The Attack on Truth: Julian Assange and Richard Medhurst 185

Julian Assange was released in the midst of the election campaign and the event was not really given the attention it deserves. Alex Salmond invited me to take a look back with him on what this persecution means and where we are now.

I do recommend that you subscribe to Alex’s show Scotland Speaks. He is a fascinating and, in my view, admirable man whose public image is massively distorted by the mainstream media. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the range of topics he tackles and his approach to them, as well as his breadth of intellect.

I also had the opportunity on Consortium News to discuss at length the ramifications of the arrest of Richard Medhurst, in the context of the general attack on dissident journalism and particularly the widespread abuse of anti-terrorist powers against journalists.

Richard and I were meant to appear together, but unfortunately he was delayed due to technical difficulties caused by the police confiscating all of his equipment. But he was able to be interviewed shortly after I left (I have not been able to watch this myself yet at time of posting).

Our freedoms are disappearing all over the western world, and the panic of the political class as they lose control of the narrative over Gaza has accelerated this.

What we always feared is here, now.


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185 thoughts on “The Attack on Truth: Julian Assange and Richard Medhurst

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  • Stevie Boy

    Attacking truth … a great peice from Jonathan Cook:
    “how Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland distorted the historical record in his biography of Rudolf Vrba, the first Jew to escape Auschwitz.
    Vrba’s efforts in early 1944 to warn other Jews of their coming fate in the Nazi death camps were betrayed by European leaders of the Zionist movement, who silenced him.
    [Rezso] Kasztner [leader of Hungary’s Zionist movement] went to Eichmann and told him, ‘I know of your plans; spare some Jews of my choice and I shall keep quiet.’
    … It has always been our Zionist tradition to select the few out of many in arranging the immigration to Palestine…”
    So, zionists truly have no love for the common Jew – only the chosen few.

  • Republicofscotland

    The US is planning a Colour Revolution in Georgia this Autumn when their parliamentary elections take place. Local Western-backed NGO’s are currently recruiting loads more observers to monitor the vote, and when the Georgian Dream Party wins – which it looks like it will – there’ll be an outcry and accusations that the ruling party has rigged the vote; we saw this unfold, quite clearly, in the Venezuelan elections – not that long ago – without any success.

    “On the ‘Tbilisi Maidan’ they plan to reveal ‘evidence of election fraud,’ refuse to recognize the election results and demand a change of power. Law enforcement agencies will be provoked to use force to suppress the protests. At the same time, the Americans are working out options for a ‘knock-down’ political and economic response to the ‘excessive’ use of force by the authorities against ‘peaceful citizens.”

    The immediate goal is to repeal the Foreign Agents Law, which requires non-profit organisations, media outlets, and individuals who receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as entities promoting the interests of a foreign power.

    Though the US Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 says pretty much the same.

    • JK redux


      Do you have any links to confirm all this stuff about a Colour Revolution in Georgia?

      Are Georgian Dream’s threats to ban the major opposition party just a ….. dream/nightmare?

      We need to know.

  • nevermind

    For some reason, past threads are loading, but this one is not. I have to go to the previous thread and then click on the list of threads at the end of the page to get to this one. Weird

    • Jm

      Same these last few weeks…loading only takes me to comments 12 or so hours back not most recent.Using Safari on iPadOS 17.1.1

  • Brianfujisan

    The Wind Sinned
    And Ships With sails
    Fail to deliver Food
    The west is in no mood
    To help Genocide
    Sickening USA Tricking
    UK Euro Ass…L

  • Jack

    Whats next? How will this crackdown on the truth develop? Authorities to arrest human rights workers for saying what Medhurst said about Gaza?

    Amnesty Urges War Crimes Probe of ‘Indiscriminate’ Israeli Attacks on Gaza Camps
    The human rights group said Israeli forces “failed to distinguish between civilians and military objectives by using unguided munitions in an area full of civilians sheltering in tents.”

  • Wilshire

    For what it’s worth, Mark Zuckerberg seems to be much more cautious than Pavel Durov. He just sent a message to the US House Chair committee to admit that he repeatedly followed instructions from authorities to censor sensitive material relating to the Covid epidemic or to Hunter Biden’s laptop.
    He says that he won’t do that again, but we can still assume he certainly doesn’t risk being arrested on his next trip to Paris. Better safe than sorry.

  • Stevie Boy

    Here’s some more fifth columnists off to the promised land to be briefed on ‘The Truth’.
    Stevenage’s new MP Kevin Bonavia
    High Peak’s Jon Pearce
    Dover’s Mike Tapp
    Bournemouth West’s Jessica Toale
    Uxbridge’s Danny Beales
    Dunfermline’s Graeme Downie
    Grimsby’s Melanie Onn
    Leigh’s Jo Platt
    Rother Valley’s Jake Richards
    Chipping Barnet’s Dan Tomlinson
    Harrow’s Primesh Patel
    Wirral West, Matthew Patrick
    Northampton South, Mike Reader
    Huntingdon’s Ben Obese-Jecty
    Weald of Kent’s Katie Lam
    Bromsgrove’s Bradley Thomas.
    “Declassified previously revealed that one in four British MPs in the last parliament accepted funding from pro-Israel lobby groups or individuals. ”

    • M.J.

      Is there a list of UK MPs who are funded by the Zionist lobby? Can we find out whether any given MP is beholden in this way?
      In the USA, apart from AIPAC funding the rivals of any Congresspersons sympathetic to Palestinians, it is well known that younger adults are given free “Heritage” trips to Israel for the purpose of Zionist indoctrination, studiously avoiding all things Palestinian,and some participants have walked out in protest.

      • Greg Park

        Are you really saying you have never heard of Labour and Conservative Friends of Israel? Two thirds of the cabinet belong to the former and the biggest donors to Keir Starmer’s Labour leadership and General election campaigns were Israel lobbyists.

        In the USA, AIPAC has given Kamala Harris, personally, over 5 million dollars; moreover the biggest individual donors to her presidential campaign are hardcore zionist billionaires like the Hollywood mogul Haim Saban, who says “I’m a one issue guy, and the issue is Israel “

        • Stevie Boy

          And, miriam adelson apparently gave Trump $100 million.
          Israeli zionists and their bags of silver are everywhere, warts on both cheeks of the uni-parties arses.

          • Greg Park

            Of course, but for centrists an act’s morality is determined by who does it. Being bought by zionists and committing genocide are understandable even laudable when Sir Keir and Kamala do it, but not if Trump did. Likewise honesty, wealth redistribution and anti-racism are reprehensible from Jeremy Corbyn.

      • Steve Hayes

        I know there have been lists of LFI MPs. A newly elected MP (some years back) in a nearby constituency turned up on one. She said she’d been signed up without her knowledge. I don’t know and don’t really care if that’s true as I no longer care about the Labour Party or its MPs.

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