The Israeli Terrorist State 151

It is no longer possible to categorise the nihilistic violence of the Israeli state. It appears to have no objective other than violence and an urge for desolation.

In 24 hours Israel has murdered the man with whom it would need to negotiate hostage release in the short term and political settlement in the long term, and a key figure in its most dangerous potential military enemy which has refrained from full-on war.

In doing so it has violated the territory, indeed the capitals, of two crucial regional states.

Israel has also taken a policy decision that the mass rape of detainees by soldiers – and, somewhat strangely, homosexual rape in particular – is acceptable in war and not to be punished.

Ironically Israel has also underlined its genocidal intent in Gaza by proving that it has the technical ability to carry out targeted attacks, and that the flattening of entire cities with 2,000lb bombs and the massacre of tens of thousands of innocents has been a policy choice.

The western media appears paralysed by this. I have seen virtually no serious comment or analysis. Nor has anybody pointed out the contrast between Israel’s lies about mass rape on October 7 and Israel’s now-admitted policy of tolerating rape of detainees.

The political class seems even more paralysed than the media class. Caught in their commitment to Zionism – basically bought and paid for – they have nothing to say about these incredible events more sensible than Kamala Harris’s zombie-like incantation of “Israel’s right to self-defence”.

The British Foreign Office has failed to produce its promised considered reaction to the ICJ Opinion on the illegality of Israeli occupation, let alone responded sensibly to Israel’s crazed paroxysm of destruction this week.

For me it is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity. I believe that more and more people around the entire globe believe that now.

And if we have to dismantle our own political and media classes to get there, so be it.



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151 thoughts on “The Israeli Terrorist State

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  • Republicofscotland

    On the murdered – man Ismail Haniyeh.

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has ordered a direct strike on Israel – in response to the assassination of the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran.

    Apparently there’s a reference to sources of the quote in the NYT.

    • Jack

      Iran need to be more calculated than this, they should start taking out individuals just like israel do. Sending missiles towards Israel do not really accomplish anything, especially since the attack itself do not occur as a surprise attack directly but are pre-announced and thus israel could take every preparing measure to curb the possible damage by such rockets/missiles.
      Instead of planning which physical spots missiles should target inside Israel, Iran should spend time, focus and planning which israeli rep. they could put 6 feet deep.

        • Goose

          Netanyahu is clearly trying to provoke Iran and Hezbollah into an all out war for various reasons. Foremost among them, will be the fact Russia and Iran are getting close to signing a new comprehensive defence agreement. That planned pact is reportedly akin to the one Russia recently signed with North Korea – that includes a clause requiring the countries to come to each other’s aid if either is attacked. Iran’s air defences could be considerably strengthened by such an agreement, as could its ability to defeat Israel’s defences. But the most important aspect, is the potential nuclear deterrent by proxy, depending obviously, upon the limits of ‘mutual defence’ in said agreement.

          After November’s election, the US can’t be completely relied upon either. There’s no reason to believe a new Kamala Harris administration would want to be thrown straight into a costly, unpopular, ME war in defence of an increasingly unpopular, expansionist, genocidal entity like Israel. And the US’s military top brass made clear the last time he was president, that they don’t have faith in Trump’s judgement; his level-headedness to direct a major war as commander-in-chief. Thus, I’d expect the US to become more isolationist if Trump wins a second term.

      • Republicofscotland

        “Iran need to be more calculated than this, they should start taking out individuals just like israel do.”


        I see where your coming from – however I can’t agree with that, for once a country goes down that road of striking targets in third party countries – then where does that kind of strike end?

        The US and Israel have broken the International Rules Based Order that they claim to adhere to – it would do no good to go down that road and start striking targets in third party countries – I’m pretty sure the third party countries in this case Iran – and in General Soleimani’s case Iraq, are furious with the brazen attacks on their soil.

        But no country in West Asia wants all out regional war – no matter how much they might shout about it.

        The decent folk of world are behind the Palestinians as they face a horrendous genocide – striking targets in third party countries which would be reported on constantly in the corporate MSM, it would only damage those who are fighting – and not just with weapons – to stop the genocide and bring the war criminals to justice.

  • geoff chambers

    “…apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled..”
    You will be accused of genocidal intent for this, but there may be a relatively painless route towards the withering of the Israeli state.
    Liberals with dual passports will leave & come home to London, New York & Paris. This should be encouraged by any means.
    If Israeli immigrants from Russia & Middle Eastern countries could be encouraged to return, possibly with financial incentives in return for renouncing their Israeli citizenship, the country would either be reduced to an economic basket case or finally come to its senses.

    • David Warriston

      Be careful on that point. The Israeli citizens who are leaving are not necessarily ‘liberal’ in the old fashioned term, although I don’t doubt many are. Others may be more like rats abandoning the sinking ship. Why on earth should other countries be asked to absorb their Zionist instincts? I think a screening process akin to de-Nazification should be employed otherwise the poison will simply be spread.

      • Stevie Boy

        The UK has a precedent for helping nazis. Ukrainians are the recipients of many benefits in the UK that are not available to the indigenous residents. No reason to think that the zionist Starmer and his mates wouldn’t do the same for zionist nazis fleeing retribution in the ME.

        • David Warriston

          I agree unfortunately. Which is great news for Tommy Robinson.

          Robinson’s crew (although he was conveniently out of the country) hijacked a memorial service yesterday in Southport. But they only did this after Starmer had hijacked it earlier himself, in person. The man who condoned starvation of children and has opposed a ceasefire in Gaza, laid a wreath to dead children. Tommy and his boys can see which way the wind is blowing.

          As Farage says, these Labour votes are weak. 3 million lost since Corbyn and probably falling by the month.

          • Pyewacket

            David, regarding Jeremy Corbyn’s forced departure and replacement by Sir Kid Starver on behalf of the Zionist lobby and further supported by the likes of Pompeo. Given recent developments, no doubt, long in the planning and making, one can see why “he had to go”. His humanity and massive popular support would be a real threat and a thorn in their sides. Personally I’m amazed he’s still alive and didn’t come cropper to an unfortunately “accident”

          • will moon

            The murder of Allende drew the line Pyewacket, a line Corbyn never crossed.

            I don’t judge him. Think of all those people thrown out of helicopters or the murder of Patrice Lubumba, five hours I think it took them hitting him with rifle butts.

            At that time, with that man there was no way through. The army brass announced it on the telly! There would have been civil strife, Corbyn knew where it was going. Imagine being that man leaving his house in the morning to be met by Murdoch’s reptiles. Think about it.

            Think about what is known about Corbyn. His right to be counted as one of us. In exercising this right Corbyn assumes the responsibility we all have to each other, not to use others as tools for one’s purpose. This behaviour goes down badly with other people in my experience. Maybe you could say it was lack of a killer instinct, if so I’m glad

            Maybe the time has gone but he has raised the awareness of an alternative. If you think of Starmer or Sturgeon and they’re treatment by the Establishment and then you think of Corbyn, you won’t go far wrong making judgements about any given “leader” – I use the term “given” deliberately


        David Warriston

        Close to the mark there I think..

        Netanyahu- Givir? and Smodrich will have ‘ moved ‘ their banking accounts elsewhere in these troubled
        times probably just after it all kicked off.

        Or they operate a foot in both camps business arrangements as before.

        Dual Passports come in handy.

        Ask Nigel Farage.

        I would keep a wary eye on Ben Gurion Airport either way.

  • glenn_nl

    Worth remembering that these ‘detainees’ are completely uncharged and unconvicted of anything except for being a citizen of Gaza. These are people picked up in the street, or grabbed out of their houses. Doctors, rescue workers, teachers and journalists.

    The line that “they use human shields” is surely getting thin – the most dangerous place in the world is to be among innocent Palestinian civilians. That’s the last place anyone would be hiding if they didn’t want to be bombed.

    Besides, Israelis frequently use human shields – Palestinians, of course – and have done for many years.

    Another tired line, is “They behave this way or that way, and so we will do the same.” Only with much more weaponry, of course. So the Most Moral Army In The World ™ takes its lead from what it describes as murderers and terrorists? Fascinating.

  • Jordo42

    The western mainstream media are mute on the truth…..because they are quietly all involved in a consortium aimed and spreading imperial propaganda and suppressing truth. In

    It’s called the Trusted News Initiative. This is the what Orwell would recognise as a “Ministry of Truth” – except in our modern neoliberal world, it’s organised as a faceless NGO, and government direction is behind the scenes.

    Truths die in this filter, as do inconvenient truths and uncom questions

    The aim of doing so is to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses and suppress any mass awakening, or as they put it, “to promote trust” in the governments doing all these bad things.

      • Pyewacket

        Which goes quite some way George in explaining why, whenever I “Share” articles from here, or the likes of Off Guardian or Global Research for example to fb, they never see the light of day.

    • Pyewacket

      Jordo. Thanks for sharing the informative stuff on the TNI. Given its formation was in 2019 it looks to me so prescient an initiative given what has come later ie: Covid, Biden, Ukraine and now the Gazan Genocide it’s as if tptb knew well in advance what they had in store for us all.

      • Jordo42

        They used the BBC as a front, but as you can see from the links they are in cahoots with the RAND Corp, which is US military strategy arm. It’s illegal in the US for the government or the military to engage in censorship, so they find willing people to front this odious activity, and pretend it is a collaboration of the new media. But really this is the “Ministry of Truth” from 1984 come to life here.

    • M.J.

      I note that TNI does _not_ include Fox News, and that they have had disputes with RFK Jr and a number of anti-vaxxers. All sound good for TNI!

  • George Porter

    There are two objectives:
    1. Drive out or kill all Palestinians in the Land of Israel
    2. Get the US to destroy Iran.

  • John S

    “For me it is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity.”

    Well I’ll go to the foot of our stairs. 80 years after it was obvious to every non-liberal and their pet wolverine that Israel was going to be the grit in the oyster of the Middle East, serving Western interests by causing economic and political chaos in the region for so long as it existed, Sherlock Holmes here finally gets the message.

    Next, he’ll be telling us that playing with explosives is dangerous.

    • Matthew

      For me, it is a matter of principle not to mess with explosives as such reckless and thoughtless behaviour may lead to serious injuries and even lifelong disabilities.

  • Yvonne A Ridley

    I was struck by the similarities between torture techniques deployed in Bagram, Guantanamo & Abu Ghraib to what is happening to Palestinians in Israeli prisons. Your observation: “Israel has also taken a policy decision that the mass rape of detainees by soldiers – and, somewhat strangely, homosexual rape in particular – is acceptable in war and not to be punished.” This is surely worth a PhD investigation/thesis?
    There is something inherently wrong with men who find sexual abuse irresistible especially when these are predominantly men in uniform and in positions of trust.

    • David Warriston

      Many men in state uniform are latent homosexuals. It’s more the degradation they can inflict than the sex I suspect. They are weak men looking for strength. But a uniform lends legitimacy to the enterprise.

      Notice how the ‘thin blue line’ of yesterday’s policing (when police were citizens in uniform) has become a ‘thin yellow stab vest line’ of para military thugs. The gap between power and the oppressed has become acute, therefore the oppressed can be dehumanised at home or abroad. The contempt shown to the police in Southport, by the dreck of Robinson’s foot soldiers, is nothing to the contempt that is visited upon the UK citizen by those who govern us. Which is what they feed off.

    • Stevie Boy

      The similarities in torture techniques are not your imagination.
      The techniques are taught by the security services, primarily CIA and Mossad, and exported to regimes across the world. Israel has trained UK military and police forces.
      The torture is effectively state sanctioned and supported – our taxes. Think on that.

      • GratedApe

        Turkey reportedly has about a million victims of torture by its own state. A culture which I saw a mention goes back to the Ottoman empire. They’re closing one notorious prison in a Kurdish area, arguing about turning it into a museum of shame or not, while building another twice as big nearby.

        • Laguerre

          Hasbarists love to criticise Turkey these days. The times when the Jewish community was grateful to the Ottomans for enabling the community to survive are long, long, forgotten. Bite the hand that feeds you is the principle these days, now that we’re into Jewish supremacism.
          Turks were never delicate, that is true. But this particular smear is worthless. Every single country in the world has tortured somebody, and the Kurds complain a lot, though they helped the Ottomans carry out the Armenian genocide, which was in fact the brutal repression of a revolt against the empire, when the Ottoman Armenians tried to join Tsarist Russia in 1915 (but the truth has been thrust down the memory hole).

          • GratedApe

            Why are you replying to me as if I’m Jewish or representing the Jewish community?

            If you’re a Scottish nationalist you seem to have lost the plot in your attitude to the highlanders of Turkey etc, if that’s an apt comparison.

            I met a nice Armenian guy protesting outside the BBC in London, they wanted more coverage of some blockade situation going on out there. He said back in Turkey they’d been friendly with the Kurds, but they did shop them in before they were turned on themselves, but he hoped they could be friendly again.

          • Laguerre

            That’s because you are presenting the israeli point point of view – I can only judge from what you write or have written. Myself I am not a ScotNat; you will find nothing on the subject in my comments.
            My information on the Kurds and Armenians comes from a Kurdish historian who teaches in a Turkish university; the Kurds did nothing to help the Armenians.

    • Brian Red

      Uniform is a kind of dress-up, widely used in hierarchical patriarchal institutions that encourage fraternity in the ranks. Enough said.

      A PhD on it isn’t the way forward though.

    • Alyson

      Christina Lamb has done the research and noted the uncomfortable details of all the horror and trauma about What War does to Women, in her book: Our Bodies, Their Battlefield. The brutality and damage is horrific, and yet perhaps because of this, we are shielded from that knowledge. It destroys all our illusions of humanity and human decency. The brave women who told Christina their experiences were severely damaged, and there is one doctor who carries out reconstructive surgery in war zones to try and repair and ease the pain for a few hundred of the many thousands of women.

      When you take into account how difficult it is to hear these accounts while looking these women in the eyes, then imagine how much more difficult it might be to hear the same stories from the men on the losing side, and offer them the reconstructive surgery, respectfully acknowledging that for any victim of rape it is always about abuse of power, with the threat of death as the alternative.

      Christina is a brave, compassionate and gentle war correspondant who has reported from conflicts around the globe, and who only recently learned that war is not a straight fight between men with contrasting allegiances, but that the terrible damage and humiliation is a very dark undercurrent in war.

      Perhaps the only good thing about the Nazis was that rape was not tolerated and was punishable with immediate court Marshall and death, being executed by their commanding officer.

      How can communities rebuild ties with vanquished and conquerors if this barbaric subhuman behaviour is not recognised for being the worst aspect of our shared humanity?

    • Warren Peace

      “homosexual rape” is not a fitting description. It was an act of torture. Pain was inflicted. Harm was done. It was also rape, which is a more specific euphemism for torture, but entirely appropriate. But while “homosexual rape” is used to further quality the rape, it introduces sexuality and intention, and we find we’ve drifted far away from what happened. Euphemisms add slipperiness to the slope running from torture to a lover’s quarrel. Torture is official policy.

      I would compare the anal torture to the aural torture of a hostage who had lost hearing in one ear because Israeli soldiers had pushed a bullet into it until blood came out.

      (I know Craig was comparing IOF claims of mass rape with all the documented rapes in Israeli torture centres.)

  • Brendan

    The only recent reports that I’ve seen in the western media of rape involving Gazan detainees were of the video ‘confession’ a couple of months ago by a detainee of raping Israeli women on 7 October. He said that his cousin and his father did the same thing and that his father killed one of the women too.

    No suspicion was expressed that the confession might have been forced, despite the complete lack of corroborating evidence and also the widespread torture of Gazan prisoners. Nobody questioned why he would have freely admitted his guilt if he really was guilty when there was no evidence to convict him.

    I’m sure that the Israeli soldiers accused of raping Gazan prisoners will be treated a lot more ‘fairly’ by the same media – if they reported those allegations at all.

  • Ruth

    You’re absolutely right – a state like Israel must be taken apart to end its savagery. I cannot believe the UK so degenerate in its support and such evil. So we now have new British values – genocide is fine especially if it’s kids, rape of prisoners, men, women and kids is no problem, smashing up homes, schools, hospitals is OK if we don’t like our neighbours and want their land.

  • Bob (original)

    And how could you ever negotiate with brain-washed, cult members who are convinced that israel can do no wrong?

    And why do we let a tiny country of <10 million of a population create so much regional and global unrest?

    There is no 2 state solution: but there always has been a one state solution – Palestine.

    • Nota Tory Fanboy

      I find it fascinating when those in support of this genocide say something like “there’s never been a State of Palestine”… Conveniently forgetting that it was when it was a British Protectorate, or that “Palestinian” derives from “Philistine”, from “Philistia” and that the Hebrews’ own foundational story is one of genocide against the Canaanites. But that last part is as far as that discussion ever goes. In no school in England will you find discussion of who the Canaanites were, the land they inhabited, how long for etc.

  • El Dee

    No policy decision that I could find on the mass rape. As far as I can source, one of the nine detained soldiers has been released without charge and the rest remain in custody. More than one govt minister is calling for their release but this isn’t policy. I read an opinion that the very fact that arrests have been made in this case (when many others have been ignored) is a sop to the ICC to prove that ‘Israel has robust systems in place to prosecute any alleged war-crimes’

    I know what you mean about ‘dismantling’ but fear that your statement will be mischaracterised and thrown back as a ‘calls for Israel to be wiped off the map’ or ‘calls for the destruction of the Jewish people’ I appreciate that you mean something along the lines of UN troops on the ground to keep the peace and administer the entire area to restore some semblance of normality for the people and to stop wholesale slaughter before resolving the issue by giving self determination and safety to all concerned.

    Words are weapons..

    • A - Lister

      Worth pointing out that states have been dismantled numerous times both violently and non-violently. Not withstanding the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Ottoman Empire, Holy Roman Empire etc etc. medieval Europe was a mish-mash of upto 500 “states” most of which have been abolished. Part of a natural cycle, and being unable to live with neighbours appears to be part of it.

      • Brian Red

        The French settler regime in Algeria would be a better comparator.
        Although to be fair it didn’t mass-displace the population.
        As an analogue of metropolitan France one would then have Israel-supporting Jewish interests in the USA and the rest of the world.
        Not an exact equivalence of course, but interesting as a reference and capable of inducing thought.

  • Peter Mo

    It’s the USA/Israel so called alliance which is the destructive factor. The problem is in Washington.
    When you have got so many politicians relying on Jewish funding plus a media so ready to accept the revenue there is obviously going to be an imbalance.
    Then you have the hangers on like the UK who can come out with the most outlandish logic. e,g, UK ambassador at the Security Council…. “we strongly reject countries taking advantage of Palestinian suffering.” No mention of who is inflicting the suffering i.e. killing… just telling countries not to protest against it.

    • Bayard

      In the US, you also have a nation which is founded on precisely the same behaviour as what the Israelis are doing in Palestine at this moment, so it’s not really surprising that so many can see no problem with it.

      • Brian Red

        Sure, the US too is a settler regime founded on the slaughter of the indigenous population. No doubt about that. But that’s not the reason. The reason is the use of money to control minds, since about 1840. It was in relation to the Damascus affair that the Media and the Lobby became big things in the USA. Then of course there was 1948, the United Nations (see which city it’s in), the FARA cop-out, and subsequent wars. The stranglehold is very tight.

  • TPaine

    Nothing to add. You’ve summed it up nicely. Decades of excuses, lies and atrocities are coming home to roost. I just hope non-Zionist Jews will escape being tarred with the same brush.

    • Brian Red

      Seriously, who on Earth wants to blame a person who doesn’t support the existence of Israel, and who on the contrary abhors ethnic supremacism, fascism, and genocide, for what Israel does? Practically nobody. There’s no problem there, so don’t worry about it.

  • Allan Howard

    I was just checking out something on the Guardian’s website (in relation to Southport and Nigel Farage) and came across this Middle East Crisis Live page, which begins with the headline that two US airlines have suspended flights to Tel Aviv. And there was also this further down the page under the heading ‘Summary of the day so far’:

    Although Israel has not formally commented on Haniyeh’s killing, several Israeli ministers reacted on social media. The heritage minister, Amichay Eliyahu, celebrated his killing, writing on Twitter/X: “Haniyeh’s death makes the world a little better” and that this is the “right way to clean the world from this filth”. Shlomo Karhi, minister of communications, wrote on X: “Yes, all your enemies will perish, O God”, although the post appeared later to have been deleted…..

    And this:

    Al Jazeera said two of its journalists have been killed in an attack on the Gaza Strip. The Qatar-based broadcaster has named them as Al Jazeera Arabic journalist Ismail al-Ghoul and his cameraman Rami al-Rifee.

    And this:

    Israel’s representative to the UN says there has been a “rank hypocrisy” within the security council today.

    He notes that just last week, 12 children were killed in a rocket attack in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

    ” Where were the condemnations of Hezbollah and their Iranian suppliers for the butchery of these 12 children?

    He says Israel carried out a “precise” strike against the senior Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukur, who he described as a “senior terrorist with the blood of Israelis and many others on his hands”.

    It would be interesting to know just exactly how many children BN and his fascist buddies (and not just in Israel) have butchered in Gaza since last October. At a guess I’d say about 3,000 times the number in the Golan Heights. Anyway, it’s good to hear that the srike against Fuad Shukar was precise, and didn’t kill dozens of woman and children as well. Presumably the two Al Jazeera journalists was a precise strike also.

    • Allan Howard

      Thought I’d just quickly check Skwawkbox for any new posts before I hit the sack, and there was this one about the two Al Jazeera journalists:

      ‘Breaking: Israel murders al-Ghoul, Palestinian journalist it detained and beat, and cameraman’

      Colleague posts video lamenting over Ismail al-Ghoul’s headless body, moments after his death and the death of his cameraman Rami al-Rifi

    • Jordo42

      Never mind the lies when everyone already has heard that the casualty was due to malfunction of the Israel missile defense system

      More interesting is the rank hypocrisy of the representative of the Israeli apartheid and genocide regime, going to the US to talk about the Golan Heights….in light of Israel being in flagrant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 242 for MANY DECADES NOW, in which it is also violating the human rights of the people of the Golan Heights:

      • Brian Red

        Do you think the expulsions and occupations of 1948, and the subsequent military rule over the occupied population in the 1948 Occupied Territories, were all justified? I’m guessing no, you don’t. So don’t over-concentrate on 1967 as if occupation pre-1967 was good because “lawful”, whereas only after 1967 was it bad because “unlawful”.

        The Zionists do whatever works. This is the meaning of the phrase “facts on the ground”. This or that idea among the enemy or host (whether it’s phraseology or law) is interpreted and influenced, shaped or removed, chalked up as an asset or otherwise. It’s completely cynical. Law has eff-all to do with it. The same is true about the notion of human rights and indeed the notion of humanity.

  • Greg Park

    Politicians and journalists have known for decades that there is no viable 2-state solution given the proliferation of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Further to that, Netanyahu and the Knesset are now openly telling the world they will never permit a Palestinian state even if such a thing were viable. Yet still we hear this unicorn fantasy being trotted out by people like Biden and Starmer to warm applause from liberals. “Two states” is even the official position of Kamala Harris, one of the most fanatical advocates of further illegal settlement expansion! All these glaring frauds will continue to be portrayed by client media as good people seeking a just and lasting peace.

    • Bayard

      There has always been a viable two state solution: it “works” in the US and “worked” in South Africa. The colonisers get all the best land and the natives are forced into reservations that are labelled “states” where they have no rights in the dominant state adjacent. “Viable” in this case means viable for the colonisers, of course.

      • Lapsed Agnostic

        Native American reservations in the US are not labelled ‘states’, Bayard, and the vast majority of their residents have full rights in the state in which the reservation is located (and far more rights than I did when I was working in the States) because they are US citizens, as well as citizens of that state. However, when they are on the reservation, state law does not apply to the them, only federal law and the law of the reservation, which is why gambling is legal on many reservations.

  • Jack

    Since Ismail Haniyeh lived in Qatar one wonder if the arab leaders was not in on this assassination themselves. Israel obviously did not want to kill Haniyeh in an arab state to not infurite the arab street.
    Arab world should use the same tactics back, I mean you even have the Mossad and Shin Bet leaders going back and forth to Egypt, Qatar, how hard could it be for any arab resistance group to set up the demise of any of these individuals?
    Israel’s Mossad, Shin Bet chiefs to visit Egypt to discuss the prisoner deal

    That is also just a nail in the coffin that Israel was never interested in any hostages, (surprise surprise) still the stupid, useful-idiots in the western media/political class have like any other lie spread by Israel, played along and framed the conflict that if Hamas only release these captives, the war would be over. Sigh. How stupid and gullible could one be?!
    Still the stupid westerners do not realize what a senseless crime this is. This is as if Hamas would assassinate Netanyahu in lets say the US. Imagine the reaction, Palestine would be bombed with nukes if that had occured! And since west do not recognize the severity of these crimes Israel commit, they do not understand why events like 7th of october happen.

    As Asa Winstanley said the other day on Twitter:
    Almost 10 continuous months of these utterly psychopathic, genocidal videos being openly filmed by Israeli soldiers and I can’t recall even a single one being shown on mainstream media.
    The westerner have no friggin idea what Israel is up to because these perverted crimes by Israel is never aired in the mainstream media. If Russia engaged in these nasty, perverse, callous crimes oh it would be prime time coverage!

    Also, carrying out political assassination and that in another state, is a declaration of war against that very state. But how many western politicians/journalists claim that Iran or Hamas have a “right to defend themselves” now huh?? We are led by despicable creatures devoid of any compassion, humanity, morality, legal principles.

    Just like the South African Apartheid regime or the nazi regime, Israel believe they are the Ubermech, the Herrenvolk, their ethnicity stand above others in Israel and they are not bound by any rules, laws, because they are the supreme race, they believe.
    It is mindboggling how this regime could go on living, no other state would get away with the crimes Israel commit daily.

    • Laguerre

      “Since Ismail Haniyeh lived in Qatar one wonder if the arab leaders was not in on this assassination themselves. Israel obviously did not want to kill Haniyeh in an arab state to not infurite the arab street.”
      No that’s not right (apart from being a remark typical of a hasbarist, which you are not, from your other posts). You haven’t understood the fundamental shift in Arab opinion since Oct 7th. Palestinians are not hated, which Israel liked us to believe they were before Oct 7th. I never believed they were really, but Israel wanted us to believe it. Today they are heroes, and no ME state, whether Sunni or Shi’a, would dare to detract from that. In fact I think the assassination of Haniyeh may turn bad for Israel. Haniyeh is the dead martyred hero everybody can identify with.

      • Brian Red

        Probably the reason for the location at which Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated, namely Teheran, was simply that Israel knew exactly where he was.

        In 2010 Israel assassinated Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. It didn’t seem to bother them that the UAE is an Arab state.

        • Jack

          Brain Red

          Israel of course know where the Hamas leaders are 24/7. Their whereabouts and housings in for example Qatar have not been a secret.

      • Jack

        Yes the claim that arabs do not care for palestinians was indeed a typical talking point by pro-israeli and I rejected that argument for years… but it is obvious today that, atleast as far as the arab leaders is concerned, they could not care less about palestinians – judging from their own record. As I have said before, people commenting here have spent more time, emotions for the palestinians than the arab leaders have, combined.
        One can not keep living in the fantasy world believing the arab world is as united as ever against Israel etc. It is the other way around, the arab world have not been more fragmented on Palestine than today. Just look at the pathetic Arab League, they could only level the usual cliche-ridden “condemnation” against Israel regarding the Haniyeh assassination.
        By implying the arab leaders care for palestinians the only party you benefit is just these pro-western corrupt arab leaders that want to create this image that they take a stance against the US.

        • Laguerre

          Frankly you’re conflating a lot of different elements. Firstly, in blaming these corrupt Arab rulers (without specifying which they are), you’ve omitted to mention the twenty-year long deliberate Israeli policy of bringing down any Arab power who could face up to Israel, one after another, wars carried out by US and UK on behalf of Israel mainly – Iraq, Syria, Libya. Very successful for Israel they were. Then the only corrupt one is Egypt. The others are too weak anyway – the Gulf states are only vast families of princes with oil-fields. Money doesn’t make an army. Saudi is not in the same camp; it has a population, conquered by Ibn Saud in the 20s and 30s, who are only kept quiet by paying them off with meaningless jobs, but still MbS hasn’t signed up for normalisation and won’t, in spite of what US and Israel say.
          The situation is simply not like you claim, once you look into things. Things aren’t good but they’re capable of evolving.
          As I said somewhere earlier, Israel is quite capable of defeating itself, there’s no point in jumping in until they go in for the kill, of a weakened beast.

          • Jack

            No they are niot weak, they have tremendous soft- and hardpower but they refuse to use it because they are – corrupt.
            In the 70s the arab leaders had the courage to impose an oil embargo. Today, arab leaders even refuse to cut ties with israeli universities.

            Morocco’s Mohammed VI Polytechnic University defies calls from students to cut ties with Israel

            You live in the past if you believe the arab leaders somehow care for the palestinians – again – I judge by their own record – what have they done past 10 months? Nothing, they do not even have the heart to cut the Abraham Accords talks! What does that tell you? They do not even have the courage to join South Africa at the ICJ.

            The only arab leader/state that have showed normal decency is Algeria that have time and time again raised the issue within the UNSC.
            Algeria proposes UN action to ‘stop killing in Rafah’

          • Laguerre

            Morocco is not an issue, as too far away. Though yes, they are a second case of corruption. I just find them irrelevant.
            Of course, if you’re unwilling to take the real factors into account, but rather simply declare everyone corrupt, there’s nothing I can say.

          • Jack


            The anti-palestinian attitude is everywhere, you get jailed in some arab states for even protesting against Israel. What does that tell you? Does that tell you that these states somehow care for the palestinians? Come on, wake up Laguerre.

            I judge them by their own record. By their own record Ithey are without a doubt corrupt morally, legally, humanly, brotherly, every way you want. I do not know what proof you need, I mean just look at them. As I said, they have done nothing while they have all the power by both soft- and hard(power) principles. But they are aligned with the west and Israel now, their shia-hatred and hatred for Iran/Hezbollah have really messed up their outlook on things totally past couple of years. Time and time again Iran have urged the arab world to break ties and take a harsher stance against israel, to no avail.
            You know that so why live in the past? Why not move on and realize they are the problem, they are the enabler of this genocide playing out?
            And do not take my word for it, the palestinians beg time and time again for the arab leaders to take action and urge the arab leaders to break ever tie they have with Israel.

          • SA

            It is also very telling that Jordan and possibly others have also helped protect Israel from Iranian missiles

          • Laguerre

            “The anti-palestinian attitude is everywhere, you get jailed in some arab states for even protesting against Israel.”
            I doubt very much whether that’s the case, especially now. It might have happened at the height of the Trumpian Abraham accords, that is possible (2017-8?), but not now. I notice that you are unspecific about the details; I suspect it’s something you read but didn’t experience yourself.
            You are definitely out of date on the shi’a hatred. that’s evaporated a lot.

          • Jack


            Exactly, good point and there are probably a whole lot more of treachery, schemes that goes on behind the scenes between Israel/Arab leaders.
            Just read how UAE work with the US & Israel to install a Fatah leadership in Gaza:
            US, Israel and UAE working to create new body to govern post-war Gaza


            Not sure how you could have missed all the crackdown against pro-palestinians in the arab world:
            As Anger Grows Over Gaza, Arab Leaders Crack Down on Protests
            Grief and rage over the war and Israel have led to demonstrations across the Arab world. Arrests suggest governments fear the outrage could boomerang.


            Bahrain: HRW: Children among those arrested in Bahrain’s ‘repression of pro-Palestine protests’
            Egypt: How Egypt’s crackdown on Gaza protests shows the fragility of Sisi’s regime
            Jordan: Jordan: Stop cracking down on pro-Gaza protests and release those charged for exercising their freedoms of assembly and expression
            Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia Steps Up Arrests Of Those Attacking Israel Online
            Morocco: A Moroccan activist was sentenced to 5 years for criticizing the country’s ties to Israel
            UAE: UAE reportedly deports university student who yelled ‘Free Palestine’

          • AG

            Jack, Laguerre

            Rashid Khalidi actually compares Algeria today with France under Louis XIV. And its not about the dancing at the king´s palace. The “Arab Spring” cost a lot. Resistance as you say is not dead but people are extremely cautious.

            Here the excerpt with Tariq Ali

            The second thing is that, almost without exception, from the Gulf to the Atlantic, you don’t have regimes that allow public opinion to express itself. There are jackboot dictatorships, a pouvoir in Algeria, the most absolutist monarchies since Louis XIV, which allow virtually no dissent beyond a tiny space, and if you go beyond it, you will be tasered and tortured, you will be arrested and your family will suffer. So, you’re right, no protests in the Arab world have risen to the level of what we’ve seen in London and New York, or in some parts of the Global South, Indonesia and Pakistan. That’s partly because the Arab masses have been cowed by the cattle prods and tortures inflicted on them since the so-called Arab Spring. They were brought back to order by America’s clients, in particular the Saudis and the Emiratis, with vast infusions of cash and support for the most hardline security measures. One can’t entirely blame the people for not being willing to raise their heads above a certain point over this issue.

  • Brian Red

    Some comments.

    1. “Apartheid” was the word that the white supremacist regime in South Africa used to describe itself. It was the wrong word for critics of white supremacy to use. To make this point is not abstract intellectualism. The horror that the South African regime imposed was not simply one of separation or apartness. You only have to say that sentence to realise it is true. The reality was one of ethnic supremacy. There were those who upheld “separation” as some kind of beautiful ideal. They wouldn’t have managed to get away with taking that attitude if they’d been forced to use the phrase “white supremacy”.

    2. “Apartheid” is also the wrong word to apply to the Jewish supremacist occupation of Palestine.
    Call the old South African regime what it was: white supremacist.
    Call Israel what it is: Jewish supremacist.
    Name Jewish racism and fascism for what they are.
    A long time ago, the Guardian’s style manual banned the word “goy” because they said it was racist. They don’t say that any more. See how the pendulum has swung? Let’s knock it back again. The phrase “Jewish racism” is in effect banned in the MSM. Take this as a challenge.

    3. There is the additional point that the white supremacists in South Africa did not bomb the sh1t out of the bantustans to anything like the extent that Israel has done. They were not genocidalist. Israel is genocidalist.

    4. Do not underestimate the extent to which Israel has influenced the terminology used by its critics. For example:

    4.1 Take the word “settlement”, when it’s used exclusively to denote Jewish-only encampments on some of the territory occupied in 1967. (And I say “some of”, because the term doesn’t tend to be used for Jewish immigration to East Jerusalem.) In fact, Zionism has always been about settlement. Tel Aviv is settled. Haifa is settled. We’ve all seen the maps showing the increase in the area occupied by Jewish supremacists. That’s called settlement.

    4.2. Take also the word “kibbutz”. What is a kibbutz but a kind of settlement? Moreover, these disgusting racist and fascist institutions played an important part in setting the proposed line between Jewish and Arab areas in 1947 *and* the line at which the Zionist killers stopped at the end of the “cleansing” war of 1948. They’re not nicy-nicy hippy-dippy summer camps.

    5. WTF was going on with the US-built Gaza pier? See how the MSM works…

    6. Zionists used biological warfare in 1948. Specifically they spread typhoid in Arab villages. There is now a large literature on this. It is not denied. Right now, in 2024, there is a polio epidemic in Gaza, a territory which as we know is being Starmered where water is concerned.

    Meanwhile the fascist soldiers fighting against the population in Gaza are being vaccinated against polio:

    • Brian Red

      The evacuate from the US pier plan seems to have been dropped…and now there’s a polio epidemic among the super-concentrated, terrorised, water-deprived, displaced population, while the pied noir army is ensuring its own crazed fascist troops are immune.

      Don’t let criticism of “genocide” be just a use of words. This really is f*cking genocide.

  • Townsman

    For me it is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity.

    Informed observers (e.g. Miko Peled) have been pointing out for years that there is no viable two-state solution, but as yet there does not seem to be widespread understanding of this. The true intellectual leaders of the Jewish community foresaw as long ago as 1948 that the racist policies of Israel could only end in disaster;

    And if we have to dismantle our own political and media classes to get there, so be it.

    But how do you propose to do that? We don’t live in a democracy, and even if we did, the great majority of the population pays little attention to anything not promoted by the mass media – run by the “political and media classes”.

  • Steve

    Thank you, Craig, for calling it what it is. Not killing, not assassination, but cold-blooded murder, with malice aforethought

  • Goose

    The fact Israel has the ability to carry out such precision strikes raises further questions as to their claim they were totally blindsided on Oct 7th. The idea those Gazan paragliders trained in complete secrecy, and Israel’s famed network of informants and spies, within Gaza, picked up absolutely nothing in advance, is, well, it’s hard to believe. The implications of that, were it stated in regard to any other country, would seem outrageous, but the ultra belligerent Netanyahu and co have form. Always spoiling for a fight; looking for pretexts in an attempt to to justify their outrageous leveling of Gaza. To sell this 11 months of horrifically excessive bombing to naive US politicians and our own Foreign Secretary, David Lammy.

    Then there is Israel’s famed electronic surveillance. The guardian reported recently that NSO group – a strange state/private mix surveillance outfit, asked the Israeli govt to send officials to seize their own technical documents about Pegasus spyware, in an effort to prevent the company from being able to comply with demands made by WhatsApp in a US court to hand over information about their invasive technology – Meta et al are suing them for infringing the privacy of countless users around the world. Every mobile phone in Gaza; every internet connected device, probably every device in the whole region will be a listening device sending digital information (location; streaming via spyware: video, audio) to Israel or the British FVEYs base, in Oman, for processing. This is what Egypt and Jordan are likely getting for their acquiescence about Gaza too – threat monitoring for their regimes – including monitoring democracy activists. That and the EU’s billions gifted by von der Leyen – ‘hush money’ for their silence and compliance with no democratic reform demands attached. The US and UK are directly propping up brutal dictatorships while protesting how Venezuela’s recent election was conducted. Hypocrisy, much?

    You do wonder if Israel’s opponents realise that all modern technology is their enemy – a trap – things like near instantaneous voice recognition and tracking due to advances in big data processing, make all electronic devices, even the notorious ‘burner phones’ off limits. I’d imagine Israel’s greatest fear, are plots initiated by small groups on pen and paper with nods in agreement.

    • Laguerre

      Actually the ability to carry out such strikes is no great advantage to Israel. The death of Haniyeh is going to bite back on Israeli interests: the martyr’s death of the great Palestinian hero is only going to consolidate ME opposition to Israel. The same with the AI targetting of air-strikes in Gaza could well end up leading Israel to quicker condemnation on the genocide issue.
      That’s not to say of course that anything will change US determination to support Israel under any circumstances, but that’s a political not a technological issue.

    • Allan Howard

      In a wikipedia entry entitled 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel, and under the sub-heading Israeli intelligence failure, it says the following:

      According to The New York Times, Israeli officials had obtained detailed attack plans more than a year before the attack. The document described operational plans and targets, including the size and location of Israeli forces, and raised questions in Israel about how Hamas learned these details. The document provided a plan that included a large-scale rocket assault before an invasion, drones to knock out the surveillance cameras and automated guns that Israel has stationed along the border, and gunmen invading Israel, including with paragliders. The Times reported, “Hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision.” According to The Times, the document was widely circulated among Israeli military and intelligence leadership, who largely dismissed the plan as beyond Hamas’s capabilities, though it was unclear whether the political leadership was informed. In July 2023, a member of the Israeli signals intelligence unit alerted her superiors that Hamas was conducting preparations for the assault, saying, “I utterly refute that the scenario is imaginary”. An Israeli colonel ignored her concerns.

      Hmm, a lot of dismissing and ignoring going on there. As for the warnings from Egypt…. well, they never happened according to Benny The Butcher. Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he.

      • Allan Howard

        I just clicked on the link in the above passage from the wikipedia entry, which I’ve never thought to do before, and it takes you to a wikipedia entry entitled Unit 8200, which is very interesting. Here are a couple of clips from it under the sub-heading 2023 Hamas attack:

        In the failure to forecast the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel by Israel’s intelligence agencies, Unit 8200 was blamed for having underestimated Hamas activities.[38] Unit 8200 is alleged to have stopped listening to Hamas’s handheld radios in 2022, deciding it was a “waste of effort”. Monitoring that radio network might have helped the Shin Bet realize a few hours before the attack that the unusual activity they were seeing on the Gaza border was not just another military exercise by Hamas, Times of Israel noted.[39] The New York Times reported in November that a veteran analyst in Unit 8200 had warned in July that Hamas were preparing for a cross-border attack and that the analyst’s concerns were dismissed by senior military leadership as “totally imaginative”.[40]

        The “Spotters”, known as tatzpitaniyot, are female members of the IDF who observe the barriers along the border and activate complex technological systems to prevent the enemy from penetrating into Israel. Their responsibilities have been described as a “difficult, cognitively and emotionally demanding job that entails hours of closely monitoring surveillance cameras, with the knowledge that missing even the slightest unusual event along the border could have disastrous effects on the entire country” but “[t]hey didn’t miss Hamas’ preparations for the October 7 attack”; one was quoted as saying, “We were all seeing Hamas militants training for exactly what happened: We saw them training to crash the fence, training to kill civilians, training to take back hostages” and another stated “We knew this would happen. We warned the higher ups. But they ignored us. They told us that they know better, even though this is our job—we have to know every tree, every tent, every pothole in our section, and especially to know when something unusual is happening. And we do.”

        Since learning about the warnings from Egypt two or three days after the Hamas attack I have had no doubt whatsoever that BN and his fascist buddies (including Biden and Blinken and the CIA et al) knew that Hamas were planning a big attack and, as such, let it go ahead, and did so for a variety of obvious reasons. And I have no doubt that they knew LONG before the warnings from Egypt.

        • Allan Howard

          I came across the following BBC News article a couple of weeks or so after it was published on Jan 15th (and I’m pretty sure I posted it on here at the time) entitled ‘They were Israel’s ‘eyes on the border’ – but their Hamas warnings went unheard’. It’s really long and detailed but well worth checking out. I have no idea how many people would have read it, but given the subject matter you would have thought the BBC would have done a documentary about it, or an episode of Panorama, but they didn’t. If they had, a lot more people would have got to know about it, including many in the Jewish population.
          This is how it begins:

          « For years, units of young female conscripts had one job here. It was to sit in surveillance bases for hours, looking for signs of anything suspicious.
          In the months leading up to the 7 October attacks by Hamas, they did begin to see things: practice raids, mock hostage-taking, and farmers behaving strangely on the other side of the fence.
          Noa, not her real name, says they would pass information about what they were seeing to intelligence and higher-ranking officers, but were powerless to do more. “We were just the eyes,” she says.
          It was clear to some of these women that Hamas was planning something big – that there was, in Noa’s words, a “balloon that was going to burst”.
          The BBC has now spoken to these young women about the escalation in suspicious activity they observed, the reports they filed, and what they saw as a lack of response from senior Israel Defense Forces (IDF) officers.
          We have also seen WhatsApp messages the women sent in the months before 7 October, talking about incidents at the border. To some of them it became a dark joke: who would be on duty when the inevitable attack came? »

  • Republicofscotland

    This sounds pertinent – is Netanyahu keeping the genocide going to try and prolong his political career – and once out of the political spotlight could Netanyahu find himself under arrest and sent to the Hague for trial – afterall – when the genocide, and the encapsulating conflict, comes to not so much an end, but a uneasy pause in the hostilities – however many years that might be, someone on the Israeli side will need to be punished at the Hague with Netanyahu being the most likely candidate.”

    “The killing of Ismail Haniyeh, who became the head of Hamas’ political arm in 2017, sparked warnings that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is doing all he can to undermine cease-fire talks with the Palestinian group after they showed signs of progress in recent weeks.

    “Netanyahu has systematically sabotaged cease-fire talks because ending the war will likely end his political career,” Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, said following the assassination of Haniyeh, a key figure in the negotiations.

    “The assassination buys Netanyahu several weeks, if not months, in which there will be no serious expectation of a cease-fire deal,” Parsi argued. “Thus, the war will continue, as will Netanyahu’s reign as prime minister.””

    • Laguerre

      Netanyahu wants to expand the war, not only prolong it. But it’s not only his desire to stay out of jail. His coalition allies are determined on an apocalyptic victory, which for which there is no realistic scenario. They’re like the fanatical Zealots of the Jewish Revolt as recounted by Josephus. And staying in power means bending to their wish.

      • Jack

        Exactly, Netanyahu place himself in the jewish history as the alleged last leader of Israel:

        Benjamin Netanyahu was told by a powerful Jewish religious figure that he would be Israel’s last leader and hand the sceptre to the Messiah. How does this so-called prophecy affect Netanyahu’s political calculations? And who is the mysterious religious figure, honoured by successive US presidents , simply known as The Rebbe?

        The west could talk 24/7 about jihadists but they turn a blind eye to the far more dangerous religious/jewish extremism going on in Israel.

        • Alyson

          If you want to look at events from all angles: This may well be the time of prophesies. Nostradamus Damus, Baba Vanga, and the jihadists were all focussed on a time of great crisis. I weigh their predictions against events as they occur, to look for a match if there is one.

          We learn more about the nature of reality and consciousness through science. This is not to deny possibilities. Religions may tend to connect with quantum realms of possibility…..

      • Republicofscotland


        If that’s the case – then the sane people of Israel need to get active and remove Netanyahu – for Israel will go down in flames, if Netanyahu and his biblical statements push Israel even further into the fanatical ether of war – of which there might be no return.

        Along with this, West Asia might also be set alight with conflict – and many more innocent folk could be killed – lets hope not.

        • Laguerre

          You’re right, RoS. But they’re carried away with the zealotry. 80% of the Israeli population are for the genocide of the Gaza Palestinians. They just want to be rid of the Palestinians, so they can live at peace in a racially pure land. Of course that is impossible, but they’ve been convinced that at last it can be done. Of course it isn’t realistic; Israel is not like the US or Australia, alone in its continent with a sea border, but it is rather a pimple on the backside of Asia, and it will always be surrounded by potential enemies, unless it makes peace with them. But they’ve been convinced by populists, that just another heave and all will be fine, a very similar case to Brexit.

        • Jack

          Only problem is that like 90-100% of israelis support Netanyahu, atleast as far as the massacre in Gaza go, one must realize that what Netanyahu is doing is not some whim by him personally, what Netanyahu is doing is what israelis is about and support.
          He is even getting more and more popular as the genocide goes on:
          Poll: Israelis prefer Netanyahu as PM to Lapid, Bennett and Gantz

  • Nota Tory Fanboy

    To be fair, Harris is not alone amongst US Presidential candidates who refuses to take a reasonable stance on Gaza; Trump keeps saying that he thinks Netanyahu and the IDF should carry on until they’ve finished.

    • Nota Tory Fanboy

      Though you don’t need to worry about Harris becoming POTUS; your apparent bromance with Trump can continue since he’s arranged for officials to be recruited in specific counties who will refuse to certify vote counts, leading to an inability of the states to certify votes.
      This isn’t mere speculation; about 70 of these creeps were first profiled by Rolling Stone but the scheme was admitted to by The Heritage Foundation.

  • nevermind

    After watchng Al Jazeras coverage of the security councils meeting last night it became clear that the Zionist leadership and its many collaborators have to be arrested and held to account.
    This unhinged violence towards most of its neighbours threatens Israels citizens and their future.
    Thank you Al Jazzeira, the bbc has shown that it is collaborating with Israel and its interest in the UK. Shame on the bbc.
    If the US really had no idea of this attrocity which removed the main negotiator for a cease fire, then they should stand aside when retaliations occure.

  • joel

    Agree, it’s time to move past this genocidal Zionist experiment. Long past time. Apartheid Israel and its political and media allies in the West are making humanity look terrible. The daily atrocities are beyond normal people’s imagination, like yesterday’s deliberate beheading of an al Jazeera broadcaster with bullets. And they have been at it for eight decades. Here is a Palestinian woman recalling in the 1960s how Zionist captors stripped her and tried to force her to sleep with her own father.
    They are the worst of the worst, and we are governed by their paid supporters regardless which party is in office.

  • Stevie Boy

    The Israeli Terrorist State.
    Another good article from Jonathan Cook:
    “The reported death toll in Gaza is way too low by every imaginable metric.”
    “the Lancet medical journal … very conservatively estimate that the total number who will die over the coming months … is 186,000, or 8 per cent of the population. [however] The medical researchers suggest a less conservative estimate could ultimately put the death toll in Gaza nearer 600,000, or a quarter of the population. … that assumes Israel reverses course immediately.”

    • Anthony

      Sir Keir Starmer whipped Labour MPs against voting for an SNP ceasefire motion because it said collective punishment was being inflicted on the people of Gaza.

      The media, without exception, reported Starmer’s action as correct and responsible and portrayed the SNP’s ceasefire statement as incorrect and extremist.

      That remains the position of the English ruling class and its media: there is no collective punishment in Gaza. Israel has merely been “defending” itself and has not committed a single war crime in 10 months. That’s how deep these scumbags are in with this thing.

  • Crispa

    I know why the British Foreign Office seems so paralysed and slow to produce the goods over the ICJ ruling. Forget its role in diplomacy. This is where Its priorities lie. FCDO Email received today.
    “New UK Sanctions List Search Function Released
    The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office has launched a new search function to the UK Sanctions List which will enable users to more effectively search for designated persons without downloading the list in its entirety. This improvement is part of ongoing efforts to improve the UK’s sanctions infrastructure and the overall user experience to support sanctions compliance”.
    Two more Yeminis also added to the 20,000+ sanctions list.

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