Cold Wars and Profit 163

The Guardian carried a very strange piece yesterday under the heading “Stamps celebrating Ukrainian resistance in pictures”. This was the first image shown:

The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) was, without any shadow of a doubt, responsible for the slaughter of at least 200,000 Polish civilians; they liquidated whole Polish communities in Volhynia and Galicia, including the women and children. The current Polish government, which is as anti-Russian and pro-NATO as they come, nevertheless has declared this a genocide. It certainly was an extremely brutal ethnic cleansing. There is no doubt either that at times between 1942 and 1944 the UPA collaborated with the Nazis and collaborated in the destruction of Jews and Gypsies. It is simplistic to describe the UPA as fascist or an extension of the Nazi regime; at times they fought the Nazis, though they collaborated more often. There is a real sense in which they operated at the level of medieval peasants, simply seizing local opportunities to exterminate rural populations and seize their land and assets, be they Polish, Jew or Gypsy. But on balance any reasonable person would have to conclude that the UPA was an utterly deplorable phenomenon. To publish a celebration of it, disguised as a graphic art piece, without any of this context, is no more defensible than a display of Nazi art with no context.

In fact the Guardian’s very brief text is still worse than no context.

Ukrainian photographer Oleksandr Kosmach collects 20th-century stamps issued by Ukrainian groups in exile during the Soviet era.

Artists and exiles around the world would use stamps to communicate the horrors of Soviet oppression. “These stamps show us the ideas and values of these people, who they really were and what they were fighting for,” Kosmach says.

That is so misleadingly partial as a description of the art glorifying the UPA movement as to be deeply reprehensible. It does however fit with the anything goes stoking of Russophobia, which is the mainstay of government and media discourse at the moment. Even at the height of the Cold War, we never saw such a barrage of unprovable accusations leveled at Russia through the media by “security service sources”.

A whole slew of these were rehearsed by Andrew Marr on his flagship BBC1 morning show. The latest is the accusation that Russia is responsible for a cyber attack on Covid-19 vaccination research. This is another totally evidence free accusation. But it misses the point anyway. The alleged cyber attack, if it happened, was a hack not an attack – the allegation is that there was an effort to obtain the results of research, not to disrupt research. It is appalling that the UK is trying to keep its research results secret rather than share them freely with the world scientific community. As I have reported before, the UK and the USA have been preventing the WHO from implementing a common research and common vaccine solution for Covid-19, insisting instead on a profit driven approach to benefit the big pharmaceutical companies (and disadvantage the global poor).

What makes the accusation that Russia tried to hack the research even more dubious is the fact that Russia had just bought the very research specified. You don’t steal things you already own.

If anybody had indeed hacked the research, we all know it is impossible to trace with certainty the whereabouts of hackers. My VPN’s are habitually set to India, Australia or South Africa depending on where I am trying to watch the cricket, dodging broadcasting restrictions. More pertinently, Wikileaks Vault 7 release of CIA material showed the specific programmes for the CIA in how to leave clues to make a leak look like it came from Russia. This irrefutable evidence that the CIA do computer hacks with apparent Russian “fingerprints” deliberately left, like little bits of Cyrillic script, is an absolutely classic example of a fact that everybody working in the mainstream media knows to be true, but which they all contrive never to mention.

Thus when last week’s “Russian hacking” story was briefed by the security services, that Jeremy Corbyn deployed secret documents on UK/US trade talks which had been posted on Reddit, after being stolen by an evil Russian who left his name of Grigor in his Reddit handle, there was no questioning in the media of this narrative. Instead, we had another round of McCarthyite witch-hunt aimed at the rather tired looking Jeremy Corbyn.

Personally, if the Russians had been responsible for revealing that the Tories are prepared to open up the NHS “market” to big American companies, including ending or raising caps on pharmaceutical prices, I should be very grateful to the Russians for telling us. Just as the world would owe the Russians a favour if it were indeed them who leaked just how systematically the DNC rigged the 2016 primaries against Bernie Sanders. But as it happens, it was not the Russians. The latter case was a leak by a disgusted insider, and I very much suspect the NHS US trade deal link was also from a disgusted insider.

When governments do appalling things, very often somebody manages to blow the whistle.

If you can delay even the most startling truth for several years, it loses much of its political bite. If you can announce it during a health crisis, it loses still more. The world therefore did not shudder to a halt when the CEO of Crowdstrike admitted there had never been any evidence of a Russian hack of the DNC servers.

You will recall the near incredible fact that, even through the Mueller investigation, the FBI never inspected the DNC servers themselves but simply relied on a technical report from Crowdstrike, the Clinton related IT security consultant for the DNC. And now know for sure that Crowdstrike had been peddling fake news for Hillary. In fact Crowdstrike had no record of any internet hack at all. There was no evidence of the email material being exported over the internet. What they claimed did exist was evidence that the files had been organised preparatory to export.

Remember the entire “Russian hacking” story was based ONLY on Crowdstrike’s say so. There is literally no other evidence of Russian involvement in the DNC emails, which is unsurprising as I have been telling you for four years from my own direct sources that Russia was not involved. Yet finally declassified Congressional testimony revealed that Shawn Henry stated on oath that “we did not have concrete evidence” and “There’s circumstantial evidence , but no evidence they were actually exfiltrated.”

This testimony fits with what I was told by Bill Binney, former Technical Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), who told me that it was impossible that any large amount of data should be moved across the internet from the USA, without the NSA both seeing it happen in real time and recording it. If there really had been a Russian hack, the NSA would have been able to give the time of it to a millisecond. That the NSA did not have that information was proof the transfer had never happened, according to Binney. What had happened, Binney deduced, was that the files had been downloaded locally, probably to a thumb drive.

So arguably the biggest news story of the past four years, the claim that Putin effectively interfered to have Trump elected, turns out indeed to be utterly baseless. Has the mainstream media, acting on security service behest, done anything to row back from the false impression it created? No it has doubled down.

The “Russian hacking” theme keeps being brought back related to whatever is the big story of the day.
Brexit? Russian hacking.
UK General election 2019? Russian hacking
Covid-19 vaccine? Russian hacking.

Then we have those continual security service briefings. Two weeks ago we had unnamed security service sources telling the New York Times that Russia had offered the Taliban a bounty for killing American soldiers. This information had allegedly come from interrogation of captured Taliban in Afghanistan, which would almost certainly mean was obtained under torture.

It is a wildly improbable tale. The Afghans have never needed that kind of incentivisation to kill foreign invaders on their soil. It is also a fascinating throwback of an accusation – the British did indeed offer Afghans money for, quite literally, the heads of Afghan resistance leaders during the first Afghan War in 1841, as I detail in my book Sikunder Burnes.

You do not have to look back that far to realise the gross hypocrisy of the accusation. In the 1980’s the West was quite openly paying, arming and training the Taliban -including Osama Bin Laden – to kill Russian and other Soviet conscripts in their thousands. That is just one example of the hypocrisy. The US and UK security services both cultivate and bribe senior political and other figures abroad in order to influence policy all of the time. We work to manipulate the result of elections – I have done it personally in my role as a UK diplomat. A great deal of the behaviour over which western governments and media are creating this new McCarthyite anti-Russian witch hunt, is standard diplomatic practice.

My own view is that there are malign Russian forces attempting to act on government in the UK and the USA, but they are not nearly as powerful as the malign British and American forces acting on their own governments. The truth is that the world is under the increasing control of a global elite of billionaires, to whom nationality is irrelevant and national governments are tools to be manipulated. Russia is not attempting to buy corrupt political influence on behalf of the Russian people, who are decent folk every bit as exploited by the ultra wealthy as you or I. Russian billionaires are, just like billionaires everywhere, attempting to game global political, commercial and social structures in their personal interest.

The other extreme point of hypocrisy lies in human rights. So many western media commentators are suddenly interested in China and the Uighurs or in restrictions on the LBGT community in Russia, yet turn a completely blind eye to the abuse in western “allies” such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. As somebody who was campaigning about the human rights of both the Uighurs and of gay people in Russia a good decade before it became fashionable, I am disgusted by how the term “human rights” has become weaponised for deployment only against those countries designated as enemy by the western elite.

Finally, do not forget that there is a massive armaments industry and a massive security industry all dependent on having an “enemy”. Powerful people make money from this Russophobia. Expect much more of it. There is money in a Cold War.


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163 thoughts on “Cold Wars and Profit

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  • Laguerre

    I was just thinking this morning how astounding it is that Britain is already faced with the COVID crisis and its economic consequences, with potential second wave – together with the No-Deal Brexit crisis at the end of the year. But on top of those quite severe crises, they’re planning a third, a cold war with China, one of those countries Global world-beating Britain was going to do a deal with, in order to get around leaving our natural allies in the EU. I don’t see how Britain is going to get over these concurrent crises piled on top of one another.

    Russia is somewhat less important , as Britain doesn’t depend that much economically on Russia, unlike German dependency on Russian gas. The question, I suppose, is does the deliberate creation of largely enemies, in 1984 style, consolidate national feeling any more. I’m not sure it does. I suspect it is more justifying the vast military budgets, where the public has no say, which disappear into the pockets of the Tory chums.

    • Laguerre

      *largely fictional enemies.

      I’ve noticed a sea-change in the corruption recently. I was very struck by the story mentioned by RoS on the 14th ( about the disappearance of £840 million on untendered contracts for PPE which was never supplied. A story that was later taken up again by Monbiot in the Guardian. They are no longer bothered about contracts which are not tendered just being handed to people who are unable to carry out the work.

      It’s a repeat of what happened in Iraq in 2003, when pallets of $100 bills were airfreighted in (it was Iraqi money, not belonging to the US) and spent without accounting on “projects”. There’s no doubt that pretty much all ended in US officials’ hands. I was emailed by one such official, making me an offer. At any rate Iraq didn’t benefit at all from those $18 billion. There’s just no hesitation any more, open pillage of the state, as Craig tells us.

    • CasualObserver

      Astounding ? Not really when you consider that the circumstances, or should we say roosting pigeons you mention, make it clear that we have to be seen dancing in concert with our ‘Uncle’ in the hope that he may be beneficent when the buffers come into plain sight ?

      However, one would have to think that just as in a former time, Uncle will ultimately be shown to be following his own agenda, and whilst at present welcoming nephew Blighty as a travelling companion, may well decide on other companions at a future date. No doubt that is when BJ will be discovered to be suffering with the sequelae of his brush with death, and have to go into retirement for the sake of his health 🙂

      • Laguerre

        My point was not the obvious trailing of Trump in hope of keeping in with a regime who are in fact ready to throw us under a bus at any moment, but the way one crisis is being piled on another, without any being resolved. When I was young, it was called piling Pelion on Ossa, but I haven’t seen that expression for a long time.

        • John Monro

          Thank you for that. I hadn’t heard of piling Pelion on Ossa before, even when I was young, about 70 years ago. Obviously we were educated differently, or perhaps I wasn’t educated very effectively. I’ve looked it up – worth remembering. I suppose we’d now say “it’s one thing after another”, but that expression doesn’t reflect the fact that your idiom importantly describes the self-inflicted nature of the compounding problems.

        • Bramble

          Oh, this morning on the Toady programme, Norman Smith was bending over backwards to suggest that we were still keeping some independence in our relationship with the Empire. The US would want us to go further, he inferred. Oh? If so, we will go further, as far as they want. Pompeo is doubtless laying down the law as we speak, The BBC is so transparently nothing but a propaganda outlet.

    • Muscleguy

      The German tie in with Russia is absolutely deliberate on the German side. They quite reasonably argue that the more Russia is tied into the West in terms of trade the less likely war is. If you can obtain the resources you need by fair trade you do not need to go to war to get them. Part of the causes of WWII was trade isolationism as part of hyper nationalism all over the world. American isolationism was not just political, they were trying to be as self sufficient as they could. Forcing the Japanese to seek oil & rubber elsewhere. But the oil was controlled by Colonialist Dutch in Indonesia & the British had tied down rubber and neither would trade with Japan in the amounts needed.

      The Germans have figured this stuff out, Merkel’s desire to oil the wheels of trade is not just Capitalist, she wants world peace and sees trade as the way to get it. She is not entirely wrong. Eating local is fine but if it impoverishes farmers elsewhere who rely on exports there are dangers in it as well. This is something Brexit has ignored. The long history of English/British wars on the Continent were largely aimed at preventing large blocs or unification against England/Britain. It was why we fought Napoleon, why we interfered in the War of the Austrian Succession. Which got Blenheim Palace built.

      Brexit is thus a repudiation of centuries of English/British foreign policy. The Continent is united against us because we let them be. I’m surprised the military statues haven’t fallen in shame leaving just a pile of cones on that plinth in Glasgow for eg. Though the horse has nothing to be ashamed of, it can stay.

    • Mighty Drunken

      It is disturbing that our leaders seem fearless in risking the county’s economy on so many fronts at once. The wilful incompetence of Brexit is bad enough on its own. As long as they feel they can blame someone else they don’t care. 2021 may be a more interesting year than even 2020.

  • Shatnersrug

    They’ve sacked Steve Bell, so that’s it really is it for the guardian. I’m fascinated that their current PR campaign is to castigate and attempt to shame ex-readers for taking their custom elsewhere.

    • Laguerre

      That confirmed, is it? There seem to be a lot of rumours this morning, but no-one has come up with much specific.

        • Carolyn Zaremba

          This is insane. Steve Bell has been one of my favorite political cartoonists for a long time. The Guardian has lost all credibility since it threw Julian Assange under the bus and started promoting the deranged rantings of Luke Harding.

          • arby

            For me too. The arses and nappies have won the battle, The Guardian (in name only) is now completely hollowed out as a media worthy. The war goes on elsewhere.

    • Bramble

      I prefer to say they have cancelled Steve Bell. At the same time as they laud the signatories to the cancel culture letter, too.

    • Glasshopper

      Steve Bell’s overtly racist cartoon of Priti Patel went way beyond any recent cases of racist cartoons. Not that i’m one of those drippy woke types who think people should be fired for offending people. But if you’re working at the epicentre of wokey sanctimonious bullying, you better watch out what you’re publishing.

  • Peter Moritz

    “The truth is that the world is under the increasing control of a global elite of billionaires, to whom nationality is irrelevant and national governments are tools to be manipulated.”

    Which is of course a conspiracy theory, albeit a true one….

    as to the Uighur story I think one needs a large pinch of salt with that one:

    • Laguerre

      There is a basic truth behind the internment of Uyghurs though. They’re under very heavy pressure from Peking. What was done to the Tibetans, is now being done to the Uyghurs. It’s basically Han nationalism – conformity to the national model is being forced on what is really a colonial territory. The Russians finally gave up their colonial territories in Central Asia, but not the Chinese.

      • Ken Garoo

        From a year ago:

        Uighers annihilated in Hama, Syria:

        Uighers form one of the many non-Syrian wahhabist groups trained by US (and others) to destroy Syria, and described as ‘carefully vetted moderate rebels’. Once they were fully trained and experienced, the ones still standing were transferred to China and elsewhere (including Yemen and Afghanistan).

        The west is upset that its terrorists are being rounded up before they do unto China what they did to Syria.

      • Piotr Berman

        With numbers and the character of the government activities being heavily distorted, the notion of “basic truth” is abused. The “atrocities” as imposing education on at least vocational level seem like legitimate government activity, and so is arresting members of terrorist networks.

        Since the West is supporting those networks, distorted news are a given. We have to admit that in this situation we do not know much.

        • Laguerre

          No. I am not anti-Chinese, and I don’t believe much of the stories, but I know from other sources that there’s nationalist pressure in recent years. For example, on the Hui Muslims of Central China, who are ethnically Han, and have mosques that look like Chinese temples. They are being pressed to be more Chinese, though not much in the news.

          Nationalism, much as we see it In Trump and Johnson, is somewhat different in China, based as it is on a centuries-long Han centralised empire. Xinjiang and Tibet are simply not seen as the colonial territories that they really are, inhabited by other peoples who ought to be independent.

          Instead of slowly giving way to independence, as happened elsewhere, including Soviet Central Asia, they have gone for extermination of any resistance, and the people if necessary. That happened in Tibet decades ago. Now it’s the turn of the Uyghurs. It was a mistake of the Uyghurs to have a jihadi movement, jihadis who went to Syria to fight. The Chinese got frightened, as everyone elsewhere is by jihadis, and felt they had to crack down, much as is British policy with jihadis. They don’t want the jihadis coming back, and creating havoc at home. Russian policy is the same. How many of the “facts” are true, I don’t know, but the policy is clear.

          Calling the Uyghur resistance fighters “terrorists” doesn’t help.

      • Stonky

        What was done to the Tibetans, is now being done to the Uyghurs…

        You have absolutely no idea whatsoever “what is being done to the Uyghurs”. Are you really foolish enough to believe a word you read in the western MSM abut anything at all that is happening in China?

        And what, exactly, is it that you think was done to the Tibetans?

        • Laguerre

          *You* may “have absolutely no idea whatsoever “what is being done to the Uyghurs”.”, dependent as you are on the Western MSM. I, on the other hand, as it’s part of my business, do have other sources of information. You shouldn’t paint others with your own ignorance.

          • Stonky

            So who are your sources (no names obviously) and what is is being done to the Uyghurs?

            And who were your sources for “what was done to the Tibetans”, and what was it?

          • Iain Stewart

            Did you see this morning’s Libération ? Chilling reports on genocidal policy.

          • Stonky

            Did you see this morning’s Libération ? Chilling reports on genocidal policy.

            No I didn’t Iain. I can read French, so if you give me a link I’ll take a look. But it won’t serve much purpose. I no longer believe a word I hear from any Western politician or read in any western MSM about either Russia or China. I suppose some of the stuff they publish must be true, even if only by accident. But I know for a fact that a lot if it is lies, because I have taken the trouble to follow up a lot of stories very carefully myself. Unfortunately I don’t have the time or inclination to go and check every new shock horror probe they come up with. It’s easier and quicker just not to believe them.

            You could condemn me for my stupidity and naivete if you like. Or you could analyse the situation a scratch more deeply, and realise that it’s actually their fault for being such congenital fucking liars.

        • Glasshopper


          I travelled through Xinjiang in 1993 when this stufff was already well underway. My mate is married to a girl from Kashgar whose family still live there.
          Your comment is despicable, but entirely in keeping with the kind of naive ignorant cretins who gather at websites like this.

          Why don’t you fly to Urumqi and hop on some buses around the province and have a look?

          • Stonky

            Ok. So your sources are a trip you took thirty years ago, and your mate’s wife’s family. Have you ever met them?

            You still haven’t told me what “this stuff” actually is.

            And you can vilify me all you like about being a “naive ignorant cretin”. It still doesn’t alter the fact that I have reached the point where I no longer believe anything I read or am told by proven fucking liars.

          • Glasshopper


            Why don’t you ask Craig Murray? He claims in the article above that he’s been highlighting the situation for more than ten years.

            As for your “research”. Let me guess. You think CCP shills like Moon of Alabama are legitimate news outlets?

          • Stonky

            Let me guess. You think CCP shills like Moon of Alabama are legitimate news outlets?

            That’s rich coming from someone who thinks his mate’s wife’s family are a legitimate news outlet.

  • J Galt

    You are right to condemn the atrocities of the UPA, however it is important to point out this did not arise out of a vacuum.

    The Ukrainians had been subject to over 20 years of brutal treatment at the hands of the Bolsheviks and the military/fascist regime of the Polish state had been none too gentle with their Ukrainian minority as well.

    However two wrongs have never made a right.

    • Gary Littlejohn

      You might want to take a closer look at what *some* Ukrainians did when the Germans invaded during the Civil War period 1917-1921. Of course there were various different responses and the antisemitism was regularly condemned by the anarchist Nestor Makhno. See Colin Darch (forthcoming in September 2020) Nestor Makhno and Rural Anarchism in Ukraine 1917-1921, Pluto Press.

  • Antonym

    The Anglo Five Eyes main aim is to hold on to their monster budgets. As long as most manufacturing MNCs are stuck in China their stockholders will push the Five Eyes to go soft on the CCP. Bezos does this via his WaPo.
    Russia on the other hand doesn’t offer much non Russian profit so is a better bogey man; additionally it has serious oil so is a competitor for Anglo -Arab oil.
    That Europe falls for this nonsense is to their own detriment: they could oil up with Russia and thus both could stay out of the US-China top dog fight. Others could join them.

    • Laguerre

      Does Europe “fall for this nonsense”? Or is that perhaps your Brexitism speaking?

    • Rhys Jaggar

      The Germans certainly don’t fall for the nonsense. Macron does, but he is an investment bankers’ prostitute anyway, so he kisses Washington’s backside like a prize brown noser.

      The EU idiots are all bought Washington stooges anyway, so they do what they are told.

      National leaders are a better benchmark for what European polity really thinks about Russia. I think you will find that Italy and Austria are building strong relations with Russia. Germany already has.

      • Laguerre

        “so he kisses Washington’s backside like a prize brown noser.”

        You obviously don’t keep up with news of France. You refer to an event three years ago, and consider it current. Very common with Brexiters.

        Same with your following sentence, which wasn’t ever true, but a common opinion of brexiters.

      • Piotr Berman

        This nonsense has so many layers that I would say that Germans for most of it, but there are exceptions that are remarkable mostly because of their rarity. Imagine a beach made of diamond pebbles, finding a diamond there is not remarkable at all. But when Germans disagree with Washington on something and stick to it, it is like Koh-i-Nor in a stable.

  • Xavi

    Lisa Nandy said on Sunday’s Marr Show that neither she nor Sir Keir would have disclosed the leaked document that showed the Tories are determined to sell off the NHS to corporate predators.

    This might be the most telling comment of the Starmer leadership so far. Faux patriotism is more important than the destruction of the NHS.

    • Bramble

      Depressingly, RLB was equally faux patriotic. It seems internal Labour Party analysis has concluded they will only keep or recover votes if they fly the flag and kowtow to the military: apparently Jeremy Corbyn lost votes because his pacifism was interpreted in the Red Wall as treachery. The military industrial complex wins again. And where would they be without the belligerence of the cannon fodder?

    • Tarla

      There is an informal formal fascist National government ruling the country with Johnson.Cummings at the heart aided and abetted by Starmer’s Labour party. ALL and ANY dissent is frowned upon and stamped out. The deeper entrenchment of fascism in this country is being openly supported by the pro imperialist pro Zionist Labour party. The Labour party will give the go ahead for the NHS to be further sold off to the US so as to show their support for US imperialism and its warmongering agenda.
      Craig Murray is wrong about the Uighers – they have the human right to not act in the interests of US imperialism (as many millions and millions do), and the Chinese Communist Party has the right to suppress ALL dissent that threatens to overthrow the dictatorship of the proletariat in China, that is building a socialist state. It’s either degenerate capitalism that invariably descends into fascism or socialism. The world should thank the Chinese state for standing up to US bullying and warmongering..

  • Goose

    The Russians are accused by UK ministers of “scanning [research institutions] for vulnerabilities”.

    This was published in 2013:

    “British spy agency GCHQ has since 2009 been port scanning every available IP address in 27 countries across the globe for vulnerable systems to exploit, according to a new report.

    The HACIENDA program was exposed in secret documents obtained by reporters writing for German publisher Heise.

    Its purpose is to allow GCHQ spooks to discover vulnerable network infrastructure to exploit, with the database resulting from the port scans also shared with intelligence agencies in the other “Five Eyes” states.

    Given that every target could theoretically be used to attack another target, no device or machine is safe from the program, the report claimed.

    “The process of scanning entire countries and looking for vulnerable network infrastructure to exploit is consistent with the meta-goal of ‘Mastering the Internet’, which is also the name of a GCHQ cable-tapping program: these spy agencies try to attack every possible system they can, presumably as it might provide access to further systems,” it added.

    “Systems may be attacked simply because they might eventually create a path towards a valuable espionage target, even without actionable information indicating this will ever be the case.”

    HACIENDA scans all common public services like HTTP and FTP as well as admin protocols like SSH and SNMP. It also downloads ‘banners’ – information sent by apps when they connect to a port which can also be useful in helping identify which software version is on a target system.

    The report argues that GCHQ, the NSA and other agencies in the Five Eyes group are effectively using the same attack methodology of organized cyber criminals: reconnaissance, infection, command and control and exfiltration.

    HACIENDA is being used by these agencies, at least in part, to locate vulnerable machines which they can then turn into Operational Relay Boxes (ORBs) – covert infrastructure used by the spies to hide their location when attacking a target to steal data or launch other exploits, Heise said.

    “Thus, system and network administrators now face the threat of industrial espionage, sabotage and human rights violations created by nation-state adversaries indiscriminately attacking network infrastructure and breaking into services,” it continued.

    -Source Infosecurity.

    That was way back in 2009. What do the ministers think FVEYs do, with all their technological prowess in the form of the best minds & infrastructure costing billions?

    Cyber misattribution also featured in the Vault 7 documents WikiLeaks leaked too. They revealed tools that allow the CIA to mimic adversary advanced threat groups(Chinese, Russian, North Korean and Iranian) specifically for misattribution.

    The NSA recently advertised a vacancy , in which it stated : “Work with emerging technologies to develop the technical capability to store, organize and query 100s of petabytes of data. ” – 100 petabytes would around 26 MB for every person the planet if you divided it equally.
    I don’t know the truth as to whether Russia did what’s alleged or not. I’m merely pointing out all accusations of cyber should be treated as suspect.

    As for the reason put forward now as to why they can’t disclose data log evidence, proving a path to Russia, supposedly it’s because they don’t want to reveal transit data collection points(which could be justified) – these may be in countries bordering Russia, bound by secret intergovernmental agreements that their populations don’t know about etc.

    • David

      Truth: difficult to determine; accuracy – I always strive for that, so generally work these things out from first principles.

      Having long worked in or at many research establishments around the globe, CERN/SLAC for example, I have occasionally noticed Russian “hackers” – typically a badly dressed older guy, busy photocopying every single Hewlett Packard manual from the Cern Library. {hardly Philby}

      Whilst , on the other hand, I have been regularly scanned and hacked by UKUSA spooks, illegally. (illegal at the time the hacks happened; now I believe they have the permitted latitude, but it wasn’t retrospective clearence)

      I once sneakily reverse-tracked my attackers, by loop-holing ‘facebook-for-scientists’ subsequently profiled 2 individuals with US IP adresses, and 4 from UK IP addresses. I bet they got a bo!!0cking from their US spook-meisters for not having transited through a “Brazilian home-router” first.

      So categorically, UK GCHQ has hacked my peaceful & open scientific research centre, various US agencies DIA/CIA have hacked my centre too, and I can name names.

      Putting it further into context, the BND have been interested in my work, so came to visit & had a chat; The Dutch agencies bought me a beer and had a chat; and once accidentally I briefed the UK Cabinet Office counter-terrorism team, successfully, as they didn’t initially believe my work – but I notice a very different procedure now with AIS, which is good. But apparently the ‘spiffing-crypto’ UKUSA spooks fulfill completely their brief of lying/cheating/stealing everything from everyone, and then lying further – it’s Russia’s fault. Yes, 1% of the time? – but that remaining 99%….. That concludes this short message /rant

      • Rhys Jaggar

        Could not agree with you more. Oxbridge, UCL, Imperial, Manchester are all riddled with spooks. Rhodes/Marshall/Gates scholars were all tasked with identifying good technology to nick.

        And if that failed, they were proactive in writing vandalistic patent submissions with no data in them so that ‘prior art’ could be cited to stop honest researchers getting patent protection for their diligent work.

        • Goose

          @Rhys Jaggar

          There was a section highlighting industrial espionage in the Snowden leaks. The economic wellbeing of the UK +US is central to theirf mission and that seems to have being interpreted in ways most politicians if they cared to know , wouldn’t agree with. Most of the anger directed at Snowden seems to because of the increased vigilance his leaks have engendered(better encryption plus segmented data storage practices etc) around the world.

          People are actually pissed off because they can’t exfiltrate data illegally, as easily from other states and foreign companies.

      • Goose

        Given all the ad agencies piggybacking on websites, many with questionable links and origins, why would spooks need to directly monitor anyone’s device these days? Plus there’s the cloud storage they can access making going after devices largely pointless exercise, causing a nuisance, and risking being caught(activity monitors battery use, and tech savvy uses who can capture packets with tcpdump saving a pcap file).

        • Laguerre

          Really, you use cloud storage? Difficult to think of anything more insecure.

  • Antonym

    On cold war:
    the present tussle between elected President Trump and the FBI /DOJ Deep State elements plus that between Democratic governors and the Union’s president could be seen as a cold civil war. More about internal power than profit.

  • David

    “a fact that everybody working in the mainstream media knows to be true, but which they all contrive never to mention”

    I follow Chuck Ross, surprisingly, as I’m not a redneck Trumper – but sometimes/randomly? it’s only a US Conservative website that manages to be accurate (on some issues at least) Chuck does mention “the unmentionable”

    here Chuck compares the NYT to FBI covering same story and despairs,

    The good news from across the pond is that White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (former House Oversight cttee.) said Sunday he expects indictments to be handed down from U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

  • Goose

    The most depressing aspect to these sensational, evidence-lite stories about Russia, and more recently the Sinophobic alarmism and headlines, is the unquestioning way the MSM parrot it all, as if state propaganda briefing notes are gospel. You can be critical of Russia(Putin) and China without exaggerating the threat level. It’s like when Saddam became the biggest threat the world had ever seen, on the basis of dodgy dossiers compiled about nonexistent WMD.
    It was only five years ago Cameron was sharing a pint with Xi Jinping at his local pub in Oxfordshire, declaring China and the UK could be besties. This sudden change, casting China as evil is simply too abrupt to be taken seriously.

  • Mary

    The Guardian gets worse and worse by the day. Perhaps it is programmed to self destruct.

    Anyone know of the author of the dangerous rot?
    ‘Kadish Morris is a commissioning editor for the Observer New Review’ Her strapline.

    ‘Critic, Editor & Poet
    Kadish Morris is a Leeds raised London based editor, writer and critic. She has written for Frieze, Dazed, AnOther, Twin, Huck & Vice. Her writings traverse visual arts with a focus on photography and spotlight Black artists and artists of colour. — Leeds International Festival’ Google<\p>

    Wake me up when it’s all over.

  • Manjushri

    Predictive programming and behavioural psychology to set the stage for global fascism where the citizens live under communism and the elite carry on with counting their money….just my guess as to how its all panning out.

  • Tatyana

    Mr. Murray, you describe 1942-1944 period and you say “It is simplistic to describe the UPA as fascist or an extension of the Nazi regime”.

    I’m afraid I should point out that in 1941 Ukraine declared the Declaration of the Ukrainian State. The document proclaimed the creation of a “new Ukrainian state”, which “will closely cooperate with the Great National-Socialist Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, who is creating a new order in Europe and the whole world.”
    It is exact wording, Mr. Murray.

    Modern Ukraine celebrates the date on June 30, so I’ve seen it just recently in the news. This year, in addition to Galicia, it was a congratulation to the citizens of Kherson from the mayor of the city. On billboards.
    You can check the text of the Declaration, people say you understand russian.

    • Kempe

      A lot of Russians sided with the German invaders because they mistakenly thought Hitler would treat them better than Stalin. Finland sided with Germany because they were the only people who’d help in Finland’s war with the Soviet Union.

      Sometimes we make mistakes in who we choose as friends.

      • Tatyana

        Yes, Kempe. We can see informal movements sided with the Nazis in many countries, then and now. But the official position on Nazism has long been internationally recognized and all governments must abide by this now, I suppose.

      • Piotr Berman

        Stalin killed many good Communists, and Hitler killed many good fascists, so the fact that some Banderovites, including Stepan Bandera, had problems with Nazis does not prove that they were good people.

        At some point, UPA/OUN members of collaborating Ukrainian police rebelled, because Nazis did not approve their plan to exterminate Poles in Volhynia and Halychyna, and they accomplished the massacre as the anti-Nazi rebels. Now the epigones direct their wrath at people who speak Russian and/or who disparage their “heroes” who were exterminating folks here and there, but since they are not anti-Semitic, the official wisdom at The Guardian etc. is that they cannot be called fascists. But are they better than fascists?

        • Peter Moritz

          “The analyses of biographic publications, historical studies, and archival documents show that the majority
          of the OUN-B and UPA leaders and very large proportions of their members collaborated with Nazi
          Germany, mainly in the beginning of the Second World War. Nearly half of the top and middle-ranked
          leaders of these organizations and at least until the end of 1943 the majority of UPA members served in
          various police formations. They assisted the German occupation authorities in implementing genocidal
          policies towards the Jews, Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles by helping to carry out mass shootings and
          create conditions intended for the physical annihilation of the entire Jewish population and large numbers
          of Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles, specifically in Volhynia. The fact that many police commanders and
          large numbers of policemen in various locations and formations followed orders from the OUN-B by
          deserting en masse from their service, in particular in Volhynia in the spring of 1943, and forming the
          basis of the UPA shows that these commanders and police members were de facto controlled by the

  • Mary

    Are they (‘the Ukrainian billionaires’) still here? This is dated 23rd June 2020.

    Britain may be no place to hide for the Ukrainian billionaires with close ties to Victor Yanukovych’s regime (paywall)

    Of course, we do not have ‘regimes’ in the UK.

    The photo on the link is of Victor Pinchuk and his wife.
    He is Jewish and is a philanthropist we are told. ‘He works with the Tony Blair Faith Foundation’ and the ‘Clinton Global Initiative’..

    • Ken Kenn

      I think a few of these Ukranian leaders were mentioned in the Mossack – Fonseca investigation that lasted for ooh……. around 10 days in the Guardian and then dis-appeared, due to Cameron’s father being highlighted.

      I get the feeling the Russia Report is going to show Good Russian Oligarchs versus bad Russian Oligarchs.

      The bad ones being Putin’s Russian Oligarchs.

      They don’t love Democracy.

      I am surprised though that readers and viwers of any media are surprised that Spys spy on each others countries.

      The Yanks particularly take great offence at this intrusion.

      They think that only they have the right to know because they are ‘ exceptional ‘

      Exceptional at dodging responsibility for anything.

      By the way – that’s why Trump will walk before the US Elections.

      He’ll find an ‘ exceptional ‘ excuse.

      Bad feet?

      kept him out of the Draft.

  • David G

    I note one error in this excellent piece:

    The Taliban arrived on the scene in the 1990s, and so it is not accurate to say, “[i]n the 1980’s the West was quite openly paying, arming and training the Taliban”.

    • Laguerre

      He should have used the word ‘Mujahedin’, out of which the Talian developed.

      • David G

        I would say, in opposition to which they developed.

        I always point out this error of “retconning” the Taliban into the 1980s whenever I encounter it, which is pretty often, not so much because it’s intrinsically very important, but because it’s an opening into showing how easy it is to reinvent the past.

        • Laguerre

          I’m sure you’re right on the specific detail, Afghanistan is not my speciality. But it is the same jihadi milieu, out of which one group did better than others.

          • Baalbek

            After the Soviet army packed up and went home the American sponsored resistance fighters (Mujahideen) split into rival factions and began battling each other.

            The Taliban, Pashtun students (Taliban = Arabic for ‘the students’) who had sat out the war at Saudi financed religious Madrassas across the border in Pakistan, returned to Afghanistan and established themselves at Kandahar. They pacified the warring muhajids and brought a measure of order to the areas of the country they controlled and provided basic social services and health care.

            Not surprisingly, Afghanistan’s war weary people preferred the Taliban to the perpetually warring former resistance fighters. The peace did not last long, however, and soon enough the Taliban were embroiled in vicious fighting with the many warlords that the Muhajideen had morphed into.

            This went on until 1996 when the Taliban finally conquered Kabul. In 2001 George Jr and his sycophant sidekick Tony showed up and, well, you know the rest.

            Afghanistan has a fascinating history. It has never been ruled by a central government and none of its many invaders have been able to conquer the country.

            ‘Games Without Rules: The often interrupted history of Afghanistan’ by Tamim Ansary is a great book that details the country’s history from the 16th century to the present-day. Definitely worth a read if you want to learn more about the place.

    • nevermind

      yes it is correct, the Taliban was supported by the Us/Uk hegemonists since the early mid eighties.

      It’s quiet astounding how history is being rewritten here by feeble minds.

      • David G

        This could be a learning experience for you, but first you have to get beyond the insults.

      • Baalbek

        You are talking nonsense. The Mujahideen were armed and supported by the west, and others (including China, interestingly enough) to fight the Soviets. The Taliban came onto the scene after the war ended and fought the remnants of the Muhajideen. See my post above.

      • John Monro

        You’re allowed to disagree, but not name call. An expert on this subject would be the last to do this, because an expert would be the first to agree the subject of Afghanistan is, and always has been, incredibly complicated and difficult, almost impossible, to unravel. A distant country, war, civil strife, alien interference from powerful states, propaganda, you name it, sorting it out is like trying to accomplish an ice skating routine on a rink of jelly.

  • portside

    Is this part of a new Guardian series? Next up: Thomas Walker’s fake Ukraine famine photos.

    • Tatyana

      Before: The Ukrainian Embassy in US took real photos of Jews in the Lodz ghetto to illustrate the deportation of the Crimean Tatars.
      Nobody cares for historical truth if Russia is targeted.

      • craig Post author


        Remember hundreds of thousands of the Crimean Tartars deported by Stalin were deported to Uzbekistan. I met them. Perhaps the fake photo incident is real, but please don’t pretend the deportation of the Tartars did not happen. One of my closest friends is a deported Tartar whose family walked from the Kizyl Kum desert, where they were dumped, to Turkey.

        • Tatyana

          I never pretended the deportation didn’t happen, Mr. Murray. It’s rather offensive statement from you, unexpected because I write a lot of comments on this topic.
          As a reciprocal courtesy, you pretend that Russia never compensated and restored Tatars in Crimea, that is flat out wrong.

          • Kempe

            All of the sources I can find say that the Tatars were never compensated for their suffering or loss of land and possessions. Do you know how much was paid and when?

            Those Tatars that were allowed to return to Crimea are still subject to persecution and oppression.

          • Yevgeni Ballsoff (Habbabkuk)

            I second Kempe’s question. Over to you, “Tatyana” !

          • Tatyana

            Yevgeni Ballsoff
            Are you Mr. Murray’s spokesperson?

            [ Mod: No, it’s just Habbabkuk (a.k.a ‘Charles Bostock’ and hundreds of other identities) using a different name. He has adopted several different names today already, but the comments don’t stay up for very long.

            He’s been doing this virtually every day since he was banned. He’s certainly persistent.

            We know he’s employed by the British FCO, Tatyana, so there’s no reason to take his criticisms personally. ]

          • Iain Stewart

            I thought there was a whiff of Habbabkuk in some of the remarks, which were adding some much needed spice to the dreary exchanges which have transformed Craig’s blog recently into a scene of blowing tumbleweed. We all know Charles inter alia is a bad bad man, but at least the pugilism was entertaining. So there is proof he works for the FCO, it seems. And?

        • Tatyana

          The photo incident IS real, by the way. I wonder, what do you think of me, Mr. Murray, do you think I’m a pretender and a liar?

          • Dawg

            Lighten up, Tatyana! Craig said “Perhaps the fake photo incident is real …”, so he wasn’t (a) saying it wasn’t real, or (b) accusing you of lying for saying it.

            You just highlighted that a fake photo was used to illustrate the deportation of the Tatars from Crimea, and stated that Russia is the target of lies about the deportation. Craig pointed out there was a truth there even if the particular evidence you cited was faked (which you seem to accept). There’s no need to get annoyed about contradiction where there is agreement.

            For those of us who know nothing about this, it would help if you could supply links to documentation of (a) the fake photo incident at Lodz, and (b) the compensation programme for the Tatars. You must have learned about it from somewhere.


          • Tatyana

            Nobody cares for historical truth if Russia is targeted – that’s what I said. I drive your attention I didn’t deny the deportation, I say they don’t care for historical truth.

            We started here, you can see the whole good of discussion on the topic, pro-s and contra-s and a detailed instruction from commentor Sergei on getting land and housing in Crimea

            Here is my translation of the interview of the Head of Usbeki Crimean Tatars, together with my following assessment

            Later Mr. Murray says again on the topic
            And actually I can’t believe he really starts the history of the Crimean Tatars only at that moment, totally dismissing the previous time and the very fact they invaded the Crimea with the Golden Hord and established themselves on the peninsula with the support of Ottoman Empire. I start to guess Mr. Murray’s Turkish friend must forget to mention the Ottomans in the story, I’m sorry.

            That’s what I see unjust about historical truth. If we dissmiss Golden Horde, Ottomans, Russia’s efforts to restore the justice, if we forget and forgive 23 years that Crimea was in Ukraine and that state did nothing for Tatars, then, well, the photo of Lodz ghetto will do well, to commemorate the deportation. Isn’t it exactly that Mr. Murray himself described “where they don’t want you to look”?
            Who cares after all? Everyone minds their own business.
            To prevent possible concerns on having the archive links ready at hand – I google for them, because I remember the english words. I remember the english words because I had to choose them accurately while translating, and also because it was heated emotional discussion.

          • Tatyana

            The incident with Ucrainian Embassy is real
            The deportation of Tatars is real
            The picture is real photo from Holokaust Museum

            All is true, but I see a lie. How can it be?

            Perhaps, I’d rather use Highly Likely argument, so, highly likely someone connected all these true facts into a kind of a weird elaborate connection, to make a particular impression on the people. Have you ever heard that Assange raped a girl? Sort of.

            I guess I learned to discover this sort of truth manipulation directly from this site.

          • Dawg

            Thank you for these links, Tatyana.

            The first link is good evidence for the misattribution of the photo. But the acknowledgement of a photo being falsely portrayed in a propaganda campaign is very common. In 2004, the editor of the Daily Mirror (Piers Morgan) published a photo of a British solder urinating on a hooded man, claiming it showed prisoner abuse in Iraq. But the scene was faked, and Morgan was sacked immediately. That doesn’t mean there weren’t serious abuses of prisoners in Iraq; there obviously were. Proving the Mirror photo was a fake has no impact on the truth of what actually happened. Likewise, proof that the Ukraine photo was a fake does not invalidate Craig’s point. You introduced the topic of the photo, which has no direct relevance to his argument. If you are trying to insinuate something relevant to his argument, please make the case more clearly.

            Your “restoration of Cirimtatarlar” link shows a 1989 document, signed by Gorbachev, about resettlement rights for the Crimean Tatars – but it says nothing about compensation. It recognises that the Tatars were treated badly, by being forcibly removed from Crimea in 1944 and given very restricted rights in Russia. It mentions they were eventually granted citizenship rights in Russia, but still faced discrimination under existing laws. It proposes that they should have the right to return to Crimea at their own expense and that “the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people will not be carried out at the expense of other peoples”. At best it proposes to fund schools, educational institutions and museums. I understand the influx of people raised the property prices to a very high level in Crimea, and it looks like the returning Tatars were not given assistance to purchase houses or land. So in what sense were they “compensated” for being deported from the homeland? When, and by how much?

            The Wikipedia page on the Deportation of the Crimean Tatars seems more consistent with Craig’s statements:

            The deportation of the Crimean Tatars (Crimean Tatar: Qırımtatar halqınıñ sürgünligi; Ukrainian: Депортація кримських татар; Russian: Депортация крымских татар) or the Sürgünlik (“exile”) was the ethnic cleansing of at least 191,044[c 1] Crimean Tatars in 18–20 May 1944 carried out by the Stalinist regime, specifically by Lavrentiy Beria, head of the Soviet state security and secret police, acting on behalf of Joseph Stalin. Within three days, Beria’s NKVD used cattle trains to deport mostly women, children, the elderly, even Communists and members of the Red Army, to the Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan, several thousand kilometres away. They were one of the ten ethnicities who were encompassed by Stalin’s policy of population transfer in the Soviet Union.
            The deportation officially was intended as collective punishment for the perceived collaboration of some Crimean Tatars with Nazi Germany, in spite of hostile attitudes to Crimean Tatars from the Nazis, who considered Crimean Tatars to be “racially inferior” and “Mongol sub-humanity”; modern sources theorize that the deportation was part of the Soviet plan to gain access to the Dardanelles and acquire territory in Turkey where the Tatars had ethnic kinsmen.
            Nearly 8,000 Crimean Tatars died during the deportation, while tens of thousands perished subsequently due to the harsh exile conditions. The Crimean Tatar exile resulted in the abandonment of 80,000 households and 360,000 acres of land. An intense campaign of detatarization to erase remaining traces of Crimean Tatar existence followed. In 1956, the new Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, condemned Stalin’s policies, including the deportation of various ethnic groups, but did not lift the directive forbidding the return of the Crimean Tatars, despite allowing the right of return for most other deported peoples. They remained in Central Asia for several more decades until the Perestroika era in the late 1980s when 260,000 Crimean Tatars returned to Crimea. Their exile lasted 45 years. The ban on their return was officially declared null and void, and the Supreme Council of Crimea declared on 14 November 1989 that the deportations had been a crime.
            By 2004, sufficient numbers of Crimean Tatars had returned to Crimea that they comprised 12 percent of the peninsula’s population. Soviet authorities neither assisted their return nor compensated them for the land they lost. The Russian Federation, the successor state of the USSR, did not provide reparations, compensate those deported for lost property, or file legal proceedings against the perpetrators of the forced resettlement. The deportation was a crucial event in the history of the Crimean Tatars and has come to be seen as a symbol of the plight and oppression of smaller ethnic groups by the Soviet Union. On 12 December 2015, the Ukrainian Parliament issued a resolution recognizing this event as genocide and established 18 May as the “Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Crimean Tatar genocide”.

            Do you agree with the Wikipedia story? The claims are linked to their sources. Wikipedia can be edited, so you can correct the story, but you need to cite reliable references for your alternative facts.

          • Dawg

            Sorry for the long quotation, Tatyana. Here’s an important excerpt from the last paragraph:

            “Soviet authorities neither assisted their return nor compensated them for the land they lost. The Russian Federation, the successor state of the USSR, did not provide reparations, compensate those deported for lost property, or file legal proceedings against the perpetrators of the forced resettlement.”

            If you can prove something different, you should tell Wikipedia.

          • Tatyana

            the yesterdays discussion – it was nighttime in my country and was away from my laptop to give better links, sorry.
            You forget one minor but very important detail – after the deportation was recognised as a crime, in 1991 the USSR ceased to exist.
            Ukraine became independent, Uzbekistan became indepeneent, Turkey with the biggest Cirimtatar diaspora was independent state too. Do you think Russia should then dictate those countries to resettle Tatars to Crimea?

          • Jen


            “… By 2004, sufficient numbers of Crimean Tatars had returned to Crimea that they comprised 12 percent of the peninsula’s population. Soviet authorities neither assisted their return nor compensated them for the land they lost. The Russian Federation, the successor state of the USSR, did not provide reparations, compensate those deported for lost property, or file legal proceedings against the perpetrators of the forced resettlement. The deportation was a crucial event in the history of the Crimean Tatars and has come to be seen as a symbol of the plight and oppression of smaller ethnic groups by the Soviet Union. On 12 December 2015, the Ukrainian Parliament issued a resolution recognizing this event as genocide and established 18 May as the “Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Crimean Tatar genocide …”

            It would have been impossible for the Russian Federation to compensate the Crimean Tatars for their losses from 1991 to March 2014 as Crimea was technically part of Ukraine during that period.

            I understand though (though only Tatyana will be able to confirm this, as most English-language search engines turn up propaganda BS interference) that since Crimea’s return to Russia in March 2014, Crimean Tatars now receive some form of compensation or assistance as a group that has historically suffered persecution, under a law passed by the Duma many years ago.

          • Tatyana

            Now I got to my laptop and ready with the links, thanks for your kind patience 🙂

            So, the deportation was recognized as crime by then USSR state far back in 1989. Some Tatars returned to the Crimea.
            Then, USSR dissolved and Crimea stayed with Ukraine. More Tatars still were returning to their homeland.
            I think you understand that after-USSR Russia hardly was able to offer significant compensation during at least 1991-2000 period of total mess and poverty in the country, together with the fact that Crimea belonged to Ukraine.

            Nonthelesss, let’s see what was done. I started with the current law of the Crimean Republic
            please see the para saying in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression”
            The law was signed 26.04.1991 it’s number is N 1107-1.
            Ammendment N 26-ФЗ was made 09.02.2003, clarifying the rights of children, spouses and parents
            Another law is Federal Law N 93-ФЗ 30.07.2006 offers simplified registration of the rights.
            And one more law is Presidential Order N 458, correcting the Order N 268


            “… Russian Government to implement the Law N 93-ФЗ “In order to restore historical justice, eliminate consequences of illegal deportation from the territory of the Crimean ASSR Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and violations of their rights”

            Those who cannot be rehabilitated and compensated are listed under para 4 of the Law N 1761-1
            “Persons who have been reasonably convicted by the courts … on charges of committing the following crimes…:
            a) treason to the Motherland in the form of espionage, issuing military or state secrets, going over to the side of the enemy; espionage, terrorist act, sabotage;
            b) committing violent actions against the civilian population and prisoners of war, as well as aiding the traitors to the Motherland and the fascist invaders in committing such actions during the Great Patriotic War;
            c) the organization of bandit formations that committed murders, robberies and other violent actions, as well as who took personal part in the commission of these acts as part of bandit formations;
            d) war crimes, crimes against peace, against humanity and against justice.”

            This is the root of this discussion. Russia does not compensate for those who actually committed war crimes. Even if they considered collaboration with Hitler their liberation movement. All others who believe that their rights have been violated illegally can contact the authorities freely.

          • Tatyana

            I remember I once advised you to open your eyes wider

            Ammendment N 26-ФЗ was made 09.02.2003, clarifying the rights of children, spouses and parents
            Another law is Federal Law N 93-ФЗ 30.07.2006 offers simplified registration of the rights.

          • Tatyana

            Russia begins as a union of Slavic tribes on the trading route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” – from the Baltic to the Black Sea – eastern purple line on the map

            To get from the Dvina River to the Dnieper River, they have to roll their ships over the land in some places. ‘To roll’ is ‘катить’ in Russian, this word is in the name of the village of Katyn ‘Катынь’. You know this name because of the cruel execution of Polish officers, that would happen here 1000 years later during WW2.

            In the meantime, the 9th century, the Finnish and Slavic tribes unite under the rule of the Varangians and form the state of Rus, which is mentioned in the Bertiniani Annales. The “Rhos” people arrived to Constantinople, they said they were “eos gentis esse Sueonum” – people from Sweden.

            The Varangians-Greeks route starts from Uppsala and leads to Chersonesus Tauride and Constantinople in the Black Sea. In the 9th century, both cities are controlled by Byzantium, the eastern remnant of the classic Great Roman Empire. Constantinople stands on the shores of the Bosphorus strait, the way to the Mediterranean Sea. Now it is Turkish city Istanbul. Chersonesus stands in the South of the Crimea and it’s remnants are still in the territory of modern city Sevastopol.

            This city has a special significance in the history of Russia, because the Russian knyaz Vladimir conquered Chersonesus from Byzantium in the 10th century, then married to a Byzantine princess, converted to Christianity and then Christianized all of Russia. The christian religion spread all the way back from the Greeks to the Varangians. While the Tatars haven’t appear in the area until in the 13th century. I described it shortly here


            For medieval Russia, which recognises its own language, land, history and religion; the invasion of the Mongols, Tatars, and Turks has always been considered a foreign invasion, Mr. Murray. These invaders were building their Great Mongol Empire, that reached from Korea to Poland and from Siberia to Vietnam.

            You know very well the methods used to build an empire, such as tribute, slavery, burning down of rebellious cities. Our “hot relationship” is recorded in many documents and folklore, including proverbs still in use today. Khan Nogai of the Golden Horde (his title “Beklarbek” means “Governor-General” or “Reichsstatthalter”) ravaged Chersonesus and the city seased to exist.
            The Crimean Tatars are not the indigenous population of the peninsula. Their name itself reflects it, because it’s an excessive description for a nation living in their own land, compare – we never say “a russian Russian”, or “a scottish Scott”.

            In 15th century the Golden Horde disintegrated, and the Crimean Khanate fell under the rule of the Ottomans, another Turks. The Ottomans conquered the Bysantium and already had Constantinople, so, together with the Crimean coast they considered the Black Sea to be their inland lake. The Ottoman vassal Crimean Khanate continued raiding the russians, selling slaves to the Turkish markets. This memory is still alive in my region.

            There’s something wrong in your point, Mr. Murray


            Crimea was conquered by Russia by Catherine the Great in the same decade as Bengal was annexed by the UK. It was a colony of the Russian Empire as much as Bengal was a colony of the British Empire. It was an autonomous Tartar state before that.

            You dismiss the period when Russia was a Horde’s colony as if Russia has no right to defend itself.

  • David G

    It appears that Emmanuel Goldstein … I mean, Snowball … I mean, Jeremy Corbyn is now embarking on the final stage of his political career, as official hate object.

  • Goose

    Couldn’t agree more on the last part.

    Johnson & Raab’s concern for human rights in Hong Kong and the treatment of the Chinese Uighurs is touching, but where is the UK on the millions of dirt poor Yemenis on the brink of starvation facing being bombed with the help of embedded UK military targeting personnel with Saudi forces, and all the supplied munitions coming from the UK?

    The Bahrani democracy activists, being tortured to gain confessions then put to death. Again, UK personnel advising on a sophisticated surveillance programme designed to thwart moves to democracy – protecting the brutal absolute monarch who rules the kingdom with a rod or iron for the Sunni minority.

    The many Egyptians,including leading journalists, facing imprisonment afraid to make even the lightest criticism of the US/UK backed el-Sisi regime; thousands in jail or put to death with the full backing of the US/UK.

    And finally, the Palestinians; devoid of hope of a state of their own and denied a voice on UK TV news through media blackout connivance – a forgotten people treated like dirt by a hateful UK press.

    So yes, raise Chinese HR abuses, but it’s hypocritical. Somehow guess Andrew Marr and Labour under Starmer won’t be raising any of these things either.

    Finally, don’t forget the UK has put nearly 6,000 UK citizens through re–education, anti-radicalisation programme Prevent . We’ve had strict control orders replaced by TPIMs(house arrest) under Cameron, both were found to contravene human rights and the principles of natural justice by not meeting basic legal requirements.

    • Kim Sanders-Fisher

      Goose – Spot on – Both the Russia bating and the demonization of China are blatant hypocrisy from this Tory Government who are remarkably selective about weaponizing Human Rights. In some cases their direct action to prevent grotesque Human Rights abuses in the cases you point out above are as simple as “stop supplying arms!” The UK is never too hard up to fund aggression overseas and despite a decade of Tory financial constraints they have never considered ditching Trident.

      Meanwhile, an even more directly hypocritical example would be the unnecessary misery and hardship leading to the untimely deaths of thousands of disabled people right here in this country during that decade of unnecessary, ideologically driven, austerity.

      The UN has called them out on this, but they ignored the damning UN report when it targeted the UK for “violating its human rights obligations through sustained and widespread cuts to social support” according to Professor Philip Alston the UN Rapporteur on extreme poverty. Parliament had a debate on Animal Sentience, but the Tories fail to recognize that disabled people, the poor, the homeless, the unemployed, gypsies… and other marginalized groups are all Sentient Beings!

      After rescuing the magic money tree from its island tax haven, there is plenty of cash to splash now it can be squandered in the right way: directed towards favoured Tory donors with the remotest connection to our current Covid 19 crisis however grotesquely inappropriate. The Tories never let a good crisis go to waste and this one has been a real bonanza for their Corporate slush funds plus a unique opportunity to cull the “economical inactive” through a “Holocaust in Care” and decimate minority communities with their eugenics “Herd Immunity” program to “Slaughter the Sheeple!”

      This anti Russian hype is a well timed pre-emptive “Dead Cat” designed to detract from the findings that might be exposed in the Russia Report, but I think there will be a more spectacular feline demise on the day it is finally released! We already know that huge amounts of funding from Russian oligarchs has fed the beast that is the Tory Party for decades. But, I too think much of the electoral interference beyond that disproportionate financial boost, has come from within the UK or possibly from US and Israeli sources: The Daily GasLamp Blog has more info on this.

      In pre-release panic that the report might invalidate their precious project, the Express is already firing warning salvos to protect the Brexit sham, but it could also delegitimize what I now refer to as the “Covert 2019 Rigged Election.” The result never made sense at all: “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s not a Giraffe!” Please join us on the Elections Aftermath Discussion Forum on this topic at: “Elections Aftermath; “Was our 2019 Vote and the EU Referendum Rigged?”

      I have never stopped calling for a comprehensive Investigation into the stolen result that our Electoral Commission is too toothless to uncover: “A Watchdog that cannot watch is just a dog! It is not too late to “Rescue our Watchdog.” Please visit, read, sign, share and Link to this Petition:

      The Russia Report may also contain incriminating data on “Herd Nerd” Dominic Cummings, who spent three years living in Russia that we know little about despite his top security clearance. I believe that just as he manipulated Brexit he also masterminded the Covert 2019 Rigged Election to get the exact 80 seats he promised and delivered. He has all of the critical evidence on how they achieved that fake Tory “landslide victory.” if Johnson fires the master puppeteer he may just retaliate and bring this retched Tory Government down. Cummings is the Grenade; oust him and you pull the pin!

      • Goose

        We were also heavily involved in extraordinary rendition, of hundreds of people including women and children, to black sites and countries that are known to torture political opponents though you may have missed the BBC reports on this, as it hardly got a mention and Straw and Blair are feted as respected elder statesmen.
        The BBC are calling the Chinese ‘aggressive’ and ‘expansionist’ ; Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria (attempted) they’ve some catching up to do when it comes to throwing military weight around.

      • Goose


        I don’t know? It certainly seems iffy that Tory Peter Lilley’s firm has the postal vote contract.

        I’d be inclined to agree with your calls, but the problem with your suspicion is, the polling evidence… Now some polling companies doubtless oversample certain groups eg. old, affluent areas- to get the results they want (big Tory leads), but all polls rigged? Not possible, and unfortunately the Tories had big leads in nearly all.

        • David

          “All polls rigged”; of course they could be. Why couldn’t they all be rigged?

          Evidence: If you read up on UKUSA attack/destabilisation of Syrian society from 2012, some of that was admitted by an FCO review in 2016 to be likely illegal under UK law. The UK Strategic Communications, part of it, was outsourced to “a polling company” spookville, all the way.

          More by searching “Military Strategic Effects (MSE)”,“Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)”
          “VE Disrupt/Undermine”, “Ops-dir MSE”, “codename Operation Volute” etc

          A [project] was outsourced to a polling company

          So perhaps *just one* polling company works hand-in-hand with the friendly named Disrupt/Undermine department of our MoD, perhaps *just one* Pope was Catholic, perhaps *just one* bear….

          • Goose

            There’s so many polling organisations though, and some are open and very transparent about their methodologies etc.

            The truth is, Labour and the Tories (led by May) plunged in the polls when we didn’t leave the EU on the scheduled date of 29 March 2019, a date that was even written into the Withdrawal bill i.e., in law. Brexit voters felt cheated. In the May 2019 European elections the Tories got just 8% !! the Brexit party got over 30%.

            Then May stood down, Johnson won the leadership reinventing himself as a ‘Get Brexit done’ man, Farage stood his party down and Labour received a thumping in December. Labour’s pitch to the electorate was confusing: another referendum some time around summer 2020 i.e., it would’ve been now , it wasn’t an attractive pitch after all the messing around and what would’ve been 4 years after the first referendum. I think Labour centrists knew it ‘d harm the party too.

        • Johny Conspiranoid

          At the last election one poll weighted each age groups vote by a fiddle factor which assumed that a certain number of people for each age group would not turn out but they did not mention this in their headline figure. This page is no longaer available on Twitter. It was by NuPolpulism.

    • Bramble

      I was watching the assaults by unidentified Federal forces (which the Governor has asked to withdraw) on protestors in Portland and was strongly reminded of pictures of Hong Kong protestors battling with police. Yet we have nothing to say about the former and much to say about the latter. Amazing.

  • George K

    And today the Lancet published a detailed study on the Oxford vaccine. Poor Russian hackers, they could have waited a couple of days and read it without hacking. The same vaccine that a Russian company signed an agreement to manufacture.

    • Bramble

      Strange that our “impartial” media is not making just this point. Instead the accusations against Russia are amplified and the cannon fodder believes every word of it.

  • Stevie Boy

    Of course, the security services news sheet is going to celebrate anything Ukranian, considering:

    “Ukrainian-born Alexander Temerko made a total of 69 donations to Tory MPs and Conservative Party central office. The total donated from February 2012 to 19 March 2019 came to £693,426.98.
    Temerko … is known to be a good friend of Johnson… Temerko appears to have had links to a ‘coup’ within the Tory party that saw … Theresa May replaced by Johnson. Reuters suggested that “Temerko’s allies” led this ‘coup’ and “are at the helm of Johnson’s campaign”. They allegedly included … Gavin Williamson, … Lynton Crosby”


    “Jack Wakefield, brother-in-law of … Dominic Cummings, was reportedly a director of the Firtash Foundation, The foundation is named after Dmytro Firtash, a Ukrainian businessman. Firtash faces extradition to the US regarding claims he is linked to associates of Rudy Giuliani who were caught up in the Trump-Ukraine scandal.”

    From The CanaryThese claims about Johnson and his cronies must not be excluded from the ISC’s ‘Russia report’ (1168 words)

  • Piotr Berman

    There may be a strong connection between the previous story, the union of journalist blocking membership of the author in a “mysterious way”, i.e. sabotage on the headquarter level, and this story. This story is but one example when Craig produces “fake news” according to experts having fairly official blessing, like the censors of Facebook.

    At least since the time of Snowden affairs, some powers that usually dwell in shade, like a rented basements of a posh building in London or an abandoned factory in Scotland (e.g. Integrity Initiative) decided that it is not sufficient to have stables of obedient journalists, but it is necessary to actively block the content, and when that fails, vilify anyone who touches it, block them from as many media as possible (like established newspapers, Facebook, there are attempts at twitter) etc. Craig is one of the notable producers of “fake news”, he was cited as a monger of a conspiracy theory concerning Skripals, he disparages hacking accusations etc. “Fake, fake, fake! Can someone rid me of this turbulent scribbler!?”

    Denying Craig membership would be a bit of a bother when he wants to attend court proceedings as a journalist, but perhaps the shadowy power care most about branding him as a fake wannabe journalist who was even rejected by this oasis of tolerance and acceptance of all points of view. Too fake even for them to stand it.

    The connection to UPA stamp collection is that, contracted by Facebook to recommend which articles or sources should be banned has “national” subunits, and Ukrainian subunits is a collection of children of posthumous UPA. Clearly, the Empire decided that these are the best folks to curate what constitutes imperially approved reality on the matters of Russia, Ukraine and all that region. UPA members who fled Red Army were promptly recruited by Anglo-Saxon intelligence (Canada is very much involved besides USA and UK) and they remain influential ever since. Thus if BBC wants to have any recommendation for interesting stories, they are well positioned to advise.

    • bevin

      This article confirms your argument:

      “The Jewish News of North California reported that the Canadian government admitted more than 2,000 Ukrainian members of the Nazi 14th SS Division in the 1950s. This was done to crush the burgeoning leftist Ukrainian diaspora that was building up during the previous few years.

      “One way of getting into postwar Canada “was by showing the SS tattoo,” Canadian historian Irving Abella told 60 Minutes interviewer Mike Wallace in 1997. “This proved that you were an anti-Communist.”

      “Canada knowingly failed to report them to Germany, resulting in many of the 1,882 recipients of the German “victim pensions” being Ukranian Nazis living in Canada. Many former Nazis, including suspected war criminals such as Radislav Grujicic, were paid by the RCMP to provide intelligence reports on left-wing immigrants who had recently came to Canada, reported the CBC in 1996.

      “In 1995, a Toronto Star article exposed that a Canadian mining company, INCO, utilised Ukrainian Nazi collaborators to crush leftist labour organizing in the early 1960s. As a whole, they were crucial in shaping the anti-leftist lean of Canadian unions, resulting in the current centrist and right-wing unions which are being crushed by the bosses today. …”

      The Canada FilesLong history of Ukrainian-Canadian groups glorifying Nazi collaborators exposed by defacing of Oakville memorial

  • Free the weed

    Headline in Daily Mail: SAS snipers target British jihadis’ cave hideaways in Iraq leaving 100 Islamic State killers dead in a ‘secret war’ [link]

    The article is 100% made up. I’m sure there are black ops going down but this actually quite amusing. However nothing beats the taliban mountain bases articles from 20yrs ago. Pictures still done by same artist?
    Not really on topic I know but still counts as blatant bs in the press inciting division and hatred.

      • Free the weed

        I am just going to clarify it was Mail on Sunday article.
        In reply, the headline claiming 100 killed. straight to red. It was already amber with the SAS snipers. It might be unfair but my bs meter doesn’t do green when it comes to the gutter press, or most other for that matter.
        They been up to something, but they are not telling us, but bravo the mail for letting us know there is something going on.
        I wouldn’t normally show a mail story, but it is a classic. I don’t think these articles are even written by the media outlet, they are handed to them in full, for a favor or as a favor. Same articles go round and round The Sun, Express, Mail etc Exactly same writing style, same artist.

        Respect to Mr Murray, always interesting, and insightful. Thanks

    • Laguerre

      Not many mountains in that part of Iraq, rather small hills. The Iraqi news are always talking about how many ISIS they’ve killed in that area. Not that it seems to make much difference, as ISIS remains as strong as ever. The problem is that the government in Baghdad treats the Sunni Arabs like a defeated people, instead of making peace with them. So the people there continue to support ISIS.

      The question is would policy have been different, had it not been the US who decided who the Iraqi PM was to be, as happened recently with the new appointment? Probably not. The Shi’a in power are rigourist, and getting their own back on the Sunnis for a millennium of suppression.

  • Loony

    The conscripting of the arms industry and the special interests of a few hundred billionaires to explain the hatred toward Russia probably assists with the salving of consciences. After all what can the disempowered virtuous person do about something so far removed from the experiences of the average person?

    Well try this – Russia is hated and demonized for the sole reason that it is the last place left to plunder. It has vast resources of all manner of minerals. It has oil, gas, timber, water, productive agricultural land – pretty much everything you need to satisfy all primary needs. Why should Russians have all of this when there are vast millions of idle obese people hanging around in the west whose desire to consume is endless.

    Look how wonderful it is to demonstrate your humanity by inviting millions of immigrants to settle in your country and to provide them with free access to health, education and welfare. Just a shame that you don’t actually have any of the resources necessary to make good on your promises. Why not shut the country down to protect against a not very dangerous (by historical standards) virus. Who needs work when you have virtual money printing.

    No, Russia is hated because you need Russia to hand over their natural resources to you. Any failure of the Russians to comply will reveal the hollowness and naked idiocy of the prevailing ideology. Just a shame that at the same time you need Russia to offer its unconditional surrender pretty much all of history is in the process of being rewritten. This means that the average burger eating buffoon or anti racist campaigner has no idea what kind of shit is about to go down if you keep poking the Russians.

    • Laguerre

      “Look how wonderful it is to demonstrate your humanity by inviting millions of immigrants to settle in your country and to provide them with free access to health, education and welfare.”

      Ah, the standard anti-immigration rant hidden away in the heart of the post. 20,000 Syrians admitted to Britain in 2015, when Germany admitted a million. It’s not a lot. Who’s going to wipe the bums of the elderly, if not immigrants? Johnson, the representative of the anti-immigrants, has just agreed to admitting 3 million Hong Kong Chinese. It’s a lot more complicated than Loony maintains.

      • SA

        Classic Loony. Starts with a valid argument about Russia then completely unconnected, slithers into xenophobia against immigrants then by a sleight if hand also slips in Covid denialism rubbish.

        • nevermind

          migration is not a crime! but it can change society, we only have to look at gated communities in the US, or western housing policies that lump migrants into ghettos.
          where will the new Hong Kong town be build? what plans have our boundering Tories got worked out?

    • Glasshopper

      Also, Russia is also going to stay cool when much to the south becomes uninhabitable due to rising temperatures. Another massive asset that doesn’t get mentioned enough.

      • John Monro

        Not so cool in Siberia at the moment. No nation or continent is going to avoid the increasing direness of global warming, there is a undecipherable chaos of possibilities coming our way. And it’s the same for Canada. It’s not as if vast acreages of fertile soil are suddenly going to be opened up in a warming climate – the Canadian shield will remain a rocky and inhospitable place and the Russian steppes might merely shrivel.

    • fwl

      That looks interesting. I find a lot of what BB says worth listening to especially when he tells the story of the change from targeted surveillance to mass surveillance. Of course mass surveillance is worrying because it is the perfect tool with which to abuse power on the basis that everyone has a virtual 101 and so it gives a control mechanism over any one who dissents. The whole project added many zeroes to the NSA budget.

      It’s a great tool for figuring out what happened after the event because anything can be found – hence Craig’s mention of BB comment to him and the relevance of any missing data.

      BB also says that mass data kind of gets in the way of before the event detection of what might be going to happen because data is like a needle in a haystack before an incident, but I wonder if that is entirely right. Presumably you can still have meaningful focused or targeted interrogation of the data before an event so long as you have intelligent analysts with other clues for where to look and I assume you can get some great statistical pattern analysis.

      So the main problem is that it just intimidates even loyal dissent and has the potential for the abuse of power through blackmail. If you don’t have 100% trust then it’s troubling.

  • Piotr Berman

    The stamp is strange. Ukrainian text should say “25 years” or “25 літа”, but “т” got doubled (if it does not work with your font set, the doubled letter in the word should be single. Additionally, the imaginary is totally stolen from Soviet posters.

  • 6033624

    I agree wholeheartedly. But one of the other things that really stuck in my craw this week was the government’s condemnation of the ‘leaked footage’ of Uighurs being held in shackles, blindfolded. This ‘leaked footage’ appeared on Reddit almost to the day and hour or the Huawei announcement. A distraction from our own hardware providers telling the govt that binning Huawei will lead to rolling blackouts and set us back years? Why ever would you think that? The tag line on the ‘leak’ was a nice touch “As a German this disturbs me particularly”

    I wonder why they’ve suddenly remembered the Uighurs THIS week when they’ve roundly ignored their oppression for decades beforehand? I also notice, with dismay but not surprise, that the government refers to them as the Uighurs rather than the Uighur Muslims. Sadly they know that Muslims get no sympathy in this country, words and deeds that would be unconscionable if directed at ANY other group are the daily fare of politicians and the press alike in this country, never mind Joe Public!

    Still, at least Canada is holding out against the US – so far. I thought the UK would have, but Boris is more of a lap dog than even Blair was. In part I can understand. The US are bullying everyone by enforcing sanctions on those using Huawei. And, as is not being reported, they are enforcing sanctions, even on foreign companies, who are supplying ANYTHING to the pipeline too. Ultimately that is the fear. When the pipeline is complete and China, and all countries in between, can benefit from the pipeline via supply or sale it could be the end of the petrodollar and the US stranglehold on the world economy. The US are just itching to confiscate assets and I predict as the Cold War with China gets even colder, that the US will remember how many bonds the Chinese own, which is a staggering amount. Confiscation of these would certainly save the US a large amount and cost the Chinese dearly. This would though be an act of economic warfare. This would take relations to a new level of bitterness. I don’t think that the US can win though. I think that they are starting to slide off the world stage. Alienating China and preventing them trading from the rest of the ‘Western World’ could be a last ditch attempt at maintaining dominance within, at least, that grouping..

  • Giyane

    China has every right to take action against anybody who is sponsored or proxied by USUKIS to interfere with its sovereign self-governance. After witnessing the proxy provocation of Saddam Hussein by paid CIA Islamists and Blsir jamming the airwaves with his own peculiar brand of fake hypocrisy, I was unable to listen to today in parliament for more than a few seconds with Tories rah-rahing and blah-blahing with fake indignation about weegars while rattling their larynxes with Churchillian Ceegars.

    I would strongly recommend to that blow up sex toy of a foreign secretary called Dominic Raab that needling China might get China needling him back.
    With a loud explosion of spaffed spunk all over his stupid face. There might be money in cold wars but a small country without an empire looks incredibly stupid trying to swagger its blow up biceps in front of an economic manufacturing giant.

  • Joyce Nelson

    I think I know why The Guardian published those Ukrainian stamps on July 18. The day before (July 17), The Guardian had published a piece called “Canada police investigate vandalism of monument to Nazi troops as hate crime”. The monument is a cenotaph commemorating Ukrainian soldiers in the 14th SS Division and is located in a Ukrainian cemetery near Toronto. The Guardian very vaguely stated: “The 14th division was made up of Ukrainian nationalists who joined the Nazis during the second world war. Members of the division are believed to have murdered Polish women and children, as well as Jewish people.” But somebody must have felt that it was necessary to quickly switch the narrative…hence those stamp photos the next day commemorating resistance to the Soviets.

  • Stonky

    Personally, I hope that those “Uyghurs” in the video are the first cohort of CIA-trained returnees from Syria, and if so I hope they get what’s coming to them big time.

    • Giyane


      Islamist theological manipulation can be summed in one simple idea, the West is our friend. The fact that the West has trashed the Arab Spring countries plus Palestine Syria Iraq Levanon Somalia Afghanistan etc is circumvented by the weird concept that they had to be trashed in order to be reformed.

      Well , thank you Mr Hitler for giving the British Empire a good thrashing . It needed reforming and it is starting to
      show signs of recidivism , so rent a gob Raab is looking for fight with somebody. I suspect Nandy rents her gob for other purposes in purely political metaphor I mean.

      We are an overwhelmingly peace-loving country but which locks up its criminal over world in an old Victorian mental hospital in central London where they are allowed to air their psychotic delusions . Best not to listen to their cravings. I think the Nightingale Hospital in Docklands could be temporarily used to house them while the old Victorian asylum is bulldozed into the Thames.

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