does it need spelling out? A little less myopaea and self-congratulation may be better-advised. This is not a game.

          • John Spencer-Davis

            I have no idea what you are talking about, and suspect you haven’t either. I didn’t say Murray must be exhausted. I said he might be, for all either of us know. If you don’t know that it is factual that Murray has ended up in hospital before while suffering from stress, then I suggest you investigate his history. What that has to do with the Clintons, I have no idea.

            Perhaps you think I am preparing the ground for an alleged suicide. That seems to be the thrust of your comments, in so far as I can make head or tail of them at all. That really speaks for itself. Your last two sentences would be much better applied to your own postings than to mine. Now please go and annoy somebody else. And I repeat: for goodness’ sake, leave Murray alone, he’s been through more than enough without someone like you pestering him.

  • mrjohn

    That’s a good result, as Billy Bragg wrote, “Sweet moderation, heart of this nation, desert us not, we are between the wars”

  • Alexander Harper

    Fine by me, Craig. I made a modest contribution, which I am happy to leave with you for you to use as you think fit. I think that the amicable settlement you reached was a good result for you and for your backers and I think that the other side did in fact blink when it saw an unexpected (by them) level of support coming your way. Also it is really not in their interest for this type of debate to be strung out and risk being aired more widely. The facts are not on their side and the whole anti-semitism line of attack has been so over abused now as to have become not just boring but actually irritating. They need a new hymn sheet.

  • Nat

    At the end, only lawyers win…. Sad that it was not possible to talk the disagreement before going to court and creating so much unnecessary tension and grievance.

  • fedup

    You are behind the curve mate.

    Saad has been missing for the last few days the speculations are either he is detained in Riyadh or he could be holed up in Europe somewhere because his airplane did not fly directly to Riyadh (highly dubious claim to detract from his detention in Riyadh). However there has been roumers for his elder brother to fly to Saudi and evidently he is to be tapped to be the next prime minister of Lebanon.

    This is a classic case of hostage taking so that Saad would be a good boy and not change his mind once he is out of the clutches of the latest al saud megalomaniac aka MBS in Riyadh. Hence his family in Lebanon are busy weighing their options, to lose one son or both is the gamble they are busy weighing up?

    • Sharp Ears

      How appalling Macky. I always knew that she (aka Lady Nugee, married to a judge) is a Zionist and member of LFoI. Ryan, the chair, is an extreme Zionist supporter. She jumps up in any debate to sound off for Israel.

      Those in the group will pretend to care for the Palestinians and will visit the so called ‘West Bank’, a remnant of what was Palestine. They will look for a ‘solution’ to the ‘conflict’ and will yap about ‘two states’.

      They are laughing in the Palestinians’ faces.

      • Macky

        @Sharp Eyes, on the MOA piece, Craig got a mention in one of the btl comments re Fox-Werritty.

  • james

    kudos to you craig!!! you are a good man and i like that this has been cleared from your path..

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