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Great work from Craig on the Border.
Fortunately (and I say this no matter which side the Syrians are on) not many are risking going back for quite a while and I don’t blame them.
The Channel 4 News Presenter tonight was getting very excited on behalf of the Syrians using the words ‘celebrating’. What I saw was grief – not celebrating.
There has been a distinct lack of people on the streets in big numbers – yet again from either side as they quite rightly trust no-one. But the Channel 4 Presenters Western vision of – everything’s going to be alright gives us an insight into the MSM’s narratives and politicians too.
The BBC’s Hugo something started off Rooftop reporting in Kiev, as did Clive Myrie in front of that beautiful Orthodox Church. They no longer go there which either suggests the BBC doesn’t have enough staff or Ukraine has slipped right down the importance list. Now their time is spent wandering around Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Beirut, and now the newest one in hilltop-reporting: Damascus. Fair enough Damascus is where the horrible action is and Hugo’s got the gig and Clive’s got mastermind. No-one will find much out in Israel except the latest info that the ever truthful IDF hand out – so not much use there.
Ditto – standing in Beirut is useful but not that informative re: Lebanon or Hezbollah. Anyone in Iran asking questions? I’ve no idea, but that is going to become where it’s at. And Steve Rosenberg is in a good spot too, if he will only just ask important questions and not try to give Putin one in the eye all the time.
Meanwhile Israel are taking advantage of the latest round of other atrocities in order to commit theirs in Northern Gaza.
The Chinese (as usual) are keeping their Gunpowder dry.
No Mr Channel 4 Presenter and any other well paid Liberal Presenters – everything is going to go wrong and no amount of putting an optimistic ‘ hopeful’ gloss on what’s about to unfold will change that.
And here’s the bad news: All this chaos is creeping closer to the parts of the world where you live.
More proof of the UK’s explicit complicity in genocide:
“Exclusive: IDF chief of staff Herzi Halevi was given a “special mission” certificate for his trip to the UK last month, allowing him to visit without fear of arrest for war crimes.”
I wonder if this visit was set up to coordinate the invasion of Syria ?
The Israelis lobbied the UK government to change the law so that the consent of the Attorney-General or the director of public prosecutions (DPP) is required before universal jurisdiction arrest warrants can be issued in Britain. In September 2011, David Cameron’s coalition government passed this new legislation.
The current Attorney General in Britain is the Jewish lawyer Richard Hermer, who has family members serving in the IDF.
Go figure.
Another fine piece on Al Jolson the Israeli shill:
Born in Saudi, now there’s a coincidence.
Heavily involved with ISIS/Al Qaeda, the ‘terrorists’ who have never attacked Israel , and he explains his involvement by saying ‘we all do silly things when we were young’.
He loves Israel and wants to live happily with them and have their babies.
He has a $10 million bounty on his head but the UN, UK and USA has decided to let him off with big hugs all around, it is Christmas after all.
Stevie Boy.
No expert on the matter but experts whom I trust say that most of the invaders are not Syrian anyway.
As a side issue – 30% of the protesters arrested by the police in Romania at Demonstrations were not Romanian, and the President of Georgia is French and attached to CIA/AIPAC cabal.
‘Johnny Foreigners’ indeed.