Freedom of Speech and the Fascist Wave 439


The people of Blackburn scored a vital victory today against the forces of fascism as “Tommy Robinson”‘s overweight racist disciples were met with an overwhelming show of solidarity in the street, of which I was proud with my friends to be a part.

The fascists like to attack defenceless targets. Faced with the prospect of real resistance, they ran away.

Poor little Tommy is not happy in his Spanish hideaway, where he lives his life as an immigrant.

Blackburn should be a model of how to face down the fascists.

Yesterday I received a phone call from a police Inspector asking me to delete my tweet calling for people to assemble to prevent the far-right demonstration called for Blackburn today and tweeted out by “Tommy Robinson”, the well-known immigrant to Spain with the false name.

She also asked me not to come to Blackburn myself, and said that members of the community had contacted her and said I was an outsider coming to Blackburn to make trouble.

I am therefore on a train to Blackburn, a place where a number of people have been telling me to leave for weeks, but I genuinely can’t walk down the street without being warmly greeted by name by random locals.

Although our conversation was perfectly friendly and I have no complaints about the police Inspector, who seemed to accept that her telling me not to come was unlikely to work, I do rather object to the police telling me what to do.

There are a number of interesting questions raised by this. There is a wave of anti-immigrant far-right violence spreading across the North of England – Sunderland, Southport, Hartlepool and elsewhere – and recently London saw the largest fascist demonstration for many years.

The horrific murders of the poor little girls in Southport at a dance class have been seized on by the far right to foment anti-immigrant violence. This is such a well-established pattern now across the country that it is impossible to deny.

And yet the police inspector who phoned me did deny it. She told me to be aware that three little girls had died and this was about commemorating them. I replied it was not about that at all; it was about stirring up racial hatred against a community who had no connection at all to the murder.

Blackburn’s newly elected independent MP, Adnan Hussain, has also issued a call to people not to gather to oppose any far-right demonstration today. I believe this is mistaken. The wave of fascist violence across the country has gathered momentum precisely because it breeds copycat activity. Fascism has to be confronted and stopped.

That is not just a matter of explaining that poverty and deprivation is not caused by immigration but by an economic system designed to produce massive inequality of wealth. Fascism has also to be nipped in the bud by denying them control of the street. That is what we achieved with the Anti-Nazi League 40-odd years ago.

If you do not confront fascism and defeat it, it will grow.

How does this stand with my strong commitment to free speech?

In On Liberty, the great John Stuart Mill argued that to state that corn merchants are thieves and profiteers who starve the poor was perfectly valid. But to shout the same thing to a howling mob outside a corn merchant’s house was not valid freedom of speech.

It is not just the words, it is their context. This is a crucial insight (and it also carries a pro-freedom of speech weight against the sledgehammer of hate speech legislation which denies the importance of context and seeks to condemn simple forms of speech).

And I have no doubt at all that as for the likes of “Tommy Robinson” to be encouraging anti-immigrant speech in the highly ethnically diverse town of Blackburn, in the context of widespread anti-immigrant violence, this fits perfectly with Mill’s exception to free speech in the case of the mob and the corn merchant.

I hope all goes quietly and my journey is quite unnecessary. There are multiple far-right demonstrations today and perhaps this will not be one of those that gets nasty. But I shall be there ready to profess my truth and my opposition to fascism if called for.

Allowing fascists to speak and sitting mute ourselves – or being prevented from speaking by the police – is completely the wrong prescription.

I very much hope I don’t get arrested because I have to dash back to speak at the Free Palestine Film Festival this evening, Genesis Cinema, Mile End Road, London. Yesterday’s opening night was great and I will blog about it when life is less fraught. There may still be tickets for tonight – phone the cinema to check.



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439 thoughts on “Freedom of Speech and the Fascist Wave

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  • Clark

    It is greatly inspiring to see so many people out on the streets opposing the racist violence. Huge numbers in so many places, and on a weekday at such short notice too. Saturday’s demonstrations are going to be huge.

    Suck it up, Netanyahu and your tools; we the majority reject and condemn your Islamophobia.

  • Clark

    And it seems that Met police commissioner Mark Rowley disagrees with the police inspector who asked Craig to delete his Tweet and to refrain from opposing fascists in Blackburn:

    “We put thousands of officers on the street last night…. The show of force from police – and frankly the show of unity from communities – together defeated the challenges we have seen”

    At least 100 far-right marches were planned to take place across the country last night, including in London. But instead, large numbers of counter-protesters turned out in multiple UK cities.

    • Clark

      And more:

      The Metropolitan Police has thanked Londoners for “coming together” and for “showing community spirit” on Wednesday night.

      It seems we’re suddenly the good guys. Makes a change. I guess even the commercial media recognise that the people hate violence. Will they now stop smearing us for campaigning for peace for Palestinians too?

  • Clark

    However, our “leaders” have other plans. It looks like the entire US air force is transiting through RAF Lakenheath right this minute – on its way to threaten Iran with vaporisation, I presume, for daring to retaliate against Israel.


    • Alyson

      Oh I see…. The street stuff was to distract us from noticing the start of WWIII. This is all a bit discombobulating…

    • Alyson

      Okay, so I watched it. No indication of where the planes might be headed. Very interesting and knowledgeable presenter so worth watching. Thank you

      • will moon

        “ No indication of where the planes might be headed”

        They’re heading east

        I’ve been listening for months to high flying military jets – these pictures show the last movements before war, everything else has been done. The rebasing of frontline air units is the final act before combat begins

    • JK redux

      Apparently Kissinger said re the Iran Iraq war that he wished both sides could lose.

      My feelings are similar re Iran and Israel…

        • JK redux

          Well SH was a brutal dictator who murdered 100’s of thousands of his subjects.

          But his greatest folly was not allowing the “weapons inspectors” to confirm that he in fact did not have “weapons of mass destruction”. Which of course he did not.

          The trouble with being a brutal dictator is that you begin to believe your own propaganda.

          A bit like Bush and his little friend Tony.

          Their intel guys knew that the bosses wanted confirmation so that’s what they supplied.

          • glenn_nl

            Utter and total rot. SH had the inspectors going anywhere they wanted, until they were ordered out by the US because they wanted to invade. The inspectors, headed by Blix, were demanding time, and also demanding the location of the weapons that Rumsfeld ‘knew’ both the existence and locations of. Rumsfeld didn’t tell them, because none existed.

            Utter and complete lies, JK. The most generous explanation is that you don’t remember anything about it at the time, and also that you have since been taken in by revisionists.

          • JK redux

            Sorry that you feel so upset Glenn.

            There certainly was a lot of jumping and jiving before the US invaded Iraq.

            Bush and his little friend Tony had settled on an invasion.

            If SH had been more clever he might have impeded their plan.

            Btw how do posters here feel about the brutal invasion of the Kursk region of Russia by the evil Ukrainian regime?

            An imperialist aggression if ever I saw one.

          • glenn_nl

            JK: Thanks, I appreciate that. Yes, I do feel very upset about it, and will do for the reminder of my life. It was, in the words of Robin Cook, “The war we couldn’t stop.”

            Having lived through that horror, I remember every detail of it. SH could not have stopped it, the US was absolutely determined to go ahead regardless. That you continue to blame SH, and indulge in history revisionism, tells a great deal about your flexible approach to the truth.

            Several million people have died as a consequence of my country’s eagerness to go along with that war of aggression, and your excusing the actual war criminals by pretending it was entirely and solely SH’s fault is duly noted.

          • JK redux

            I did say “Bush and his little friend Tony had settled on an invasion” which makes it clear that they were morally and politically responsible for the invasion.

            I also say that SH, who was a brutal dictator, fell into the trap of believing his own propaganda.

            In particular he could have feigned cooperation with the UN weapons inspectors to good effect.

            Instead he huffed and puffed which served to assist Bush.

          • David Warriston

            Will Moon’s question regards US/UK and Iraq invasion remains unanswered.

          • Pears Morgaine

            ” Btw how do posters here feel about the brutal invasion of the Kursk region of Russia by the evil Ukrainian regime? ”

            Not an invasion surely. It’s a Special Military Operation…

  • AG

    The US starting a war? Now?
    With Walz as the new VP of all people?
    And still win an election?
    I don´t think so.

    Either they do some small things which the Iranians are informed about.
    Or they do it big but that would ruin the election since most likely those planes would fall from the sky in that case.
    The problem for US Armed Forces, the opportunities to kill off inferior armies are slowly slipping away.
    The era of war merely as a PR is over.
    Either real Americans die real deaths or they take “Wag The Dog” literally, and do it all without leaving the sound stage. May be that´s the next big thing – Iran-US war as pure VR.
    The next 10.000 worthless PhDs in Humanities Studies are saved.
    p.s. I might be misled but as far as was reported CIA and the RUs are trying to contain this thing.

  • Anthony

    Starmer has predictably taken advantage of the race riots to suggest that a more serious concern is a rise in recorded “antisemitic incidents” (aka “a Zionist saw a Palestinian flag”).

    It will fuel suspicions that the intention of these riots, instigated by another Zionist operative, was to get anti-genocide protests outlawed in the UK.

    • M.J.

      CST classifies as an “antisemitic incident” any malicious act aimed at Jews or their property, with evidence of antisemitic motivation or content.
      I doubt whether waving a Palestinian flag in a demonstration against Israel would count, unless it were purposely done in a Jewish area.

      • Anthony

        He deliberately decided to promote this tired Zionist dross while still having said nothing about the Islamophobia that marked the white supremacist pogroms of the past week.

    • Stevie Boy

      Yes. And the riots serve another useful purpose: they enable the government to hide one of the major issues impacting the country and its economy. Namely, the population of the UK increasing every year by at least several hundred thousand new bodies. Regardless of who these new bodies are, how is the UK going to absorb this number of people without impacting the economy ?
      Have the people chanting their mantra ‘immigrants welcomed here’ thought about the real impact on housing, healthcare, travel, general infrastructure. This is not racist or rocket science, you cannot get a quart into a pint pot !
      This issue is NOT being addressed, and all the chaff about racism and Tommy Robinson doesn’t change the basic problem. If something isn’t done we are heading for meltdown. Go on, ask your MP what they are doing. The answer will be nothing, and you’ll probably be put on a watch list for asking the question.
      The basic question here is ‘what is the government doing?’

      • DunGroanin

        Lol Stevie being a real boy. Are you seriously channeling Malthus?
        What exactly do you know as facts about population statistics, demographics and history of such things – please don’t come back with the nonsensical ‘common sense’, ‘obvious innit’ dumbed down discourse that is always about base racist supremacism. Give us the numbers and how you have come to believe what you do.
        Or do you just mean you ‘feel’ such truths. Because ‘pretty women are walking with gorillas down your street’?

        Here in the U.K. and it seems across he 5+1 eyed hegemony.
        Such bullshit Murdochian ziofascist Talk Radio nonsense is all there is.

        It is a reprise or the enforced Austerity of the 2010s to move the country towards BrexShit through the SAME lie of ‘immigrants’ taking Your Share of the Pie – that’s why YOU are poor, can’t get housing and have shit public services whilst ‘they’ get special treatment and handouts … blah blah blah.

        Where as it has always been about never ending Privatisations and selling off all our public services to the Hedge Funds and Yankee Silicon Valley rent seekers.

        Also to be willing boots on the grounds and bodybag candidates for further imperialist global robbery for your fascist financial slave owners. Because to them we are and have always been theirs.

          • DunGroanin

            Stevie boy well done for looking them up. Did you actually read and more importantly UNDERSTAND them?

            The ons statistics are very good for a change. Because they have incorporated the census results now. I recommend everyone to give it a proper study.

            There is nothing about being ‘over populated’ in fact it is about the necessity of work visa migrants INVITED to supply the necessary workers that the local Brits don’t want to do! Like wiping the bottoms and feeding their abandoned parents and grandparents.

            The now ubiquitous ‘I’m alright Jack’ and loddsamoney mentality inculcated since Thatcher started it off.

            “What is the government doing” you asked.

            Exactly what the government planned and implemented for the last 2 and half decades.

            A clear set of statistics which you failed to note is how it was the BrexShit implementation in 2020, under cover of Covid for which Bozo was couped into government for, that sees the increase in net legal migration since. Mostly from the subcontinent and Africa. Why do you suppose that is?

            The government is doing what it was always doing. And you crying like a little boy about ‘Mah cunterry’ and complaining about being called out for it is a classic strawman. A diversion from the real issues of politically imposed austerity. Whilst being able to afford a long planned war against Russia in the Ukraine using them as the Nazi proxies this time. The insane amount of hundred billions of boot filling for cronies and finally the never ending great game, the defende of the indefensible, illegal apartheid entity imperial colony in the MENA.

            There’s going to be a lot more tears before bedtime for some.

      • Nota Tory Fanboy

        Jesus Christ.
        Good luck trying to even get triaged at A&E if you with your racist, supremacist (tautologous, I know) diatribe get your way of emptying the UK of foreigners – or even just stop more coming who will continue to prop up the work force.
        How the Hell do you think our society functions…?

      • James

        Stevie Boy has a valid point – there are too many people. Malthus was right, as well. When he worried about there not being enough food for the ever growing population, he had not (and could not have) anticipated fossil fuel-based fertilizers and industrial agriculture.
        When the Battle of Hastings was fought, there were fewer than 2 million people in England. For hundreds of years after that, it stayed below 10 million. Then the disaster of the industrial revolution happened, coal power and industrialized labour (aka slavery) followed, and the population really took off from about 10 million, until here we are with over 60 million (and counting), all working like crazy – and for what, exactly?
        I’m not blaming immigrants, at all. I’m blaming the exploitative, capitalist system that destroys Nature in an endless pursuit of ‘growth’. All to enrich the professional managers of the system, and the capitalist owners of it.

        • DunGroanin

          ‘Malthus was right’

          Ffs he wasn’t. He was totally wrong. There are way more people and better fed.

          The world can feed as many as we can have. There is not a single natural resource that has run out. Unless you refer to the mass extinction of whales by Europeans for the oil. Name me one.

          • Stevie Boy

            “The world can feed as many as we can have”. Do you actually read what you write ?
            Yes, we can feed the current world population iff food waste and financial inequality is addressed. But it isn’t being addressed. So the politicians answer is: war, famine and genetic sterilisation.
            Various studies suggest that with increases in living standards the world population will peak around 10 Billion. We already having decreasing populations in many countries including the West and China.
            Natural resources are not finite and whilst we may not be running out of resources, yet, it takes a finite amount of time to get them out of the ground and into a usable form. For example:
            – making enough wind turbines, solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles to replace fossil fuels will require over 4.5billion tons of copper. But the world mined only 24million tons of copper in 2019, meaning that it will take 189 years to produce enough copper to go net zero at current rates of production. Not including new power lines.
            – To mine enough cobalt at the current rate would take over 1,700 years, (to produce around 1.4billion cars)
            – For lithium it will take almost 10,000 years to produce enough to achieve net zero at current rates of production.
            So, technically you are right, but in practical terms sorry but you are way off.

          • DunGroanin

            So your fall back argument is exactly the same as Malthus.
            A discredited ‘look what we are doing now’ and that is THE LIMIT?

            The only people who whine about overpopulation are the Collective Wastes Masters – who desire a Golden Billion in a walled Garden and the rest as the Jungle.
            You obviously tend to agree more with them and use past performance as a guide to future actuality.

            Unfortunately for them, you and all such deluded the 85% of humanity of the ‘Jungle’ the Ancient Civilisations HAVE this. Time for the childish Anglo European children to be sent to bed.

            If you studied any population scenarios you would know that the global population will peek at something nearer 15billion around the mid to end of the NEXT century. And Africa will have the last test continental population – over 4 billion. With the largest diversity of humans.

            Beyond that humanity will need to have a lot more robotisation to maintain a population and ultimately 1000 years to be able to go off planet. Because for sure a astronomical calamity will visit us again and wipe out most life as it did the dinosaurs.

          • James

            DG, you are mistaken.
            Do you know anything about Nature? What happens when a population expands past the carrying capacity of its environment? Fossil fuels have allowed humans to do exactly that.

            As Stevie pointed out, there just isn’t enough (eg) copper for the so-called energy ‘transition’. It’s the very people you rail against, the ‘West’ (i.e. the slave owners), who are pulling the wool over your eyes that BAU can continue, but with cuddly ‘green’ energy.
            Newsflash: no it can’t.
            Ore quailties have greatly reduced, so that vastly more rock must be mined (i.e. mountains blown up), crushed etc to eke out its paltry percentage of metal. (All the life, forests, animals etc. on that mountain is destroyed, but that does not seem to concern you.)
            All the mining must be done with diesel-powered machines = FF. ‘Renewables’ can’t mine dick, and nor can they transport any materials, ship stuff across the world etc. ‘Renewables’ are completely dependent, from mining their materials, to building them, to maintaining them during their short lives on fossil fuels.

            The current world population can now only be fed using industrial agriculture, which is entirely dependent on FF.



            If you want to know more about ‘renewables’, try this:

          • Mark Sharkey

            You need to watch this video by Donella Meadows from 1977 regarding overshoot and subsequent collapse of populations. She describes two examples of socioecological systems to convey concepts of overshoot and collapse and then goes on to consider the situation of the human population of the World.


            If tptb were minded to do something about our present predicament, they would be advertising this information and arranging for society to be reorganised to everyone’s benefit. But being a group of sociopaths, they are probably planning something far darker for the general World population. Look how they they have no problem for Israelis to treat the Palestinians now.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            A part of me wants to address all of this Malthusian stuff on the Climate Change forums – but another part of me doesn’t because it’ll only end up in me getting acrimonious ding-dongs with the sundry Malthusians on there, when I could instead be enjoying myself, as well as finding out more about how the world works courtesy of people who have some idea of what they’re talking about. Anyway, for the time being, I’ll just state this:

            Most of the copper used in an electrical-conducting capacity can be replaced by aluminium.

            The cobalt (and nickel)-containing cathodes used in electrical vehicle batteries can be replaced by lithium iron phosphate ones. Circa 30% of the batteries for electric cars currently being manufactured use LIP (including most of those in Teslas & BYD’s).

            Huge reserves of lithium are available, although they are concentrated in particular countries.

            Most mining machinery can run on biodiesel, which is currently being produced in huge quantities in Europe.

            The entire world population can be fed organically using nitrogen produced by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Wheat yields of over 15 tonnes per hectare have been achieved used this methodology – with the additional benefit of zero fungicides or pesticides being required.

            Enjoy the weekend everyone.

          • James

            “humanity will need to have a lot more robotisation to maintain a population and ultimately 1000 years to be able to go off planet.”
            This is Elon Musk-level insanity.
            Anyone with an intuitive grasp of energy can see that there will be no robots to ‘maintain’ us, and that living in space is a techno-utopian pipe dream, with not even a tenuous connection to reality.
            It all stems from a belief in human ingenuity, aka human supremacism – the ethos of the prevailing Human Reich.

            LA, biodiesel requires vast areas of land which might otherwise be used for crops. There is no way biodiesel could replace regular diesel in all applications. Think of all the trucks, industrial machines and ships – half the planet would have to be growing biodiesel, leaving not enough room for food production.

            Even if aluminium and lithium were used in lieu of copper and cobalt, they’d still need to be mined. Even bigger if, we managed to harness fusion or some other power source, what would happen? The planet would continue to be stripped and polluted, just to make (exclusively human) life easier, in the short term.
            We cannot exist indefinitely, divorced from Nature. The modern world is increasingly concreting and tarmacing over the living world, just to house more and more humans. Adding silly windmills/EVs solves nothing.

            The real energy crunch is that new oil discoveries are nowhere near enough to meet current demand. It’s already costing oil companies too much to explore new, remote and often low-quality deposits, so they’re buying each other up instead, as a way of maintaining profits.
            The energy crunch that TPTB keep quiet about because they’re bricking it. It’s nothing to do with the fake ‘economy’ and its pretend money. They can’t maintain the infrastructure (look around) because energy is declining.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply James. Vast swathes of land are already used to produce biodiesel – most of the oil-seed rape that turns much of Europe yellow in April is not being used to produce el cheapo cooking oil. Biodiesel doesn’t have to replace fossil diesel in all applications; it just has to replace it in those that are difficult to electrify.

            There’s a lot more aluminium than copper in the Earth’s crust (83,000 parts per million vs. 68 ppm). Lithium is not being used to replace cobalt because it’s also required in lithium nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) cathodes; it’s iron that replaces the cobalt (and the other metals) in the LIP/LFP cathodes. Even if no new oil fields are discovered, there are over 50 years of P90 oil reserves available based on current usage rates. It’s a similar story for natural gas.

            Humans are not divorced from Nature; they and everything they do are (a small) part of Nature. Here’s a question for you: if humans disappeared overnight, how long would it take for Nature to remove any obvious trace that we’d ever existed on this planet? I’d say around 500,000 years – with the Great Pyramid of Cheops (built over 4000 years ago) being the last thing to go. That’s a blink of an eye in Earth’s history, as well as its future.

          • James

            Modernity can’t be kept afloat by using biodiesel in ‘just’ those applications that are difficult to electrify, because that would include essential activities (mining, HGVs and international shipping being the most obvious) that use so much fuel that it would require a prohibitively large amount of land to be set aside.

            While there may be lots more aluminium than copper in the Earth’s crust, melting it requires higher temperatures, such that it takes roughly four times as much energy to produce aluminum than it does to produce copper (and the whole ‘deal’ is energy, of course).

            Oil (and gas) will stop being extracted long before the stated reserves are exhausted, as the energy cost of extraction (inevitably) reaches the point where it exceeds the energy available from the resource.
            (Here’s good article, on that:

            You’re right that in (say) 500,000 years Nature might remove all trace of humans – so what? Does that make it ok to destroy other species (and inflict huge harms on other humans) in the name of profit, and continuation of the system?
            It’s all the blink on an eye.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply James. Look, there are very roughly 100 million diesel cars in Europe, and the diesel they use contains about 10% biodiesel. That means that around 10 million cars in Europe are effectively running on biodiesel. If and when diesel cars are replaced by electric ones, this biodiesel can be used for ships, mining equipment etc. Most biodiesel comes from oil-seed rape, and average European yields per hectare of that can easily be doubled without using any fancy genetic engineering. Also, we should easily be able to increase the area of oil-seed cultivation because much of the grain crops in Europe are currently fed to livestock. Artificial meat will do away with the need for most of them, and people won’t be able to taste the difference.

            It doesn’t matter that aluminium takes more energy to extract than copper, because we can produce huge amounts of electrical energy from renewables. Every hour more energy arrives from the Sun than humans use in a year. There’s also conventional nuclear, with there still being plenty of uranium around – we don’t need fusion. There’s currently 1.5-1.7 trillion barrels of global P90 oil reserves – that’s reserves that have a greater that 90% chance of being profitably extracted with today’s technology at today’s prices. Peak oil will arrive soon, if it hasn’t already yet, but it will be due to falling demand rather than dwindling supply, because it is now (a lot) cheaper to run cars etc using electricity from renewables/nuclear.

            It’s estimated that over 99.9% of species that have ever existed on Earth are extinct, and all* of the species which exist today are also headed for extinction within the next billion years due to increased luminosity of the Sun – or they would be if it weren’t for Homo Sapiens, who could be responsible for them and/or their genomes being preserved for trillions of years (maybe longer).

            * Bar possibly things like Desulforudis audaxviator which appears to inhabit its own ecosystem:


          • James

            LA, I think we disagree about some assumptions, such as EVs being taken up in large numbers (they may be (time will tell), but I doubt it). Also artficial meat is not the game changer its advocates seem to believe:
            (Plus, the linked article omits all the energy and materials required to build and maintain the labs etc.)

            If you look at total final energy consumption by source, gas is bigger than biofuels. Oil is way, way bigger, so even if all biofuels were turned over to transport etc., it still wouldn’t be enough.

            Producing electricity from ‘renewables’ is a false hope. Although more energy arrives every hour from the Sun than humans use in a year, it is very diffuse, necessitating a massive amount of infrastructure to capture it. Infrastructure which has to be maintained (using FF), and then rebuilt, as it only lasts 20 – 30 years.
            When all factors are included, ‘renewables’ end up being worse than FF (in terms of energy, at least).
            (I really recommend Tom Murphy’s blog on this (and related) issues) –

            Some of the same problems afflict nuclear (e.g. massive up-front costs), but it has additional costs, like very expensive decomissioning / waste disposal. Also, the reactor walls become brittle over time due to neutron flux, meaning they have to be replaced (at great cost) –

            Yes, most species have gone extinct, but (as I tried to explain to DG) the rate of extinction has increased dramatically in recent times:

            True, in the very far future all life will be consumed by the Sun. Does that mean nothing matters, now?
            Maybe it is all a question of perspective.

        • Stevie Boy

          Thank you James.
          The analogy is quite simple. My home is designed to accomodate a number of people, I have the, finite, budget to cover food, care and the utilities for that number. If I leave my home unsecured such that a number of other people enter and set up, then I have a problem with space and funds. This impacts the original occupants, as well as the incomers. The answer is that I ensure my home is secured.
          This is a simple numbers problem. Nothing to do with race or religion.
          Where are the hospitals, GPs, Dentists, Schools, Jobs, etc. to accomodate the growth in population ? That’s the question.
          Money for wars, money for Net Zero, but no money for the people or the country.
          I don’t blame immigrants either, it’s the ‘establishment’ that’s to blame, but if you’re letting ‘them’ in then at least fund the changes needed to support them and us.

          • Bayard

            “I don’t blame immigrants either, it’s the ‘establishment’ that’s to blame, but if you’re letting ‘them’ in then at least fund the changes needed to support them and us.”

            Why do that, when you can spend the money on fun stuff instead, like fighting other countries and enrichening your mates, meanwhile making sure the immigrants get the blame for the lack of services instead of you?

            On the subject of food, if we produced food on the basis of getting the most food per acre instead of getting the most profit from the food produced, we could feed ourselves

        • DunGroanin

          James it is you who is clearly wrong and using dystopian arguments and theories. But that’s ok it gives me an opportunity once more to deal with this issue which is largely about xenophobia. Many still repeating eugenic ‘science’.

          I suggest all who never yet came across the work of the late great professor Hans Rosling and his gapminder lectures – do spend a few hours of your remaining lives to LEARN from them.

          If you prefer to read rather than watch his beautiful lectures, try this
          ‘one of Rosling’s more interesting points is that, when polled, most Westerners are fairly clueless about all of this.’
A brilliant write up from a random site
          I guarantee it’s worth it. Enjoy!

          My personal take is that Old Europe really is well past its ‘menopause’ stage – that only a massive and continued expansion influx of young people would be able to keep whatever remains of industry and most of all agriculture and service sectors going for the future old people of Europe- hey who’s going to wipe all our bums?

          The experiment was conducted successfully in Britain with the importation of many of the ex ussr peoples – quite a lot of Poles! The building, agriculture and health and service sectors benefited massively.

          Thrown into temporary reversal by BrexShit. Not to worry they had a cunning plan! Bring in millions of Caucasians! Along with millions of Asians & Africans to ‘balance’. To the last Ukrainian beyond its last possible survival levels is what that is about. Give it the accelerated Europeanisation and make it impossible for it to carry on existing. 
Knowing that they could blame Russia and Evil Nazi Putin for it.

          And we suck it up – then vomit it out with smug satisfaction.
          It ain’t so and Africans will be the most populace – that’s based on scientific method. 
And soon these refugees and migrants will stop leaving their homelands as they benefit from the multipolar and BRI that is raising the poorest of the world and stopping the centuries of daily looting of their rightful wealth , prosperity and security.

          It’s also the reason why the US has opened its borders to millions- because soon millions won’t need to migrate and instead many may even look to head back to their homelands knowing that life has become better there than in the fairytale American Dream. 
As a new colony – it imported millions from Europe through poverty to make North America function. Britain transported these who took over Australia. That is what is unraveling.

          Demographics do not lie and if I was African I wouldn’t touch these miraculous malaria vaccines just announced, you know – for their health!

          • James

            What are you talking about, eugenics??
            I have never mentioned race, and I already said I have no problem with immigrants.
            It’s the numbers of people, never mind just the UK – the planet has too many humans!
            Can you understand that?
            As ‘we’ expand our numbers (black, white, everyone), we take more resources from Nature, use them, and produce waste and pollution, which Nature must absorb.
            When the number of humans gets too big, it puts too large a burden on Nature – witness overfishing, soil depleteion, species extinction, habitat loss, deforestation, toxic spills, plastic-infested oceans etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam.
            Why do you think all those problems continue to get worse, despite raised awareness?
            But ignore all that and just be a good consumer.
            Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

          • DunGroanin

            James when you talk authoritatively that you know about resources of the planet Earth and consumption based on what you know or more correctly have been told, because you believe that what is being told is the most advanced western belief, it is you just parroting the dystopian prognosis. Who made you or them who you believe, be the ones in charge off the truth? Just try and question that most of what we are told is base lies and manipulation. Parroting it does not make it true.
            Nothing personal. I went through it myself a few years ago. It wasn’t fun.

          • James

            “based on what you […] have been told”
            Lol, so what have you been “told”, DG? What are your parrotings based on? Not critical thinking, that’s for sure.
            Your system-approved endorsement of BAU does not make for an argument.
            I also, years ago, saw Hans Rosling giving his lectures on TV and I, too, was convinced (then) that he was right. Observation of reality has, since then, proved that it was Malthus who was right (though it still isn’t fashionable to say so).
            Yes, there’s massive (and growing) wealth inequality, due to the near-worldwide neoliberal regime – but that doesn’t alter the fact that there are just too many of us humans.

            Btw, what is this “most advanced western belief” of which you speak?
            Is it that an army of future robots will look after us as we journey into space?
            Or is that just you parroting Elon Musk’s weed-induced delusions?

          • DunGroanin

            James the whole discourse on a threatened eco system, climate change, the ‘need’ to control population and control the future resources and nature of the earth ORIGINATES with the Collective Wastes bought academic research, media and government policies.

            That is wholly owned and controlled by the centuries long Imperial Anglo European Order. The ones who claim to have colonised and therefore are the wisest on the planet. They hide behind the 15% that is the Anglo Europeans.
            So what they say and believe and broadcast MUST be the truth and the rest of the world and humanity must follow their prescription?
            The GND? The Digital Currency. The upgraded IMF and World Bank and their Rules!
            That is what you are selling. That snake oil. And supremacy.

            Not buying it. Sorry. And if you try and showing it down my throat like they are to the multipolar world don’t be surprised that not just me but billions will tell them to shove it where that bs belongs.

            I guess Time Will Tell which side is right.

            I’ll leave it at that. Nice discussing with you.

          • James

            “The GND? The Digital Currency. The upgraded IMF and World Bank and their Rules!”
            You keep accusing me of holding positions I do not hold.
            I’m totally against the IMF, World Bank, WEF etc etc. I oppose all hierarchical systems, and I’m getting a bit sick of you telling me I support them.
            The fact that there are too many people is just that – a fact. I propose no solution, and have never done. Nature will sort it.
            As I’ve made crystal clear, I think the ‘green’ transition is nonsense – so how tf can I support the GND??
            If you want to believe in fantasy maths of infinite growth, that’s up to you. Don’t let a little thing like physics bother you.
            ‘Bollocks’ – that is what you are selling.

          • DunGroanin

            I am a physicis graduate. James.
            Btw. Name me one ‘natural resource’ (define it first) that has ‘run out’.

          • James

            “I am a physicis graduate”
            Lol, same here – so?
            A piece of paper doesn’t prove anything except you’ve absorbed the orthodoxy to the authorities’ satisfaction.
            I already answered your ‘natural resource’ question further up the thread, maybe you missed it.

          • DunGroanin

            James it was you accusing me of not understanding physics – which now you call a piece of paper.
            You sound like a typical biblical thumper like your name sake apostle. Upgraded for the C21st. So not buying your prosletysing nonsense.

            “To people like you, the entire non-human world is a natural ‘resource’. ”
            LIAR – I have not once claimed that. You did NOT answer my Natural Resource question. You can’t name me one extractive mineral resource on our planet that has run out because of us too many pesky humans.

            Not even that great revered old ‘precious’ metal Gold is limited meqning control of that means control of wealth!
            You may have seen the recent announcement of the amounts of Gold in the rocks of Uganda?

            So you go with the scarey, nightmarish :-
            “Plenty of species have gone extinct, ..”
            Yes they have and plenty of new species have evolved.
            That’s how life on Earth comes and goes over eons.
            Dinosaurs went and mammals and birds replaced them.
            You obsess about just one side of the equation.

            The rest of your belief set is based on your very specific beliefs. If you’re a physicist as you claim, you will know that is NOT science but a FICTION. A religious or ethno superiorist claim, exactly as the Egyptians used to claim, the Greeks and Romans and the current Anglo Eurocentric basis of ‘Knowledge’.

            In fact you clearly show that yourself:

            “Anyone with an intuitive grasp of energy..” -INTUITION IS NOT KNOWLEDGE
            “the fact that there are just too many of us humans.” – SUPPOSITION, NOT A FACT.
            “the planet has too many humans!”- supposition again.

            Says who or what? The planet??
            Does Is it speak to you?
            Is it in the room with you now?

          • James

            DG, you can call me proselytising or whatever. From my perspective, you’re the one with the blinkered view of life on Earth.
            I was not calling physics a piece of paper, I was saying that you appeared not to understand it. You’re the one who mentioned having a degree, as if that’s supposed to settle an argument or impress anyone.

            I answered your question about ‘natural resource’, then you moved the goal posts by changing it to ‘extractive mineral resource’.
            There may well be loads of gold in rocks in Uganda. That’s bad news for any life living on top of it though, isn’t it?
            Or have you invented sustainable mining?

            As I’ve tried (in vain) to explain, a resource doesn’t have to run out completely before it becomes uneconomical to extract. There will be FF left in the ground when the oil and gas companies eventually call it quits, because it will take more energy to get them out than what they’d provide (to the economy).

            Yes, species have always gone extinct. The point I was trying (again, in vain) to make, is that the rate of extinction has grown, exponentially.
            Did you read any of the links about that? If you had, you’d have seen that the number of African elephants has decreased from ~25 million around 1500, to ~10 million around 1900, to fewer than half a million now. The same story applies to many, many other species, mainly due to habit loss (lost to humans).

            The situation is outlined starkly, here:
            Read that, and then come out with ‘species always go extinct’, or some other glib nothing.

            The “religious or ethno superiorist” ideas are yours, not mine. Human supremacist, to be exact. You are true cheerleader for the Human Reich, condemning the rest of life on Earth to subordination and destruction, all in the name of your comfy, Western lifestyle.

            Rather than actually engage in debate, you serve up “-INTUITION IS NOT KNOWLEDGE” and “SUPPOSITION, NOT A FACT.”
            Shouting is not fact, either.

            No doubt you’ll deliver another pile of tripe to defend your nebulous ‘position’ (really just an opposition to a reality you can’t accept).
            Or are you finally done groaning?

          • DunGroanin

            James: “Don’t let a little thing like physics bother you.”
            Me: ““I am a physicis graduate”
            James : “Lol, same here – so?”

            So? – so it means your appeal to authority of knowledge of Physics failed and SO you then turned it into ‘a piece of paper’.

            You are not the first vendor of your curate egg ‘science and stinky beliefs’. I have disdain for your pseudo science that makes the world a daily more idiotic place based on emotional button pushing paranoid dystopian futures, so that every one suddenly is an expert on Oil, Greenhouse gas, Climate, virus’s…Islam, and Good and Bad political theory.
            You are not.
            You are worse than a scammer selling such fears.
            I reject all your narrative propaganda and can’t see anyone who has been moved by your bs.
            Worse because the agenda you purvey is wholly created by the eugenic white supremacist Anglo European Ziofascist over centuries – as I said earlier, if you don’t know that, you are worse than deluded.
            I think you do know it and that makes you a collaborator in their vision – a fascist one, that is dying like their empire.

            I’ll never stop fighting shit like yours. and if you new anything of my history you’d know I stopped ‘Groanin’ since 2016 when they showed their true Ziofascist Colors with their fascist attack on JC following their traitorous attack on JA.
            I stopped groaning and stated fighting.
            Go on, have the last word.
            I’m sure we’ll dance again when you show your half baked fearmongering.

          • James

            You: “I am a physics graduate”
            That is an appeal to authority, DG, don’t try and pin on me the thing you yourself are guilty of.

            Again, you go spewing vile insults like white supremacism, zionism etc etc – all views I actually find abhorrent, but you spray them around anyway in your trademark, scattergun style in lieu of a cogent argument.

            You can blather all you want – anyone reading the above dialogue will conclude that I have already won on points, and that this ‘contest’ is over.

      • Logan 5

        You made a good point there, Stevie Boy. In 1950 the UK population was just over 50m – It’s now around 67m and it’s projected to rise to 69.2m by the mid-2030s.

        What accounts for this change? Well, in 1950 the average life expectancy was 68.1 yrs – it is now 81.9 yrs! There’s been a huge increase in the elderly population. Today around one fifth of the population is over 65yrs old, and the ONS predicts it’s likely to rise to a quarter by 2050. That’s your population excess right there.

        The vast majority of people over 65 aren’t working and aren’t classed as “economically active”. Though most of them did contribute to pension schemes, collectively it was nowhere near enough to sustain them through such an extended period of retirement – not to mention also paying for the non-working spongers who didn’t contribute a bean. Our pension system was designed to support a few short years of retirement, but the old codgers are living into their 80s and 90s, many requiring some kind of state-supported care (while using huge amounts of energy to heat their drafty old homes in the winter). The shortfall in pension funds means we’re facing a looming economic crisis. So far we’ve tried to solve it by importing more working people to care for our old people and fund them via tax. (Unfortunately, some of our most ardent patriots don’t like the immigrants’ skin tone, language or culture, so they go out and throw bricks through windows and loot corner shops to let off a bit of steam.)

        It’s the older population we need to sort out. (The scheme in the film Logan’s Run to prevent overpopulation by culling at the age of 30 might be a bit drastic – but what if instead we encouraged our venerable elders to retire to warmer climes, where the cost of living would be a lot lower? Why not ship our crinkly spongers off to Rwanda? (Rishi Sunak has already put the system in place but he was targeting the wrong demographic.) That would reduce the population by 20% (thereby cancelling out net immigration), fix the public finances, and we wouldn’t need to import so many foreign care workers. Job done! (Also, we could all have a nice sunny holiday every year visiting the grandparents.)

        Of course, that idea is not just crazy, it’s downright nasty – but the right wing fascist attitude towards the immiigrant population deserves such a daft parody: just blame a section of society for an increase in population, blame them for being a huge burden on the economy, and then propose a way to get rid of them. Easy! That kind of ‘solution’ is not just unworkable, it’s obviously inhuman and deeply sinister. Anyone sympathetic to it should be encouraged to identify themselves to the police so they can be locked up for the protection of society – which, conveniently, is exactly what they’ve started doing. Would you care to join them, Stevie Boy?

  • Brian Red

    Wow – these guys are being sentenced in English crown courts so fast, and given long prison sentences too.
    Cases usually take several MONTHS to get to crown court. Some defendants have been in prison for more than a year on remand. But these guys are getting sentenced to stretches as long as 30 months within a few DAYS of being arrested and charged.

    Why are they pleading guilty, knowing they will be made an example of, and without having time to consider the evidence against them, and to consider what defence they might offer, before they decide how to plead?

    What lawyer would advise them to go ahead and plead guilty right away, in this kind of case?

    We shouldn’t be distracted from what’s going on with the highly publicised use of stepped-up repressive measures, just because the defendants are apparently violent racist scumbags.

    Another angle is that the state may be deliberately creating a certain kind of network inside the prison system.

    • Brian Red

      The usual reason for pleading guilty fast is because you think you haven’t got a defence and you think your sentence will be more lenient than if you were to plead not guilty and have a trial at the end of which you’d be found guilty anyway.

      That doesn’t apply in these cases when the authorities are handing out exemplary sentences. It’s obvious the judges were never going to say “Good lad for pleading guilty – I’ll make your sentence short.”

      The advice they should be getting is “Wait for the evidence. Let’s see what type of defence we can run. We’ll say you’re not ready to plead. If they force you to plead, say not guilty. You can always change your plea later.”

      What’s happening?

      How can any lawyer advise there’s no defence when he hasn’t seen all the prosecution evidence, and when the “leniency for a guilty plea” arrangement patently obviously does not apply?

      • Stevie Boy

        I guess we should be grateful that public hangings and beheadings are not in vogue. The media is, as usual, whipping up the hysteria and we are degenerating into a lynch mob mentality. This is not justice. Them today, you tomorrow.
        Welcome to the Banana Republic.

    • Lapsed Agnostic

      Re: ‘Why are they pleading guilty’

      To get a third off their sentences, Brian. Their lawyers will have advised them to do this because there will have been compelling video evidence that they’ve been involved in violent disorder (much of which is available on social media), even if it was just ‘gesticulating and shouting’ at police officers. The sentences for rioting are severe in the UK, whether you plead guilty or not guilty, to deter people from doing it – because that sort of thing can bring down governments and lead to revolutions. Plus, in the circa 1% of cases where they’re found not guilty, they could still have served around 12 months on remand if they were denied bail – similar to what they would actually serve behind bars if they were sentenced to 30 months. Criminal defence lawyers do this stuff for a living y’know. By the way, the longest sentences handed out so far have been 32 months.

      • Brian Red

        Never mind what’s on social media, i.e advertising companies’ websites. The point is what evidence can the prosecution offer in court, and they are supposed to have had all of it before the person was charged. Your arguments are muddled. Do you think they’d have got 48 month sentences next autumn, instead of 32 month sentences straightaway? Would Genocide Starmer or whoever was the prime minister at the time go on the telly and denounce them as hard as he’s doing now? Any lawyer who advises guilty pleas in these cases is stitching his client up. Lots of people do stuff for a living. Many lawyers are crap. Others are trustworthy.

        • Lapsed Agnostic

          Thanks for your reply Brian. My comment was crystal clear, not muddled. It doesn’t matter that social media companies make most of their money through advertising (although not so much in the case of TwitterX), their content can still be potential evidence that can be admitted in court.

          Re: ‘Do you think they’d have got 48 month sentences next autumn, instead of 32 month sentences straightaway?’

          Yes. Many of the 2011 London rioters weren’t even arrested till months later, but they still got stiff (some would say draconian) sentences. It doesn’t matter what Starmzy or any other PM is saying at the time – the sentencing council sets the sentencing guidelines. Lawyers advising rioters to plead guilty in the face of compelling evidence of guilt are not stitching them up; they are saving them (and the public purse) months of jail-time.

          Enjoy the weekend.

          P.S. Some would say that our host’s lawyers were crap, because they weren’t able to get him off a fairly lengthy prison sentence for a civil offence which the court accepted wasn’t carried out with any intent – but then they did manage to make over 200 grand out of him and his generous benefactors in the process, so they’ll have known what they were doing.

          • Brian Red

            You’re just saying “Don’t think, because I don’t”, and you’re coming up with pretexts. That kind of “thinking” is extremely common and I don’t let myself get delayed (trolled) when I encounter it.


            ^ That idiot got 12 weeks for typing a few words on Faecesbook. You “think” an ever so highly trained and experienced professional expert of a defence lawyer, with many years at Pooniversity under his luxury belt, would have advised him to plead guilty because he’d have been handed 16 weeks in a year’s time if he’d pleaded not guilty and been tried and found guilty? Yeah right.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply Brian. I’m not saying “Don’t think” or coming up with any pretexts – I’m trying to explain to you why some of the rioters pleaded guilty. The guy in the Beeb article you linked to was sentenced in a Magistrates’ Court. If he had pleaded not guilty, he would have been tried in a Magistrates’ Court as well, because the offence with which he was charged has a maximum sentence of less than a year in prison. It’s unusual for people to be remanded in custody for cases that are tried in Magistrates’ Courts as bail is usually given for a nominal sum, even for those with extensive criminal records. These types of cases are also usually dealt with quickly as there’s no need for barristers etc, etc – according to the article, another guy who pleaded not guilty to a similar charge will be tried in three weeks’ time.

            In the first case, his solicitor will have probably advised him to plead guilty to save him two to three weeks in clink, since the magistrate would have been very unlikely to believe him if he’d claimed his 7-year-old daughter got hold of his phone and sent the post, or some similar shaggy-dog story. By the way, you don’t need a degree to be a criminal defence solicitor in the UK; you can do an apprenticeship. This route is more common than you might think because the job isn’t particularly well paid. Finally, a word of advice: if you’re ever arrested in England or Wales, don’t refuse a solicitor because, however ‘crap’ they might be, they’ll still know far more about English law than you.

  • DunGroanin

    The fake ‘riots’ are a PsyOp to hide behind and to try and stop Brits protest against the ziofascists mass murders and this week we saw that fail.

    Curiously, as in the case of the dog that barked in the night manner. Why did the English and Jewish Defence League protest in Jewish neighbourhood of … Finchley!??
    They are clearly aiming against mass immigration’ – nothing to do with religion! It makes no sense and yet they try.

    Such button pushing to make AS again the central vicitim!
    To raise support for our direct military, financial and mass media support of that fascist people’s colony. Most of the ‘rioters’ are from garrison towns and will soon be part of the military as volunteers. If they already weren’t and be heading to put their boots down in an attempt at occupying Lebanon and Syria etc.

    Are they going to false flag attack some synagogues and beat up some old rabbi again?
    Is the Great Knight Dope Herr Starmztrooper going to blame Jezza and Labour members of being behind such blatant antisemitism of the English and Jewish Defence League?

    How does he square the circle of mass anal rape/ torture of male Palestinian detainees – proudly defended by the ziofascists who did it and their politicians and media ‘journalists’ in the illegal apartheid entity.

    How does he sell us the continued daily bombing and extermination as we send our weapons, navy and airforce to preserve the abomination that is the Zio Fascist Apartheid Entilty.

    We were made supporters, to the end, of the Apartheid fascist states of Rhodesia and South Africa. At least until WE, the many of Britain, actively rejected them as the racist imperial colonies, they actually were.

    History repeating now with the failure of this PsyOp.
    No wonder the media and the zio owned politicians as well as their scripted hasbara trollbots are in such a funk!

  • AG

    Latest gem, criminalizing the retweeting of content which the government aka Louis XIV. considers as hate speech.
    Good work Starm Trooper!
    Wonder how many hard paid hours his legal team spent on coming up with this brilliant suggestion.

  • AG

    A Berlin court gave a guilty verdict after an activist had repeated “From the River to the Sea” in Oct.
    As from this short interview becomes obvious the judge repeated – as of August 2024 – the lie of beheaded babies.

    Can you imagine? And can you break down what that actually tells you about the level of incompetence among judges???
    I did expect them to show professional interest in The Hague´s events. How naive, indeed

    • Brian Red

      More likely that judges are making some nice little earners than they’re doing it out of incompetence. They know which side their bread’s buttered. Probably bonuses are available for judges who make an extra good impression by spreading Zionist lies in their sentencing comments.

      Imagine if a judge stood by the rule of law, such as, oh, for example, the law against genocide and inciting it. His card would be well marked.

      • AG

        I have no insight into this questionable part of society of law enforcement except that I know that I do not like them.
        They are building on a tradition of at least 2 thousand years always with the interest to uphold power over people.
        And anyone who wants to be part of such a sect first has to prove his or her worth.

        As Germany goes however: There were judges and courts elsewhere who decided more informed in favour of the defendants.
        This is a federation and just like in the US different courts do not necessarily agree on identical cases.
        Which is at least something.

        However with a case this obvious there is no alternative position that a judge who has the right to sit in a court and judge over other humans could take. This goes well beyond interpretation.
        Were it a defendant criticizing Palestine I bet my sweet ass the outcome would have been different – despite the fact that that defendant would be defending genocide.

        Anyhow they will file an appeal and I would call it not at all unlikely that by now you get a different judge with a different verdict.

  • Crispa

    Re Anthony’s Post (09.08.2024”
    “Starmer has predictably taken advantage of the race riots to suggest that a more serious concern is a rise in recorded “antisemitic incidents” (aka “a Zionist saw a Palestinian flag”).
    I came across this in a Telegram channel, how accurate I do not know, but it supports this idea.,.
    “How the Zionist lobby is tearing British society apart playing both sides:
    – Far right protests are organised by Tommy Robinson who is a well known Zionist stool on the Mossad payroll. Unsurprisingly the counter protests are partially organised by a very well funded group, “Stand up to racism” UK, who are also known for their involvement with the Zionist group “Friends of Israel”, allowing them to co-opt anti racist marches waving Israeli flags and expelling pro Palestine supporters from the demonstrations”.
    The implication is that the aim is to marginalise even snuff out Palestine from the protest agenda, bringing antisemitism, which is historically in headline the main target of the far right to the fore as part of the anti – racist campaign – although Mosley’s black shirts were also very active against refugees also – and by the usual act of conflation let genocide Israel off the hook.

    • Brian Red

      No-one who’s a Zionist should be listened to if they say anything about anti-Semitism. Ditto if they say anything about the Nazi slaughter in Europe, the one that came after the Armenian genocide and before the Rwandan genocide.

      It’s like hearing a voortrekking apologist for white supremacy in South Africa talk about “rights for whites” and complain he’s only being told to shut up because he’s got a white skin, and that his people are being “invaded” and “replaced” and “outbred”. Anyone with a functioning brain cell would understand that the person was a racist turd.

      It’s very simple. Anti-racist means against racism. A person can’t be anti-racist and racist at the same time. Zionists are racist turds.

      • Bayard

        “Ditto if they say anything about the Nazi slaughter in Europe, the one that came after the Armenian genocide and before the Rwandan genocide.”

        Which Nazi slaughter would that be, the 6M Jews, the 34M Slavs or the 75% of the Romani population?

    • Brian Red

      The Community Security Trust could put their symbol on a flag and fly it from British police stations and the Home Office.

      Maybe it should have a picture of a submissive cobra on it, underneath the four spikes of the knuckleduster. There’s a good little Civil Contingencies Committee. Have a biscuit.

      Imagine having to be a police commander or minister who said THAT was a bad idea and something to do with racist or foreign influence. You’d be out of your job within a day.

  • AG

    Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn with a special show (30 min.) about the UK and the, er, “riots” (Can I call it that?).

    They go a bit into the legal traditions in Britain that are now reactivated by Starmer (can people stop calling him “Sir”? He is a lying dishonest crook and moron. The only people that qualify as Sirs are either in plays and have at least killed dozens of people with their own bare hands or individuals who have risked their lives to save others.)

    I wonder what this expert round here says about that American exchange. Albeit Taibbi seems to know his stuff and Kirn spent a few years in England in the 1980s.

    p.s. I did not know Kirn was the guy who wrote that “Up In the Air” book that got such a lame movie adaptation which was rather surprisingly successful.

  • Yvette

    [ Mod: a.k.a. ‘CAROL‘ ]

    You’re mistaken. I am quite disappointed by your comment which resemble the mainstream media and Starmer regime comments.

    The same thing that happened to Palestinians is happening to the UK and other western countries: invasion-immigration, settlement and replacement.
    You might have noticed that the same people who fund the genocide in Palestine also fund the replacement of native Europeans (which includes you).

    Fascism is when people go to jail for 18 months for protesting or putting stickers that displease the criminal apparatus in power that you know so well.

    #TwoTierKeir makes sure that the genocide against the natives get going while destroying further free speech and people’s rights and enhancing the surveillance state.

    Fascism is the merging of state and corporate power according to his inventor Benito Mussolini, I don;t think the poor British people who have had enough of being beaten down, mugged, raped, stabbed, discriminated, gaslighted and replaced in their own country belong to this definition.

    As for Tommy Robinson, you perfectly know that he is a Mossad operative. The protests started and happened without him mostly.

    • glenn_nl

      Funnily enough, nobody of my acquaintance has reported being part of “the poor British people who [has been] beaten down, mugged, raped, stabbed, discriminated, gaslighted and replaced”

      Indeed, as a foreigner in Holland, I don’t recall any notable occasions on which I have been replacing, mugging, raping or stabbing anyone here either!

      About this ‘replacement’ – does it really mean every time “one of them” comes over here, one of “us” has to… go somewhere else? If “one of their” babies gets born, does one of “ours” have to be aborted? Help me out here.

      Some more help please – every time I return to my original home, I see little sign of the genocide of which you speak. It must be happening extremely slowly, right…?

  • Ravensclaw

    I ask a question in good faith, and would like a sensible answer in good faith.

    How would you solve the problem of grooming gangs and extremist recruitment from recent legal/illegal migrants?

    In Australia we had the Skaf Rape Gang. This was a gang of middle eastern teens that roamed Sydney (usually at night), that targeted, compromised and then raped and humiliated a variety of young Australian women. There we well over 10 women sexually assaulted by this gang of 14 young men before several of them were charged. Most of the charges were then dropped, the rapists were released and continued doing what they were doing. The girls were told to keep quiet.

    This would have continued except 2 victims went public. This resulted in a massive outcry from the public. More victims came forward, and the gang were re-tried with 8-9 getting convictions.

    I want to explain a critical issue at this point. When charges were laid that established appropriate convictions the police and prosecution had a very large pool of victims. In order to secure convictions only a handful of the victims were used in the trial i.e. those that could present the most robust testimony and other evidence. While it may seem useful to have every victim give testimony on the record, a case can be weakened and damaged from more vague evidence that the defense can find easier to establish doubt. This is not an uncommon practice.

    Of course there were the usual suspect defenders of the rapists calling the victims prostitutes and racists along with the angered public. Some agitators preached victim hood on behalf of migrant communities. Eventually there was a riot that resulted in the destruction of cars and a few people beaten.

    Then things settled and everyone went back to their business.

    Now onto things in the UK, notably extremist recruitment in Luton and the Grooming Gangs in Rotherham.

    In these instances the police, political leaders and community groups (Risky Business aside) did less than nothing. They supported the rapists and extremist recruiters. They arrested dads trying to save their daughters, leaked the names victims to the perps when they made statements, and covered up people being driven out of their neighborhoods in fear. Risky Business was a community group trying to support the groomed girls that was harassed by the political establishment and police until they were shut down.

    Tolerance for extremist recruitment and organised groomers is untenable in any functional society. I see no pathway or even genuine interest from the left to clean this up. I just see energy and opportunity to slander, and increase the level of social discord. Undoubtedly for your sought violent revolution.

    I absolutely despise socialists. I don’t care if your brand of socialism is based on class, race or other derivative e.g. juche. You are all peas from the same rotten pod.

    So, as I said in the beginning, how would you solve the problem of grooming gangs and extremist recruitment from recent legal/illegal migrants?

    I don’t think you can and I don’t think you have any actual interest in solving serious social problems…. at all!

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