The End of Western Pluralist Democracy 547

No major western leader is ever again going to be able to speak about human rights or ethical values, without attracting howls of derision. They are turning on their own people in order to prevent protest at a genocide they actively support.

Keir Starmer stepped up the pressure on opponents of Zionist genocide on Thursday with the arrest of journalist Sarah Wilkinson and the charging of activist Richard Barnard, both under the draconian Section 12 of the Terrorism Act which carries a sentence of up to 14 years in prison.

The UK MSM has of course ignored these, but is universally carrying outrage at the conviction of two Hong Kong activists for sedition, which carries a maximum sentence of … 2 years.

But they tell us it is China and not the UK which is the authoritarian dictatorship.

(To be plain, I do view the Hong Kong convictions as also an unwarranted interference with free speech. I merely point out the incredible hypocrisy of the British Establishment and far worse laws here).

Richard Barnard has been charged and will face trial, apparently related to public speeches supporting the Palestinian right to armed resistance.

Sarah Wilkinson was released on bail after about 14 hours. Like the recent arrest and bailing of Richard Medhurst, the arrest and bailing is a device to chill her reporting and activism.

The harassment of dissident journalists at ports, using the extensive powers of the Terrorism Act for questioning and confiscation of communications equipment, has become routine. I myself suffered detention, interrogation and confiscation of equipment for “terrorism” last October.

But the Sarah Wilkinson case is an escalation, in that this is a raid on a journalist whose home was invaded by 16 policemen at 7.30am, while she was arrested and taken to the police station as her home was comprehensively turned over, presumably looking for gunmen under the bed.

More details of the raid have come out which are scarcely believable. Armed counter-terrorism police wearing balaclavas were used against a peaceful, female journalist. She was manhandled and physically hurt. The ashes in her mother’s funerary urn were desecrated in a “search”. And Sarah’s bail conditions include that she may not use a computer or mobile telephone.

It is a fascist government that sends 16 police to bust a peaceful journalist at home at 7.30am.

Like the stopping of Richard Medhurst’s plane on the tarmac by police vehicles and his being dragged from the plane (which had just landed and was en route to the gate anyway) this is an authoritarian theatre of intimidation, a Nazi stamping of the violence of the state.

Richard Barnard is a co-founder of the brilliant Palestine Action, which has done so much to disrupt the Israeli arms industry in the UK as it continues to send vital equipment to carry out the mass destruction of civilians in Gaza.

Richard has been charged under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act over two speeches he made supporting the Palestinian resistance.

I have of course said this before, but it bears repeating:

Palestine has the legitimate right of self-defence against the illegal occupation.
The occupying power Israel has no right of self-defence. That is the plain position in international law.

Yet in the UK, it is legal to offer full-throated support to Israel’s genocide and to wish that all Palestinians are exterminated.

IDF participants in genocide happily move between Israel and the UK with no legal consequences.

Yet it is illegal to support certain Palestinian organisations when engaged in legal acts of armed resistance.

The state’s actions against activists have been ramped up – as I predicted – since Starmer came to power.

Five young activists in Glasgow were ten days ago given sentences ranging from 12 months to 24 months in prison for direct action against Thales weapons plant in Govan, which makes parts for Israel’s Watchkeeper drones, widely used against civilians in Gaza.

The sentences from Sheriff Judge McCormick were savage – far higher than would normally be given on the specified charges, which were of breach of the peace, vandalism, disorderly conduct and acting in an abusive manner.

These normally would attract at most a suspended sentence on a first offence. McCormick also ignored the Scottish government guidelines not to give custodial sentences of 24 months or less but to seek alternatives.

More tellingly, McCormick completely ignored the elephant in the room: the genocide in Gaza, which Thales are supplying.

(The fact the action occurred before the genocide should be properly viewed as a commendable act of prescience.)

The Zionist Starmerite Establishment were quick to crow over the jailing – notably Luke Akehurst and John Woodcock (who is laughably called Lord Walney nowadays and is the Government Adviser on political violence) who said “Activists considering breaking the law to get their way need to see there will be consequences”.

This follows similarly harsh sentencing of climate change activists, including those who merely took part in Zoom calls discussing direct action.

The authoritarian reaction of the threatened Zionist ruling class is a worldwide phenomenon. Redoubtable Australian journalist Mary Kostakidis has been ludicrously charged under hate speech laws for retweeting mainstream pro-Palestinian tweets.

American activist Professor Danny Shaw was turned over by the FBI on return to the USA following a trip which included speaking on a panel alongside me at the Palestine International Film Festival.

Also in the United States my friend Scott Ritter has been raided by the FBI and all his electronics and other materials confiscated.

I have spoken to Danny Shaw and to Richard Medhurst. In all of these arrests and detentions, including my own, the emphasis has been on confiscating electronics and on questioning focusing very strongly on contacts, meetings and sources of finance.

The Five Eyes intelligence services are plainly building up Venn diagrams of the democratic opposition to Zionism and the neoliberal project. It is notable that many of those recently arrested over Palestine – including Mary Kostakidis, Richard Medhurst, Scott Ritter and myself – were active in the campaign to free Julian Assange.

I have always maintained that Keir Starmer’s record shows that he will be an even bigger danger to civil liberties than the Tories. It is worth noting that all of the Tory recent draconian legislation – The Public Order Act, The National Security Act and even the Rwanda Act – was not opposed or was supported by Starmer as the pretend “Leader of the Opposition”.

Starmer and Cooper are continuing the Tory policy of challenging a High Court ruling won by Liberty, that Suella Braverman acted illegally in tabling secondary legislation lowering the threshold to ban a demonstration on grounds of inconvenience to the public.

The forthcoming Online Safety Act will be truly chilling, including making it illegal to publish what the government deems misinformation.

Starmer has always been MI5-controlled. The fact that, while a Tory government was in power, the Crown Prosecution Service destroyed all the key documentation revealing Starmer’s involvement in the Assange, Savile and Janner cases (the last being far more important than generally appreciated), shows the extent to which Starmer is a protected Deep State asset.

If we are to survive this descent onto fascism as a society, we need to be prepared to dissent now, and each of us needs to be prepared to go to jail if necessary.

A last word to Craig Mokhiber, the senior UN international lawyer who resigned in protest at UN pusillanimity in face of genocide:


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547 thoughts on “The End of Western Pluralist Democracy

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  • Republicofscotland

    A £22 billion quid blackhole in the UK government’s Public Finances.
    And one of the reasons for this is consecutive Westminster PMs sending crazy amounts of cash and aid to Ukraine – and the current PM, and millionaire knight of the realm, Sir Keir Starmer, has publicly stated that the UK will support Ukraine until the bitter end.

    “The document looked at areas of public spending which are set to go over budget this year, including:

     • Public sector pay rises
     • Overspending on certain projects, such as supporting the asylum system
     • Unforeseen costs, such as inflation being higher than expected

    *** Military assistance to Ukraine ***

    To cover some of the shortfall, Chancellor Rachel Reeves made several announcements:
     • Ending winter fuel payments for those not receiving pension credit
     • Cancelling infrastructure projects, such as the road tunnel near Stonehenge
     • Scrapping previous government measures, such as the planned cap on social care charges from October 2025.”

    • Laguerre

      All the Western European countries are having the same problem. The folly of supporting a pointless war in Ukraine on behalf of US strategic obsessions is beginning to have a severe effect.
      Germany the best known case – VW is closing factories, amongst other retrenchments.
      France, I know is having substantial deficits, which is one of the things which are provoking Macron’s difficulties.
      It can’t go on. Europe must pull back. But it won’t as Scholz seems an idiot and Von der Leyen is a paid-up servant of the US. Blinken is often said to be Israel’s ambassador in the US; so is von der Leyen the US ambassador in Brussels.

      • JK redux


        I think that you’ll find that Russia spends a much higher % of its budget on the military than the Zapod countries do.

        And of course the (?) hundreds of thousands of dead men Russians are a cost that the Zapod does not have to bear – though tragically Ukraine does have a corresponding blood cost.

        The overall cost to the US and Europe is very modest compared to the cost borne by Russia (and again tragically by Ukraine).

        Not to mention the cost of a Russian victory in Ukraine to Ukraine itself and to Europe.

        • ET

          “Not to mention the cost of a Russian victory in Ukraine to Ukraine itself and to Europe.”

          The cost to Ukraine I can understand but what is the cost to Europe?

          • JK redux

            In my view the cost would be the risk to the Zapod of a triumphant Russia now on Poland’s border. Together with the damage to European cohesiveness and further Russian aggression.

            A double whammy.

          • nevermind

            John W. Your position is that of a shill. The idea of Russia or Putin taking on Poland after they strafed Ukraine, is not obvious, but hare-brained propaganda. The empire is dead John, its now feeding their lust to see Russia getting a pasting, on their poor children, the lack of direly needed infrastructure investment and cuts to public services.
            The lack of mental health provisions, not just dental care, shines through your comment.

          • Clark

            Eventually the war will end with negotiation – or nuclear Armageddon. So if we assume negotiation, why not sooner rather than later? Which as a slight added bonus would reduce the risk of nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction.

            But no; the global financial system demands economic growth, so we must have perpetual war. For God’s sake Redux, don’t you remember Orwell’s 1984? Perpetual war was required, to absorb the overproduction inherent in advanced technological industrialisation.

          • Laguerre

            Re JK redux

            I don’t see the point of scaremongering about Russian aggression on Europe, a claim for which there is zero actual evidence. But the US would like it to be the case, so we hear it all the time in the media.
            Russian military spending is of course higher than in western Europe, hardly surprising when they’ve been under threat from the US for 30 years, ever since Clinton in the 90s.

          • Squeeth

            Zapod, an Albanian village, a rather unadventurous target of expansion don’t you think; what about Köpenick instead?

    • Stevie Boy

      Talking of black holes. Although those responsible try, Let’s not forget the billions that was wasted on the covid measures. Measures that Herr Starmer supported and that he wanted to be even more extreme than they were.
      There is no surprise black hole in the budget it is just the inevitable outcome of the incompetence of the morons at Westminster.

      • Rosemary MacKenzie

        Thatcher got rid of that years ago Tanya! Herr Starmer knows nothing about economics. There are no black holes other than the ones the government has made squirrelling away money and giving to its friends. There was no need to cut the heating allowance and certainly no need to take milk away from children. I don’t have time to respond to the Russia comments, maybe later. Hope all is well!

  • Crispa

    Re the £22 Billion Black Hole. The policy paper which the BBC link helpfully given by RepublicofScotland can be linked to is this and is based on the Rapid Spending Audit ordered by the new UK government of taking office :
    It actually contains the information that I have suspected all along but not well drawn to the public attention Not only is the £3billion per annum pledged to Ukraine one reason for the black hole but the savings from scrapping the Winter Fuel Allowance for pensioners is quite a lot less than the amount being given to Ukraine. So much for the “there is no alternative argument”. MPs where are you?

    • Tatyana

      Your MPs may be busy thinking about how best to market a toast sandwich for the country 🙂
      Met this amazing recipe recently:
      A toast sandwich (also known as a bread sandwich) is a sandwich in which the filling between two slices of bread is itself a thin slice of toasted bread.
      Don’t forget it can be buttered, and you can add salt and pepper for taste 🙂

      • Crispa

        Well as it happens some lucky UK MPs today did have an opportunity to propose a Bill that might create a law based on the toasted / bread sandwich as described. Lots were drawn today in UK Parliament – just like draws for football competitions – allowing 20 MPs to put forward a Private Members Bill. The winners then decide what should be in their Bill. Given the mentality of some of these MPs it would not be surprising if one of them decided to put forward a Mandatory Toasted Sandwich (with bread or toast as the content of the sandwich) Bill. It could also succeed.

        • Tatyana

          The unfunny part is that the bread sandwich recipe is real, Crispa.

          this time of year I’m stocking up for the winter, and, thanks to the blessed Western sanctions, local producers have been offering such an abundance of products that I have to look for new recipes.
          That’s how I came across this bread sandwich, it belongs in an old English book of kitchen receips.

          What’s amazing is that after all this time, you still have the largest landowner in the country, the king, and still have lords making laws for you, and politicians scaring the population with the terrible communism, and increasingly instilling tolerance of all kinds in the younger generations.
          In a couple of decades no one will have the experience of firmly defending their beliefs, or even freely speaking about what worries them in the social order.
          They will come up with new abstract ideas for you to be proud of. They will come up with a new enemy for you to hate. And your king will still say how blessed you are to live in the country.

          • Tatyana

            Oh, I thought it’s a monarchy, since they have a king and the state’s name is a Kingdom, United Kingdom of something and Nothern Ireland. Apparently Charlie sits there just for fun.

    • fonso

      You can be certain that everyone they selected to be a candidate for Starmer’s Labour is both a Ukraine war enthusiast and an austerity hawk. Those are non-negotiables for Blair, Mandelson, etc.

  • Feral Finster

    “No major western leader is ever again going to be able to speak about human rights or ethical values, without attracting howls of derision. They are turning on their own people in order to prevent protest at a genocide they actively support.”

    With all due respect, I suspect that you underestimate the chutzpah of western leaders, as well as the gullibility of the public.

    I wish that I were wrong.

    • Stevie Boy

      You’re absolutely right. Palestine – over the last 75 years – aside, in the last five years the western governments have actively abused their citizens human rights and caused the deaths of more than six million people. But that was the past so let’s brush it all under the carpet. Nothing to see here.

      • JK redux

        Stevie Boy
        I’ve been criticised for asking questions from my bunker under the Berlaymont building.

        But – Palestine aside – where does that 6 million figure come from?

        Unless you include Hitler, Stalin and Mao?

    • nevermind

      Funny you should say that Genocide Joe, i had the same thoughts myself. If these goons who raided, searched and abused Sarah Wilkinsons home and privacy were police, they would theoretically shown her a warrant signed by a judge and shown her their badges.
      They might have been willing, taxpayers paid for Community security raiders who were ‘assisted’ by the police and who had planned the outcome of this fishing trip for her data and information.
      Why would they drive her around for two hours? just to cause pain?
      Why did they not drive her directly to a cell/interogation room nearby? Were they told by our intelligence in charge of zionists dirty work, to return her to the local police station, who would release her knowing sweet FA about why this all happened?
      I would not be surprised if there was a dedicated/trained CST zionist gang available willing to justify the massive monies the taxpayer pays them each year.

      • Lapsed Agnostic

        Under Section 17 of the Police & Criminal Evidence Act 1984, nevermind, the rozzers don’t need a warrant to enter private property to arrest someone on suspicion of an offence with a maximum sentence of five years or more. Under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000, expressing support for proscribed organisations such as Hamas* carries a maximum sentence of 14 years in clink.

        * Now including its political wing. Worth remembering that throughout the 80’s & 90’s, Sinn Fein was never proscribed, and its members could even stand in UK elections, despite the Provisional IRA trying to assassinate the entire British cabinet *twice* in that period – the first time killing five people (including a Tory MP) and injuring over 30 more.

        • fonso

          That’s because the British political class has been purchased by Israel (for a miniscule fraction of the price of a single member of the US Congress). Part of that deal is to demonise any resistance to IsraelI land theft, occupation and terror.

          What ordinary British people get from the deal is anybody’s guess. No doubt you can come up with something.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply, fonso. I’d imagine the main reason that obscure members of Congress cost the Israelis a lot more than senior UK politicians is because the former can club together to block vast sums that could be spent on their voters from being donated to Israel every year – Israel is spending millions to get billions. Despite the recent arrests of UK activists, it largely doesn’t matter to the Israelis what Europeans think of them as long as the US is still on side – they don’t even care what the UN thinks about them. This probably explains why our host isn’t currently in clink. As with many things, ordinary British people get pretty much nothing out of the current arrangements – except perhaps for there being slightly less call for taxpayers to have to bankroll political parties.

            Enjoy the weekend.

          • fonso

            The effort they put into destroying Jeremy Corbyn and controlling Starmer’s Labour suggests it does matter to them.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply, fonso. The attacks on Corbyn over supposed anti-Semitism only really got going after the general election of 2017, in which Labour got 40% of the vote and gave the Establishment a fright when they realised just how popular left-wing ideas had become with large sections of the population. It was largely a convenient stick to beat him with – they couldn’t really go with the IRA stuff, seeing as Sinn Fein/IRA are now our friends and even get invited to (and turn up to) the coronations of British monarchs. In spite of Starmzy, there’s still a substantial amount of support for Palestine among Labour MPs, most of whom weren’t deselected before the recent election.

          • fonso

            The anti-Semitism scam was run out of the Israeli embassy and Stamer’s cabinet is a Friends of Israel cabal.

            You seem really sore about the IRA. I hope Sinn Fein take charge, insist on a border poll and that British rule in Ireland gets ended once and for all.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply, fonso. The Tory party didn’t become arguably the most successful political party in history by requiring the services of foreign embassies to come up with attack lines to use against their opponents. I don’t like people who commit acts of terrorism when they’re perfectly able to stand for election – and the same goes for loyalist terrorists. How would you like it if I killed all your immediate family with a car bomb in pursuit of some political objective? Personally, I don’t care who rules Northern Ireland, as long as it’s decided by a democratic process – and I’d imagine most people in Britain feel the same way.

          • fonso

            It was an Israeli op, in cahoots with MPs of Corbyn’s own party.

            As for the democratic process and terrorism, Northern Ireland was one of the most laughably undemocratic creations in modern history and the country that created it is currently enabling the most sadistic acts of terror since Nazi times.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply, fonso. By the time the Provisional IRA started its terror campaign, when most of the three billion or so adults in the world didn’t have the vote, Northern Ireland (along with the rest of the UK) was one of the most democratic countries on the planet. The laws that prevented (predominantly Catholic) unemployed non-ratepayers from voting in local elections, and gave extra votes to business owners, owners of multiple properties and graduates of Queen’s University, Belfast had just been abolished and, unlike in most democracies at the time, the voting age had been reduced to 18 for all elections. Compare this to Switzerland where women of any age were not yet able to vote in federal elections – and wouldn’t be able to vote in local elections in one canton (Appenzell Innerrhoden) until the Year of our Lord 1990. Compare it also to the capital of the Land of the Free, all of whose residents are still not allowed to elect any senators or voting members of the House of Representatives to Congress despite on average paying some of the highest federal taxes in the land*. Are they blowing up federal buildings and killing hundreds in protest?

            Do you have any evidence that accusations of anti-Semitism against Corbyn were being manufactured by the Israeli government? The UK is having virtually zero effect on what Israel is currently doing to Gaza, which tragically is just one of numerous large-scale atrocities that have occurred throughout the world since the Second World War.

            * Since 1964, DC residents have been able to vote in Presidential elections, but the 23rd Amendment states that Congress ultimately determines how its three electors are appointed. So if Kamala wins the electoral college by fewer than 7 votes in November, but the Republicans control both the House and the Senate, things could get interesting.

        • Stevie Boy

          Sinn Fein/IRA was heavily infiltrated by the SS therefore it may have been embarrassing to proscribe an organisation that was just an offshoot of MI5/6. Similarly UDA.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply Stevie. At the time, few people in the UK knew that the IRA was riddled with informants. Even so, it was still a dangerous terrorist organisation that was responsible for the deaths of over 1500 UK citizens – many of them Catholic – and can hardly have been said to have been an offshoot of the British security services.

            Enjoy the weekend.

  • AG

    Allegedly TELEGRAM has removed this phrase from its FAQ:

    “All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.”

    • pete

      What on earth are people worried about? Telegram only has to monitor illegal stuff, remember it is no defence in law to claim ignorance of the law. So it is a simple matter to put everything you might ever wish to say in a document and run it past a legal expert. What could be easier than that?
      Don’t forget that what is legal can be changed at any time by a bunch of folk in government, so it is your responsibility to know all the changes in law which can happen at any time due to the vagaries or whims of our bewigged, superannuated judges who interpret what any law might mean, so do keep up with everything going on in the courts.
      Yes it would be nice to have some guaranteed rights, for example in a constitution, but apparently that would conflict with the rights of parliamentarians to decide what is good for us, god knows what might happen in that case, we do not want to upset anyone on the gravy train.

  • AG

    re: CHINA

    Those who want to educate themselves about China might wanna try Tricontinental.
    A site dedicated to the Global South´s current and past histories with massive essays.

    E.g. with this source:

    “Wenhua Zongheng
    A Journal of Contemporary Chinese Thought”

    Wenhua Zongheng (文化纵横) is a leading journal of contemporary political and cultural thought in China. Founded in 2008, the journal publishes issues every two months, featuring articles by a wide array of intellectuals across the country and building a platform for discussion of different ideological positions and values in China’s intellectual community. The publication is an important reference for debates and developments in Chinese thought, on matters ranging from China’s ancient history and traditional culture to its current socialist practices and innovations, from the important cultural trends in contemporary Chinese social life to Chinese views and analyses of the world today. Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and Dongsheng have partnered with Wenhua Zongheng to publish an international edition of the journal, releasing two issues per year featuring a selection of articles that hold particular relevance for the Global South.

    In Chinese, the word ‘Wenhua’ (文化) means ‘culture’ as well as ‘civilization’, while ‘Zongheng’ (纵横) literally means ‘verticals and horizontals’, but also alludes to the strategists who helped to first unify of China, roughly 2,000 years ago through diplomacy and alliances. It is impossible to translate the journal’s title into English while retaining its historical meaning and significance, therefore, we have chosen to keep the pinyin romanisation of the title to remind our readers: China has a complex history and culture that is challenging to translate and navigate, and this project seeks to bridge this understanding.

    p.s. frankly regarding China for us there is a lot to learn and much to keep quiet.
    In the 1930s and 1940s China suffered 40 mn. killed.
    Noone talks about those at all. Even less than about the 25-30 mn. suffered by RU.
    But yeah, they are mad, and genocidal and all that and we are really somehow much better cause, I don´t know – cultured in the sort of right way?
    When did anyone in the public arena call Winston Churchill genocidal I wonder.
    Or any French President involved in Indochina or Africa.

    • JK redux

      The millions killed in China in the 1930s and 1940s were killed by the Japanese Empire and in the Chinese Civil war (so by Chinese).

      No Western help needed. Though the US did support the nationalists in the civil war I don’t think they were involved in ground combat.

      What’s the RU reference?

      • AG

        JK redux

        RU reference only to remind everyone and myself too that we are very self-centered as victims and crimes in general go.
        So if it happened on our continent it´s much more in focus than those far away.

        Within the hierachy of mass deaths RU dead in WWII are ranked still higher in our system than Chinese killed.

        Certainly also for the reason you are stating – Japan being the perpetrator – but considering the staggering numbers and the savage nature of Japanese imperialism it is not put into proportion in our cultural system of references.

        So I would guess people in Europe are much more aware of the dead during the so-called “Cultural Revolution” (which was a very complex matter) than say those killed in China or Korea by Japan.

    • Stevie Boy

      Yes, China’s recent history is a reflection of western oppression and the politicking carried out to see who would be the top dog.
      The opium wars where Britain flooded China with Indian Opium to enable it to steal chinese silver.
      The ‘China Station’ where Britain enforced its rule to ensure chinese suppression.
      The Japanese invasion of China involving oppression, slavery, medical experiments and massacres.
      The chinese helping the allies during WW2 and then having the allies use the Japanese to administer law in China.
      China enabling the west’s growth rewarded with sanctions and threats.
      China wanted nothing from the west, but the west wanted everything from China.

      • Rosemary MacKenzie

        Stevie Boy, that’s been my reading of China and how it got into the mess in the 18th/19th centuries. China had everything the British wanted but they wanted nothing the British had to offer, certainly not opium – balance of payment problem for the British – hence the opium wars. There is nothing more diabolical than importing such a debilitating drug into a country than at gun point. The stories told about the conditions in China in the 1930’s – once a prosperous country – are heartbreaking. Mao took over in 1948 and life improved enormously for the Chinese people – and for those who sneer, remember it was recovering from a very, very low point! Now China has regained its position in the world, as a great trading power and here we go again – all China wants from the west is co-operation, negotiation, regognition/application of international law, win-win. Simple!

    • M.J.

      Speaking about education about Chinese culture, has anyone seen the theatrical show Shen Yun, and what did they make of it? I understand that it covers millennia of pre-1949 Chinese civilisation, but the PRC doesn’t like it and has tried (in vain) to stop it being shown round the world.

      • Stevie Boy

        My understanding is that ‘Shen Yun’ is actually an american NGO that pretends to present Chinese culture but with a heavy western bias against China. One to avoid IMO.

        • M.J.

          Wiki indicates that Falun gong members started it, a new religious movement that the Chinese government disapproves of. At any rate it is of Chinese origin. There have been reports of gruelling training amounting to abuse, but also positive reviews.
          I hope to see it on film or DVD, if I am not able to see it in person. However I would welcome the views of anyone who has seen it.

          • Stevie Boy

            To clarify.
            “Falun Gong operates out of Dragon Springs, a 160-hectare compound located in Deerpark, New York. The performance arts group Shen Yun and the media organization The Epoch Times are the major outreach organizations of Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners operate a variety of organizations in the United States and elsewhere. They are known for their opposition to the Chinese Communist Party.” Ref. Wikipedia.
            IMO. A dodgy cult that serves as a means to attack China.

    • Rosemary MacKenzie

      Thanks for that link AG. Re: Churchill – believe he got away with genocide when you consider the 3-4 million deaths in the Bengal famine in WW2 because he wouldn’t divert food to the region and which he could have done. As he said – I will write the history of WW2. Many Brits revered him after WW2 but I don’t believe he was popular during the war and he got kicked out as soon as a general election was called in 1945. The Beveridge Report was published during WW2 outlining the structure of the welfare state and the report was very widely read. The government in WW2 was a coalition government including Labour politicians. The Labour Party was a real alternative to people and truly delivered the goods – housing, health care, education, law. Shame it has sunk so low today!
      Also, I worked with a Chinese student doing her Phd in education about thirty years ago. Her description of the cultural revolution is completely different to what we have been fed in the west. She went out to the country on the Mongolian border building roads or something like that. She formed a very strong association with her co-workers and their self reliance was phenomenal. Reminded me of students who went on the Katimavik project for Canadian youth – dumped in remote areas and expected to get on with it. They found the experience life changing and strengthening. I found them to be very tolerant, caring and strong individuals. Re: Cultural revolution – my friend was from a family of academics many of whose friends and colleagues went to the country and came back with stories largely humorous of their experiences. My understanding from her was that “going to the country” as they called it was not mandatory. She came back to her home because she applied to learn English and then study education. Those who returned kept contact with those who remained and made efforts to help them return to their homes if they wanted to do so.

  • John w

    Realistically speaking both sides need the equivalent of having their back sides smacked and told to behave. Unfortunately the UN, designed to do this, is ineffective.

    • joel

      A realism where the Democratic party is not the prime mover in the genocide and is just as frustrated as everybody else by the *UN’s* inability to stop “both sides” committing genocide.

      Thanks for introducing realism, John.

      • Stevie Boy

        The UNs funding model is directly related to its effectiveness. When the prime source of funding comes from the likes of the USA, Gates and Soros, then its agenda needs to be treated with some suspicion. Rather like NATO, maybe the time has come to rethink this organisation.

        • joel

          The UN could not end this genocide no matter who funds them.

          The only party that can stop it is the preeminent party of western liberalism: the party of joy and brat. It is they who are providing the munitions and a permanent green light for their use on civilians, with enthusiastic support from the entire US media. Time to stop the deflections and lay the blame precisely where it belongs.

          • Republicofscotland

            Stevie Boy.

            I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – the Zionists genocide in Gaza, will only be stopped by force – for the UK, the USA, and Germany – will continue to back Israel no matter what.

            The only other way, I see the end of the genocide – is, if the people of Israel collapse it themselves – a kind of can of worms opening from the inside event.

  • Athanasius

    Still can’t see it, can you, Craig? MI5 isn’t doing this. Oh, they’re on board with it because all intelligence agencies support repression an surveillance states, but that’s not why it’s happening. Starmer is not “MI5 controlled.” Starmer is a Marxist, and he’s doing what actual Marxists do. This is the fruits of the long march through the institutions. Congratulations, leftists. You’ve “made a difference” and “changed things from the inside.”

    • DunGroanin

      Marxists are the pseudo religious economic creation of the Nazio Magik Money dynasties – most of the ‘doctrines’ of Marxism/communism were developed by the highly secretive church within the church – Jesuits. Who controlled doctrine within the Vatican and the monarchies of Europe.

      The fake left/right to keep the Top in power and invisible to the masses Below.

      A pseudo science/religion Economics to replace the impossible to keep believing flat earth, heaven and hell and Gods Representatives on Earth Christian religion – by a small tribe of Khazarians who picked the fight against EurAsia a millenia ago using Rome to disengage from the Orthodox. When religion was important – as it is to the RF young again.

      Starmer is full on ziofascist banker controlled as has been every British PM and cabinet since Harold Wilson was couped against in the 70’s.

      • Alyson

        The Tories fully comprehended MMT, modern monetary theory, aka the magic money tree, and we wouldn’t have had furlough without it. Matt Hancock’s neighbour, pub landlord, and various other buddies also wouldn’t have had their millions for duff ppe etc.

        Labour are doing a George Osborne and lying that Austerity is an economic necessity, or that balancing tax and spending must come first. The balance of trade however is a little more complex as monopolies can dictate supply chains and keeping them sweet is not something to jeopardise, now that we are outside Europe and stuck to America’s coattails. BS detection and uncovering necessity aren’t always an easy fit. But the take-over of our government by extremist foreign elements, intent on there being no reduction in free gifts for their enterprise, is why this really doesn’t fit together comfortably. Human Rights and Rule of Law must be upheld as standards, and threats to those, by dismantling the Lords, and threatening to cancel Human Rights legislation, and free speech, are gravely concerning

        • Alyson

          There is a Euthanasia Bill coming up for debate in Parliament. Since 2016 we have had the Daffodil Standards which require a GP to fool an elderly or terminally ill person to sign a DNR, (Do not resuscitate order) and power of attorney for health – declaring the doctor can decide what is in the person’s best interests – and ideally an advance directive stating they don’t want to suffer at the end. The overworked doctor then decides they have less than a year to live and tells them he is going to make them ‘comfortable’. The list of prescribable medications is from the BMA and confirmed by the BMJ. Human Rights for vulnerable people need vigilance.

          The timing of the Queen’s death was strangely coincidental with Boris and Truss’s visit to her, and it may be that Her role in advising a long succession of prime ministers, on protocol and rule of law, may have been unwelcome to these two. Signing new laws into statute is the role of the monarchy, and the Queen always checked that every stage had been meticulously completed. Proroguing Parliament is the Royal Prerogative, for use when a Minority Government cannot pass laws with enough votes, and Boris usurped this to crash us out of Europe. The Queen’s displeasure was reported in tiny paragraphs in the broadsheet newspapers. That is treason and he should have been thrown in the Tower. But no-one else understood what he was doing, or if they did they were complicit. We have a Constitution, but we don’t know what it is or how it works, and so it is being dismantled, bit by bit, by the advancing fascism and external forces.

          • Stevie Boy

            Alison. You’re right about DNRs but I believe you’re mistaken about LPAs. I’ve set several up and they take time (months) and effort and is not something a doctor could do alone. OTOH my experiences are that NHS staff will override LPAs knowing that families would need to go to court to stop them.
            The standard way the NHS culls pensioners is by putting them on a ‘pathway’ this is a mixture of strong painkillers and anesthetic drugs combined with withholding food and drink. On the pathway you’ll be dead within a fortnight. This method is widely used today.
            The upcoming euthanasia bill is a worry because of the scope for misuse by the NHS and some families. Think Canada. The government use a divide and conquer approach to set the young against the old. Euthanasia will fuel this divide.

          • Alyson

            The power of attorney for health can nominate the doctor or a family member to be consulted. The person merely needs to have signed the forms for the Daffodil Standards. My mother said: Aly I trust my doctor, he understands my medical needs, I trust him to keep me well, and then: Aly you’ve got to do something, they’re killing me off. My father said: if I get sick, Doc, make me well and: if you think I haven’t understood, Doc, tell Aly and she’ll explain it to me. He declined the doctor’s request for him to sign. Older people were culled during the pandemic. Cuts to services have led to widespread practice of this deception and ‘managed decline’ – midazolam and morphine. Stay vigilant. Human Rights are in the crosshairs.

            Euthanasia has been widely used since it came into use in the Netherlands, including on mentally ill and learning disabilities. You may have watched Katie Price looking for an adult placement for her son, Junior? It is a heartwarming film and demonstrates the dedication of family members and staff who work with this group of vulnerable people.

        • DunGroanin

          Sadly I have direct experience of the Liverpool Pathway.
          It was needed.
          Could have been better.
          But it was at least available.

      • David Warriston

        Jesuit/Marxism is as dubious a theory as that old Nazi trope ‘Judeo-Bolshevism.’

        If Starmer is a Marxist as Dungroanin believes, then he must be that very modern type of Marxist: the one who has not read a single page of Marx’s writings on the economic system. They’re sometimes called ‘cultural marxists’ in acknowledgment of this fact by semi-fascist critics such as Jordan Peterson; it’s meant as an insult of course, but is just as much a backhanded compliment to their economic orthodoxy.

        Starmer has no more ideology than had Adolf Eichmann. That blankness behind the eyes reveals what Hannah Arendt called ‘the banality of evil.’ Cold blooded bureaucrats like Starmer can thrive under any system.

        • DunGroanin

          “ If Starmer is a Marxist as Dungroanin believes,”

          I don’t believe I stated that.

          But yes, I do believe he is ziofascist. Implementing further draconian lawfare, paramilitary Fascism for the same Masters who rule over the fantasy of Capitalism/anti-capitalism; left/right.

          Bullshit that is played out as a uni-party owned by the same people.

          Tomorrow we protest. Peacefully. In London The Met have got their goon squads ready…

  • Allan Howard

    Just came across this article (posted on August 30th) via a link to it in an article JVL reposted earlier today, which is just further proof/evidence that Benny and his fascist buddies (including Biden and Blinken and Harris et al) knew well in advance that Hamas were planning and training for a big attack and, as such, let it go ahead:

    Report: Shin Bet Chief Warned Netanyahu of Imminent War Before Oct. 7; PM: Gaza Not Mentioned

    Ronen Bar, the leader of the Shin Bet security service, warned PM Netanyahu in July 2023 that war was imminent, according to a report by Yedioth Ahronoth daily. Opposition leader Yair Lapid recounted the meeting with the Shin Bet chief to the civilian commission of inquiry into Oct. 7

    Check out the comments as well, the first of which sums it up in a nut-shell

    “not only did Bibi and these nazi facists likuds let Oct 7th happen.. they participated in murdering Israeli citizens.. they aided the attack by disarming Gaza communities and relocating army resources..
    Bibi is responsible for Rabin murder.. you think he cares about liberal lefties from Gaza communities.. why you think there are still hostages… ”

    Just to be clear, the poster is obviously referring to the kibbutzim close to the border re ‘Gaza communities’, and I have no doubt that just about everyone at the music festival would have despised the likes of BN and co … and HE, Netanyahu, knew it of course.

    NB. I’ve posted a link to this on here at least a couple of times during the past seven/eight months, but here it is again for anyone who didn’t see it – ie a section from a wikipedia entry entitled ‘2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel’, the section in question is sub-headed ‘Israel intelligence failure’:

  • Republicofscotland

    It looks like the mad dogs at the Pentagon – are upping their scope of weapons to be sent to Ukraine, with (JASSM) – Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles – to be sent to Kiev – apparently these missiles can strike deep into Russian territory.

    The UK government – not to be outdone, will supply Kiev with £162 million ($213 million) worth of Martlet multirole missiles – which will arrive in Ukraine at the end of the year. The UK, Defence Secretary John Healey – has said that the UK, will also supply Ukrainian forces, with £300 million quids worth of artillery ammunition as well – it to – will arrive in Ukraine at the end of the year.

    • Stevie Boy

      Russia has previously stated that western countries who support strikes deep into Russia will themselves become targets. This could be interesting.

    • JK redux


      Excellent news.


      (Of course Russia striking deep into Ukrainian territory was a Good Thing. But I expect that you believe that Ukraine reciprocating is a Bad Thing?)

        • David Warriston

          That support for escalation will not survive the first strikes on NATO bases in western Europe. If Russia decides to target a UK instillation- which it is perfectly entitled to do given the military assistance being offered from the old feudal monarchy- then expect apoplexy from the UK political elite. Especially when the USA shrugs and explains that it’s all part of the game.

          • Clark

            “…then expect apoplexy from the UK political elite.”

            Grief. Do you trust Starmer not to retaliate with Westminster’s nukes? Stationed near Glasgow.

          • David Warriston

            ‘Grief. Do you trust Starmer not to retaliate with Westminster’s nukes? Stationed near Glasgow.’

            I assume your irony is making the point.

            Russians often refer disparagingly to the UK as a ‘puddle’ since they are aware of its vulnerability to nuclear attack. And Americans often talk about ‘across the pond’ when referring to the Atlantic ocean. These dismissive views are little understood inside the UK where people believe there is a ‘special relationship.’

        • JK redux


          I suppose giving Ukraine the tools to win the war against their aggressor is an escalation in your opinion.

          Perhaps you also saw the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia as an escalation of the seizure of Crimea and the low level conflict in Donbass.

          In the end the victim of aggression has two choices; successful resistance and counterattack or surrender.

          I expect that you would urge the second option on Ukraine.

      • Republicofscotland

        JK redux

        Well its not really excellent news – it just means that the Mad Dogs at the Pentagon – are willing push for all out war – most folk in here know that this war with Russia, is nurtured and fed by the USA, and its the USA’s interests that will prevail here, if those that are calling the shots in Washington are successful – lets hope they are not successful – for we don’t know for sure, how Putin will react if all is lost but Russian nukes, would he use them – I’d say one could only tell, if he would or would not use them, when the time comes – lest hope it never comes to that.

        People often quote the saying (MAD) – Mutually Assured Destruction – to play down, that no countries leader with nukes would use them, even in a time of war – but I don’t think we’ve ever played out a scenario – where a country with nuclear weapons has been on the verge of collapsing due to war, if that unfolds with Russia – it would appear to me at least – as uncharted territory – territory that we don’t want to venture into – well sane folk don’t want to venture into.

        • JK redux

          How can “all be lost” for Putin?

          All he has to do is withdraw his forces and the fighting is over.

          I expect that Ukraine will magnanimously withdraw from Ukrainian occupied Russia in return.

          As has been pointed out previously, neither the USA nor the USSR threatened nuclear retaliation when they suffered defeat in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

          • Republicofscotland

            “How can “all be lost” for Putin?”

            JK redux.

            The scenario is that Nato openly goes to war with Russia – of course the false perception form the Western MSM, is one of Russia is about to invade Europe – when the reality is, that, its taking Russia all its time just liberate the the Donbas.

            If – Nato, openly went to war with Russia – and if Russia was overcome by Nato forces – the implication was, would Putin, give the order to launch any nukes that were not destroyed by Nato in the opening strikes – a scenario that I don’t think we’ve witnessed before – a nuclear power on the brink of collapse – would it (Russia) launch any remaining nukes, was the question

            As Donald Rumsfeld would say – with regards to known unknowns – would China and DNK and possibly Iran – rush to aid their ally Russia if Nato openly attacked Russia.

    • M.J.

      I’m glad that the US and UK are willing to do what it takes to protect democratic Ukraine from the war started by the Russian dictatorship of Putin, and enable Ukraine to drive the invaders out.
      Слава Україні!

      • Republicofscotland

        “Democratic Ukraine”


        On democracy in Ukraine – Viktor Yanukovich ousting springs to mind.

        I would say that the West of Ukraine – is more aligned with Europe, and the US, than the East, which is, more aligned with Russia. Nato powers; have exploited this weakness in unity, to use Ukraine as a staging post – and missile launching pad – in any war with Russia, or basically to put pressure on Russia – with missiles being so close on its doorstep.

        Nato powers also exploited Ukraine’s fairly large problem of Neo-Nazism – to motivate Ukrainians to push back against Russia in all fields – prior to the war.

        “I have done everything to stop this madness for the past five years,” Yanukovich said in a 2010 television interview.

        “The aim of the so-called Orange Revolution… was to weaken Russia but not to strengthen our state.”

        Yanukovich dismissed Ukraine’s membership of the NATO military alliance, but also called for Ukraine to improve relations with the European Union.

        The 59-year-old campaigned under the slogan “There is a leader, there is a state,” and struck a chord with voters by berating Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko, his rival, for ignoring the people.”

        • M.J.

          Yanukovych won the election in 2010 fairly. But he then sold out his own people under pressure from Russia, and the popular reaction drove him into self-exile in Russia, so that he is now regarded by Ukraine as a traitor.
          Ukraine could have been a useful bridge between Russia and the West, had Yanukovych held firm. But the damage is done. It may be a generation before relations between Ukraine and Russia become normal again. That will require Putin to go and Russia to authentically democratise.

          • Republicofscotland


            The US engineered a coup in 2014 – a coup, to overthrow the democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. From there on in, events spiraled out of control.

            “Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs “Toria” Nuland was the “mastermind” behind the Feb. 22, 2014 “regime change” in Ukraine, plotting the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych while convincing the ever-gullible U.S. mainstream media that the coup wasn’t really a coup but a victory for “democracy.””



            “A defining moment in the US-orchestrated overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government, the death of 70 at the hands of mysterious snipers triggered an avalanche of international outrage that led directly to the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych. Even today, these killings officially remain unsolved.

            However, firsthand testimony by individuals who claimed to have helped carry out the false flag attack suggest Kiev’s most prolific gun runner was intimately involved in the grisly affair.”


  • Republicofscotland

    Well its taken long enough – as the USA and Iraq agree a timescale – for US occupying forces troops to leave Iraq – Reuters quoting unnamed sources within the US government – said that the departure of the US forces – will begin in 2025 and end in 2026.

    There are around 2,500 US troops still stationed in Iraq – in 2020, the Iraqi parliament voted expel US forces from the country.

  • Allan Howard

    Just came across this BBC News article by Frank Gardner from October 7th:

    «’How did Israeli intelligence fail to stop major attack from Gaza?’

    With the combined efforts of Shin Bet, Israeli domestic intelligence, Mossad, its external spy agency and all the assets of the Israel Defense Forces, it is frankly astounding that nobody saw this coming.

    Or if they did, they failed to act on it.

    Israel has arguably the most extensive and well-funded intelligence services in the Middle East.

    It has informants and agents inside Palestinian militant groups, as well as in Lebanon, Syria and elsewhere.

    It has, in the past, carried out precisely timed assassinations of militant leaders, knowing all their movements intimately.

    Sometimes these have been done with drone strikes, after agents have placed a GPS tracker on an individual’s car; sometimes in the past it has even used exploding mobile phones.

    On the ground, along the tense border fence between Gaza and Israel there are cameras, ground-motion sensors and regular army patrols…..»

    • JK redux

      Allen Howard

      It seems at least likely that Netanyahu chose to “allow” the Hamas attack to go ahead given that it enabled (Reichstag Fire anyone?) him to stay in office despite widespread opposition.

      The odd thing is that there hasn’t been more opposition from the Israeli military and security services.

      They may not be nice people but they aren’t stupid and must realise that this tragedy won’t end well for the Israeli State.

  • Republicofscotland

    A list of journalists – and pro-Palestinian activists who have come into the crosshairs of the British state – many have been intimidated, harassed, imprisoned – and, given unmerited sentences for their “offences.”

    Roger Waters – on the arrest of Sarah Wilkinson:

    “In response to her arrest, Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters released a video statement claiming she was arrested “for standing up for human rights and campaigning against genocide.” He added, “If you allow this to stand, the arrest of Sarah Wilkinson and the persecution of my friend Craig Murray, among others, then you have absolutely accepted that England is now a fascist state. 1984 has arrived and is alive and well in the United Kingdom. Over my dead body,” he concluded.”

    You can be convicted of supporting Hamas in the UK – even if there’s no evidence to suggest that you do support Hamas – the evidence is what they say it is.

    “For example, Heba Alhayek, Pauline Ankunda, and Noimutu Olayinka Taiwo were each given a 12-month conditional discharge for displaying images of paragliders on their backpacks during a pro-Palestine protest in Central London in October. While the women were not explicitly showing support for Hamas, they had used paraglider images—symbolizing one of the methods Palestinian fighters employed to breach the Israeli security fence on October 7.

    In this case, Deputy Senior District Judge Tan Ikram told the three women, “You crossed the line, but it would be fair to say that emotions ran very high on this issue. Your lesson has been well learned.” Although Ikram acknowledged that the women did not intend to support Hamas, they were still convicted of a terror-related offense.”

    • Stevie Boy

      Yes, and
      “In contrast, Israeli soldiers who directly participated in the Gaza ground invasion—an action the International Court of Justice (ICJ) considers to potentially constitute genocide—have been permitted to participate in speaking events in London.”
      Keep on rockin’ in the free world.

      • Stevie Boy

        I believe you’ll find that the Irish, Scottish and Welsh nations were 100% complicit with ‘Great Britains’ colonial past. Many of the great british regiments come from the provinces, as did the engineers that provided the infrastructure (railways, roads, bridges, etc.) to enable logistic support to the colonialists. And, the provinces provided many of the missionaries to bring God to the heathens. And, the foot soldiers came from the great ‘british’ working classes: english, irish, welsh and scottish.
        Trying to lump everything on the English is disingenuous at best. We were all in it together, trying to say anything different is a wilful lie.
        Yes, the working classes were treated abominably – everywhere, that hasn’t changed, and it was not limited to the provinces. Unfortunately, we are all as good or bad as the next man.

        • Clark

          Stevie Boy, you could say the same of any colony; some of the colonised always ally with the colonising power. You’ll find Indians and Africans who “fought for Britain”. These days you’ll find Native Americans who fly USAF combat missions. It’s even the story of Jesus, calling out collusion between the religious power structure of his people and the Roman occupation.

          Alf Baird wrote nothing against English people. If you’re taking what he wrote personally, then it is you identifying yourself with the state.

  • James

    The Chambers dictionary:
    assassinate to murder by surprise or secret assault; to murder (esp a prominent person) violently, often publicly

    The assassination of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi is a signature Israeli tactic (see also Rachel Corrie, Tom Hurndall). A totally deliberate act. Her name will be added to the ever growing number of civilians murdered in Palestine.

    The Chambers dictionary again:
    evil adj wicked or bad; n something which produces unhappiness or misfortune; harm; wickedness or depravity; sin

    Although many dislike the term, there’s no doubt that the Israeli regime is evil.
    Its soldiers pose, laughing, on social media, the evidence of their disgusting crimes visible in the background.
    In my experience (at work) no one ever mentions it. They don’t want to know. Are they afraid to talk about it? Or perhaps they see no point, being powerless to act? Was this what it was like when the Nazis were in full swing?

    Jonathan Cook said in his latest article, western regimes “will continue feeding the war machine until either we stop them or its lethal games blow up in all our faces.”
    Unfortunately, he didn’t say how to stop them.
    There’s no way to do so from within the system. Zionists pervade the entire Establishment: government, opposition, news (press and TV), and all institutions and public services (ncluding HourNHS).
    Maybe Guy Fawkes had the right idea…

      • James

        There’s no chance of a general strike (at least, not in support of Palestinians / against war).
        Shortly after the 7th of October, when it became clear that the Israelis were using the event as an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder, I emailed the union rep above me, asking why the union (Unite) were totally silent about what was happening. He agreed that it was pathetic, but could give no reason.
        To me, the union’s (lack of) response just shows how far the Israeli regime has its tentacles around every UK institution. The unions are not immune from corruption.

        Out of interest, I visited Unite’s home page just now. It has no mention of Palestine anywhere. I clicked on ‘campaigns’ – still zero mention of Palestine. The same procedure yielded the same result with Unison.
        “more unions are supporting the Palestinians”? You could have fooled me.

        • Clark

          James, if you don’t already, regularly check out the Skwawkbox, and spread the word:

          “The unions are not immune from corruption.”

          True, and that corruption is mostly at the top. But the membership care and are organising, trying to push the issue past the corrupt leadership. Check out Workers4Pal too.

  • Allan Howard

    Just came across this in a Guardian live feed, or whatever it’s called, from three hours ago:

    Nation’s largest police organization endorses Trump

    Before Donald Trump’s trip to North Carolina today, the Fraternal Order of Police issued the following statement of endorsement of him:

    In every election cycle, the FOP pays close attention to which presidential campaign highlights the issues most vital to the men and women of the FOP, including the challenges faced by the rank-and-file law enforcement officers, the real issues in public safety, and the problems in our criminal justice system …

    The National FOP endorsed Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. He led our nation through some very tough times. He provided our nation with strong, effective leadership during his first term, and now that he is seeking election to a second term, we intend to help him win it.

    There’s a link to the full staement in which it says:

    The FOP has endorsed candidates—from both parties—that our members believe have made the men and women of law enforcement a priority: George H. W. Bush (1992); William J. Clinton (1996); George W. Bush (2000, 2004); John S. McCain III (2008); Donald J. Trump (2016, 2020).

    Well that’s reassuring.

    • Stevie Boy

      As evidenced in Africa, once they start vaccinating the number of cases of polio will skyrocket. The single case of polio is entirely down to the sanitary conditions in Gaza. Vaccinations will not change that. The genocidal policies of Israel is causing deaths from armaments, starvation, and destroyed medical facilities and now disease. Starmer, Biden and Netanyahu will be so happy, the evil cunts.

      • Clark

        “As evidenced in Africa, once they start vaccinating the number of cases of polio will skyrocket.”

        Bollox. Anti-vax, conspiracy theory bollocks. Please look at some real data; e.g. the Cochrane Library is fully searchable and publicly accessible without charge:

        I’ll pre-empt the bollox you’re likely to post. Yes, the oral polio vaccine occasionally causes polio, but it prevents polio orders of magnitude more often. The few cases caused by the vaccine pale into insignificance; the harm to benefit ratio clearly favours vaccination.

      • Clark

        I suppose you think Netanyahu did the Palestinians a rare favour by vaccinating Israelis thoroughly for covid but withholding covid vaccinations in the Occupied Territories.

        Stevie Boy, your heart is in the right place but you have to overcome your taste for conspiracy theory. I know; it tastes good. It makes you feel like you’ve struck gold, you have the superior knowledge. But actually it’s the opposite; it clouds the mind and serves the Powers That Be by promoting confusion and confounding critical thinking.

        • Stevie Boy

          Yeah, ‘safe and effective’, I got that memo. Keep the faith. TPTB need compliance. Maybe, stop believing what you’re told and start questioning !
          “polio is entirely down to the sanitary conditions in Gaza. Vaccinations will not change that.”

          • glenn_nl

            Could you tell me from where you got your understandings about vaccines, and how you _know_ it’s all – take your pick – poison? A scam? Fake whatever?

            What’s the sources of your information? Do tell, because simply taking your word for it is a little difficult for me, and you keep making this same point, over and over, without ever providing some reference for your rather remarkable claims.

          • Clark

            “Maybe, stop believing what you’re told and start questioning !”

            See, Stevie Boy? You’ve been seduced by conspiracy theory, you simply assume that I believe authority and don’t question things, unlike your superior self, of course. Like I said, conspiracy theory tastes good, makes you feel superior. But it’s you that’s failing to question; you’ve merely picked an ‘alternative’ authority, and surrendered your mind to them instead of the ‘mainstream’.

            Two books for you: Bad Science (an absolute hoot all the way through) and Bad Pharma (a hard slog; concentration needed), both by Ben Goldacre. Until you’ve read the first at least, you’ll lack the tools necessary for testing the accuracy of what you read.

      • Pears Morgaine

        Conspiracy theorists will tell you that most polio cases these days are vaccine derived. It’s true but the numbers are tiny, 750 cases from 2005 to 2015, compared to 350,000 cases of wild polio in 1988 before the vaccination programme started. There were just 30 confirmed cases in three countries in 2022. A new vaccine, nOPV, was approved last year which is genetically stable and won’t cause any more derived cases.

        Polio, like a lot of diseases, is spread by poor sanitary conditions. Something the surviving people of Gaza don’t currently have any control over. Vaccination will prevent vulnerable children from contracting polio. Before the conflict 99% of Gazans were vaccinated against the disease.

        • U Watt

          Why do you think the state that has been mercilessly bombing, starving, even snipering vulnerable Palestinian children has decided to vaccinate them against polio?

          • Pears Morgaine

            The vaccinations are being carried out by the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MOH), in collaboration with the WHO, UNICEF and UNRWA. They are reliant on Israeli cooperation which has not always been forthcoming.

            A lot of Israelis would like to see the back of the ultra-orthodox.

    • Jack

      Quite a cynical role Israel play, first they create the Polio outbreak, then they try to take some credit for letting palestinians getting vaccinated. There is really no end in their machinations and evil manipulation.

      Not to mention, when the vaccainated kids are out in the streets again, Israel will target them.

      • Stevie Boy

        No vaccinations would be needed if the Israelis allowed the Palestinians to have access to clean water and medical facilities. They won’t.
        What we see here is that Gaza is being used by Gates and the UN as a test bed for Gates dodgy polio vaccines. Just as the MIC uses Gaza as a test bed for armaments and torture.
        The Nazis and Japanese carried out medical experiments on Jews and Chinese, the western pharma companies then used those experiments to build their empires. We have the same now with Gates and the UN using Africa and Gaza as a test bed for their agendas. Some people are getting rich off the back of the suffering of others, and Israel and the West is fully complicit in that plan.

        • Clark

          Idiot. Bill Gates denied most of Africa the covid vax:

          The Great Bill Gates Scam Explained:

          Above you wrote: “once they start vaccinating” [against polio in Gaza] “the number of cases of polio will skyrocket”, but if you look just up the page you’ll see “Before the conflict 99% of Gazans were vaccinated against the disease”. You could at least check out that claim before spouting off any more balderdash.

  • Allan Howard

    Brilliant DDN video – as per usual – by Peter Oborne. Please share far and wide:

    The SHOCKING Truth Israel Hides from World (11mins 38secs)

    The Israelis and their chums have churned out so much atrocity propaganda during the past eleven months it’s almost impossible to remember it all, but I don’t think I’ve come across the one by Lammy, mentioned in the video, about Hamas raping babies. As with all the other atrocity propaganda falsehoods – which kicked off with the 40 beheaded babies story – it was blatantly obvious to me the moment I heard it that it was malignant lies concocted by evil people. And you can be 1,000% certain that the likes of Starmer and Lammy (and Biden and Blinken and Sunak etc, etc, etc) knew that THAT is precisely what it was.

    So we’ve had all these falsehoods about babies being beheaded and roasted alive in ovens, and raped, and even in a scenario where our so-called leaders believed all this shit, they will now have known for eight/nine months that only one baby was killed on October 7th (and that was unintentional), and yet not a single one of them – or their MSM buddies who were more than happy to run with such absurd claims – have come out publicly and said that they were misinformed and got it wrong, as such. And the fact that none of them have is in fact proof that they knew from the outset that it was all atrocity propaganda B/S bollox.

    • U Watt

      Even in the context of the past year, Lammy’s claim that Palestinians had raped babies is one of the most depraved and unscrupulous acts by any politician or journalist, anywhere in the world, in the past year. The lie was cynically intended to justify Israel’s genocide of Palestinian babies and went beyond anything even the Israelis themselves confected.

      He issued the lie in a Sky News interview, so Sir Keir Starmer, all Lammy’s political opponents and the entire British media knew he had said it and why he had said it.

      When Starmer chose Lammy to be Foreign Secretary in July did you hear any political opponent or mainstream media journalist suggest it was an insensitive and inappropriate choice given Lammy’s particularly extreme effort to justify genocide?

      That is the moral condition of British politics and journalism in 2024.

    • Allan Howard

      Afterthought: And the reason they haven’t come out and apologised and said they were misinformed is because they know that the vast majority of people don’t know that just one baby was killed on October 7th, precisely because they know that the MSM have kept schtum about it:

      Partial data by Hebrew media covering the civilians — killed by thousands of invading terrorists and by some of the thousands of rockets fired that day at Israeli cities — reveals that they include two infants, 12 other children under the age of 10, 36 civilians aged 10-19, and 25 elderly people over the age of 80, accounting for 75 of the 764 civilians.

      One of them was a baby under the age of one year — 10-month-old Mila Cohen…. (December 4th)

      Israel social security data reveals true picture of Oct 7 deaths

      The data gives a clear picture of the scale of the atrocities at the Supernova music festival in Reim where 364 people were killed.

      But it also invalidates some statements by Israeli authorities in the days following the attack.

      In particular, a claim made on October 10 on the government’s official X (formerly Twitter) account spoke of “40 babies murdered” at Kfar Aza kibbutz, based on a report by i24NEWS channel.

      According to Bituah Leumi, only one baby was killed in Beeri: the 10-month-old Mila Cohen, whose mother survived.

      Army spokespersons did not respond to queries by AFP. (December 15th)

      Israeli report: 38 children killed on October 7, thousands traumatized

      The data reveals that on October 7, 38 children lost their lives, with three of them aged between 0 and 3 years old, and four between 3 and 6 years old (March 3rd)

      PS I was forgetting about the baby, or babies, that was/were hung on a line, or something!

      • Allan Howard

        Thanks for the info U Watt. I just did a search and found a very short video clip on X posted by Lowkey on October 16th, and has 3.7m views. And absolutely nothing came up when I did a search re >hamas raped babies< which of course, had it happened, OR, to be more precise, had Israel claimed it happened, it would have been headline news all over the MSM. But this is what fascist scum DO to amuse their fascist chums and fascists in general on the one hand, and to further shock ordinary non-psychopathic people and generate even MORE hostility in them (in this case towards Hamas). And, of course, as you say, to justify Israel's genocide of Palestinian babies (and the daily mass murder of Palestinians in general).

        I hadn't come across this until I happened to watch the Peter Oborne DDN video yesterday, but I wonder how many people/viewers were duped and deceived by Lammy at the time…Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? In my book, anyone who deceives even ONE person for the purpose of discrediting or demonising someone else is a fascist, as are those who know that he or she is lying, and duping and deceiving and manipulating the emotions of the person – or people – they are lying to. If the vast majority of the electorate knew that Lammy did this, he would be finished as a politician. And *I* will certainly include it in a leaflet I'm putting together about all the atrocity propaganda lies, and BN and Co's obvious fore-knowledge of the Hamas attack on October 7th (which I always finish – my leaflets that is – by saying in bold capitals: Please copy and/or scan and circulate to friends and relatives and work colleagues etc).

  • AG

    “I have a warrant but I don´t have to show it to you”
    What the fuck.

    What kind of sick people are with British law enforcement?
    How dare they talk and behave like that to another human being?

    This is outrageous.
    They should be ashamed of themselves and get fired and put on trial.
    What are they telling their children? The teachers of those? Their parents? The friends of their kids visiting them?
    Oh, I guess they go to church, too!

    Interview With Sarah Wilkinson Under House Arrest on Terrorism Charges After Covering Gaza
    45 min.

    • Allan Howard

      ‘What kind of sick people are with British law enforcement?’

      Sick, psychopathic sadists!

      Remember when they dragged Julian out of the embassy?!

      • Stevie Boy

        Remember the past when we had ‘the British Bobby’ ? No stab vests, no para military outfit, no tasers, no pepper sprays. The gestapo outfits are not due to increasing crime, they are explicitely to frighten the masses into compliance. And you reap what you sow.

        • David Warriston

          The militarisation of the police is unmistakeable and should be viewed as a threat in a healthy democracy. Increasingly regular scandals involving ‘rogue’ police officers are hardly surprising since fascist elements are attracted to militarised uniforms and structures. The glorification of UK military/policing can be traced back to the Falklands War and Miners’ strike of the mid 1980s when wealth began to be transferred from the poorer to the rich.

          However at present the majority of the western populations are prepared to trade freedom for security. Which, as some wise man pointed out, means you will end up with neither.

      • AG

        Allan Howard

        Assange yes.
        But in a twisted way you could suggest CIA took it personally and they exacted revenge on that “dude”.
        Revenge is no legally sound argument. But psychologically on an “anecdotal” level.
        If I´d take a wild guess at how those peoples´ minds work…

        However they still find a way for more savagery.
        In this case now there is even that archaic narrative lacking. This is not about MI5. Or telling the world about British state secrets.
        Now there is no flimsy moral excuse whatsoever.

        Sarah Wilkinson was writing texts and messages defending the right to live of a population being subject to a “plausible case of genocide”.
        I use the official lingo since that´s what law enforcement´s superiors would have to stick to as the Brits have agreed to the ICJ´s jurisdictional authority in 1945 via the UN.

        According to Wiki in fact: “The first case was submitted in May 1947 by the United Kingdom against Albania concerning incidents in the Corfu Channel”.

        So you have a journalist demanding what that very court is demanding and a British state terrorist unit treats here as if she had been carrying out the genocide!

        It´s all so obviously crirminal and corrupt and trying to cover up the truth which would put everyone in the government into prison.

        Why are there no mass actions by lawyers against EU states at the EU Court of Human Rights?
        I don´t understand any of this.
        Nothing happening. What are those lawyers doing the entire year?
        They should be in the news 24/7 battling their governments over this.

        Why is there no way to turn over these laws?
        Isn´t democracy about that? Being able to changing things if they are against the fundamental civil rights which every “democracy” is built on?

        If governments by means of framing laws in specific ways can undermine and disregard the very foundational rights of their citizens and in fact of the world as far as the UN conventions go, well then those governments have no rights at all because they are abandoning the democractic fabric of their countries they should serve. They thereof have to be brought to justice. And the first to do this should be their own population.

        Governments are not above the law and not above the country or the people. They serve the people, protect and not terrorize it.
        That´s not too difficult to understand even with a degree from Oxford.

        p.s. Considering the scandalous behaviour of the British government in the case of Katharine Gun we of course should not be surprised over where we are now. After all that was 20 years ago. 20!

        @Stevie Boy “The gestapo outfits are not due to increasing crime, they are explicitely to frighten the masses into compliance.”
        Yes. And if you read the internal documents or public statements they confirm it.
        It´s the same when Kissinger developed the idea that small nations have to be attacked with overwhelming force to subdue them.
        The same with domestic police force. I don´t know exactly when this started. 1980s?
        But lessons from insurgency missions were used later agains the own population.
        They sam of course will happen with now testing new means to terrorize people in Gaza, later applied in some American Midwest town against protesters.

  • Republicofscotland

    Bill Burns head of the CIA – and Sir Richard More – the head of Mi6, have both spoken today claiming that the West hasn’t seen such multiple threats against it, in a long time.

    Chiefly the men spoke of the threat coming from Russia – one could say that both spy chiefs are lighting the ticker-tape on a not so distant open war with Russia.

    • M.J.

      Imagine how much good could come of collaboration between Russia and the West. (Exploration in space is just one example). The sooner Putin goes and Russia becomes a real working democracy, the better off the whole world will be.

      • Republicofscotland


        You do realise that its the West – predominately, the US and the UK, that’s keeping this war going – its well known now – that Boris Johnson an ex-PM, flew out to Kiev to specifically tell President Zelensky, not to enter into a some sort of peace deal with Putin – that was several years back.

        Also – it was revealed, through, one time German Chancellor Angela Merkel; that the MInsk Agreements, were predominately used, to stall agreements between Russia and Ukraine, until, Ukrainian military forces could be prepared well enough – to engage in conflict with Russian forces – if need be.

        The West, IS – stopping any peace deal – so I’ll turn your statement back on you, imagine – what could be achieved if the West, aided a peace deal – instead of blocking it.

        • Pears Morgaine

          ” its well known now ” To tankies and ‘fuckwits’ but anybody capable of rational thought knows that the ‘peace deal’ failed because Russia insisted on keeping those areas of Ukraine it had already occupied. Unsurprisingly this was unacceptable to the majority of Ukrainians. Russian war crimes in Irpin and Bucha (no, they weren’t ‘false flags’ carried out by Azov Nazis…) also hardened attitudes and undermined trust in Russia.

          Russia failed to keep its side of the Minsk agreement, something which isn’t often mentioned. In reality the whole thing was unworkable.

          • Republicofscotland

            Pears Morgaine.

            Forgive me, if I take your cepa link – with a pinch of salt; on the Bucha Massacre extrajudicial killings were made by Ukrainian Death Squads in Bucha, these unfortunate civilians were murdered by them – their crime? – accepting food and supplies from Russian forces.

            You – can take my links with a pinch of salt if you like.

            “Independent commentator Martin Armstrong says there is substantial evidence that it is typical Ukrainian propaganda [6] and points to the major of the city, who on the 31st of March, when the Russian military left the city, said nothing about executions and dead people on the street.[7][8][9][10] George Eliason [11] and others [12] point out that the victims are Ukrainian civilians that accepted food and other supplies from Russian soldiers in areas that were re-taken by the Ukrainian army.”


            Also, the Kramatorsk Railway Attack – was carried out by Ukrainian forces, the Tocha U rocket used in the attack, was fired from the town of Dobropole – which was under Ukrainian control.

            Also – and just as important, is this.

            “In Kramatorsk, journalists photographed the serial number of the Tochka U rocket that fell on the railway station. It turned out that this number Ш91579 is from a series of those missiles that the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at Donbass.”


            Do you – not see a pattern emerging here, with regards to the Ukrainian governments, actions against their own people?

          • Stevie Boy

            Let’s pause for a moment and remember Gonzalo Lira. Murdered by the Ukanians for telling the truth.

          • Clark

            Pears Morgaine:

            “the ‘peace deal’ failed because Russia insisted on keeping those areas of Ukraine it had already occupied. Unsurprisingly this was unacceptable to the majority of Ukrainians.”

            Was it? I don’t remember any ballot. More importantly, was it unacceptable to the people in the areas Russia had occupied? The previous voting maps of Ukraine would suggest otherwise, as would the preceding civil war there.

      • joel

        Are you impressed by the representative outcomes of the French and UK elections? Or by the interests that own and control US politics?

        No genuine democrat would crow about such systems let alone after a year of genocide.

        • M.J.

          Democracy has the great virtue of the possibility of self-correction. Thus the Republicans in America wouldn’t institute sanctions against apartheid South Africa, but the Democrats eventually did so. So might it be for Israel.
          But democracy cannot be taken for granted. The democratic process can be manipulated and abused, if citizens aren’t vigilant and don’t care enough for it. That happened in Weimar Germany, and could happen in the US this November if Democrats get complacent. Therefore the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, whoever may have said it first. As for the relationship between American politicians and Israel, I suspect it will decline in the next generation, among other things because the younger generation will be more aware of the abuses of Israeli apartheid. Money from the Israel lobby for bribing (or blackmailing) people standing for public office in the US may start to dry up, like Israel’s economy as investors steer clear of war zones; I certainly hope so.

      • Steve Hayes

        Well yes. Just as the West acted after the collapse of the Soviet Union perhaps? By opening its banks and selling its football clubs to a bunch of looting “oligarchs” while doing nothing to assist millions of ordinary Russians who were plunged into poverty. Life expectancy crashed by decades. The only surprise is that American multinationals failed to grab the resources as they did in Iraq. In both cases, the impression had been given beforehand that there was going to be a massive Marshall Plan style rebuilding effort after the old regime was gone. People do remember these things.

  • Nota Tory Fanboy

    Yahoo Finance has a very interesting article about Mint Press and Consortium being deplatformed in a coordinated manner by PayPal.
    It is interesting for several reasons, not just the description of the deplatforming: the article appears so poorly edited that it’s not credible to believe the “typos” and half-finished sentences are accidental…there’s no way that many would get past the author, let alone the editor.

    Mr. Murray, it would be smart to look at an independent form of financing that doesn’t rely on PayPal, or any other middlemen.

  • Allan Howard

    Can’t remember how I came across this – which I’ve only just this minute read, having saved it to a new tab to read at some point and forgotten about – so my apologies if it was someone on here who linked to it:

    UK ‘flirting with danger’ over Israel arms ban, Trump’s security adviser warns

    Keir Starmer’s government is “flirting with real danger” if it imposes an arms embargo on Israel, a senior Donald Trump ally has warned.

    Robert O’Brien, who served as national security adviser under the first Trump presidency, said the potential move, being actively considered by the UK, could tear apart the special relationship with the US, regardless of who wins the White House race, and undermine the strength of Nato.

    In an event with the Policy Exchange think tank, Mr O’Brien said imposing an embargo on weapons used by Israel risked jeopardising the UK government’s involvement in the multinational joint fighter jet F-35 programme and could even lead to a counter-embargo imposed by Congress on UK arms sales to the US.

    Might is always right of course!

    As for this, from three days ago, I’m pretty certain I came across it in the recommends:

    ‘ERASE All Palestinians’ – Popular Israeli Podcasters Claim Most Share Their Genocidal Fantasy Owen Jones (14mins 35secs)

      • M.J.

        What you say reminds me of the ex-MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson citing his chief Sir Colin McColl: `The Americans have fabulous technical resources which we cannot match. To tap into that, we need to be a valued partner to them by playing on our strengths of guile and native cunning to gather first-rate human intelligence.’
        So it doesn’t seem to be in the UK’s national interest to be cut loose from the CIA.

        • joel

          Heh heh, still with the boasts. I remember when they assured the Yanks back in the early 2000s that the British Army was the finest counterinsurgency force in the world. Soon afterwards the Yanks were having to bail them out against sandal men in both Basra and Helmand.

          • M.J.

            You’re the expert on military history, evidently, but I wonder if the ‘bail out’ was a matter of equipment rather than military skill.

    • Alyson

      We are an occupied country. American air bases deliver the finest hardware to our shores for deployment wherever, and as our Tony was clearly told by the Bush across the pond: you’re either with us or you’re against us. So which do we fear most? America asserting its control by force? Russia nuking us for launching attacks from here? Israel using its most lethal horror on us? We are in a pickle. Trump intends to court the strongest and have them on his side. It’s all about resources, wealth, monopolies, and control. Russia has the best oil and gas. Iran has the most oil. Gaza is sitting on enough gas to provide for all of Europe and eastwards to Turkey and beyond. It’s just business as usual, and we don’t even grow enough food to feed ourselves. Our nuclear power is owned by China or Japan. Our iron and steel belongs to India. Our national infrastructure is owned by France, Germany, and greedy shareholder leeching companies. It may take Labour a while to make headway through all this mess. Wind power, solar energy, and some coal or oil of our own would be useful if things get messier. And think local, community efforts, and recycling of resources. There is no ‘they’ any more to demand a nanny state from. It got sold off or given away and new thinking can be creative or destructive, depending where you look or who controls the narrative.

  • Republicofscotland

    The President of Argentina – and US puppet Javier Milei, has called upon the ICC, to issue an arrest warrant for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro – claiming irregularities in the recent Venezuelan elections.

    Argentina’s inflation rates, are one of the highest in the world – and half of the country’s population are now living below the poverty line. President Milei has devalued the country’s currency (Peso) by more than 50%, to try and stablise the economy.

    Let us wait and see – if the ICC issues an arrest warrant for President Maduro, in the quick fashion that it issued an arrest warrant for President Putin – but not for, Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu.

  • Rosemary MacKenzie

    Sarah Wilkinson is tweeting under her own name on X. Has anyone heard how she is doing now or what is happening. I can’t find any msm news reports about her, obviously I suppose. Has her bail been lifted and her belongings returned? Anyone know?

  • Republicofscotland

    Germany and Denmark – are to supply Ukraine with a further 77, Leopard 1A5 tanks – both countries, between them, have already given Ukraine 58, Leopard 1A5 tanks, which are older style tanks – probably Cold-War era type tanks. These types of older weapons, are more likely to be quickly destroyed by Russian forces – as they would appear to be more vulnerable to modern warfare. Denmark is also training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 fighter jets.

    Meanwhile – Ukrainian Conscript Officers, have found a new way – to quickly pressgang young men into the armed forces of the country, the Conscript Officers – have installed cell/mobile phone jamming equipment into their vehicles, this sneaky upgrade, stops any possible new conscript from phoning a family member, or a lawyer, to clarify their position.

    Currently the conscription age in Ukraine, falls been the ages of 25, and 60 – though there have been calls, specifically from the Fatherland Party – to lower the conscription age from 60, to 50 years of age.

    • Jack

      I have still have zero understanding why Russia are being so passive, not taking out these huge batches of weapons, arms, vehicles as soon as they reach ukrainian soil. Frankly, what is the problem? The deliveries comes in through the roads into western ukraine, mostly from Poland. Send spies, send drones, conduct some intelligence operation on the border, hello Russia someone there!?

      Or take this article which even name and have photographs from the very airport that Ukraine received western weapons at!
      Ukrainian service members at Boryspil International Airport outside Kyiv, Ukraine, unpack Javelin antitank missiles from the United States on Feb. 10.
      Right in the open Ukraine unpack their heavy weapon. Again, no Russia to be seen..

      And here the article name where some US shipments are taking off from:
      Foreign military sales mission, at Dover Air Force Base, in Delaware
      Airmen and civilians from the 436th Aerial Port Squadron palletize ammunition, weapons and other equipment bound for Ukraine during a foreign military sales mission at Dover Air Force Base, in Delaware

      In a way this like one trying to fight wasps that keep flying into a house through the open door. Instead of simply going to the door and shut it, one keep standing in the room furthest away from the door, trying fight the wasps there. A very backwards and ineffective tactic to fight the problem.

      • Republicofscotland


        Good point – I can’t clearly give an answer to that – though I believe it might be a multi-faceted one – what I can say is that, I’m pretty sure Putin doesn’t want to escalate the conflict, he has most of the Global South on his side – and many folk in Europe and the US for that matter, who understand the root causes of this conflict – and any escalation of it might sway minds in the other direction.

        Yes I here you say – but these targets are inside Ukraine – so why aren’t they destroyed immediately, by Russian forces – the answer to that question is beyond us for now – one scenario could be allowing the weapons into Ukraine, and attacking them once the military personnel are present as well – but; only within the walls of the Kremlin, will the whole answer to your question be found – which we are not privy to.

      • JK redux

        You seem to be disappointed that Russia is failing to crush Ukraine.

        And indeed that Ukraine is counterattacking with some success.

        Maybe like a friend of the school bully discomfited when the bully trips up and the victim gives him a good kicking?

        “This can’t happen”?

        • Republicofscotland

          Pears Morgaine.

          I’m pretty – sure that if Putin wanted to flatten hospitals in Kiev – (like Netanyahu has done in Gaza) he could quite easily do so – the fact that he hasn’t ordered his forces to do so – tells us something, that maybe he wants to keep civilian casualties to a minimum – in order not to turn allies against him; unlike Netanyahu – who’s goal IS to kill as many civilians as possible, with the backing, and consent – of the likes of the USA, UK and Germany.

          But I digress – on the missile attack in Kiev, the targets that were struck were critical infrastructure facilities – that, were one way – or another, linked to aiding the Ukrainian military – the strike on the hospital, wasn’t from a Russian missiles, but a Ukrainian missile, fired to bring down a Russian missile – the Ukrainian missile hit the hospital instead – of course when the story first broke, there was no mention of a hospital strike, just a strike; if memory serves me – this happened – as the warmongering bullyboys club Nato – was celebrating its 75th Anniversary – coincidence?

          • Pears Morgaine

            Yes I’m aware the Russians are trying to claim it was a Ukrainian AA missile. The problem there is that the largest such missile Ukraine has, the Patriot, has a 91kg warhead (some later versions have even lighter warheads) obviously too small to cause the extensive damage caused which is much more in keeping with the 480kg warhead carried by missiles like the Kinzhal.

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            If Putin wanted to flatten hospitals in Kyiv/Kiev, RoS, he could do so – but not without needing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of guided missiles to overwhelm its air defences. It’s one of the best defended cities in the world. In contrast, much of the time, the Israelis are just dropping cheap gravity bombs on Gaza – without even JDAM kits. Footage of the strike on the hospital in July clearly shows it was a Russian Kh-101 cruise missile (you can see the turbofan hanging out the back of it*). I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that it was probably a mistake caused by an error in its guidance system.

            * Copyright Richard Keys & Andy Gray

          • Republicofscotland

            Pears Morgaine.

            Yes – I’ve read that speel a few times from so called Western professors – from Western/Nato aligned universities, that the US PAC-2 missiles – MIM 104 Patriot missiles (GEM) were not used. However Ukrainian/Nato forces have a history of finger pointing at Russia – for crimes in which the Ukrainian forces have committed themselves, against their own citizens – such as with the Bucha and Kramatorsk events both carried out by the Ukrainian forces – infact Neo-Nazi Ukrainian forces, have been trying to kill their own citizens in the East of Ukraine since at least 2014; the now unelected Zelensky would have no problem with killing many more Ukrainians, if it achieves the goals of the USA – and its allies, for it surely can’t be for the goals of the average Ukrainian – when so many of them are butchered in events perpetrated by Ukrainian forces.

          • Republicofscotland

            Lapsed Agnostic.

            Please excuse me – if I’m not quick to jump onto your bandwagon – of finger pointing at Russia for the destruction of the Paediatric Hospital in Kiev, since this war began, Ukrainian forces have committed a number of murderous events against their own citizens – and tried to blame Russia for them – with the complicit western media backing Ukraine’s version of events.

            Events – such as the Bucha Massacre, the Kramatorsk Railway Attack – both of which I’ve added links to, further up the thread – not forgetting the mass murder of innocent Ukrainian civilians – at the Donetsk Academic Regional Drama theater in Mariupol, which is backed-up by countless civilian testimonies of whose forces actually carried out the atrocities.

            Of course like the missile strike on the hospital in Kiev – the Western media, and its so called experts – are again, 100% sure “this time” of who the culprit is.


          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply RoS. I don’t point the finger at anyone without evidence. Here’s some evidence:


            If you pause it at the right point, you can see the turbofan at the rear.

            Re: Bucha – Satellite images released by Maxar Technologies from a few days before the Ukrainians regained the town clearly showed bodies in the exact locations where they were found. So presumably Maxar were fabricating stuff – after all, it’s not as if Russian soldiers elsewhere in Ukraine have ever uploaded footage showing them actually committing horrific war crimes.

            Re: Kramatorsk – Shortly before the strike, footage was uploaded to a DPR-affiliated Telegram channel showing two missiles being launched from the nearby Russian-controlled city of Shakhtarsk:


            Finally, as regards the Grayzone article about the Mariupol theatre bombing: So, whilst being in mortal fear for their lives, civilians in Mariupol could tell the difference between fast-flying Ukrainian & Russian Migs/Sukhois from miles away, and then felt the need to brief Pravda journalists on their observations? Sounds legit.

          • Republicofscotland

            Lapsed Agnostic.

            Thank You for those links – I find the first one – the missile striking the hospital – for me its inconclusive. As for Maxar Technologies – well..

            ” 90 percent comes from U.S. government contracts with DoD, the intelligence community and U.S. Special Operations Command”


            I’ll stick with the smiling face of the Bucha Mayor – Anatolii Fedoruk, who welcomed in the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Azov unit to Bucha after the Russians had departed with absolutely no mention of dead bodies strewn across the roads – though, six dead bodies were found – still clutching onto Russian ration packs – those six people – were of course murdered in reprisals by Ukrainian forces; no doubt Anatolii Fedoruk – is now buried in a shallow grave next to the Skripals.

            As for Kramatorsk – and Mariupol – we’ll just have to agree to disagree on them.


          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply RoS. According to your source, 90% of the revenue of Radiant Solutions (a subsidiary of Maxar) comes from government contracts. Maybe Mayor Fedoruk, who as far as I can tell as still alive and well*, didn’t know about the bodies at that point – after all, he seemed to think that Bucha was retaken on 31st March, when in reality it probably wasn’t until 1st April. Can I ask if you have any evidence of bodies being found in Bucha clutching Russian MRE’s?

            * Not sure about the Skripals.

      • Alyson

        Russia does not want to destroy Ukraine. Its aim was to secure the autonomy of the devolved regions which are being battered by warring armies on both sides. It is trying to push back the Ukrainian Nazis. The assault and incursion into Russia is an escalation which has had a measured response against a few points in the areas of Ukraine which felt far away from the conflict. As the West escalates its involvement the response will be felt where it originates from. Cloud cuckoo land is a pleasant place to live in, and long may it last.

        • M.J.

          The proof that Russia wanted all of Ukraine is that it started a full scale invasion from the North to take the capital Kyiv – and failed. Now it will massively lose face if it fails to hold on to the Eastern and Southern portions it conquered, and the result will be the fall of Putin, the end of his dictatorship and the democratisation of Russia. Which is exactly what I hope will happen.
          Слава Україні!

          • Pears Morgaine

            Alyson Russia tried to encircle Kyiv and failed. Capturing the airports intact was key to their plan so they could fly in supplies and reinforcements. When Ukrainian forces made this impossible they had no ‘Plan B’ to fall back on and had to withdraw. Ignore any blather about it being a feint or a tactic to force Ukraine to negotiate. The aim was to secure a quick victory by ‘decapitating’ Ukraine’s leadership. The stated aim has always been to ‘de-Nazify’ and ‘de-militarise’ Ukraine; in reality the intention is to install a puppet regime and incorporate Ukraine into Russia as has already happened to Crimea and those parts of eastern Ukraine already occupied.

          • Republicofscotland

            “Russia tried to encircle Kyiv and failed.”

            Pears Morgaine.

            More likely it was a ruse, to draw Ukrainian troops (The Neo-Nazi Azov) away from the Donbas – just like the failed incursion, into the Kursk region of Russia – was a ruse to draw Russian forces away from the Donbas.

            I’m pretty sure Zelensky, and his Western handlers – knew that Russian forces were unlikely to try and capture Kiev – and that Putin, has planned for minimal Ukrainian civilian casualties – hence the setting up of heavy artillery in residential areas – by the Ukrainian forces, knowing, that its very unlikely that Russian missiles, will strike at them for fear – of causing considerable civilian casualties.

        • JK redux


          A couple of points.

          First, who are these Ukrainian Nazis to whom you refer? Led by the Jewish Zelenskyy?

          Secondly you refer to “the assault and incursion into Russia” – do you equally refer to “the assault and incursion into Ukraine” by the Russky Army in 2022 and earlier?

          Of course any country invaded by its neighbour has the right to counterattack.

          The former USSR counterattacked Nazi Germany after defeating them at the Battle of Stalingrad.

          Was that an “escalation”?

          (Apologies for the questions (I have been criticised for them here) but I believe that it is fair to challenge assertions with which I disagree. From my bunker under the Berlaymont building of course.)

        • Jack


          But we are not talking about destroying Ukraine by massive bombing, I am talking about the specific targeting of arms shipments going in freely into Ukraine, like daily. These are a legitimate target.

    • Pears Morgaine

      The old Leopard tanks will be well suited to taking on the ex-Soviet vehicles that make up the bulk of the Russian tank force in Ukraine. The most modern, the T90, has been proved to be vulnerable to the ‘Carl Gustav’, a Swedish anti-tank rocket that went into production in 1948.

      Mobile ‘phone signals can be detected and pinpointed so blocking the signals is essential to prevent units giving away their positions. Be assured that the Russians will be doing similar.

      Yes currently the minimum age for military service in Ukraine is 25. Attempts to lower it have been opposed in parliament. Russia still sends teenagers to fight and die though.

  • DunGroanin

    The bbc has no need to report on its web site for ten hours.
    Only the Mail has carried a story about ‘tens of thousands’ in Knightsbridge. I guess even any f their employees could have missed it on their way in.
    No itv, Sky, channel

    Middle East eye was doing some box pops.

    I’m reckon 100 thousand. Men, women, children, pets. Peacefully collecting and marching through.

    After the met police tried to diver the times.

    Our streets, not in our Name. From river to sea…

    Memory holed? Not while I’m breathing.

  • Allan Howard

    Skwawkbox/Steve Walker posted the following yesterday (re today’s march):

    Met backs down over attempt to delay London Palestine march start time

    Anger at manoeuvres to please Israel lobby leads to rethink, but conditions still imposed

    The Metropolitan Police has abandoned its attempt to delay, at short notice, the start time of Saturday’s anti-genocide march after widespread outrage at the assault on democracy – particularly as the excuse for the delay was to accommodate a pro-Israel rally organised by Israeli-founded group ‘Stop the Hate UK’.

    The Met rescinded its order to move the start time to 2.30pm less than twenty-four hours before the march’s original start time – having imposed the order only days before the event and well after anti-racist activists had arranged coaches and other travel to attend a noon start.⁠

    Itai Galmundy, co-founder of STHUK, is also linked to the pro-Israel ‘Enough is Enough 2024′ group. He spoke to far-right channel GB News, repeating long-debunked propaganda about the October Hamas raid, accusing the peaceful marches of representing ‘mob rule’, claiming he was threatened with death by a pro-Gaza marcher in front of a police officer and admitting that his group’s demo is specifically targeting the pro-Palestine march.

    I just did a search on youtube to see if I could find a video of the interview with Galmundy, but couldn’t find anything, but in the process of looking came across this from four months ago:

    Jewish Londoners arrange counter-protest against Palestine marches: ‘They threatened to KILL us’ (4mins 12secs)

    And this, from three months ago:

    Jewish community FIGHT BACK against pro-Palestinian ‘HATE’ – ‘We’ve seen MONTHS of antisemitism!’ (8mins 7secs)

    And this, from one month ago:

    ‘Jew haters’ – Pro-Palestine demonstrators accused of anti-Semitism after Fiddler on the Roof march (3mins 43secs)

    And this, also from one month ago:

    WATCH: Muslim MARCH shuts DOWN London streets as cops accused of ‘two-tier’ policing (2mins)

    All of the above are GB News, but I just this second came across this one on Talk TVs youtube channel posted three hours ago (and already has over 36,000 views):

    “They Are NOT Peaceful Protesters” | Caller Jade Explains ‘Red Triangle’ As New Swastika (14mins)

    And finally this one on Rupert’s wonderful Sky News Australia youtube channel, posted yesterday:

    ‘Spoiled brat’: Greta Thunberg arrested at Gaza protest in Copenhagen (4mins 31secs)

    Happy Viewing!

    • DunGroanin

      Every Greta arrest has been setup and rehearsed.

      They even do multiple takes.

      Her managers need to retain her elfin Princess leaderine status amongst the tweenies and frozen child grownups, that have been gaslighted into revering her. Unfortunately the youth can’t be diverted from the real injustice of the ziofascist imperialist apartheid colonial murderers in Gaza as they grow, naturally, and see the world for what it is.

      So Gretta gets to wear the Palestinian scarf and pose as a human rights sjw, as a sabbatical from her WEF corporate fascist Greenie meanie personae.

      The supposed irreverent Aussie humour was s actually designed to keep her profile alive – it’s how it works in the upside down land – the harpies on that tv report need to wind their heads in – they ain’t fooling no one with their crocodile dundeee lovable rogue bullshit.

        • glenn_nl

          That’s it? That’s your “proof”?

          Before you act like a cheeky twat and start calling other posters a ‘bot’, bear in mind that your bitter rant just above would fit in nicely for a Gor-Blimey columnist in the Express.

          Did you know Rosa Parks planned and rehearsed her civil disobedience too, along with the rest of the black rights activists? Or did you think that all just happened spontaneously.

          Oh my god, she was smiling with her comrades when planning something – the horror! The horror! We’re all supposed to be utterly humourless and grim-faced at all times. Even when we’re having sex. No True activist ever smiled or had a sense of humour!

          • glenn_nl

            Alan Turin was almost certainly autistic. Shame you weren’t around back then to tell everyone to ignore him, eh Steve?

            That “young girl” is actually an adult.

            Your ignorant prejudice shines through yet again.

          • Clark

            Greta Thunberg understands that the climate and ecological crisis is physical, whereas Stevie Boy says it’s political. I’m not aware of Thunberg taking sides politically; her criticism of politicians seems pretty universal.

        • DunGroanin

          “Cheeky twat” ?

          What are you? On call for some PR company?

          She gets ‘arrested’ and never goes to prison. And she is Swedish? Err…

          Thunberg, of Dorset, Unwin, of Hitchin, Herts, Barker, of Powys, Kebbon, of Dorset, and Rice, of Nottinghamshire denied and were cleared of failing to comply with a condition imposed under Section 14 of the Public Order Act.

          I wonder how Tintin became such a Greta actor?

          Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg [21] [22] was born on 3 January 2003, in Stockholm, Sweden, [23] [24] to opera singer Malena Ernman and actor Svante Thunberg. [25] [26] Her paternal grandfather was actor and director Olof Thunberg..

          Put that in your pipe kiddo.

          • glenn_nl

            Put what, exactly, in my pipe?

            A lot of people get arrested without subsequently going to jail. You didn’t know that?

            I mean, that’s it?? That’s what’s getting your knickers in such a twist?

          • DunGroanin

            “A lot of people get arrested without subsequently going to jail.”

            You obviously don’t know the history of our host. And also ignore the basic facts of this article.

            Glenn you jumped the shark. Again.

            Greta is a fraud. You just don’t like hearing it.

          • glenn_nl

            A lot of people get arrested without subsequently going to jail, DG. The fact that CM did go to jail doesn’t change that fact. If you’re still struggling with that concept, ask Clark – he got arrested, but didn’t go to jail. Still confused? Ah well, let’s press on….

            DG: “Glenn you jumped the shark. Again. “

            I don’t think you understand this expression.

            DG: “Greta is a fraud.

            Because you say so? Because you’ve determined that she’s part of a grand conspiracy, because you _know_ climate change is a hoax, so obviously massive state apparatus is at work, and… and … and…

            That’s what’s so drearly predictable about you conspiracy theorists. You never spell the whole thing out – it’s just part of the Big Picture that only the clever people with the Inside Knowledge like yourself can see. So you can laugh knowingly at fools who lack your wisdom.

            So why not man up and say what it is you’ve been coyly hinting at – Greta is an asset, right? Pretending to work for a false cause, which is all BS because climate change is a hoax, right? So the State keeps letting her off, right?

            And the State allows her to show a Palestinian flag because it fools people (not yourself, of course!) into thinking she’s genuine, right?

            Spell it out, DG! Don’t be such a shy conspiracy theorist!

          • DunGroanin

            Keep digging Glenn, you barged into this exchange.
            You plonker.
            Now you can have some.
            Let’s Dance!

            Hilarious that you are trying to get Clark involved.
            Did you always run for your mama and daddy at school after starting a fight!
            How old are you now? Mentally?
            Or were you part of the gang at school hiding behind the big bully boys?
            Note,I am not in anyway referring to Clark in that – he is not part of this.

            I and many have spelt out the Grand Narrative constructs for the readers here. The Propoganda multipliers, their presstitute stenographers and Ken and Barbie clones like LauraKoftheCIA, across the Collective Waste. . The mocking birds.

            The whole woke agenda funded by gray money billionaires through their foundations , fake academics, fake beliefs of Transhumanism now – the Neo religious bs to seperate the Golden Billion Garden from the actual rest of the bigger better world. By poisoning children’s minds.

            It ain’t just Soros and his chosen son the anointed king of the world.. perhaps he and the elfin princess will marry! I’m sure there’s some storyline being worked up to make him look .. more human.

            All Narrativee kept on track with their PR run bottom feeders who turn up with their Rabid Rebuttals on various forums. To keep the narratives on message.

            I’ve known them since Millbank where they launched the Blair Project of ziofascist world conquest and 30 years of war and destruction of the poor and far away peoples. It got a bit more sophisticated but soon reached its limits with ever more idiotic storylines. It requires intelligent people and editors. But they soon tired so it gets outsourced to hasbarats and such dumbos.

            Hey… Greta could have turned up at the mass protest on Saturday in London – but that would have not been what her PR managers needed to keep her brand untainted.

            What if all the returning undergraduates and the newbies suddenly got political right away their Fresher Week – like we did in the early 80’s against Apartheid SA and in support of miners, against cruise missiles…then going on to build the massive anti racism Street forces to face down the DS NF agit prop running though the ziofascist advertising and PR guru created new reality of the Thatcher years.

            But Greta gets to go back into cotton wool fluffy bunny Green fantasy box as Actual Real dead kids accumulate daily, malnutrition, disease, war by the ZioFascist Corporates – because it’s not some dystopic fantasy future where she will lead the Golden Billion telling the 10 billion majority of humanity what is good for THEM and to die without a murmur because … you know there’s too many of their… type.

            But hey, she was probably hanging out with her entourage, or maybe with her family learning to emote even more for her next iteration towards queen hood. Acting is such tough work.

            Maybe she was enjoying the late summer in her Dorset, with a bracing coastal walk. Or something similar. I don’t know, do you?
            Is there a Greta Watch somewhere that all her Fans only can keep track on her daily, watching her as the Saviour?
            Do let us know if you know of any such publication.

            Fuck thr bullshit, fuck these scripted Fear and Loathing lies- yes you fucking jumped the shark again, pushing the ever more preposterous storyline that you seem either to be paid to do or you are really as naive as the the little Tweenies that the child catchers are entrapping with their fairytale princess and tales.

            As for your attempts to gaslight and divert and start a general brawl – move on kiddy. “Conspiracy Theorist” now as well as “twat”.
            You 🤡.

            Fonzsy was a role model for many an under achiever child until he needed to be ‘cut down’ … I watched every program not knowing then that it was creating the fictional mom and apple pie US fantasy. Most of us kids thought it was actually a real show from the US that was finally being shown in the U.K.- but that’s another subject of the George Lucas/ Spielberg and ziofascist Hollywood cultural hegemony.
            I mention it to show how they grab children’s perceptions and you are attempting to reinforce it for readers here.

            Do you think we will tell our kids and grandkids to be careful of such fake stories?
            Why do you persist?
            Is it to have the last word?
            Is that what you learnt as basic sales technique and still revert to?

            I’ll fight such malignant bullshitters every day in every way and tell them to GF themselves.

          • glenn_nl

            Sounds like you’re a real tough guy behind the keyboard there, DG!

            You are quite a scream though – the “George Lucas/ Spielberg and ziofascist Hollywood cultural hegemony” indeed! Hah! And I was advising you _not_ to act like a twat in calling another obviously legitimate poster a bot. Perhaps you missed that subtlety while reading through a red haze, as you clearly do.

            Can’t say I bothered to more than skim that stream-of-consciousness reactionary drivel above – if I liked hearing garbage like that, I would be reading The Express, Sun, or some swivel-eyed fascists in the Mail. There’s endless reams on it online too. Heard it all before, many times, and I’m not interested in your blunderbuss of right-wing talking points.

            Trouble with people like you (conspiracy lunatics) is you’re so wrapped up in your circles of fellow lunatics, your language is useless for the real world. Throw around ‘woke’ enough, and you think you’ve made the case (instead of actually, making a case that you’re a lunatic).

            You failed to land a single point about Greta, thousands of spluttering words notwithstanding.

            Try not to get side-tracked by your hundreds of other plots, conspiracies, and bogeymen, have another go, and see if you can make a coherent case. Concentrate! And good luck 😉

          • Clark

            Greta Thunberg has been arrested by both Swedish and Danish police for taking direct action to support the Palestinians; I’ll bet that’s infinitely more sacrifice than DunGroanin has made. She has also repeatedly published about the Palestinian cause, and has been convicted and fined multiple times for climate and ecological direct action.

          • Clark

            Dun Groanin; started rantin’.

            DunGroanin, sorry to have to tell you this, but I think you might be going a bit doolally. Who else is a fraud? Roger Hallam, who’s just been send down for five years? Larch Maxey, sent down for three?

          • DunGroanin

            Really Clark decided to jump in too? Waited a while to join in with your yarboo taunting gang. I’m guessing some pr wonks don’t work weekends.

            I came here to talk about the massive Palestine protest march through London on Saturday – which had no msm tv report , before, during or AFTER.

            There is still nothing on the BEEB propaganda site.

            And here are Narrative enforcers, ignoring that, and turning it into your usual diversion strategy – Climate/Vaxx Conspiracy theory shit throwing at the ‘wall’ – which you guys than say was someone diverting the thread.

            Lol. I hope that as soon as CM finds security somewhere he will clear the stable.

            Greta didn’t turn up on Saturday.

            You didn’t.

            100 thousand ordinary people did.

            My comments stand in posterity as eye witness reports.

            Yours stand out like wacko missionaries proselytising their religions – dystopic WEF agendas- GND, Overpopulation Malthusian nonsense , fake agit prop.
            Agit prop DS flunkies do that.

            I knew a few ‘grasses’ who regularly got themselves arrested and never got sent down when in court – mysteriously released after the cops had a word with the magistrate. They’d have been instantly known in prison for what they were.

            Honestly ‘guys’ you are not in any way fooling the majority of the readers here with your pearl clutching bs and totally ignoring the fact of the largest anti zio fascist entity protest in London last Saturday -what you going to do when they get bigger from now on?

            Likkle wikkle Greta the child actor and her weird adult worshippers really stand out – she’ll probably go insane sooner rather than later as all such abused child abuse victims sadly do.


          • glenn_nl

            I wish we could get in touch with the real DunGoanin, and warn him that some raving lunatic has got control of his device.

          • Clark

            Groanin – “Greta didn’t turn up on Saturday. You didn’t.”

            Actually I did, and I brought three friends with me. One is a young chap without a proper income so I bought his train tickets from Chelmsford – for the second time. He and I happened to meet one of my fellow ecological activists outside the BP offices near Piccadilly; she’s just been given a three year conditional discharge for blocking a train of wood pellets to Drax. She went off to carry the banner “No Climate Justice on Occupied Land”.

            Israel denied Palestinians the covid vax, while Israelis were the earliest and most vaccinated population in the world. Stop ranting nonsense and look it up, or did covid addle your brain?

          • Clark

            And in case you’re thinking of calling me a liar, I’ve just checked and I still have my Outward train ticket; the Return gets taken by the barrier machine. It’s a Greater Anglia Duo Return because I took advantage of the two-for-one offer at weekends. I gave the other pair to my young friend of Bangladeshi descent; his ancestral land is disappearing under the rising sea levels you call a hoax. When it isn’t flooded by the increased rainfall caused by warmer air temperatures. Practice some effin’ humility, or you’ll start resembling those you’re protesting against.

            Ticket number:

          • DunGroanin

            “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”

            And what’s Greta been upto- is she on some Greta watch we can all follow?

            Your Bangladeshi ‘friend’ should be more worried by your pantomime tears drowning Chelmsford never mind his ‘homeland’

            And now you want to divert to Covid vax hoax?

            Eff off yourself Clark there’s a forum for that nonsense somewhere you can rule the roost with your fellow Narrative Managing sheepdogging and Gatekeeping. You can frolick as much as you like with your sheep there. Keep me out of it.

            From the River to the Sea. ✌️

          • glenn_nl

            You’re a coward, DG.

            Israel vaccinated all their population, while denying vaccines to the Palestinians.

            Why would they do that, if the whole thing is – as you maintain – a hoax?

            Your habit of repeatedly running away from any tough question is embarrassingly obvious, hiding behind insults and evidence-free accusations and assertions instead.

          • Clark

            Truth, Justice, Peace.

            You know where I learned that DunGroanin? Right here on this site. You know who from? Mary. You remember Mary?

            For nearly a decade I thought of it as merely a good slogan, but then I realised it is much more than that; it is a dependency chain. A seeming peace based on injustice is actually oppression, and so-called justice based on deception is a travesty.

            What is Greta Thunberg meant to do? She publishes to support the Palestinians, she protests to support them, she even gets arrested for them. But you, DunGroanin, groan that it is all fake.

            There is only one thing she could do to gain your approval DunGroanin, and that is to submit to your will by shutting up about the ecological crisis.

            The ecological crisis isn’t a ‘narrative’, as you put it; it’s an overwhelming body of observable and measurable physical facts, i.e. it is a truth. Thunberg has the humility and courage to accept that truth, just as she accepts the truth that the Palestinians are oppressed. Thereby she serves justice, and thus peace.


          • Clark

            DunGroanin, when you’ve reflected on that, reflect on Mike Lynch-White:

            Chester, 17th May 2023

            – Scientist Rebellion co-founder and human rights activist Mike Lynch-White was today sentenced to 27 months at Chester Crown Court for peacefully disrupting the production of military components manufactured in the UK and supplied to Israel.



            Scientist Rebellion is of course part of Extinction Rebellion.

            Gone all shy? That’s OK, there’s a thread for that.

      • Clark

        Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if police and media planned together and cooperated. If the police are going to be televised in an arrest of someone high profile, they certainly want it to look right. Same for the media, performers and crew alike. Editors probably cooperate with police media specialists “for legal reasons”, so multiple takes would be handy, eh? Gotta get the propaganda right.

        I doubt the person arrested gets much choice; that’s the meaning of being “under arrest”.

  • Allan Howard

    I don’t know if anyone already mentioned this, and if they did, I obviously missed it, but I came across this earlier on Al Jazeera from five days ago:

    Hamas says Gaza captives will return ‘in coffins’ if Israel continues raids

    The armed wing of the Palestinian group Hamas says captives held in Gaza would return to Israel “in coffins” if Israeli military pressure continues, warning that “new instructions” had been given to its fighters guarding the captives in case Israeli troops approach.

    “[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s insistence on freeing the captives through military pressure instead of reaching a deal means they will go back to their families in coffins. Their families have to choose between receiving them dead or alive,” Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, said in a statement on Monday, two days after the bodies of six captives were recovered by Israel.

    Like many other people no doubt, I assumed that Israel was lying about the six hostages having been killed by Hamas and, as such, thought they were killed by Israeli bombs. But now I’m not so sure. The fact that Hamas announced this change of tactics two days after the bodies of the six captives were recovered by the IDF seems to imply that Hamas DID kill them, and were sending a message to BN and Co that they mean business. What I can’t understand though is why Hamas didn’t just say outright in the first place that the killed the six hostages, and announce their change of tactics then. But then maybe THAT was a tactical manoeuver, so as to have tens of thousands of people demonstrating and directing their anger at Netanyahu for not reaching a peace deal.

    I haven’t come across any statement by BN or any of his henchmen in response to this, but maybe it’s got them stumped, and well and truely snookered.

    • Allan Howard

      The following is from the i coverage (posted September 3rd):

      Obaida said the change in policy had come about following what he termed “the Nuseirat incident” in June, when the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) stormed Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza to rescue four hostages who were being kept in residential buildings. The Hamas-run Gaza healthy ministry said at least 274 people were killed in the operation, while the IDF said fewer than 100 had died.

      • Alyson

        The hostages were living with families, sharing their food and staying alive. It was a way to stop areas being bunker buster bombed. If that doesn’t work they have become a greater hazard for the families who house them. They also may have still been killed by IDF rescuers who wouldn’t want them bringing any truth out with them if it didn’t serve their narrative. The threat was issued by Hamas after the hostages were brought home with bullet holes in their backs. Protests in Israel to get the hostages home alive are back in the hundreds of thousands again.

  • frankywiggles

    Lord Walney is perhaps THE most emblematic figure in British politics.

    A right-wing Labour MP and chair of LFI, he quit Parliament because of sex offender antics. He was nonetheless ennobled by the Tories – along with fellow Labour Right MP John Mann – for dedication to the antisemitism scam against Jeremy Corbyn.

    The Tories made Lord Mann their ‘antisemitism Tsar’ and Walney their ‘advisor on political violence’, a role he maintains under Starmer.

    Baron Walney’s chief function now is to issue ‘reports’ commissioned by the Israel lobby and accept TV invitations to demonise and seek to ban anti-genocide protests and activism.

    He is one of the very best of us according to the UK political commentariat.

    • Goose


      He’s also heavily involved in this :

      Their blurb say they are impartial, but Douglas Murray gave a presentation at their recent gathering. Some impartiality, eh?

      It’s similar to the McCain Institute’s future leaders programme :

      These initiatives look like an attempt to find and promote suitable individuals’ careers in political parties. I think they are a sinister attempt to usurp democracy, under the deluded belief among the security establishment, that doing so is somehow in the ‘national interest’ and for the ‘greater good’ . Call it an old fashioned view, but I believe democracy should be an organic process, one free of any – internal or external- interference and/or obligations; a process in which the most capable make their arguments before the electorate and win or lose on that basis. There seems to be so many think tanks, lobbyists and institutes trying to rig the game that the public rightfully feel like votes don’t mean much, hence the crumbling belief in democracy.

    • Lapsed Agnostic

      Lord Walney (formerly known as John Woodcock) claims that he didn’t seek re-election to the Commons in 2019 because his new bride was pregnant, frankywiggles – though it was probably because, having resigned from Labour, he wouldn’t have been re-elected. Despite allegations having been made against him, he’s never been convicted of a sexual offence, so describing him as a sex offender constitutes libel. Again, I would urge all commenters not to libel people on here if they can possibly help it, since in the UK the owners of blogs are legally responsible for all comments made on them (there’s precedent for this), and I’m sure our host would rather not have to pay Walney tens of thousands in damages – plus Walney’s lawyers hundreds of thousands, if not over a mill*, for their services. It only takes one screenshot and one email.

      * Don’t believe me? Have a look at what’s happened to inter alia Katie Hopkins, Laurence Fox & Dr Christian Jesson off ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ – none of whom were sued for referring to anyone as a sex offender.

      • frankywiggles

        “having resigned from Labour”

        ..because the party was investigating sexual allegations against him. Baron Walney wrote at the time, “I will now seek to refer myself to an independent process so the case can be properly heard”. Strangely this maligned and indignant man never did refer himself to an independent process so the case could be properly heard. No doubt there has been a very plausible-sounding explanation.

        I should also have mentioned Ian Austin, another Labour Right antisemitism scammer whom the Tories made a Lord and appointed trade envoy to Israel. Lord Ian is an equally totemic figure in today’s British politics, a genocide celebrator who is constantly being represented to the public as the moral conscience of the nation.

        • Lapsed Agnostic

          Thanks for your reply FW. It doesn’t matter whether Walney has referred himself to an independent process or not, the facts are he’s never been convicted of any sexual offences in a court of law so, unless you have convincing evidence that his behaviour was criminal, describing him as – or even insinuating that he is – a sex offender constitutes libel. You post anonymously, so can’t be sued – but our host can. I reckon Walney is the type that will sue: if a writ lands on our host’s doormat in the next few weeks, within a couple years he may not even own that. With this in mind, I would be grateful to the mods if they would be so good as to remove this comment thread (with apologies to everyone who’s taken the time to post on it).

          Correction to previous comment: Under the Defamation Act 2013, rather than being liable for all comments posted there, owners of blogs now can’t be held liable for comments for which the complainant can identify the author. Apologies for the error.

          P.S. I’d hardly describe Lord Austin as totemic: most people in Britain have no idea who he is.

  • Republicofscotland

    French President Emmanuel Macron – has announced that France will use its share of frozen (stolen) Russian assets to send arms to Ukraine.

    Macron however doesn’t have his troubles to seek, with the appointment of Michel Barnier to the position of the French Prime Minister, which has greatly upset the youth of France, with widespread demos against it taking place in France. Barnier was the chief EU negotiator during Brexit – Barnier is well known Bilderberger attendee, as well as attending WEF meetings and he’s also a member of Le Circle.

    Macron’s worries continue – with the European Commission taking disciplinary action against France, due it running a particularly high budget deficit.

    • JK redux


      Happily Russia has recompensed Ukraine for the Ukrainian assets that it has seized in temporarily occupied Crimea and (part of) Donbass.

      Which gives Russia the upper hand in any negotiations re frozen (seized, not stolen) Russian assets.

      • Republicofscotland

        JK redux.

        Have you, any idea of how much damage has been done by the West to its reputation – by stealing these frozen assets. The USA is currently withholding gold reserves illegally, that belong to Afghanistan – the plan is (so they say) to give the families of 9/11 victims – the proceeds from the gold, even though the majority of the 9/11 perpetrators were from Saudi Arabia – whilst the UK is with holding, illegally, gold reserves that belong to Venezuela.

        The majority of the world – which is watching on, and has no dog in this fight – must be looking at the Wests stealing of these assets – and saying to themselves – we know what to expect, will happen to our assets that are held abroad – if we don’t comply with the Western narrative; and I haven’t even mentioned the Wests backing of the genocide in Gaza yet.

        “Two significant treaties, also largely considered customary international law and thus binding on non-parties, outline these immunity rules. The 2004 United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property (UNCSI) stipulates in Article 18 that pre-judgment measures like attachment or arrest cannot be taken against a state unless the state has explicitly consented or allocated the property for a claim.

        The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has clarified that enforcement immunity for state property in foreign territories goes beyond jurisdictional immunity. Even if a court has lawfully ruled against a foreign state, it does not automatically permit enforcement measures on that state’s property within the forum state or another state.”

        • JK redux


          As we Brussels locals say, aye right.

          If it is ok for Russia to invade its neighbours; Ukraine, Georgia etc, then it is just tough tits for Russia if some of the assets stolen by Russki kleptocrats – from the Russian people – are seized and put to use helping Ukraine.

          In an ideal world the unused residual amount would be returned to a democratic Russian republic if such emerged.

          Maybe of interest that Russia has the second lowest life expectancy in Europe:

          No doubt a conspiracy hatched here in Brussels..

          Or maybe because, despite the free milk for children mentioned here, Russia is the sow that eats her piglets.

          • David Warriston

            Life expectancy in the USSR was around one year less than the USA. Since then the difference has extended to around 5 years. The biggest drop took place during the wild west years of Yeltsin.

          • Republicofscotland

            JK redux.

            Interesting comment – justifying one crime – in order to justify another; you’re not Christine Lagarde by any chance are you?

            Incidentally – I’ve read that Belgium holds most Russia’s stolen assets.

          • JK redux

            When you say “Russia’s stolen assets”, you do mean assets stolen by Russia?

            Just checking (as we Berlaymont basement dwellers say)..

            Damn but it is damp down here and we are not permitted to run the A/C outside office hours.

        • Rosemary MacKenzie

          RoS, Looking at the level of US debt, this isn’t debt the US owes to itself which isn’t debt according to MMT, but what it owes to the rest of the world, do you really think it can repay this debt? 29% is foreign owned. Seems to me the US is running a huge ponzi scheme and now and again it can steal things – like Afghanistan’s gold, Russia’s few hundred billions, and didn’t it loot Iraq’s gold, Libya’s gold. Their stock market is hugely inflated. Only its reserve currency status is keeping it afloat for now. Other countries are seriously looking at alternatives to the US dollar as a reserve currency because of the coercive nature of US behaviour using its debt. There will be a discussion at the BRICS meeting in October with regard to alternative payment systems. My understanding it is that these systems are extremely difficult to create, and that China is reluctant to have its currency used in this way. The US caused havoc in the 1970’s when it collapsed Bretton Woods and went off the gold standard because it was broke after the Vietnam wars. We continue to live in interesting times.

  • M.J.

    I just heard Ilan Pappé say during an internet event (on Youtube) that Kennedy wanted to insist that the Israelis allow a right of return for Palestinian refugees. He said that he didn’t know whether that was the reason why Kennedy was assassinated, but the Israelis were certainly relieved. How’s that for a Kennedy conspiracy story?!

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