The Unsubtle Art of Non-Verbal Communication 407

Human beings can communicate by gesture and facial expression as well as by verbal language. In the following video, at 39 seconds in BBC presenter Jo Coburn is not communicating to the viewer – the director has switched back to her before she expects. She is however working very hard on communicating non-verbally to somebody, presumably the director, with quite an extreme facial gesture.

My question to you is this – what do you think she is trying to communicate with that facial gesture, and why? It is not a rhetorical question, your answers are welcome. You need to watch the whole video for context – it’s less than a minute.

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407 thoughts on “The Unsubtle Art of Non-Verbal Communication

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  • N_

    @Craig – Jo Coburn pulled that face because the understanding was that Dominic Casciani would stay well below that level of criticism of MI6, and she believed he’d crossed that line when he said that some documents had “very clearly pointed a finger” at MI6, and she wanted to make sure she was on the killers’ and torturers’ side when Casciani’s performance was looked at afterwards.

    You should take a look at the Commons debate on the EU “meaningful vote” amendment on 20 June 2018, when a number of Tory “rebels” went into reverse and backed the government. Both Dominic Grieve (who voted against his own amendment) and one of the women Tory ex-rebels momentarily showed signs of terror. Goodness knows what they had been threatened with by the whips (or others) that day, but I’m quite sure from the physical signs of terror they were showing that it was something deeply unpleasant.

    Anna Soubry didn’t show signs of terror. She did accuse Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre of carrying out black magic against her though.

    • N_

      I should amend that.

      Coburn was probably so high on cocaine, and she is such a fanatical believer that her filthy work must at all times serve the purpose of upholding the interests of the ruling caste against the “public” and “troublemakers” that they hate with such intensity – how else does one reach her position? – that her whole being told her not to sit there and smile beatifically but to show hate-filled horror when certain words were used against the holy MI6, even if it’s obvious she knows without any doubt or qualification that it’s all show and bullshit.

      No criticism of MI6 or the British elite and state is ever going to get anywhere in major media or the mainstream political sphere. Let’s not kid ourselves. Their usual fare is that Lord Fuckface whose back is every so straight will run an inquiry. Fuck that. Don’t believe that this time it can be different. That’s the mistake that people get sucked into who watch TV too much.

      • truthwillout

        Wasn’t the BBC set up by the intelligence community? Probably to quell a communist uprising in the 1920s. We are the oldest capitalist country in the world, and the ptb must have been shit scared when, before the 1923 cup final, the peoples stadium at Wembley was occupied by 200000 people.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    The trouble with non=verbal communication is that the viewer too often can claim it says what he imagines.

    • N_

      With speech where you can see the person, it’s been said that 55% of communication is body language, 38% voice tone, and 7% the words. With newspaper articles the most important bits are the headline and the photograph.

      • N_

        55-38-7 comes from Albert Mehrabian if anyone is interested. What he said was that those were the proportions of influence from the three sources on whether someone likes someone who’s speaking to them, but the figures have been used in a much wider context.

        With all the shit that’s on TV and the radio an awful lot is communicated by voice tone, as is true in caste-based British culture generally. That observation should be taught in Understanding Britain 101.

        • Brianfujisan

          nice one Tony

          But you are Quite Mad going to a Pub in this Weather.. Peace to yas.

  • Brianfujisan

    I’m For the best Playing wins on this one..Though I feel it would be Great for the Host’s to go through

    Glad to see Uruguay win..Whats this with Ronaldy with shorts up to his crotch..FFS at his age I had more Mucular Thighs.. with Running and Cycling. and Mountain Climbing, I need to get back to all that.. And the Samurai arts.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    “John Bolton wakes from terrifying nightmare of world at peace”

    be brave, and click it. It’s only zerohedge, and whilst their adverts are crap, I have never yet, so far as i know been served up a virus, which is more than I can say for some websites.

    My wife and I are going to the pub to see a band.

    It’s very hot here, and it will be even hotter in the pub.


    • Brianfujisan

      nice one Tony

      But you are Quite Mad going to a Pub in this Weather.. Peace to yas.

      • Tony_0pmoc

        Brian, She’s just changed the plan. The first option, I did not fancy. I usually do what I’m told, especially if it’s a good idea, so now we are not going to the pub. We could of course have an argument, or I will go to the pub by myself later. The band are even older than us, and they are very good. I want to see them again.


    • Paul Barbara

      @ Tony_0pmoc July 1, 2018 at 14:51
      Talking about Bolton:
      ‘The US and NATO Are Establishing Terrorist Bases in Europe’:
      ‘ATO and the United States, which, together, claim to be fighting some sort of amorphous “global war on terrorism,” have enabled a terrorist group to establish bases in two NATO member states – France and Albania – and one NATO protectorate, Kosovo. After evacuating forces of the anti-Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq from their former bases in Iraq, the United States and NATO facilitated the group’s establishment of a well-guarded military base in Manez, Albania, near Tirana. In addition to hosting MEK members, NATO has convinced Albania to accept members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), who surrendered to Western special forces in Syria and Iraq.
      The MEK was founded in 1965 and it has the unusual distinction of taking action to overthrow both the former government of the Shah of Iran and the Islamic Republic of Iran by relying on terrorist actions. In the early 1970s, the MEK embarked on a program of assassinating Iranian officials and U.S. personnel in Iran. The Iranian Revolution of 1979 saw the MEK’s program of bombings and shootings increase in intensity. The MEK is led by the husband-wife team of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, who opponents and ex-members of the MEK describe as leaders of what has become known as the “Rajavi Cult.” The Rajavis abhor criticism and have been known to silence former MEK members-turned-critics by having them constantly harassed or worse, assassinated.

      The MEK’s most notable terrorist actions included:

      the attempted kidnapping in 1970 of the U.S. ambassador to Iran, Douglas MacArthur II, the nephew of the famed World War II general.
      the attempted assassination in 1972 of U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Harold Price with an improvised explosive device (IED).
      the assassination in 1973 of U.S. Army officer Louis Lee Hawkins in Tehran. That same year, the MEK assassinated U.S. Air Force officers Col. Paul Shaffer and Lt. Col. Jack Turner.
      the 1973 bombings of Pan-American World Airlines and Shell Oil offices in Tehran.
      the assassination in Tehran in 1976 of three American employees of Rockwell International — William Cottrell, Donald Smith, and Robert Krongard. U.S. President Gerald Ford said he hoped that “the murderers will be brought to justice.” Instead, they are treated as heroes and the future government of Iran by bi-partisan leaders in Washington.
      MEK threats to kill Presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter during their respective May 1972 and December 1977 visits to Iran.
      the 1978 assassination of Texaco oil executive Paul Grimm in Ahwaz, Iran.
      assisting in the 1979 takeover by Iranian militants of the U.S. embassy in Tehran.
      the 1979 bombing in Tehran that killed the democratically-elected Iranian President, Mohammad Ali-Rajai, and Prime Minister, Mohammad Javad Bahonar.
      During the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein permitted the MEK, also known as the “People’s Mojahedin,” to establish bases inside Iraq. Saddam armed the MEK and provided them with financial and logistical support to carry out terrorist attacks inside Iran. In 1988, the MEK, with Saddam’s assistance, launched a ground invasion of Iran.

      In Operation Mersad, Iranian forces defeated the MEK, which had hoped to establish control over Iranian territory to establish a rival Iranian government. Had the MEK succeeded, the Middle East would have seen its first genuine terrorist state. Establishment of a terrorist state would have to wait until the Syrian civil war, when ISIL proclaimed an independent caliphate in occupied territory in Syria and Iraq…’

      So the US ‘War on Terror’ sets up bases in France, Albania and Kosovo for MEK and ISIL terrorists – no wonder Nick Rockefeller laughed when he told Aaron Russo in 2000 that there would be a ‘War on Terror’.
      Dutifully, as per usual, the MSM stays schtum.

  • Charles Bostock

    The River Wey is a tributary of the River Thames and runs through (amongst other places) Guildford, which is one of the most prosperous and highly rated towns in the United Kingdom, enjoying, apparently, the highest property prices for any place in England save London.

    But it is not to be confused with another River Wey, which runs through Dorset. Is the Dorset River Wey polluted to the same extent as the Surrey one, I wonder?

    • Tony_0pmoc

      Charles Bostock

      Compared to how they were, when I was a kid, none of the 3 rivers you mentioned are now seriously polluted. My wife and I have experience of all of them, and we have both swum naked in some of them.

      Have you seen the size of some of their carp?

      Personally, I am hoping to take our Grandchildren to a lake in Surrey this week, which we have also swum in, and which has a lovely sandy beach. I do not mention the details, for quite obvious reasons.


    • Tony_0pmoc


      Compared to how they were, when I was a kid, none of the 3 rivers you mentioned are now seriously polluted. My wife and I have experience of all of them, and we have both swum in some of them without wearing any clothes.

      Have you seen the size of some of their carp?

      Personally, I am hoping to take our Grandchildren to a lake in Surrey this week, which we have also swum in, and which has a lovely sandy beach. I do not mention the details, for quite obvious reasons.

      The authorities in England and Wales, should be rightfully proud for cleaning up our rivers and lakes.

      It is great to see clear water, and large fish swimming in England, and not have to go to Scotland, cos its rather a long way, and usually very cold.


      • Charles Bostock

        Possibly, but there again, there’ve been quite a lot of subject changes on this thread, haven’t there. What’s one more between friends? 🙂

  • Sharp Ears

    Here is a commentary on Coburn’s interview with Galloway in which he demolished her and her sidekick, Pauline Neville-Jones. Both were dissing Assad and Syria. I put the YT link up earlier.

    Throughout she is referred to as the Troll. I think we all know what the meaning of that word.

    A lesson in BBC propaganda
    Article by Louis Dowes: Media analyst

    ‘The BBC’s recruitment of its stampeding Trolls
    The recruitment of Jo Coburn herself was not a mistake. She is a Troll, but not just in appearance. Her mind, also, resembles that of a Troll.

    Slow, clunky, irrational… dead.

    Putting it simply, as Jo Coburn would like it, the BBC loves propaganda. It needs the half-witted Trolls it employs to deliver the well-oiled attacks against people and countries; attacks that were advised by its strategists. It needs the half-witted Trolls to stampede through towns and villages head-butting civilians without caring for damage incurred to their foreheads.

    But what the BBC does not love is when a rogue Troll, every now and again, dents the BBC’s image, which the BBC has tried so hard to protect by utilising its dazzling Flag-Bearers.

    Where the BBC most needs its propaganda to work is in politics. And one programme that delivers the propaganda for Britain’s daily core politics is the suitably named ‘Daily Politics.’ ‘

  • Tony_0pmoc

    I got my telly working for extra time. I thought they were both crap, but pleased with the result for Russia.


    • Tony_0pmoc

      Tatyana, I have nothing against The Spanish, and have been there many times, but a couple of years ago, we went to Catalonia, and they weren’t very nice to us English, and most of us couldn’t wait to get home. I later realised the Catalonians hate The Spanish with a fire, and they are not too keen on us English either. I have no idea why the Catalonians have not got their Independence Straight Away. Even The British Government would have given it to them…I certainly would….Be Independent, then you might start to be Proud, and Nice.

      My son is leaving soon to an Independent Country very close to Russia. It is not Russia, but I know they have a lot of Russian Tourists, and a few English.

      When he arrives, the atmosphere will be electric. The people (not all Russian, will be so happy)

      Currently he has no plans to see England vs Columbia, so far as I know.

      But he might change them, after a bit of Russian vodka.


      • Paul Barbara

        @ Tony_0pmoc July 1, 2018 at 18:28
        F**k Colombia, the newest NATO regime.

    • Jo Dominich

      Great Save by Akhinfeiev! Glad Russia is through Tatyana – great for the host nation!

  • Anon1

    I hope we all followed Anon1’s advice? Keeeerching!

    Looks like the Spanish team had a visit from Mr Putin’s ‘special catering division’.

        • Charles Bostock

          Nice gif, Tatyana, thank you so much!

          I also appreciate all the considered and informative answers you give to the various people who post questions about Russia on the “Quora” website. Thank you for your good work.

          But to my question: I’ve just finished reading Vasili Grossman’s “Life and Fate” and found it very impressive. I’m sure you’ve read the book yourself! I was wondering whether you share my opinion about that work and would you say that the book has had a wide readership in Russia since it finally appeared after the breakup of the Soviet Union (you’ll of course remember that the book – but not its author! – was “arrested” by the KGB back in 1960 and apparently chief Soviet idealogue Suslov personally told the author that it would not appear in “the next 200 years”)?

          • Tatyana

            Charles, I’m sorry to say I haven’t read it. On Soviet reality the best book for me was “Children of Arbat” by Anatoliy Rybakov, on Soviet ideology and its influence on population – Solzhenitsyn. Also there’s a series of books by Edward Topol, real discovery for me.
            But I must say it was really long ago, Soviet Union and communism do not exist in my country any more, it is not supported by people. There still is communist party, but it doesn’t influence anything.
            After all, we had great achievements under Stalin, but it is a part of history already, we must learn our lesson and move on.
            I can recommend Nikolai Leskov, cassic reading to understand russian mentality, surprisingly he is not as well known as Dostoevsky or Tolstoy. Leskov is certainly the most ‘russian’ writer.

          • Charles Bostock

            Many thanks, Tatyana, for that long reply, it was quite illuminating 🙂

            You strike me as someone who’s rather well read and so I was a little surprised to hear you say that you hadn’t read it. But as you know, it’s never too late to catch up and I do recommend the work if you eve manage to find the time. I am soon going to get started on Vasli Grossman’s final work, called “Everything flows” and have high hopes of it. You’ll of course know that Grossman was the star journalist of the Russian army’s newspaper Red Star.

            You’re of course right to say that that black period “was really long ago”
            and is already “a part of history” but some would say that that is precisely why books like that – the historical accuracy of which is not seriously contested – should achieve a wide(r) readership. A sort of “lest we forget”, if you will, especially since the majority of Russians will not have lived through that period. And no one would wish an ignorance of history to lead to – God forbid! – a repetition of at least certain features of that very black period in Russian history; that of course is why the Germans, for example (but perhaps not the Ukrainians – have gone to such pains to ensure that current generations are fully aware of the evils of state fascism.

            Finally, thanks for your recommendations – I take them as such – for other works of Russian literature. But do try to get round to “Life and Fate” one of these days , months or years!

          • SA

            I have read Lifeand fate. A very powerful book but I am not sure why you quote this book in the current manner and why it was banned. It’s a few years since I read it.
            Lyskov: is he the one who wrote the play on which Shostakovich based his opera Lady McBeth of Mtsensk also later called Katerina Ismailova? Shockingly advanced for its time and of course not to the taste of the PTB of the time.

          • Tatyana

            Charles, it is normal to read a lot for my generation. I’ve learned to read at the age of 5 and have been swallowing all printed information ever since. I will certainly read the ‘life and fate’, thanks for the recommendation!

          • Tatyana

            SA, yes, it’s him!
            We had 12 books of his works in our home library, but this one is my favourite.

    • Paul Barbara

      @ Anon1 July 1, 2018 at 17:54
      Lucky it wasn’t Porton Down’s door handle team.

    • Tony_0pmoc

      Sharp Ears,

      Don’t believe everything you read or see on TV. Sky are nearly as bad as The BBC for making stories up.

      I know those moors very well, and I know the people who live there.

      Yet you seem to believe Sky, (propaganda) and haven’t even noticed its effect on you.

      Yes, it is entirely possible that the Sky report is true, but the people doing it probably work for Sky (or the British Government), and its the first time they have been to Lancashire.

      Most people do not deliberately set fire to the area near their own homes.

      You are not a Monbiot fan are you?

      I thought you were cleverer than that.


      • Sharp Ears

        Actually I find Sky fairer than the BBC especially on Palestine.

        I will look to see if this arson was reported anshere else.

        A man has already been arrested for setting fire to part of the moor after the main fire had developed.

  • Kuladanga

    Just too precious. The idea that they can make the TV go wee-ooo and it all goes away. Princess Charlotte might be interested. I think her producer is saying ‘Get him off now, cut, cut, cut – stay away from rendition’.

  • John LEON

    Well in my very inexpert opinion and limited understanding, that probably was a live broadcast and things were being said that should not have been. I have always thought of Jo Coburn as a BBC govt. lackey and her expression suggests that she suddenly clearly saw the impending end of her career if all the stops were not pulled out to shut down the live reporter.

  • Roy Moore

    What complete and utter nonsense. Paranoia writ large. Clear technical issues. You’d expect any presenter to react much the same way.
    Really Mr, Murray. Reducing yourself to this?
    I expect better.

    • Anon1

      The conspiracy theory really falls apart when you consider that all the things Casciani said have already been said across all the media, including the BBC.

      • SA

        I am glad we are now all in agreements that it is well established that the U.K. government is complicit in torture and that the BBC is doing its part to bring the perpetrators to justice.

    • Paul Barbara

      @ Roy Moore July 1, 2018 at 19:53
      Make you right, there, Mr. Moore. Just a technical hitch -seems the British Propaganda Corporation has a reputaion for such ‘technical issues’:
      Perhaps they ought to double the BPC TV licence fee; if you pay peanuts, expect to employ monkeys (or worse).

  • Ian

    Craig, you’ve clearly never heard of the Kuleshov experiment, an early Soviet film maker who demonstrated the effect of context on the interpretation of facial expressions. Her pursed lips could indicate any number of things, and what it means is in the eye of the beholder.
    If the BBC practises news management at a conscious level, then it will take place far higher up the food chain than on the spot presenters and editors. You post a great article on rendition – some good reports in today’s Observer also btw – and then follow it up with this kind of conspiratorial nonsense. your talents are better deployed on matters of substance than speculative social media flim flam like this.

    • Jagannath Juggernaut

      Very good that someone has taken the time to articulate the obvious lack of intelligence. But it’s even funnier when you see the lemmings throw themselves off the cliff (or under the juggernaut) at the mere drop of a pin by Craig.

      LOL at what we have become. And these people consider themselves to be superior, have all the answers to the World’s problems and a monopoly of empathy for the downtrodden. Honestly, what chance has the human race?

    • Nick

      “If the BBC practises news management at a conscious level, then it will take place far higher up the food chain than on the spot presenters and editors”

      I’m not saying you’re wrong, but isn’t some people’s point that they didn’t get the memo? Well, Jo did through her earpiece during the broadcast?

    • Paul Barbara

      Ian July 1, 2018 at 19:57
      Can I take it you believe the link was ‘lost’, rather than ‘cut’?
      Do you believe also that the USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy were attacked by North Vietnamese MTB’s in the Gulf of Tonkin?
      That the USS Maine was sunk by the Spaniards?
      That FDR and the US High Command weren’t aware of the expected (and desired) ‘Sneak Attack’ on Pearl Harbour?
      And by the way, I’ve got a two-mile long bridge in the Sahara that I’m selling real cheap, looking for offers. Qaddafi left it to me in his will (he picked it up cheap too).

      • Ian

        Yes, because it is so obviously in the same level of importance as those incidents, isn’t it? Facepalm.

  • Anon1

    I see Casciani has tweeted aboit Craig’s article:

    “The only thing Jo is communicating is “Argh! The line has broken up – quick – what do we do?” As I’ve said before, live broadcast lines that rely on mobile cells break up all the time when overloaded. That’s the imperfect world of broadcasting.”

    Pile in, loons.

    • laguerre

      I don’t know about others, but I took this thread to be somewhat light-hearted. Apparently that’s difficult for you.

      • Anon1

        So now you all look like a bunch of paranoid nutters, some.of the less far gone among you want a ladder to climb down in the form of “but it was only a joke” ?

        • Paul Barbara

          @ Anon1 July 1, 2018 at 20:34
          Whilst I can’t speak for anyone else, I’ll just say it is perfectly sensible to behave like a paranoid nutter when one is faced by an Orwellian Regime backed by an equally Orwellian MSM and ‘Security Services’, and there protagonists.

    • Tony_0pmoc


      That is bollocks. Even I have done live broadcasts, on my wife’s mobile phone. I don’t personally install Facebook on mine…but it worked perfectly O.K. – no frames dropped, the sound was great, it was in high definition, and the sound was brilliant, and it was in landscape mode. My wife usually does it in portait, which sometimes annoys me. Just turn it around love.

      Some people are watching your broadcast live on a large widescreen High Definition TV…

      If both my wife and I can do it, from some obscure festival, in the English countryside, how come the BBC can’t do it from outside The Houses of Parliament in Westminster? I know they are crap, but they can’t have lost all their technical skills. The BBC used to be really good.

      You don’t half write some sh1te. Did you use to work for The BBC?


    • Dom

      Well, its the first time I’ve seen any broadcast from Westminster break up like that. But what do you expect him to say: “yeh, its true these people are establishment stooges, wish I didnt rely on them to put bread in my kids’ mouths”?

    • John2o2o

      Your personal opinion does not give you the right to address others with insult.

    • Paul Barbara

      @ Anon1 July 1, 2018 at 20:09
      Hmmn, so someone who is on Twitter (I’m not) should ask the obviously contrite Cascaini what he was going to say before the line ‘broke up’? Just a thought.

    • Paul Barbara

      @ Anon1 July 1, 2018 at 20:09
      The one from Jane Standleyin New York on 9/11 was definitely not relying on a mobile link.
      Response? Nah, deathly silence.

  • Anon1


    Thanks for sharing your theories about the Met Office’s named storms. I’ll be looking out for the fascistic connotations of Thunderstorm Susan from now on!

    Also I hadn’t really thought about it but having the Army help put out a wildfire could well be a step towards martial law.

    Thanks for your ideas and keep them coming!

  • Tony_0pmoc

    I don’t know who forced The British Government to do it, but in Theresa May’s first speech in The House of Commons, I could tell, she really did not want to do it… She was very nervous, and almost certainly knew it was a load of nonsense..She was told to do it..So Theresa did it – knowing it would not work out well, for the CIA who probably sponsored it…

    All the ridculous events in Salisbury achieved, was complete disgust in The British public – for all the politicians in Westminster – on all sides and affection for Yulia Scripal, and The Russian people.

    She is like the pretty English girl next door, not like some American slxx


  • Eric Zuesse

    There was a severe technical difficulty; the video portion of the feed had already broken up. Probably, she had been informed by the producer that they’d need to end it now, and she was a bit miffed.

  • tom easton

    ‘Oh fuck that wasn’t supposed to happen ‘ I imagine that Dominic will have got a reminder about who employs him . Well done Dominic .

  • Tony_0pmoc

    I think it was from an American website, where I had been posting for 5 years, and made a lot of American friends, some of who’m invited me to The USA…I am pretty sure it wa Alternet…just before Nick Turse joined, who banned me on almost his first day at work for Alternet. I emailed him -and we had this email conversatation – me with Nick Turse….so I have never posted on Alternet again, though occasioonally on Truthdig I connect with some of my old American mates…

    It was on an American website, when I first heard of Craig Murray – about 10 years ago….One of my friends recommended Craig Murray’s book..Murder in Samarkand I bought it and took it in my bag to a little Island in the Indian Ocean, with my wife and kids in 2009.

    The first week was really stormy, so I read Craig’s book.

    When we got back I started writing on Craig Murray’s was only a few days later….

    I was so determined to go, in fact I was ready to go, and was just about to leave, and Craig asked, can anyone record it. I thought I might be able to do that, so I found the obscure UK Gov Parliament live feed, and worked out how to record it, about 90 mins before it started (it would take me about an our to get there door to door..but I thought, I am going to try and do this… I simply had no time to test it..and I didn’t know if it was working – but it was…I am quite proud of that. The BBC didn’t do it..Craig Murray did. I wasn’t even there. I did it from home.

    Otherwise it would have been buried. I think it is a very important video record.

    “Craig Murray – Torture 1 of 7”


    • Paul Barbara

      @ Tony_0pmoc July 1, 2018 at 22:55
      Who are the two ‘Offiicial’ thugs sitting behind Craig, one fiddling with with his glasses and pen, and the other giving expressions that were clearly meant to distract anyone watching?
      Clearly a question for Craig.

  • LenkaPenka

    Clearly she was surprised and possibly slightly shocked, I don’t think that can be disputed, and over-talking the reporter was pretty unsubtle.

    More interestingly the coincidental “Technical Difficulties” assuming it was false (and that is a pretty reasonable assumption) was actually some sort of Technical disruption as we can see, likely deliberately engineered in Real-time.

    That is what is really shocking, that this mechanism is already in place and can be used instantly.

    V for Vendetta isn’t so far fetched!

  • John2o2o

    Clearly someone in authority wanted to silence Dominic Casciani.

    Presumably someone behind the scenes told Jo Coburn to terminate the interview.

    I wonder if some of the details were adjudged to be subject to a DMSA notice and Ms Coburn was being reminded of this, hence her shocked “oh gosh!” expression. I think her shock is not at Mr Casciani, but at the person behind the scenes who was talking to her.

    What is most extraordinary is that we have footage of this. Perhaps not all at the BBC were willing to be party to it.

  • quasi_verbatim

    President Trump has just given de facto recognition to an independent Scotland. Quisling, are you listening?

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