Following his appearance as the main witness for the prosecution against former Trump aide Roger Stone, my good friend Randy Credico has had the entire American mainstream media chasing him for an interview. He has however decided to give only this single interview to me, which is put out here and which is free for everybody to use, with acknowledgement.
Five of the seven charges against Stone relate directly to Randy, who is the witness that Stone is accused of tampering with and attempting to intimidate. There is a tremendous irony here. The Mueller investigation was set up to reveal links between the Trump campaign, Russia and Wikileaks. There are no such links, as has already been proven in another US court. Roger Stone ends up being charged with lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee, by pretending he had links to Wikileaks when he did not. He is also charged with trying to intimidate Randy into saying there was such a link and Randy was the back channel; which I myself can attest is nonsense.
The Mueller investigation has thus ultimately ended up prosecuting people for telling the same pack of lies that Mueller himself was pushing. The Clinton media, including CNN, the Washington Post and New York Times, are baffled by this. They follow the Stone trial assiduously from delight in seeing a long term Trump hanger-on brought down, and in the hope something will come out about Wikileaks or Russia. Their reporting, as that of the BBC, has been deliberately vague on why Stone is being charged, contriving to leave their audience with the impression that Stone’s trial proves Trump connections to Wikileaks and Russia, when in fact it proves the precise opposite. A fact you will never learn from the mainstream media. Which is why I am doing this at 2am on a very cold Edinburgh night, for the small but vital audience which is interested in the truth.
So here is Randy.
Audio Player——————————————
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Thank you for covering this story. I feel embarrassed to say I live in a country where NONE of the news outlets have covered this. If they have it’ll be in the usual dark corner of their websites they put a word or two when they want to be able to claim they covered stories but have actually buried them.
Telling the truth shouldn’t be controversial, especially not in a country that prides itself on freedom of speech and freedom of the press. I honestly believe these have now both died…
Gary, it’s not covered where I live either. For in-depth coverage of the Ukraine business you can’t beat the Sputnik programme/podcast Fault Lines – it’s all there in detail.
Randy live now on Flashpoints
Thank you so much .
This was a fantastic interview.
I did not think Credico took the 5th to cover up.
Every person with integrity who knew Credico vouched for his integrity.
So I knew something was going on that none of us could know about….
It is nice to know now, why he decided to take the 5th.
I am so sorry Mr. Stone has got himself in so deep.
Also, sorry to hear has been a trickster on behalf of nefarious men.
On another topic:
Since Mr. Browder got the Magnitsky Act passed, do you suppose the USA should be sanctioned for its many violations of that act?
Or does it, like so much “USA international law” apply only to other countries, and only when convenient to the USA?
Thank you again. I have read, and enjoyed, and been enlightened by all your books.
I have forgotten if I subscribe to your newsletter…I will check and subscribe if not….
The “Russians can not be trusted near elections” meme is front and centre again on the BBC.
Hillary Rodham had prime time exposure on the early evening BBC last night. She was the only guest in the chair on ‘The One Show’ and gets a good plug for her and daughter Chelseas new book.
The book plug is ostensibly what she is here for, but it seems more like a product placement campaign to get publicity for the next series of ‘The Little House of Clinton’……Chelsea for president is the spoiler, sorry for fans of the show.
And quite why she is creating problems for Trumps friend Boris, by being critical about the non publication of the UK Russiagate report is beyond my understanding…_
Clinton has received a letter from Tulsi asking for a retraction of her claim that Tulsi is a Russian asset.
Gabbard’s letter is a prelude to a defamation suit. I hope, if there is a suit, that Jill Stein joins it.
Sound pretty unbelievable.
There was a specific email he was supposed to ask Assange about, but then – didn’t?
He inferred from being followed that Assange was about to drop something?
Not buying it.
Hi Craig, I did some work on your audio file & made it easier to hear Randy. You can download it here, if interested:
So, Roger Stone is found guilty.
If I am up to speed on this:… it was argued by the prosecution in court that the back door from Trump, all the way through to Wikileaks, went from Trump to Stone, from Stone to Credico, and from Credico to Wikileaks. Except for the lack of supporting evidence from Credico.
Having failed in this project it now seems that the BBC have found out that the prosecutors believe it was one
Jerome Corsi!!! Of course we can trust the BBC, can’t we.
“He told Congress his intermediary with WikiLeaks was New York radio host and comedian Randy Credico, who interviewed Assange in 2016 – but prosecutors said Stone’s actual go-between with WikiLeaks was a conservative author, Jerome Corsi.”
Craig, are we ever going to know who the backdoor was…_
Reposted from lastest article as suggested by Mod.
O/T – maybe CM will write something about the Impeachment hearings and the professional diplomats wheeled out?
The ex – Ambassador’s statement that she had been asked what ‘job’ she wanted next chose to go ‘teach’ at Georgetown University!
That reminded me that is where Bill Clinton went – their School of Foreign Service..Many former politicians choose to teach at Georgetown including the head of the CIA and many State Department luminaries.
Interesting history – Private University, Jesuite, couple of $ Billion endowment,..
‘The school produces more U.S. diplomats than any other university.Georgetown is also a top feeder school for careers in finance and investment banking on Wall Street.’ According to Wiki.
Indeed our giantess of the BBC politics , Kuenssberg learnt her ‘craft’ there.
Laura studied history at Edinburgh, followed by a journalism course at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., where she worked on an NBC News political programme before being deployed back to Britain and set iff in her path to glory at the top of the UK’s political correspondent heap.
Georgetown’s motto – ‘Both into One’.
There is plenty more to delve.. but will wait for a appropriate article or if asked. In the meantime highly recommend MoA’s write up.
Thanks to Craig for his quest for the truth and justice, especially for Julian.
The author of the Guardian piece is Lauren Gambino. This is her profile on the International Women’s Media Foundation website. She has been at the Guardian for almost six years, in various guises.
‘Lauren Gambino is a political correspondent for the Guardian based in Washington, D.C., where she covers the U.S. Congress. She previously covered Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 presidential election. Her first journalism job was a statehouse reporter for the Associated Press in Salem, Oregon. She is a graduate of Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and the recipient of a 2012 Fulbright scholarship to the UK.’
She also had a spell at the BBC of course, detailed within here.
Her UK university experience was gained at the University of Arts? where she obtained a MA 2011-2012.
She appears to like being ‘badged’ to as many transatlantic locations as possible.
This is the BBC version, unattributed and dated 15th November 2019.
Roger Stone: Trump ally convicted of lying to Congress