Israel Slaughters and Destroys in Southern Lebanon 110

We could very easily – in fact more easily – have made these mini-documentaries featuring the bodies of children slaughtered by Israel and the hideous aspect of the maiming of tens of thousands, or focusing on the tears of the bereaved and orphaned.

We chose to go a different way and make that unavoidably implicit, but not shown, in the interests of attracting and engaging the widest audience possible.

Yet I believe what we do show highlights Israeli barbarity and makes it stark in another way. I would be grateful for your thoughts.


To be blunt, our three months in Lebanon have made a significant financial loss. I am delighted with the output of six mini-documentaries and numerous short video reports and articles, some of which individually had millions of viewers. But to date the model of reader-sponsored real overseas journalism is not proven nor stable.

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110 thoughts on “Israel Slaughters and Destroys in Southern Lebanon

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  • Brian Red

    Any news from the ground on what is happening with USAID in Lebanon?
    This announcement was from two weeks ago:

    But now the USAID HQ is already shuttered and its website is unavailable.

    But now Elon Musk has said USAID is a criminal organisation that must “die”. And here, for once, is some good reporting in the Guardian:

    “Across Africa, hundreds of thousands of children who rely on school meals have been left without sustenance after food was left to rot in the wake of Musk’s declaration that he wanted the US aid agency to “die”.”

    Meanwhile Musk’s company Tesla has showrooms in several countries including Britain. Just saying.

    Time to remember Mussolini’s definition of fascism (and he knew what he was talking about): “Fascism is when you can’t put a cigarette paper between the interests of the government and corporate business interests”.


      Brian Red

      Usually Fascism occurs when the Ruling Class is threatened by another Class Order ( Socialism) and the capitalists decide that they have to subsume some of their power towards a Fascist State – temporarily in order to be a poorer capitalist rather than not be a capitalist at all.

      The Petit Bourgoise – the Big Capitalists and their main physical expression, the Lumpen Proletairiat all align to stave off the threat of the Workers to the established order.

      This is Musk’s ( he doesn’t know it) Life’s Work.

      Trump neither.

      Norman Finkelstein thinks that there is not yet any Fascism in the US.

      Because at the moment – there is no opposition to Trump.

      I believe he is right

      But – when there is……………………

    • Anthony

      Good reporting by the Guardian for once because it spins DC psychos as humanitarian saviours of Africa?

      In reality USAID was/is a multi-billion annual global corruption and money laundering racket carrying out coups and destabilisation while handing out free condoms, school meals, waving rainbow flags and enriching tiny captured sections of target countries. You can be certain they would have been well entrenched in that giant new compound in Beirut.

      In Britain, USAID is the 3rd largest funder of the BBC, helping in the good fight against “disinformation”.

    • Allan Howard

      The Establishment/Ruling Elite around the world are inherently fascist, although in a few cases they are not actually ‘ruling’… not at the moment anyway. And in some countries they don’t pretend otherwise.

      And now Trump and the Nazi-saluting Musk are making it very clear that THAT is what they are. I’m sure most people remember an expansionist entity in the 1930s.


        Allan Howard

        Finkelstein is correct in the instance of the US.

        The Democrats and Republicans are not oppositions.

        Proper real fascism in action and not just words comes about when the so called Established
        Order comes under dangerous threat.

        The threat from Socialism is not on the cards in The West.

        The greatest threat to the US Established World Order comes from China.

        This is why Trump as an expression of one reaction to that threat is talking a lot of bollocks.

        It’s posing and performance for his MAGA base and the AIPAC Lobby.

        Other US politicians do deal with the real world – not The Fox News World and their World is
        the world of making money Globally.

        Many have big investments in China ( Musk as an example) so if he backs Trump in all these
        delusions of grandeur he is ‘ pissing on his chips’ – as they say where I’m form.

        Trump doesn’t need to be Fascist – even though he may seem like one – he’s a provocateur in
        charge of a very important country and just like any one or any other country if he or other countries
        get in the way of US interests he will be ‘ removed’

        Not by assassination but a different way.

        It happened to Nixon – it can happen to him.

        The same applies to Israel and is currently applying to Zelensky and Ukraine.

        All I am saying is that at the moment there is no threat to the order in the West
        but you can not rule it out in the future.

        China is at the point of all the US’s and the West’s Arrows.

        They really are a dangerous threat to The New World Order.

        You have not witnessed Fascism proper yet – but the more China grows we will.

  • AG

    I haven´t had time yet to look into the latest scandal over ICJ-judge Sebutinde´s dissenting vote.

    Finkelstein and Rabbani are talking about this also on the occasion that Finkelstein´s next book will be about ICJ and corruption/pressure on it.

    “Connections Episode 99: Malfeasance at the International Court of Justice with Norman Finkelstein (3 February)”

    “On Monday, 3 February, Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with Norman Finkelstein about recent revelations that Judge Julia Sebutinde, President of the International Court of Justice, extensively plagiarized Israel apologists in a dissenting opinion to a major ruling by the Court. This episode of Connections discusses Finkelstein’s recently-concluded research into Judge Sebutinde’s professional integrity, and his conclusion that she is serving as an agent of a foreign power.

    Connections offers timely and informative interviews on current events and broader policy questions, as well as themes relevant to knowledge production. It combines journalism, analysis, and scholarship.”

    p.s. on Finkelstein´s book:

    News broke yesterday of plagiarism by president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Julia Sebutinde.
    In July last year, the ICJ issued an advisory opinion that found Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian territories to be “unlawful.”
    Judge Sebutinde issued a dissenting opinion in support of Israel that subverted the overwhelming international legal consensus.
    A report in Middle East Eye points to three instances in Justice Sebutinde’s dissent where the ICJ president appears to have lifted sentences directly from a paper by a key official in the administration of George W. Bush.
    In fact, as explosive new findings by renowned Middle East researcher and analyst Norman Finkelstein demonstrate, the problem with Sebutinde’s judgment runs much deeper.
    Finkelstein documents that no less than 32% of Sebutinde’s dissenting opinion has been directly lifted from publications by notorious apologists for Israel.
    But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Finkelstein sets out, in painstaking detail, why the anomalies, errors, and legal contortions in Sebutinde’s dissent could have only resulted from either bribery or blackmail by the Israeli government.
    The problem with Judge Sebutinde, according to Finkelstein’s research, is not just that she’s an unprofessional judge but that the president of the highest judicial body in the world is in thrall to a foreign power.
    The full details of Finkelstein’s allegations against Sebutinde appear in a forthcoming book, Gaza’s Gravediggers: An inquiry into corruption in high places, copies of which will be available from OR Books in June 2025.
    Finkelstein received his doctorate from the Princeton University Department of Politics and has established himself, after decades of groundbreaking research, as the world’s leading “forensic scholar.”
    Among those whose falsehoods have been exposed by his research are Joan Peters, Daniel Goldhagen, Alan Dershowitz, Jeffrey Goldberg, and Benny Morris.
    Professor John Dugard, who served on the UN’s International Law Commission, has described Finkelstein as “probably the most serious scholar on the conflict in the Middle East.”

      • AG

        Yes, the ultimate question which Finkelstein too cannot answer is the “why” and the “how”.
        It remains to be seen if the argument which he makes – laid out in its entirety by summer in his book – will have such an impact he believes would be adequate, ultimate resignation by Sebutinde. Unfortunately if no MSM will report this it won´t happen. And I do not see anyone from the media engaging into this matter who would have the intellectual skills and inclination. Just listen to him speak for those 90 min. and you will understand my doubts keeping in mind what dimwits are in the media today. I have listened to it. But I am not a journalist and neither am I an intern. lawyer. So I don´t matter.
        Considering for what ridiculuous claims of plagiarism scholars had to step down in the past but only because they were on the wrong side politically – who should force Sebutinde out and further weaken the ICJ. Either you are pro-Israel and you hate the ICJ – either case you win. If you are in favour of the ICJ and in favour of truth you have a really hard time with her case in the light of delegimitization of the court that would go on after such a scandal. Of course Finkelstein suggests a silent method of her retiring, such as stating private reasons.
        We will see. But for starters – people have to take note of Finkelstein´s work and that of those involved in the first place.

      • AG

        Middle Eastern Eye on this:
        “ICJ president ‘plagiarised 32 percent of pro-Israel dissenting opinion’
        In fresh revelations, Palestinian researcher finds nearly one third of Julia Sebutinde’s legal view on Israeli occupation was directly lifted from unattributed sources ”

        Finkelstein makes clear the detailed account of the plagiarism was not his work but of some dude from Gaza making it to Doha.

  • Jack

    Trump is obviously senselessly deluded, now talking about taking over Gaza – and raze it. We are talking about of war of aggression, occupation, ethnic cleansing full stop. That Trump would be bad for the Middle East was perhaps written in stone but where are the outside world protesting? I thought when Trump was elected and would do all these crazy stuff one feared, people would protest, political oppositon (DNC, Labour, EU etc) would protest. But nothing.

    On top of it, Trump has called for “maximum pressure” on Iran which include an oil embago, an act which is nothing but a declaration of war.

    It is like a grotesque AIPAC arranged charade going on. Now Israel do not want to do the killing anymore and try to get US/american taxpayers do the rest of the destruction and killing!

    • Madison

      Yep. Buckle up. No more liberal sissies. Genocide-Donald and Genocide-Elon are taking over. Behind the president hides the real estate mogul, who has realized what wonderful resorts could be set up in Gaza once the cleansing and razing is completed. The new Middle East Riviera. Not to mention the valuable natural resources…
      And when you can manage to blackmail Canada, Mexico and even China, you’re not worried of a million homeless Palestinians. They suffered under Netanyahu ? It may be worse under the US bulldozer…

      • Anthony

        Totally mad observation to most on here I know, but here goes: nobody who gave unquestioning support to the US Democratic Party through 15 months of pitiless mass murder of women and kids actually supports the Palestinians.

      • Anthony

        The thing about these liberals ⬆️ is nothing ever humbles them. It doesn’t matter how many defeats they suffer or how many horrors are inflicted by the people they unquestioningly support, they’re always like this – sneering, belligerent and unfathomably arrogant.

  • JohnnyOh45

    The Junta Ka news analysis channel posted on YT last night a forty five minute excerpt of the joint press conference. I saw some if it. I may have been tired and not paying attention but I thought I heard President Trump say the clearing of Gaza was a recommendation, is this incorrect ? Did President Trump say US troops will be deployed to make this happen ?

  • Tom74

    Note how it’s all about Trump in the British media re: Gaza today. They seem ‘allowed’ to praise, condemn or ridicule Trump while, by contrast, Netanyahu gets little more than an embarrassed shrug even from the ‘progressive’ Guardian for his wicked ‘ethnic cleansing’ of the Palestinian civilians. The whole terrible saga has highlighted even more obviously than before that the mainstream media are simply PR organisations for the powerful, and don’t work for ordinary people at all, beyond window-dressing stories to try to hide that reality.

    • Jack

      What will the arab world do if Trump start threatening them with tariffs? Another risk is that Trump will find some obscure nations willing to take palestinians.

      This move and the mere meeting with Trump will surely boost Netanyahu’s support inside Israel. A chance for grand ethnic cleansing and it will not even be done by Israel but by the US? Israel could not have wished for more. Israel/Jewish settlers obviously cheer today.

  • Dan Souder

    Hello Mr. Murray, thank you for the work you are doing. My thoughts are complete condemnation of Israel’s government and my own US government for its aid in genocide. Seeing your reports, I’m existing in a superposition of utter misanthropy for a species that could inflict this devastation on itself, and complete compassion for the unarmed murdered women and children, doctors, nurses, relief workers. I think of my support of Israel in my youth, because of some Palestinians taking hostages at the Olympics, hijacking airplanes, and suicide bombing. And how over the years I’ve come to understand Palestinians as the victims, for all the greater atrocities Israel has done to them. Ramzy Baroud just reported 90% of the homes in Gaza are destroyed. 90%! And my country is supposed to be against genocide. I think of the principles of the US founding fathers I internalized in school, and of the corporate totalitarians running my government today who care nothing for this. I think they’re commiting war crimes because they can, like gangsters, and also for control of oil. In other words, securing their profits. Profits that aren’t going to just destroy southern Lebanon, but our entire livable biosphere. I think education is vital, and I think US education has failed the world, by producing US citizens who vote for genocide. Goodness knows what kind of education the youth receive in Israel to produce and arm such obedient young men.

  • Allan Howard

    I must confess I don’t really know anything about USAID, but in the process of doing a search to learn more about them, I came across the following Spectator article, posted yesterday. I should point out that you might have to close something on the page a few paragraphs down to then read the whole thing:

    Why Trump hates USAID so much

    Shutting down USAID is ‘exactly what autocrats all over the world want,’ says Michael McFaul, who was US Ambassador to Russia when Vladimir Putin expelled USAID in 2012. ‘Their work supported free markets, democracy, human rights – [all] causes that threatened Putin’s dictatorship.’
    Certainly, many avowed enemies of America have welcomed the move. ‘USAID is the antechamber of globalist Lodge,’ gloated ultra-nationalist Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, who denounced the agency as ‘the core of the deep state’ and ‘where the main monster of the Swamp dwells.’
    The gutting of USAID’s $50 billion annual budget has also drawn whoops of delight from those in the US and beyond who argue that the agency has been systematically funding opposition activities and media outlets around the world that would not otherwise exist. USAID programmes have been instrumental, both supporters and critics say, in inciting protests and revolutions in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Romania. Furthermore, say critics, far from being truly independent, the groups funded by Washington are actually a fifth column for US influence.
    ‘USAID, which is a CIA front, put $5 billion to fund those riots in 2014 in Ukraine,’ Robert F. Kennedy Jr – whose uncle, President John F. Kennedy, founded the agency in 1961 – told Tucker Carlson this week…

    • Allan Howard

      The following is from a Guardian article posted a couple of days ago:

      Elon Musk says USAid is ‘beyond repair’ and he is working to shut it down

      USAid is the world’s largest single donor. In fiscal year 2023, the US disbursed $72bn of assistance worldwide on everything from women’s health in conflict zones to access to clean water, HIV/Aids treatments, energy security and anti-corruption work. It provided 42% of all humanitarian aid tracked by the United Nations in 2024.

      The website of USAid appeared to still be offline on Saturday and some users could not access it on Sunday. USAid has a staff of more than 10,000 people.

      Trump has ordered a global freeze on most US foreign aid as part of his “America First” policy which is already sending shock waves around the world. Field hospitals in Thai refugee camps, landmine clearance in war zones, and drugs to treat millions suffering from diseases such as HIV are among the programs at risk of elimination.

      Speaking more broadly about cutting US expenses and fraud, Musk estimated the Trump administration can cut $1tn from the US deficit next year. Musk did not offer any evidence to support his fraud claim or explain how he reached the amount of $1tn.

      He asserted, for example, that “professional foreign fraud rings” are stealing vast sums by masquerading as or creating fake digital US citizens.

      And this is from a Guardian article posted yesterday (I don’t know if The Spectator posted anything from this perspective):

      Deaths predicted amid the chaos of Elon Musk’s shutdown of USAid

      One former senior USAid official described Musk’s crackdown as an “extinction-level event” for the international humanitarian sector.

      The initial repercussions include the abandonment in warehouses of supplies of crucial drugs in Sudan, the site of what is currently the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, as well as in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where recent fighting in the east has further destabilised the fragile region.

      Across Africa, hundreds of thousands of children who rely on school meals have been left without sustenance after food was left to rot in the wake of Musk’s declaration that he wanted the US aid agency to “die”.

      “Partners on the ground [are saying] that in DRC and Sudan, medical supplies are stuck in warehouses,” said a spokesperson for a leading international aid organisation.

      Among the projects already forced to close is a girls’ education project in Nepal, raising the risk of a rise in child marriage and trafficking.

      “All payments are frozen for these projects. There’s a lot of misinformation. Organisations are having to make decisions in a vacuum,” said one humanitarian official.

      In Bangladesh, the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, which coordinates pioneering research into one of the most prolific killers of children, has laid off some of the world’s most respected scientists working on malaria programmes.

      In Africa, malaria-control programmes in Uganda have been forced to adopt equally draconian measures with reports that dozens of vital projects for frontline care have been closed.

      Farther south in Malawi, where many rely on donor-funded programmes for survival, fears are mounting that the aid freeze could redraw the country’s entire economy.

  • Brian Red

    Re. the Zionists’ puppet Trump’s idea about removing 2 million people from Gaza:

    Before you transport people, you gotta round them up, and there are two ways to do that. You can either do it with a lot of force in which case you gotta shoot some of them, or you can do it with less force if you starve them for a month or so first, because their energy levels will be much lower.

    You can be certain that this plan will involve putting all survivors through airport-like checks, and it will be high-tech and I wouldn’t be surprised if tagging were used. They aren’t going to let many people take weapons with them.

    What about when they get to the camps they’re to be put in? Who’s going to run these camps? Because I can tell you the idea is NOT to allow those who run Gaza now to run them, i.e. Hamas plus allies. (Note that the MSM are reporting Trump’s words such as that Jordan and Egypt and maybe other countries have got to accept some Palestinians, but they’re not mentioning the obvious fact that if people are taken out of Gaza it will be CAMPS that they are taken to.)

    UNRWA – called “terrorist”. USAID – called a “criminal organisation” by Elon “Heil Victory” Skum. Nota bene that the US government is slashing aid (with Skum using the word “die”) at the same time it’s boasting about a plan to cleanse Palestine of 2 million Palestinians, something that if the victims were to be kept alive you might have thought would require some aid money.

    PS A note on Skum, who has called Hitler a “communist”. It may be relevant that the American Nazi Party used to be called the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists (WUFENS),.

    • Brian Red

      Skum is a “Nazi-Fascist” – a Salo Republic kind of guy. Mussolini mostly (corporate state), plus some racism from Hitler and quite probably in his case from scum such as Verwoerd, plus some Social Darwinist “let the weak die” bullsh*t. What he’s got against Hitler isn’t what decent people have got against Hitler – it’s he thinks Hitler unlike Mussolini was too “statist” where big business was concerned.

      People should pay attention that Trump’s favourite leaders after his beloved Netanyahu seem to be Meloni and Milei. Meloni is literally the leader of the world’s ur-Fascist party.

      • Madison

        You seem to forget Putin. Rest assured that all these great un-liberal leaders will be guests of honor in the future Mar-a-Gaza.

  • Allan Howard

    Just found this, from March 2021, which is interesting. Here’s a passage from it for starters:

    Corruption in humanitarian relief and development programs: How to report USAID fraud

    Are USAID humanitarian relief and international development programs at risk for fraud?

    In a word, yes. Humanitarian relief and international development programs can become targets for fraud.

    The humanitarian relief community is filled to the brim with caring individuals who want to help those in need and do good in the world. But that doesn’t mean that relief efforts are immune from fraud and other misconduct.

    There are many reasons for this. One is that government agencies that often fund humanitarian aid efforts are worlds away from where the work they fund is actually done. A USAID grant administrator, for example, may work in Washington, D.C., but distribute millions of dollars in funds that are spent in Afghanistan or Eritrea. Another reason is that unscrupulous individuals take advantage of humanitarian aid, lining their own pockets at the expense of vulnerable people these resources are supposed to help. They can do this because places that necessitate humanitarian relief lack the institutional structures to hold contractors that receive humanitarian-aid funds accountable for their use. Corrupt, non-existent, or woefully under-resourced law-enforcement authorities, judicial officers, and regulators are too often the norm in parts of the world ravaged by natural or man-made disasters.

    Of course, it’s not just USAID humanitarian relief programs that are vulnerable to fraud and abuse. International development programs face many of the same fraud risks. The United States government spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year on international development efforts, including through USAID, the Department of State, and other agencies. For example, the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation has nearly $60 billion to finance private sector projects in poor countries, with the aim of developing their economies and creating strong trading partners. And these programs, too, may be magnets for fraud.

    So it would appear that people working for USAID itself aren’t involved in corruption and fraud… but crooks scamming the organisation. I seem to recall that the EU has the same problem. Just did a quick search…

    €1.8B worth of fraud in EU in 2022, watchdog says

    Anti-fraud agency says there was a 7 percent increase from 2021.

  • Allan Howard

    Omg! And presumably most of them believe in god, or something:

    Only 3% Of Jewish Israelis Think Trump’s Ethnic Cleansing Plan For Gaza Is Immoral

    Three percent. If that isn’t a sign of a morally diseased society, I don’t know what would be.

    Caitlin Johnstone
    February 5, 2025

    What a totally fucked-up crazy world we live in, where the vast majority of Israeli Jews support a plan conceived by goddam Nazis.

    PS It just occured to me… I wonder if the Israeli media in general reported about Musk’s Nazi salute?!

  • Brian Red

    British state media telling lies about what Trump has said about Gaza:

    “Trump said Palestinians living in Gaza would have to be relocated to achieve his vision of creating “the Riviera of the Middle East”, and that they would be housed in Jordan, Egypt and other countries.”

    He didn’t say “housed” or imply it.

    Here’s what he actually said:

    Instead, we should go to other countries of interest with humanitarian hearts, and there are many of them that want to do this and build various domains that will ultimately be occupied by the million Palestinians living in Gaza, ending the death and destruction and frankly bad luck. This can be paid for by neighboring countries of great wealth. It could be one, two, three, four, five, seven, eight, twelve. It could be numerous sites, or it could be one large site. But the people will be able to live in comfort and peace and we’ll get – we’ll make sure something really spectacular is done.

    Doesn’t sound like semi-detached surburbia he’s thinking of. Also he said 1.5 milion. The population of Gaza is ~2.2 million.

  • Republicofscotland

    The Orange One – has his Eye of Sauron fixed on Gaza.

    “U.S. President Donald Trump has said that the United States should become party to a major crime against humanity by expelling 1.8 million people from their land in the Gaza Strip as it becomes a territory of the United States.

    “The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Tuesday at a press conference with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “We’ll own it and be responsible” for the territory, Trump said, which would be turned into “the Riviera of the Middle East.”

    Trump did not explain under what legal authority the Israeli occupied territory of Gaza could become the territory of the United States. It is not legally Israel’s territory to give away to anyone, but international law has rarely impeded Israel, or the United States. ”


    If there was any doubt that Trump wasn’t pro-Zionist – this should dispel that myth, businessman or not.

    “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave US President Donald Trump a gold-plated pager and a standard one during their meeting at the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, according to Israeli media. The gift is an apparent reference to Israel’s covert sabotage operation in Lebanon.

    Trump reacted to Netanyahu’s gift by calling the Israeli attacks a “tremendous operation,” media reports claimed. In return, he gave Netanyahu a signed photograph of their meeting, with the message: “To Bibi, a great leader.”

    Thousands of pagers, primarily used by Hezbollah militants, exploded simultaneously in Lebanon and parts of Syria on September 17. The following day, hundreds of walkie-talkies detonated in a similar wave of blasts. The attacks reportedly resulted in at least 42 fatalities, including 12 civilians – and injured over 3,500, including women and children.

    The operation was widely attributed to Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and perceived as a preemptive strike. In the aftermath, Israel intensified its military campaign in Lebanon, culminating in the assassination of long-time Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in a September 27 airstrike on Beirut.”

  • nevermind

    A pair of narcissist war criminals of the worst kind holding the tiller against the current of world opinion.
    Only a force 12 gale spreading much harm to all those who are in this hicky boat, can break the rudder and send them to oblivion where they belong.

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