Daily archives: August 22, 2024

The Attack on Truth: Julian Assange and Richard Medhurst 185

Julian Assange was released in the midst of the election campaign and the event was not really given the attention it deserves. Alex Salmond invited me to take a look back with him on what this persecution means and where we are now.

I do recommend that you subscribe to Alex’s show Scotland Speaks. He is a fascinating and, in my view, admirable man whose public image is massively distorted by the mainstream media. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the range of topics he tackles and his approach to them, as well as his breadth of intellect.

I also had the opportunity on Consortium News to discuss at length the ramifications of the arrest of Richard Medhurst, in the context of the general attack on dissident journalism and particularly the widespread abuse of anti-terrorist powers against journalists.

Richard and I were meant to appear together, but unfortunately he was delayed due to technical difficulties caused by the police confiscating all of his equipment. But he was able to be interviewed shortly after I left (I have not been able to watch this myself yet at time of posting).

Our freedoms are disappearing all over the western world, and the panic of the political class as they lose control of the narrative over Gaza has accelerated this.

What we always feared is here, now.


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