In Praise of Civil Disobedience 63

Western governments are deeply involved, strongly against the will of the majority of their population, in committing a colonial genocide of indigenous people. This happens because the political class have been bought by the Zionist lobby. The causes may run deeper, but that is the mechanism.

Democracy has therefore failed, having been fatally corrupted. In these circumstances, civil disobedience is not just ethically justified, it is the duty of the good citizen.

Palestine Action continue their highly effective actions to disrupt the chain of supply of the Israeli weapons industry.

On Friday morning I was at the Old Bailey with Palestine Action co-founder Richard Barnard (and afterwards in the pub, but let us draw a veil).

Richard was charged with support for terrorism under Section 12 (1) of the Terrorism Act in relation to a speech that he gave a year ago today. This carries a maximum prison sentence of 14 years. He was also charged with incitement to criminal damage.

The trial has been set for Manchester on 14 April. I hope that we can see a very large show of support outside the court on that day. Because it is a jury trial, to discuss the facts of the case could be in contempt of court.

I think I may however note that this is the very definition of a political trial. Barnard was reported to the Metropolitan Police by the Head of Tory Zionist think tank Policy Exchange, after an employee there had seen a reference on Islamophobic hate site Harry’s Place (I am not going to link).

Furthermore ministers and officials had discussed the prosecution of Palestine Action activists with representatives of Israeli weapons companies and of the Israeli Embassy. It is entirely illegitimate for private companies and foreign states to influence prosecutions.

Barnard nevertheless had been told that the investigation was closed – until it was revived and charges brought by the new “Labour” government, with the specific involvement of the Attorney General.

I then headed to Blackburn in relation to some individual cases of injustice and imprisonment on which I was asked for help during my election campaign, and am working.

By sheer coincidence, while I was there two female supporters of Palestine Action were arrested just outside town, at the Palestine Action protest at the BAE factory at Samlesbury.

What is very plain is that the police used quite unnecessary levels of violence to arrest two young women, who were not engaged in violent behaviour. There was no need whatsoever for officers to press one woman down to the road with their knees in her back, and pinion her arms behind her back with handcuffs.

This routine use of state brutality to discourage dissent is so commonplace now it is accepted as normal. But we must never allow it to become normal.

The women were taken to Blackburn police station and I was able to get down and join the small vigil outside protesting at their being held.

Meanwhile Palestine Action have come up with another brilliant move this week, targeting the offices of Allianz Insurance, who both invest in and insure the activities of Elbit systems, the Israeli arms manufacturer with several UK factories.

Palestine Action has my wholehearted support because their activities are carefully targeted at the roots of the Israeli arms industry in the UK. This is the right kind of direct action.

I am less enamoured of the activities of climate change protestors Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion. Either causing major disruption to the general public, or carrying out acts deliberately intended to cause shock and outrage, appear to me very strange activities which are counter-productive in gaining public support.

You can make intellectual arguments for closing roads or tube lines or pretend attacks on sanctified art works, but if the net result is to antagonise the general population to your cause, it is just an exercise in self-righteousness.

This does not mean in any way I support the excessive jail sentences that have been handed out to climate protestors. I certainly do not, and believe custodial sentences to be completely inappropriate for political protest.

But if they were to target for direct action the corporate HQs of Big Oil, or their major financiers and suppliers, they would be hugely more effective in getting their message across.

We know for certain that for decades the environmental movement has been heavily infiltrated by government agents. My suspicion is that some of the strange and unhelpful paths direct action protestors have gone down were initiated by agents provocateurs.

My admiration for those willing to act on their beliefs is not dimmed where they are slightly misguided in targeting.

In this increasingly authoritarian society, we shall continue to see growing numbers of political prisoners. The linked website is a good start but does not include the many cases of young Muslims jailed on extremely dubious terrorism-related convictions.

It is essential to the health of society that there is a vanguard of people willing to take direct action and ultimately to pay the price of imprisonment. Every great movement for social justice has needed such.



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63 thoughts on “In Praise of Civil Disobedience

  • Republicofscotland

    Julian Assange’s illegal incarceration in the UK has set the tone – for the UK which has become an authoritarian regime – where proscription – intimidation and arrest, are the mainstays of the now vile and moral free b*stards that run the UK; Policy Exchange has the audacity to be registered as a charity.

    The West has become a very ugly place – to speak the truth in – the genocide in Gaza and the backing of the vile Neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine, by many Western politicians and their whores in the MSM – is absolutely disgusting.

    On the video – what wanker that big burly cop is – manhandling the smallest woman at the protest – of course many of those jobsworthy cops – are the footsoldiers for the vile b*stards that are running the authoritarian UK – and; their online scumbags are, the Hubble Road and Denison Barracks mouthpieces – you know who you are.

  • Michael Droy

    “I am less enamored of the activities of climate change protestors Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion. Eith causing major disruption to the general public, or carrying out acts deliberately intended to cause shock and outrage, appear to me very strange activities which are counter-productive in gaining public support.”
    Simple thing is that they get a hell of a lot more publicity than I and around 100k others did from the Stop the War March on Saturday.

    • Republicofscotland

      Michael Droy.

      Extinction Rebellion is funded by George Soros – and his Open Society Foundations, the man has his fingers in just about every pie. I can’t find who sponsors Just Stop Oil – which always gets the hairs on the back of my neck standing – a kind of alarm bell to me.

      • Stevie Boy

        Probably all false and propaganda but there is an unpleasent oily money type smell …
        – In April 2022, it was reported that Just Stop Oil’s primary source of funding was donations from the US-based Climate Emergency Fund.
        – Through that fund, a notable donor to the group has been Aileen Getty, a descendant of the Getty family which founded the Getty Oil company.
        – Just Stop Oil head revealed to have an estimated £1million from Shell.

        • Republicofscotland

          “US-based Climate Emergency Fund”

          Stevie Boy.

          Rory Elizabeth Katherine Kennedy, and Trevor Neilson – the former, one of Kennedy dynasty, are the founders – of the US-based Climate Emergency Fund.

          They also gave $20,000 dollars to Extinction Rebellion.

          • glenn_nl

            They probably donate like this just to undermine these movements.

            Maybe you and I would find it hard to believe, but some halfwits would see that, get all hysterical and start screeching away – falling right into the trap.

            I’m sure nobody here would be that stupid, gullible and easily played, of course!

    • Squeeth

      Michael Droy

      I thought that people marched against collaboration with the nazi genocide in Palestine. As long as you’re there, people and politicians can’t pretend. Fair do’s to you though apart from the odd demo in Hull town centre I haven’t been on one since the 80s.

    • Brian Red

      @Michael Droy – “Simple thing is that they get a hell of a lot more publicity than I and around 100k others did from the Stop the War March on Saturday.

      That’s one of the things they’re for.

  • Robert

    Former Extinction Rebellion Scotland activist here. I’m totally with you on the counter-productive nature of much of recent JSO and to a lesser extent, XR actions. The PR disaster for XR that was the Canning Town action, for example (where XR activists climbed on top of a commuter train) was most likely not just the result of naiveté but actual sabotage. Though it’s extremely hard to tell the difference, which naturally is by design. It’s not paranoid to say the secret services are routinely embedded inside activist groups; it’s a historical fact, as recent “SpyCops” trials have revealed.
    At the first ever XR Scotland meeting in Edinburgh in December 2018, one of the 59 people attending (via Zoom, from the Highlands) said she needed a smartphone to be able to communicated via apps like Signal. Another person kindly offered a free smartphone. Nice! Subsequently it became clear that the smartphone was apparently bugged with surveillance software, and the generous person at the first meeting presumably was an undercover police officer, doing their job of keeping tabs on a nascent environmental movement.

  • Michael Droy

    War on Freedom of Speech – There is an awful lot of things to be covered up right now.
      •  Genocide.
      •  Western Economies collapsing relative to China
      •  800k middle aged Ukrainians sent needlessly to their deaths in a long lost war.
      •  Brics/SCO and the coalition of the real free world around China
      •  The pathetic overpriced state of western military hardware which has fallen behind Russia (Even Yemen can chase away aircraft carriers because they have thousands of $10k rockets and drones while aircraft carriers have dozens of $1m air defence missiles)
      •  Vastly distorted democratic systems and (compared to say Russia or China) extreme dissatisfaction by voters with leaders.

    The speech clampdown is going to last as long as it takes for the west to admit its defeat – perhaps not long.

      • Republicofscotland

        Pears Morgaine.

        Apparently the story arose in the FT and not the IBT – the FT is owned by Pearson PLC – a company with a huge interest in education and schools Pearson PLC comes under the wing of Bridge International Academies – and vice-versa:

        Of which.

        “BIA was founded in 2009 with a $1.8 million investment from the Omidyar Network (founded by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar). It receives further funding and support from: the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID); International Finance Corporation of the World Bank; Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC; US government investment); Bill Gates; Mark Zuckerberg; Novastar Ventures; Khosla ventures; and Pearson, which invested in Bridge via the Learn Capital fund.”

        Oh and the FT is part sponsored by the Gates Foundation.

        • Pears Morgaine

          Ah can’t disprove the story so attack the source; and all roads lead back to Bill Gates.

          Actually it can be traced back to at least 2018 and is only one example of state oppression. If you need reminding all but state-controlled and -censored social media is banned and a blog such as this which is frequently critical of government would stand no chance.

          • Republicofscotland

            Pears Morgaine.

            He who pays the piper calls the tune – you’ll know what that means.

            “If you need reminding all but state-controlled and -censored social media is banned”

            As opposed to Meta severely censoring accounts exposing Zionist war crimes – or Facebook and Instagram, suspending their hate crime rules – to allow people to calls for death to Russians.

            Then there was this – with regards to social media:

            “Twitter’s “head of editorial” for the Middle East and Africa is an officer in the British Army’s information warfare unit, it has been revealed.

            Gordon MacMillan disclosed his role in the 77th Brigade on his own LinkedIn profile, writing: “I have a strong interest in politics and international affairs and am a reserve officer in the British Army serving in 77th Brigade, which specialises in non-lethal engagement.””

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Meta is a private company, RoS – it can censor whatever it likes. It can also suspend its hate crime rules and allow hateful content to be posted, as long as that content doesn’t break any laws. X is also a private company and it can employ whoever it wants. If you don’t like what those companies are doing, you’re free to use other social networks – or set-up your own, where you can criticise your government as much as you want. That’s not the case for Chinese people in China.

          • Republicofscotland

            Lapsed Agnostic.

            Two words – Snooper Charter – and of course there’s the Online Safety Act – brought in under the guise of protecting children – no matter how subtle they try to be, in eroding our rights – or spying on our activities, we still notice it happening.

            “The UK has the most intrusive mass surveillance regime of any democratic country, and the security services are able to spy on everyone whether or not we’re suspected of criminal activity.

            “The Snoopers’ Charter – allows State authorities to collect information about everything we do and say online and order private companies to store it.

            The Act grants them wide-ranging powers to scoop up and store all of our emails, texts, calls, location data and internet history. They can also hack into our phones and computers and create large ‘personal datasets’ on us – all without needing to suspect us of any criminal wrongdoing.”

          • Lapsed Agnostic

            Thanks for your reply RoS. The UK may, arguably, have the most intrusive mass surveillance system* of any democratic country, but it’s nothing compared to China’s social credit system whereby, among much else, you can legally be denied healthcare if your score isn’t high enough.

            * The easiest way to avoid that is to stay off the internet – or if you can’t do that, use the dark web.

          • Republicofscotland

            Lapsed Agnostic.

            “* The easiest way to avoid that is to stay off the internet – or if you can’t do that, use the dark web.”

            Second point first – You see, we shouldn’t have to resort to those tactics of the mostly illegal Dark Web – or be forced to avoid the internet. The authorities shouldn’t be spying on and recording everything we or say or do online, or on the mobile – under the false pretence of security; it’s wrong.

            “but it’s nothing compared to China’s social credit system whereby, among much else, you can legally be denied healthcare if your score isn’t high enough.”

            As for the above – I don’t profess to say that China is a utopian society – it isn’t – however after debunking the Uyghurs in Xinjiang nonsense, perpetuated by the Western puppet madman Adrian Zenz – I like to look into stuff first – below is an interesting article that reports on China’s Social Credit System.


  • joel

    Germany keeps setting the bar ever higher. Yesterday the City of Dortmund dismantled a Gaza solidarity camp because Greta Thunberg was scheduled to visit it. The reason the City offered in a public statement was that Miss Thunberg is a violent individual.

  • Stevie Boy

    Re. “Furthermore ministers and officials had discussed the prosecution of Palestine Action activists with representatives of Israeli weapons companies and of the Israeli Embassy. It is entirely illegitimate for private companies and foreign states to influence prosecutions.”
    As noted elsewhere:
    “The UK’s growing reliance on Israel’s arms industry has created fears that an arms embargo on Tel Aviv could trigger reciprocal measures, hampering Britain’s own military capabilities.”
    “… the police used quite unnecessary levels of violence to arrest two young women, who were not engaged in violent behaviour. There was no need whatsoever for officers to press one woman down to the road with their knees in her back, and pinion her arms behind her back with handcuffs.”
    It should be noted that UK Police and USA Police forces have trained with IDF/Mossad to learn how to deal with protestors. The methods used here are indicitive of that, as they were in the George Floyd case.
    The UK Police, in the main, are poorly educated, racist, mysognistic, thugs – the state’s paramilitary protectors.

    • Squeeth

      “The UK Police, in the main, are poorly educated, racist, mysognistic, thugs – the state’s paramilitary protectors.”

      To be fair, the Humber Bridge began recruiting ex-porkies a few years ago and they weren’t that bad; some of them were better than the ex-squaddies who worked there. That said, anyone on a £30,000 pension with a fairly easy £30,000 job (except for being involved in the aftermath of suicides) can enjoy a relaxed attitude to life. One of them was even a bit like me, a thorn in the side of authority, because he treated the official central purpose of his job to be true, rather than an advert.

  • Pyewacket

    I’m pretty sure that H.D. Thoreau, the author of On Walden Pond and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience will be spinning in his Grave were he to see what has come to pass since putting pen to paper.

  • Bob (original)

    The UK has never been a democracy:

    it’s just becoming more apparent on a daily basis to us plebs.

    And if the ruling class continually ignores the will of the people,

    the people will impose change.

    • Townsman

      Maybe the UK was never a democracy, OK, but it used to be a lot better than it is today.
      There used to be freedom of speech. The spirit of Magna Carta used to have an influence – politicians did not use their power to punish citizens directly (only the courts could try and sentence a citizen). There used to be a prohibition of double jeopardy. And so on. Now, politicians – not the judiciary – can inflict severe penalty on you for disagreeing with UK foreign policy. They can “proscribe” any organisation they don’t like, for any reason or none.
      Police are much more violent than they used to be, too. Most people who are arrested are not violent and don’t need to be handcuffed.
      I don’t think “the people will impose change” because I don’t think they can.

      • Urban Fox

        That’s partly the hegemonic cultural influence from the UK’s liege the USA.

        American cops have a very S & M, verging into dub/non-con attitude when dealing with the public.

        A lot of foul-mouthed orders, presumptuous demands, degradation, use of toys & disproportionate interest in other niche subcultures etc.

        Plus half-jokes aside, the regime knows that it’s largely despised & distrusted by the populace. They won’t react with good humour or change of course to this truth. Instead it’ll be growing lies, gaslighting, punishment regulations & brutality.

      • Brian Red

        You really should look at your use of the term “UK”, which has become standard usage by state and media in the past ~20 years.

        It means the monarchist regime, not the country. It’s government and opinion channeller talk. Only a w*nker refers to the British government as “the UK government”, or to almost everything that goes on in the country as “UK” stuff. It’s like going Heil Hitler all the time.

        I mean seriously, how much do you have to know about branding to know that video ads showing branded products tend to show the brand name all the time? Doesn’t everyone know that? Clearly not. Nowadays it probably counts as a “conspiracy theory” or something. If you even ask why is this term “UK” used all the time, you probably imagine being derided or in pain, and the antibodies kick in. Mustn’t ask that.

        I’ve even heard morons sagely discuss what happens if “the UK becomes a republic”. I tell you: with critics like that, royalism doesn’t need many supporters. Mind you, it’s fitting that in a country where in many contexts it’s banned to say there’s a physical difference between men and women, it figures that nobody says “you’re a f*cking cretin” when someone talks about cloudy weather over “the western part of the UK”.

        Will of the people? The people have no will. Or if there is a political will of the people in Britain at the moment, it’s probably Powellite and for burning dissidents at the stake, especially if they’re non-white.

        The people don’t even know what willpower means. They’re too busy watching drugged-up sportsmen on the TV grit their teeth and show some “will” for their entertainment.

  • Shibboleth

    Don’t you remember Howard Zinn, Craig? The problem isn’t civil disobedience, it’s civil obedience. (1970). So true today.

    “ I start from the supposition that the world is topsy-turvy, that things are all wrong, that the wrong people are in jail and the wrong people are out of jail, that the wrong people are in power and the wrong people are out of power, that the wealth is distributed in this country and the world in such a way as not simply to require small reform but to require a drastic reallocation of wealth. I start from the supposition that we don’t have to say too much about this because all we have to do is think about the state of the world today and realize that things are all upside down.”

  • Brian Red

    1) Palestine Action: good aims, good methods.

    2) Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion: bad aims, bad methods.

    1 and 2 shouldn’t be mentioned in the same breath.

    • zoot

      You are going off Democratic Party script. The former are straightforward terrorist antisemites. The latter can be tolerated, even sympathised with, while permitting record oil and gas extraction.

      • Brian Red

        The latter’s politics are those of “faster please”. I’ve forgotten the name of that far-right USA scribbler who had that phrase as his mantra during the presidency of Bush the Younger. But they’re like him.

        I don’t buy the line that what’s wrong with the “faster please” types is that they’re not helping things to go fast enough.

        Big business and in particular Big Oil and Big Biotech have funded and promoted Green for generations.

        • zoot

          “Big business and in particular Big Oil and Big Biotech have funded and promoted Green for generations”

          Polluting interests also bankroll the Democratic Party, virtually to the same degree as hard-core Israel lobbyists.

          Here’s Genocide Kamala a few weeks ago bragging about being the tie-breaking vote to help Republicans get fracking leases passed in the Senate.

  • Jack

    I googled Richard Barnard and found out quickly that no “alleged” human rights organisation had spoken out against the obvious absuse of the law. The creeping fascism is evident, meanwhile it is fully legal to publicly, in the streets, hail, glorify IDF as much as you want while the same IDF wantonly raze nation after nation in, while they openly target civilians day after day. The whole terrorism label do not even cover what Israel do! How could west become so morally, legally, humanely corrupt, and this under a Democratc regime in the US and under a Labour regime in Britain??

    The fight against the israeli regime is a slow process, too many ignorant western people still believe all the lies Israel put out but I have also noticed that like 8/10 comments on the, pro-israel Piers Morgan’s show, is now pro-palestinian. That was certainly not the case last year.
    Take this recent Piers Morgan episode where the courageous Aaron Maté faces multiple pro-israel apologists. The comments below the video show the most support for Aaron’s position:

    • Goose

      Israel are ripping up all the global rules by assassinating leaders and ambassadors. They embody the very anarchy MI5’s head tried to project onto Iran and Russia.

      Iran’s new President Masoud Pezeshkian is due to meet Putin on Friday in Turkmenistan, Israel meanwhile, are warning of an unconventional attack that will be quote “deadly, precise and above all surprising, they will not understand what happened” much like President Ebrahim Raisi’s death on May 19th, 2024. They wouldn’t, would they?

      • Brian Red

        Yes, that’s what they are putting out. It’s also appearing as “everyone expects Iran to be hit from west to east, but hey Israel has other capabilities and some of them don’t involve aerial bombing.”

        The “you won’t understand what happened” message appears in various forms, but it’s coming across loud and strong.

        As for the very idea that Iran is a threat to the USA and Britain and the rest of Europe, this is repeated so often that it’s not always easy for people to remember what an insanely false idea it is.

        Meanwhile no media anywhere in the world (not Al Jazeera, not TASS, etc.) have published even a speculative account of how the pagers and walkie-talkies in Lebanon and Syria came to be used as weapons by Zionist state terror.

        • Goose

          All the Western media, and even President Biden and VP Harris, are calling Israel’s planned actions ‘retaliation’. But in both cases where Iran has fired missile salvos, it’s only been after Israel’s initial provocative actions, The first missile salvo into Israel from Iran came after the Syrian consulate bombing on April 1 , 2024 – a bombing that was in violation of numerous international laws. And the second, more recent salvo, against military infrastructure came in response to the brazen assassination of Haniyeh, of all places, in Tehran, in July. Then came the assassination of Nasrallah, alongside a top Iranian general, Nilforushan. And a pager attack, that blinded the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon in one eye.

          Any new action by Israel therefore, will be a new escalation, not retaliation.

          I don’t support Iran, the theocratic regime of Iran aren’t a particularly admirable bunch; they’re cruel, oppressive etc. But it’s not a matter for the US/UK, the governance of Iran is solely a matter for the Iranian people and they have recently elected a ‘reformist’ in Masoud Pezeshkian. I do think Iran is more sinned against than sinning with all the US/UK sponsored sabotage, the assassinations of Iranian scientists etc. It’d be perfectly possible to normalise relations and have good relations, if the will were there, and we weren’t so tied to the US Zionist project of a Greater Israel. In his recent speech, Ken McCallum highlighted how Iran go after dissidents, but so do Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain et al, all of whom we have no such problems with.

          • zoot

            “even” President Biden and VP Harris?

            Are you aware that pair have been shamelessly committing genocide, and cynically promoting lies to justify it, for a solid year?

          • Goose

            It’s not long since the UK, France, Germany and the US were promoting such a normalisation of relations thanks to the JCPOA. Trump ripped that up, much to Netanyahu’s delight, and Biden’s administration have been too weak to resuscitate it by meeting Iran’s perfectly understandable demand for a goodwill gesture of lifting all sanctions, as a quid pro quo for their return to its terms. Republican hostility and Trump’s influence meant Biden couldn’t go there.

            Any objective assessment of recent history, would conclude that the US and the Trump administration is mainly at fault by unilaterally trashing the JCPOA.

          • zoot

            Joe Biden, when all is said and done, is very obviously a decent human being. Likewise Kamala Harris. Only extremists would suggest otherwise.

      • Republicofscotland


        Speaking of assassinations – or attempts, Slovakian president Robert Fico has let loose on the MSM in Slovakia.

        ”From the first day, when the results of the parliamentary elections came in, you went against us like bloodthirsty bastards from morning to night,” Fico said, dismissing any notion of a government crisis.

        “Do you read your articles after you’ve written them? I don’t think you do… It’s pure hate. You’re possessed by the devil,” he said.

        Fico was thinking of introducing a National Media Authority – to hold journalists accountable for their writings – imagine if it were introduced into the UK, to hold the MSM media whores to account on their bias writings – of course that will never happen.

        • Goose

          The BBC boasts it’s an impartial news provider, indeed, it’s a stipulation of its Charter.

          But do you think they are?

          Watching their ME news coverage, I find it staggering that anyone could consider it to be slanted in favour of the Palestinians. It’s not just what they report, it’s the facts and important context they deliberately omit. And the constant reminders that ‘Hamas and Hezbollah‘ are proscribed, and considered to be terrorist organisations by the UK govt, is Big Brother- esque in its mantra-like repetition. It’s mentioned in every single report they give, as it we might have forgotten from an hour earlier, when they last said it.

      • Jack

        Indeed, the other day I read that Menachim Begin tried to assassinate Konrad Adenauer

        Menachem Begin ‘plotted to kill German chancellor’
        Real psychos, zionism is like cult.

        Most likely Israel have some Pager-like terror-tactic set up in Iran ready to be triggered. Note that Israel leveled that threat after Israel held talks with the US.
        Earlier on Wednesday, US President Joe Biden together with Vice President Kamala Harris and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke in a phone call in a bid to form a united front on Israel’s likely counterattack to the Oct. 1 missile barrage

        Thus, US know what is going to happen and gave the green light to it.

        • Stevie Boy

          The truth about the pager attacks haven’t emerged yet. Whilst Israel was behind it, it still isn’t clear where the devices came from and where they were tampered with. Like the Nord Stream attack, IMO there were other participants involved.

        • Goose

          Yeah, I was also thinking possibly some Operation Valkyrie (Unternehmen Walküre) type plot involving parts of Iran’s military – fair to say that the clerics aren’t universally loved. We’re suddenly seeing lots of Reza Pahlavi, the son of Iran’s ousted despot Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. He’s trending on X /Twitter, vowing that he’s ready to lead an interim govt. He left Iran aged 17 and been pressing for US led regime change ever since.

          A series of bombs under leading Clerics beds, would be very CIA/Mossad. They audaciously attacked Hamas’ Haniyeh in Tehran, so it’s not impossible. Conflicting reports on that attack as to whether it was something fired (external) or a device that a woman, who fled the scene, planted? Remember, scarily, there are explosives that can’t be detected through the normal means.

          Maybe wise for the whole regime to evacuate to totally random locations for the next few days.

  • Harry Law

    Matthew R Brodsky a former aid to President Trump and “peace adviser” calls for the murder of the Irish peace keeping contingent in souther Lebanon.
    Brodsky had called for the Israeli military to carpet-bomb and napalm the troops and their entire area of responsibility – and expressed his hope that the Irish garrison would be ‘blasted to bits’:
    But Brodsky didn’t limit his enthusiasm for war crimes to Irish soldiers – appearing to call for ‘mass rape’ of women in Ireland, Spain and Norway in apparent outrage at the decision of the governments of those countries to recognise Palestinian statehood in response to Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
    Meanwhile Liam Cosgrove a Grayzone reporter confronts Matthew Miller at a state dept briefing
    “People are sick of the bullsh*t in here”, it is a genocide’ —The Grayzone’s Liam Cosgrove confronts The US State Department’s Matthew Miller’s endless doublespeak.
    Cosgrove: This administration has financed a genocide in Gaza for the last year and every day you’re up there denying it.
    Miller: There’s plenty of places in Washington where you can give a speech.
    This is wonderful maybe now the pack of useless scribblers will gain a backbone and push back at the liars at the state dept.

    • Republicofscotland

      Harry Law.

      Harry thank you for that link – its utterly disgusting what that man has said – he should face some sort of prosecution for that vile outburst – but I find that unlikely.

      Brodsky – is also the Director of Policy, at the Jewish Policy Centre, a US Think Tank.

    • ET

      The Irish Times reports today that “A number of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Unifil) positions in southern Lebanon, in the same region where the Irish Defence Forces contingent is based, have been fired on by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).”
      UNP 6-52, the outpost manned by irish troops, was not targeted and all irish troops are well.

      “Two peacekeepers were injured after an IDF Merkava tank fired its weapon toward an observation tower at Unifil’s headquarters in Naqoura, directly hitting it and causing them to fall…
      IDF soldiers also fired on UN position (UNP) 1-31 in Ras Naqoura, hitting the entrance to the bunker where peacekeepers were sheltering, and damaging vehicles and a communications system. An IDF drone was observed flying inside the UN position up to the bunker entrance.
      Yesterday, IDF soldiers deliberately fired at and disabled the position’s perimeter-monitoring cameras. They also deliberately fired on UNP 1-32A, where regular Tripartite meetings were held before the conflict began, damaging lighting and a relay station.”

      Two UN peace keepers with non-life-threatening injuries. Looks like IDF don’t want anyone to see what they are doing. There are many countries contributing troops to the UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Let’s hear them speak up.

  • Glen

    “But if they were to target for direct action the corporate HQs of Big Oil, or their major financiers and suppliers, they would be hugely more effective in getting their message across.”

    George Monbiot: “Why can’t those stupid activists target fossil fuel infrastructure instead of attacking works of art? Well, they do, but scarcely anyone notices. Last month, four protesters, also with Just Stop Oil, were sentenced in Basildon crown court for trying to block access to the Navigator oil terminal at Thurrock in Essex by digging tunnels under the road then living in them. Joe Howlett was jailed for 15 months, Chris Bennett for 18 months, Samuel Johnson for 18 months and Larch Maxey for three years. When the BBC reported this sentencing, it mysteriously failed to mention the oil terminal – it must have seemed to anyone reading this story that they tunnelled under a minor road in Essex for no obvious reason.”
    Source: As the waters rise, a two-year sentence for throwing soup. That’s the farcical reality of British justice, George Monbiot

    • zoot

      Great from Liam. Worryingly though another Grayzone journalist, Jeremy Lofredo, has been seized in Israel. I wonder if the two incidents are connected.

  • Harry Law

    I think we need more than civil disobedience, the whole architecture of International Law is under threat, the US ‘Rules based order’ is what is demanded by the US/Israel and its vassals in the EU and NATO. Here is one example the ICC prosecutor applied for arrest warrants approx. 5 months ago for Netanyahu and Gallant [Israeli leaders] amongst others, here is what they are accused of.
     1 Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime
     2 Willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health, or cruel treatment as a war crime
     3 Willful killing or murder as a war crime
     4 Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime
     5 Extermination and/or murder, including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity
     6 Persecution as a crime against humanity
     7 Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity
    The Judges are still deliberating on whether to issue warrants. (Remember it took them less than 2 weeks to issue warrants against Putin on the false charge of kidnapping children from Ukraine – see the Grayzone.)
    Tayab Ali (Lawyer) thinks there is enormous pressure on the Judges from the usual suspects. Remember when the ICC were considering Arrest warrants for Netanyahu and 12 members of Congress threatened the Judges thus..
    “The United States will not tolerate politicized attacks by the ICC on our allies. Target Israel and we will target you. If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States. You have been warned.” Maybe even worse retribution has been threatened by Mossad.

  • Harry Law

    In my opinion Israel will decline the threat to bomb Iran, I could be wrong baring in mind Netanyahu’s psychotic state of mind but both Biden and Starmer are trying to gin up war with Iran by implying Israel has a right to retaliate against Iran’s legitimate response to Israeli aggression. The only problem with this scenario is that 1/ It could ignite a wider regional war and drag in Russia, also Iran could destroy all the US bases in the region [Imperial overstretch] for instance Al Udeid airbase a major US base in Qatar is approx 100 miles from Iran, many other US bases are similarly vulnerable and within precision ballistic missile range. Imagine US pilots given a 1 minute warning to leave the mess hall run across the tarmac start their aircraft and take off all within 1 minute.
    Scott Ritter writes…
    “Maintaining a forward military presence in the Persian Gulf is vital to securing American interests, but these bases are squarely within range of Iran’s increasingly formidable arsenal of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones. Making matters worse, Iran and its proxies have repeatedly demonstrated in recent years that they are able and willing to use all three of these types of weapons systems to target US and partner forces in the region.
    Iran has the largest ballistic missile arsenal in the region, with at least eight types of short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs), all of which are capable of striking US bases along the Persian Gulf from Iranian territory. Ballistic missiles are particularly dangerous, as their high speed makes them more difficult to intercept compared to cruise missiles or drones (once detected). Most of Iran’s SRBMs employ solid propellants, meaning that they require less time to prep prior to launch and can be fueled and stored for longer periods of time”
    Quite apart from the US bases being decimated the Strait of Hormuz could easily be closed because of the ubiquitous missile emplacements along the coastline of the Persian Gulf. My advice to Biden, Starmer and Netanyahu is don’t, don’t, don’t.

    • Jack

      There will be an attack be sure of that but Iran have no interest in attacking US bases, that is of course what the israelis want to happen so US could enter the war and “finish” Iran for Israel. Iran will certainly not take that bait.

      Russia will unfortunately not become involved in this war. I say unfortunately because the resistance forces in the region would sure need to some help by stronger, deterrent forces.
      Russia try to frame themselves as critical of Israel but what have they really done by practice against Israel? Nothing:

      Vladimir Putin is the closest thing to a friend Israel has ever had in Moscow
      The strange love affair of Putin and Netanyahu

      Remember also how Israel kept bombing Syria for years while Russia had their S300 in Syria. Not once did they use them against Israeli missiles targeting Syria.
      The two countries reportedly have an understanding to avoid targeting each other in Syria, including establishing a hotline.

      Under the informal agreement, Israel informs Russia prior to carrying out operations inside Syrian territory. In return, Israeli forces do not need to seek permission from Moscow to attack targets in Syria.

      • Harry Law

        Thanks for the reply Jack, “There will be an attack be sure of that but Iran have no interest in attacking US bases” I’m not so sure Israel will attack Iran, if they do Iran will reply (as they have promised) with an overwhelming response. Will they, won’t they, the Jury is still out. By the way, after the US murdered Qasem Soleimani four years ago, the Iranians launched approx15 ballistic missiles at US Al-Asad airbase in Iraq (with a long warning) and 11 of those missiles destroyed everything they were aimed at. Over 100 US servicemen cowering in bomb shelters at the base suffered traumatic brain injuries as a result. Trump wisely did nothing, Netanyahu on the other hand might do something – is he suicidal?

        • Alyson

          Israel won’t attack Iran and Iran won’t attack Israel because Putin will side with whichever country is attacked by the other. Hence both countries clear their actions first with Putin. Trump is on speaking terms with Putin. Biden gets apoplectic at any attempt to communicate with Putin. This adds to the risks. Israel will attack everybody else as Russia is the only country it respects, and so it will carry on full steam ahead at creating a Greater Israel to include Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and now possibly Europe as well. The threats are becoming more explicit. Our leaders are all Zionists. The full horror of the IDF’s total inhumanity is slowly dawning on us. There is no mechanism to keep them within the rules based order. They will continue to act with impunity. This is not about a small country far away having influence. Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

  • M.J.

    Young people might be naturally reckless, but the older among us might do better to write to their MPs, or support another party than the ruling one.

    • Goose

      Write a letter?

      Starmer stood in the leadership election promising to introduce “A Prevention of Military Intervention Act” and to make Britain a force for international peace and justice. If they’re the sort of person who’ll brazenly lie, in Starmer’s case, by presenting himself as a dove to get elected, do you really believe he could be persuaded to abandon his hawkishness in power?