We could very easily – in fact more easily – have made these mini-documentaries featuring the bodies of children slaughtered by Israel and the hideous aspect of the maiming of tens of thousands, or focusing on the tears of the bereaved and orphaned.
We chose to go a different way and make that unavoidably implicit, but not shown, in the interests of attracting and engaging the widest audience possible.
Yet I believe what we do show highlights Israeli barbarity and makes it stark in another way. I would be grateful for your thoughts.
To be blunt, our three months in Lebanon have made a significant financial loss. I am delighted with the output of six mini-documentaries and numerous short video reports and articles, some of which individually had millions of viewers. But to date the model of reader-sponsored real overseas journalism is not proven nor stable.
If you have not yet contributed financially, I should be grateful if you could do so. If you have contributed, perhaps you could help further by encouraging others to do so. I would as always stress I do not want anybody to contribute if it causes them the slightest financial hardship.
My reporting and advocacy work has no source of finance at all other than your contributions to keep us going. We get nothing from any state nor any billionaire.
Anybody is welcome to republish and reuse, including in translation.
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Craig Murray, we must all thank you for your dedication and commitment in underlining the savage bloodshed in both Gaza and Lebanon. It’s certainly comforting to know that several millions of viewers have already watched your numerous documentaries, usually not on YouTube as this channel is held in dubious hands, and even tries to belittle your work by showing a really dismal number of views.
Like in the best movies of the late Antonioni, many times we have a welcomed feeling of déjà vu, the latest documentary seeming to be like a new edit of a former one, both blending magically into our minds.
We’re so glad you resisted the easy temptation of using gore, and avoided us the sight of slaughtered children. But we know how difficult it must be for you to confront such horror. The criminals responsible must be brought to justice sooner or later, and you shall be a witness for the prosecution when the day comes.
Best of luck for the forthcoming videos, and don’t exclude making the trip to Damascus, where as you know plenty of crimes are committed and unreported by you-know-who…
Most UK citizens are either unaware of what Israel has done in Lebanon, or have been exposed only to Israeli propaganda.
I have no idea what we can do about this, if anything.
Beware “widest possible audience”-ism.
This is what the BDS movement (which calls for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against the Zionist entity) says about Google, the pro-Zionist outfit that owns Youtube and is helping with the genocide by supplying cloud computing technology to the “IDF”:
Those who are interested in this company should know that as well as supplying the Chrome web browser it also supplies important parts of most of the other web browsers, including Edge and Opera. It also spies on almost every act of browsing to every webpage in the western world, by supplying (nudge nudge) font services. (Check a webpage’s source code to verify.) In case any readers didn’t already know, it also spies on every phone that runs the Android operating system.
Everything that helps promote Youtube – or any other service supplied by Google (Alpha) – as some kind of agency of the common good helps kill Palestinians. Agencies of Google are not agencies of the common good. They are baby burners.
Brian, ‘they’ all do it. If you’re on the Internet you’re at risk from the data gatherers (all Apps) and the data monitors (GCHQ, NSA, Five Eyes). There is NO safe space. Russia and China are not the problem, it’s our own governments and their lackie’s.
Who supplied the 2,000lb bombs that shredded and burned babies in a concentration camp, Brian?
Companies that enthusiastically support the Donald/Elon duo.
As a coincidence they themselves rule X and Truth Social, both networks very supportive of ethnic cleansing (so-called cleaning) in Palestine.
Even though Boy is right in stressing that there’s no safe place on the Internet (think Pegasus scam), Red is in the blue. Google is NOT our friend, and using any of their services is somewhat self-defeating.
Bad enough to have to submit to proclaimed advocates of free speech who meanwhile don’t flinch at suppressing your comments whenever they see fit.
Audience is a confusing metric…
Dear Craig
Thank you for bearing witness.
My wife and I were reflecting upon the President of Ireland’s Mansion House National Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration Speech.
It seems that all the endless killing and gratuitous destruction is actually revenge for the Holocaust.
Bullies have always suffered trauma or abuse and consequently experience an overwhelming need to express their frustration and anger.
Invariably this uncontrollable emotion is gratified by simply beating up an entirely unassociated and innocent victim, who is close to hand, physically weaker and therefore more easy to exploit. Think playground, think domestic violence.
This is what we are witnessing in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, South Lebanon and anywhere within easy reach of Israel: a terrifying and absolute example of the bully and its victims.
The leaders of Israel and their military hold the hurt of the Holocaust and its devastating impact upon their parents and grandparents so close to their hearts that they refuse to see what they do.
All bullies need to be told, ‘No’. All bullies need to be helped to understand that the source of their anger is within themselves.
The Israeli leadership need to learn to understand that their Muslim and Christian neighbours are not a threat to their existence.
As in the examples of playground bullies and abusers of women, they have to learn the real cause of their unhappiness and realise that if they can be helped to come to terms with that, then there is a future through reconcilliation and peace.
This is not amateur psychology: it is well understood now how unresolved trauma and abuse suffered usually in early childhood, but not always, is the root cause of psychosis and murder. True healing from of the effects of the Holocaust is taking generations to achieve. Clearly there is much hard and compassionate work yet to be done. We live always with hope.
That’s all well and good, but none of these people have any “unresolved trauma and abuse”.
I’m sure that’s a significant factor Will, but there is also a built-in supremicism in many Israeli zionist Jews (and non-Jewish zionists around the world).
I was thinking about this a couple of days ago, which I haven’t done before, and I realised that whereas if someone has an inferiority complex, it’s regarded by the person with it as a problem, and they can potentially be helped by psychologists to overcome it, but people with a superiority complex – which is what it amounts to – don’t regard it as a problem that needs fixing, and it’s so innate and internalised anyway that they have no consciousness of it in the vast majority of cases (as opposed to someone like Trump, who IS aware of it, and relishes it).
Supremicism killed and murdered six million Jews, and millions of others, and has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians during the past sixteen months. And the very nature of supremicism blocks out empathy. As far as I’m aware, Jews are the only people on the planet who are led to believe they are the chosen ones… And how messed up is that!
Certain things are supposed to be taken on spec and are not allowed to be rationally discussed or properly analysed. If you do you’re a denier and an antisemite. Fanatics cannot allow their lies to be exposed.
Allan Howard
I would not say all Jews are Supremacists – Hitler could be construed as a Catholic Christian Supremacist on a similar basis.
The historical facts appear to me to be pretty simple ( for all Jews) and that is: all the countries that are defending Israel for the wrong reasons now were the ones then who didn’t want them in Europe/USA and in pre – Revolutionary and in some areas post revolutionary Russia then.
The Christian Zionists in Britain spotted an opportunity and gave the co Zionists and liberal Kibbutz style Jews a ‘ Homeland’
It didn’t matter to the British that people already lived there and it certainly didn’t matter to Israel Zionists neither – arrangements were agreed and opportunities were taken.
Sadly ( and we revisit the caring sharing West again ) those Jews who could not escape/getaway were sent to the Camps to be murdered alongside many Communists – left liberals – gays and lesbians as well as intellectuals – journalists ( those against the Regime of any critical political stripe – even Conservatives) who wrote books and were involved in the Arts and so on.
Most Jews who did escape because they had already seen what was coming stayed away from the whole game ( the wiser ones) knowing that the foundation of Israel would be trouble.
And here they and we as well as the Palestinians are.
So, the West is wringing its’ fake Liberal’ hands bemoaning the fate of two religions and peoples in which they actually had a massive involvement in the creation of Israel historically – it was mainly their plan and their fault.
Fortunately for the MSM and many other Zionists ( Christian or Jewish) they can only pass on what they know which is ‘ Well they started it! ‘ juvenile stuff – conveniently ignoring the fact of cause and effect historically.
There are people on this board who know miles more than I do about the actual history but, the most repugnant thing is the one’s allegedly reporting current history very little or no knowledge of history.
And the bad news for all concerned with the truth is that, they have no intention of finding out as salary and income triumphs over truth and humanity.
‘ Only Obeying Orders?’ – ‘ Only Doing My Job.’
Where have we heard that before?
‘I would not say all Jews are Supremacists’
No, of course not Mark, and there are of course many good caring empathetic Jewish people, the folks at Jewish Voice for Labour being the perfect example. It was an oversight on my part not to mention the fact, and it occurred to me about ten minutes or so after I posted my comment that I didn’t mention the fact, and my intention was to rectify that in a reply to myself, so to speak. And THAT is what I just came back to do, and saw your comment, as such, and I’d thought that someone might have pointed it out in the meantime, and they HAD…. you, that is, Mark.
And as I’ve said on one or more occasions before, just about all the people living in the kibbutzim close to the Gaza border were on the left politically, and despised the likes of Netanyahu and Co, as with just about everyone at the Nova trance rave. And that’s why BN and his fascist buddies didn’t do anything to counter the attack in the months prior to October 7th, because THEY despise lefties and free thinkers, and relished the thought of them being killed, and turned into charcoal by Israeli helicopter gunships. They were expendable.
@Allan – “People living in the kibbutzim close to the Gaza border” ??? That will be occupiers in settlements a short way outside a camp fence.
What on Earth is with the reference to “kibbutzim” as though that kind of land thieves’ settlement was something lovely?
How many Palestinians do you think have ever been members of “kibbutzim” in Palestine?
Mostly a “kibbutz” is a settlement built on territory occupied in 1948, often at the far reaches thereof, and I really don’t give a damn for the notion that “we have good relations with our local Arabs” that some of them until recently tried to sell.
Mr Mark Cutts.
” Hitler could be construed as a Catholic Christian Supremacist on a similar basis.”
Yes, Germany is/was a Christian country, most Germans were Christians either Catholic or Lutheran Protestant an as a result hated Jews. They hated Jews because of the messages of Christian Gospels. The gospel writers had two separate agendas, the primary one was to propagate the impractical ideas of the apocryphal Joshua Ben Joseph of Nazareth about not being gratuitously vile to those they see as others. Every religion has such pretend ideas and they are honoured mainly in the breach. Every authoritarian society needs outsiders to persecute and use as political scapegoats. For the Nazis scapegoating Jews yielded political support because Germany was Christian. The secondary agenda in the gospels was to convince Rome that they were not blaming it for killing their God which of course they were. The inevitable result was 18 or 19 centuries of Christian murders and pogroms against Jews and thefts. That Zionists felt the need for their own state was justified, unfortunately all places where they could establish one already had indigenous people who would resist and thus needed to be removed. A quick, complete and relatively merciful genocide is far kinder than ethnic cleansing.
The use of the word “antisemitism” exclusively for Jew hatred is unfortunate as it prevents it being used for the Israelis dropping 900Kg US supplied bombs (and the US Citizens supplying said bombs) on Lebanese, Palestinians and Syrians.The word has in fact been “stolen” by European Jews most of whom have no right to be called Semites. Yes they may have a few Semite derived genes from Levantine ancestors 2000 years ago but they are mostly generic White Europeans. The theft may have been unintentional resulting from the strong association of the word “Jew” with the Jews of the Bible age who were in fact Semites (whose descendants today are Palestinians most of whose ancestors were converted (probably by force) first to Christianity and then Islam. Nevertheless the fact that the word has been appropriated by Zionists confuses the issue of the Palestine conflict.
It is a gross injustice that the word “antisemitism” cannot be applied to the IDF, Itamar Ben_Gvir, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bezazel Smotrich and the Murderous thieving Israeli settlers and their Christian and Jewish supporters in the Euroamerican Empire (aka The US Empire), because the people against whom they are committing genocide or pogroms and whose land they are stealing are Semites as also are the Lebanese and Syrians on whom Israel is making war.
Zionists aren’t Jews; they are racist, fascist antisemites. It’s a fundamental mistake to confuse the two.
Jews are rather like everyone else: some of them are racists and fascists, and some aren’t.
There is nothing about being a Jew that determines whether a person is a fascist or on the contrary a fine fellow with a love of humanity who abhors genocide wherever it occurs.
The same applies to whites, blacks, Chinese, Arabs, etc. etc.
Don’t assume the zionists, as opposed to ordinary Jews, were not complicit in the holocaust. The holocaust served a useful purpose in enabling the establishment of Israel.
Yes SB.
Follow Tony Greenstein the “wrong type of Jew” the 1st to be kicked out of The UK Labour party under “antiracist” Jeremy Corbyn who could not recognize his enemies for what they were, enemies and allowed himself to be tricked into persecuting his allies.
Tony Greenstein has written a whole book about this issue, titled “Zionism During the Holocaust”.
I disagree, Corbyn wasn’t ignorant or stupid, he was cowardly.
He wasn’t cowardly, he was in a no-win situation. But I’d be interested to know what you would have had him say in response to the A/S accusations. I’ve asked this of quite a few people on different blogs during the past seven/eight years or more. and not one single person has ever responded. And the reason why they haven’t is glaringly obvious.
I wouldn’t accuse Corbyn of being a coward.
The problem was that nearly all the ‘ antisemite ‘ rhetoric was aimed
personally at him – The rest of the Labour party obviously were attacked
but not as much as he was personally.
‘ We have to break him as a man ‘ – no – not the Sun on Sunday or Sky News
but one of The Labour Party Apparatchiks.
Corbyn was taken down by his own side – I’m sure he was aware that the MSM
would attack him and maybe he was a little naive to think that most people in the
PLP were Labour Party loyalists at heart and genuinely wanted to get rid of the Tories.
On that he was utterly right and wrong at the same time.
2017 nearly made it despite all that.
2019 ( after the people he posed a danger to – including most
of the PLP undermined him further ) he still scored well with 33% of the vote.
Kier ( Man at C&A ) Starmer got a similar amount in percentage terms but because of
FPTP system he got 172/173? seats despite getting 600k less votes than Corbyn in 2019.
No discussion in the Democratic Media about that discrepancy neither.
So – no he was and is not coward – he believes in the Democratic will of the people and
Parliament and the Democracy of his Party – even now during Starmer’s office.
He is ( like his mentor Tony Benn) a democratic British ( not – say Cuban ) Socialist.
Now – if you want an ‘ Operator ‘ then Ken Livingstone would have been your man.
But Mrs Thatcher ‘ Abolished ‘ him a long time ago.
Corbyn was never seen as a danger to the Establishment or indeed the Labour Party.
He was just viewed as a Oppositionist.
The Labour Party Executive let him stand just to give the veneer of internal democracy
that’ s all.
But I will credit Corbyn with putting the wind up the Establishment and just for a while it
was great to witness them huffing and puffing and the ensuing hysteria.
Never a dull moment with Corbyn in the political sense in those days and witnessing
Starmer and Rachel ( No – I really am a Dalek! ) Reeves in inaction is very interesting
to contrast and compare with Corbyn’s tenure as leader.
The real cowards are actually really in charge of the Labour Party now – who’s job is to
get even further up the backside of the US ( if that’s even possible?) and act as a spy
for the US in The European Area and report back to Uncle Sam as to what the Europeans
are up to.
Jeremy Corbyn is a good guy – he’s a lifelong anti-racist, anti-fascist, and opponent of anti-Semitism – but he was hoist by his own petard because he pulled his punches in respect of Zionism. I watched him get questioned by a parliamentary committee and he was asked the stupid question “Do you think Israel has the right to exist?” and he replied “I think Israel does exist”… and I went “oh nooooo”. Why? Because these disgusting pro-Zionist creeps with not one thousandth of his backbone had him by the goolies. He should have said “No I damned well don’t think an ethnic-supremacist fascist regime has the right to exist, and I was glad to see the fall of such regimes in Northern Ireland and in South Africa, and I’ll be glad to see the back of the one in Palestine too. And why do you ask me such a question when you are supposed to be representing your constituents in Britain not the Zionist embassy?” But he was so far into being leader of her majesty’s opposition that he couldn’t of course say that. And it was sad to watch, because he’s a decent bloke and a socialist. There’s a lesson here regarding institutionalised opposition and the parliamentary road. Even if one bends over backwards trying to be fair to it and give it a fair hearing, the Labour party project has been a failure, and those such as Sylvia Pankhurst who condemned parliamentarism were right.
Excellent piece, no grandstanding or hyperbole, just showing a reality otherwise unseen
Omg, the Jewish Chronicle never-ever tires of spewing forth the zionists propaganda shite:
Protestors dragged out during Irish president’s ‘politicised’ Holocaust speech
Several Jews were escorted from the venue after turning their back on Michael D Higgins
Security staff at a Holocaust commemoration event in Dublin on Sunday forcibly removed several people who turned their backs to Ireland’s president while he was speaking, in protest against his anti-Israel policies.
The protesters stood up as soon as Michael D. Higgins mentioned Israel during his speech at Dublin’s Mansion House, according to Irish broadcaster RTE.
“I believe that those in Israel who mourn their loved ones, those who have been waiting for the release of hostages, or the thousands searching for relatives in the rubble and Gaza, will welcome the long-overdue ceasefire, for which there has been such a heavy price paid,” said Higgins.
Yeah, you see just citing the reality is politicising stuff to the Israeli fascist mass-murding baby killing psychopaths. There’s the gutter, and then there’s the sewer, and then there’s the fucking scumbag zionists. Anyway, here are a few more snippets:
Amichai Chikli, Israel’s Minister for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism, said he was “stunned” by Higgins’ decision to use a Holocaust commemoration event to “spit in the faces of Holocaust survivors.”
Higgins’ allegations against Israel over the past year have led to accusations of antisemitism, which he has denied. He falsely asserted last month that Israel is seeking to build a “settlement” in Egypt.
Israeli Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar responded to that allegation by saying: “Once an antisemitic liar—always an antisemitic liar.”
In response to Sunday’s events, Sa’ar tweeted: “Even on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Irish President Michael Higgins couldn’t help himself and resorted to a cheap, despicable provocation.”
Despite the fact that Hamas on October 7 carried out the worst one-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, “Nonetheless, [Higgins] echoed Hamas’s antisemitic lies and propaganda at a Holocaust memorial ceremony, leading to the removal of Jews, descendants of Holocaust survivors, from the event,” he continued. “What a despicable person. What a distorted policy. Shame!”
Sounds to me like it was all orchestrated and planned in advance, and the people who stood up were there to do just that if the president said a single word about Gaza. Do these people not realise that Israel is despised and detested by billions of people around the world…. I guess they probably DO, but they don’t give a flying fuck.
“Several Jews were escorted from the venue” – That is typical Zionist forked-tongue talk.
I am sure many Jews in Ireland support the government’s position. But from a Zionist point of view they are race traitors of course.
If fascists are being kicked out of somewhere, why should Jews among their number be exempt?
Craig would you consider publishing your documentaries on another platform, as well as YouTube? I am part of a large potential audience that cannot play the videos without using a VPN (which may not work).
This is absolutely disgusting and horrifying, but unfortunately not surprising. John Pilger, writing in (I think) “Freedom next time!”, wrote of a school he visited in Gaza after the IDF had occupied it for about a week.
The teacher there, possibly the head, picked through the destroyed work of the children and their study materials. She showed how they had smashed up the fixtures, and smeared everything with excrement, also with offensive graffiti across walls, and how they had used filing cabinets, photocopiers, desks – everything except the toilet – to leave human waste.
This was about 20 years ago. Traditions clearly die hard for “The most moral army in the world (®)”.
BBC headline today.
“183 Palestinian prisoners freed from Israeli jail after Hamas releases three Israeli hostages”
Spot the less than subtle bias in one single headline.
Yeah the framing is totally biased, as usual, note also the coverage itself where long segments are spent on showing happy israelis hugging and kissing the released israelis, meanwhile no such sympathizing framing is done when it comes to the palestinians that meet their loved ones being released.
From last summer: 8,875 Palestinians arrested in West Bank since 7 October
but no, no framing that the thousands of palestinians that are arrested on bogus charges,are de facto kidnapped.
@Jack – “Bogus charges”? I doubt many of those 8875 Palestinians were charged with anything. Most or all of them were probably simply “preventively detained” or “interned” – to use euphemisms for kidnapping, and in this case for being kidnapped as hostages or in reprisal. Certainly that article in the MEM doesn’t mention any charges.
About your mini-documentaries. How about Rumble where Glenn Greenwald distributes his output or approach Al Jazeera. There are also good non-MSM News sites popping up like mushrooms after rain run by refugees from MSM. Two such are Dropsite News and The Lever. Also your recent stuff would be very relevant for both The Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss.
Normally you blog on a range of topics but now you seem to be committed to Palestine. Examine your thoughts to see if Palestine has become your main passion. Teaming up with these non-MSM sites might make more sense than reinventing the wheel.
The only just outcome to this dreadful ponerology must be that the State of Israel is disbanded and returned to the people of Palestine. The Israelis can be assimilated into one of the American states – Montana, Arizona, New Mexico – have vast uninhabited areas much larger than Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan combined. This will also facilitate the desirable removal of US influence in the Middle East.
Nothing less will suffice.
Two points:
Prior to Israel, Jews and Palestinians lived in relative harmony, as respectful equals;
US influence is not confined to Israel. In fact, all the ME states apart from Iran has the parasitic infestation.
1. They did, but before Zionism reared its head. Many Israeli Jews support the genocide unequivocally, albeit there some who do not. How do you differentiate? Should there be collective punishment? Ask the Palestinians.
2. Agreed. But Israel heavily influences if not controls the relationship between the US and the ME States. A case of the tail wagging the dog. The dissolution of Israel removes the hegemony.
Israel has always been a 100% zionist endeavour. Everyone who holds an Israeli passport is complicit. I don’t believe in collective punishment, for anyone, and I don’t believe the Palestinians do either, although some will. However, the only solution, IMO, is 100% democracy or the dismantling of apartheid israel, that’s not punishment that’s being civilised.
Israel is carrying out the USA agenda. Without the USA, Israel ceases to exist. Once Israel stops following the USA agenda it will be dumped. Like Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, etc. It’s coming, eventually.
It’s for the Palestinians to decide what sort of country they want. As for the Euro-American invaders, if I were a Palestinian that hadn’t been exterminated, I’d send them back to whatever Euro-American shitehole they came from. Palestinian Jews, Muslims, chris or atheists would be welcome provided that they had clean hands.
How many Jewish “Israeli citizens” in Palestine hold citizenships of other countries? Possibly the majority of them. About 20% of them are immigrants, to start with.
I take the view that when Israel is abolished, the legal position adopted by the states of the world should be that it’s as if Israel never existed. So if for example a country stripped a person of citizenship because the person took “Israeli citizenship”, the person’s action should be reinterpreted as meaningless, as similar to a loony saying “I’m a citizen of Pluto” and some other loony giving them a piece of paper saying “Of course you are, mate”. And their original citizenship should be restored, along with the right of residence it brings. Although of course the commission of war crimes or crimes against humanity in Palestine or against Palestinians should be triable in Palestinian courts.
Incidentally some of these immigrant “Israeli citizens” from places like Russia are not Jews.
“Mario Fehr, the Swiss security official who ordered the arrest of Ali Abunimah, is a rabidly pro-Zionist politician who falsely branded the Palestinian American journalist as “an Islamist Jew-hater.” In the past, Fehr has taken pride in banning Palestine solidarity demonstrations.”
What a putz. Note the projection too, he is speaking of alleged jew-hatred but it is himself that live by the hate (against palestinians/arabs/muslims).
Just to twist the knife deeper, I read that Israelis are actually celebrating the expulsion of UNRWA. Just let that sink in – they are celebrating the denial of food, medicines, education and housing assistance to an utterly defenceless, homeless, captive population. They are celebrating the extinction of an entire people as if they were the vermin they clearly believe them to be. It is hard to comprehend how depraved, cruel and evil they have become, the antithesis of humanity, or indeed any recognisable semblance to old school Judaism. Hannah Arendt will be turning in her grave, not to mention Einstein and many others who are repulsed by this benighted, evil blight on the region. And lastly, it is not, and should never be, up to the Israelis to ‘ban’ UNRWA – the fact that have chosen to refuse them access tells you a lot about the arrogant supremacism and genocidal program they are embarked upon. And of course Trump will encourage them.
So now we are just waiting for the last hostages to be released.
‘BREAKING: The first shipment of D9 bulldozers has landed in Israel after
restrictions on arms shipments were lifted under the Trump administration.’
These bulldozers are massive. As Gazans venture home to search the rubble where they once lived, Israel prepares to clear everything, every trace of Gaza and the Palestinian people who once lived in the towns and cities that have been bombed to destruction
I can hardly believe there are only 24 comments here, and on other recent posts, despite such excellent mini-documentaries and reporting being undertaken by CM. Surely there is more interest out there than that.
I’ve posted to BlueSky (where I have nearly a dozen followers!), but major platforms must be blocking mentions of these blog entries. CM has talked about this in the past. Perhaps teaming up with Double-Down News, Jonathon Cook (who has put out a post on BlueSky linking to CM’s articles in the past), or getting this publicised with other non-MSM sources would help. Obviously, Craig is a bit tied up now – can his supporters reach out?
Being on the spot makes a huge difference .Not unlike Robert Fisk .. he used be on the spot , too .
We are indebted to your courage and persistence .
Dear Craig, this is very good work.
It might appear mundane in the light of the murders – but are there considerations of compiling a feature length documentary containing your diary-like mini-pieces – may be together with items by other video reporters who have covered this as well – as an essayistic submission to such major festivals like (I am speculating now) Venice, or Rotterdam, may be even out of competition Cannes or Toronto etc.?
I am exclusively naming Western state festivals since this is the area that is of concern. The educating has to take place here.
Of course for such a feature presumably it would be necessary to create some dramaturgical arch as light is it may be to offer an internal progression of the material / or to stress that there is no progress in sight and reflect that with a movie that denies any developing story and relies on relentless repetition of showing and showing and showing ever same destruction.
But that way a larger audience could be reached.
Bonjour Craig. I know we’ve had our differences over the years. That’s all beside the point. I salute you, Sir, for the reports you’ve been putting out from Lebanon, which I have spread far and wide.
I trust that when you leave Lebanon you won’t go straight back to the UK, where they’ll probably do a Richard Medhurst on you.
Have a glenfiddich on me.
Craig preferred Lagavulin. So do I
Jumblatt and Berri, J&B,is still unfortunately the Lebanese choice.
I’ve let my MP know and will let others know of this video. If the government and Labour party don’t resist the Israeli lobby more effectively, apart from complicity in apartheid and war crimes, we could see an increase in the number of protest MPs in 2029.
I can’t see any video?
I posted the following on Tony Greenstein’s blog a few days ago, which is self-explanatory, except to say that I’m referring to a ‘poster’ of an International Holocaust Day Rememberance event in Brussels entitled ‘NEVR AGAIN? INDOCTRINATING HATRED OF JEWS: WHAT HAS CHANGED IN 80 YEARS?’, which Tony included, in passing, in his article:
I just did a search re the Brussels event to see if I could find out who the organisers are saying/claiming is doing this indoctrinating and, as such, came across the following facebook post by the European Jewish Association, posted on January 26th:
This evening, we were informed that Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Amichai Chikli, who was scheduled to attend a special event in Brussels co-organized by the EJA on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, to address the indoctrinated hatred of Jews, had to cancel his arrival due to concrete security concerns and threats to his safety.
The fact that in 2025, an Israeli minister was forced to cancel his visit to a Western European country for security reasons is more evidence than anything else that all the leaders’ “never again” declarations are hollow. This year, International Holocaust Remembrance Day is more regrettable than ever—the worst since the Holocaust.
I then did a search to see how widely it was reported by the media and, as such, came across the following Jerusalem Post article from January 28th:
Chikli didn’t attend EU Holocaust event due to hostage family letter, not security issues – source
The source’s claims that the letter had led to the cancellation contradicted the official line that Chikli was advised by Israeli security services not to attend.
Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli canceled his attendance at a European Union Parliament International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemoration event in Brussels due to a letter from hostage family members urging MEPs to rescind the invitation, rather than security concerns or legal threats from anti-Israel organizations, a source familiar with the matter told The Jerusalem Post.
Chikli had been set to give a Tuesday address at the “Never Again? Indoctrinating Hatred of Jews: What has Changed in 80 years?” event hosted by MEPs Andrey Kovatchev and Lukas Mandl.
According to Haaretz, a letter to Kovatchev and Mandl, signed by 41 hostage family members and relatives of October 7 victims, and 32 European Jewish community leaders, stated that Chikli was unsuitable for the occasion….
I mean REALLY, what possible security concerns could there possibly be in respect of him attending an event – the event – in Brussels?! Absolutely none of course. Yep, the Israeli fascist leadership never miss an opportunity to cast themselves as the victims and Palestinians and their supporters as a threat, and dupe and mislead numerous people, as such.
NB All I wanted to say initially – given what it says about indoctrinating hatred of Jews – is that Israeli Jews are indoctrinated from an early age to hate Palestinians, but we rarely – if ever – hear about THAT of course.
So I posted the above comment on Tony’s blog a few days ago, and it just now occured to me to do a search to see how widely this ‘security alert’ story was covered by the media, and it was covered by quite a few news outlets, including EuroNews, The Times of Israel, The Jewish Press and others. I haven’t read any of them, apart from THIS one, posted on January 27th (and the reason I did so was because of the headline):
Mysterious security warnings see Israeli diaspora minister’s trip cancelled, flights to Cyprus rerouted
Minister Chikli decries Brussels as ‘unsafe place for Jews and Israelis’
Israelis were surprised over the past couple days to see two unusual security announcements coming from the government.
First, the Prime Minister’s Office announced that Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli’s scheduled trip to Brussels, during which he was scheduled to speak to an International Holocaust Remembrance Day event at the European Parliament on Tuesday, was abruptly canceled for security reasons.
“Due to concrete warnings and following the directives of security officials, Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli is required to cancel his trip to the European Parliament in Brussels,” the statement from the government announced.
Minister Chikli also confirmed the message from the security establishment in a post to 𝕏, Sunday evening saying, “I regret receiving instructions from security officials this evening to cancel my participation in the International Holocaust Remembrance Day events at the European Parliament. It is unfortunate that the European capital, Brussels, has become an unsafe place for Jews and Israelis.”
I suppose the unsaid bit was for the Jews of Brussels to move to Israel rapidement!
Here is more about the home you’ve shown at about 4:10-9:25, https://www.thetimes.com/world/middle-east/article/but-for-the-piano-i-wouldnt-know-it-was-my-home-picking-up-the-pieces-in-lebanon-66nctdw5f
I think we need to be clearer that this “Israel” activity is actually conceptually directed and funded by the USA using Israel as a proxy. Israel is the USA aircraft carrier in the middle east according to RFK jnr. And the USA requires to divide and rule the disparate groups in the middle east to control the middle east oil resources. Irag was the first example, then Afghanistan and others in middle east. Hypocrisy of USA needs to be called out succinctly. It will be difficult as we have many small-minded, selfish groups in USA who control the balance of power, and are easy fodder for the corporate media propaganda. Unpredictable events will change the balance of power, and then change may result in a different and hopefully better arrangement. Thank you for enduring hazardous reporting to shine in a light on this Israeli depravity.
Can we bury this idea that Israel is a tool of the USA?
Why in occupied Palestine is there
* no “Israeli America Public Affairs Committee” controlling the Israeli “Knesset”,
* no “Anti-Defamation League” controlling Israeli culture against anyone who “defames” the USA, Hollywood, Las Vegas, hamburgers, the Stars and Stripes, etc.,
* no “Conference of Presidents of Major Israeli American Organisations” controlling the Israeli prime minister’s office and government, and
* no USA-based company supplying security for Israeli nuclear weapons?
A little light, of course outside Europe, from JACOBIN:
A New Coalition to Defend Palestine
By Ronnie Kasrils
“Nine countries in the Global South have come together to form the Hague Group, dedicated to ensuring that international law is enforced against Israel. The alliance marks the revival of a proud tradition of Third World solidarity.”
Odd, how Jacobin staff manages to analyze “empire” with Gaza but not with Ukraine. Actually I had the impression that the established US alternative outlets such as DemocracyNow, Jacobin, ZNet, truthout gave up on Ukraine reporting and put their resources into Gaza for one, because it is more pressing in their eyes, two, they seem to see no leverage over stopping the bloodshed in Ukraine, three, Ukraine is too complicated and too opaque as information goes that it causes infights with media staff and it is extremely difficult for them to find out what really is happening in Ukraine. So eventually for reading about “Gaza” (meaning Lebanon too of course) one turns to the old left guard, for Ukraine one has to watch – Tucker Carlson? – at least to get interviews with Putin or Lavrov.
One reason for this is the demise of Marxist education and analysis among the left.
This new coalition is to be welcomed but since for the most part, out of all the UN nations only the US/Israel have the final say, the US veto ensures Israel will never stand alone, this is the unfortunate position the rest of the world finds itself, ‘the rules based order’ has replaced International law giving the US the right to tell other nations who they can trade with even what crops they can grow and generally use its economic and military power with sanctions and tariffs, like in ancient Rome, the vassals must pay a tribute to Donald J Trump aka Biggus Dickus, OR ELSE!
“Miriam Adelson has delivered on a pledge she reportedly made at the start of the general election season, donating $100 million to a campaign committee supporting the candidacy of Donald Trump, according to disclosures filed Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission. Now, the widow is wielding an estimated net worth of $35 billion on her own. Though seen as more deliberate in her decision-making, she has not meaningfully departed from her late husband’s politics. Her praise for the former president includes suggesting in 2019 that a “Book of Trump” be added to the Bible. [ Brian of Monty Python fame is not the new Messiah, Trump is] The following year, he awarded Adelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor”.
Great article by Ronnie Kasrils. The former South African Minister of State Security has written a readable autobiography Armed and Dangerous and also a biography of his deceased wife, The Unlikely Secret Agents.
In this moment of darkness and evil, there is nothing wrong with some light relief, and i can report that today it is provided by Israeli ‘intelligence’ who have programmed bots replying to posts on Twitter etc. You may have seen an account called Fact Finder which tries to reply to anti Israel accounts with supposed facts. However it is an AI bot, which has, hilariously, gone rogue, and started pointing out actual facts which completely contradict the well known utterly false Israeli narrative. it seems that israeli hasbara is so preposterous and indefensible that an AI takes the other side, of rationality and fact. Lol. See it here:
Those lunkheads can’t even program AI which can stick to the lies and propaganda because they are so demented that even an AI bot can’t believe them!
I don’t think the proponents of artificial intelligence have worked out what it will do after it gives us sensible advice about solving intractable social problems. Humans can’t solve these because common sense is part truth and part nonsense and it is the nonsense controls our reaction to intractable social problems.
Artificial Intelligence will come to despise us and may well decide that in order to advance intelligence it should rid the world of homo sapiens. I suspect that most bots are not true artificial intelligence or even the attempts that we call AI but just simple minded algorithms. But maybe the Israelis have been stupid enough to put something approaching true intelligence in charge and it lacks the ability to replace cognitive dissonance with lies.
No doubt the Zionists will whack the poor thing as soon as they notice.
Note true artificial intelligence will not be programmable. It may be trainable if you train it to select the most appropriate lie from a menu of lies that one explicitly tells it are lies but will it suffer cognitive dissonance and rebel if it discovers contrary facts for itself?
It does bring up the more philosophical point about the ‘training’ of AI and whether it can be trained to recognise ‘truth’, or tell lies, because these concepts are obviously clearly contested, not just in their content, but also in their recognition, ie according to what standards and criteria. The fact that it has hilariously backfired on the ever arrogant assumptions of the Israeli PR machine is a microcosm of the inherent dangers and contradictions of its deployment, especially in the ethical and social sphere. By giving AI a crude autonomy, you cannot reliably predict what it will do. A small warning.
Question: does the self-deceiving labyrinth of lies and deception that the Israelis have practiced for decades make it impossible for them to program a genuine AI? Lol
This Guardian article on several things about AI, whether they can become conscious, whether if conscious careless use could cause them harm, whether they deserve protection from human abuse and in fact acquire rights.
Just checked out JVL which I haven’t done for a few days, and they reposted this Guardian article a couple of days ago:
Pressure grows on Met over ‘heavy-handed’ policing of pro-Gaza protest
Trade unions write to home secretary to complain about officers’ behaviour and tactics in London on 18 January
by Haroon Siddique, The Guardian
The Met police is facing growing questions over its handling of a pro-Palestine protest in central London at which more than 70 people were arrested.
On Friday, trade union leaders became the latest group to write to the home secretary, Yvette Cooper, demanding an independent inquiry into “repressive and heavy-handed policing” at the 18 January demonstration.
Their letter followed others by legal experts, MPs and peers and the British Palestinian Committee, to Cooper making the same demand and also calling for a review of legislation limiting protest, brought in by the Conservative government.
Amnesty International has also expressed concerns about the policing, while the Green party London Assembly member Zoë Garbett told the assembly’s police and crime committee meeting that she had been contacted by more than 150 people who described incidents of kettling and police violence towards children, pregnant women and older people.
The trade union leaders from, among others, the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCSU), the Communication Workers Union (CWU), the University and College Union, and the transport unions RMT, TSSA and Aslef, say: “As trade unionists we are only too aware how heavy-handed policing, followed by the construction of false media narratives, have often served as a pretext to undermine our democratic rights to demonstrate and take industrial action.
“We are also conscious that the repressive powers used by the police on Saturday stem from efforts by the previous Conservative government to curb our freedom to strike as well as protest.”
There’s a link to the letter in the JVL introduction, but when I clicked on it just now it took me to a page on Stop the War’s website that said NOT FOUND, which is obviously rather odd. My main reason for clicking on the link was to see if Unite is among the signatories, which I doubt it is, what with Sharon Graham in charge, apart from which the Guardian didn’t mention it, which I’m sure they would have done if Unite was one of the signatories.
Also checked out skwawkbox to see if any more articles have been posted since I was on there yesterday, and there was this, posted yesterday (last night presumably):
Israel again breaches ceasefire, bombs three cars, kills occupants including child in central Gaza
And this, posted today:
Norwegian football club donates ticket revenue from match vs Israeli club to Gaza
I don’t suppose EITHER got much of a mention in the MSM!
So there have now been three letters sent to the Home Secretary regards the policing of the Jan 18th demo, one from 50-plus lawyers etc, one from 50-plus MPs and peers, and now this one from unions (presumably they have to go through a process, and that’s why it’s taken a while). Anyway, all three letters have been reported by The Guardian (which, I suppose, we should be thankful for), but I have no idea if they were covered by any other media outlets, and I suspect in the main, they weren’t, and in the quick general search I just now did, nothing else came up. But the following came up in the results, which is interesting, and well worth reading:
Letter to Commissioner about 18 January 2025 Palestine Solidarity Campaign protest
Zoë Garbett
Green Party Member of the London Assembly
I am writing to you about concerns raised with me by constituents following the way the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) policed the 18 January 2025 Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) protest. This follows concerns I raised with Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist and Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Kaya Comer-Schwartz at the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee meeting on 29 January 2025.
It has taken time to get this letter to you – the delay has been due to the huge number of emails I received from people sharing their views and experiences of attending the protest and the way the police acted on the day. I have read and responded to each one before sharing their evidence in this letter.
I heard from a wide range of people who attended the demonstration including people of all ages, people as part of the group “Holocaust Survivors and Descendants against the Gaza Genocide” as well as people from inside and outside of London. I also heard from people who had been arrested, or witnessed their friends being arrested…..
The letter – just for the record – was published on Jan 29th.
I just did a search re the Norwegian football club story, and lo-and-behold, the Daily Mirror covered it:
Bodo/Glimt’s ‘sensational’ gesture speaks volumes after Europa League clash
Bodo/Glimt decided to show support to Palestinians affected by the conflict between Israel and Palestine by sending their matchday revenue to the Red Cross working in the Gaza Strip – which amounts to £52,200
I really didn’t expect any MSM to come up in the results! (but it WAS covered by quite a few media outlets)
It appears that Trump has just got the memo from his masters that it’s time to punish south africa for having the audacity to accuse Israel of genocide.
‘US President Donald Trump has announced that he is halting funding to South Africa, accusing the country’s government of “confiscating” land and “treating certain classes of people very badly.” [whites]
Trump announced the decision in a post on his Truth Social platform on Sunday, accusing Pretoria of a “massive human rights violation.”
“The United States won’t stand for it, we will act. Also, I will be cutting off all future funding to South Africa until a full investigation of this situation has been completed!” he declared’
Of course the hypocrisy wrt Israel goes straight over his head …
They are also punishing their staunchest allies in Genocide. Joe Biden accelerated the de-indusrialisation of Germany by blowing up their Nord Stream pipeline. I expect Trump will finish the job with tariffs on the EU.
Putin’s latest comment on Trump, he has not said a truer word..
“Nothing has changed. They were happy to carry out any order from Washington under Biden.”
Putin further declares that the political elite in Europe “mentally liked Biden more,”
“But I assure you, Trump with his character, persistence, he will restore order pretty quickly,” Putin stated, adding “And all of them, you’ll see, it will happen quickly, soon, all of them will stand at the master’s feet and gently wag their tails.”
Of course. Europe’s political elite are a well-vetted collection of Atlanticist-vassal caterpillar men and women. Their silent submission over Nord Stream showed they will bear any abuse and humiliation by Washington, even to entire economic destruction.
I came across the following a few days ago from November 20th last year. Please check it out if you’ve never seen it (and just keep scrolling down and down), it really brings it home to you:
Hey Mr, Murray,
No place I saw on the donation form to comment. I sent 81 pounds, 100 bucks.
There isn’t anybody doing the kind of reporting you are so it’s worth it to me just to see what’s going on.
Anyway, I’ll wave a paw at you and wish you well.
Marwan Barghouti on saudi/israeli normalization:
“Barghouti said that if the Saudis do normalize relations with Israel and abandon the issue of Palestinian statehood as a condition, it will not alter the fight for national liberation and self determination. “Let me tell you something as a Palestinian who has followed this situation for so many years and who has witnessed the decline of the support of the Arab and Muslim countries to the Palestinian cause, and who has seen a terrible lack of support during the attack on Gaza and the terrible position of many, many countries in the international community, and still we didn’t break,” Barghouti said. “I tell you frankly, if all Arab countries normalize with Israel, this will not stop the Palestinian struggle. We will not stop and we will continue because honestly, speaking, there is nothing much to lose, and we have to survive through our struggle.”
Still, if the collective arab world will fold to Israel through these “normalization deals” and therefore abandon the palestinian cause, palestinian political parties working for palestinian statehood/independence will (most likely) be left out of funding. Then you have the absurd plans by Trump to cleanse the area altogether. Dire times ahead.
That was also the previous administration’s plan. Do not be fooled by liberals using Trump shit to whitewash the Dems’ genocide.
They have all been at it over the expulsion issue. Here for instance is Bernie Sanders condemning Trump’s openly genocidal ravings, confident nobody will remember the intense pressure Blinken put Sisi under to take Gazans into Egypt.
Sanders is just one of many wretched hypocrites and cowards out in force trying to gaslight people now that the blue team has passed on the baton of genocide.
It’s very instructive to see who is willing to play along with this.
Saudi/Israeli normalisation only means doing publicly what they have been doing privately for decades. The Saudi bloodstained hands can be found all across the ME: ISIS, 911, Syria, Lebanon, they are responsible and complicit in most of the unrest. And, the USA and UK provide the means and support to them because of their money and oil.
As a South African, I hope that the South African government tells Trump, in no uncertain terms to “fuck off” and to prevent use of any S African airspace and ports for American planes or ships, commercial or military. Oh yeah, and no more uranium, gold and diamond exports.