The Bank Israel Bombed 344

Israel has relentlessly bombed all 38 branches of the Al-Qard Al-Hasan Association in Lebanon. Why is it so important to the Zionist cause to specifically obliterate a savings and loan institution? I investigate in our fourth mini-documentary from Lebanon.

Click on the “Closed Captions” option at the bottom of the video and you will get the subtitles including translation from Arabic.


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344 thoughts on “The Bank Israel Bombed

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  • Brianfujisan

    What a Brilliant Piece of Journalism Craig… and Ibrahim Chamas, and Niels Ladefoged… thank you… That Al-Qard Al-Hasan community banking organisation is just Vital and Honourable Indeed. Heroes in fact.
    Israeli impunity makes me sick. Hundreds of Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics murdered….

    And the Financial expert explaining what happened, where the money went, the sums involved … The Scale of Corruption, Hundreds of billions Gone. A million people lost everything… Just Staggering Numbers.

    Stay safe out there Craig.

  • M.J.

    I’ve informed my MP, though I got an auto-reply that there won’t be any response till after the Xmas break.
    Anyway, this is another war crime that the world should know about. Indeed the apartheid state must give way to full democracy, and international sanctions should help bring this about.

    • Michael Droy

      Click through the youtube link in the video and watch it direct on youtube.
      (I know….) but I couldn’t get the subtitles on the embedded version either, even after clicking the captions button.

  • Gayle Morris

    Hi, Craig. I have been following your reports on Lebanon – wish our MSM did such good reporting! I tried to post this one on Facebook for friends and family to see – Facebook removed it on the basis of possible incorrect information. We are so censored in the UK, many are unable to make informed decisions as a result. The censorship seems to be worse under the current government than any other. Those in power are not representing the best interests of the British people.
    I hope you are able to keep up the good work. Those of us who are informed can continue to speak out to all those we know.

  • Townsman

    The video could have been clearer on how Al-Qard Al-Hasan earns revenue. It has to have revenue to pay the salaries of its employees and to build or rent the premises from which it operates.
    It seems to be, basically, a pawnshop, with the restriction that all you can pawn is gold. If you don’t repay the loan, Al-Qard Al-Hasan gets to keep the gold. That’s a perfectly legal, ethical, and reasonable business model, but it wasn’t spelled out. Is it correct?

    • Laguerre

      Islamic banking has a complicated set of astuces and arrangements to cover for the ban on interest payments. Commonly it can involve fictional sales and repurchase at a lower price, and such techniques. You can’t tell here what is being done. I don’t doubt for a moment in this case it is genuinely a non-profit social service; that is what Hizbullah does – it serves its community. Other Islamic banks are profit-making organisations, notably those in the Gulf.

  • Jules Orr

    Thank you for these videos and for everything you do.

    Back on normal island meanwhile, Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle invites representatives of the terror state for a jolly Xmas shindig in Parliament.

    That’s Home Secretary Yvette Cooper beaming like a Cheshire Cat while her government helps the terrorists starve, shoot and incinerate kids.

    Another perfectly normal, respectable day in the long history of the British ruling class.

    • M.J.

      I suspect that this one was about a Jewish communal celebration (Hanukkah) rather than support for the Israeli government, given that Sir Lindsay Hoyle has also invited Muslims to Speaker’s house for Iftar celebrations and Hindus for Diwali celebrations in the past.
      If, however, you have evidence for Hoyle giving explicit support to Zionism, by all means cite it. Especially any support given from 2024, now that Israel’s war crimes are well known, and Amnesty International has found Israel guilty of both apartheid and genocide.

      • Jules Orr

        The Speaker was paraded around Israel in February by the same ghoul in that picture, 4 months into the worst genocide in modern history. He boasted to reporters that his father, MP Doug Hoyle, had founded Labour Friends of Israel.

        If you have evidence that Hoyle in any way disapproves of Hotovely’s relentless genocidal rhetoric or of his government actively aiding a genocide then by all means cite it.

      • Brian Red

        @M.J. – “If, however, you have evidence for Hoyle giving explicit support to Zionism, by all means cite it.”

        @Jules already did cite it:

        It was such a pleasure to start our Hanukkah celebrations early in @UKParliament
        with thanks to @CommonsSpeaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP, and the @BoardofDeputies
        for hosting us.

        Those are the words of Tzipi Hotovely, the Israeli ambassador to Britain.
        Anyone who hosts the Israeli ambassador at a public event is explicitly supporting Zionism.

        • M.J.

          “Anyone who hosts the Israeli ambassador at a public event is explicitly supporting Zionism.” The problem with that argument is that communal celebrations often involve political figures. Thus Diwali celebrations at Speaker’s House have involved the Indian High Commissioner, and Iftar celebrations the Palestinian ambassador. The principle of separating religion and politics isn’t applied.

          • Terence Callachan

            M.J. Do you realize that you supporting these people here is in itself an act of defiance that supports the genocide in Gaza? Or do you think everyone else is so stupid that we need to provide more proof of your collaboration than you yourself have provided here. You are using the disproven tactics of the tobacco industry who tried to tell us “prove cigarettes are bad for your health” when people all around were dying from smoking cigarettes. Your association with these people is the proof.

          • M.J.

            I’m saying that you are wrong in considering Sir Lindsay Hoyle guilty of being a collaborator in genocide simply because he invited the Israeli ambassador to a Hanukkah celebration, especially as he disapproved of the slaughter in Gaza when he visited the region.

          • Brian Red

            @MJ. It does not matter what “often” happens, or what this guy Hoyle has said. For a state official to host the Israeli ambassador is to recognise the legitimacy of the genocidalist terror state that the ambassador represents. It does not matter whether it’s a religious event or a sporting event or whatever. This point used to be generally recognised in respect of the white supremacist regime in South Africa. It should be recognised in regard to the Jewish supremacist occupation in Palestine.

      • Brian Red

        Out of interest, given Lindsay Hoyle’s role as the public face of the Commons club, has anyone got a rough figure for the number of club members who belong to “Friends of Israel” groups? Or an upper or lower bound? OK an upper bound would be 645, which is 650 minus the pro-Gaza MPs.

        I realise the terrorist entity has many friends who wouldn’t belong to any of these groups openly, but gotta wonder whether the figure for the “open” friends is a majority.

        • Townsman

          There were some articles on which covered this, notably this one:
          Israel lobby funded a quarter of British MPs
          Exclusive: Declassified is publishing the full list of British MPs who received funding from pro-Israel lobbyists.

          • M.J.

            Thanks for this. I noted with relief that my own MP (whom I won’t name) is not on the list of those receiving money from the Israel lobby.

          • Squeeth

            The “Israeli lobby” is the zionist proxy, owned and run by American Caesar. Where do you think that the zionist filth get their money from?

          • Brian Red

            @Townsman – Thanks for that link. But I suspect the proportion of MPs who belong to “Friends of Israel” is much larger than the proportion who are known to have been funded by the Lobby. That article says 130 Tory MPs took money from the Lobby in the last parliament. But it also says ~80% of Tory MPs were members of Conservative Friends of Israel, and there were 365 Tory MPs so that’s 292. I’m not sure there will be any MPs in Con, Lab, or LibDem who will tell the Lobby to f*** off when it approaches them. It’s not in their interests to do so. Perhaps there are one or two who are allowed to have their main allegiance as mates of Gulf despots, like Jonathan Aitken (but look what happened to him), or whose handlers are using them to play some kind of triple or quadruple game that makes everyone’s mind spin. And there is Diane Abbott who is an extreme exception. But there are under the table ways of passing money to MPs (or judges, civil servants, etc.) through the Channel Islands or whatever, or otherwise seeing they’re all right. Maybe how many are members of FOI groups was the wrong question.

  • pete

    Craig, thank you for this report. It is shameful that the BBC have not produced a report of a similar quality, but would rather focus on trivia and sensationalism.

    • Brian Red

      Best to avoid the BBC – treat the same way as e.g. the Daily Express.

      Truth is that Al Jazeera, Press TV, and TASS aren’t much good, but they don’t stink to high heaven the way the BBC does.

      Is there a market for a global news outlet that’s halfway decent? And the answer is…..NO, there is not.

  • Brian Red

    Here is the transcript for those who don’t enjoy watching TV even when it’s got subtitles, and who prefer reading stuff properly. Note: I copied this from a Zionist site called “Youtube”, owned by Google/Alpha, and then spent about 5 minutes processing it to take out time-stamps. All sentences appear as paragraphs. (My time is limited.)
    [ Duly tidied up a bit by the mods ]

    CM: We’re standing here outside the branch of Al-Qard Al-Hasan, which is an Islamic community banking organisation which doesn’t pay interest or charge interest and services the communities here in Lebanon.

    Israel attacked a lot of non-military targets during its campaign against Lebanon. It destroyed hospitals and health centres, it destroyed water treatment plants, it destroyed over 70 ambulances, it killed over 220 doctors and paramedics.

    One particular target was the Al-Qard Al-Hasan Association. All of its branches were destroyed.

    And the only reason this one survived is the missile didn’t explode. So we’re going to go and have a look there and see what a branch of it looks like indoors.

    As we come around the back of the building here, you get an idea of the quite extraordinary extent of devastation. In fact, as you walk in, I’m not quite sure whether it’s more disturbing to have three armed Israeli drones circling above our heads, or the chances that a large piece of building is going to fall down and hit us at any moment.

    But this is the back entrance into the branch which survived, so we’re going to go in now here and see what happens up here….

    So the missile punched its way into the wall there, hit the column, and smashed through the floor. These are parts of the missile that stripped off as it did that. Fortunately, it didn’t detonate because if it had detonated, this entire building would not be here just as all of the surrounding building. This survived and that’s why in this little island of remaining construction, this branch continues to operate.

    ===== Customer testimony =====

    « Regarding Al-Qard Al-Hassan Association, it is a very trustworthy institution – despite the war waged against it. It still protects our gold, and continues to treat us well.

     It has truly helped many people. And we are grateful to it, because it serves as a lifeline for people. A lifeline for people’s lives, livelihoods, and the economy of the suburb ‘Dahieh’.

     This institution is not exclusive to a specific group or community. It is for everyone, serving all people. It serves Lebanese society as a whole; and it works for humanity. »


    CM: Well, we’ve been to see a branch of the Al-Qard Al-Hasan Association. And now we’re at the headquarters building, which as you can see, has also been bombed, but at which bits are still operating.

    And we’re going to go in and see the management and discuss with them what the association is, what its philosophy is, how it works, and why it’s being so heavily bombed:

    ===== Interview with Al-Qard Al-Hasan Association manager =====

    « After the Israeli invasion in 1982, and the widespread destruction of the areas, it was essential to have someone support people by providing them with small loans.

     Over time, we started to expand gradually within Beirut, then we moved to the Bekaa region. Later, we expanded to the south, and by 2024, we have grown to 36 branches.

     As an association, we are not a financial institution or a bank. The difference between us and a bank is that we do not take money from people and pay interest on it. Instead, people deposit money with us, and we distribute it as loans.

     These loans help people manage their affairs and access services. When the person repays the loan, we return their deposited collateral, specifically gold.

     The bomb that destroyed this house, the arms manufacturer, would be financed by Western banks. Western banks don’t have ethical standards. »

    CM: Do you have ethical standards for the kind of transactions which your bank carries out?

    « Since the association’s establishment until today, we have received money from contributors. This money was distributed through these small loans.

     The money was not invested in other projects. We did not allocate funds to real estate or large properties; nor did we establish companies or engage in investments with factories or businesses.

     The Al-Qard Al-Hasan association never entered such ventures.

     We rely solely on a system where funds are deposited. These funds are distributed through a carefully studied financial policy. This ensures that funds are available to cover the loans provided. It also ensures that accounts and balances are secure. Those who wish to withdraw funds can do so freely.

     There are many things associated with Hezbollah. There are hospitals and health centers and civil defense organizations. There are social security organizations. »

    CM: What do you say to the… The Israelis say “These are all legitimate military targets.” What do you say to that?

    « During the 66-day war, the Israeli enemy attempted to classify Al Qard Al Hassan as a terrorist organisation. They tried to destroy it by targeting all its branches across Lebanese territory.

     They are aware that this institution is part of the service organisations through which Hezbollah benefits people and the community as a whole across Lebanon. Thus, they consider any targeting of these associations, or of Al Qard Al Hassan specifically, to be an attack on the community as a whole.

     They aimed to cause as much harm as possible to the environment and to Hezbollah’s organisation and the entire Lebanese society. Since it is an institution that provides services, it was naturally targeted to harm the community and its And this community. »

    CM: How do you cope with this situation where you can be bombed any moment? How do you and the staff manage to continue to do your work and how do you live your life under this constant threat?

    « We consider it our duty. Just as there are soldiers and resistance on the frontlines, whose job is to defend Lebanon, we consider ourselves internal resistance and civilian soldiers. Our job is to serve these people, to serve this community, and to provide them with the best service. We pray to God for ease and security. »


    CM: Now, there’s a very good reason why customers want to come to a banking association like Al-Qard Al-Hasan as opposed to going to the commercial banks.

    And that is because Lebanon experienced a banking crash in 2019. On a scale it is hard to believe, in per capita terms, Lebanon lost 20 times the amount of money that was wiped out in the United States or the United Kingdom by the banking crash of 2008.

    This country of five million people saw over $100 billion evaporate. And all the commercial banks were involved.

    And the reason was that… behind me we have the [Central] Bank of Lebanon, and for years Lebanese banking regulations stated that all commercial banks had to put all their dollar deposits in the Bank of Lebanon. They weren’t allowed to hold them themselves in the commercial bank. And the Bank of Lebanon was secretly squandering all those dollar reserves. And it was doing so in order to maintain an artificially high exchange rate for the Lebanese currency.

    And this always happens in such cases. Access to the currency and access to the squandered dollars depended on large government contracts, import contracts, construction contracts, often for non-existent projects. And everybody’s money was effectively offshored by a class of crooks running the Lebanese financial system.

    And in the end, in 2019, it all came to a head. It collapsed. And people discovered that the money they had in Lebanese banks had gone. It had simply disappeared.

    And unlike the banking crisis in 2008 in the West, the individuals all lost all their money. There was no guarantee, no safeguard, no replacement by government. You just lost all your money.

    So we went to talk to an experienced financial editor to explain to us exactly how this happened:

    ===== Interview with financial editor =====

    CM: Can you place an estimate on how much money was stolen through corruption using the artificial exchange rate?

    « Studies have confirmed that all deals with the state, whether in supplies or tenders, involved a level of corruption ranging between 30% and 50%. There are reports that support this. Let me give an example.

     The cost of rebuilding Lebanon since the 1990s, from the time of Rafik Hariri until today, you’re talking about reconstruction, did not exceed $24 billion. Meanwhile, public loans, the national debt, reached $100 billion. And the stolen deposits amount to hundreds of billions. »

    CM: So who has the money?

    « In Lebanon, there are a hundred well-known names, whether in public services, in political positions, or administrative roles. These individuals, along with their associates or close allies in the private sector, are implicated in all of this.

     In addition to that, and most importantly, the banks mismanaged the deposits. In fact, they gambled and acted recklessly, as stated by the UN Secretary-General and French President Emmanuel Macron, who said they contributed to a “Ponzi scheme.” This Ponzi scheme between the banks and the Central Bank of Lebanon involved around $100 billion.

     It was the depositors who paid the price for this Ponzi scheme. It is the depositors who have gone bankrupt, with over a million depositors left destitute. However, the bank owners remain wealthy, maintaining their banking institutions and keeping their wealth abroad. »

    CM: So, more than one million people went bankrupt because of this? I worked as a diplomat in Africa much of my life and we talk about corruption in Africa but for every single corrupt deal in Africa there’s always a Western bank involved, there’s often a Western accountancy firm signing off the books and there’s often a Western middleman somewhere in there. What was the role of Western institutions in this money and has the money gone to the West? Is it now in Paris and London? Where is the money now?

    « Based on the Panama Papers and the HSBC Geneva leaks, most of the funds of Lebanese politicians and their affiliates are in Western banks and tax havens.

     What I want to say is that Western banks are complicit. But the harmed parties must file lawsuits. And those responsible must be held accountable. So that trust in the banking sector can be restored. Only then can we return to depositing in banks. »


    CM: So I think now perhaps you understand why people don’t trust the commercial banks.

    So let’s now see what a couple of customers say as to why they bank with Al-Qard Al-Hasan, why it’s important to the community and why Israel may want to destroy it, as it seems to want to destroy every other kind of organisation that sustains a community:

    ===== Customer testimony =====

    « We no longer trust any banks, but we fully trust Al-Qard Al-Hassan Association. Because we stayed with them and had a positive experience. We’ve had good past experiences dealing with them, so we have continued.

     It is a credible institution, and we have never felt anything was wrong with it. It does not seek profit or personal gain. It does not pursue any political agendas. It is an institution providing humanitarian, social, and service-oriented aid. That is why we work with it, as it has helped us in many of our life and social matters. »

    « When I needed money urgently, I didn’t have the amount I needed, and I was desperate. I pawned my gold. In return for the value of the gold, they gave me cash. And they approved the loan for the amount I asked for. In the amount that suited me.

     We always trust it, even during difficult times, wars, or any crisis. We trust it and continue to deal with it. Because it is an institution dedicated to goodwill and serving humanity. It has no ulterior motives. It has no political agenda. »


    CM: So there we are.

    The Al-Qard Al-Hasan Association is not a complicated organisation. It doesn’t do international transfers, for example. It does small scale loans to local people and it holds their money and it holds gold as as collateral for loans.

    It’s an old-fashioned community savings and loan institution. It’s a very old-fashioned form of banking. With the added twist it doesn’t even do interest and it has very high ethical standards.

    It has nothing to do with arms manufacture or arms purchase. That’s not what it’s about at all and it’s used and trusted by people from all communities in Lebanon, in a country where for very good reason people don’t trust the ordinary banks.

    In fact, because it’s Christmas there’s one inevitable comparison that demonstrates very plainly what Al-Qard Al-Hasan actually is:

    ===== Clip from “It’s A Wonderful Life” (1946), starring Jimmy Stewart =====

    Mary Bailey: ‟George, it’s a miracle! It’s a miracle!”

    Zuzu Bailey: ‟Who’s that coming, Daddy?”

    Mary: ‟Come in, Uncle Billy! Everybody … in here.”

    George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) stands speechless, holding his young daughter Zuzu in his arms, as the townsfolk swarm around, pouring money onto the table.

    Uncle Billy: ‟Isn’t it wonderful? So many people! Mary did it, George, Mary did it. She told some people you were in trouble and they scattered all over town, collecting money. Didn’t ask any questions, just said ‘George in trouble?’ and ‘Count me in!’ … You never saw anything like it.”

    Tom: ‟Another run on the bank … ?”

    Charlie: ‟Here you are, George! Merry Christmas!”

    Mr Gower: ‟I made the rounds of my charge accounts … ”

    Man: ‟I wouldn’t have a roof over my head if it weren’t for you, George.”


    CM: So there you are. It’s not terrorism … it’s Jimmy Stewart.


    • Brianfujisan

      Brian, and [ MODS ] Thank you for this…. I had the Subtitles on, No problem at all … But I will read the Manuscript again…

      • Goose

        YouTube is now suppressed in Russia.

        Suppressed? How, and by whom? A state-issued demand?

        YouTube is owned by Google, and it appears to have many active Russian streamers and comments, unlike Facebook and X. There are quite a few daily streamers who at least try to report objectively on various conflicts – far more balanced and informative than our heavily manipulated MSM.

        I’d assumed this was because Google was co-founded by Moscow-born gazillionaire Sergey Brin, and thus they’d rejected the irrational Russophobia gripping Western elites.

        • Tatyana

          Yes, suppressed. It started some time ago – to be precise, it was the demand to store personal data of Russian citizens on servers within Russia. Then, YouTube and Google got fines for non-compliance with Russian law. Then, there was some technical issue with accessing YouTube, like slow connection; it was explained that they do not do maintenance on their equipment due to sanctions. Finally, the question about YouTube was asked directly to Putin at his latest press conference. He said the problem is that they don’t obey Russian law.
          Since yesterday people report YouTube traffic in Russia dropped down to 20% of its normal level. People are so angry! Most are convinced that it’s RosComNadzor (RCN) who is slowing and suppressing YouTube. People post “better block your anus, RCN!” and share VPNs.
          I used to post videos there to attach to my goods, also short videos for friends, and I watched a lot of tutorials. Also, most videos embedded in webpages are from YouTube.
          I’m angry, too. Whoever’s to blame, I agree they better block their anus.

          • Goose

            The ‘Russian citizens’ personal data on Russian based servers only’ seems like a perfectly reasonable demand, tbh.

            Look at the US, and its demands over TikTok: Sinophobic lawmakers initially started with the same demand, regarding US citizens’ data storage on US servers, then they progressed on to demanding the company be either sold – to an American company, obviously – or face being banned altogether.
            I don’t know how closely tied Google & YouTube are to the overreaching US intel community and whether they are being strong-armed to manipulate algorithms etc., but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were. The god-like military/security blob seem to have gotten their grubby little mitts on everything internet-based, doing idiotic profiling studies and threat analysis, crunching vast amounts of data at huge expense. It’s all very misanthropic.

          • Tatyana

            I maybe not a common user, I don’t mind my personal data be stored anywhere. I’m a small business selling online, I f**ing WANT my personal data be posted everywhere 🙂 Including my name and e-mail and phone number, because people phone me, and text me, and send messages to me, etc. I prefer my face be posted near my personal data – that’s how we, artisans, present our business online on Etsy, or Amazon Handmade, or Instagram, or Facebook, or personal website – we just post it with our own hands – our photos, and phone number, and name etc. for everyone to see.
            I f***ing don’t want anyone tell me what I should or should not do with my personal data. This data is MINE. Not their business. I think they could simply make a warning and a checkbox “agree to make your personal data be stored outside” and be done with it.
            I see it like restricting my access to information, and I know my constitution forbids such actions like restricting access.

          • Goose


            You may think nobody would be interested in you and your data, and that is almost certainly true at a human inquiry level. But let’s imagine you were an outspoken critic of Putin and the Russian govt. The Western bulk data collection/processing systems and AI algorithms may well be interested in you; feeding you links to other anti-govt posters and protest movements aimed at radicalising you further, all while flagging you.
            You’ll have seen the attempted colour revolutions that are underway? You can wager western intel know lots about the organisers and central figures in these protest movements, in both Georgia and Serbia, with AI having initially identified them by analysing their posts on social media and then directing them to employment in various NGOs. The US and UK have and continue to weaponise social media in a way that was never subject to public consent, nor even open to public debate. It’s hidden away in the terms and conditions.

          • Tatyana

            I can’t agree with you, Goose. Your argument sounds like putting people behind a fence is a good solution to prevent criticism of the authorities.
            If the authorities want to prevent foreign influence, let them choose a different method than simply banning people from visiting international platforms. Otherwise, it is a digital concentration camp, an iron curtain.

  • Harry Law

    Johnathan Cook has another excellent article out today He highlight’s the way the MSM and the BBC make light of the obvious Genocide taking place in GAZA.
    Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and Medecins Sans Frontieres are all agreed. But the Gaza genocide is now just another routine news item, buried on the inside pages
    The way Johnathan writes about these things, reminds me of the excellent film ‘Ace in the hole’ – a 1951 film written by Billy Wilder. These quotes are so true of the cynicism of modern journalism:

    Charles Tatum: “Bad news sells best. Cause good news is no news.”

    Charles Tatum: “One man’s better than 84. Didn’t they teach you that?”
    Herbie Cook: “Teach me what?”

    Charles Tatum: “Human interest. You pick up the paper, you read about 84 men or 284, or a million men, like in a Chinese famine. You read it, but it doesn’t stay with you. One man’s different – you want to know all about him. That’s human interest.”

    And so it was, when one Israeli soldier was kidnapped by Hamas in 2006. Gilad Shalit was held for 5 years; his capture was the source of years of sympathetic news coverage. 19 years later, how many people remember his name and his ordeal? Most people do remember. How many will remember the 200,000 dead Palestinians (according to The Lancet) – killed by Israel in the past 12 months – let alone the names of any of them?

    • Jack

      Thanks for the link, even a considerable part of Israeli media are way better to describe what is going on than the lousy, useless Western MSM that try to cover up and diminish the severity of what is going on in Gaza:
      | ‘When You Leave Israel and Enter Gaza, You Are God’: Inside the Minds of IDF Soldiers Who Commit War Crimes

      As a psychologist dealing with brutality in the military, I see how the government rhetoric of hatred is worsening the problem

      Today I read, once again, how Israel demanded a hospital to be evacuated. What is this, if not pure evilness? How could one possibly top the deliberate hurting of people in need of care? What is this, if not pure, perverted sadism?
      Just imagine if Russia went from hospital to hospital dragging out patients in Ukraine. The reaction would be immense; but when Israel systematically actually commit this crime, it is hardly reported and definitely not condemned by the West.

      I always thought we live in a Europe/Western-centric world but obviously we live in a Israel-centric world. What is good for Israel is the prime rule of the modern west.

  • joel

    Professor John Mearsheimer,
    The Moral Bankruptcy of the West
    Dec 24, 2024

    “On 19 December 2024, Human Rights Watch issued a 179-page report detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

    On 5 December 2024, Amnesty International issued a 296-page report detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

    On 21 November 2024, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for crimes against humanity and war crimes.

    On 26 January 2024, the International Court of Justice found that a plausible case can be made that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza…

    Given the West’s presumed commitment to human rights and especially to preventing genocide, one would have expected countries like the United States, Britain, and Germany, to have stopped the Israeli genocide in its tracks.

    Instead, the governments in those three countries, especially the United States, have supported Israel’s unimaginable behavior in Gaza at every turn. Indeed, those three countries are complicit in this genocide.

    Moreover, almost all of the many human rights advocates in those countries, and in the West more generally, have stayed silent while Israel executed its genocide. The mainstream media has made hardly any effort to expose and challenge what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Indeed some key outlets have staunchly supported Israel’s actions.

    One wonders what people in the West who have either supported Israel’s genocide or remained silent tell themselves to justify their behavior and sleep at night.

    History will not treat them kindly.”

    • Harry Law

      Joel….”History will not treat them kindly”.

      That depends who writes the history. Many historians think dropping atomic bombs on Japanese cities incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians was the right thing to do – similarly the fire-bombing of German cities like Dresden, which many historians regarded as an insignificant war aim.

      Also the conquest of the American native Indians (you know ‘the savages’) by the Colonists both before and after American independence was regarded as ‘the Will of God’ (manifest destiny). Winston Churchill thought this Genocidal period – which resulted in nearly 100 million Native Americans being either slaughtered or put into reservations – was an entirely natural occurrence, i.e. one inferior race being replaced by a more advanced and superior one: a sort of Darwinian manifestation, like the survival of the fittest. This attitude, when prevalent in human nature, heralds a dark future for mankind – at least the majority of us.

      • joel

        Very true, they will be treated very kindly by the historians given the biggest platforms: Schama, Sebag Montefiore, Ferguson et al. These court historians have been some of the worst commentators throughout the genocide.

      • wiggins

        They weren’t Atom Bombs…. they were very high velocity TNT bombs… hence the continuation of life a few years later on the same sites….

        • MR MARK CUTTS


          Unusually I will refer you to Wikipedia:

          “Little Boy”, an enriched uranium gun-type fission weapon, and “Fat Man”, a plutonium implosion-type nuclear weapon.

          They were both nuclear (fission and fusion – of a type).

          No TNT was used.

          Leaving the score:
          Nukes used
          – USA 2
          – Rest of the World 0.

  • Paul Garrud

    Tried sharing the link to this story to Facebook. Immediately removed. Reason given “The post may use misleading links or content to trick people to visit, or stay on, a website.”

    • Madison

      The Royal Mail certainly does that. But who cares TODAY ?
      Btw, how do you say ‘Happy Christmas’ in Lebanese ?
      And since Facebook is ‘suppressed’ in Russia, it’s no wonder they won’t post our posts elsewhere.

  • Crispa

    The Cradle reports.
    “Earlier today Al-Akhbar correspondent in southern Lebanon reported that Israeli forces advanced from the Taybeh project towards the towns of Adshit al-Qusayr and al-Qantara until they reached Wadi al-Hujayr early this morning.”
    This seems to be routine military activity regardless of any ceasefire.
    Along with this video, it seems pretty clear that the object all along is the USA backed from within Lebanon Israeli clean-out of Lebanese Shia and Hezbullah with them – in preparation, of course, for the eventual invasion of Iran. Syria is also a means to this end. Iraq Shia offers no real resistance as Iraq is basically USA-controlled anyway.

    • Harry Law

      Naive is the word that comes to mind, the Israelis are on a roll, the idea that they will stop before clearing out southern Lebanon and completely disarming Hezbollah as prescribed in UNSC resolution 1701 is ridiculous. Hezbollah allowed (as Craig Murray said at the time) this one sided agreement to take hold, now Israel is going to try and destroy them. Israel/US are using Genocide and the destruction of cities in all out war. The resistance will not target Israeli cities, Gas platforms, Haifa port (almost within eye sight of Lebanon), power stations and other vital infrastructure, WHY. Any observer knowing the history of Israeli deceit can come to no other conclusion that ‘the arc of resistance’ is on the cusp of another defeat.
      “The French conveyed to the Lebanese army that the Israeli military is not satisfied with what is happening (in south Lebanon) and that it will not leave before destroying all of Hezbollah’s infrastructure (south of Litani River, even after the 60-day implementation period ends)”, the sources said.

  • Harry Law

    Ha’aretz 23.12.24 Prof. (Emeritus) Yoel Elizur
    “I have no problem with women. One threw a slipper at me, so I gave her a kick here (pointing to the groin), broke all this here. She can’t have children today.”
    “X shot an Arab four times in the back and got away with a self-defense claim. Four bullets in the back from a distance of ten meters … cold-blooded murder. We did things like that every day.”
    “An Arab just walked down the street, about 25 years old, didn’t throw a stone, nothing. Bang, a bullet in the stomach. Shot him in the stomach, and he was dying on the sidewalk, and we drove away indifferently.”
    “A new commander came to us. We went out with him on the first patrol at six in the morning. He stops. There’s not a soul in the streets, just a little 4-year-old boy playing in the sand in his yard. The commander suddenly starts running, grabs the boy, and breaks his arm at the elbow and his leg here. Stepped on his stomach three times and left. We all stood there with our mouths open. Looking at him in shock … I asked the commander: “What’s your story?” He told me: “These kids need to be killed from the day they are born. When a commander does that, it becomes legit.”
    Facebook: using the word ‘genocide’ is ‘hate’ because it ‘portrays Israelis as less than human’’ They join Starmer’s Labour party at the last LP conference where the word Genocide was forbidden. According to Starmer and Facebook the truth is forbidden. I am not religious and am reluctant to use the word evil because of its religious connotations, but if that word has to be used, it is correct to use it in relation to Starmer and Lammy, who are well aware of what’s happening but will not admit the truth.

      • Brian Red

        I’m not impressed by Yoel Elitzur’s typology of “personality traits” that he uses in that article, nor by how he wants to play both sides of the street. (“Our soldiers are imperiled by the government’s inflammatory rhetoric and weakening of the civilian and military justice systems.”)

        Elitzur is a former chair of the terrorist Health Ministry’s “Council of Psychologists”. Admittedly there was opposition, presumably from the “extreme right”, to his appointment:

        …but Israelis love to shout at each other.

        They made out the divisions were academic but underneath they were probably military.

        The Israelis are very very serious about military psychology – from a top level right down to squad level.

        It’s possible to see the psychology of online behaviour and the ideology of “OCEAN” personality traits (so beloved of “nudge” units close to the centres of government in various countries) as subsidiary fields.

        I call OCEAN an ideology but of course it’s fundamentally a practice. This is not about seeing what’s in people’s minds when they’re on the couch, or helping them feel better about their mothers or their jobs. Nor is it about academics academicising with each other at conferences and in journals. It is about control and advancement and war. Ed Snowden didn’t reveal the half of it.

        • Brian Red

          Despite what I said about Elitzur, a lot of what’s in his article is instructive – for example these horrific reports from terrorist soldiers:

          A new commander came to us. We went out with him on the first patrol at six in the morning. He stops. There’s not a soul in the streets, just a little 4-year-old boy playing in the sand in his yard. The commander suddenly starts running, grabs the boy, and breaks his arm at the elbow and his leg here. Stepped on his stomach three times and left. We all stood there with our mouths open. Looking at him in shock … I asked the commander: “What’s your story?” He told me: These kids need to be killed from the day they are born. When a commander does that, it becomes legit.

          and this

          I have no problem with women. One threw a slipper at me, so I gave her a kick here (pointing to the groin), broke all this here. She can’t have children today.

          The conscientious objector rate among Israelis is very low, but this doesn’t mean all the non-objectors are equally brutal to start with. The controllers understand the psychology of whipping up the mentality of the psychomaimer and psychokiller, a mentality that is bound up with the fascistic inhumanity of “Our Volk above all”.

          Both of the above quotes are examples of this. It’s not just about psychotic inhuman brutality against a little boy and a woman, Moors Murderer style. It’s about “legitimising” such brutality, the idea that it’s done for the Volk, the boasting about it afterwards with colleagues, especially about its long-term and permanent effects (“she can’t have children”) that assist with the advance of the master-Volk.

          Hence you get the collectivity of psychomaimers and psychokillers that is called the “Israel Defence Forces” and “Israeli society”.

    • Stevie Boy

      IMO. Israelis and their fan clubs are less than human. The gene pool would be greatly improved by getting rid of the zionist DNA. Behave like a decent human being and you’ll be treated like one.

      • Brian Red

        @Stevie – It sure is hard to imagine “truth and reconciliation” meetings in the future where the “State of Israel”, like the Confederate States of America and Rhodesia, is a thing of the past, and where former Zionist soldiers now sit down peacefully with Palestinians and describe how they systematically murdered civilians, destroyed homes, and deliberately caused lifelong permanent injuries to little children and women, and how they shared their feelings of enjoyment afterwards with their mates, but how they feel sorry about it all now, realise the error of their ways, and seek forgiveness. With dozens of those women and those now grown-up little boys in the room, whose injuries are not going to disappear, to hear them.

        (This psychotic inhumanity is cultural though, not genetic.)

    • M.J.

      This is shocking stuff. The comparison to Nazis seems quite appropriate. The full article by Yoel Elizur is here:
      Elizur identified five groups of soldiers:
      1. Callous, ruthless and intoxicated with power, did the majority of the atrocities
      2. Ideologically violent, supported atrocities without taking part
      3. Incorruptible, took a moral stand and reported atrocities but paid the price of ostracism.
      4. No prior inclination but influenced by bad examples into committing atrocities.
      5. People who observed military discipline and did not commit atrocities

  • Brian Red

    One country that has supported the Palestinians is Yemen, usually referred to by burgermunchers and their bumsniffers as “The Houthis”.

    Allegedly it was they who attacked the Cordelia Moon in the Red Sea in October, using a sea drone.

    Anyway right now the same vessel has reportedly malfunctioned on its way to Russia in the Bosphorus Strait. Traffic has been suspended in both directions.

    The Bosphorus is likely to be of major significance in a conflict between Russia and the terrorist state of Israel – or between Russia and the burgermunchers and their satellites for that matter.

    Always perk your ears up when shipping is stopped for “non-natural” causes in any major international waterway.

    BTW where are the Russian vessels that left Tartus in Syria before the Assad government suddenly and unexpectedly lost the civil war? (Not queued up waiting to get through the Bosphorus, by any chance?)

  • nevermind

    Excellent exposé of the international crooks in lieu with the western rip-off banking system.
    Why would the Zionists want to bomb all 38 branches of this old-fashioned community bank?
    Well, they are showing malice to anybody who operates fair and ethical practices they have never done in their own communities.
    That this great piece of journalism is banned from FB and Google lays bare the unsustainability of those western control proponents.

    Whatever they say or promise is based on colonial falsehoods and make-believe; they are incapable of finding a sustainable future – not in the Middle East or in the rest of the world.
    We, the people, must mean something powerful, that they are so scared about public opinion and truth-speakers.
    Thank you Craig.

  • Brian Red

    Colour me less than convinced that there are many nicy-nicy liberal middle class Jews in occupied Palestine who when they join the colonial army at 18 don’t know anything about the crimes against humanity that Israel was founded with, has carried out for the past 70 years, and continues to commit every day,

    Didn’t their older siblings and parents tell them? Think about it. You’re going into the army. Your parents were in the army. So was your older brother or sister. But you don’t ask them what it was like, or if you do ask they don’t tell you. How believable is that?

    I might be more inclined to give them some time if 1. they supported calls for an academic boycott, and for BDS more generally, and 2. they allowed their daughters to hang out with and marry Arabs.

    How many white people in Alabama in 1950 didn’t know about lynchings? How many in 1850 didn’t know about slavery? It’s like that. They all f***ing knew, and so do all Israelis today.

    What I am more inclined to believe is that for some of the middle class liberal teenagers it may well take a bit of effort the first time they have to break a four-year-old boy’s arms and legs, or smash up a woman’s pelvis and womb. But the army psychologists know all about that kind of stuff and have their techniques.

    • nevermind

      Thanks for the transcript Brian, much appreciated; it rounded up Craig’s good journalism.
      It’s very likely that school education in occupied Palestine has a marked resemblance to military brain-washing.
      Of course they know. Add to that the mistaken idea of superiority and you create generations that believe Armageddon can be a winnable concept.

      • Stevie Boy

        As Netanyahu has stated many times and various internal polls have shown, the overwhelming majority of Israelis totally support what their government is doing: genocide. No-one can claim ignorance.

        • Goose

          That Israeli domestic support is also likely shaped by continued US political support.

          That’s the most baffling thing to me; why aren’t more US lawmakers of the view that 14 months of continuous bombing of a civilian population, a population imprisoned on a tiny strip of land,all of whom are offering no resistance, isn’t excessive? The BBC is f*cking obnoxious too, talking about the Israel – Gaza war – as if two equally armed foes are trading blows. It’s tantamount to watching a school bully stove someone’s head in, while cheering on the bully. Many are shaping their views of the US by this, and it’s creating a v.bad impression, a terrible impression of the US’s much vaunted values.

          Are American politicians so amoral that they can no longer see right from wrong? Many of these politicians even have the audacity to talk about their faith, and God. What sort of God would approve of what’s happening in Gaza?

          • Stevie Boy

            “That’s the most baffling thing to me; why aren’t more US lawmakers of the view that 14 months of continuous bombing of a civilian population, a population imprisoned on a tiny strip of land,all of whom are offering no resistance, isn’t excessive? ”
            Goose, are Are you serious ?
            Remember, these are the same people who supported: Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.
            They don’t care, the sanctity of life is meaningless to them, these victims are all foreigners who don’t count, not worth the fingernail of a single American. Where do you think the Israeli pigs get their morals ?

  • Jack

    Israel have expanded the war to Yemen now, WHO chief was in Yemen when Israel struck the airport and injured some of his airplane crew:
    Of course – and as usual – the WHO chief refuse to condemn or even mention the culprit – Israel.

    How come there there have been no actor/group that have put Netanyahu 6 feet deep already? Getting rid of Netanyahu would put the breaks on the war just like that and put a colossal break on the Lebensraum-ideology of Israel. It is a sick society wheras zionism is the successor of nazism.
    The Lebanesraum thinking, Occupation of neighbouring states, the Herrenvolk mentality, Racism, Militarism, the self-victimization etc it is all there! – we are dealing with modern nazis!

    One naively thought that the west “appeased” Hitler. But how the west treated Hitler is absolutely nothing compared to how they bootlick the sick, perverted child-killer Netanyahu. For what reason I have no answer to. It is like the western elite see Netanyahu as the strong man they really want to be themselves?

    • Stevie Boy

      In a hierarchy of evil the Americans and Israelis would sit above the German nazis, who would, just, sit above the Brits then the Japs, soviets, etc. … IMO.

  • JohnnyOh45

    Jihad against Genocide. Jihad against Genocide
    Feel the edge of this pen. Let the ink dry.

    Ordained by the Court to uphold the Convention
    Jihad is the Measure its duration is Interim

    Jihad is your duty. To submit to the Law
    It’s aims are as clear as 1, 2,3, 4

    The judges below and the Judge upon High
    Direct Attourneys and Jurists, Sheikhs and the Guides
    To comply with this message- to Stop Genocide

    Hail to South Africa, a star to our eyes
    Who gathered our senses in the case they have filed

    Respect to the judges, the Learned 15
    Resistance is lawful to the crimes that you see

    A Just War against Genocide- St Aquinas agrees
    To fail in this duty before a court you will plead

    The intention is lawful, Jihad and the Just
    To deny the intention is to drink the Law’s blood

    To hang back and prevaricate is to deny the Law
    To conspire and collaborate an offence to abhor

    Genocide is a crime, the Gravest of all
    To turn aside and deny, leaves Truth laid on a pall

    The people of Palestine to whom we’re obliged
    By the ties of the Law and humanity’s pride

    Efface not the dignity of our human race
    Enslaved to a Genocide, an Eternal disgrace

    Break the chains of complicity, rise to your feet
    Jihad and the Just War to answer their need

    The Interim Measures directed in February 24
    Wait to be implemented. We can’t wait anymore

    Jihad and the Just War against Genocide
    Is Justice and Action, don’t be denied

  • Stevie Boy

    Wherever there is death, destruction and mass suffering, the UK government is never far away.
    “Leaked British intelligence files reviewed by The Grayzone raise grave questions about whether London has aided the rise of Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham, the Islamist group which was proscribed by Western governments until it seized power in Syria this December. ”
    ‘a clearly enthused British PM Keir Starmer pledges his country will now “play a more present and consistent role throughout the region.” ‘

  • Brian Sides

    How many times do I have to watch and listen to talking heads be they politicians or even money men saying how we can not afford to do this or that , That we can not afford to borrow the money or that we already have to much debt. Non of these people understand where money comes from and why we have to borrow money.
    It all goes back in the UK to 1694 when the king joined others in a corrupt exclusive contract as the only legal group allowed to produce paper money. Allowing them to lend out the paper they create and charge interest.
    Also to control the amount of money in circulation creating boom and bust as a means of transferring wealth.
    America had a war of independence to free itself from UK banks it one the war but lost the battle with the private federal reserve. If any leader decides that they do not want to be part of this system of private central banks then they are labelled as mad men and replaced at the earliest opportunity.
    A bank that does not follow the basic long established policy of course they will bomb it.

  • Jack

    What is wrong with the new leaders of Syria? Israel bombed Syria perhaps thousands of times past month, occupy and annex even more land and there is a not a smallest of condemnation, criticism by the “new” Syria. Self-humiliation galore:

    The governor of Damascus in fresh NPR interview: We have no problem with Israel, want the US to facilitate better relations between Syria/Israel

    • Stevie Boy

      There’s nothing wrong with them, Jack. Other than they are headchopping, psychopaths created by the west to implement their genocidal agenda.

      Over the next year the picture will become clearer, albeit red tinged.

      • Brianfujisan

        Indeed Stevie..or Mushroom Clouds ..I think Russia has had enough of the west’s provocations.. we better hope they haven’t esp us on the Clyde

        • Brian Red

          Where are the Russian ships that left Tartus?
          Also see the Yemeni strike on the Zionists’ Ben Gurion airport – reportedly with a hypersonic weapon.
          Supposedly the world’s only current producers of such weapons are Russia, China, and Yemen.
          Seriously how likely does that sound?

          • Brianfujisan

            Well We Know the He is CIA what happens now we don’t know .. It’s very dangerous times.

          • Steve Hayes

            Iran has hypersonics which, if Russian sources are to be believed, are of their own design. In particular, they say that the Russian ones are more accurate but the Iranian ones are longer range (at least pre-Oreshnik) as Iran wasn’t bound by the intermediate-range limits. Most likely the Yemeni ones, if they exist, come from Iran. If you see videos of missiles descending on targets in Ukraine or Israel, it’s generally obvious which ones are hypersonic. In the one video I saw of a claimed Yemeni strike, that wasn’t really apparent. In my opinion, it’s rather unlikely that both Russia and Iran independently developed this advanced technology so the basic principles probably came from one place. Maybe not in either country.

    • Jack

      Yes, unfortunately the only thing that the new syrian leaders seems to care about is evil shiites, just like the rest of the arab leadership:

      Iran dismisses Arab League accusations, says wants stability in Syria
      Araghchi made the remarks in a post in Arabic on his X account on Friday in response to the latest statement issued by the Arab League which accuses Iran of meddling in Syria’s affairs.
      They dare to pick on Iran but not the regime that actually humiliate and murder arabs daily and occupy arab land.

      • Brian Red

        The main thing they care about money. (A trite observation but true.)

        The Yemeni seat at the Arab League is currently kept out of the hands of the government referred to by the US and satellites as “the Houthis” – a Shia (or mainly Shia?) government which has had the guts to give military support to the Palestinians and has been subject to bombing raids by Israeli, USA, and British forces.

        But…the PLO has a seat at the Arab League.

        Was the Arab League anti-Iran statement backed unanimously by all League members?

        We all know Abbas’s tongue has the USA Stars and Stripes patterned on it in shades of brown, but if he signed this muck that has been put out by the Arab League, then he’s halfway to helping the Israelis “clear” the West Bank – probably assisted by NATO in their new facility in Jordan.


        • Jack

          Yes the economic/political corruption is severe, in the West Bank the EU/US/Israel funded Mahmoud Abbas and his disgraced thugs in the “Palestinian Authority” hunting down palestinians assaulting them at this dire moment in palestinian history:

          Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces brutally assault a young man who was detained for criticizing the PA against the backdrop of its ongoing crackdown on anti-Israel resistance in the occupied West Bank.

          There seems to be no end in the misery palestinians have to endure.

  • frankywiggles

    Regarding Britain itself, the worst part of this Genocide is that the silence about Britain’s role locks everyone in for decades. There’s no way to address what has happened in Gaza without also accusing the British state and its senior servants of complicity in crimes against humanity. Nobody is going to get promoted in mainstream politics and media if they mention the role of Labour, the Tories, the British Army and the BBC.

    Nobody who is not up to their necks in this will be allowed near any position of power in Britain for at least 50 years. If a new left party gets 20% in polls then the reaction will make 2015-19 look like fair, rational and open minded democratic debate.

    This Genocide ensures that the very worst people will remain in charge in Britain for the rest of our lives.

      • frankywiggles

        Genociding women and kids trapped in a concentration camp is a quantum leap from being dishonest and corrupt. Centrist media, politicians, celebrities and voters had no problem at all calling the Tory government dishonest and corrupt.

        What are you hearing from those same parties about Britain’s participation in a livestreamed genocide? You will never hear anything from them for the remainder of your life. The reign of the gaslighters is permanent.

  • Tdg

    A documentary is concerned with establishing the facts; your piece is concerned with evading them. It may well be that this is a benign organisation. But you ask no questions that could disprove the hypothesis, only ones that affirm it. A disinterested journalist–the only kind worthy of the name–might ask:

    1. If the bank charges no interest on loans or any other financial product how are its infrastructure, staff, etc funded?

    2. If an affiliation with Hezbollah is conceded by the spokesman, and this is Hezbollah’s only bank, how are civilian and military activities segregated?

    3. Western governments claim the bank is involved in money laundering on behalf of Hezbollah. What is the evidence for and against?

    4. If financial corruption is rife in Lebanon, how do we know this particular bank has escaped it?

    5. What is the evidence the bank operates across all communities given its principles of operation are islamic?


    • Stevie Boy

      Fair comment. However, why does our host have to prove to you that the bank is ‘clean’ whilst the fact is that the Israelis are aiming to obliterate this bank. Doesn’t that tell you something?
      Using your logic maybe you expect our host to prove that every dead Gazan is ‘innocent’ to offer some balance to the obvious genocide.
      Apologies, but it is not clear what your agenda is?

      • Tdg

        I have no agenda: that is the point. A good journalist does not set out to endorse one position or another but examines the facts. Here there is no attempt to determine what this bank does, only to persuade that attacks on it are groundless. It is propaganda of a very basic kind that undermines Mr Murray’s credibility as an objective reporter and so is ultimately self-defeating.

        • glenn_nl

          Someone making a case doesn’t have to be absolutely objective, Tdg. As long as they are reasonably fair, and tell the truth, there is no need to be “balanced”.

          Or are you suggesting that “both-sides-ing” is an absolute requirement before anyone can be taken seriously?

          CM isn’t setting himself up as an objective, impartial news organisation, but he is showing up the likes of the BBC for their absolute failure to report any of what his reporting is telling us.

          You, on the other hand, have a clear objective in trying to dismiss it. Mind telling us what it is?

        • MR MARK CUTTS

          Craig is pointing it out (or reporting on it) because it is yet another cruel example of the way the Least Moral Army in the World operates.

          On the basis of ‘because we can’.

          It matters very little whether the usury laws are broken because that is in the realm of: ‘Is that a rip or a tear?’ -type question.

          I have to say that no matter what Craig’s reports are that propaganda (even of the basic kind) takes some beating when a bombed hospital in Gaza is described by a Sky News Presenter as: ‘being out of service’. Now that’s the propaganda of the most absurd defence of Israel and its ‘we do these attacks – because we can’.

          I don’t want to see any whingeing in the same media if their opponents bomb back – ‘because we can too’ and take their enemy ‘out of service’.

    • Laguerre

      “1. If the bank charges no interest on loans or any other financial product how are its infrastructure, staff, etc funded?”

      This question was already answered earlier. It’s an ‘Islamic’ bank. The methods used by Islamic banks today are well-known: look them up. Not being a banker, I’m not up on all the details of methods used currently to get round not paying interest.

  • Alyson

    Remembering the discussions in the FT and Telegraph prior to the dissolution of Libya, the banking system was key to the decision making process. Gaddafi was clear that his new pan Arab, pan African, banking system would rival the World Bank. He stated that it would be run along Islamic lines, with no interest charges, simply a one off, up front fee, to be repaid first before repayment of the loan itself. The discussion in the FT was totally clear. “We cannot allow this,” and so ‘we’ didnt..

    • Alyson

      Saif Gaddafi’s PhD from the LSE was rescinded after political pressure on the grounds of ‘plagiarism’. His tutor resigned in disgust. Where is Saif now? Last heard he was detained for questioning, many years ago….

  • Brian Red

    Jewish state terrorists have destroyed the Kamal Adwan Hospital, the last remaining health facility in northern Gaza – or they have “knocked it out” as the British regime’s Daily Telegraph puts it, in an attempt to play down this war crime.

    Zionist soldiers sexually assaulted female nurses, patients, and visitors at the hospital, including underage girls, and they have also “field executed” civilians nearby, some of whom were wounded and some of whom were carrying white flags. They have set fire to most of what remained of the hospital after they shelled it.

    Meanwhile sh*thouse governments such as the ones in Egypt and the UAE allow the Zionist embassies on their territories to operate as normal. There is no reason to believe they will lift a finger to assist the Palestinians when the Zionists move to exterminate or “clear” the remaining population in Gaza, or to “clear” the West Bank. The only Arab government in the entire Arab world that will assist is the one in Yemen that has been subjected to bombing raids by the USA, Britain, and Israel, the one that the pro-NATO media call “the Houthis”. And the only non-governmental Arab force that will assist at all is Hezbollah.


      Brian Red

      The Kamal Adwan Hospital was described on Sky News as: ‘Taken out of Service’. Like a broken lift. Tautology and word-salading of near epic proportions.

      Of course the producers/editors and writers of this guff are well paid. So – it’s a case of salary or humanity or truth. Salaries win every time. Otherwise – how could someone cope with having to lie every hour of every day? No doubt the drugs and the booze mask the awful thoughts of facing the truth. Christopher Hitchens knew that.

      Rule number one: Never bite the hand that feeds you.

      Rule number two: If you can pretend to be an outsider do so.

      Rule Number 3: Know that you are not really an outsider and never really bite the hand that feed you.

      Rule Number Everything: Take Drugs and drink to mask the pain of the truth.

    • Stevie Boy

      Brian. Here’s an example of a sh*thouse government rushing to curb free speech because it upsets their zionist paymasters:
      “Ms. Phillipson set the wheels in motion to shelve the flagship Tory legislation just days after the General Election, in her first major act as Education Secretary. … it came after she consulted Jewish groups … over their concerns about the legislation while still in the Opposition.

      • Brian Red

        @Stevie – See also

        A charity that supports Jewish independent schools said Sir Keir Starmer’s VAT raid and plans to remove business rate exemptions would force many to close.”

        “Lord Pannick, a leading human rights lawyer [although strangely, not where Palestinians are concerned], told The Telegraph that making private schools subject to VAT was likely to breach the European Convention on Human Rights

        (The first sentence ignores the fact that the intended legislation is *supposed* to raise the costs of private schooling by cutting the de facto state subsidies that most private schools receive by pretending to be “charities”. If some of them close, good. But wait, some of them are Jewish…)


        An investigation carried out by Humanists UK reveals eight unregistered Charedi schools identified by the DfE are nevertheless registered as charities.

        (That sentence ignores the fact that unregistered schools are illegal. Which has absolutely nothing to do with home education. Home educators don’t have to register. I totally support that and I will oppose any move to introduce registration for home educators, which Gordon Brown tried. But schools do have to register. And the large majority of illegal schools in Britain are Jewish. It almost takes the breath away that schools that everyone knows are illegal, including the DFE, are allowed to claim financial benefits from being “charities”. Presumably they take out insurance policies too, even though in normal life insurers won’t insure someone for doing something that’s illegal.)

        • Stevie Boy

          In a previous thread we (me) touched upon the fact that a lot of Muslim schools are funded by the Saudis. Here we have illegal Jewish schools being funded through tax dodges, and I’d suggest, Israeli money.
          As previously said, ‘Give me a child … and I will show you the man’
          These faith/political schools are an abomination that exist primarily to indoctrinate children with extremist views – why isn’t the UK ‘Prevent’ strategy being used to stop this extremist indoctrination ?

          BTW, Starmer is a fully paid up user of this indoctrination.

  • Brian Red

    These plane crashes and other unexplained aerial and maritime incidents close to war zones, or close to the territories or military forces of countries that may soon involve themselves in wars, hardly inspire confidence that 2025 won’t be the year of Armageddon.

    The fact that Syrian events were not predicted (other than in vague terms of a Greater Israel) suggests that more unexpectedness could be on the way in that country – as also on the Korean peninsula.

    Meanwhile California governor Gary Newsom (Democrat) has declared a state of emergency over bird flu.

    • Alyson

      Very coy, Bri, since as many here are aware, the rumours around MH370 suggested that all the patent holders, bar a Rothschild, for a remote control system to take over other vehicles, were on that plane, and the ping which located the plane, on an arc from Australia to Kazakhstan, also passed through Diego Garcia, while nearby islanders, whose local online newspaper insisted the plane had descended, clearly visible, wondered why the world was ignoring them in all the hype about how it could have disappeared with no witnesses…..



        I read once that this remote control invention was created in Israel. Hijackers being hijacked and forced to land – whether they wanted to be or not.

        It’s a very clever invention – if true of course.

        Interesting info here re: tracking the MH370:

        Might even explain the Drone panic over New Jersey that mysteriously the MSM are not covering. Either they are not bothered or don’t love the US anymore. Interesting, nevertheless.

        • Stevie Boy

          Ha Ha, drone panic, I don’t think so. More like manufactured distraction strategy, while the saps point and look to the skies they don’t notice the thieves emptying their pockets.

  • Brian Red

    HTS, or the HTS-Al Qaida-Daesh alliance as it may possibly be becoming, have ordered Christians to leave Maaloula in southwestern Syria:

    An ethnic cleansing is happening in this ancient Christian town where Aramaic is still spoken. Pray for the Christians of Syria,” the [Iraqi Christian Foundation] added.

    ^ This news is from Press TV in Iran, a state-owned organisation whose boots it is quite clear the “journalists” at the terrorist-supporting BBC, the British government agency, for all the Christmas trees in its studios, aren’t fit to lick.

    It is to be noted that churches as well as mosques have been destroyed by Jewish terrorists in Gaza.

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