On Wednesday we were arrested and held awhile by General Security in Lebanon and told not to report from here until we receive the proper permits. This is a frustrating delay but I hope will soon resolve.
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The result last night only shows the need in the US for a Party of Labour and of course included in the party the people who can’t work for any reason. I’ll avoid the ‘People’s Party’ epithet because that would include ‘workers’ or rich people who think they are workers.
The Right has organized and the results are showing across the Western World that if you organise you can have an effect. It’s an unfortunate example but an example of what the left should do.
Bernie Sanders ended up not defending himself then expected his supporters to defend the people in the Democratic Party to defend the DNC. Jeremy Corbyn was removed by the Labour Party Executive and then expected everyone to vote Labour – only 33% of the turnout voted Labour. Macron’s only blessing is that he is not Le Pen – so he thinks that the French electorate should be thankful for small mercies.
The German Greens (the worst Green party in the world) should be described in the term “Green”, as in naïve – and Scholtz and his Centrists have no idea as to what damage they are doing to their economy and of the course the survival of the EU in general.
Perhaps the election of what will be described (similar to the West’s description of Putin) by the guardians of Liberal Democracy that Trump is an Autocrat. But – here’s the problem: if they are both Autocrats – they are elected Autocrats.
Which only indicates the Hall of Political Mirrors we are living in – in the West. To counter the move to the Right, then the Left has to form alliances and unfortunately the history of the Western Left has had a very sketchy view of Western Imperialism and sometimes Colonialism. As in: whose side are you on?
“Neither Washington nor Moscow, but International Socialism” used to be the Socialist Workers cry in the Eighties. The Liberal cry these days is “only Washington – no Moscow – no Bejing – No BRICS”. So the ‘International’ bit of world socialism i.e. Socialism is diminished if you exclude nearly half the world. But you have to start somewhere – and in the US a lot of Unionisation is occurring, so there is a a growing base.
It is disparate but needs to co-operate. Whether they will coalesce remains to be seen.
The Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon is another potential area for coalescing – at first on individual policies then on some general policies.
There’s a lot to work with, therefore I am not in despair.
I don’t know how Jill Stein fared across the US, but I bet her voters put a few dents into the Democrat campaign.
My opinion is, though, that the Dems gave it away through their past policies (particularly the wars and the economy), and the Reps hardly had to try to beat them.
Now (like Starmer) Trump is IT.
Promises need to be turned into actions so let’s see what happens. Nothing will fundamentally change though – remember that slogan and you’ll understand everything.
Just a quick point of information: the turd known as Macron can’t be elected again as French president under the constitution of the Fifth Republic. He will soon be a forgotten figure of the past, like Theresa What’s-Her-Face and Alex “Boris” Someone, and wasn’t there a Gordon and a Call Me Dave? I note that you don’t mention Jacques Mélenchon in France, but the popularity of his La France Insoumise and of the broader New Popular Front are causes for cheer. The NFP won a plurality of seats in the parliamentary elections this year, but surprise surprise they weren’t allowed anywhere near government and sh*tface Michel Barnier was drafted into the Hôtel Matignon as prime minister instead.
Let’s hope Mélenchon or someone else from La France Insoumise not only makes it to the second round of the 2027 presidential election but WINS the second round. They refused to stand candidates down in the legislative elections this year, and their decision was proved right.
Of course a huge amount is likely to happen before 2027, so I am not trying to say hey everyone, let’s build for 2027 which would be idiotic. But purely on the parliamentary political side, Mélenchon and pals are by no means gone like Corbyn.
Brian Red
I live in France and know a fair about Melanchon and the NFP. I like him as he has long held anti Imperialist principles. But – similar to the Left in the UK and Europe they have the unnerving habit of splitting and posing just at the wrong time.
To bet Le Pen and whomever the Presidential candidate is, absolute discipline is required. Insourmise I would trust – the others, I don’t.
Remember the Socialist Hollande? The one who was going to tax the Rich? The only reason he is remembered is for his cowardice.
The Socialist Party unfortunately is full of people like him.
“The Socialist Party unfortunately is full of people like him.”
They always are.
” they have the unnerving habit of splitting and posing just at the wrong time.”
Perhaps their enemies are conspiring against them to make that happen.
Get this:
German government collapses. ” the leaders of the three coalition parties once again failed to find common ground on how to address the multibillion-euro deficit in next year’s budget.”
“… Scholz, accusing Lindner of refusing to ease spending rules which, among other things, would allow for more aid to Ukraine.”
> I don’t know how Jill Stein fared across the US, but I bet her voters put a few dents into the Democrat campaign.
Not even a visible scratch.
Stein received 0.5% of the vote, slightly more than Kennedy (who had effectively withdrawn) and Chase Oliver. “Other candidates” received 0.2% of the vote: about half of that was cast for Claudia de la Cruz or Cornel West who I suppose for this purpose we can consider the equivalents of Stein, but it also includes votes for various Christian Nationalist candidates etc. (We had someone run here in Ohio–he’s made the ballot or successfully registered as a write-in candidate several times now but only in this one state–whose “pro-life” platform includes “continuous offensive bombing worldwide” to maintain American prestige. He got 12,000 votes.)
The only states Trump won with less than 50% of the vote were Michigan and Wisconsin, neither of which it turns out he needed. The bottom line is that if every single third-party voter had cast their vote for Harris, Trump would still have been elected. And that’s an extremely generous assumption–I doubt that a lot of Libertarian voters saw Harris as a plausible alternative, and even less so the various Life and Liberty, Prohibition, Constitution or Godliness voters.
Yalt, thanks for the info.
I am told that a lot of money is required to get into The Whitehouse so I’m not surprised that Jill Stein got 0.5%.
Trump won the overall vote (3 million down, behind Hilary Clinton way back when) so that is quite a relatively big swing back to Trump. Not a case of a vote for Trump, but a definite vote against Harris via Biden.
Another election in the West of voting for who you are not.
Most of the people voting for Harris were hoping she would do things she’d said she wouldn’t do; most of the people voting for Trump are hoping he won’t do most of the things he says he’ll do.
As for money, almost half a billion dollars was spent on ads for just one Senate race here in Ohio. (I hope that’s not what Craig had to spend to run for MP.) If you haven’t experienced a US election season it’s hard to imagine it. What would be the analogy? You try to watch some cricket (baseball here of course) and the same 15-second television ad is broadcast after every single over: grainy video of a 50-ish somewhat masculine looking women’s football (basketball here of course) player in some amateur Sunday-afternoon rec league somewhere, with a voiceover about “getting biological men out of your daughter’s bathrooms.”
Completely effing surreal. It’s not an easy task, getting working class voters to vote for somebody who’s been sued a dozen times for wage theft, but they pulled it off.
Stein got twice that percentage eight years ago; the Libertarian candidate got over 3% that year. Some but not all of the difference is ballot access: the Democrats spent quite a bit in legal fees trying to keep Stein and West off of ballots; the Republicans tried to do the same with Oliver but less successfully. My mail-in ballot arrived with a note that while Stein was on the ballot any vote for her would not be counted; as of election day it still wasn’t clear whether that was true since the court hearing hadn’t happened yet.
A first sentence holding more astutely-stated truth than all of mainstream media on the subject.
So incredibly well done, bravo.
6 November 2024 14:21
Russian Foreign Ministry statement on elections in the United States of America
The victory of Donald Trump in the presidential election and his return to the White House after a four-year break obviously reflect Americans’ disappointment in the performance of the Biden administration and the election programme of the Democratic Party formulated by Vice-President Kamala Harris, who was hastily chosen to replace the incumbent president in the race.
Despite an overpowering propaganda campaign, which Democrats launched against Donald Trump based on the administrative resource and support from the liberal media, the Republican candidate, who relied on the experience of his previous presidency, highlighted issues that are of real interest to the electorate, namely, the economy and illegal migration, as a counterbalance to the White House’s globalist course. In that situation, the ruling group was unable to use the chronically ill American “democracy,” which is outdated and incompatible with the modern standards of direct, fair and transparent elections, to prevent Kamala Harris’s defeat.
At the same time, there is an obvious civil discord in the United States, whose electorate has split into almost equal halves. In fact, we are witnessing confrontation between Democratic and Republican states, and between the advocates of “progressive” and traditional values. It is possible that Donald Trump’s return will fuel internal tensions and bitterness between the confronting camps.
We have no illusions about the president elect, who is well known in Russia, or the new Congress, where Republicans have reportedly won control. The US ruling political elite adheres to anti-Russia principles and the policy of “containing Moscow.” This line does not depend on changes in America’s domestic political barometer, no matter if it is Trump and his supporters’ ‘America above all’ or the Democrats’ focus on a ‘rules-based world order.’
Russia will interact with the new administration when it comes to the White House, firmly upholding Russia’s national interests and working to achieve all the goals of the special military operation. Our conditions have not changed, and Washington is well aware of them.”
Was that written by a student on his way to a low 2:1 or perhaps an AI program? The “ruling group” couldn’t prevent Trump from winning, huh? Elon Musk will doubtless be celebrating the victory over the “ruling group” if his boss gives him time off from his menial job as an office cleaner. And where is this “confrontation” between red and blue states? Personally I’m not convinced Trump could rely on the army if he really tried to expel millions of immigrants – partly because if he could, THAT would really piss off some of the states, and partly because no military leader who isn’t insane enjoys being told his objectives by a political leader who is off his f*cking rocker and obviously not a person that ANYONE would wish to be in the room if something serious had to be considered, discussed, and decided on. Trump is unlikely to last more than a year in the presidency.
Hollywood icon Barack Obama deported millions more immigrants than Trump, (3.2m in his first term, 2.1m in his second. Trump deported 2m).
Biden-Harris expelled 2.8m immigrants in the first two years of their administration alone.
famously during the Trump administration AOC invited the media to film her crying at the border wall. networks have been informed she will be returning there in January 2025 and to expect waterworks.
Since I did not follow these issues in the past and am now having discussions, do you possibly have some official sources to share?
isn’t Obama also considered an iconic, heroic figure in Germany? surely it must be common knowledge there that he deported far more people than Trump?
Biden on track to exceed both
Thank you.
p.s. yes they all want a baby from him in Germany.
Oh well at least Trumpites don’t think men and women are actually interchangeable as yet (I’m not referring here to appearances or to intersex individuals).
This is insane out of Edinburgh, only stopped by the courts
Just spotted this on the Guardians website when I checked out the article GratedApe linked to:
Ukraine war briefing: Biden plans military aid surge from billions still available, say reports
The Biden White House plans to rush billions of dollars in security assistance to Ukraine before the outgoing Democratic president leaves office in January, sources told Reuters on Wednesday. “The administration plans to push forward … to put Ukraine in the strongest position possible” a senior administration official said on condition of anonymity. Biden’s plans for the transfers were first reported by Politico. The White House did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.
And this:
This year ‘virtually certain’ to be hottest on record, finds EU space programme
The prognosis comes the week before diplomats meet at the Cop29 climate summit and a day after a majority of voters in the US, the biggest historical polluter of planet-heating gas, chose to make Donald Trump president.
The scientists found global temperatures for the past 12 months were 1.62C greater than the 1850-1900 average, when humanity started to burn vast volumes of coal, oil and gas.
In their monthly climate bulletin, they said October 2024 was the second-warmest October on record, behind only October 2023, with temperatures 1.65C greater than preindustrial levels. It was the 15th month in the past 16 to be higher than the 1.5C mark.
World leaders promised to stop the planet from heating 1.5C by the end of the century but are on track to heat it by roughly double that.
What is so weird and impossible to wrap your head around, is that so called progressives like Kamala Harris and her supporters that day in and day out claim to fight for social justice, at home, support a right-wing extremist regime of Israel:
“By refusing to budge on Palestine, Harris and the Democrats surrendered their moral advantage, forcing them to track right and alienate their base. ”
In 2020, the Biden campaign tentatively rode the progressive wave of the George Floyd protests, anger about Trump’s racist border policies, COVID activism, and anti-war protests against Saudi Arabia’s destruction of Yemen to energize the Democratic Party base to defeat Trump. It was, in retrospect, mostly lip service, and certainly no one at the time thought Biden a firebrand progressive.
Harris made no such pretensions, because any strategy that played to similar themes would have had to address the elephant in the room: the Democratic Party’s “ironclad” support for Israel’s elimination of a people in whole or in part
How could these “progressives” on the one hand claim to be against discrimination, racism, racist violence and when without hesitation they go on and support Israel? A nation that reminds one of KKK?
‘Israel is demonstrating the values of the Ku Klux Klan’ says former US ambassador Chas Freeman
Were I Trump, I’d find it hard to resist seeking revenge against the corrupt politicians, deep state actors and those who used judicial lawfare, firstly to ruin his first term then in an attempt to permanently end his political aspirations. Holding grudges and being driven by revenge is never attractive, but these people tried to ruin his life, simply because they disagreed with his politics. The Obama / Biden family Ukraine links would be a good place to start.
The establishment are trying to foist Mike ‘deep state’ Pompeo into Trump’s cabinet again. Pompeo became a critic of Trump after 2020’s defeat, even blaming him and MAGA for the loss of the midterms in 2022; presumably because Pompeo assumed there was no way back for Trump, as MAGA associated members of Congress were in retreat, after they’d lost a few races in which Trump had backed the candidate. Pompeo even considered entering the race himself, as a prospective presidential nominee. Trump will infuriate his supporters if he brings a disloyal, deep state swamp creature like Pompeo back.
The various state departments, the military, the military intelligence etc will cause every trouble possible against Trump, that is for sure.
Yes Pompeo is mentioned, also Marco Rubio but also Richard Grenell. Of these 3 Grenell seems to be the more sane. But surely there must be better candidates than these to pick from?
Trump has three choices for secretary of state – Politico
A quick search showed that Richard Grenell atleast criticized with right the hyperfocus on a ceasefire when the real goal should be to establish peace itself.
Someone on X/twitter thought that if he appoints any of :
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Bill Barr
Kevin McCarthy
Mike Johnson
Chris Christie
Mike Pence
…they would prove to be disastrous picks for cabinet roles.
Even with my limited knowledge of US politics, I’d pretty much concur.
Having ambitious politicians, who may or may not support him and MAGA, is the mistake he made last time; it’s how negative stories get leaked that quickly undermine an administration. He’d be better choosing a mixture of MAGA loyalists. and, Kennedy, Musk et al.
And no, Kennedy’s views on vaccines and fluoridation aren’t as wacky as they’re portrayed as being in our UK press. He just doesn’t think vaccines should be forced or mandatory, and as for water fluoridation, he believes it’s unnecessary, and may or may not be harmful in such tiny, trace amounts ~ 0.7 parts per million (ppm). It’s in toothpaste anyway, so I’m with Kennedy on letting the consumers decide what toxic substances we ingest.
Christie and Pence are totally out – they’re officially Enemies of the People.
Mike Johnson is already appointed! Take “someone on Twitter” with a slightly larger pinch of salt. Not everything you see online is true or even in good faith, you know.
Be more concerned about real fascists like Tom Cotton and Stephen King.
Kennedy is a total nutjob, he is out of his freaking mind. Not surprising perhaps given his family history, but anyone taking his ravings seriously ought to have their own head examined.
I remember Mike Johnson looking utterly broken and defeated, when he suddenly caved in over Biden’s stalled Ukraine funding package. He also U-turned to back the reauthorizing of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) i.e. warrantless surveillance. A more slippery, unprincipled politician is hard to imagine.
As for Kennedy, the Democrat leaning press have distorted his views to make him seem like a nutjob… Having someone who’s obsessed with improving the environment (air, water quality) and food quality isn’t such a bad thing, is it? Loads of western countries don’t fluoridate water, and the rate of tooth decay is not significantly different from countries that do; in some cases rates are lower than those that do, suggesting no dental benefit from the process whatsoever – so, why should the govt force medicate an entire population with a neurotoxic substance? Btw, I profoundly disagree with Kennedy on Israel, quite why he’s so enamored with that country, idk?
The US media have distorted MAGA politicians’ views too e.g., Marjorie Taylor Greene and the infamous story about “Jewish space lasers” – when you read what she actually said, that headline was pure clickbait.
Goose: Have very much appreciated your posts for some time now.
RKj used to have a podcast with the (still sane) Mike Papantonio. He also teamed up with the very sane Sam Seder, of the Majority Report. The degeneration of RKj has been extremely sad to witness. Particularly for his friends, family, and fellow broadcasters – it’s difficult to listen to them trying to find excuses for his lunacy over recent years.
He is little more than a stooge for the ultra rich now, and the conspiracy nutjobs that tag along – they are well represented, take your pick.
As for the Marginal Trailer Queen… sheesh, you’re going out on a limb defending that whack-job.
Thanks, Goose. Looking on the positive side, I for one hope that Trump can see the value of including prominent and respected anti-neocons such as Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard in his team. Maybe even Bernie Sanders, just re-elected as an non-party senator for Vermont, could be brought in as a consultant.
And I’d like to add my name to the list of those who argue that Craig should urgently consider abandoning his attempt to become a front-line war correspondent – before it’s too late.
Sometimes, the folks we think of as ‘whack jobs’ are actually the ones speaking sense. JD Vance was portrayed as an extremist, but having watched a few interviews, he’s actually quite impressive. Look at the distorted view Americans had of Corbyn – they thought he was wildly anti-Semitic – purely because of how the US media presented him as thus, when nothing could be further from the truth. Bernie Sanders has similarly been called ‘crazy’ and a communist etc.
MAGA is something new, these people aren’t Neocons, and unlike the previous generations of Reagan Republicans and most current Democrats, they have deep distrust of the FBI and CIA. There are videos on Youtube of MAGA-associated congressman and Trump’s fellow Floridian, Matt Gaetz, posing very difficult questions to the current Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray. Gaetz would be perfectly viable in a senior administration role, as would Vivek Ramaswamy, a man who’s also equally skeptical of the deep state.
The key administration post, and I’m sure everyone here would agree on this; is that of Secretary of State. It’s more important than that of Secretary of Defense even, because the State Dept alongside the CIA basically run US foreign policy.
If Trump chooses Pompeo, all Pompeo will do is frustrate his administration’s efforts to bring peace in an attempt to buy time, for two years, until the midterms, in the hope the Democrats can make a comeback. Regardless of what he’s saying, Pompeo won’t want to end the war in Ukraine either, not if doing so means Putin keeps territory. Pompeo and other Neocons allegedly frustrated the Syrian withdrawal so they’ve got form. And Pompeo allegedly seriously considered having Assange kidnapped and killed.
Appointing Pompeo would be a dreadful unforced early error.
Example of Matt Gaetz quizzing the FBI Director(below), he pointedly asks Wray : how many times does the FBI break the law? Hard to imagine our equivalent, the Director of MI5, Ken McCallum, being aggressively quizzed and scolded like that by a politician in the UK.
And that’s how it should be in a democracy worthy of the claim to be one. The politicians shouldn’t cower before the spooks; the spooks should cower before those that are elected to represent the people.
The longer that a faction of ins keeps its snout in the trough, the more determined the outs become to supplant them. To achieve a palace coup they sometimes form alliances of convenience with other out groups, who (sometimes) get their reward. We’ll see.
Let us be clear, the forthcoming Trump administration will be government of billionaires, by billionaires for billionaires. His previous period of office, coupled with pledges made in this election show conclusively that America will see an unprecedented transfer of money from the poor to the rich, especially the mega rich, and can be taken as constituting proof that turkeys can be persuaded not merely to vote for Christmas but, in the manner of that perennial 1970s song, wish for the Yuletide to last all year long.
For all this, the carnage in Gaza is the defining issue of the day, and one on which the Biden administration is not only impotent, but willingly complicit. The role of Kampala Harris in this is akin to other Nazi leaders in the Holocaust, and the recent election has effectively come down to a choice between Goebbels and Heydrich. In such a contest most voters will plump for the most extreme candidate, on the basis that they should at least make the trains run on time.
A real problem for American politicians who wish to be “progressive” on Palestine is the power and influence of the Zionist lobby. From the time of Fulbright, if someone does not toe their line they will pour millions into the campaign coffers of their rival come the next election. This may change in the future, now that the DP has learned the hard way the cost of alienating the Arab American community (by not letting Palestinians speak at their National Convention), though this may not have been the only or even main reason why Trump won (that may have been inflation following the Covid pandemic, for which voters blamed the government).
At any rate, because Trump won, I fear that the situation for Palestinians will now get grimmer, unless the DP makes a fuss about sending billions to Israel which could be used to help the poorer classes in America, with potential to affect the 2026 Congressional elections. The younger generation, too, may be less sympathetic to Zionism, as they learn about the abuses of Israeli apartheid. Speaking of which, the film Israelism (dir. Erin Axelman, featuring Simone Zimmerman) can be recommended.
How can it get grimmer for the Palestinians than it already is? With the slow inexorable loss of life, land and hope under a deceitful shyster like Blinken? Trump may be more honest about it, forcing Europe to change its supportive stance.
Do you think ordinary Palestinians think they were onto a good thing with Biden and Harris? Biden and his Secretary of State, Blinken, were the calm, civilised face and language of genocide. “We are doing all we can .. to end the conflict… to bring aid in” …. how many times did we hear it? They were doing nothing of the sort.
Biden could’ve ended the bombing of Gaza with one order : stop the delivery of bombs! He chose not to. Being defeated is the least they deserve.
If Kamala had won, the threat to restrict weapons supplied to Israel could have become real. In theory, it still could, though any such gesture would be futile given that the Biden administration is now in transition.
Netanyahu will now have carte blanche, unless Trump decides that Israel is getting too expensive for his liking. Therefore, Heaven help Palestinians now.
What threat to restrict weapons to Israel are you referring to?
She vowed to continue the conveyor belt even in the context of a tight election, knowing 80% of registered Democrats and Independents wanted an arms embargo.
I was referring to a warning of arms sanctions from Blinken to Gallant if aid distribution were not permitted:
But it may well be futile now, since Gallant is out as well.
I used to live in the USA. By and large, especially in the flyover states, the rest of the world is just a sort of Disneyland to them. They might like to visit it one day and it’d be a bit of a shame if it got blown to atoms so they couldn’t go but that’s about all. They don’t see its inhabitants (any of us) as people with rights and legitimate interests.
Then there are the immigrants of various backgrounds, many of whom are third or fourth generation. They argue and vote for what they perceive as the interest of their ancient homelands. Often based on an image of those places as they were decades or centuries ago. There was a woman who believed that Britain held on to Northern Ireland because of its linen industry.
All in all it’s a toxic combination. The current and wannabe leaders play it like a chessboard, pandering to this and that group to try to gain an edge. The consequences for the people in those distant lands don’t matter. They aren’t Americans.
A short German interview about the planned antisemitism resolution in Germany.
They live in a different dimension.
“”It’s all about what is said about Israel”
Bundestag to pass resolution on “protecting Jewish life”. Jewish organization criticizes. A conversation with Wieland Hoban”
It is as Chris Hedges said yesterday ins his Q&A and before that with Francesca Albanese – they have set up Holocaust study groups all over campuses in the US. Yet, they have learned nothing.
But looking into Geman daily media it´s of limited surprise – there is invisible media censorship regarding Israel and thus people do not know what is going on. If you had reports coming in every single day telling you 12 killed, today, 20 yesterday, 100 2 days ago – with all the detais as reported by doctors (e.g. targeting children) – that would have consequences.
But harnished with what MPs believe to know about Israel and the “most moral army in the world” – it´s this embarassing level of incompetence and krypto-racism you will get from those with power.
p.s. The interview mentions Israeli lobby in Germany. But I wonder who that might be. You don´t have any AIPAC in Germany. As money and campaigns are concerned the leverage of such groups would really be limited.
With that – breaking through the information barrier could have positive long-term consequences more easily than in the US (where you have MORE publicly available info on the genocide than in Germany by now in fact.)
But as long as you have a society where only one single politician attends an ICJ trial over genocide as happened past winter – Sevim Dagdelene being that singe MP of Bundestag you get primitive and infuriatingly criminal and hypocritical and dishonest support of a form of modern textbook case fascism.
The UK is very similar to Germany, despite appearances to the contrary.
Maybe the huge pro-Palestine demos give a different impression? You’ve got to remember, London has a Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan. The Mayor of London appoints the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (Met Police). The mayor also holds the commissioner accountable. Were it anyone else as mayor, they’d be bending to political and media pressure and attempting to restrict or prevent the protests.
And Craig’s open blog, including comments, is atypical of discussion on the Palestine- Israel issue – like an island of dissent in a sea of conformity. Our MSM here is absurdly pro-Israel, with its columnists regularly churning out apologism for genocide that surely rivals that in German publications? Guests on political discussion shows are carefully selected, in that their views all align with state narratives and foreign policy positions. And the presenters are all stay doggedly on-message.
The higher levels of govt and spooks are, for the most part, total control freaks, and thus, they hate being contradicted or confronted with inconvenient factual information. We’ve got new draconian legislation coming into force soon : The Online Safety Act, which is ostensibly aimed at combating misinformation, disinformation; but in reality, it’s really just a thinly veiled attempt to regain information and narrative control and combat dissent.
at least we have this:
“PSG fans’ ‘Free Palestine’ tifo draws criticism from French minister
The Paris club’s ultras fans unfurl a huge banner in support of Palestine and Lebanon during a Champions League match.”
How did they pull it off, I wonder?
I hate stadiums. When I visited Bayern München´s arena in Munich before it was opened they told you that anybody attending a game there loses the right over his own image being surveilled constantly. In fact the arena is a separate entity as civil rights go.
Not many know this but soccer arenas have turned into small islands of corporate fascist power. Entering is worse than an airport.
And since this is true for all major clubs I wonder if they had accomplices among security. Which would be great of course.
So we Continue To Fear for the Earth.. Wilst Evil Crawls along Unhindred.. And Our Craig in the Midst –
” Obviously it has been extremely frustrating not to be able to report from Beirut until I have credentials and registration sorted, but I understand the need in wartime and am not complaining.
Legacy media employ $250 a day fixers and get these things sorted quicker by various means, but I don’t have those options.
I am fine and learning a huge amount I shall eventually be able to tell you, hopefully quickly.
The Cradle has a good update on what is happening in Lebanon.
Craig please just leave and start writing again.
If they are this bureaucratic that they silence you then that IS the story. Sadly it is a horrifically corrupted country.
Guys like Lowkey are posting endless clips of the atrocities and he is not there.
So fuck sitting in silence for these corrupt wanks for a whole week while the most momentous events happen around you.
C’mon man get the fuck out of there, it is not pro free speech, amazingly.
I agree.
The Lebanese authorities aren’t trustworthy. There are probably lots of collaborators, who are quietly happy about the losses Hezbollah have suffered with the proviso, Israel stick mainly to bombing the South.
I Believe Oz Katerji aka X/Twitter’s Mr ‘You’re blocked’ is Lebanese, and if he’s representative of that nation, I’d certainly get the hell out of Dodge. It’s one thing worrying about the Israel’s indiscriminate bombings, another thing altogether, when they’ve got crooked Lebanese politicians, officials and forces in their pocket, on the ground i.e. the people you are entrusting to protect you.
Goose and Mac
I agree.
The Most Moral army in the world doesn’t care who it pops.
Two French Gendarmes in Jerusalem who were guarding a French Minister visiting a French Protected site in Jerusalem were bundled into a car by the Israeli Police/IDF? today.
These people are hysterical, borne from fear – not confidence and they are lashing out so be very careful you and your photographer assistant.
Might be better to agitate from a safer distance?
I agree.
Any potential reports out of Lebanon by Mr Murray are not going to tell us, or anyone else, anything we don’t already know. It’s totally unclear why he’s doing this. He’s got a family and frankly is unhealthy. More good can be done from home. This whole episode is a bit strange.
I have the same discomfort.
Stand your ground Craig, the weather’s shite here.
I Can See Your Point Squeeth ..No Stars Above ..
As Martin Luther King once said “Only in the darkness can you see the stars”…
Absurd to read about the alleged “hunt for jews” in Amsterdam after a football game between an israel team and a team from the netherlands.
Even pro-israel media outlets like Dailymail tell the truth of israeli football fans violently provoking pro-palestinians:
Israeli football hooligans tear down Palestine flags in Amsterdam as taxi drivers ‘fight back’ in night of chaos ahead of Maccabi Tel Aviv’s visit to Ajax
There are also many other videos on social media showing the thuggery by the israeli supporters.
But the framing in western msm is that this was some sort of pogrom and Israel is now sending airplanes to get the israelis home, always this exaggerration always this victimhood! The modus operandi is always the same: provoke > get reaction > play victim.
Besides, why on earth are israeli football teams even allowed to participate considering russian teams were banned just like that?
Genocide does not stop you from joing the club.
Five eyes
It’s the holocaust(tm), don’t you know ?
Yes stupid russians do not know how to conduct warfare, they are killing too few, especially too few children – they should look onto Israel’s genocidal strategy and then they will be cheered and embraced by the west and invited to their exclusive club of Rule based order.
BBC world forgot the first part as usual.
There was a minute’s silence before kick-off for flood victims in Spain, throughout which the Maccabi Tel Aviv fans sang, “There are no schools in Gaza cos we killed all the kids!!”
Israeli Jews are as a general rule allowed to do whatever they like abroad, protected by the local authorities, whether it’s committing rape in Cyprus, boasting about mass murder in the Netherlands, or running removal companies as scams and fronts for terrorism in the United States. Then the usual response if any criticism comes their way is “Don’t disrespect Jews, you anti-Semitic b*stards”. Apologies are then forthcoming from the very top level of the local authorities – heads of media organisations or governments – saying they won’t let this terrible disrespect happen again, that whoever disrespects an Israeli or a Jew is lower than dogturd and the pits of barbaric subhumanity. (What’s that you say about boasting about killing all the children in Gaza? Can’t hear you.) Many many examples. These government and media leaders only walk tall when they’re showing off to the local populations. When they get called in by Zionists to explain themselves, they’re on their knees.
The current prime minister of the narco-state known as “the Netherlands” is Dick Schoof, until recently head of the Dutch intelligence and security service, a role in which he doubtless had a lot of experience cooperating with Zionist security. Has he issued a public apology yet – maybe an address to the nation? – saying how much he regrets the inconvenience caused to innocent Israeli sports fans by subhuman supporters of Khamasss?
“The current prime minister of the narco-state known as “the Netherlands” is Dick Schoof, until recently head of the Dutch intelligence and security service”
Thanks did not know this, yeah the guy is already bending over backwards:
“I have just spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu by phone to stress that the perpetrators will be identified and prosecuted. The situation in Amsterdam is now calm once more,” Schoof said.
That is more than (this) Dick have said about Gaza. But poor violent, provocative israeli hooligans must be protected. Disgusting.
Speaking on israeli influence on the Netherlands:
Wilders U-turns on deputy PM nominee reportedly suspected of Mossad ties
Dick and Wilders. The dutch sure have fitting names.
It’s as if governments treat every genocide-happy Israeli thug as if he has diplomatic status.
This is beyond ridicule. No-one has been killed in the Netherlands. Can we imagine the worst kind of England fans getting involved in some brawling in a foreign country, and the British government saying this is an anti-white pogrom?
Or that this is the Burma Railway happening again? Or the Battle of Isandlwana?
Here’s an interesting article on the Netherlands and Schoof. The implication is that the military and NATO have couped the country, and the actions apply to all five eyes regimes:
“Apologies are then forthcoming from the very top level of the local authorities – heads of media organisations or governments ”
^ And no sooner do I say that, than the King of the Netherlands pitches in.
Let’s remember: this is the man who is head of the narco-state that allows Mossad to keep its European HQ at Schiphol airport.
Unfortunately we need to be afraid, very afraid, because everyone who is not a Zionist is a legitimate target, everywhere. The Friends of Israel exercise very tight control over human decency and the concept of our shared humanity. That in itself is an insult to the chosen people whose sky god is root and branch of the other religions of the book. But any excuse will do. The aim is and always has been complete control and the annihilation of others. The greater Israel plan goes back to its inception and the deceptive narrative has hidden the ongoing atrocities from Israelis and Europeans, and Brits, alike. Only now are we waking up to our complicity in this conspiracy of the billionaires over democracy.
Trump didn’t start any wars. Ending Afghanistan has been difficult for women and young boys who have tasted liberty for the first time since the 1980s. The Yazidis have not found a champion for their egalitarian way of life. And likewise the Kurds’ hope for a border for their cultural majority seems just as far away.
Trump threatened to pull the US out of NATO and General Petraeus said he can’t do that because it is a collective. Trump also said he would require Europe to pay for the presence of US troops in Europe.
We think Israel is bad, but Saudi and Iran are a massive threat which is not to be underestimated. Our democracy has been usurped by Zionist squatters and their well bribed servers. And we are right to be scared of the consequences of trying to change course.
Kuschner has been at work behind the scenes in Israel and Ivanka is not just a pretty face.
There was always going to be a weakness in both Christianity and Islam insofar as they both purvey Jewish stories about how Jehovah helped his “chosen people” commit genocide. (And there are no two ways about this – the story about Jericho, for example, praises genocide.)
Basic rules:
1. Tribal god doesn’t equal universal God.
2. God has no chosen people.
@Alyson – Have you seen this short story by Janet Shlechter Tiger?
Supremacists think it’s cool.
C’mon Trump, actually do withdraw from NATO. In fact, go further, and close down all US military, naval, airforce, and communications bases outside of the USA’s own borders. Yankee go home!
Or is he all gob and nappies, and no trousers?
Send answers on a postcard to Jared Kushner, Peter Thiel, or David Sacks.
Let’s not forget that it is very difficult for the peoples in places like Afghanistan, Syria, Venezuela, etc. to improve their lot when the USA and UK have stolen their gold reserves and placed sanctions on them.
Not only does the west delight in destroying countries, they actively prevent them from recovering.
@Jack – “The modus operandi is always the same: provoke > get reaction > play victim.”
The term for this is baiting.
There was a meeting that Claire Short and Jenny Tonge were at, that was disrupted by a Zionist squad. It may have been following the flotilla massacre. The leader of the intervention squad berated one of the people on the platform for using the word “you” in response to the baiting. The person had said “You’re disrupting our meetings and we’re not having it”, or something like that. The Zionist squad leader acted as if he’d been racially abused. “What do you mean by using the word ‘You’?”
White neo-Nazis certainly say whites are discriminated against, but I can’t think of any other racist group that disrupts its anti-racist opponents’ meetings and says the only reason their opponents are opposing the disruption is because their opponents are racist.
Another example is where that Zionist nutter wanted to push through a pro-Palestinian demonstration in London, got prevented, and then shouted to the rooftops that Jews weren’t safe on the streets, and that the only reason he hadn’t been able to barge through his opponents’ protest demo was because he was Jewish – as if he was completely oblivious to the fact that many Jewish people were taking part in the demonstration and were just as welcome as anyone else who was taking part.
Start accepting insanity as sane and you get crushed. Similar point could be made about the trans cult. There’s only one power committing genocide in the Middle East, and it’s not Saudi or Iran.
“‘Yesssss!’: Israel reacts to Donald Trump’s return to power in US election.”
(Al Jazeera).
“Even before the US presidential election polls had closed on Tuesday night, Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had taken to Twitter, posting “Yesssss” in English, while adding emojis of a flexing bicep and images of the Israeli and American flags.“
Staff at the Guardian have been offered free counselling as a result of Trump’s victory.
Was this the case for Gaza or not needed in that case?
Speculation abounds on Trump’s Foreign policy team especially in relation to Israel/ Palestine. Some of trumps comments are disturbing to say the least (in an interview aired Thursday, Trump said that Israel needs to “finish what they started” and “get it over with fast,” CNN). But even more disturbing is this…
Howard Lutnick, the Jewish billionaire heading the Trump transition team, has already stated he’s working closely with Jared Kushner on hiring personnel for the administration; and former ‘Never Trumper’ Ben Shapiro has indicated ultra-Zionists Mike Pompeo and David Friedman will be in charge of Trump’s “Israel policy.” Shapiro disclosed the information during an online debate with Jewish activists Sam Harris and Bari Weiss, telling them, “on his Israel policy, Mike Pompeo and David Friedman are the most likely people to be in the administration . . . I know precisely the people talking to him — I’m not speculating about that.” Later in the segment, Shapiro rightly stated that “Trump is the most pro-Israel president in American history,” revealing where his, and so many of his co-religionists’, true interests lie.
Of course the Zionists having the backing of Zion Don will not save the racist, genocidal supremacist state. Is my last sentence an arrestable offence in UK?
We can already feel that the American people have made their choice for the worse of two evils, at least bearing in mind the future of Palestine.
Unless Vladimir gracefully decides to use his influence upon Donald to convince him to spare what remains of the Gaza population….
The least worst if you please. Mind you I wouldn’t have voted for either of them.
Yael Kahn, whose Jewish family suffered under the Nazis, was arrested in London yesterday for speaking up against the neo-Nazi State of Israel which commits genocide right in front of our eyes. She was equating Nazis with the actions of the Israeli state. In my opinion they are worse in many respects, as outlined in ICJ opinion.
Zionism and Nazism are bedfellows. Why the surprise at Israel’s behaviour? When have they ever talked about respect or accommodation of anyone else’s rights or opinions?
Do you want world peace or Israel? You can’t have both.
Zionism is Jewish Nazism.
Also the mentality of the Zionists, rabidly committed to ethnic war and supremacism, is extremely akin to the mentality of uneducated smackhead thicko white thugs who rant on the top decks of buses about “the P***s” all the time, but in the case of the Zionists they whore their intellects (which are nowhere near as big as the think) to “justify” supremacism, land theft, population displacement, and genocide by using words that aren’t just grunts and “You’re gonna get yer ‘eads kicked in”. (Football fans in the Netherlands excepted.) The trick is not to listen. Zionazis gonna act Zionazi. Zionazis gonna keep going on about Hitler too, the guy they would have absolutely adored if they hadn’t been born into the family religious background that they were, in other words if they’d been among the “chosen” at that time and place.
Note to journalists: be careful about mentioning the “we kill Arab children” chanting in the Netherlands if you want to keep your jobs. Make sure everything is cleared by the usual channels.
The zionist antisemites have made a splendid fig-leaf for American Caesar. I hope that they’ve pushed their luck too far this time.
Stories like this one by British regime media are being put out in the British MSM at what seems like around one per day.
I mean stories that say (or imply) that someone wrote some bad stuff on the internet, or at least said some bad stuff somewhere, and they are being hammered by the state because of it.
The details say that this guy was successfully sued for harassment. I am not quite sure why the CPS didn’t prosecute him, but there you go. Two private individuals sued him and they were successful, according to this article:
“Arena attack conspiracist ordered to pay £45k”
The most consumed parts of a media article are the headline, the photo, and the caption.
Here they are
1. “Arena attack conspiracist ordered to pay £45k ”
2. A photo of a man who looks a little unkempt.
3. The caption “Richard Hall claimed the Manchester Arena bombing was staged”
I don’t believe this bombing was faked, and I agree that saying it was faked causes distress to survivors and to the families of those who were killed. But this isn’t the point. The headline doesn’t say “Harasser of Arena bombing survivors ordered to pay compensation”.
Question of free speech. Did this person actually harass survivors, or did he just say things publicly that upset them.
I don’t know the facts but there’s a world of difference with plenty of counter examples. Just saying …
UN put civilian deaths in Gaza at atleast 70%, chillingly, most of the verified deaths in Gaza were children between the ages of five and nine.
But who cares right? The number could be 99% civilian deaths and west would still claim “israel only defend itself”.
Kudos to Ireland though:
Ireland says will join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at ICJ
Ireland’s Foreign Minister Micheal Martin announced on Thursday just a day after the Irish parliament passed a non-binding motion agreeing that “genocide is being perpetrated before our eyes by Israel in Gaza.”
But, herr Starmer says they have that right. What an honourable man.
70% and the West does absolutely f*ck all to stop it – the Orange One Trump won’t do anything either. Netanyahu has him firmly in his pocket, via powerful US lobby groups and individuals who support the Zionists genocide – the world’s countries leaders, albeit except a handful – are too afraid of US sanctions and interventions in their countries to help stop the genocide in a physical sense – never mind a political sense – the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
Spain has denied permission to two US ships suspected of carrying weapons – that are bound for Israel, in May the Spanish authorities decided to ban ships from docking in Spanish ports that were carrying weapons headed to Israel.
However, an investigation by the two NGOs: Progressive International and the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) earlier this week – showed that US cargo ships carrying weapons to Israel, stopped at the southern port of Algeciras in the Mediterranean Sea, during at least 25 journeys between May and September this year.
So Maccabi Tel Aviv football fans ran riot in Amsterdam on Wednesday and Thursday,
ripping-off Palestinian flags from locals houses – and assaulting folk who took the side of the oppressed Palestinian people.
It shows us how corrupt FIFA is when it is allowing an murderous occupying force that’s committing genocide to play in international tournaments when they should be banned – FIFA head Gianni Infantino, is a disgusting individual.
Of course any resistance against these vile nasty footie fans has been described by the Zionists and the media whores as anti-Semitic – even that useless tosser – the Dutch PM Dick Schoof fell over himself, trying to apologise to the Zionists thugs and Netanyahu.
I have little doubt that various ‘organisations’ were backing the visit. Cause trouble – get some back – cry to the media. A bit like diving in a match.
Fortunately no 2k bombs or exploding pagers were used in the ‘incident’.
No idea why they are in the European Leagues.
Anyway – I imagine Israel will be allowed to win Eurovision next year as an apology, for all the anti-semitism.
“And a good thing too” – cried the Guardian.
@RoS – I’m not au fait with football practices, but wouldn’t the interruption by a club’s fans of a minute’s silence for flood victims in itself (even aside from the pro-genocidalist chants and the acts of violence committed by the Israeli fans) be considered grounds for a club to be sanctioned?
Let’s not forget the Amsterdam diamond market. There’s probably a lot of monied support in certain quarters for the genocidal fascists.
Here’s an Al-Jazeera report:
It shows comments of the lady mayor of Amsterdam, but there is no mention of anti-Palestinian racism.
Ah, come on. Just days after Trump elected, the deep state unveils an Iranian plot to kill Trump (and American Jews):
The case is brought forward by AG Merrick Garland (a self-professed zionist jew):
“Iranian asset charged in plot to assassinate Trump, DOJ says”
“There are few actors in the world that pose as grave a threat to the national security of the United States as does Iran,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement. “
Trump have earlier said that Iran should be bombed to bits:
Trump threatens to blow Iran ‘to smithereens’ if candidates face threats from Tehran
This is such an obvious attempt to bait the “anti-war” Trump to aid Israel and probably bomb Iran himself.
Is this another of FBI phoney entrapment cases? Or set up by Israeli agents?
All sounds sketchy as hell, with the alleged central plotter/suspect conveniently fleeing back to Iran?
In the campaign, Trump made a big play out of the fact his would be a presidency of peace and he’d eschew US involvement in conflicts, not pursue them. This is in part, how he won the important swing state, Michigan, standing alongside Arab community leaders as he contrasted his approach to Biden’s. His MAGA base clearly wants an end to the expensive, dangerously poised Obama legacy conflict in Ukraine, and to dial down tensions with Russia. Nor do they want any new military interventions in the ME.
Unhappy about any rapprochement with Putin’s Russia, the US/UK intel services could try to use Iran, to put Trump’s administration on a collision course with Putin?
I notice that Ron Paul, longtime US military intervention skeptic and father of the excellent Rand Paul, has urged Trump not to appoint neocons’ Rubio or Pompeo, as Secretary of State. These administration appointments really are going to be crucial. Ron Paul knows the GOP establishment have always had a love/hate relationship with MAGA & Trump; in that they love the success he’s brought, but hate the man and his populist MAGA movement – it’s always been a marriage of convenience for them, ever since Trump forced himself onto the political scene. Trump will need good advice if he’s to keep his promises and navigate Washington’s nest of vipers, including those neocons in his own party, very few of whom share his MAGA worldview, And the omens aren’t good, because he messed up dreadfully last time with multiple appointees who screwed him over, only later revealing they hated his guts.
Yes how were these alleged interviews conducted with this alleged nefarious iranian? It seems that they knew that the case was too weak and let him go.
It is obvious that the military-industrial complex is worried about getting less funds and getting less power under Trump, that Trump, at the least will tone down that Russia – but also North Korea – is not an enemy to the US which now cause ire in The Complex. So instead these shady people try to pivot and manufacture a narrative that Iran is the new boogeyman with made up threats. I am sure the israelis already feeding the americans with bs allegations and bs-intelligence about Iran.
2001: ‘Mossad capable of US attack’: US Army officials
Leading US Army analysts believe Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, is “ruthless and cunning,” “a wildcard” that has (the) capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.
According to Michael Collins Paper’s “Final Judgment” Israel was very much involved in the JFK assassination.
Congratulations. Hope you are feeling extremely satisfied with your purity vote, in getting Trump elected.
Well done, old boy.
I’d like to think that by the time Dick Cheney is being presented as a lesser evil it would be possible to admit the utter bankruptcy of lesser-evil as a long-term voting strategy.
Shakeri told the FBI that a contact in Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard instructed him this past September to set aside other work he was doing and assemble a plan within seven days to surveil and ultimately kill Trump…
…The criminal complaint says Shakeri disclosed some of the details of the alleged plots in a series of recorded telephone interviews with FBI agents while in Iran. The stated reason for his cooperation, he told investigators, was to try to get a reduced prison sentence for an associate behind bars in the U.S. -AP
Note. “a contact’ and ‘to get a reduced sentence’… i.e. could be total BS.This is the sort of uncorroborated nonsense, any spy agency in the world could cook up in two minutes, with a willing accomplice or two, from among those who despise the Iranian regime.
Why shouldn’t these Israeli football thugs assume they have total impunity to behave as they like, assault and vandalise, get in everyone’s faces with their Jewish Supremacy, boast about war crimes, and then screech about victimhood if any retaliation occurs?
All their IDF murder squads do it, their government does it, in front of the whole world, and then the world’s governments apologises if anyone said anything that hurt their feelings.
There are no rules for Israelis. That is how they see the world, and for good reason – we (the west) set these rules for others – not them. Israelis first – even before our own citizens. That is simply the way it is now.
I’m shocked with this turn of events, and by all the official cover being provided by the EU’s leadership and national leaders, and the one-sided apportioning of blame that flies in the face of all the video and audio evidence.
As I assess events:
Israeli fans arrived acting like yobs : singing songs about genocide and the IDF’s exploits; songs presumably designed to provoke a hostile reaction among the indigenous Muslim community of mainly Moroccan descent; said community then reacted and the Israeli fans and their govt collectively played the ‘anti-Semitic’ card.
Even Biden has chimed in with a wholly distorted misinformed take on events.
Claims of ‘antisemitism’ should have no place being made in the context of football hooliganism. And on that, as you say, do the normal rules of conduct not apply to rampaging Israelis? Maddening times.
Given that national service in Israel is from age 18yrs, and the average football yob is in their 20s. We can assume the majority of the Israeli ‘fans’ have served or are serving in the IOF and therefore have been directly involved in the genocide.
None of these war criminals will be prosecuted by the Dutch.
Suppose all the controversy at least hid the fact that Maccabi Tel-Aviv got thrashed by Ajax 5 – 0
Their journo ‘assets’ certainly won the propaganda war tho… salvaging something from the trip.
The real question is : how come Israeli teams taking part at all, when Russian teams are banned? The lack of action from all the sporting bodies, international trade bodies; EU leadership the stalled processes of the ICJ and ICC, suggest this tiny country has way, way too much power and influence.
The worst of it is the fact the average Israeli holds views, about killing Palestinians and stealing land, that most people in Europe and the US would find utterly abhorrent.
The massive exaggerations evoking Kristallnacht and pogroms is being driven by Israeli social media accounts as far as I can tell. This is feeding into hype being put about by various Zionist controlled media and sponsored politicians across Europe i.e. most western govts.
The context for this absurd scaremongering: apparently Israel has seen a huge decampment by tens of thousands of dual nationals since the Gaza and Lebanon wars began, plus there’s been the Iranian salvos. Living in a warzone, not knowing if a missile may land on you, and/or the thought of being drafted isn’t attractive to wealthy, partying Israeli dual nationals, with homes in Europe and the US they can return to. Creating the impression Jews aren’t safe anywhere in Europe, has long been an objective of far-right govts in Israel, in an attempt to spur settlements in Israel. They know if the population falls, their expansionist dream is over.
The idea that Jews are safe and peaceful in Israel is itself a total nonsense.
Do Jews have to be escorted to and from synagogues by guards wielding machine guns _anywhere_ except in stolen, occupied land?
Have Jews, worldwide, ever been under such threat until recently, when BB tainted an entire race by cynical association with the crimes of IDF death squads?
killing children is self-defence.
beating racist thugs is a pogrom.
anybody who questions this steps beyond the bounds of respectability and exposes themselves as the very worst kind of racist.
True leftists aren’t pissed off though, are they? Most are curious, I’d imagine.
The US Left – Right political spectrum is so messed up, an argument can be made that MAGA is to the left of the Democrats – certainly Trump’s economic protectionism is. On civil liberties? Well, the Democrats have abandoned defending those; no party is more pro censorship and surveillance than the modern day Democrats. The only pushback against auto FISA warrantless surveillance renewal came from the MAGA folks.
On foreign policy, and the question as to which party is the most hawkish? Historically that was easy to answer : the Republicans were, but with all the military adventurism under Obama and Biden, you’d be hard pressed to say which party is the most hawkish and dovish today.
With the likes of Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy tipped for administration roles, and Trump’s promise to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht and pardon Snowden, there is reason a plenty for hope among libertarians, anti-war people and leftists.
In the US, political labels : Fascist, right-winger; liberal, leftist, communist, have ceased to have any meaning, because they’ve been so misapplied over the years.
I was watching a video today –
Remembering When Obama Declared Linux Users “Extremists”
– according to whose author, Obama and Biden are both “leftists”, and even “extreme leftists”, or “hard leftists”!
(I posted a pained comment, but no doubt YouTube has shadow-banned it in its usual fashion.)
Imagine if Dutch fans went to a football match in Israel and started pulling down Israeli flags, and at the match itself started chanting anti-genocide slogans and pro-Palestinian slogans, and then in the hours after the match Israeli football fans started attacking Dutch football fans because of what they’d done, I wonder what the narrative would have been and how it would have been reported by the MSM (I know it’s not a precise analogy, as that would have amounted to Israeli football fans pulling down Dutch flags).
I can only imagine that the Dutch football fans would have been castigated by all and sundry and accused of antisemitism and being antisemites AND deliberately provoking the Israeli football fans. But, then again, they’d probably have it as the Dutch football fans attacking the Israeli football fans. And given that Benny the Baby Killer and Mass Murderer said the following regards what happened in Amsterdam (this from an ITV News article):
:”Prime Minister Netanyahu said that he views with utmost gravity the planned antisemitic attack against Israeli citizens and requested that security be increased for the Dutch Jewish community,” the Prime Minister’s office wrote on X.
I can’t help wondering if it WAS all planned – ie planned that Mossad agents planted in Israeli football fan groups instigated the chanting at the match and pulling down Palestinian flags so as to provoke a response. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
The ITV News article follows the official narrative of course, but it does at least mention this:
Dutch broadcaster NOS also reported a Palestinian flag was ripped off a building in the city centre on Wednesday.
Large crowds of supporters of the Israeli team are reported to have chanted anti-Arab slogans ahead of the game. Maccabi fans are understood to have used the same chant during recent matches in Israel.
My word, what a coincidence…. I am of course aware of Kristallnacht (which the episode is absurdly being compared to), but I don’t have it in my memory banks when it happened, so I just checked. And it was the 9th and 10th of November, and in the wikipedia entry for the Amsterdam episode it speaks about ‘the upcoming commemoration of the Kristallnach’, which I wasn’t aware was a thing until now.
It also says the following in the wikipedia entry:
Local authorities cited concerns over the potential for conflict in various areas.[4] On the night before the match, police reportedly intervened to prevent a confrontation between a group of taxi drivers and a separate group of visitors from the nearby Holland Casino.[4][16] Prior to the match, video footage circulating on social media showing Maccabi fans chanting anti-Arab slurs and singing “death to the Arabs”.[5][21] Other footage and reports showed individuals tearing down and burning[22] Palestinian flags in Amsterdam, though the timing of these incidents remain unclear.[4][21] Maccabi supporters were also filmed attacking an Arab taxi driver,[23] and it was reported that hooligans threatened passers-by and interrupted the minute of silence for the victims of the 2024 Spanish floods….
I kid you not. We’re next. If we can’t cuddle up to Trump real quick, and develop a strategy to protect minorities and prevent provocations, then Tommy Robinson will seem like a Teddy Bear’s Picnic when our Zionist infiltrators in government let in the wolves. We the sheeple would like peace please.
Too late – that boat has sailed. Tommy Robinson is not the problem; he’s used to distract you from the reality of who controls the UK government, and it’s not Westminster.
There is no telling what the cunning regime of Israel is up to, always plotting, manipulating. It is amazing, unfortunately, that it works so good. It is like Israel/israelis could do whatever they want and there will be no repercussion which in turn only embolden the zionists.
Besides, where is this type of framing now huh?
Whitehall fears Russian football hooligans had Kremlin links
UK government: we suspect many of those who attacked England supporters are in Russia’s uniformed services, fighting Putin’s ‘hybrid warfare’
Netherlands should instead of appeasing the perpetrator arrest the israeli hooligans and look up if they have been involved in war crimes in Gaza.
This Owen Jones vid is a pretty comprehensive evaluation of what happened in Amsterdam and well worth checking out:
Racist Israeli Football Thugs RAMPAGE In Amsterdam – And Media LIES
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clHlvgOPrWY (9mins 32secs)
And as he says at the end of the video, we cannot let our media consistently gaslight and lie to us….. In other words, we really have to expose their lies to the millions they are duping and deceiving and gaslighting and manipulating, a media which I would compare with that of the Nazis. And I don’t mean just the UK MSM of course.
Important to remember that the instant Jeremy Corbyn became leader Owen Jones suddenly began claiming there was a grave “antisemitism crisis” among the members who had elected him.
Jones was a key figure in duping, deceiving and gaslighting people on the left about the veracity of that pan-establishment scam. (Novara Media too: Aaron Bastani told BBC viewers that antisemitism was “endemic” among Corbyn supporters.)
In the unlikely event another threat like Corbyn appears, you can be certain these people will perform the same role again.
Yes, given his coverage of the genocide in Gaza and the totally biased reporting of the situation by most of the MSM and their playing along with the demonisation of those marching and demonstrating in support of the Palestinians, it’s highly HIGHLY improbable that OJ didn’t know that it was all a black op smear campaign. And it seems inconceivable that at some point he didn’t ask himself why it is that none of the groups and organisations and individuals accusing JC and KL and JW et al of antisemitism had, at any point, reported a single one of them to the police for hate speech/racism. Or realise that it was a smear campaign to sabotage his leadership for a number of glaringly obvious reasons.
Anyway, that’s as may be, and it doesn’t detract from the fact that he’s been one of the most outspoken, and one of the most prominent critics of Israel and the MSM in relation to Gaza etc.
They all knew it was a scam, Allan, yet Owen and Ash Sarkar (in particular) labelled anybody who questioned it as a “crank”. (Default smear of the Labour hard right).
Novara Media are controlled ‘opposition’, that’s why they get invited onto BBC’s Question Time.
Sinners can repent.
He has not resiled from it one iota, yet is now confidently accusing others of gaslighting and lying.
So there was talk of the Israeli military flying in to assist the Israeli thugs in the Netherlands.
Got to wonder how long it will be until there start to be reruns of Entebbe in Europe.
There was one in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2013.
Before that, there was almost one in Mumbai, India, in 2008.
The talk of sending in the military won’t have just been in connection with whether it would be a civilian or a military evacuation plane. (For what it’s worth, all Israeli pilots are military trained.)
On the positive side: these events with the Israeli thugs are likely to be positive for left-wing consciousness in the Netherlands, the European country which may have had the most left-wing resistance to Covid lockdown. This is especially so in a country where regardless of who you vote for, and regardless of whether you vote or don’t vote, some c*** from the intelligence and security service becomes the head of the government.
Does anyone know whether the left in the Netherlands makes a fuss about the Mossad European HQ being in that country, namely at Schiphol airport? (Information comes from Victor Ostrovsky.)
It’s been obvious in the Netherlands since 1992 when Israeli flight 1862 crashed into a block of flats in Amsterdam, carrying chemical weapons, and no investigation was ever allowed to get to the bottom of it, who calls the shots in that country when they want to.
“Netanyahu also ordered the country’s spy agency to draw up a plan to prevent violence at events abroad. “I have instructed the head of the Mossad [David Barnea] and other officials to prepare our courses of action, our alert system and our organisation for a new situation,” he said in a video statement during a meeting at the Foreign Ministry to oversee the evacuation of Israelis from Amsterdam.”
Let’s be clear, these ‘Israeli football thugs’ are all members of the IDF.
At least 43000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza during this war since the Israelis attacked, and about 340 Israelis have been killed. (I don’t know how many of the Israelis were killed in friendly fire or by jumping for joy too hard, falling off of control towers, etc.) So the Zionists are exceeding their usual 100:1 rule. This is excluding occupiers killed on the day of the concentration camp breakout.
About 70% of Palestinians killed have been women or children:
The true genocide death toll is at least half a million..
This is what a real holocaust looks like.
When 70% of the dead are women and children, it is certainly not a fkn “war”.
This is pretty damn good – ie a three minute vid on Middle East Eye’s youtube channel:
‘People were afraid to wear their keffiyeh’ says pro-Palestine Amsterdam local
And then check out this total Israeli propaganda B/S on the Sun’s youtube channel:
Israeli football fans ‘hunted’ by anti-Semitic mob in Amsterdam at Ajax v Maccabi Tel-Aviv match
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKf3c2r5pG4 (5mins)
But it appears that many of those posting comments were not impressed (there’s some 2,400 comments at the time of writing/typing)
And this was quite a good post in one youtube vid (which I won’t bother posting a link to):
It is antisemitic to not allow far right football hooligans to rampage across European cities chanting genocidal songs and disrupting a minutes silence for victims of the floods in Valencia.
And this one in the comments section of a Times vid (which I WILL post a link to):
Not a fair fight, Israelis didn’t have tanks, air support and the ground troops
Israeli football fans attacked by pro-Palestine mob in Amsterdam
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km0NPX9VTDg (1min 8secs)
PS Talk TV….
“Really Dark Stuff” | ‘Jew Hunt’ In Amsterdam By Pro-Palestine Mob
Yep, Talk TV is definitely really dark stuff, or Fascist Talk TV, as I call it. As with the comments, many of them written and posted by their nazi fucking shills!
OBj, I just this moment came across this one, and it seems that GB News is trying to outdo Talk TV in the rabidness department. I’m not suggesting that anyone watch the whole poisonous thing, but check out the first two or three minutes, just to get a taste:
HEATED: Patrick EXPLODES at Guest in FIERY Row Over ‘RABID’ Pro-Palestine Jew Hunt In Amsterdam
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5IXQlqYAvY (13mins 42secs)
Talk TV’s Julia Hartley-Brewer is genuinely a chilling creature. Interestingly Sky News had a good summary of the event:
But the comment-section is horrid.
Note that the depraved israeli hooligans made noise during the 1 minute silence for the spanish flood victims
Video: https://x.com/owenjonesjourno/status/1854975016917463349
What the h-ll is wrong with these people?? They are so far off common human decency. I cannot come up with any other regime that act like Israel and their depraved population. The only ones I could think of is Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy but I am not sure even their population acted like this?
Next week Israel team will play in France and the Maccabees will go to Turkey in some weeks.
France plays Israel at Stade de France near Paris next Thursday in the Nations League and Maccabi Tel Aviv’s next Europa League game is scheduled in Istanbul on November 28 against Besiktas.
As long as western media, politicians, authorities keep a blind eye on the Gaza genocide and shield the despicable israeli hooligans in the streets of europe but I am not so sure the pro-palestinian streets in europe will keep up with this appeasement of Israel.
Yes. The populations of nazi Germany and Italy had their thugs but they were not the majority, even amongst the military. However, it’s totally switched in Israel, the thugs are the majority and ‘normal’ in an aberrational minority.
Here’s hoping the Israelis get a good, sound ‘welcoming’ in Turkey and France.
OTOH. Never underestimate corrupt FIFA rescheduling to a ‘friendly’ country !
It’s just a way to put their operatives in position, arriving as fans, and then embedding ready for orders. Our European domestic surveillance systems will be overwhelmed, but checking in, and checking out, all the arrivals must out the sleepers, or we will find the forward battalions are already in place. Time to get on a war footing. Reds under the beds, folks, keep your eyes and ears open for anomalies
AIPAC now brags how 98% of their backed candidates in the election, became elected:
98% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their general election so far!
We are proud to stand with pro-Israel Democrats and Republicans to strengthen bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!
I cannot understand from all the talk about russian interefence, (alleged interference that is), and still westerners do not see/realize what the israeli lobby is up to this machinations right in the open? It is absurd that AIPAC and other pro-israeli influence operation groups are not required to be registered as a foreign agent.
In other news:
Mossad agents to join Maccabi Tel Aviv FC trip to Amsterdam
Think about that, israeli gov. spy agents running around attacking people, destroying property in Amsterdam like some type of agent provocateur. What is that if not subversive, interfering actions? Look what the result is. Just like Israel want, westerners are pitted against immigrants, muslims, arabs.
This weekend is commemoration of Kristal night and my wife and I planned to go there as well to be fair to both atrocities. Funny enough she got info from pro Palestine site. Apparently was cancelled. Since we don’t speak Dutch
I am not sure if all ? ” Gathering” or just the one organised by the pro Palestine activists.
I took me ages to understand
Much ado about nothing ( or something like that)
“senior US officials reportedly said Washington would no longer accept the presence of Hamas representatives in Qatar”
I smell Israel’s influence. This would make the pretend peace moves more difficult.
I thought Qatar were one of the least corrupt regarding Palestine but obviously I was wrong. How corrupt are these arab leaders, is there no bottom to their treachery!? They are close to 500 million arabs with tremendous influence themselves, but bow down to Israel/US just like that.
Qatar withdraws as key mediator in Gaza ceasefire talks: Diplomatic source
What on earth are these people afraid of?! They should take the lead, they are the ones that should put demands on US, Israel, West!
J: What on earth are these people afraid of?!
Which people, the leaders or the population?
The leaders are terrified of the people, and require US support (military ‘aid’) to keep their people down, and personally enrich themselves into the bargain. If these leaders as much as cough in the wrong way, they’ll be assassinated or kicked out in a military coup and find themselves facing a firing squad at the very best.
The entire country could be found to be a “terrorist state” too – like Iraq and Libya – if the leaders have too much control for the military to turn against them.
If the people try rising up – as they have from time to time – they will be met with brutal repression, and even if successful, the new leaders in turn will be bribed, assassinated or coup’d out themselves if they don’t change their tune immediately, and start doing Amerika’s bidding.
That’s what they’re afraid of.
But afraid of what? Why are they so terribly anti-palestinian to begin with?
Rather it seems that they want to move away from the goal of being independent actors to become more “adult”, in the eyes of the west, to brush off the palestinian question once and for all and make full peace with Israel.
For the population I would say It is about overturning this corrupt mindset and the corrupt leaders. It is about creating pan-arabist nations. Great majority of arab populations believe Palestine is of great importance. Thus the populations throughout the arab world are the people that need to take power and rule. They need a real revolution (just like westerners). Arab spring proved how shaky these regimes are when the people start protesting in the street.
J: But afraid of what?
Jack, didn’t you read what I said? They – the leaders – don’t express support for the Palestinians because they are ordered not to – except in the most measly-mouthed and ineffectual trrms, which are most certainly not backed up with any action.
If they don’t want to be shot/assassinated, they will obey their Amerikan/Zionist orders.
Look at what happens to our own leaders if they don’t tow the Zionist’s lines! Look how we’re treated, as criminals and racists, when we oppose genocide!
Can you imagine what it’s like in middle Eastern countries, where there’s not even a pretence at free speech or human rights? And where government leaders are routinely assassinated, coups regularly take place, and citizens are dissappeared in their thousands without much notice being taken.
And why is this? Became we – the West – have no concern whatsoever at such human rights abuses. Unless we find their government is failing to follow orders, of course.
The Qataris have always been sketchy. They were a British protectorate remember. They’re home to US CENTCOM, at the Al Udeid Air Base, a role established by a Defense Cooperation Agreement in 1996.
KSA accused them of being the main financiers of Sunni terror groups operating in Syria against Assad, remember, and that accusation didn’t change their relationship with the US/UK – so make of that what you will. Sure, they’ve given a haven to Hamas in Qatar, but it’s alleged that was done at the US’s behest rather than that of the group itself. The US feared the alternative, that of them setting up in Iran, making surveillance etc impossible. Plus it allowed the US to maintain a dialogue (keep channels open) with the group, while having plausible deniability.
The fact Qatar is kicking them out, suggests to me, that the US thinks they are done and finished as a major player. And looking at their murdered leadership, and situation in Gaza, it’s not hard to realise why.
Jared Kushner has close business links with the Qatari dictatorship.
Qatar has now withdrawn as mediator in Gaza ceasefire and prisoner release talks.
If Hamas leaders get thrown out of Qatar, is there another Arab country they could go to, or will they have to go to Iran? This is assuming they manage to get to the airport.
If that happens, the MSM in the USA and its bumsniffer countries are bound to imply to their punters that Hamas and Iran are very close in their religious beliefs, which they aren’t.
None of the poor Arab countries are going to want to invite Hamas in. Medium-wealth Lebanon won’t. Rich UAE and Bahrain are already in it with Kushner. Saudi? I really don’t think so. Let’s hope they find somewhere to go. Might be a choice between Yemen and Iran.
Your concerns are more than justified. Nobody’s got the answer to your questions. But what’s obvious is that Trump 2 means disaster for the Palestinian cause and its resistance organizations.
Kushner is just a pawn in the game, but clearly in the wrong direction…
The Palestinians have been mercilessly slaughtered for over a year by the Democrats. Genocided. Do you think anyone will forget that even as it’s still happening?
Kushner is much more than a pawn.
Not heard about this book before, published on August 20th this year:
Monstrous Anger of the Guns: How the Global Arms Trade is Ruining the World and What We Can Do About It – book review
Monstrous Anger of the Guns: How the Global Arms Trade is Ruining the World and What We Can Do About It, eds. Rhona Michie, Andrew Feinstein and Paul Rogers with Jeremy Corbyn (Pluto 2024), 304pp.
This volume of essays on the arms trade valuably outlines the unconscionable harms and injustices caused by the industry, and how we can fight against it, finds Jamal Elaheebocus
‘What passing-bells for those who die as cattle?
– Only the monstrous anger of the guns’
That is the quotation from poet Wilfred Owen which inspires the title of the new book published by Pluto Press alongside Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace and Justice Project. Edited by Rhona Michie, Andrew Feinstein and Paul Rogers, all renowned for their work campaigning against the arms trade, it is a thorough analysis and striking exposé of the arms trade globally in this period of escalating war…..
‘Equips readers with the information they need to resist the lies that feed humanity’s urge to commit suicide. Read it!’
— Yanis Varoufakis, economist and politician
‘Devastating testimony. Faultless research. It’s impossible to exaggerate the timeliness of this powerfully written book’
— Peter Oborne, journalist and broadcaster
‘The importance of this book cannot be overstated’
— Mary Nazzal, barrister and legal activist
Caitlin Johnstone…
The newspapers keep saying the air in Gaza smells like corpses.
Like rotting human flesh; the entire Gaza Strip.
They say it emanates from the rubble.
Pervades everything.
It’s just what Gaza smells like,
like how Hershey, Pennsylvania smells like chocolate,
or how Milpitas, California smells like landfill.
I bet you can never get the smell out…..
Came across the following in a youtube video a few hours ago, and as I just discovered, Skwawkbox posted about it as well:
Sky News deletes TWO videos on Israeli thugs rampaging through Amsterdam
Broadcaster Sky News has done a double-delete on headlines and articles about the rampage through Amsterdam by racist Israeli thugs, after UK politicians and news media ignored the clear truth to claim that the Israelis were the victim of antisemitic attacks. Some outlets even copied Israel’s war criminal PM and compared the evening to Kristallnacht, the night the nazis smashed the windows of Jewish shops and attacked Jewish people before the Second World War….
And I just spotted this on The Times of Israel website, posted a couple of days ago:
Netanyahu: 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht ‘marked on the streets of Amsterdam’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday that the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht was “marked on the streets of Amsterdam” a day earlier when hundreds of Maccabi Tel Aviv soccer fans were attacked by anti-Israel mobs.
“Tomorrow, 86 years ago, was Kristallnacht, when Jews on European soil were attacked for being Jews. This has now recurred,” Netanyahu said referring to the events of November 9, 1938, a Nazi pogrom that marked a turning point in the escalating persecution of Jews that eventually led to the murder of 6 million European Jews by the Nazis and their supporters during the Holocaust.
“There is one difference now, though, the Jewish people now have a state of their own,” Netanyahu said in a statement…
As someone somewhere pointed out earlier (perhaps on here) people have been leaving Israel in droves and moving to countries in Europe, or the USA, or wherever, for months and months now, so Benny the Baby Killer and Mass Murderer and his fascist buddies, like the good little zionist scum they are, want to scare Jews around the world into believing no-where is safe – “Just look what happened in Amsterdam” – and scare them into returning to Israel, or moving to Israel for the first time. And all based on total lies. I mean there is just no limit to the depths of their evil, and I have little doubt that it was all planned in advance of the match.
Apologies (for so many posts), but I just came across this, and it’s a MUST read, and especially re the Ynet article:
Israel Keeps Finding New Ways To Play Victim While Committing Genocide
Israel is really struggling with how difficult its present circumstances make playing the victim. It keeps having to invent new abuses to be victimized by like the imaginary Amsterdam “pogrom”….
In a new article on “the expanding ground occupation of the Gaza Strip by the IDF” about the way Israel has been carving up Gaza and seizing more and more territory, Israel’s Ynet News reports that far right elements within the Israeli government are simply waiting for the Israeli hostages held by Hamas to die so that their deaths can be used to justify continued occupation and the construction of Jewish settlements in Gaza.
Okay – next step up towards WWIII:
The Book of Esther is key to understanding the mindset of the infiltration of key levers of power and government. Place a high status bride in the ruling elite and her father will control the dupee. When the King of Persia is sleeping Esther will let the invading armies into the palace to kill the king and secure the palace. This is the core teaching to children in faith schools.
Think Starmer. Think Kamala. Think Clinton’s daughter’s biological father and her husband. Think Biden’s children’s’ spouses. Think Imran Khan. Think Theresa May (arms producer trillionaire husband). Cameron (beef burger, knife and fork, no bacon sandwich – code to not accept Miliband minor) Israel claims Diana was sired by Zac Goldsmith’s father. His father could have claimed England and Pakistan. Think sweet Princess Kate, whose family home is in Jordan.
AIPAC claims 98% control of both Houses in the US.
Think into the kind of mindset that can plan treachery into every alliance. This is so new, so shocking, and so undermining of all that is good, kind and fair, yet, to suggest people wake from their stupor to see their new overlords as less benign than previously thought, is hard
Friends of Israel has purged human rights, anti racists from both Parties’ core leadership cliques in the UK by accusing anti racists of criticising the Zionists.
The net is closing and no one knows what to do. Jeremy Corbyn’s kind and caring inclusive leadership is, like our genial host here, a light in the dark, a guide from exile and a shining example of the finest qualities of our shared humanity.
I cannot stop thinking about the absurdities in Amsterdam. Even the Dutch king came out in support for the israeli hooligans.
Imagine if russian hooligans flooded into Amsterdam, chanted racist songs of “Kill the ukrainians and their children”! Ripping down and burning ukrainian flags, assaulting people, destroying property, making noise during the silent minute for the spanish flood-victims and of top of it, russian intelligence services agents mingling with these hooligans.
Would these russian hooligans get support from the Dutch king?? Would people claim that this a pogrom against russians?! Of course not. The behavior of the russian hooligans would be framed like a declaration of war by Russia!
Increasingly it feels like one live in the Twillight Zone.
National oops day. Oops we lost 10 million people, oops its still happening and oops we want to remember them in style to make sure everyone realises it and is prepared to do it all over again when the next lot of psychos decide to have another go.
Coniving to achieve.
If I have felt any collars or touched on expected personal grieving on the day, apologies.
Lets hope the zionist occupiers of Palestine will stop trying to bomb Beirut airport, cause that is the only way out. Oops
Yes. We have two conflicts and maybe a third one in The South China Seas.
‘Lest we forget’? Those in charge already have.
We can have a Third World War and then none of us will be around then, so we can’t remember to forget anyway.
Nothing against the dead at all, but I’ve got everything against the living politicians warmongers and their cheerleaders in the media. “We must learn from history”, they say. Of course, none of them know any history.
It’s just another media ‘Event’. Next ‘Event’ for the media: Xmas.
Lest we forget?
Of course, how many politicians have actually served their country in the military? And that includes the majority of the big eared, in-breds club, festooned with their millions of medals. Hypocrites, politicising the millions of war dead with their various coloured poppies, that they sent to their deaths for no good reasons. Damn them all – they’re still there, and still doing it.