The Salisbury Festival of Russophobia Opens Today 135

Today is the grand opening of the Salisbury Festival of Russophobia, otherwise known as the Public Inquiry into the death of Dawn Sturgess, an unfortunate victim of imperialist spy games.

Do not be fooled. This is not in any sense a genuine public inquiry, supposed to get at the truth. This is an inquiry like the Hutton Inquiry into the death of Dr David Kelly, designed entirely to conceal the truth and further the official narrative.

In the Kelly case, the official narrative was that one of the world’s leading experts in chemical weapons, with access to instant-action neurotoxins, decided to kill himself after leaking that Iraq had no WMD. He chose to do so by cutting his wrist veins with a rusty penknife and waiting for a slow and painful death in the woods.

The ambulance crew who picked Kelly up testified that there was very little blood and they did not think that he could have bled out, but the Inquiry considered there was little blood because it must have “soaked into the soil”. Nobody thought to dig up the soil and check.

In the Dawn Sturgess case, we are supposed to believe that two top Russian agents sent to kill Sergei Skripal chose a “novichok” nerve agent as the manner of death. In broad daylight they painted this on the front door of his house, in full view of the neighbours and passers-by on the packed housing estate and without any protective equipment, despite the fact that a tiny droplet on your skin could kill you.

The agents then went for a walk in Salisbury town centre, looked in the window of an antique shop, and put the perfume bottle containing the novichok back in its packet including somehow resealing the cellophane wrapping. They then placed the “perfume” in a charity bin.

They then made their getaway on the notoriously unreliable Sunday train service.

The Skripals came back home, and both touched the door handle. Despite the novichok being instant-acting and extremely deadly, they then went out for lunch and ate a full meal and drank wine and had a high old time for three hours, being joined and photographed by their MI6 handler Pablo Miller (whose existence is D-noticed).

After their meal, the novichok finally took effect and they both collapsed on a park bench. Despite the fact that they were different ages, sexes and weights and presumably contacted differing amounts of novichok, they both collapsed at just the same moment, about three hours after contact, so neither of them was able to call for help.

But luckily the very first person to come across them on the park bench was, completely by coincidence, the Chief Nurse of the British Army, who just happened to be passing. They went to hospital and were saved and did not die after all.

A policeman sent to their house touched the door handle and also got novichok poisoning, and he later got ill and was hospitalised, but did not die either. He had returned to his own home and later it was found that he had got novichok all over the light switches and door handles there, but by great fortune his family, who continued to live in this house, did not get ill from it.

The official explanation of this is that it was “a miracle”.

Meanwhile, the “perfume” sat in the charity bin. It sat there for months and months, despite the fact that it was emptied regularly and despite the fact that Charlie Rowley was one of a number of people who also regularly stole from that bin.

Somehow both the bin’s official and unofficial emptiers continually missed the perfume bottle, again and again and again. Finally, several months later, the perfume bottle’s mysterious invisibility cloak failed and Charlie Rowley saw it.

He gave it to his girlfriend Dawn Sturgess, who put some perfume on and died. Charlie Rowley got ill but did not die. He was later able to tell the press inconvenient facts, like the cellophane on the perfume was fully sealed and that he took stuff from that bin fairly often.

When Rowley and Sturgess were taken to hospital, the police descended and sealed off the house and made a massive terrorism theatre of searching it, that went on for days. They were searching for a small container of liquid.

Finally, after days and days of 24/7 painstaking combing through the house by England’s finest, somebody spotted a perfume bottle sitting in plain sight on the kitchen counter, and the novichok was found!

Presumably the perfume’s invisibility cloak had spluttered into life again for a few days before fizzling out.

That really is the official story. Yes, it really is. You are not supposed to notice the massive glaring holes in it. If you want to check up on all the sources and links, here is one I made earlier.

I had intended to attend the inquiry in person. Even the most incompetent lawyer would be able to demolish this ridiculous official narrative with great ease. But then I realised that the entire Inquiry is structured to prevent that happening.

Nobody is going to ask difficult questions. The one person who could is the lawyer representing the family of Dawn Sturgess, but her family have been propagandised into total adherence to the official line, presumably by a combination of mainstream media and official hand-holding.

Sturgess’s family have understandably become focused on hatred for the Russians, whom they have been told killed their daughter. The line their KC is instructed to pursue is to query why the state was not more effective in protecting their daughter from those evil Russians.

The other “core participants” – the council, police and health authorities – will be back-covering on similar lines, and we can be pretty sure the Inquiry will conclude with plaudits all round about how well everybody pulled against the evil Ruski menace, and a few “lessons learned” saws.

The role of the “public” is to witness the show inquiry. Nobody else gets to ask a question. “Intelligence” material provided by the security services will not be made public. The Inquiry has already been told this morning by the British Government representative that this is essential to assure future informers of confidentiality.

The scene has been set by an utterly ludicrous attempt to stir up Russophobia by MI5. In the last week the Head of MI5 has solemnly assured us that Russia is attempting to launch chaos on the streets of the UK, and we are told by security service sources that the evil Ruskis plan to disrupt UK ambulances.

I am pretty sure Putin also has an evil plan to eat your grandmother.

Never Trust A Man Who Dyes His Hair

Dawn Sturgess died six miles from the official UK govt facility that manufactures novichok “for test purposes” – and incidentally where David Kelly once worked. Her death reinforced the official Salisbury narrative at a time when public scepticism was growing.

I am pretty sure poor Dawn, who had fallen on hard times and was just the kind of person the Establishment views as dispensable, was a victim of state violence.

I am quite certain that if so, it was not the Russians.


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135 thoughts on “The Salisbury Festival of Russophobia Opens Today

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  • SleepingDog

    I’m sure the Russians could have made a better job of framing themselves than this. If ‘novichok’ was involved, didn’t the Skripals nick or otherwise illegally acquire some in Russia and take it back with them? Or is that the kind of substance more traditionally couriered via diplomatic pouch?

  • MappMan

    In the very early days of the Dawn Sturgess fatality being reported I have a vague recollection of a local newspaper carrying an account of the local police saying that she had been cuckooed by drug dealers and that her flat was being used by them for nefarious purposes. Her death was thought to have resulted from an intake of the dealers’ dodgy drugs. Unfortunately I can’t provide any more details re the source and the initial police account has since been replaced by another.

  • Tatyana

    Salisbury case was the reason that I dropped in here, and found it a good place, and stayed here, and learnt a lot.
    It was the reason why I recalled my English lessons, participating in discussions and learnt even more.
    Among the things I’ve learnt there were quotes, you may know them:

    – Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    – History is written by the victors.

    – The road to hell is often paved with good intentions.

    Did you know all these quotes belong to the Berlin Diaries by William L. Shirer? There are some more quotes from him:

    – Human beings, as I have always been able to observe in street crowds, are easily infected with panic.

    – Propaganda feeds the masses with lies, creating a distorted reality.

    – No one is immune to the grips of hatred and prejudice.

    – The only way to stop the spread of evil is for a few brave individuals to stand up and resist.

    – Evil can only triumph when good men and women choose to do nothing.

  • El Dee

    I see Christopher Steele has been wheeled out on TV to trot out his already discredited dossier in the form of a new book of very old material. Without any shame he stated that it has all been proved correct..

    • Brian Red

      “Alex and Rus” may have looked in the coin dealer’s shop window, but they surely had another reason than interest in coins.

      They are about as likely to be interested in coins as they are to have visited Salisbury out of an enthusiasm for clock.

  • Peter

    Masterly review Craig, thank you once again.

    “In the last week the Head of MI5 has solemnly assured us that Russia is attempting to launch chaos on the streets of the UK, and we are told by security service sources that the evil Ruskis plan to disrupt UK ambulances.

    I am pretty sure Putin also has an evil plan to eat your grandmother.”

    Presumably this would explain why our utterly ludicrous, way out of his depth, Prime Minister was recently on a one-man mission to start a war with Russia – yes, a real one, not the proxy one.

    Apparently that sane and decent chap Biden soon reined him in.

    • Brian Red

      I dunno about eating anyone’s grandmother, but the line that Putin visited Tuva to take part in a shamanic ritual related to nuclear weapons has been spread far and wide in the British mainstream media, including in the Daily Heil, the Spectator, the Metro, the Times, and the Sun:

      Personally I would like to know whether he visited the island of Por-Bazhyn:

      Shoigu meanwhile collects Aztec sacrificial daggers. (Personally, although I doubt that either Putin or Shoigu want to eat anyone’s grandmother, I do have to admit that I am glad I am not knowingly acquainted with anyone who collects sacrificial daggers.)

      As 31 October and the US election approach, there’s a strong feeling that it’s soon going to be a case of “here we go”. Watch out for Trump accusing Democrats of using black magic against him, for starters. He’s already halfway there, with what he has said about Megyn Kelly bleeding through her eyes at him, and Haitian people eating dogs and cats. Expect more.


    If this wasn’t so tragic it would merit a Black Comedy.

    Two Russian Hitmen turn up on a drizzly/windy boring Sunday with a bucket full of Novichok to smear Mr Skripal’s door handle with a 4″ Paint Brush on the Storm Porch Handle (Yes – there were two doors – a Storm Porch Upvc and the inner door to the house – wood or Upvc?) and on a boring Sunday none of the neighbours noticed two Herberts in Hazmat Suits doing their thing. It makes no sense does it?

    The pair it was reported turned off (by the way the only way to absolutely turn your mobile off is to take the battery out) both their mobiles in the morning of the day of poisoning (why?) in order to visit Mr Skripal’s Mother’s Grave in Salisbury.

    So, we are asked to believe that whilst this was happening that the sneaky Russians smeared/walloped/plastered the door handle with Novichok willy-nilly, whilst not wearing any protection for themselves? This scenario is beyond crazy.

    As far as Dawn and Charlie go we are asked to believe that Charlie dips a Charity Bin, finds what he thinks is perfume, opens the sealed packaging – connects the nozzle and gets IT all over his hands – washes his hands – still thinks Novichok smells like perfume? – and gives it to Dawn to spray all over her face?


    Then the police look for days and find “Enough Novichok to wipe out thousands of lives” on the sink top? So, after Dawn fell ill, Charlie wrapped up the offending bottle and saved Salisbury from mass slaughter by leaving the dangerous stuff on top of the sink? Preposterous nonsense.

    Ducks; Kids; Doors; CCTV (or lack of it); bin-dipping; mobiles off; Army Medics daughters; and my personal favourite – the colour of Yulia’s hair on the day (copper tone on arrival the day before – blonde according to some witnesses when seen on the bench) and her roots showing (ladies will know what I mean) when doing the Reuters stuff in an unknown location.

    There is no doubt that all four were poisoned with something but three hours later – after a visit to the boozer, the restaurant and sitting on the bench in the Shopping Centre – is not the mark of Novichok poisoning. Proper Novichok will have you dead in minutes or less.

    It’s utterly crazy.

    Why the Skripals were nobbled and by whom – I have no idea.

    But why Charlie and Dawn were picked on (set up?) two months takes on a different and sinister re-enforcement. That’s really nasty thing in my view.

    But – if the PTB are sanguine about the atrocities in Gaza or Lebanon, what’s a couple of wastrels’ lives worth in the great scheme of things?

  • Ruth

    The most plausible scenarion is that Sergei wanted to go back to Russia & handing over sensitive MI6 info from his job with them would’ve no doubt gained him entry back. MI6 got wind of the plan & poisoned the Skripals with fentanyl to stop him & detain him. The two Russian guys were there to assist in his escape & info exchange

    • Brian Red

      And Nikolai Glushkov’s death?
      And what about Dawn Sturgess?
      The GRU may well have taken samples from the area because of Toxic Dagger. (That kind of thing is their job.)
      How to add to that scenario though?
      What Nursypants was carrying in her bag, I shudder to think. Will she be giving evidence? Not that there’s much point in hoping she’ll be asked some awkward questions, becsus

  • AG

    This is by Ian Proud. I am never quite sure how honest Proud is. Is it 50% of what he truly thinks or 90% or 100%?
    Depending on who he is writing for.

    He mentions Salisbury as a background and cause for difficulties for British Embassy personnel back when it happened.

    “Britain is losing the spy game to Russia”

    This one btw appeared in The Spectator. Which is why I think it´s so “sportive” in it´s POV as the final phrase sums up:
    “We need a better plan for Russia expertise if we really want to outsmart Putin.”

    In general he says what he usually does pointing out: GB lacking ever more RU expertise among the files and ranks of diplomatic staff.

    One reason for me to question the degree of honesty is the fact that Proud´s book was vetted by MI-6 before publication. Now same was true for Short´s Putin biography either by self-censorship or other means.

    Most staff at the British Embassy in Moscow are also Russian, because of the Foreign Office’s model of employing less expensive local staff. That’s a good model in friendly nations. Less so in Moscow where the FSB has been known to harass locally employed Russian staff. When I left Moscow in February 2019, almost 90 per cent of the staff across the Russia and British Embassies were Russian. Add to that, a community of over 150,000 Russians in the UK against a small number of British expats in Russia.

    There are seldom more than a few dozen diplomatically accredited Brits at our Embassy Moscow. After Salisbury, the loss of twenty-three colleagues cleaned out the political wing of the Embassy, leaving a few people like me, with mere months left on their postings, in a two for the price of one deal. Kicking out six political officers in August will have put a bit dent in the Embassy’s ability to function again. Where those officers liked to go jogging in Moscow is really a secondary issue. I took a lunchtime run from the Embassy once surrounded by a crowd of twenty agents, in one of the weirder stunts they pulled on me. The point is, it will take months for replacement staff to get diplomatic visas, if they ever do.

  • Jorge

    Thank you for an entertaining summary of the vast farrago of deceit that was the Skripal Novichok fable. I’m surprised anyone has the temerity to display this linen in public but that’s the caliber of government agency we have these days.
    I appreciate your restraint in avoiding the hundreds of permanently loose ends, logical conflicts, fantasy and dodgy evidence which would have added many pages to the account. Highlights might include the bizarre antics of the Russian “spies”, the totally compromised OPCW investigation, the curious exclusion of Skripal’s handler (the thoroughly debunked Mr. Steele), the vanishing of Sergei and Yulia, and of course the dead duck and those that were not, and the children who should have been ill but had no symptoms. It is, of course, a vast smokescreen. I can’t work out why anyone would bother? Did they just lose track of the narrative and then have to endlessly add patches to cover the holes in the inner tube? Surely there was an easier way to contribute a bit of Russophobia to help Hilary Clinton out of a tough spot as Muller closed in for the kill? Historians will be challenged to present a coherent account. Meanwhile, Dawn Sturgess deserves much better than to be an involuntary bit player in someone else’s very nasty snuff theatre.

    • Jorge

      Oops, Sergei’s handler was of course Pablo Millar. I think he was associated with the production of the Steele Dossier, but can’t confirm the source.

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