The mainstream media are making almost no effort today to fit Charlie Rowley’s account of his poisoning into the already ludicrous conspiracy theory being peddled by the government and intelligence agencies.
ITV News gamely inserted the phrase “poisoned by a Russian nerve agent” into their exclusive interview with Charlie Rowley, an interview in which they managed to ask no penetrating questions whatsoever, and of which they only broadcast heavily edited parts. Their own website contains this comment by their journalist Rupert Evelyn:
He said it was unopened, the box it was in was sealed, and that they had to use a knife in order to cut through it.
“That raises the question: if it wasn’t used, is this the only Novichok that exists in this city? And was it the same Novichok used to attack Sergei and Yulia Skripal?
But the information about opening the packet with a knife is not in the linked interview. What Rowley does say in the interview is that the box was still sealed in its cellophane. Presumably it was the cellophane he slit open with a knife.
So how can this fit in to the official government account? Presumably the claim is that Russian agents secretly visited the Skripal house, sprayed novichok on the door handle from this perfume bottle, and then, at an unknown location, disassembled the nozzle from the bottle (Mr Rowley said he had to insert it), then repackaged and re-cellophaned the bottle prior to simply leaving it to be discovered somewhere – presumably somewhere indoors as it still looked new – by Mr Rowley four months later. However it had not been found by anyone else in the interim four months of police, military and security service search.
Frankly, the case for this being the bottle allegedly used to coat the Skripals’ door handle looks wildly improbable. But then the entire government story already looked wildly improbable anyway – to the extent that I literally do not know a single person, even among my more right wing family and friends, who believes it. The reaction of the media, who had shamelessly been promoting the entirely evidence free “the Russians did it” narrative, to Mr Rowley’s extremely awkward piece of news has been to shove it as far as possible down the news agenda and make no real effort to reconcile it.
By his own account, Mr Rowley is not a reliable witness, his memory affected by the “Novichok”. It is not unreasonable to conjecture there may also be other reasons why he is vague about where and how he came into possession of this package of perfume.
The perfume bottle is now in the hands of the Police. Is it not rather strange that they have not published photos of it, to see if it jogs the memory of a member of the public who saw it somewhere in the last four months, or saw somebody with it? The “perpetrators” know what it looks like and already know the police have it, so that would not give away any dangerous information. You might believe the lockdown of the story and control of the narrative is more important to the authorities than solving the crime, which we should not forget is now murder.
It was a false flag from the very start.
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” Frankly, the case for this being the bottle allegedly used to coat the Skripals’ door handle looks wildly improbable. ”
I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone else suggest this was the case, certainly not since Mr Rowley mentioned that it was still in it’s wrapper. It may have been a Plan B and discarded, unused, with the rest of the evidence or Rowley may well have lifted it from Yulia, at the moment it’s anyone’s guess and all is speculation and guesswork.
You’d have thought that if this really was a cleverly planned false flag they wouldn’t leave quite so many loose ends lying around.
Perhaps to provide the grounds for this pathetic sequel. Or maybe it just wasn’t all that clever.
Likewise if it were the Russians. As Putin said about the Skripals ”If it had been us they’d be dead”.
“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern…Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” George Orwell – 1984
The answer to your loose ends
Not really, no.
The other side of that coin is the more loose ends lying around, false trails and confusion, the better to escape detection…..or hoodwink the public.
didn’t his brother say they found it in the park, sprayed it and dropped it, breaking it?
He got covered in it , it was oily and didn’t smell of perfume but he gave it to her anyway? He didn’t fall ill first, but did fall ill? The police tell him they found a bottle of Novichok in his home but he could guarantee it was perfume.
They have been very vague about where he found. Charlie is saying he does not remember but it looked new and unused so hardly likely to have been in the park for the last 4 months.
He says he is 100% sure he didn’t find it in the park.
I’m not spraying anything on me from a bottle found in a park. I’d assume it was urine.
and what’s this about it being “irresponsible”, are there responsible assassins?
There was the same pile of absurd in Ukrainian journalist “murder”. Three bullets in his back, but no control shooting in the head. CCTV misteriously not working. Killer identified appeared to be ex-solder racist hieromonk. Ukrainian representative to UN Security Counsil claiming Putin is guilty. “Link person between the killer and Putin” stating in the court that he is the part of secret service operation, providing his curator’s details. Ressurrection of the journalist. Total astonishement – what was it?
We are probably witnessing not just the last of the British state but also the slow erosion of anglo-saxon influence on the world stage. The demonisation and scapegoating of Russia and its associates is symptomatic of fear of decline. The British ie English and Americans have had a good run. Their performance now looks tired and the performers jaded but were they ever as ‘good’ as they themselves believed?
Here’s an interesting read for you:
Only a small inconsistency perhaps, but despite being unconscious “for weeks” Charlie Rowley obviously wasn’t given a tracheotomy as was deemed necessary for Yulia Skripal.
I can assist here. There would be no required for a tracheotomy if endo- tracheal intubation was successful.
This is the preferred method of airway protection in emergency medicine and elective surgery. There is far less trauma; less risk of disabling injury and after effects than tracheotomy.
Most Intensive Care patients will have an endotracheal tube unless they are likely to require airway support for many weeks/ months while conscious.
Story was absurd from the start. Obviously not the Russians.
The UK Government are now just clutching at straws and will come up with anything to try and make their story stick.
The whole scenario surrounding this and the Skirpal event are preposterous. No one in their right mind should believe a word of it. The narrative just keeps getting more bizarre, and not one shred of evidence is produced along the way.
The media do not help the situation by constantly regurgitating unfounded accusations and innuendos on a daily basis.
This charade, and the fiasco that is Brexit, must make Britain appear to the outside world as some sort of demented basket case. It sure looks that way from the inside.
Republicofscotland – your final paragraph sums up the situation perfectly!
Republicofscotland – The narrative against Russia must be maintained at all costs – NATO has no other bogeymen to ensure their funding. Also, with the Skripals, maybe too many questions were being asked about Sergei’s connections to Christopher Steele (ex?? MI6) and the Clinton Dossier. The media here, as in the States, are the lap dogs of the Establishment – however you want to categorize them – they just read their scripts.
As for Brexit, we were always going to be shafted. And now May herself will lead the negotiations. Say no more.
We need a shaking and re-shuffling of politics in this country. The old boundaries no longer apply.
Right: the motive for MI6, CIA etc. to continue this novichok saga is either to shield Steele-(and themselves) from Trump or to shield NATO from abolishion.
On the technical question of “types of Novichok”
From published data and the attached diagram, I want to make the point that the “liquid” or “gel” status of Novichok is fixed at manufacture date. It’s not something the field operative has any control over, or possibility to select at delivery time.
you’ll note two sites on the molecule marked X and two sites marked R. These can contain a variety of atoms or groups of atoms. Principally, R can be hydrogen or Carbon chains.
Which means that, at time of manufacture, they can choose whether to attach long carbon chains (which will result in a more solid, or gel like Novichok) or short carbon chains (which will result in a more liquid, more volatile Novichok.
I recall that Porton Down confirmed Novchok used in Salisbury and in Amesbury is the same. How can it be produced as gel and produced as oily liquid then? According to the above cmment, it must be two different chemical formulae.
I’m afraid I believe anything that purports to emanate from Porton Down as much as I believe what Theresa May et al tell us. It seems to me that PD tell us whatever they are told to tell us.
The novichok can also be mixed with other materials to produce different properties. When the story broke, novichok was described as a solid, which could be powered and maybe mixed with other chemicals to form a gel.
It seems odd that the two different stories require different properties though. If Charlie and Dawn were poisoned from left-overs from the Skripal hit why wasn’t a door knob clinging gel?
“If the words don’t add up, it’s usually because the truth wasn’t included in the equation”
Seems to fit the scenario perfectly.
What for certain I do know, is that one must never, either trust or believe our political masters, the media, the police or the criminal classes that are employed within our secret intelligence services.
None of these organisations work for the mutual benefit of the people and could well be described as enemies of democracy.
For myself, the police have done themselves irreparable damage but then I had little faith in them before.
Soo…even though the bottle was broken…Dawn had been ill…it had not the chsracterisics of high quality perfume…..he still kept it….to emit fumes maybe….and even though his hands were coveted in it, saturated, he manged perhaps to thoroughly clean the sink and taps etc presumably in the bathroom….contrast with the inventor of N who got a splash or a drop on his hands and had to seriously treat the contact area as the N supposedly acts within seconds……..
Sorry for spelling…hope it makes sense..
The broken bottle was found in the bathroom? Still emiting something as earlier he had said it smelt like ammonia.? but says no smell this no effect on responders getting Dawn out of the bath? Their gloves clothing ambulance equipment tested..there was still residue on her wrist?.they have been checked out too? staff clothing etc checked out?.bathroom been checked for contamination or wherever there was a spillage…?.where was the packaging did he put the bottle back in that ( would have got all over his hands again) clothes or was it found in a waste bin in or outside the house where either or both could have contaminated other things….
Sound more like “The Continuing Propaganda by the Perpetrators”.
Given the excruciating abundance of actual information and evidence, these last two victims may be the only evidence of A-234 Novichok in this whole saga, just to establish its presence. There would be small surprise to find out that up to ten tones of this agent is in U.S. and British military warehouses awaiting use. The only certainty is that government sources should be completely discounted and flushed (porton) down the loo to join all the other waste so disposed. The only useful information and evidence will be found to be inconsequential or irrelevant when not distracting or misdirecting. But then, what else is to be expected when the political epicentre of the country has become absent, wanting in their control of the establishment, derelict in exercising sovereignty (as only a 92 year old can get by with). This will not end well for any concerned.
Things have become so ridiculous that they’re beyond parody. For example . . .
There is a brand of perfume called ‘Poison’. This could lead to all sorts of misunderstanding & so it should be banned immediately. Our Westminster Windbags & Whitehall Wormtongues like banning things, so it would give them something to do. If Westminster won’t do it, then exactly the same types of animal exist up in Scotland. Edinburgh could lead the way in banning poison.
. . . Would that be spotted as a jape? I fear not.
Craig, I’m sure this doesn’t help, but I have a number of questions, and maybe you or your readers have some answers. None of this helps identify the perpetrator but maybe we can collectively clear up some of the doubts.
1. Skripals
So, we have Novichok applied somehow to a door handle in Salisbury.
Julia recovers much quicker than Sergei which might suppose that she received a lower dose, or maybe not, as she’s obviously much younger than her father and may have a better recovery rate.
We are told that the highest concentration of Novichok is on the door handle. We are led to imagine that someone comes to the house and takes the liquid from a Novichok bottle and somehow applies it to the door handle.
Questions: how do both Skripals get contaminated? Can we assume that they both walked out the house, Sergei closed the door behind him, pulling it with the door handle? Is there a picture of the door and the handle? If the handle were swabbed in Novichok (an oily substance according to Rowley), probably Sergei would have gone back inside to wash his hands, Rowley did. Or did he just ignore it because it was raining (is that information corroborated?) and take Julia’s hand in his, as any other father-daughter would do, hence infecting her also with an apparently lower dose. Do we know which hands were infected? It would also explain why they both fell sick simultaneously and that neither died. Where are the CCTV cameras in Salisbury and on that road? Do we know if there are any?
2. Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley.
We have a batch of Novichok lying around, sealed in a box in a way to make it seem inoffensive and like some kind of luxury perfume brand. Presumably this is not that difficult to do because there are people on Oxford Street every weekend selling fake products and making a living out of it.
We now know that the drug is effective if applied in the way intended, i.e. dispensed as a perfume and rubbed on the wrists, as any user of perfume would instinctively know how to do. Although, it clearly isn’t the world’s most dangerous substance, VX is much more deadly.
The sealed bottle of Novichok that killed Sturgess is clearly not the same bottle of Novichok used on the Skripals.
Charlie may, or may not have picked the box out of a skip.
Question: Can we assume that a number of identical Novichok bottles were made? Were there 2 bottles in case of a cock up? Somehow, though, 2 bottles end up in Salisbury, the first bottle did its job and the second one isn’t necessary so is just left in a skip. Is this plausible? Maybe the perpetrator doesn’t consider that people in the UK go looking for things in skips, so don’t consider the possibility of someone like Charlie coming along. Would the perpetrator have assumed the 2nd Novichok bottle would go straight to a landfill site?
Question: Why was Novichok made to look like perfume? Can we assume that it is easier to transport through airports if it looks like expensive perfume as it goes through an x-ray? Does it mean it was imported into the UK? Is it coincidence that Porton Down is just down the road?
You are omitting the “fact” that according to official sources, the Novichok agent used on the Skripal’s door handle was in the form of a gel, not sprayed on as a liquid. If this is true (rolls eyes) then there are at least two forms of Novichok agent in circulation in Salisbury, as a gel and as a perfume, sprayed via some form of atomiser.
Even more yuk! I would definitely have gone in and washed my hands thoroughly if I’d grabbed a handle swabbed in gel! But thanks for the “fact” because I hadn’t remembered it and, according to a previous commenter, this implies a different chemical formula. So, if we are trying to fit the facts to the evidence we know, the Novichok bottle in cellophane could be a precursor element that is then mixed with something else to make it into a gel form for door-knob application. I’m writing these words, but I can hardly believe what’s coming out of my keyboard…
With the risk of duplicating someone else’s point if it has already been covered.
Why would there be a second sealed package of the nerve agent and why would it be throw away knowing full well that it is a shiny little thing that would be picked up by someone.
It’s one thing having extra bullets in a gun, but this doesn’t make sense. Also where is the first item that allegedly contained the nerve agent used on the Skripal’s. If they suspected it was not effective or that the job was done why dispose of the sealed package containing it and not the used one in areas they are likely to be found.
In fairness, it’s possible the bottle is a ‘branded’ product and to publish pictures of it could be harmful to the genuine product.
I disagree. When instances come to light of known or suspected product tampering that threatens public health (particularly if the threat is potentially fatal), there are massive product recalls. Companies have insurance to protect themselves against the financial and brand-image fallout of such situations. If the authorities were to act with any credibility, they would be bound to act on the assumption that the existence of this poisoned bottle could be a case of product tampering (regardless of who the perpetrators might be…including potentially the Russian state) and that other bottles of the same brand of perfume carried the risk of having also been, ahem, novichoked. If the risk wasn’t public one might assume that it was simply a case of a corporate/government cover-up, but in this case the risk is not only known, it is being promoted as the official version of events. The fact that the name of the perfume is not being publicised (or even asked by the media!), and that the brand has not been recalled, speaks volumes about the ‘credibility’ of the official story.
I agree with Martin Hawes, in fact the EU has a “Rapid Alert System” to warn consumers of potentially dangerous product batches. For example, check out the report published on 30 March 2018
which identifies a number of suspect perfumes.
The marketing department would love to get pictures of the name and product on all the front pages.
Looking for a recognisable brand of something pink, oily, very slightly gelatinous and dispensed from a bottle with a pump nozzle? Then try this:
FWIW there is more likelihood of Rowley and Sturgess each being affected by a bad dose of ‘crack’, possibly ‘cut’ with Fentanyl, than poisoned by something perfume-like. The perfume bottle story gets Charlie off the hook, whilst at the same time lending dubious support to the ‘novichok’ fairy tale.
Yes but this is purchased ready assembled off the shelf. Not sold in a box and according to Charlie, also wrapped inside tamper proof plastic.
It was intended as an example not a definitive ‘gotcha’!
If you proceed to hang on every word Charlie either has or is reported to have uttered you will not arrive at a meaningful answer. The inconsistencies are way too many.
Doodlebug, you and I are very much on the same wavelength. It has struck me that too many people are trying to make sense of complete nonsense from beginning to end. Fact – Charlie and his brother Matthew are both convicted heroin dealers. Charlie and Dawn appear to both have been drug addicts as well – not entirely sure about Dawn as the friend who was with them the weekend this all happened, and spent a lot of time with Charlie but didn’t become affected himself, said at one point that Dawn wasn’t into drugs…she was ‘only’ [sic] into drink. Interestingly, at his last court case Charlie was also charged with stealing nearly £2,000 from Mr Matthew Rowley. (Hypothetically of course) I wonder who might have supplied Charlie and Dawn with a dodgy batch of ‘fixes’; it’s not unknown for cheaply obtained organophosphate compounds to be used to supplement heroin powder because of the similarity in appearance. Dawn died because she had a heart attack or she stopped breathing (or both, not sure) – possibly the outcome of overdosing on heroin (whether contaminated or not). That’s how heroin kills – the victim ‘s body literally forgets how to breath. Added to which she probably had a weak constitution after years of substance abuse. I have yet to see evidence that she died as a direct result of ingesting ‘Novichok’.
Let’s assume Rowley is right even though he is not a very reliable witness. It means the Russians did it scenario is even less likely than it was before. A better explanation of the whole saga is that there is a looney in Porton Down who made up the package and left it for someone (anyone) to pick up and try out the ‘perfume’. Perhaps that’s what happened to the Skripals. PD have a suspicion of what’s going on but dare not admit it, especially if the Novichok is identical (we only have their word for that).
Roughly my guess also but with some additional points.
Sergei Skripal can statistically be discounted as a random victim. The deranged scientist from Porton Down wishes to direct attention away from themselves so a loud and gregarious old Russian geezer in a city of only 45,000 citizens is the ideal target. With a little background searching his status as an ex GRU officer would become apparent.
Inventory control within Porton Down almost certainly precludes manufacture inside the perimeter and smuggling the agent out. Not an issue as the remit given to the Soviet research team was to develop a range of agents that could be created with readily available precursors using readily available laboratory kit. It should be reasonably feasible for an experienced chemist to create the agent off site. The claimed gel form from March against the low viscosity liquid in June suggests two batches. Not an issue for our rogue chemist.
The problem then becomes the need to have an experienced Russian chemist in Britain make the poison for an experienced Russian spy, unless the experienced chemist was also the experienced spy who was so poor he failed with the mix or applying it or both. Russia is just not that bad at the spy game.
If a drug addict has “amnesia” as to where he/she got a dangerous substance, it is “higly likely” that he/she bought it illegally from a drug dealer. It is also usual business of drug gangs to manipulate containers like bottles with substances and re-seal them so that eben security services are fooled. So one possibility is that a drug mafia is behind it. It is not even excluded that it was the Skripals who were the accident. And I am sure the police is well aware of this possibility but is not willing to embarrass politics before having certainty.
“If a drug addict has “amnesia” as to where he/she got a dangerous substance, it is “higly likely” that he/she bought it illegally from a drug dealer.”
This is true. And the British authorities never reveal what they know about the real drug economy and how it connects with the public authority structure – not just MI6 but police, customs, medics, chemists, etc.
This is the supposed timeline of events on the day of the Rowley/Sturgess poisoning, according to Sky news article. So Dawn falls victim to the nerve agent at 10.15am (apparently only 15 minutes after she came into contact with it according to Rowley’s statement to the media) and Charlie keeps going apparently without a problem until 6.20pm (after getting liberally covered with the stuff and washing his hands). Do any scientists out there know whether washing your hands really dilutes the potency so much?
Saturday 30 June
10.15am – South West Ambulance Service is called to Muggleton Road, where Dawn Sturgess is taken ill. Charlie Rowley is also present at the address.
Midday – Charlie Rowley visits a Boots chemist on Stonehenge Walk in Amesbury and then returns to Muggleton Road around half an hour later.
1pm – He visits the Amesbury Baptist Centre about a mile from the house.
3pm – He returns home.
6.20pm – The South West Ambulance Service is called back to the address on Muggleton Road and Mr Rowley is also taken to hospital.
Charlie did not keep going without a problem exactly, the pastor of the Baptist church saw him at the BBQ and said he looked unkempt and seemed unwell and he tried to get him to eat something. This was not mentioned by Sam who presumably thought any strange behaviour was the result of Charlie’s “medication” just as Charlie thought Dawn had been made ill by her “medication”. So Charlie may well have been ill earlier but not fitting and passing-out yet.
Why are you putting ‘medication’ in inverted commas? it is almost certain that Charlie and possibly Dawn had prescriptions for methadone or subutex, which are indeed medication (without the inverted commas) used by recovering/stabilised heroin addicts. It will have been the reason for Charlie’s daily visits to Boots. What really gets to me, is the overwhelming suspicion that these two were deliberately targetted as expendible and unlikely to arouse too much public sympathy.
@Lucy – By “medication” you mean a substance signed off to them by a BMA member covered by up-to-date insurance, right?
Now where would Porton Down find guinea pigs?
Yes I do. They will have been prescribed via their GP or local drugs services. I’m not saying that they weren’t using non prescribed drugs as well, they may have been or may not have been. I just don’t like presumptions being casually made about individuals because they have been labelled as addicts.
It is possible that a supply chain, whether the black market or otherwise, has been compromised in order to cause harm and fear. This has perhaps been the case with what were the ‘legal highs’ coming out of China. Any student of history who has read up on the Opium Wars and other wars will understand how narcotics have been used in a war like way to run down populations and groups.
“It is possible that a supply chain, whether the black market or otherwise, has been compromised in order to cause harm and fear.”
At the moment, as far as we know anyway, there haven’t been more than four victims, or two if we assume neither of the Skripals were drug users, but the insertion of substances into the drug supply is certainly a possible vector for a chemical warfare attack, yes. An astute observation.
If possible can you do an updated timeline of the case so far so I can share it far and wide for less attentive readers.
the whole story is a complete sham and if it was a graphic timeline people would more easily see this too.
Sometimes I wish I didn’t live in ‘interesting times’.
This is an interesting story but the narrative is still controlled by technical “facts” the release of which is carefully managed to ensure a scatter gun approach to the events.
Imagine, if you will, to step aside and add a tier of everyday life into the proceedings. You end up with a very useful screenplay of fictional events that could site very well as a storylines in (now) Midsomer Murders or a Miss Marple.if entertainment companies made such things these days.
Love Island it ain’t
One evening a friend of the family visits the Skripal residence knowng that Yulia had arrived recently. As he has not seen the family for a while. This visitor will have had the homework done and know that Yulia prefers two types of perfume. Through smalltalk or smell he quickly deduces which is the current favourite and dips his hand into his jacket pocket and lifts out a present. A giftwrapped designer labelled expensive fragrance that no woman could possibly refuse.
“Oh you shouldn’t have, I have just put some of my own (identical) fragrance on, so if you don’t mind I’ll save this for a special occasion.”
“For the man of the house, here is a bottle finest malt.”
“Oh you shouldn’t have (insert favourite name here), shall we crack it and toast Yulia’s arrival?”
And on it goes.
Next evening the Skripals decide to go out for dinner and Yulia elects to use the fragrance gifted her last night.
Two sqibs either side of the neck and as a flourish one on each wrist followed by the typical rubbing of the wrists together, accidentally smearing the frangrance over the palm of her hands.
“Hmmm you smell nice dear, is that the perfume (insert favourite name here) gave you yesterday?”
.”Yes it is, it smells slightly differnt from mine but could be because it is a more expensive version. Shall we go?”
Out of the house they go with Yulia leading the way. Frangrance unerringly left on the door knob on both sides as she opened the door and then caught it as it swung open.
Sergei carefully takes the door from Yulia who steps outside. Sergei follows after carefully shutting the door and checkinmg its security.
Walking down th path he norices his hands smell of a sweet fragrance.
Meantime (insert your favourite name here) already knows where they are heading and is sitting at the bar with a mostly finished drink.
As the Skripals arrive he gets up to leave and on seeing (and smelling Yulia) bids them good evening. Sorry he can’t join them, his wife, mother, girlfriend, boyfriend or close family member has a crisis and he simply has to leave.
Know that the job is job he feels inside his jacket pocket for the other gift. A beatuifully giftwrapped bottle of Yulia’s other favourite fragrance.
“won’t be need that I think” he mutters to himself as he steps into his car and drives into the evening Sun.
A few weeks later and the noise has dropped to expected levels, the story is broken and the chattering classes are chattering.
Lat one afternoon he drives into a small village/town for what does it matter his work is done. Sitting on a park bench finishing of his fast food meal he notices a lump in his jacket pocket. He reaches in and lifts the present out and scrumples his ready meal detritis around it and drops it all into the litter bin.
Into his car he gets and drives away safe in the knowledge his job is done.
Early next moring/later that eveningtwo people go scrounging for any valuables in the litter bins around the village/town.
“Oh you beauty, this is wonderful”, the woman opines as she disentangles a present from the remains of a fast food meal.
The difference is viscosity of the liquids is down to age. When new it would very probably have had the same feel as a perfume (and a rougly same fragrance). Four weeks later the liquid would have changed through evaporation of the alcohol based content and partly to the life expectancy of the agents main component.
As I say pure fiction and nothing at all to do with the Skripal story.
Can you bring Nikolai Glushkov into the narrative please? 🙂
I put this on previous thread, but it’s more appropriate here:
‘An open letter from a Salisbury resident to Asst. Commissioner Neil Basu’: sident-to-Asst-Commissioner-Neil-Basu
‘….The lack of CCTV footage is very odd, since:
a) CCTV footage of Mr Skripal on 4th March certainly does exist (for example, I know for a fact that there is clear footage of Mr Skripal feeding ducks with some boys near the Avon Playground, at around 1:45 that day).
b) Releasing such footage is surely exactly the sort of thing that is likely to jog peoples’ memories and lead to the kind of information requested by Mark Rowley.
The second point is with regard to Mr Skripal’s and Yulia’s movements on the morning of 4th March. Many early reports stated that investigators were trying to establish their movements, but one of the things that had hampered this was the fact that they both had their mobile telephones switched off.
I understand that at that time, these details might have been puzzling, and indeed I get the sense that investigators were keen to find out as much as possible about the movements of the pair, so that they could:
a) Put an end to the media speculation and
b) Relate these details to the general public, again in the hope that the information given out might lead to vital information coming in.
Forgive me for sounding somewhat facetious here: Mr Skripal and his daughter are both alive. In fact, both have been awake and well for around four months. It is not as if they died, taking with them the secret of their movements on the morning of 4th March to the grave….’
A well-put together letter, which no doubt will be met with an anodyne waffle.
What the Intelligence Services (IS) need now is another episode in this long running soap. This is it.
There were two identical packs of sealed perfume. One left under the tree (or wherever) for Rowley to find accidentally. The other was opened and used to paint the door handle of the Skripals house. The identical packaging was left under the same tree and unbelievably, a member of the public, picks it up, hands it to a police officer and disappears without trace. Voila. Those clever Russians wont fool our bobbies!
I wonder which of the MSM will break first, quickly followed by the others claiming they were acting under orders. There must be a point in a journalists life when becoming a laughing stock is worse than being sacked for telling the truth.
Have to congratulate Craig on spotting again a key point: why is the public not shown the picture of the bottle?
It takes time to engrave ‘Property of V. V. Putin’ on it.
1/3 Parallel events…
Sunday 4/3/18: 4pm
Alleged ‘Skripal poisoning…in Salisbury’ with deeply problematic ‘reporting’ by many MSMs.
Monday 5/3/18: 9am
Start of the IICSA’s 2-Week ‘Anglican Hearing’ into child sexual abuse. Specifically, extensive abuse by multiple perpetrators (mainly clerics) in the Church of England’s Diocese of Chichester
No MSM reports yet to be found of the former Bishop of Lewes’ alarming admission to the IICSA – under oath in court – that he ‘appeared’ to have ‘inherited a paedophile ring…’