Some Truth Bombs At the UN 169

Alongside Richard Medhurst I had the chance to state rather more truth than is generally heard inside the United Nations in Geneva:

“Not only is the West complicit in the Genocide in Palestine, the ruling class of the West is so scared of its own citizens that it is now prepared to persecute its own citizens in support of a genocide”.

Richard Medhurst followed up on the same theme:

Our appearance at the UN was organised by Justice for All International, an admirable Geneva based NGO with which I am proud to be associated. If you can donate to their continuing crowdfunder I should be grateful. Please note that neither Richard nor I stand to receive anything from this other than (hopefully) travel expenses. Their crowdfunder is here.

On an apparently unrelated note, the scandal of the day is Keir Starmer receiving money from wealthy donors for designer clothes and accessories for his wife and himself. In the video above I am wearing the second-hand suit I bought in the Hague when I pitched up for the ICJ South Africa/Israel Genocide case. It doesn’t appear to detract from my words at all.

In the video I state that the reason the western ruling class support Israel is that they are bought.

UK civil servants are not allowed to receive gifts above a very small monetary value, in case they are influenced. I cannot understand why elected politicians are not subject to the same rule. They are in receipt of perfectly adequate public salaries and administrative and policy support from the public purse.

Why are any donors allowed to pay to influence them?

I would say the same for political parties. Individual donations over £1,000 should be banned, from people or organisations. If that shrank party machines, that would be entirely a good thing.

If the West is ever to return to meaningful democracy, these are a small but essential proportion of the changes required in our corrupt systems.


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169 thoughts on “Some Truth Bombs At the UN

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  • Tom74

    I wonder whether there is independent evidence that the explosions did come from pagers? Clearly, those responsible for the explosions are going to pretend to have great technical expertise while at the same time covering their tracks. Taking the words of the intelligence officers at face value, peddled by the media, therefore, seems naive.

    • Goose

      Guardian reports:

      A report in the New York Times, based on intelligence briefing, said the exploding pagers were manufactured by an Israeli front company, which even went to the trouble of shipping normal pagers to other clients.
      Which is even more outrageous and problematic; would you be happy owning a device like that, or want to be sat next to someone on a flight with one of those ‘normal’ pagers? What if a politician is unknowingly using one? No one seems to be posing the questions as to the ethics of doing that safely.

  • JeremyT

    Another inescapable truth bomb is that whereas Mr Johnson (ex-PM) was born in New York, Sucker Starmer (let’s bomb Moscow!), UK’s PM, was bought in Washington DC, many years ago.

  • Goose

    Al Jazeera have published a brief history refresher of the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel here:

    Hezbollah were established to repel Israel, who’d invaded Lebanon. Israel weren’t friendly invaders – right-wing Lebanese militia, in coordination with the Israeli army, killed between 2,000 and 3,500 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians in two days, in the infamous Sabra and Shatila massacres.

    Pro-Israel bias in our media, mass ignorance and propaganda are a huge part of the problem, when trying to discuss events in the ME.

  • Brian Red

    Worthy of note…

    Several people who attended a Trump rally in Tucson, Arizona, USA last Thursday have suffered unexplained eye injuries.

    If the injuries were caused by a substance that came out of the air conditioning, you’d have thought some of it would have been found by now and analysed. If they were caused by an electromagnetic weapon in the form of ultraviolet light, that wouldn’t apply. Then there is the possibility that smartphones were used.

    The injuries have been reported in media in USA, Britain, India, and Pakistan, and also in VIN News aimed at Jews worldwide, but I couldn’t find any reports in French, Russian, or Arabic media.

    Meanwhile Trump says he will probably meet Zelensky next week.


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