Muellergate Maps 86

I would be very grateful if someone with the ability to do internet topological node mapping could produce a couple of maps for me for “Russiagate” and “Integrity Initiative” over the past nine months. It is important that other parameters are the same for a direct comparison.

I am writing a piece on the collapse of the Russiagate narrative. I make the point that the MSM promoted the crazed and untrue “Russiagate” conspiracy theory to an astonishing degree. At the same time, the MSM almost entirely ignored the very real government funded conspiracy to pervert public opinion which is the Integrity Initiative.

That the MSM promoted the Fake News Russiagate conspiracy, while only the alt media reported the genuine news of the real Integrity Initiative conspiracy, is beyond doubt true. But it would nevertheless be good to have those internet node maps to provide a striking illustration of that truth.

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