Simply No Red Lines At All 123

There is literally no act so vile that the UK, US and Germany will not support if perpetrated by the terrorist state of Israel.

Yesterday Israel:

  • deliberately attacked UN peacekeepers in three separate bases;
  • bombed residential central Beirut killing and maiming hundreds;
  • abducted, beat up and held an American journalist;
  • slaughtered 30 Palestinian refugees in an UNRWA school;
  • was found by an official UN Commission Report to be guilty of the crime against humanity of “extermination” in Gaza.

Any single one of these outrages would be roundly condemned if committed by any country at all except Israel, and would lead to repercussions.

But Israel can commit them all in a single day and suffer not one word of obloquy from the leading Western powers (although it does appear that the attack on UN peacekeepers may have snapped Macron’s subservience – whether it’s just a blip remains to be seen).

The UN Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, dated 11 September but released yesterday, is incredibly damning and will be a key document for the ICJ Genocide case against Israel brought by South Africa et al.

It notes 498 Israeli attacks on healthcare facilities in the Gaza strip and – much less known – 500 attacks on healthcare facilities in the West Bank, although individually less severe.

Here are some highlights of the report:

9. Hundreds of medical personnel, including three hospital directors and the head of an orthopaedic department, as well as patients and journalists were arrested by Israeli security forces in Shifa’, Nasr and Awdah hospitals during offensives. In at least two cases, senior medical personnel died in Israeli detention. Reportedly, 128 health workers remain detained by Israeli authorities as at 15 July, including four Palestine Red Crescent Society staff members.

10. As at 15 July, 113 ambulances had been attacked and at least 61 had been damaged. The Commission documented direct attacks on medical convoys operated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the United Nations, the Palestine Red Crescent Society and non-governmental organizations. Access was also reduced owing to closure of areas by Israeli security forces, delays in coordination of safe routes, checkpoints, searches or destruction of roads.

11. The Commission investigated the 29 January attack in Tall al -Hawa on a Palestinian family and a Palestine Red Crescent Society ambulance that had been called to their aid. The family consisted of two adults and five children, including 15-year-old Leyan Hamada and 5-year-old Hind Rajab. They were attacked while trying to evacuate in their car. The ambulance, carrying two paramedics, Yousef Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun, was dispatched after its route had been coordinated with Israeli security forces. It was hit by a tank shell at a distance of some 50m from the family’s car. Hind was still alive at the time that the ambulance was dispatched. The presence of Israeli security forces in the area prevented access. As a result, the family members’ bodies could not be retrieved from their bullet-ridden car until 12 days after the incident. The ambulance was found destroyed nearby, with human remains inside.

I find it impossible to get inside the head of our Zionist politicians. Have they persuaded themselves that somehow these things did not really happen, or have they convinced themselves that this is a price worth paying in some wider scheme of things?

Al Shifa Hospital

If so, what precisely is that wider scheme of things?

22. According to the Media Office of the de facto authorities in Gaza, more than 500 bodies were found in mass graves located on hospital grounds, including at Shifa’ and Nasr hospitals. Satellite images from 23 April show at least two possible mass graves at Nasr Hospital. The de facto authorities in Gaza have said that several bodies were found undressed and handcuffed, indicating that the victims might have been executed. One witness involved in the exhumation of bodies near Nasr Hospital told the Commission that he had seen bodies with gunshot wounds in the head or neck. Israeli security forces have denied burying bodies in mass graves, although they acknowledged that soldiers searching for the bodies of hostages had exhumed some mass graves.

It is very well worth reading the entire report. It was very hard to extract highlights for you because it is all worth posting. I skip over a huge amount on the devastating consequences of the destruction of medical facilities, and on torture of detainees. But this next really is a must read:

62. The Commission documented more than 20 cases of sexual and gender-based violence against male and female detainees in more than 10 military and Israel Prison Service facilities, in particular in Negev prison and Sde Teiman camp for male detainees and in Damon and Hasharon prisons for female detainees. Sexual violence was used as a means of punishment and intimidation from the moment of arrest and throughout detention, including during interrogations and searches. Acts of sexual violence documented by the Commission were motivated by extreme hatred towards and a desire to dehumanize the Palestinian people.

63. The Commission found that forced nudity, with the aim of degrading and humiliating victims in front of both soldiers and other detainees, was frequently used against male victims, including repeated strip searches; interrogation of detainees while they were naked; forcing detainees to perform certain movements while naked or stripped and, in some cases, also filmed; subjecting detainees to sexual slurs as they were transported naked; forcing naked detainees into a crowded cell together; and forcing stripped and blindfolded detainees to crouch on the ground with their hands tied behind their back.

64. Several male detainees reported that Israeli security forces personnel had beaten, kicked, pulled or squeezed their genitals, often while the detainees were naked. In some cases, Israeli security forces personnel used such objects as metal detectors and batons. One detainee who had been held in the Israeli security forces personnel Negev prison stated that, in November 2023, members of the Keter unit of the Israel Prison Service had forced him to strip and then ordered him to kiss the Israeli flag. When he refused, he was beaten and his genitals were kicked so severely that he vomited and lost consciousness.

65. The Commission also received credible information concerning rape and sexual assault, including the use of an electrical probe to cause burns to the anus and the insertion of objects, such as sticks, broomsticks and vegetables, into the anus. Some of those acts were reportedly filmed by soldiers. In July, nine soldiers were questioned and several arrested for allegedly raping a detainee and causing life-threatening injury at Sde Teiman.

66. The Commission has determined that detainees were routinely subjected to sexual abuse and harassment, and that threats of sexual assault and rape were directed at detainees or their female family members. One detainee held in Sde Teiman reported that female soldiers had forced him and others to make sounds like a sheep, curse the Hamas leadership and the prophet Muhammad, and say, “I am a whore”. Detainees were beaten if they did not comply. In another case, a soldier took off his trousers and pressed his crotch to a detainee’s face, saying: “You are my bitch. Suck my dick.”

67. Female detainees were also subjected to sexual assault and harassment in military and Israel Prison Service facilities, as well as threats to their lives and threats of rape. The sexual harassment included attempts to kiss and touch their breasts. They reported repeated, prolonged and invasive strip-searches, both before and after interrogations. Women were forced to remove all clothes, including the veil, in front of male and female soldiers. They were beaten and harassed while being called “ugly” and had sexual insults, such as “bitch” and “whore”, directed at them. In one case, a female detainee in an Israel Prison Service prison was denied access to her lawyer after she had informed him of rape threats.

68. The Commission received reports from the Palestinian Authority about the rape of two female detainees. It is attempting to verify the information.

69. Female detainees were photographed without their consent and in degrading circumstances, including in their underwear in front of male soldiers. In one case, a detainee was subjected to repeated and invasive strip-searches following her arrest at a police station in northern Israel. She was beaten, verbally abused, dragged by her hair and photographed in front of an Israeli flag. The photos were posted online.

You will recall that a UN inquiry was by contrast unable to confirm any of the allegations of rape by Palestinian resistance on 7 October 2023 – despite the fact that Israelis are obviously much freer than Palestinians to communicate and provide evidence.

The commission does however go on to state that there is credible information that some Israeli hostages held in Gaza have been subject to sexual abuse.

The heart of the conclusions of the Commission’s report is this:

88. The offensive on Gaza since 7 October has resulted in the destruction of the already weak health-care system in the Gaza Strip, with detrimental long-term effects on the civilian population’s rights to health and life. Attacks on health-care facilities are an intrinsic element of the Israeli security forces’ broader assault on Palestinians in Gaza and the physical and demographic infrastructure of Gaza, as well as of efforts to expand the occupation. The actions of Israel violate international humanitarian law and the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, and they are in stark contravention of the International Court of Justice advisory opinion of July 2024 .

89. The Commission finds that Israel has implemented a concerted policy to destroy the health-care system of Gaza. Israeli security forces have deliberately killed, wounded, arrested, detained, mistreated and tortured medical personnel and targeted medical vehicles, constituting the war crimes of wilful killing and mistreatment and the crime against humanity of extermination. Israeli authorities carried out such acts while tightening the siege of the Gaza Strip, resulting in fuel, food, water, medicines and medical supplies not reaching hospitals, while also drastically reducing permits for patients to leave the territory for medical treatment. The Commission finds that these actions were taken as collective punishment against the Palestinians in Gaza and are part of the ongoing Israeli attack against the Palestinian people that began on
7 October.

I understand that there may be nothing here that you did not already know. But to see it all set out starkly, by a UN Commission which has verified the information, makes it much more difficult for the political class simply to ignore.

I am simply unable to begin to understand, on a personal basis, the politicians who can condone, support and in fact participate in what Israel is doing. It is simply beyond me.

Every time I worry that public interest is faltering and people have become inured to genocide, the Israelis manage to do something still more outrageous. Thankfully social media makes it very hard to hide this.

The political class will never restrain Israel from empathy for the suffering or any sense of moral duty. They may start to do so from a sense of self-preservation.


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123 thoughts on “Simply No Red Lines At All

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  • M.J.

    My interest is shifting from reports of Israeli atrocities to reports of Palestinian resilience, for example administrative detainees:
    I am also interested in reports that indicate that Gaza and Lebanon are becoming Israel’s Viet Nam, and that the IDF has failed to destroy Hamas (or Hezbollah):
    I gather from Youtube videos that while Ilan Pappe respects UK law that makes it illegal to support proscribed organisations, it is his expert academic opinion that such organisations in Palestine should not have been proscribed, since they are resisting occupation. What’s more, the IDF judging by its known actions seems to satisfy the requirements for proscription:–2/proscribed-terrorist-groups-or-organisations-accessible-version
    Therefore the UK should proscribe the IDF and enact full arms sanctions against Israel, and shouldn’t be taking sides in Palestine at all; the same applies to the USA.

  • Tom74

    I can only echo Craig’s thoughts and so many sentiments here. However, it is fairly clear that Israel are getting desperate, and that, rather like toxic individuals in our personal lives who are cornered, have nothing left but to try to incite evil in others to make themselves look better by comparison. The restraint of the UN is absolutely the best response, in my opinion.

  • Alyson

    These videos are from 4 hours ago, saying that Biden is pulling back from a full scale direct attack on Tehran in favour of sanctions on Iran’s ghost ships (no transponder signals) delivering Iran’s oil around the world. China is its biggest market.

    Israel is promising Iran something surprising. The Stuxnet infiltration of Iran’s nuclear development program was perhaps the most audaciously inventive Israeli sabotage imaginable. The PBS documentary was incredible.

    The missing MH370 allegations relate to the inventors of remote control technology leaving only a Rothschild as the sole patent holder. Rumours. AI technology has advanced a long way since then and the control mechanisms of the pagers and walkietalkies are hard to comprehend.

    That Biden is back-pedalling on his desire for a direct strike would suggest he is happy with the replacement plan. The Hindustan Times has a few video newsreels up today.

    • Harry Law

      The US has no other option, Netanyahu must be furious, not to worry China [Iran’s best customer] is bound to agree with US sanctions /S
      The US are the laughing stocks of the world, wait till they do a runner from Ukraine leaving Europe holding the tar baby.

      • Brian Red

        What was his speech in North Macedonia about?
        He is said to have died moments after he finished it.

        A few outlets are mentioning his final tweet, a 5-parter (sent today) criticising the British government’s attitude towards Scotland.

        Not so many are mentioning his second last tweet, a 3-parter (2 Oct) criticising the British government’s support for Israel and referring to international law:

        Starmer’s “we stand with Israel” declaration seems eerily reminiscent of a previous Labour Prime Minister’s open-ended commitment of some 20 years ago to stand with the USA on Iraq “come what may”. (1/3)”

        “Is the UK to “stand with Israel” in Gaza, in Lebanon, in flagrant breaches of international law, in tens of thousands of civilian deaths over the last year? In opposition, Starmer qualified such remarks on Israel by immediate reference to international law. (2/3)”

        “Britain is the former colonial power and the Middle East is one of the few areas where what is said by the PM actually matters. Would a better policy not be to simply say “we stand to uphold international law and unequivocally back the UN’s pursuit of peace”? (3/3)

        You can read his tweets without opening a Twitter-X account here:

      • Republicofscotland


        For me Salmond was neutralised – just like Willie McRae, or Robin Cook, who spoke out against the illegal war on Iraq in Westminster and wound up dead later.

        Salmond had his day in court coming up, which would probably have done considerable damage to those who tried to stitch him up – and it might also have set back the English government’s ironclad grip on Scottish politics.

        Salmond will be a huge loss – as is Iain Lawson. Many Scottish politicians spoke about Scotland in the present – but very few had the historical knowledge that Salmond had.

        • Goose


          I didn’t know about any upcoming court developments?

          I remember outside court, after the verdict, he did say that the truth would eventually fully come out. But I just assumed he’d decided to stay silent about those matters, because it’s been so long.

          • Republicofscotland


            On the previous court case: on Salmond being a sex pest, a jury of his peers (with a majority of females on it) found him not guilty. The Scottish Court of Session found that the case against him was biased and tainted, and he was awarded I think it was £510,000 pounds in compensation.

            Get this – one of claims is that Salmond did something to a complainer – yet several witnesses testified that the complainer wasn’t even in the building when the supposed crime occurred – and no, none of the complainers have faced any charges such as perjury; all have had lifelong anonymity awarded to them.

            The case that was coming up would’ve blown Scottish politics wide open – it has been somewhat held back, due to the ongoing case (three years and counting) of Police Scotland investigating the SNP and some of its high heidyins. The Operation is called Branchform – of which I cannot say too much about, as it’s live.

  • James Chater

    I find it astonishing too. I suppose holocaust guilt and islamophobia count for a lot, but even so. The Americans are desperate to keep the upper hand over the Chinese, a struggle they are bound to lose. This would explain their desperate attempt to shore up Israel and to use Israel to dominate the entire region. It is not so much about oil any more, it is about trade. The West is vulnerable to 2 chokepoints, one in the Persian Gulf, controlled by Iran, and one in the Red Sea, which is being attacked from Yemen. As I say, it is desperation and will backfire or could lead to WW 3 eventually.

  • Kit Bee

    Deepest Condolences to Alex Salmond’s wife and sisters.

    Captain, my Captain – who will lead Scotland to independence now?


  • David Duncan

    I don’t know how ‘The West’ can simply stand by and allow this to happen. People criticised the German people for not standing up against the Nazi regime. The world is watching as Israel, of all countries, sets about the extermination of the Palestinians and wages war in the Lebanon.

    For me, the leaders of ‘Western’ countries, who are acting against the wishes of the majority of their own electorate – should face whatever charges are appropriate for aiding and abetting Israel.

    • Squeeth

      The German people stood up to the nazis in every democratic election and even in the half-bent election of March 1933. Lots of them also fought the nazis on the streets.

      • Brian Red

        And the reason that parts of “the west” went to war against Nazi Germany in 1939 and at the end of 1941 wasn’t because they had any problem with the Nazi regime. They didn’t oppose the Nazis’ pals in Spain during the 1936-39 war, or indeed at any time afterwards. They let fascism die out in Spain and Portugal rather peacefully in the 1970s. WW2 was a great power war and spheres of influence war in the same way as WW1.

    • Goose

      Lots of headlines about the reemergence of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, this from the Telegraph :

      The drums of global jihadism are again sounding around the world : experts warn that without a military presence in Iraq, US efforts to contain Isis in Syria are likely to fail.

      Find it incredibly strange, how if Assad’s forces, or Russian mercs like Wagner, cross a certain invisible eastern line in the desert, US jets emerge to bomb them back. Yet ISIS merrily exist in those eastern areas right under American noses, and they apparently can’t do anything to prevent their growing strength, if you read the piece?

  • Brian Red

    Alex Salmond was appearing in Ohrid, North Macedonia, alongside Yossi Beilin, Israel’s former minister of religious affairs and deputy foreign minister who was involved in the secret negotiations that led to the Oslo agreement.

    See 3rd photo here:

    Hard to imagine Beilin travelling abroad without protection. He is sometimes portrayed as Mr Peace and Mr Dearly-wants-an-Israeli-Palestinian-confederation, but here he is last October opposing a ceasefire, saying the camp breakout attack was the work of “Isis”, and supporting the Israeli assault:

    Presumably Beilin doesn’t appear at public events abroad without serious protection

  • Republicofscotland

    Nelson Mandela’s grandson was banned from entering the UK for pro-Palestinian events

    The British government has banned the entry of Mandla Mandela, grandson of anti-Apartheid icon Nelson Mandela, ahead of his UK tour in support of Palestinians and condemning Israel’s actions as genocide.

    According to reports, the British Consulate in South Africa imposed last-minute visa restrictions, despite none being required during Mandla’s previous visits. Moreover, South African nationals are generally allowed to enter the UK visa-free for up to 90 days for business or tourism.

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