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125 thoughts on “Closing Blackburn Rally With Roger Waters

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    • nevermind

      The ads at the end ruined it. Piers Morgan is a Zionist excuser. The IDF – in their late response and ignorance of reports that ‘something is about to happen’ – enacted their Hannibal policy, killing their own citizens in order to stop Hamas taking hostages; they failed to secure citizens.

  • RogerDodger

    Roger Waters is quite the get. A man of real integrity, as well as almost peerless songwriting talent. Respect for your efforts Craig, best of luck on the day.

  • Rosemary MacKenzie

    Have to listen to the whole speech later, BUT so glad you are still running and best of all luck tomorrow to you and GAZA! Your comment on the slough of corruption is right. I have been reading Lee Kuan Yew, From Third World to First – over 700 pages but a good read on state building. Lee’s view on corruption is that the greater the amount of money available to political parties the greater the corruption – seen so completely in the US; I believe this is referring to private/company money, so in my view all political funding should be handed out equally by the state. With regards to Gaza, because of social media we all know what is going on in Palestine, and so do all governments. The genocide is still going on, not just in Gaza but towards all Palestinians in the streets and their homes and their dreadful treatment in Israeli prisons. The world blamed the Germans for the Holocaust and wondered why the German people did nothing because we were told they must have known – I’m old enough to remember this – and the German people lived under this shadow for decades and probably still do, and there was no social media. We do know what is going on in Palestine, we have social media and we are all complicit if we do nothing. I hope and pray that all the people of Blackburn prove they are not complicit with genocide and vote for you, and you will be elected to the British parliament.

    • will moon

      I thought this a good book by Lee Yuan Kew, Rosemary.

      It struck me when he described how Korea had develop its economy the author suggests that without protectionism and ignoring copyright on books etc. he thinks it would not have been possible.

      To enter the “First World” club of free trade etc., any nation has to act in a very particular way or there is no chance of development.

      ps thanks for mentioning author and title; I was trying to remember them the other day but until you posted, I still hadn’t.

  • Ebenezer Scroggie

    Can anyone tell me approximately what time the Blackburn Returning Officer usually makes the announcement of the result?

    I shall have a bottla fizzy white wine in the fridge in the hope of a good outcome. Sadly, if the result goes the wrong way, I’ll have a bottle of my favourite malt whisky to drown my disappointment.

    I know nothing of this Adnan Hussain bloke, but I do know that Craig Murray will/would make a truly brilliant parliamentarian.

      • Ebenezer Scroggie

        Jon, Thankyou for bringing us exactly the information I was seeking.

        I shall plan my evening/night accordingly.

        The 22:00 announcements of the exit polls will be a delight. I have no doubt of that. The Tories and the SNumPties will be gubbed. Almost worth a bottla bubbly, right there.

        My joy will be when the letters MP are appended to the name of Craig Murray.

        His maiden speech to that House will/would be an absolute corker.

  • Harry Law

    Meanwhile the Labour party war chest is expanding due to Zionist donors, including Stuart Roden Chairman of a venture capital firm.
    Roden has now donated over £1m in total to Labour since 2023. He has funded the party directly as well as shadow ministers Bridget Phillipson and Lisa Nandy.
    Declassified approached his company for comment on why he is giving this amount of money to Labour. No response was received at the time of publication.
    His donations are dwarfed by those of another pro-Israel funder, Gary Lubner, who has given Labour around £6m since Keir Starmer became party leader.
    Lubner was a policeman in Apartheid South Africa whose family donated to the ruling white supremacist National party. Lubner claims he opposed Apartheid.
    The scale of Labour’s funding from pro-Israel businessmen is significant and exceeds the £5.9m it received from trade unions last year.

  • Fleur

    It was a great meeting, and you were both great. Good luck for the 4th of July.
    I hope the people of Blackburn vote the right way this time.
    You are in our prayers, Craig.

  • Tom74

    I think it’s terrific you’re both making such a difference in the world when you are both semi or fully retired from your day jobs and could easily put your feet up or accept the media ‘consensus’. A great inspiration to all. Good luck tomorrow, Craig.

  • Peter

    Go Craig!

    May the best person win in Blackburn tomorrow.

    In which case we’ll all be celebrating your tremendous victory sometime during Thursday night – Friday morning.

    All best.

  • Ian

    One of the most notable things about your campaign to me, Craig, is the way you have held open meetings and hustings where people can ask questions and listen to debate. I have to tell you this is remarkable and a tribute to democracy – because I have sought in vain any public meetings at all in my constituency where I can hear the candidates and listen to questions and answers. The invisibility of them all is quite amazing, as they rely on a national party vote, and the media to stage stunts and PR ‘meetings’. Sunak has been, like Johnson, a paradigm of the closed, press and party workers only, event for the cameras.
    So well done for showing how it ought to be. I don’t know if you have any idea of how unusual your attitude towards open public debate is.

    • Ebenezer Scroggie

      Same in my constituency.

      No hustings by any of the contenders. Not one of them has the balls (or femme equivalent thereof) to face the voters and converse face to face.

      On the first Saturday of the campaign a coupla dozen SNP supporters showed up at the end of my High Street, beside the park, desperately clutching those yellow SNP cards. They were in animated conversation with eachother as if delighted to meet a fellow SNumPty who has not yet quit Der Partei. What was conspicuous to me was that not one of them engaged any of the many passers-by in conversation.

      That’s not what I would call political election campaigning. More like a group wank.

      Swinney The Poo showed up for the photo op. A nuclear family had been carefully placed close to where he was to stand, not carrying SNP paraphernalia so as to appear to be random members of the public.

      I got the impression that the tight coterie were so demoralised that they knew that the SNP is gubbed.

  • Pnyx

    Best wishes for the election from me too. If anyone has the qualifications for a parliamentary seat, it’s Craig Murray. Good luck!

  • Neil

    Best wishes, Craig, you fully deserve to win in Blackburn.

    Anyone living in or near Camden in London, please take the day off work, and help get the vote out in Starmer’s constituency, Holborn and St Pancras. Get Andrew Feinstein in, and stop Starmer becoming Prime Minister!

  • Squeeth

    As you know, I think that FPTP voting is worthless, except as an opportunity for schadenfreude so tally ho! I hope to see you giving your victory speech on the morrow. ;O)

  • Xavi

    I hope Blackburn recognises that we need voices like Craig Murray’s in Westminster. Britain is about to be led by a very disturbing, scary individual indeed, somebody the public knows virtually nothing about.

    To its credit the New York Times is today informing people who Sir Keir Starmer actually is, unlike the entire British media, con or lib.

    This is the person the British establishment is representing as “change”..

  • DunGroanin

    Roger is the Don.
    This is not a drill.
    He fights the good fight.
    He sings odes to justice.
    Watch them Postal Vote Foxes!
    They come to steal and kill the chickens in the coup.
    Fingers crossed that there is a clean count and clear consciences amongst the tribal leaders.
    Goodluck CM.

    • will moon

      DunGroanin you will be pleased to know that Jeremy Corbyn said yesterday that he could work with George Galloway, “on the things they agree on” and asked for unity. Galloway put out a Tick Tock the previous day saying similar things. Your point about the relations between these two men is not correct

      It might be better to check the facts before you make pronouncements, especially on such an important and potentially divisive topic – unfounded rumour-mongering can sow chaos

      • DunGroanin

        JC is a gentleman.
        He will work with the worst to stop wars and end killing civilians of civilians.
        GG traduced him. I don’t outed it in previous threads.
        GG has never retained a seat he ‘miraculously won’.
        JC just won again – against his traitorous neighbour, Starmer.
        JC will be in parliament still trying to stop wars and end privatisations and austerity.
        GG will be back to his media whoring agit propping career- he’ll probably end up in the HoL just like that other supposed lefty commie Claire Fox of RWP or RCP or Spiked or whatever trot name they hide behind.

  • Giacomo Poma

    Craig you are a great man, pleaaaasse go on and get elected. But you shoud loose some kilo (or pounds), it would be great for you, you would feel better. I recoment intermitent fasting.
    Giacomo Poma

  • Wilshire

    Best of luck in Blackburn Mr Murray, your campaign was second to none.
    In my view, you already are a MP (short for Mentor of Palestine).

  • Observer

    “Yesterday was unforgettable. We have campaigned with open hearts and honed minds, against the slough of corruption which is politics under modern capitalism. ”

    Please stop using the word “capitalism” to refer to our current regime, unless you’re going to precede it with “post-” – ie, “post-capitalism”.

    Frankly, Robert Higgs’ term “participatory fascism” is a better word to describe the current corporatist neo-feudalism arising from fiat currencies and democracy.

    The final nail in the coffin of capitalism came during the GFC (15+ years ago) when governments, and their central bank enablers, bailed out the TBTF banks and various other politically-favoured groups.

    • glenn_nl

      Yanis Varoufakis makes a very good argument that our current regime should actually be called “Techo-Feudalism”, writing in his book of the same name.

  • John Goss

    Today I voted for Independent pro-Palestinian candidate, Professor Kamel Hawwash. As much as a vote for him it was a vote against all the other candidates in Selly Oak.

    Good luck Craig Murray.

  • Lapsed Agnostic

    Yvonne Ridley just got 8.8% in Newcastle Central & West (and the other Independent got 4%) – far better than predicted in the MRP polls. That’s a good sign.

    • AG

      How would you judge the entire election?
      (I cannot expect any expertise in German papers. Better to inquire directly at the “source”.)

      • Lapsed Agnostic

        Thanks for your reply AG. In the words of Zhou En-Lai when asked about what effect the French Revolution had had on world history: It’s too early to tell* – especially as some of the seat predictions from the exit poll seem pretty mad. I may get back to you later.

        *It’s believed he thought that the interviewer was referring to the events of 1968.

      • David Warriston

        From the earliest declared results it is clear that the Reform Party has exceeded expectations. In fact if you were to combine the Reform votes (mostly in the north of England) with the Conservative votes then Labour would only be squeaking through. Written as at 02.17 BST.

        The actual turnout is low, may be the lowest since 1918. I have long suspected that Starmer will win fewer votes than Corbyn did in 2017, yet be hailed tomorrow morning as one of the greatest electioneers in Labour history. Work that one out.

        I think a National Government may be required within 18 months when the crisis develops and the moderate one nation Tories will be asked to align with Starmer who is already on their patch anyway. The alternative will be a Braverman/Farage opposition. He will be in Macron territory before long .

    • Lapsed Agnostic

      Pretty close though, Walt – fewer than 1500 votes in it. It was a lot closer than the MRP polls were predicting. Elsewhere, Workers Party candidates haven’t done very well so far – though they have managed to beat the SDP and the Yorkshire Party.

      North of the border, Labour have taken Kilmarnock & Loudoun off the SNP (by over 5000 votes) – that was one of the few seats the exit poll was predicting the SNP to win!

    • David Warriston

      Yes, the omens are not good for Craig.

      The right wing will coalesce in some form or other in the wake of this inevitable defeat. The prospects of a left leaning politics seem very remote at this time of writing (BST 2.56) but the economy cannot be ‘grown’ and a donor democracy will run out of support fairly quickly, especially when Starmer signs up for US imperialist wars. Craig and George just need to stick in there.

    • DunGroanin

      I did warn about Galloway and the WP bullshitters.
      Maybe some will pay more attention …

      Overall as I also said from day one of the announcement of the general election, and it’s timing in the middle of the Euros and summertime too!
      It’s and organised transition to restate the principle of the two party system – that required the Tories to lose regardless of their blinkered supporters. Labour has been delayed by Corbyn.
      The full destruction of the NHS public health model has to be done under a Labour government, which high set it up post ww2, to stop it Geng a political issue in the future.

      Fartage was sent into the various seats to split the Tory vote and leave the goal open for Labour.
      The Sun and mass media made sure that Labour was deemed suitable and Nige not as much in certain seats but more in others.
      That’s where the tempering ‘Putin lover’ stories came into play, to calm the ardour of the Labour supporters he would have otherwise attracted.
      He will be tub thumping for war and even be demanding working with the EU in that continued xenophobia and new iron curtain against the RF and China !
      That’s what the populist, gatekeeping Rottweiler Fartage was invented for – to keep the dumb as shit ‘commoners’ buttons pushed.

      • will moon

        No you didn’t

        You told lies about the relationship between Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway

        Did you do this deliberately or because you are ignorant?

        • DunGroanin

          will moon, can you please please stop stalking me on every single comment, please?

          Go cry over your Gorgeous George losing his massive popular seat, as a separate post of your own and seek consolation from others who are like minded.

          I Won’t be replying to anymore of your cri de couer incoherence here.

          • will moon

            I dont care a jot about Galloway, it is not an ego thing for me, unlike you

            You spread misinfo about these two men and their relationship, I care about this

            If you can’t see why a fair person, such as myself, would think you are a fool or a bad actor you need to examine what you write

            If you can’t explain why you would try to sow division between leaders fighting many of the same causes, people including myself, will draw their own conclusions

            I find an apology can work wonders

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