Who is Running America? 137

There is an argument to continue the convention of referring to the President of the United States as the most powerful man in the world. The dollar has not quite yet been replaced as the world’s international reserve currency and Bretton Woods still, creaking and cracking, holds.

China is now the manufacturer of the world and its brands are no longer laughable worldwide. The United States has just sustained massive damage to its soft power from its support for Gaza genocide.

But China still plays the long game, relying on trade, investment and loans to increase its economic reach. It does not depend on military force or covert regime change to secure access to economic resources.

The more direct American methods work in the short term. Israel is benefiting from the Arab regimes of the Gulf, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia all being dependent on US military and security service support to protect them from their own populations.

The USA is still prepared to project direct military power and fight wars overseas to maintain its influence. China now has greater military capability than the USA, but sees no advantage in using it.

Chinese leaders look with disdain at the crazed and sustained violence of the NATO states this last quarter century, and sees the West losing, not gaining, global influence. That China is gaining steadily such influence, nobody seeks to deny.

But the USA has succeeded, by defying international law, in physically enabling the genocide in Gaza. They will in the next week install a puppet government in Venezuela and quickly move to strip that country’s vast oil wealth into the hands of the US oil giants.

Short-term American crudity can succeed a little while longer, as the Chinese watch their trillions of dollar reserves build, and bide their time. So for now I think we can still go along with the cliché that the US President is the most powerful man in the world.

Except obviously he isn’t. The fact that Joe Biden wakes up in the morning and has to be reminded to remove his pyjamas is no longer hidden. That Biden’s mental faculties declined past normal operation some time ago has been extremely obvious, yet denied by the media and the political establishment even when it was obvious to everybody.

There is a parallel to F D Roosevelt. The myth is not true that his paralysis was hidden from the American public, though it was minimised in PR output. But what is certainly true is that when he stood for re-election for his fourth term in 1944, his extremely poor health, including heart failure, was hidden and directly lied about. He died after five months in office.

We seem to live in a strange age where politics relies more than ever on the big lie technique, even as social media makes the exposure of such lies inevitable. My interpretation is that the permanent state of cognitive dissonance and bewilderment of a population that does not know what to believe any more, is a state which power likes to see in the population.

As the radical fall in turnout in the UK general election showed, the bewilderment and distrust simply leads populations to disengage.

So now we know that Biden is not running anything much, who is? Certainly not Kamala Harris, who has been completely sidelined as Vice President and given only poisoned-chalice briefs like border control. Her function till now, other than the obvious box-ticking of having her on the ballot, was as a lightning rod for public dissatisfaction.

Being President of the United States is a big job. I have no doubt that Biden has enough faculty to make some broad calls, without absorbing a great deal of detail on policy or information on recent events. His career long support for Israel has determined policy; how much he really understands about what is happening in Gaza is a different question.

Most important is that Kamala Harris is absolutely tainted with the active genocide support of the Administration; the supply of weapons and direct military assistance to Israel are all on her too.

But if Biden is not the man running the USA, then who is? How does the state operate?

Well, according to my sources, the most powerful man in Washington, and effectively de facto President, is Jake Sullivan. His official position is National Security Advisor but I am told his work covers far more than this, including domestic policy questions, and he is the person who does the detailed work which Biden cannot do.

Which makes it interesting how seldom he appears in the news – which he does primarily when visiting foreign leaders.

Sullivan has the classic Atlanticist background, as a Rhodes Scholar to Oxford to supplement his Yale education. He is fanatically pro-NATO and anti-Russian, unquestioningly Zionist and was the architect of the destruction of Libya as senior policy adviser to Hillary Clinton.

Given the obvious inadequacy of Biden, the studied disinterest of the media in analysing how his Administration actually functions, tells us a very good deal about self-censorship and media ownership.



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137 thoughts on “Who is Running America?

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  • Pnyx

    “They will in the next week install a puppet government in Venezuela and quickly move to strip that country’s vast oil wealth into the hands of the US oil giants.”

    Maduro forbid. (Do not underestimate him.)

  • Mike.B

    Count for yourself the number of Jewish people occupying seats in congress and add to that those who hold places of power in the bureaux of public service, then add the number of people at the top of the banking industry, then add the number of industry captains, and you have the answer to your headline.

    • Greg Park

      Yet the only Jewish presidential candidate — Jill Stein — is ignored and shut out by US establishment media because she is the only candidate opposed to blowing up and starving children.

    • Tom Welsh

      No one is allowed even to stand for Congress or any other public office without pledging loyalty and obedience to Israel. Often they have to go on pilgrimage and kiss the Wailing Wall (or whatever) before they are even allowed to apply for consideration. I have lost count of the number of US officials who have publicly stated that they place Israel’s interests above those of the USA. (Which sounds like treason to me).

      It is peculiar that the supposedly intelligent, educated citizens of a supposedly wealthy, powerful, exceptional nation should allow themselves to be led by the nose by a small (though vocal) minority.

      But there it is.

  • Greg Park

    It is a mistake to imply that Kamala Harris is a less fanatical genocidal zionist than her boss, decent guy Joe Biden. By her own admission, at the AIPAC conference in 2017, her lifelong devotion to the apartheid colony extends back to childhood in San Francisco, when she raised funds for the ethnic cleansing organisation the Jewish National Fund. Marriage and AIPAC bribes have strengthened her devotion, which has been manifest in her steadfast support for the genocide and in her vow to Netanyahu yesterday that she is with Israel no matter what.

  • Alyson

    The only other presidential candidate is Kennedy whose main stance is against Big Pharma for the Fauci and Bill Gates covid conspiracy, and the unacknowledged death rate from mRNA vaccine injury, which the UK and US are trying to sweep under the carpet, with a view to the next big money spinner: mutated bird flu. Kennedy has quite a big following, having stood as a Democrat and getting support from Republicans, and now standing as an independent, which Bernie should have done in 2016 when he stayed loyal to the Democratic outcome in the Primaries.

    Kennedy gets very little media coverage relative to Trump, but Trump has met up with him recently, acknowledging him as a rival for the presidency election. He is a more normal guy, compared to the unipolar hegemons Trump and Harris, and time will tell whether he garners more support as the horror show of either of his rivals becomes more apparent.

    Trump has promised Israel support to finish the job. It’s just business. Netanyahu has always played by the rules where Russia is concerned. The agreement not to directly attack Iran has been central to its military actions in the region. The US military may not understand how this strict adherence to proxy targets is essential to Israel’s survival. Biden has been following the Bush playbook in which Iran is the biggest prize in the oil stakes, though Russia’s vast Arctic gas fields mean Gaza’s gas must be up and running to the European market asap instead.

    The Palestinians have been victims from all sides and my minority opinion is that they are the new diaspora and need to be offered safe passage to other countries across the region, and here where their old British Protectorate passports give them a claim on our compassion.

    The euro is a competitor to the dollar and has to be managed by the dollar. Trump’s concept of Britain as a Muslim country is a threat as well. Diplomacy will be stretched and hopefully will prevail, but war crimes and international law are on the table.

    • Stevie Boy

      Kennedy is another slave to Israel. Ho showed real promise but then as part of the initiation process he did the goy grovel. Very strange, or maybe not, given his families history and what happens when you oppose Israel !

      • Greg Park

        He insists Palestinians are the most pampered people in history. Alyson’s compassionate view is that they just be removed from Palestine once and for all.

        • Alyson

          Unless you can suggest any force that might care enough to stop the genocide, then evacuation to a safe place is the only alternative for Palestinian civilians. Rescuing Jewish children was heroic during WWII. Erasing Palestinians is just business as usual. Where are the good guys? Trying to stop the atrocities is a minority interest, as Craig and so many other fine candidates found out in our recent election.

          As for socialising with paedos and rapists and murderers, well that too is a pastime of all the leaders. Photos of Trump with Epstein, of Mandelson with Epstein, of Prince Andrew with Epstein. Is there equal disapproval of these people? No? Why might that be?

          • Stevie Boy

            Alyson. You’re right, but since the zionists want to get rid of the palestinians by displacement or genocide then suggesting they be evacuated ‘to safety’ (Concentration camp in Sinai desert) could be seen as just going along with the zionist agenda. The reality is that when they leave they will never be allowed back. The UK, USA and most western regimes are really onboard with just killing all of the Palestinians. Displacing them just moves the ‘problem’, it doesn’t solve it.

          • glenn_nl

            Your framing of this is remarkable.

            Yes, giving Jews refugee status was heroic – not just the children. Who were they being rescued from? The Nazis.

            We weren’t providing the Nazis with weapons, diplomatic cover, intelligence, and threatening our own citizens if they demonstrated against Nazis, were we?

            So why are you saying we should roll over and allow the Nazi equivalents here – Zionist Israelis – to carry on with our full blessing and support?

          • nevermind

            Removing the zionists from the occupied territory by all means of economic pressure is another option, Alyson. To make out that the destruction, murder, and annihilation of a people and culture that existed for a long time before Balfour had an idea of peaceful sharing, is the most vile option.
            I am appalled at your armchair solutions to a supremacist ueber alles bunch of dehumanised murderers.

    • glenn_nl

      So you’re a conspiracy freak who also thinks the Palestinians should just clear out, and let the criminal apartheid state of Israel continue to expand.

  • Brian Red

    On-topic for who is running the USA: Netanyahu in the USA:

    reports state

    1. Netanyahu left for Washington on Monday.
    2. He was set to meet Biden on Tuesday but this was postponed until Thursday. (I wonder whether the meeting will ever happen – or, if it does, whether Biden will still be president by the end of Thursday.)
    3. He had been set to address a joint meeting of Congress on June 13, but this event was rescheduled to today (Wednesday) because the original date conflicted with the second day of Shavuot. (Funny they didn’t weren’t aware of that in the Israeli Foreign Ministry.)
    4. Kamala Harris won’t preside over Congress when Netanyahu addresses it. (This is highly unusual for a US vice president. But the day is young.)
    5. Netanyahu will go to Mar a Lago to visit Donald Trump on Friday.
    6. This is Netanyahu’s first known visit outside of Israel since October.
    7. Biden will address the nation from the Oval Office on Wednesday evening.

    Expect the unexpected.

    Watch for public encounters between Netanyahu and one or both of the leading presidential candidates. It won’t surprise me at all if Harris is sworn in as US president before Netanyahu leaves.

    • SleepingDog

      @Brian Red, isn’t Harris already carrying the nuclear football with Biden down with Covid or whatever ailment takes precedence? Surely there was a high chance of Harris becoming President/acting President during Biden’s term?

      If Harris took over with a day to spare, would that count as a full term in office?

  • fredi

    “My interpretation is that the permanent state of cognitive dissonance and bewilderment of a population that does not know what to believe any more, is a state which power likes to see in the population.”

    This is a concept the highly aclaimed Adam Curtis has spent dacades adressing in his many documentries, stating that it is undoubtedly intentional.

    Nothing Makes Sense = No Opposition | 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬


    Oh dear..

    Adam Curtis wikki

    Most of his work

    • nevermind

      Yep fredi, its called hypernormalisation, spirallng towards a not so grand end.
      Kamala Harris not being in congress when Netanyahu addresses it does not mean she will stop the military industrial nngers selling him arms.

      • Brian Red

        I know, but Harris’s absence means something. I’m not quite sure what.

        A first guess might be that Netanyahu doesn’t want to be interpreted as being partisan towards her campaign. But then he’s supposed to be hauling his arse around to one of Trump’s residences on Friday.

        I wish I had a theory. The supposed assassination attempt against Trump in Pennsylvania might fit into it. One of the effects of that story was to increase the perceived probability of a Trump victory. That probably won’t last long. “Somebody” is calling the shots – literally in that case.

        It’ll be dramatic if Biden announces in his address this evening that he’s resigning the presidency. That’d give Harris a “normal” reason for not being in Congress tomorrow.

        As long as she’s VP she’s president of the Senate, so it’s odd she apparently won’t be attending a joint meeting of the two houses in honour of the esteemed foreign genocidalist.

      • Steve Hayes

        Her absence is at least a recognition that clapping like a performing seal behind that mass murderer is no longer a guaranteed route to popularity and a smooth ride in the USA. That’s something that many others don’t seem to realise yet. Whatever her personal beliefs, that she will take this into account in her other decisions too has to be a good thing.

    • GreatedApe

      His montages are captivating and insightful but I don’t recall him addressing the fundamental answer of what is a human. We’re now lost in what is a woman or man (not even intersex).

  • AG

    Regarding spelling of s-genitive:
    “Bernie Sanders Should Be Kamala Harris’s Vice President”
    Has it always been this way, that an “s” was added to words endig with “s” or might this be a new development of recent decades?
    I might mix up things but I have the feeling our BE in school taught no additional “s”.

    [ Mod: For reference, the general rule for proper names ending in a sibilant (‘s’, ‘x’ or ‘z’) is to use an apostrophe and an ‘s’ – except for classical names from ancient history such as Socrates or Zeus.

    From the New Oxford Style Manual (OUP, 2016, p.71):

    “An apostrophe and s are generally used with personal names ending in an s, x or z sound:
      Charles’s   Thomas’s   Marx’s   Bridget Jones’s Diary
    but an apostrophe alone may be used in cases where an additional s would cause difficulty in pronunciation, typically after longer names that are not accented on the last or penultimate syllable:
      Nicholas’ or Nicholas’s   Lord Williams’s School
    Jesus’s is the usual non-liturgical use; Jesus’ is an accepted archaism.
    It is traditional to use an apostrophe alone after classical names ending is s or es:
      Euripides’   Herodotus’   Mars’   Erasmus’
    This style should be followed for longer names; with short names the alternative Zeus’s, for instance, is permissible. When classical names are used in scientific or other contexts their possessives generally require the additional s:
      Mars’ spear
      Mars’s gravitational force” ]

  • Brianfujisan

    What Sickness is this … The new Hitler Addressing Congress … During his Genocide … And Olympics allow his Team
    … Oh God

    • Republicofscotland


      We need to BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS.

      “Israeli team is set to participate in the Paris Olympics starting Friday after the French government as well as the International Olympic Committee turned down calls to ban it over the genocidal war on Gaza.

      According to reports, the flag-bearer of the Israeli contingent at the Paris Olympics will be Peter Paltchik, a Ukrainian-born Israeli judoka who competes in the under-100 kg weight category.

      Social media users have pointed out that Paltchik, a former European champion, was one of those who signed bomb shells aimed at Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip.

      In a post on X, formerly Twitter, after the Israeli regime launched its genocidal war against Palestinians in the besieged territory in October 2023, Paltchik shared a photo of munitions signed by him.

      “From me to you with pleasure,” he wrote in the tweet, which stirred up the hornet’s nest.

      Leyla Hamed, a sports journalist based in the UK, said the presence of Israeli athletes such as Paltchik “is going to make this Olympics (in Paris) to be remembered as the Genocide Games.””

    • Jack

      Yes this is a big middle finger to the ICJ arrest warrant. So much for the rule-based west.

      The usual drivel to standing ovations, I read that the useful idiot Elon Musk was there applauding him. What sick spectacle when we know from ICJ, ICC that this man is a warcriminal!
      “Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu said.

      Sigh. Once again he tries to conflate his sick conquest with the interest of the US, West. His intention is as usual to get the westerners to fight the wars for Israel like he did pre-Iraq war:

      Netanyahu’s Push for the U.S. to Invade Iraq Post-9/11 Has Come Under Scrutiny
      Why on earth would Hamas, Hezbollah be an enemy for the US/West?? Both are directly born, locally, from israeli wars and occupations.
      Speaking on who really rule America. I hate the term ZOG but this is what we are seeing, a foreign leader get more support than their own president!
      Now we see the true face of the Democrats too, they should have boycotted the event altogether, they would have won so much votes in the election from such a stance.

      • Blissex

        «Why on earth would Hamas, Hezbollah be an enemy for the US/West??»

        They are not; they are patsies like the Zionists. The area where Israel was set up is the “near abroad” of three past highly expansionist empires that have caused a lot of trouble for “the West” over 2,000 years: the Persian Empire, the Arab Empire, the Turkish Empire.

        Putting Israel in the areas near to all of them was meant to destabilize the whole region – a very clever geopolitical strategy. The role of the Likud is the same as that that of the OUN/Azov in Ukraine: to keep a long-term destabilizing mess going. In that respect a brutal fanatic like Netanyahu is a very lucky situation.

        The Zionist fanatics are, however, very willing patsies – like the OUN/Azov Ruthenian fanatics in Ukraine – because they can pursue the dream of recreating their past (which is far more imaginary in the case of the Zionist fanatics than the Ruthenian fanatics).

  • Crispa

    I have heard and read comments that the ousting of Biden has been carried out Soviet style. However, link it to the events of Biden’s contested start to his presidency, his disastrous regime, admission of failure in Afghanistan, support for a corrupt useless Ukraine and now the current genocide in Palestine, the recent attempts to assassinate Trump, if there is a parallel, it is with the actual collapse of the Soviet Union 1990 onwards with all the consequences that has had.
    Today’s sick making Senate spectacle with Netanyahu’s speech and his reception is so disgusting that one hope’s the end to American hegemony will come sooner than later.

    • JK redux


      What do you mean when you say that Ukraine is “useless”?

      Is Russia useless?

      Is the DPRK useless?

      Is the Islamic Republic of Iran useless?

      We need to know.

      • zoot

        what’s the NAFO spin on the spectacle in the US Senate?

        as vivid an illustration as the world could get of the people running NATO.


      • Steve Hayes

        In a war between Ukraine and Russia with both sides on an even footing arms-wise, Russia would win because it’s bigger and has more troops. But the West believed it had “Wonder Weapons” that would tip the balance and, as I remember being told on Sky News, “slice through the Russian lines like a hot knife through butter”. Surely, after the trillions that had been bunged to the arms manufacturers over many decades. Er, no. The Western weapons are little if any better than what the Russians have. As I remarked before, we draw a veil over where the higher tech bits of those Russian weapons come from. But the blame isn’t really on Ukraine except for being gullible patsies and maybe we can say the same about the Western politicians who believed the guff from the arms makers. So was it them to blame or were they just keeping their factories humming and their profits flowing?

        • Pears Morgaine

          People get told a lot of things by Sky News.

          I thought it was Russia that had the “Wonder Weapons”: the unstoppable hypersonic missiles, impenetrable tanks, glide bombs etc that were going to win the war in an afternoon and yet two and a half years on those “gullible patsies” are still fighting for their homeland.

          • Steve Hayes

            At no time did I ever hear Sky News or any other Western media outlet claim those things for Russian weapons or capabilities. It’s noticeable though that we now have to turn to Russian sources to learn anything about the situation on the ground. The maps that Sky News made those pronouncements in front of are nowadays nowhere to be seen. Anyway, I’ll save everyone the bother. Not much has changed on the ground for a year or more. Just a few small areas taken by the Russians.

        • Alyson

          At risk of repeating myself…. The war in Ukraine was planned in Congress in 2013. Victoria Nuland is the mastermind, as far as I could deduce. She and her husband, probably. The concept defined then was to draw Russia into an unwinnable war in order to deplete its armaments. To the extent that tens of thousands of conscripted Russian soldiers have died, this plan would seem to be successful. “We regret the sacrifice of the Ukrainian people” and “Fuck Europe” are the two phrases she used which stuck in my mind.

          Putin also holds the balance of ‘peace’ in the Middle East since Kissinger drew up the first agreement, and Netanyahu has faithfully renegotiated it since in order to allow the proxy wars and the occupation of the Golan Heights. This agreement states that whichever country, Iran or Israel, strikes the sovereign territory of the other first, will have Russia against it in any subsequent engagement. This agreement has kept Israel safe, but allows for the annihilation of the Palestinian people as a proxy war.

          Things are hotting up with Hezbollah in Lebanon and attacks directly on Yemen by Israel, but the fundamental agreement still stands. Netanyahu can make his position clear to Biden and to Trump as Biden is still the current decision maker and Trump may become the next. Sidelining Kamala is an interesting aside to these certainties, and if she wins she will inherit Biden’s agreement.

          As for using more powerful weapons, Russia will remain focussed on a ground war to hold the Russian speaking areas of Ukraine, which were relentlessly shelled by the Azov Brigade from 2014 – 2018, until concerted attacks against Russia are initiated by NATO. Then he will respond.

  • Henry Larsen

    Regarding FDR, who was already in bad shape at the time of the 1944 election and then, in 1945

    > He died after five months in office.

    Odd statement, this. In office? He had been president (‘in office’) a bit over 12 years at the time of his death. But even ‘five months in office’ _of his fourth term_ doesn’t work either, since 12 Jan — 12 April is only some 11 weeks.


  • Jan Wiklund

    I believe that a state is run by compromises. There are always factions that negotiate with eachother. Some of them are perhaps more powerful than the other, but to believe that one person runs it all is laughable. As gambling-den owner Laird Brunette said in Raymond Chandler’s Farewell my lovely: So much time I must have!

    And as the Chinese historian Chuhua Wang said in The rise and fall of imperial China: if there is one person running it all, the state as such must be very weak. Because the more people is involved in the state and allowed to have a real influence, the more people will support it, and the stronger it will be.

    But of course all of them is of the same type – intensely competitive, prepared to sell their mothers to a hamburger for a slight advantage in the power game.

    • SleepingDog

      No? I think it is far more plausible to portray Biden as the tick-box candidate. Old, rich, married-with-kids Christian white guy who can bumble out some platitudes while not being Obama.

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