I am prepared to acknowledge that, given the gate design, they could have passed through different gates in exact synchronicity and this may be a red herring. I am leaving this post up here as it is good to acknowledge mistakes. Please read my updated post Skripals – The Mystery Deepens
Russia has developed an astonishing new technology enabling its secret agents to occupy precisely the same space at precisely the same time.
These CCTV images released by Scotland yard today allegedly show Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov both occupying exactly the same space at Gatwick airport at precisely the same second. 16.22.43 on 2 March 2018. Note neither photo shows the other following less than a second behind.
There is no physically possible explanation for this. You can see ten yards behind each of them, and neither has anybody behind for at least ten yards. Yet they were both photographed in the same spot at the same second.
The only possible explanations are:
1) One of the two is travelling faster than Usain Bolt can sprint
2) Scotland Yard has issued doctored CCTV images/timeline.
I am going with the Met issuing doctored images.
A number of people have pointed out a third logical possibility, that the photographs are not of the same place and they are coming through different though completely identical entry channels. The problem with that is the extreme synchronicity. You can see from the photos that the channel(s) are enclosed and quite long, and they would have had to enter different entrances to the channels. So it is remarkable they were at exactly the same point at the same time. Especially as one of them appears to be holding (wheeled?) luggage and one has only a shoulder bag.
I have traveled through Gatwick many times but cannot call to mind precisely where they are. Can anybody pinpoint the precise place in the airport? Before or after passport control? Before or after baggage collection? Before or after customs? The only part of the airport this looks like to me is shortly after leaving the plane after the bridge, and before joining the main gangway to passport control – in which case passengers are not split into separated channels at the stage this was taken. I can’t recall any close corridors as long as this after passport control. But I am open to correction.
Please read my updated post Skripals – The Mystery Deepens
For the record I have not yet, in the course of following this, exonerated any of the main “suspects”. I have speculated of course, but that is all, bearing in mind we lack some facts and have been fed other misleading and untrue ones. But so far I cannot make the definitive set of means motive and opportunity fit any of the main suspects, to my satisfaction anyway. I am retaining an open mind until I have more information.
This one does you no favours at all Craig, truly ‘Infowars’ standards of journalism.
The implication is either the photos are fake, OR two different people managed to walk at precisely the same pace to the exact same spot in two different corridors without being able to see each other and coordinate their movement. Do you think that this is plausible?
The two pictures are the same person with picture of person mirrored, with some detail added and removed, hence the blurring.
Hahaha! That’s the best theory yet.
– Left column: with the two men, the red sign is on the right on both images.
– Right column: red signs are on the right hand wall, which fits with the above.
– Right column: no red signs on the left hand wall.
This dismisses the flipped image theory.
You go through these channels as you enter the main terminal after baggage collection. These channels are not that long as you can clearly see. Probably around 4 metres long. If you have two people walking alongside each other, as people do when they travel together, and they go through two identical parallel channels, they will be entering and exiting these at the same time. It takes less than 3 seconds to walk through them.
If this co-incidence were synchronicity ‘in the real’ – that these two men walked through two different gates at precisely the same second,
then the overall conspiracy/psyop was delivered, by act of fate,
a wondrous service.
Because it adds to the smoke.
If there are two gates identical, side by side – then I suspend disbelief, and allow the chance.
In these times of MASS Government IIO deceptions raging like forest fires all about and a BIG one likely in IDLIB,
this co-incident possibility,
is left open.
– Left column: with the two men, the red sign is on the right on both images.
– Right column: red signs are on the right hand wall, which fits with the above.
– Right column: no red signs on the left hand wall.
This dismisses the flipped image theory.
You go through these channels as you enter the main terminal after baggage collection. These channels are not that long as you can clearly see. Probably around 4 metres long. If you have two people walking alongside each other, as people do when they travel together, and they go through two identical parallel channels, they will be entering and exiting these at the same time. It takes less than 3 seconds to walk through them.
The description beneath the top photo says petrov arriving at 3pm (15.00) when the cctv pic shows the time being 16.22.43. You’d think they’d at least make sure everything matched up when your intention is to tell a whopping great big lie. Whoever made this up really wants to think about paying attention to details, especially blatant obvious ones.
3pm is the flight arrival
1 hour 22 minutes is a LONG time to get through even at Gatwick
I was in Stansted last Tuesday. My wife, daughter and I were in a queue for 1 hour and 15 minutes. And you also need time to get from your plane to the passport control. But sometimes it can be quick. We were arriving at Stansted at the of July and it only took 15 minutes. And Gatwick is the same.
..end of July
Expand images and examine and compare main feeder corridor outside: clearly different so these are two parallel corridors: no mystery: next conspiracy please!
They are two different walk ways If you look at the lighting/shadow behind them where the gate is, it is different.
There is a distortion on the left of the top photograph (behind the 8, of 2018) of what could be construed as maybe a door handle or something like it, on the left. Yet it is absent from the other picture. That, and the fact that these two photos look like they are coming from slightly different angles suggest that if the security cameras are fixed, then there’s not much likelihood of the exact same camera having captured both of these photos, and therefore they may be different corridors altogether.
I couldn’t tell you to be certain, I’ve never been there, but you can bet I’m still taking the official story with a pound of salt.
Don’t know if you’ve seen the latest version of this silly saga from the BBC News?
They have posed yet more different version of the photos. Cropped and with the time stamp in a different position.
Quite a lot of effort to stop us asking the rather more pertinent questions.
Don’t you think?
Nothing strange here. The timestamp was simply cut out and pasted at the top of the images. Those are not new timestamps.
I happen to think the photos are fake. But whatever your view on that, just take a step back and ask yourself – do you seriously believe that if the Russian government wanted them assassinated it would not have succeeded? If Russia wanted them dead, they would now be dead.
So it’s possible for one government to produce amateurish fake photos – what a screw up of something quite simple – but impossible for another government to screw up an assassination?
Pick one. Do governments screw things up or not?
no. this mess is deliberate smoke and mirrors with things that do not add up because 1 the vast majority of the voting public do not have the time nor inclination to car so will accept headlines and soundbites as the truth and 2 the people that do look into this stuff in more detail will be so preoccupied analysing this that that they are pulling off new stunts currently
I thought the other photos of the two together were strange / taken at an odd angle
Thes look like the end channels after you’ve passed nothing to declare and heading out to arrivals meeting point in south terminal. There are maybe 3 or 4 channels side by side.
I use these gates frequently.
They are after passport control and after baggage reclaim. At each end of a 5m corridor are narrow electric doors which let only one person through at a time and also allow passage only one way. These means that the baggage reclaim area is accessible only to those arriving on flights, and not to people waiting in the general arrival area.
There are three or four such gates in parallel. If two people left the baggage reclaim area at the same time, they would likely pass through two different gates at the same time and meet up the other side.
Andrew. Does it take 1 hour 22 minutes and 43 seconds to get from your flight’s arrival door to these gates? Seems a looong time between the Aeroflot flight’s estimated arrival time and the recorded moment.
It can take longer at Gatwick. It is not unusual to spend an hour queuing up for the passport control.
.. At Gatwick. Stansted is the same.
Is Peter related to Stanislav Petrov,George Petrov, or Evgeny Petrov? By the time this false flag manure is over. Westminster will be claiming Peter Petrov is the son of the central foreign character of the ‘House of Cards’ . Who played as Russian President Viktor Petrov. Season 4 House of Cards themed (2017) was about the character President Viktor Petrov and poison. You can’t make this stuff up. Rotflmfao
I see the idiot Russian UN envoy picked up this straight away and got a team of trolls on it as I see here. He then confirmed it all actually in the UN chamber LOL.
If you look on google you will find the layout at the Gatwick actually has 4 lanes.
Debunked by Google Maps and the BBC?
Debunked here days ago.
3rd option, different gateways, fake timestamps because they arrived (days) earlier. The giveaway, MSM cropped the time stamps. A search on CCTV turns up 2 russian looking men in the location at the right time … but it requires they arrive just before the ‘hit’ aka they are not tourists, hence the fake date, the time was a screw-up. The fake names and grainy photos so noone can question the story for this time there are no details to question. The boys in the trench coats are learning.
I watched John McDonnell on Politics Live and it was very sad really, because you could see he was trying to appease the smearers by being reasonable, but they wouldn’t let it go, and he had to debase himself even more, hoping that would do the trick, but it didn’t and it wont. I.e. you can humiliate yourself by agreeing to every absurdity and its still not enough and you lose your dignity in the process. Sad, because he is normally an articulate advocate.
The IHRA defecation on anti-s_ism is having the desired effect. It has become a sacred text and nobody dares to criticize it.
I still believe the photos were flipped. I can’t see any difference in the corridors and as I pointed out before the gates handles in the immediate foreground show one bending inward on the right hand side of one photo but on the left side on the other photo.
The camera position wasn’t necessarily changed in each shot: I think the finished print was cropped to give a skewed perspective.
I could be wrong but the more I look at these photos, the more suspicious I am becoming. There are various smudgy aspects relating to the subjects arms and hands which look to me like amateurish photoshop work.
Someone earlier pointed out that there is a notice on the right wall in both the original photos and therefore the photos haven’t been flipped.
It depends on the fact that there might well be a similar notice on both sides but one has been cropped out, deliberately or otherwise.
Yes its the same passageway, but with the bottom one cropped, so its nearer the gate, making it look different. I saw the same trick in another two photos of the two of them, with the top of the picture cropped so it made one of them look taller. The pictures have been edited onto the passageway, otherwise they wouldn’t be blurred, (airport cctvs will be good quality) and the blurring is to help (badly) disguise its the same person.
If you put the left side of the man at the top against the right side of the man at the bottom, its a mirrored image. It seems a deliberate attempt to bring down the government by exposing the whole thing to even the blind and evidence of possible faction fighting with the secret services or simply contempt of the public running wild.
– Left column: with the two men, the red sign is on the right on both images.
– Right column: red signs are on the right hand wall, which fits with the above.
– Right column: no red signs on the left hand wall.
This dismisses the flipped image theory.
You go through these channels as you enter the main terminal after baggage collection. These channels are not that long as you can clearly see. Probably around 4 metres long. If you have two people walking alongside each other, as people do when they travel together, and they go through two identical parallel channels, they will be entering and exiting these at the same time. It takes less than 3 seconds to walk through them.
As I said, I don’t think you’ve allowed for the cropping of the foreground and the angled version of one of the prints.
If you angle a print and then crop, you will cut out detail in the immediate foreground on one side.
LOOK AT THE RED SIGN. The image is not flipped. I even drew red arrows.
Don’t be daft.
Oh, I am being daft? I am giving you proof and you continue saying it is the same corridor?
You may be right, Anton but I hardly think you offer proof for your argument.
As I keep saying, the sign on the flipped photo would likely have been cut off because of the skewed crop.
However, in your defence, I have to say that if there is no sign directly opposite on both walls, then you are likely to be correct in your analysis. Obviously the sign could be easily removed in the print with photoshop but I must admit that’s not likely, unless they were trying to disguise the flip.
Of course, Putin has recently said he has identified the two men, though they are not members of the GRU.
You speak as if you haven’t actually looked at the picture I created with red arrows – https://postimg.cc/image/jk2wvfkd9/
– Left hand side: the red sign is on the right on both images.
– Right hand side: red signs are on the right hand wall, which fits with the above.
– Right hand side: no red signs on the left hand wall.
So, if one the images were flipped, there is no way the red sign would be on the right. It would then have to be on the left and cut off. Bu we clearly see the red sign is present on both pictures (I used originals from MET).
Yes, I concede that you are right, now that I’ve seen the photo of the arrival points looking in to the corridors from outside which clearly show a sign on one wall only. The only way that my argument could be true is if the sign was “photoshopped”, which is probably unlikely.
And the two are already speaking to the russian media and confirmed it is them on the pictures and they did go to London and Salisbury.
Well, Putin didn’t identify them
He has other things to do. One of them briefly replied to a few papers, that he can give an interview next week. Interesting to see what he has to say.
There is a russian speaking (ukrainian) journalist/blogger, whom I follow. He does a lot of investigative journalism and he has already gotten some info on how these two were travelling. I would have to watch it again to get the exact details and don’t have time right now, as my daughter keeps interrupting me. She got back from school an hour ago. If interested, I can watch again later tonight. But here is a summary – One of them bought two tickets a few days before travelling. Even the seats are known both trips. The return tickets were bought in London. He knows what time they were back at Heathrow on the day of the events at Salisbury.
But he has a very interesting theory which made me think. First, he doesn’t seem to believe these two individuals have anything to do with Skripals, as, if they did, they would have to be the most unprofessional assassins to ever exist. Also, he doubts they would be able to bring the perfume bottle in hand luggage and they only had hand luggage. And I will alsoadd, that, as you know, you must take liquids out of your bag when you go through security. It’s a requirement now. Not so long ago, my mother was asked to unpack her new perfume and put the bottle in a plastic bag, when travelling from London. Anyway, they would be picking novichok up in London if they were the ones. But what he thinks, is that they probably are some sort of agents. They were probably called in for some kind of meeting in Salisbury. Maybe picking some information up or something. They left the same day and didn’t have a clue about Skripals. British government is now saying that these two are agents, attempted a murder, the timing fits. Russia will never admit to them being agents and tell us what they were up to in Salisbury, obviously. So basically they were set up.
But the different gates you mention, look exactly the same in the photo. The Daily Mail published photos of the ‘different gates’ and they looked very different. See these photos in this article https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6136439/Russia-accuses-Britain-altering-CCTV-Gatwick-images-UK-police-rubbish-claims-instant.html
I think you need to read the article to get the context of the photos too – “After walking through this and prior coming into the main part of the airport to get your taxi, pick up your car or get a train, you are faced with a number of thin gate corridors.”
The two men have been identified, says Putin.
If Putin has identified them, then it looks like a sting going down and he’s about to turn the tables.
The Russian guys themselves said they followed each other through the channel.
They are saying it is the passport control corridor. They don’t remember the ones in the picture. And hardly anyone does which is why it took so long to identify these. I’ve only seen these channels at Gatwick tbh. https://postimg.cc/image/jk2wvfkd9/ – very clear where they are and the channels are identical.
Look at the very top of the page. Even Craig has acknowledged the mistake.
Plus there are no 2 identical looking channels, if you look at the photos of the channels.
There’s not different channels. It’s SAWD 03 channel because it has no vertical metal element on right wall. Other channels have this element in Google Maps photos.
what vertical metal element?
If you look carefully at these two photos around the periphery of each, it is clear from the different amount of detail of the ‘furniture’ in the corridors that either (1) they are not taken by the same camera, or (2) the camera has been moved into a slightly different position and angle between the two shots, or (3) the backgrounds have been differently ‘clipped’ (either before or after or without the foreground (person) having been superimposed upon the background image.
I would have been prepared to go with (1) and the explanation provided by Gatwick customs/police, that they are different channels – so not only are they different cameras, but they are taking photos of very similar but different backgrounds in different corridors. . . . but for the fact that when the two were asked about this by Simonyan in the RT interview, the pair did not give this explanation? At first, they both seem adamant that they always go through customs gates together, then it becomes clear that at least one of them, Petrov, has no clear recollection of the specific incident. Then Boshirov seems to back him up saying he is not interested in such things. This all happened only a few weeks ago. Unless their memories are very poor they would surely have remembered going through different channels at Gatwick arrivals – if indeed they did. How many trips could they have made to Gatwick since? And even if they did make additional trips to Gatwick, would they not have come through the same set of gates at the same point in the airport and had their memories reinforced?
(My Russian is not very good, so I’ll accept the subtitled translation provided by RT.)
SIMONYAN: Right. Here’s the photo that’s got the whole world puzzled. Gatwick. You’re going going through the gate at the same time, even at the same second. How do you explain that?
BOSHIROV: I think it’s for them to explain.
PETROV: How can we explain it?
BOSHIROV: We always go through the gate together. Through the same gate with the same customs officer. One after the other we walked through that corridor together. We’re always together. As to how it happened – us walking there at the same second and then separately – I think it is a question that should be put to them.
PETROV: Yeah, on the point of us always going through it together my English is a bit better, so if there is any problem crops up, I’m there to help Ruslan out.
SIMONYAN: So you went through together? You didn’t take different corridors?
PETROV: No, we never go through separately.
BOSHIROV: No, never.
SIMONYAN: So what about these photos then? You say it never happened? Or were they doctored?
BOSHIROV: Well, I don’t really know. . .
PETROV: It’d be a good thing if we could actually remember it. . .
BOSHIROV: . . . How they do these things over there. When you arrive at an airport or leave one, when you go somewhere or other, you never think about the cameras. . . There’s nothing interesting about them. How they film, or what, or where. I’m not interested in any of that and so I never took any notice. Given that it was them who published these photos with this time on them and all, I think the best thing to do would be to ask them.
There is still something unexplained about this.
If you go through the discussions, you will see, that it takes awhile for anyone to realise where these channels are. You only have them in Gatwick. I’ve never seen anything like this in any other airport. I have travelled through Gatwick dozens of times and I couldn’t remember where these were until someone finally realised and posted a picture. The guys in the interview are talking about passport control. They have no clue where the pictures were taken.
https://goo.gl/dvUcYt – this is where the corridors are. They after the baggage reclaim area.
https://postimg.cc/image/jk2wvfkd9/ – dismisses the flipped image theory, as we would not have the red sign on the right of both pictures.
Craig has already updated the article and admitted it was a mistake. Petrov and Boshirov have confirmed they were in London and Salisbury. Why continue with all the conspiracy theories?
Regarding the Gatwick matter, here’s a repost from Craig’s earlier post by Norwegian:
In the RT interview the 2 russians said they used the ‘same corridor’ at Gatwick. This is entirely consistent with the photos published by the UK Police, if you flip, rotate and align one of the images. Improved version here https://postimg.cc/image/pw7t667ch/
I think the images support what they say in the interview. The implication is that the images showing them with the same time stamp is fabrication by the UK police.
There is every reason to believe these guys are completely innocent, and the UK police had better come up with something credible, or else they become the prime suspects themselves.
If you go through the discussions, you will see, that it takes awhile for anyone to realise where these channels are. You only have them in Gatwick. I’ve never seen anything like this in any other airport. I have travelled through Gatwick dozens of times and I couldn’t remember where these were until someone finally realised and posted a picture. The guys in the interview are talking about passport control. They have no clue where the pictures were taken.
https://goo.gl/dvUcYt – this is where the corridors are. They after the baggage reclaim area.
https://postimg.cc/image/jk2wvfkd9/ – dismisses the flipped image theory, as we would not have the red sign on the right of both pictures.
Craig has already updated the article and admitted it was a mistake. Petrov and Boshirov have confirmed they were in London and Salisbury. Why continue with all the conspiracy theories?
p.s. You didn’t even bother reading comments on the last page. Actually, you didn’t even bother to read the article, where Craig admits he made a mistake.
it obviously CAN’T be the same corridor because why on earth would the angle of the camera be slightly different?
“it obviously CAN’T be the same corridor because why on earth would the angle of the camera be slightly different?”
Ah, but you’re assuming it is the angle of the camera that is different. I suggest it is the angle of the cropping of the print that is different.
There doesn’t seem to be anything to be gained by faking the time on these two photos. How about same corridor, same camera but a malfunction that puts the same time stamp on every photograph regardless of when the photo is taken?
OK – so you are going with the Met issuing doctored images.
Surely, if the Met had gone to the trouble of issuing doctored images, they would have done so more competently?
That is with the CCTV clock showing DIFFERENT times.
Hardly rocket science is it …..?