Lebanon and Syria: My Interview for L’Indipendente 247

What’s happening in Lebanon: interview with former British Ambassador Craig Murray
11 December 2024 – 19:00

The current situation in Lebanon is more delicate than ever. Despite the entry into force of
the fragile cease-fire between Hezbollah and Israel, the Jewish state continues to violate the
terms of the agreement, claiming that it is only conducting defensive operations. At the same
time, in Syria, the opposition front to Assad has conquered Damascus, bringing down a
dynasty that lasted over half a century without its ally Hezbollah being able to do anything.
Against this backdrop of uncertainty, Craig Murray travelled to Beirut to report on what is
happening from the ground.

Craig Murray is a former British diplomat, writer and human rights activist. He served as
UK ambassador to Uzbekistan from 2002 to 2004, exposing human rights abuses in that
country, and dedicated his post-diplomatic career to global justice issues. At the top of the
list was the Palestinian cause, for which – in the current climate of repression in the UK –
he was detained by the police, as has happened to other journalists.

I know you are currently in Lebanon: where exactly are you and what is the current situation in the

Right now I am in the capital, Beirut. The city is relatively quiet, but there are Israeli drones flying
overhead all the time. They have not bombed Beirut since the agreement came into force, but there have
been many violations by Israel in the south of the country. I have been there three or four times since the
agreement was signed, and the situation is still very tense. A few days ago, Israel killed about six people,
including a shepherd, while other shepherds have disappeared. As these small-scale violations continue,
so does the bombing. The problem I think lies in the fact that the ceasefire agreement is extremely one-
sided. It stipulates that all Lebanese groups must cease all operations against Israel, while Israel must
cease only offensive operations against Lebanon: the qualification ‘offensive operation’ applies to only
one party to the agreement.

In southern Lebanon, the Israeli army is advancing and conquering more territory?

Yes. And, again, this is a problem with the agreement. The ceasefire establishes a demilitarised zone
extending from the Litani river southwards: both sides have to leave the area completely. During the
conflict, Israel had not managed to take any territory in the demilitarised zone. It only got as far as the
Litani river once, helicoptering troops there to take a few photo-ops and bringing them quickly back. In
short, Israel is exploiting the ceasefire agreement to claim the right to operate as far as the Litani river,
despite never having arrived there during the fighting. In addition, Israel is claiming that all its current
violations are only defensive in nature. Even when they shoot shepherds and kill people at funerals. The
fact is that Hezbollah is designated by the US and Israel as a terrorist organisation; for them, the Israeli
attacks therefore do not count as violations of the agreement because they are considered anti-terrorist

At present, what role does the United States play in this picture?

The United States is in charge of the ‘mechanism’ – as it is called – for monitoring compliance with the
agreement. The document introduces a distinction I have never seen in any agreement – something
extraordinary, indeed. It says that the UN will ‘host’ the monitoring committee, although that the US will
‘chair’ it. However, ‘hosting’ has no meaning in diplomatic or practical terms. What that comes down to is
this: the UN will be allowed to provide tea and biscuits, while the US will actually run the show, although
– and this is indeed extraordinary – they are one of the parties in the conflict, not an arbiter! The bombs
that fall in Lebanon are supplied and paid for by the US.

What about the rest of the Western powers? What interests of theirs are at stake?

UNIFIL, which is the only Western force on the ground, is to have a role in monitoring the ceasefire
agreement. France, the former colonial power, will also work with the US in monitoring the cease-fire.
Paris is very anxious to maintain its role here in Lebanon, and its status as the former colonial power is
very important to Macron. So much so that, in exchange for being included in the committee, Paris agreed
to reverse its position on the ICC and Netanyahu and announced that the Israeli prime minister could visit
the country without fear of being handed over to the ICC.

Given the composition of the monitoring committee and the continuous violations that we mentioned
earlier, what do you think is Israel’s ultimate goal?

I have no doubt that Israel’s ultimate goal is the annexation of southern Lebanon, which is part of the
expansion plan for Greater Israel. The Jewish state has a long history of Zionist propagandists claiming
the Litani river as its northern border, which would mean moving the country’s current border some 25
miles further north. And there are Zionists who believe it should go even further north. An interesting
story to better understand this point concerns one of the Israeli soldiers killed during the invasion. He was
a man wearing a full military uniform and carrying a weapon, but who turned out to be a 72-year-old
archaeologist: the Israeli army takes archaeologists along to look for signs of ancient Jewish settlements
and thus come up with an excuse for annexation. Moreover, it would seem that these objectives have been
coordinated with the rebel forces in Syria, supported by Israel and the US. It is no coincidence that the
rebel attack started on the day the ceasefire in Lebanon came into effect.

Speaking of Syria, how is the front line in Lebanon changing now that Damascus has fallen?

Hezbollah now finds itself caught in the middle. These Syrian rebels are the same people who were in al-
Qaeda and ISIS, and ISIS previously occupied the mountains above the Beqaa valley. They were defeated
by Hezbollah in the past, but they still want to regain the Beqaa Valley and northern Lebanon. Thus, what
Hezbollah is likely to face in the near future, is a simultaneous attack from the north and south, Israel
attacking Hezbollah’s southern flank. And Hezbolloah is not that big in size, so I don’t know if it would
be able to deal with such a double threat. Moreover, it is by no means certain that the Lebanese army
would fight against the Syrian rebels if they entered the Beqaa valley, because the Americans also support
the Syrian rebels – the Americans pay about 50 per cent of each soldier’s salary.

What about Palestine?

Obviously the situation for the Palestinians is already disastrous, but what is happening in Syria makes it
even worse, because it removes the corridor connecting Iran to Lebanon and Hezbollah and eliminates the
possibility of opening a northern front against Israel. Now the Israelis will no longer have to fear an attack
by Hezbollah when they decide to proceed with their ethnic cleansing and annexation of the West Bank –
because, you see, I believe that the ethnic cleansing and annexation of Gaza have effectively already been
accomplished. The Israelis still have some extermination to do, they will kill many more people, but their
plans for annexation are now quite public. The West Bank, on the other hand, is still under the control of a
subservient Palestinian authority. The Israelis have yet to complete this process, because what remains of
the Palestinian population is still hanging on: but the plan is extermination, ethnic cleansing, or expulsion
The regime change in Syria saves Israel from the risk of a northern front while they are at it.

In a recent article, you raised the prospect of a final solution in the Middle East, which would consist
of the creation of two blocs: Greater Israel and, to all effects, a Sunni caliphate. Wouldn’t this go
against what has been US policy so far, namely to preserve and play on the Sunni-Shia conflict?

Eliminating the Shias would eliminate the conflict, and there would no longer be any leverage to
counter a future Sunni rebel government in Syria or parts of Lebanon.

I agree. In the Sunni-Shia divide, the balance would end up tilting decisively in favour of the Sunnis,
potentially eliminating the Shia minorities in Lebanon and Syria. I now believe that the US is prioritising
the elimination of that threat to Israel, at the expense of maintaining the divisions, thus taking a short-term
view. I think this is an example of the fact that, when it comes to formulating its Middle East policy, the
US cares more about Israel than they do about themselves. For example, when they eliminated Saddam,
they probably did not fully realise that the consequence would be a Shia-majority regime in Iraq, and
therefore an Iraq close to Iran. For now the US thinks the balance is too much in favour of Iran and
Russia and that, to a certain extent, it should be rebalanced by helping the Israelis. However, this is
terribly short-sighted; indeed, I believe it is a disastrous miscalculation: true, these groups are subordinate
to the US but only for the time being; as happened with Al-Qaeda, as well as with the Taliban, and with
all these organisations that the US supports in the short term, there will be a backlash. Before long, once
they have consolidated their power, these groups will attack the US.

A final question, perhaps the most trivial and at the same time due to be asked in this turbulent context.
What is the future of the Middle East? Can there be a peaceful future for the region?

Right now, the future of the Middle East looks very bleak. Syria looks like it will regress into a failed
state, as happened with Libya. Should the Turks increase their repression of the Kurds and deprive them
of their territories, it will be the US and Turkey who will run the oil fields there, exactly as happened in
Iraq. The rest of Syria will see a continued attempt by the Salafists to impose very strict legislation, which
will increase in intensity in this culturally diverse country. All I see with the fall of the Assad dictatorship
is the lack of control from the centre, and this could lead to massacres and repression. For the
Palestinians, of course, the situation at the moment is just as bleak.

However, I do not think that Israel can survive for long. I think Israel has now proven itself to be
essentially a fascist, racial supremacist, and genocidal entity. People around the world are forming an ever
stronger idea of what is Israel is: a pariah state, an illegitimate entity. Eventually, through moral suasion,
Israel will disappear because people will want to have nothing to do with it, and a large part of the world
will promote an enormous economic boycott.

What are the possible repercussions in the Western world?

Senior politicians in Western countries, if they do not change, will share a similar fate, because people
will, at last, find a way to get rid of them. Indeed, it is interesting to note that the situation in the Middle
East has made the people around the world realise that politicians do not serve the interests of their
electorates and do not respond to their needs. One way or another, the Middle East scenario will help
trigger a revolutionary change in the West. The consequences of what the Israeli genocide will have
brought about, should be fascinating for future historians. Its effects will be seen in the decades to come.
The probable end result will be the abolition of the State of Israel, leading to a radical political change in
our so-called ‘democratic systems’ here in the West.

[by Dario Lucisano translation Patrick Boylan].


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247 thoughts on “Lebanon and Syria: My Interview for L’Indipendente

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  • Republicofscotland

    Salome Zourabichvili – the French born Georgian former President of Georgia – and well known Western puppet – she refuses to stand down from office, Zourabichvili, has supported and called for more unrest following the Georgian Dream Party’s victory earlier this year.

    The French citizen’s term in office expires on Sunday, when former Manchester City player Mikhail Kavelashvili – is set to be inaugurated, as the new president.

    Zourabichvili – the ever obedient Western puppet spewed lies with these words – maybe she’s hoping the Georgian army will overthrow the democratically elected PM of Georgia.

    ”I remain loyal to the country, to the constitution, on which I made an oath six years ago,” the outgoing president told her supporters during a rally on Sunday evening. “I am also loyal to the army, which in its turn is loyal to the partners who created, armed and strengthened the Georgian Army. I am and will remain its commander-in-chief.”

    • JK redux


      Do you have any reservations in your admiration for the Georgian Dream party?

      (A bunch of venal gangsters.)

      Why the obsession with SZ’s French citizenship? After all, not all British citizens are loyal to Britain.

      Doesn’t she in fact have dual citizenship of Georgia & France? So what’s the problem?

      And what’s the evidence for her being a “well known Western puppet”?

      While Orbán and Fico are increasingly obviously Russian stooges.

      • Steve Hayes

        Yeah. Anyone who fails to subscribe to the groupthink that believes that shipping more and more fancy weapons to an army that’s reduced to send its trained operators to the front as infantry cannon fodder is somehow going to turn the tide of war is, of course, a Russian stooge.


        JK Redux

        In the ironically titled ‘Land of the Free’ – the pushers of Georgia becoming the next Ukraine – you cannot become President if you were not born in the US. Remember Obama?

        Like the re-run of the Romanian elections (not the right result?) who are the arbiters of these decisions? Certainly not the Romanian people or the Georgian people. (You know who they are, as I and many others do.)

        The main one being a so-called Democracy where billions of Dollars gets you the result required. Not by the individual winners – Trump may be President – but it doesn’t matter too much who wins, as long as the economic policy of Neo-liberal economics doesn’t change.

        This is what Biden meant when he said ‘Nothing will fundamentally change’ – meaning the Trickle-Up from Neo-liberal economic policy will continue. Same for Starmer in the UK.

        It is ironic, however, that the biggest pushback is coming from the Right and Far Right – and being as the left in Europe is piss-weak, then a political vacuum has occurred. Politics abhors a vacuum, and it is being filled by right wingers.

        Social Democracy (what is now known as ‘Centrism’) has been dis-credited as it has done very little for its populations.

        I’ve no doubt that the Georgian President is a Centrist, and because of that the Georgians are also victims of Trickle-Up economics – that is why they are pissed off with her as they are of Biden/Starmer/Macron?/Scholz and all Western Centrist governments who actually fear the rich more than they fear their electorates. As a lefty I wish that wasn’t so – but it is what it is, as they say.

        The thing about the fellow Technocrat Starmer is that, just as the EU is falling apart, he is moving to rejoin the EU slowly but surely – and Farage (another right populist) will have him and Labour for Breakfast once the growth he has promised doesn’t arrive.

        If you keep disappointing people by not coming up with the goods, they will eventually shop elsewhere. Unfortunately the shop they are considering going to in the future is The Right – Far-Right – Shopping Mall. They won’t do anything, but it’s similar to following the latest Messiah.

        p.s. I voted Remain in the UK, so even I (as a lefty) thought that to leave was stupid as a left tactic. And here we all are.

      • Goose

        JK redux

        Far from it, the easiest, most profitable route to riches and a political existence without criticism & protest, is by being a tool of US imperialism – as failed barrister turned politician, Tony Blair’s estimated $100m+ fortune testifies. Countless other Anglo leaders have also become astonishingly rich thanks to post-election patrons after toeing the US foreign policy line in office. The Anglo world is so corrupted by US stooges in positions of power, you’ve never seen a truly independent foreign policy in your lifetime, if you live in the UK and are under 50 yrs of age?

        Anyone who has followed Hungarian politics knows Orbán is answerable only to Fidesz and himself : he’s nobody’s stooge. And as for Fico, he literally nearly paid with his life for not following the script handed down by the US.

        The Georgia situation is part of a larger US strategy to isolate Russia, imho. Similar student-led protests are rocking Serbia. They have the CIA’s and MI6’s M.O. of mass mobilisation; mobilisation at scale few countries in the world have the resources to manufacture. One of the reasons US and UK officials are so tetchy about Chinese and Russian meddling despite little evidence, is because of guilty consciences, and the fear those countries could do the same to us in retaliation.

        Georgian officials ought to speak to the Chinese as it’s all very reminiscent of the violent running street battles in Hong Kong, that led to the ransacking of the legislative chamber. HK passed the controversial ‘Security Law’ and China took control early; they shut the CIA station down and the protests vanished like morning mist.

        • Goose

          Starmer is the definition of a political stooge; his role at the CPS is shrouded in mystery because all the records were unfathomably destroyed. We do however know, that there are numerous occasions where he favoured the state over citizens, as outlined in The Starmer Project: A Journey To The Right – in which Oliver Eagleton provides a careful reading of Starmer’s record at the Crown Prosecution Service and as a member of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet.

          He wouldn’t have been appointed DPP, in 2008, by what was a reactionary, right-wing New Labour govt, unless he was already a ‘yes-man’ or state sycophant. New Labour were the ultimate control freaks, and the idea Starmer was some brave, independent lefty they chose at random for the top legal role in the country, is complete nonsense. It’s since been revealed that, in the case Starmer used to establish his left-wing credentials – McDonald’s Corporation v Steel & Morris [1997], dubbed “McLibel” – an undercover spy said this year, that he had access to confidential details of the legal advice that Starmer was giving to two environmentalist campaigners. Have you heard Starmer say a word about this outrageous revelation?

  • Republicofscotland

    One set of terrorists meets up with another set of terrorists – and all are backed by the West. The head choppers meet … the other head choppers.

    “A delegation from Saudi Arabia has met and held negotiations with the leader of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) militant group, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, in the Syrian capital Damascus.

    According to a report by the Saudi-owned and Riyadh-based Al Arabiya news television channel, the Saudi team was headed by an advisor from the Royal Court, and the meeting took place at the mountaintop presidential palace – commonly known as People’s Palace – on Sunday.”

  • T

    ‘The bombs that fall in Lebanon are supplied and paid for by the US.’

    Indeed, Biden bombs. But where are they being transported from?

    The major escalation in attacks on Lebanon last month also saw a spike in USAF heavylifters arriving at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus.

    This is the base from which the UK covertly aids Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

    ‘We can’t tell the world what you are doing here…’

    UK PM Sir Keir Starmer addresses British soldiers at the RAF Akrotiri base two weeks ago.


  • Republicofscotland

    The genocide committing IOF – is murdering anyone – man, woman or child that enters the Netzarim corridor, a seven-kilometer-wide strip of land, that stretches from near Kibbutz Be’eri to the Mediterranean coast – the IOF then designates every single one of the murders as killing terrorists.

    The Netzarim Corridor is in Gaza.

    “The forces in the field call it ‘the line of dead bodies'” a commander in Division 252 tells Haaretz. “After shootings, bodies are not collected, attracting packs of dogs who come to eat them. In Gaza, people know that wherever you see these dogs, that’s where you must not go.”


  • Republicofscotland

    The contrast – between how Westminster sees Putin and Netanyahu is stark, to say the least.

    “Whitehall’s weak reaction to ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant stands in contrast to the exertions it made towards the former Yugoslavia and, more recently, Russia.

    When the ICC announced an arrest warrant for Russian ruler Vladimir Putin in March 2023, the UK increased funding to the organisation and hosted an international conference in London.

    “The ICC plays a vital role in global efforts to end impunity for war crimes”, the UK Ministry of Justice said.

    A year earlier the UK had galvanised a group of governments to refer Russian atrocities in Ukraine to the ICC to enable it to proceed straight to an investigation – a process known as ‘state party referral’.”


    • Stevie Boy

      ICC/ICJ are just pawns in the hands of the West. They only ever end up prosecuting people who are enemies of the West and who have usually been kidnapped and delivered up to the courts by western military units. The real criminals such as Bush, Blair, Netanyahu, Starmer, Biden will NEVER face justice in these courts. Israeli Genocide has been going on for at least a year and continues to this very day. No-one stops it; no-one can. What is the point of a judicial body with zero enforcement capability. Like the UN these people are just actors in the great game. Meanwhile the death and destruction continues unabated.

  • Jack

    According to israeli media Netanyahu now divert his mass-slaughter tour to Yemen, Netanyahu have given green light for IDF to strike Houthi “infrastructure”. Also the US (and UK?) have made clear they will take on Yemen within days.
    Already have US/Arab regime commited genocide in Yemen past couple of years but obviously that was not enough. What a sick world we live in and all done under the cover of Christmas celebration.

    This is the kind of world we get without a “real” Labour/Socialdemocrat/Leftist anti-war parties.

    • Stevie Boy

      “Already have US/Arab regime commited genocide in Yemen”. Let’s not forget the enabling role the the UK played in the Saudi operations rooms helping with targeting information for the bombers, whilst BAe provided arms and engineering support on the ground. Another genocidal operation that the UK was heavily involved in.

  • Courtenay Francis Raymond Barnett


    While Israel keeps bombing civilians in Gaza, this happens:-

    “,,,the US will actually run the show, although– and this is indeed extraordinary – they are one of the parties in the conflict, not an arbiter! The bombs that fall in Lebanon are supplied and paid for by the US.” as you commented.

    And so – ‘might is right’ in the general scheme of things.

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