Freedom No More 432

As I write, with over 75% of all yesterday’s English local election results in, Labour has a net gain of 55 councillors compared to the high water mark of the 2014 result in these wards, while the Tories have a net gain of one seat against a 2014 result which was regarded at the time as disastrous for them, and led the Daily Telegraph to editoralise “David Cameron Must Now Assuage the Voters’ Rage”.

Yet both the BBC and Sky News, have all night and this morning, treated these results, in which the Labour Party has increased by 3% an already record number of councillors in this election cycle, as a disaster. What is more, they have used that false analysis to plug again and again the “anti-Semitism in the Labour Party” witch-hunt. It was of course the continuous exacerbation of this mostly false accusation by Blairite MP’s which – deliberately on their part – stopped the Labour Party doing still better. The Blairites are all over the airwaves plugging this meme again today.

What is more this Labour result has been achieved despite the complete collapse of the UKIP vote, which collapse had been expected to boost the Tory Party. In fact the net loss of over 100 UKIP seats has not resulted in overall net gains for the Tory Party, even though those ex-UKIP voters demonstrably did mostly split to Tory. The very substantial UKIP voter reinforcements simply saved the Tories from doing still worse. The Liberal Democrats are showing some signs of life.

Yesterday was World Press Freedom Day, and the tendentious media misrepresentation of the election results reminds me why I could not get excited about it. A media with the extremely concentrated ownership we see in the UK can never be free, and certainly does not represent a wide spread of political opinions. Even the views of the official Leader of the Opposition are almost entirely deemed to be outside the Overton window. In Scotland the Scottish government is subject to unreasoning media attack, day in and day out, which contrasts strikingly with the treatment of Westminster ministers and issues.

There is a seriously worrying example from Leeds of the decline of free speech, where disgracefully a meeting discussing the bias of the corporate and state media has now been banned by Leeds City Council because of its content. We are not allowed even to get together to discuss media bias. Retired Ambassador Peter Ford, Professors Piers Robinson and Tim Hayward, Vanessa Beeley and Robert Stuart were to address the meeting at Leeds City Museum entitled “Media on Trial”. I cannot sufficiently express my outrage that Leeds City Council feels it is right to ban a meeting with very distinguished speakers, because it is questioning the government and establishment line on Syria. Freedom of speech really is dead.

British society truly has changed fundamentally if a former British Ambassador to Syria is banned from speaking in public premises on his area of expertise. What is still worse is the tone of this sneering report from Huffington Post, now firmly a part of corporate media, in which Chris York libels the speakers as “Assad supporters”, interviews none of the speakers and nobody to make the argument for free speech, but does manage to interview the “founder” of the jihadist “White Helmets.” In terms of banning dissent while simultaneously ramping up the official narrative, York has won himself top establishment brownie points. The man – and I use the term loosely – is unfit for polite company.

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432 thoughts on “Freedom No More

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  • Blair Paterson

    It is awful the way Assad has treated his enemies of the state he should have used the democratic c tactics Britain and America do I mean Willie McRae Hilda Murrell David Kelly Caren Silkwood etc., etc.,

    • Keith

      Exactly! I can’t understand why Syrians elected a President that didn’t ran away and stood tall and protected them to the best of his abilities against the hordes of wahhabi Orc’s we threw at them, he would most certainly be elected again according to the polls. Has Syrians gone nuts?

  • Sharp Ears

    Treeza is on a whistle shop tour. In Dudley now with her oppo Brandon. Such a silly woman. When will she go?

    ‘It’s deadly in Dudley but worse in Woompton’ (Wolverhampton) An old saw that came to mind, Apologies to local residents.

  • james

    thanks craig.. i am curious to know the rationale the leeds city council offered on this?

    meanwhile huff post – a true piece of crap media outlet that went over to the dark side a very long time ago.. anyone who bothers to treat it seriously is wasting their time! scoundrels, thru and thru..

  • Old Red Sandstone

    As of 17.02, the Guardian still showing the Salsbury novichok story as follows:
    “Skripals poisoned by novichok dose of up to 100g, watchdog says”, and claiming that such a quantity is proff of weapon-production.

    This, despite the OPCW twitter of some hours ago, stating “In response to questions from the media, the OPCW Spokesperson stated that the OPCW would not be able to estimate or determine the amount of the nerve agent that was used in Salisbury on 4 March 2018. The quantity should probably be characterised in milligrams.”

    Is further comment redundant?

    • Tom Welsh

      Amusing, coming right after the Czech government stated that it has been produci ng this agent for years.

      And of course the US government has patented it!

      • bj

        To the MOD:
        My previous post was in response to one that has now been deleted; as a result my post seems to be in response to user ‘Old Red Sandstone’, to which it most certainly was not.
        I repeat: please remove.

  • Laguerre

    In any case, this whole exchange about the White Helmets on the first page is absurd.They are 100% proven to have had their offices more or less in the same buildings as al-Nusra, that is al-Qa’ida jihadists, in places in the same building, in places next door. Close cooperation with al-Qa’ida is the only conclusion you can draw, unless you’re in denial, as Kempe for example is.

      • james

        martinned – one of williamsons new propaganda stooges in the new propaganda fight to overcome russian meddling, lol…

  • Mark B

    More hysterical crap from Craig.

    A more measured analysis would be that Leeds City Council have decided that it is not appropriate to host this event on council property because of worries about some of the speakers. One of the speakers is on record as saying the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax, and Peter Ford heads up a foundation with a member of the Assad family. Why would any credible person gave anything whatsoever to do with Assad’s family? The mind boggles.

     The Leeds Friends of Syria group said it was “completely unacceptable” for the museum to be hosting a “pro-Assad propaganda event” featuring “apologists for murdering dictators” and I would suggest that the move of Leeds City Council is pragmatic.


    There is also no indication that the meeting cannot be held at an alternative venue.

    • Basil Fawlty

      The only hysteria I am detecting is in your post – classic emotional projection if ever I saw it. ‘Credible people’ go where the facts take them and don’t get intellectually paralysed by groupthink. Just saying…

      • Mark B

        Groupthink? What you mean like most of the comments made here you mean.

        Personally I think it is a shame that Leeds council has bottled it over this. I’ve no objection to this event at all.

        I do have an objection to Craig’s twisting of detail to suit his conspiracy agenda. Peter Ford was all over the BBC a few weeks back. Surely, if there was a conspiracy it would most likely be the national broadcaster pullingthe plug, and not some local council. Occams Razor.

        • Glenn

          calm down Mark are you so scared of the other side of the story being heard that you applaud Leeds Council for succumbing to pressure and bottling out on allowing freedom of speech? You think a few insults about the speakers makes it ok? Your the one chatting hysterical crap mate

          • Mark B

            You can’t read can you.

            I said I think it was a shame the event was cancelled.

      • Tom Welsh

        ” One of the speakers is on record as saying the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax, and Peter Ford heads up a foundation with a member of the Assad family.”


        In a free society, one is allowed to assert that the Sandy Hook “massacre” was a hoax. Indeed I am half inclined to believe that myself. The Boston Marathon “bombing” was certainly a hoax, as were many other media-described “outrages”. As was the Skripal nonsense.

        The Assad family are far better people than 99% of Western politicians. They are not an organised crime family like the Clintons. They do not launch unprovoked wars of aggression – the supreme international crime.

        You people really remind me so much of the bullies I used to see in the school playground. Such people love nothing better than to gang up on someone weak and defenceless and mob them. One of the most despicable types of human behaviour.

        • Ch Bostock

          “The Assad family are far better people than 99% of Western politicians.”

          If by “better” you mean better at gassing and otherwise murdering their own citizens then you’re right

          • Tom Welsh

            In the first place, there is no credible evidence that the Syrian government has ever used gas against its own people – or indeed anyone else (although the terrorists thoroughly deserve to be gassed).

            In the second place, Western leaders don’t (often) murder their own citizens; instead they murder (literally) millions of other nations’ citizens.

    • Laguerre

      There’s no-one more credible than Peter Ford. You just have to listen to him. Suggest that he’s way-out bonkers just puts you yourself out of court. Being paid by 77 Brigade, are we?

      • Mark B

        I haven’t suggested he’s way out bonkers. I’ve stated a fact. Ford is the Director of a society run by Assad’s father in law.

        That’s quite a connection.

        • Laguerre

          You evidently haven’t listened to what he says. You just smear by association. That’s typical of current Tory tactics.

        • reg

          No thats no connetion at all, particuarly as you know full well he does not ‘run it’ so are being untruthfull.

        • Don't Bomb Syria

          Peter Ford was asked to get involved with the organisation set up by the Sunni in-laws of President Assad in February last year. After he was on tv a lot in relation to Aleppo and the alleged chemical weapons attack that no one but the White Helmets was allowed to “investigate”.
          He has spoken out for years about the distortion in our media of what is happening in Syria. He was also the Ambassador for Beirut, Syria and then worked for the United Nations in that region. I think listening to Peter Ford on a subject in relation to the Middle East would be very enlightening.

          • mark golding

            This must be perhaps the bottom line ‘Don’t Bomb Syria’ written by a man not at all hostile or nasty, in fact quite the opposite while pained and distressed by the establishment and media lies and deception that easily fool those oblivious to the misleading ‘how and why’ bubble in which we live. Thankfully cognitive dissonance is one way to ease the pain while intention must eventually burst the bubble. Prepare yourself for the event horizon – it will certainly be less of a jolt if you do.


      • Tom Welsh

        “Being paid by 77 Brigade, are we?”

        Well, quite a few people obviously are. Not to mention the far larger numbers doing similar work for the US government, which has openly boasted of spending hundreds of millions to spread disinformation online.

      • Ch Bostock

        ‘There’s no-one more credible than Peter Ford. You just have to listen to him.’

        ‘There was no one more credible than Adolf Hitler. You just had to listen to him.’

        Dear oh dear! Are you really an academic?

        • bj

          That’s a strawman, a false quote, circular reasoning, and probably a couple of other fallacies.
          A great example, thanks.

    • reg

      Which speaker stated Sandy Hooke was a hoax, name them and produce a reliable source (if such a rare thing exists any more) proving that they said this, afraid they will sue? I am impressed by your tenuous connection between the Assad regime and the former UK ambassador to Syria, do you even believe this is relevant, and why does this make the former UK ambassadors view not worth listening to and worthy of censorship?

      Which speakers are pro Assad, and why did you not name them? Or does just questioning the western narrative and the wisdom of rushing to another war on a false prospective leading to 100,000 of deaths again with the added risk of a nuclear confrontation suggest to someone with such limited critical facility or education as you make you an Assad supporter? Again which of the proposed speakers were Assad supporters, supported by evidence from a reliable source, and why should Assad supporters not be included?

      Certainly previous supporters of the Assad regime include the US as they used Syria and Libya as torture black sites, which would indicate any UK and US motivation for intervention is not based on any any humanitarian concerns, as neither was Iraq driven by humanitarian concerns when the US supported the regime while it was gassing Kurds and the Iranians. You see for those of us able to hold more than one thought in our heads without becoming confused it is possible to understand the Assad is a ruthless leader, but understand US regime change it likely to make it even worse as they have no interest in humanitarian concerns, and the power vacuum is likely to benefit ISIS.

      That you have made allot of ad hominum attacks supported by evidence does however suggest you are an unprincipled liar with an agenda. I fail to see why Hand in hand for Syria should not have been involved as the Charity Commission did not uphold the complaint. Maybe we should be more concerned that the white helmets wave Isis flags and clear up after executions? Particularly as the US is reducing funding for the white helmets.

      Who do the “The Leeds Friends of Syria group” represent and how are they funded?

      • jazza

        Media on Trial Booking Cancelled

        Media on Trial has released the following statement:

        Today, on World Press Freedom Day, Leeds City Museum, a city council owned and operated venue, cancelled the Media on Trial’s booking for the event we had planned for 27 May.

        The fact that the event was cancelled is perhaps bad enough. What became clear as the day has progressed, though, is that Leeds City Museum appear to have informed the press and media of the cancellation before they informed Media on Trial organisers. Indeed they waited for the Media on Trial representative to arrive at the venue for a planned meeting following a four hour train journey before giving us the news.

        They seem to have taken this decision on the basis of misinformed assumptions about the content of the event, and offered no right of reply to Media on Trial.

        Leeds City Museum has cancelled an event that threatened mainstream media and UK Government narratives that have enabled another regime change war to be waged against Syria, financed by British taxpayers contributions.

        The cancellation of the event denies public consensus a platform to express its profound dissatisfaction with the systematic disinformation campaign run by a British media that protects power from truth, rather than holding truth to power.

        Media on Trial fully intends to hold this event despite these attempts to silence us. We will be in contact with ticket holders shortly to explain our plans.

        Further information will be published at in due course. If anyone in the Leeds area can suggest alternative venues, please let us know and we will pass the information along. In the meantime, please share this as widely as possible.

    • Bayard

      “One of the speakers is on record as saying the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax”
      Surprisingly, people are able to tell when they are being told bollox. Did you know this?
      “and Peter Ford heads up a foundation with a member of the Assad family. Why would any credible person gave anything whatsoever to do with Assad’s family? The mind boggles.”
      Do you feel personally responsible for everything your family has done and is doing, up to and including your 5th cousins and great-great great grandparents. If not, why not, after a remark like this?
      “The Leeds Friends of Syria group said it was “completely unacceptable” for the museum to be hosting a “pro-Assad propaganda event” featuring “apologists for murdering dictators” ”
      WTF are the “Leeds Friends of Syria”? Might they not be a tiny, weeny bit biased in their pronouncements?
      “and I would suggest that the move of Leeds City Council is pragmatic.”
      Pragmatic, possibly, but still anti freedom of speech.

  • Ian Fantom

    I’ve just asked the local authority run Square Chapel Arts Centre in Halifax, West Yorkshire, whether they would have any objection in principle to running the event there, giving them details of the respectable journalists and diplomats involved, and the information that it was held last year in London. They replied, “Hi Ian — Thanks for the enquiry, but I’, afraid we can’t help you with this”.

  • Sharp Ears

    2 results to come.

    So far. Number of councillors in 150 councils.
    2,264 Labour +58
    1,319 Con -30
    531 LD +76
    39 Green +8
    3 UKIP -123
    142 Others + 11

      • Sharp Ears

        Not according to Boulton and co!
        Labour now 2296 + 55
        Cons now 1330 – 26
        LD now 536 + 75
        The rest still the same.

        One result from Tower Hamlets is awaited!

        • FranzB

          At 20.50, the BBC news site has

          Lab – 2,310 (+59)
          Con – 1330 (-31)

          • Skyblaze

            But they didnt gain seats in largely Jewish areas so it doesn’t matter /s

  • BrianFujisan

    I was truly infuriated when reading from Sheila Coombes, before coming here. These experienced, and knowledgeable speakers would have been getting too close to the truth. Democracy is long dead.

    Sheila Coombes
    ” Just shows how out of touch some are – we’d already sold 100 tickets 4 weeks before the event. This is the ‘Media on Trial’ statement: “Today, on World Press Freedom Day, Leeds City Museum, a city council owned and operated venue, cancelled the Media on Trial’s booking for the event we had planned for 27 May.
    The fact that the event was cancelled is perhaps bad enough. What became clear as the day has progressed, though, is that Leeds City Museum appear to have informed the press and media of the cancellation before they informed Media on Trial organisers. Indeed they waited for the Media on Trial representative to arrive at the venue for a planned meeting following a four hour train journey before giving us the news.
    They seem to have taken this decision on the basis of misinformed assumptions about the content of the event, and offered no right of reply to Media on Trial.
    Leeds City Museum has cancelled an event that threatened mainstream media and UK Government narratives that have enabled another regime change war to be waged against Syria, financed by British taxpayers contributions.
    The cancellation of the event attempts to deny the public a platform to express its profound dissatisfaction with the systematic disinformation campaign run by a British media that protects power from truth, rather than holding truth to power.
    Media on Trial fully intends to hold this event despite these attempts to silence us. We will be in contact with ticket holders shortly to explain our plans.”

  • Dominic Berry

    I stopped reading the HuffPost because of their radical feminism, pro-Israel propaganda, (conflating critique with “anti-Semitism”,) and the general corporate takeover of the left a la Hillary. I can’t read it without thinking what it’s doing to my blood pressure.

    As for the “anti-Semitism scandal” in Labour,I can’t see anyone who’s pushing this fantasy; The Israel Lobby; the neoliberal right; or particularly the Blairites, who wouldn’t be happy to see Corbyn’s head on a plate. It isn’t fear, it’s smear. We need to deselect inside Labour adn we need to ask our open opponents to offer objective proof, rather than allegations.

  • joel

    Thanks Craig for putting last night’s results in proper context. The ruling in Leeds merely confirms we are being presided over by corrupt, careerist, Orwellian mediocrities.

  • EoH

    Tony Blair turned the Labour Party into the Party of Tony Blair. He jettisoned everything that was Labour and kept the party part. It would help democracy in the UK if the Labour Party came back to its senses, made clear to the Blairites that their proper home was with Theresa May, and told them, “In the name of God, go!”

    • Tom Welsh

      Blair copied the American approach: never mind the principles, policies, facts, figures… count the votes.

      Therefore the only thing that matters is to bring in votes. By lies, flattery, bribes, anything will do. As for “but what are your principles?” the answer would be, “Eh?”

      • Fletch

        Therefore the only thing that matters is to bring in votes. By lies, flattery, bribes, anything will do. As for “but what are your principles?” the answer would be, “Eh?”

        You have just described perfectly the Tory mantra!

      • Michael McNulty

        Like Groucho Marx said, “…Those are my principles! And if you don’t like them, I have others.”

  • J

    It gets harder, by the hour, for those arguing that we live in a democracy.

    • Tom Welsh

      Britain has never had any kind of democracy. In the middle ages we lived in an absolute monarchy tempered by the power of the nobles. In the Stuart era absolute monarchy was reduced to constitutional monarchy by the practical expedient of beheading one king “pour encourager les autres”. Since then the UK has been run by the money. Any trappings of “democracy” are purely ornamental.

  • Tony Ball

    “The man – and I use the term loosely – is unfit for polite company.” LOL, excellent reading!

  • quasi_verbatim

    Ahmet the Turk, who has swallowed the Salisbury Porker hook, line and sinker with his ’50-100g Novichok’ blather, has now been contradicted by his own OPCW scientists. This is a hopelessly compromised Agency, on many fronts.

    That much Novichok would have wiped out Salisbury and was perhaps too emphatic a population reduction at one go even for the Tories, who prefer the drip-drip of Austerity.

  • Tom

    Good piece. I suppose the consolation to be drawn from the woefully biased coverage of the local elections is that the desperation of the Tories, their bosses and their client media is now quite obvious.
    It’s also interesting how blatant has now become the link between Brexit, the Tories donors and backers, Israel and their media. This isn’t about the people against the British establishment (which after all consists now of such ‘enemies of the people’ as the House of Lords, Prince Charles, the judiciary, the police and the civil service). It is about a Conservative Party hijacked by the USA and Israel to ruin Britain via a vassal prime minister and some traitors in the House of Commons. The aim is to cause trouble in Europe with a divide-and-rule strategy, as well as leaving the British people helpless to American asset-strippers (see Asda/Sainsbury’s merger plan as just a beginning, as Walmart attempts to control 30% of our grocery market). Plus, the immediate ‘anti-semitism’ line also reveals our simpering propagandists attempting to prove their value to their masters.
    Fortunately, it is fairly clear that the British people are beginning to resist and I think Corbyn is likely to be the next Prime Minister based on these results. Interesting times.

  • Sharp Ears

    Presumably there will have to be a by election in Barnsley Central.

    Dan Jarvis, an ex Para and a SFSG Commander, was elected mayor of Sheffield in January and assumed office today. I don’t understand how a sitting MP can put himself up for election for a different job, both full time. 😉

    Good riddance and good luck Sheffield.

    His predecessor in Barnsley was Eric Illsley who was convicted and jailed for false accounting of his expenses.
    ‘On 13 October 2011, he appeared on BBC Newsnight on which he described his inflated expenses claims as “an allowance for living in London”. He also revealed that he receives a Parliamentary pension, although he refused to disclose the amount.’
    Incredible that he receives a Parliamentary pension.
    . ‘Dan Jarvis voted along with 66 other Labour MPs for military action in Syria against ISIL in December 2015 arguing that the decision was “finely balanced” but that he did not believe the UK could pursue existing operations against ISIS without being able to attack ISIS’ command centres on the other side of the Syrian border. He had previously opposed military action against the Assad regime in Syria in 2013.For the Labour Party (UK) leadership election, 2016 Jarvis endorsed and supported Owen Smith challenge to party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

    Jarvis campaigned for a Remain vote in the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016, despite his constituency being heavily in favour of Brexit. Nevertheless, Jarvis voted to trigger Article 50, stating that the referendum result and his own constituents’ views must be respected rather than ignored. Jarvis is a member of the Labour Friends of Israel.’

    • Sharp Ears

      It’s an odd one. He was actually elected TODAY, not in January, and is remaining as an MP.

      Dan Jarvis used his victory after being elected as Sheffield city region’s mayor to call for a wider devolution deal for Yorkshire. The post has only just been established, and the job does not yet come with agreed powers, an agreed budget, or even an agreed salary. He said:

      I understood that the exceptional nature of my candidacy [ie, remaining an MP] would raise some eyebrows and it has. But I believed then, as I know now, that the exceptional circumstances of this mayoralty and the importance of devolution for the future of the UK meant that I couldn’t stand on the sidelines and that I had to step forward.

      I say this because I believe that the issue of devolution goes to the heart of two of the most important strategic issues that our country faces – how we respond to the causes of Brexit and how we prepare for a post-Brexit Britain.

      If we are to find the right answer to these questions we must be prepared to reform every aspect of our political system.’

      There has been disagreement between several boroughs on devolution .

    • Ch Bostock

      ‘ I don’t understand how a sitting MP can put himself up for election for a different job, both full time.’

      Perfectly common in France, for instance.

  • Walter Cairns

    Disgraceful episode – Leeds City Council hang your heads in utter shame. As for HuffPost, what else can one expect of that nasty ittle Zionist cabal.

  • N_

    The former Monday Club official John Bercow – the man who promised in his manifesto when running for the Commons Speakership that he would allow “voluntary bodies” (any guesses which ones?) access to the Speaker’s office, and who previously advised on how to get drunk women into bed – has today stated, in response to allegations of bullying made against him by three different people, that he will (in his words) “keep buggering on“.

  • N_

    My uncle had three different small private pensions, and each of the three firm tried to rob him when he reached retirement age. It’s what they do. Good luck to you Tony and to everyone else who stands up to the thieving bastards whether private or state.

    It’s only by accident that whereas banks now have a worse name than they did prior to 2008, the same is not true of insurance companies. They are a bunch of thieving lying c***s too. It’s what they and the banks both do.

  • FranzB

    CM – “What is more, they have used that false analysis to plug again and again the “anti-Semitism in the Labour Party” witch-hunt.”

    Heard an interview on the BBC Radio 5 Drive show (at about 6.10 p.m.) between Emily Thornberry and the presenter Tony Livesey. He was demanding to know why Corbyn hadn’t kicked Ken Livingstone out of the Labour Party. Thornberry didn’t stand up for Livingstone, which she ought to have done. It sounded as if Thornberry was anticipating that Livingstone would be kicked out of the Labour Party (as Marc Wadsworth has been kicked out). Both Livingstone and Wadsworth are of course anti-racism campaigners.

    Livingstone was quite right about the Haavara Agreement. Strange how the detail of all of these anti-semitism claims is never discussed. The Haavara Agreement probably saved the lives of thousands of German Jews. Why Zionists should be so touchy about it is a mystery to me.

    The BBC presenter Tony Livesey spent 18 years with Sports newspapers and was editor-in-chief and managing director for the Daily Sport and the Sunday Sport (according to Wikipedia) before moving to the BBC.

    • lysias

      One can plausibly argue that the Havara Agreement bailed out the new German government in its first months when it desperately needed foreign exchange and that, without it, the government would have fallen and there would never have been a Holocaust.

      • FranzB

        R J Evans (The Third Reich in Power) believed that the Haavara Agreement served the principal aim of the Nazis, which was to drive Jews out of Germany.

        Saul Friedlander (The Years of Persecution) recognises that an aim of the Nazis was to breach any foreign Jewish boycott, but he categorises Nazi fears of a significant Jewish boycott as unfounded. Zionists from Palestine did however play on those fears in concluding the agreement.

        The Haavara Agreement was concluded in late August 1933, by which time the Nazis were bedded into power. I don’t think the government would have fallen if the Haavara Agreement hadn’t been concluded. Nevertheless, the 60,000 Jews who transferred to Palestine were to be out of the reach of the Axis powers in WW2, unlike many who fled to mainland Europe.

        • lysias

          Not until mid-1934, with the Roehm purge and the German military’s firm alliance with the Nazis and the death of Hindenburg, were the Nazis definitively in power.

  • John Goss

    This is also part of our Freedom No More.

    It is a reply to Paul Barbara showing what I see on a Russia Today news story. The petition on behalf of hearing Yulia Skripal explain what happened to her is ostensibly there. But in more than 2 days it has not had a single like or share. It has a comment by Paul which everyone can see.

    Go to the following site and you will not see the petition I see. Or if you do I will be most surprised.

    • John Goss

      Disinformation james! The world is full of it. Most people would not deliberately try to mislead yet governments and MSM are renowned for it.

      • james

        it is most unfortunate! fortunately people like roger waters from the uk are speaking up!! we need more public figures like him in the world today… not sure what happened to the rebellious musicians from the 60’s and 70’s… would be a good thing is paul mccartney and others like him who are still alive spoke out about the things roger waters is willing to speak out about… maybe they are, but i don’t hear about it..

  • Eileen Foulner

    Why can’t they hold the meeting in another venue which is a private event. i am sure that they would have difficulty banning this and people could pay to come.

  • BrianFujisan

    Media on Trial.. The levals these Bastards will stoop to, to shout SNP bad – just Shocking Antics from the Sun.. Some young mothers have Nothing, and are Desperately grateful for the Baby Box.. And the Tories would love to take that away from them too.. with not the tiniest morcel of Shame


    Nicola Sturgeon wipes the floor with Tory MSP over baby boxes –

    Off to the Big March and Rally for Independence Tomorrow..There were easy 20.000 of us there last year hopefully one dayl we can get rid of the Sun, and the bbc

    • J

      Off the scale. The Shun are entirely beyond redemption. But. Must it be between screaming madness from the Shun or BFG’s shoebox? After all, think of the weaving jobs if they were handing out those nice straw baskets (for example) which, while just as flammable, are a bit more attractive than a cardboard box.

      • BrianFujisan

        Exactly J

        ” Despite having raised the box up on some wooden staves in an outdoor yard to ensure maximum circulation of air and help the fire take hold – you know, like you do with your baby “

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